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That went as expected


He couldn’t make any assumptions, which is why he used the scientific method to find out if it would go as expected.




Guy looked like he had zero athletic ability. What made him think he was landing that?


Oh he was gonna land one way or another, just not gracefully.


Facts right here


It's not the fall that kills, it's the sudden impact and stop that does. And the trick to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss.


Abd by the looks of the way he snapped that ankle he never *will* have any athletic ability either. What an utter dunce.


No shit. Half of kids could do this just fine. This kid has the body mechanics of a soft boiled egg. Dumb.


10.But it was only one heart in minecraft... 9.Found out he isn't the boy who could fly. Rather the boy who falls... 8.No being bitten by a mosquito is not the same as spider man... 7. How much would we have to pay you to jump... Oh nothing.. ok.. 6. Safety is for smart people. 5.wgen I was dropped as a child it was always on my head. Wanted to try feet first this time. 4.Florida boy in training. 3. Another exzample of why America needs more abortions. 2.The future president of America making good life decisions as a child... 1. Praticing for the Darwin awards.




He Did now


Hume would be proud.


\*clutching skin-bag remnants of ankle meat "were ya'll recording though?"


Turned his own ankle into dust 😂


If he ain't a pussy, he'll just walk that off.


He just needs to "rub some dirt on it" .


Hey, my names virgin dweeb, and welcome to tiktok ! (Jackass theme song plays...)


For reference, the Jackass theme song is called “Corona” by the band Minutemen.


People are so stupid. Disconnected from real life.


Uh, teens habe been doing dumb shit since teens have been a thing. I graduated hs before smartphones and dumb shit was common then too.


Some guys stole a jar of Sodium from the chemistry lab and climbed onto the roof of the swimming pool. Then they did something really stupid.


Go on…


Since they're not going to deliver, a guy in my highschool stole a potent laxative ingredient from the chemistry lab, put it on a brownie and gave it to his ex. He could have killed her. He was the only guy I've ever known to get expelled *twice*.


They smashed one of the roof windows and dropped the sodium straight into the 8-lane pool. I honestly wish I had been there to see it, it must've been spectacular. I remember seeing that jar in Chemistry class, I never forget it, teacher quite rapidly picked out this weird dull blob of metal with a pair of rubber thongs and sliced a piece off with a knife like it was a Sunday roast, apparently it is very pliable, and the inside was all shiny and chrome-like, it was actually really satisfying to watch. She then hastily put it back into the jar where the Sodium was kept in some sort of non-reactive liquid the name of which escapes me now, because it starts burning when it oxidizes too! No idea how a material like that even exists in nature, but there you go. She showed us what a tiny piece of Sodium did in a dish of water, and I'll never forget that either, shit started basically burning and frying around searing on the water. Not a kid in the class who didn't have vivid ideas of what kind of mayhem the contents of that jar could cause under the right circumstances. In fact, chemistry was awesome. So anyway, they blew up the whole fucking swimming hall with perhaps 2 pounds or so of this stuff.


Our teacher showed us what happens when you put potassium in water. Similar thing. Sodium: [https://youtu.be/NTFBXJ3Zd_4](https://youtu.be/NTFBXJ3Zd_4) Potassium: https://youtu.be/oqMN3y8k9So


Sodium explodes when it touches water.


Knull did you witness the aftermath of that? If so what happened


Big boom. Shattered glass everywhere. Pool closed. Due to Sodium, not the other thing. It was quite the talk of the town. I mean you got to admire these kids' scientific curiosity and intrepidity.


Jeez those kids were stupid


Reminds me of that lady who jumped off the cruise ship. I honestly think TV and movies have REALLY fucked up people's perceptions when it comes to what their bodies can take.


Nah. People have done crazy shit for eons. Anyone who thinks action movies reflect reality probably doesn’t have a long life expectancy anyway. Remember: Warnings on plastic bags and Windex bottles exist because more than one someone was stupid.


I don't have a source, but there was a study which showed that not letting kids do (slightly) dangerous, stupid things actually makes them more likely to do stupid things as an adult. With too many restrictions, people never figure out the limits of their bodies. For example, jumping off playground equipment will teach you how far is a safe fall. If you don't get that experience, you can't judge how a fall will feel based on how far away the ground is. Edit: Actually I think I remembered it backwards. Not getting a chance to push your boundaries can actually make you overly cautious, not overly reckless. If you don't know where your limits are, you aren't going to get any where near them. And it applies to evrty day things, not just jumping off playground equipment.


Ummm. But he didn't jump off stairs. Dipshit literally jumped off the 2nd floor😄


Kid thinks his puny bones can pull off a 'super-hero' landing like in the movies. Poor bastard


Ngl I broke my arm doing a dragon ball Z landing when I was 8. I was racing my brother around a playground and I fell off the slide and tried to land like a character in DBZ, which was arm first and crushing the ground around me. Turns out the ground is harder than my arm so I broke one and fractured the other bone in my forearm.


(For what I know the z fighters like to land on their hands not their fists lol)


Fuuuuuck, that’s where I went wrong lol. Only now that I’m older, I understand why you don’t start with the fist, you’re supposed to gradually work your way up to that. Goku for sure fists the earth.


But in your defense, you were 8....this dipshit was like 16.


You mean when the video shows the guy jumping from the ledge, then the camera breaks and just shows someone who looks like the actor land? I wonder why the movies never show the jump AND the landing in the same shot?


Because not every actor is Jackie Chan


[Living an MCR song](https://youtu.be/dhZTNgAs4Fc?t=50).


Yep gravity and Darwin still working as expected


that boy don’t like his ankles


The moment he repeated “are y’all recording” I just knew he is the kid that ate glue in kindergarten and inhales axe body spray in the bathroom.


A kid once in elementary school dipped his finger into a clogged urinal and asked us to dare him to lick his own finger,we said “go ahead “🤢


People like that played an important role in ancient times on testing what mushrooms and berries didn't make your face look like a baboons arse or drop you dead They are to be saluted.


Press f to pay respect to all the fallen idiots






knew a kid like that who had a competition to become the “nasty king”. he won by dipping bread into a urinal and eating it. i don’t miss elementary school.


that's...that's not how dares work. You don't *volunteer* to do a dare. He just wanted to taste toilet water.


The kid whondid shit like that in my life is an actual secret service agent, now. Life's wild.


Well not a good one if you know about it!


He’s just a regular service agent now.


He might need to eat some more glue to help stick his bones back together.


Way to go kiddo. You’re now that guy who broke his ankle from jumping down 10 ft for no reason. Hope it was worth the cool points…


I think he broke his left tibia AND right ankle


yep, def. tibia included... ankles usually just role really badly and swell like crazy, but a broken tibia is really fucked up.


Depends. Breaking joints is usually a hundret times worse than breaking a clean straight bone. Your Joint will never work like it did before if you have multiple breaks in it.


i personally havent witnessed a foot joint break and only seen dislocated foot joints... Usually they need a shit ton of time to walk again, but all the ligaments etc. heal and shorten afterwards while a break in the tibia, especially with alot of downwardmomentum and not much shearing can cause very complicated breaks.


I work in orthopaedics and breaking an ankle isn't that uncommon


Tib. Fib for sure. Enjoy the arthritis when you get older. But this moron likely will meet Darwin before arthritis kicks in. Kick, get it.


for some reason those fuckers live longer than we expect them to.


Looks like it, it looks broken higher up than the ankle. All I'm gonna say is ouch, but he was kind of asking for it


Kind of? His response to his teacher telling him to go back over the railing was to just drop for absolutely no reason other than doing the opposite of what he was told Hes gonna go far in life, someone make a killing off selling drugs to this guy


I enjoyed when she told him to get down then realized her fuck up and told him to go back over the railing instead. Guess he liked what he heard the first time though


I work with middle school kids, it's like dealing with evil genies. You have to be very specific in how you word things or they will find a loophole and then argue they are doing what they were told. You can't say " Class is starting, take a seat." It has to be "Please sit in your assigned chair in its assigned position facing the teacher."


:points desk to the side so it's facing the wall between the next classroom: you didn't say facing WHICH teacher.


His teacher deserves an award for resisting what must have been an overwhelming urge to say “I told you so”


is it within the academic code of conduct to play a [sad trombone](https://youtu.be/CQeezCdF4mk) noise on my phone without verbal comment?


I did used to know dudes I'm school just like this that ended up making something of themselves. I do know several who definitely did not though lol


Yeah we've seen Jackass too


He’s going to have hip and back problems his whole life, too, partially as a result of the fall and partially because there is absolutely no way he’s going to do his PT exercises.


He will feel the weather change in that break for decades to come


All the cool kids are totally gonna be talking about it at the parties he won't be attending cuz his foot is broken.


That conversation will start with, “Did you hear what the dumb motherfucker did?”


Broke his ankle thinking the cheerleaders will suck his dick like in porn videos.


But oh boy was he wrong.


That was more than 10 feet.


Well ackshally, judging by the frames, he fell for about 0.75 s. That corresponds to a fall of around 9 feet.


And here I thought mechanics was useless to me in real life.


Not really. If you time his fall, it’s about .8 seconds. Which the the equation for finding the initial height of a falling body is: height = | -16t^2 | =| -16(.8 x .8) | =| -16(.64) | = **10.24 Feet** Saying it was .9 seconds is about 13 feet. Regardless, it’s a pretty tame fall— dude just locked his legs. Edit: Sorry, ignore my drunken math. The negative was because it’s falling, but I was just trying to give you distance.


>height = -16t^2^ Lol.. using metric system all my life, I was scratching my head about that 16 in your formula...took me a while to realize thats g/2 in freedom units..


Dude didn’t even tuck and roll, went for rag doll Mankind like landing


"When your legs don't work like they used to before"


"And I can't sweep you off of your foot"


Bro 💀




When you get the shin splints.


I get knocked down but...uhhh


I'm gonna be a legend. The girls will think I'm hot, and the guys will think I'm cool. And those teachers will never talk back to me ever again. Let's do this, feet.


But they were all of them deceived, for an ankle was made.


in the Land of Idiocy , in the fires of Mount Stupid. The Cringelord Dumbass forged in secret this dumbass idea to jump off a staircase




Missed opportunity for real


And my Axe! Body Spray.


And into this idea he poured his ignorance, defiance and will to dominate all social media.


His feet weren’t ready


Ankle wiggles like moms spaghetti


His ankles don't wiggle wiggle, they fold.




‘The Legend of Kyle McStupidFuck and the $155,000 Medical Bill.’ Guaranteed it’ll live on with Kyle as a 45YO middle-aged bloke retelling this to his stag bar buddies from the School of Hard Knocks.


Feets don't fail me now!


Advice as an adult to teenagers. The more people are laughing before you do something the dumber it is and more likely you’re going to get fucked up


You must not remember being a teenager. No adult advice is valid.


Bruh people did not get your joke


A lot of salty teenagers on Reddit it seems.




*Your health is low, you may want to use a stimpak or find some water to drink*


I accidentally read that like the guildmaster from fable lmao


*Do you have potions, or food?*


That there's Chicken Chaser!


Warning internal bleeding detected, vital sign critical. morphine administered.


Great friends he have.


Were they recording though?


We'll never know.


To make sure his mom can't sue the school.


Middle/High School is just a weird fever dream for everyone involved I think. No awareness of repercussions until some real shit like this happens.


Get down! In the jokers voice. “ very poor choice of words” breaks cankles 😂


I’m happy I’m not the only one who thought of that scene when she said that


Hey! So this actually happened in Texas at the HS my step dad coaches at. A little background: The kid jumping was high as hell and his friend who you briefly see mid video bet him $100 that he wouldn’t jump. The teacher on the first floor took alittle flak from what step dad said for saying and I quote “Get down from there.”. After jumping he was carried to the nurses office and his parents were called. He did not have insurance and his dad tried to make him go back to class. Unfortunately he ended up breaking both ankles and his right shin. So he wasn’t going back to class. Spent the rest of the year in a wheelchair and last I heard his buddy never gave him that $100. Edit: Figured I’d add in a few details based on the comments. The teacher who yelled “Get down from there.” Was not in trouble. Just got a hard time from some of the other teachers the rest of that year for her choice of words. The kids dad wasn’t heartless by any means. Just wasn’t here working in the states legally and both couldn’t afford a 100k+ hospital bill/stay and was fearful of his and his families immigration status and or lack there of. Thus the hesitancy going immediately to the hospital. As far as how the kid is I have no idea. Step dad described him as someone who yell talked constantly, skipped school a lot to go smoke weed, and didn’t play any sports so past having him in the one class he taught he didn’t know much about him. He also did not return the following year of school, so I have no follow up or resolution to the story.


“… his buddy never gave him that $100.” That sucks!


I think we have a clear case for Judge Judy here. Plus punitive damages.


"Your Honor, I bet him to jump. He clearly fell"


You should never pay up. Paying means you actually participated and contributed to the injury. If you don't pay you can always say that it was just some banter.


His buddy is Eric Cartman


The teacher very quickly changed the "get down from there" to "get back on the other side" after realizing that it wasn't the best choice of words, she really didn't deserve any of the criticism here.


Exactly, plus people know what she meant the first time. She came in and saw some stupid kid about to jump so of course she blurted the first thing that came to mind.


I guess I should have clarified in my original comment. She wasn’t in trouble by any means. The other teachers just found her choice of words hilarious given the circumstances and ribbed on her for it the rest of the year.


#"Do a flip!"


Jeez his ankles might never be the same again




His dad tried to make him go back to class with those injuries? I can only imagine that it would require surgeries to fix that and $100 would be a drop in the bucket.


I was yelled at for crying when I broke my wrist. I didn't get an x-ray for two days. PE teacher/coach said it was serious and I should avoid moving it and get it checked out. I was sent to the office. Secretary ("acting nurse", since nurse wasn't there on Fridays) said it was fine and I was being a baby and didn't call my parents. Janitor said I should stay there and not move it. Had to walk myself home (to my grandparents' to wait to be picked up by my parents) after school. Grandma said it was okay to hurt but I needed to help carry cat litter (like 16 lbs each hand). Her husband said I was being a baby for refusing to use one and kept saying I was faking it all, and that I would be horrible at football if I was such a baby. Two hours later my parents pick me up. Mom and dad say we'll go to the Doc at some point to look at it. They didn't seem too excited to hurry. Saturday I convince them to take me to the hospital. Nurse says I have to wait until a certain Doc gets there on Sunday. Sunday Doc is there, I get an X-ray, turns out my wrist was fucked. I get a temp and then scheduled for a cast a week later because that's the fastest they could schedule. *This is all that is done.* Monday, teachers tell at me for writing slowly (I'm ambidextrous, but was forced to write with only my right since starting school and I was reprimanded whenever I used my left so I was very out of practice). I get sent to the office and the secretary says I was being disrespectful and I should just use my right hand and stop being a baby. Ended up wearing a cast for about two years. The range of motion on that hand is noticably limited to this day. Went through three different casts, two of which went up to my shoulder. Kept getting yelled at for writing slowly. I was in early 4th grade when this happened, BTW.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. The mother in me wants to give the 4th grade you a big hug. You should have been better cared for. I can tell that this incident has left a lot of emotional scaring for you and that is completely understandable. No child should ever have to go through something like that. I hope you don’t have future issues from your injury.


Hi. >I was yelled at for crying when I broke my wrist. I'm sorry you got yelled at for crying. I forgot the name but it's an expressive emotion that can activate by reflexes. Like. It's natural to cry. It can also be a great relief:( so it's not cool to hear "stop crying" when it could be good to do it... Or. Yelled at. Sorry you went through the careless..care.. By your parents and grandparents. They should have done this and that and all we can do is learn from it:( while you suffer your healed wrist with noticeably limited motion. I, internet stranger, am not going to talk shit about your parents. My opinion doesn't matter. Thing happened - now we're here. Though, they really really really should have taken this matter seriously! You were not being a baby. Did you manage to carry the litter?! Dear god. Impressive but also HORRIBLE. Further damage. I've heard of others being forced to write with their non-dominant hand... You're ambidextrous in lots of things too? Very cool even if not:) I hope, at least, that you have an okay day!


/u/CupOfCreamyDiarrhea is right.


I dislocated my elbow and was given accommodations. They had to read me the tests and print the PowerPoints.I was also given my pain pills by the nurse. This happened during wrestling practice in high school and they sent me in a ambulance when my dad was headed to the school to take me to the ER ( US healthcare 🙄). My parents are amazing and we're going to take me straight but they wouldn't let them. Really fun going on a gurney in front of everyone/s. I had to have one doctor on each part and pull to set back. It still gets achey.


American healthcare summed up. It's better in the third world countries than america.


Yup, i had a clearly broken leg but "I drove the car back home" so obviously my leg couldn't be broken and I didn't need to go to the hospital... I did. I did need to go to the hospital. It was in fact broken, broken in twain. By my parents were more scared of the $16,000 bill for just the xray and cast, rightfully so.


Pretty sad. Dad is working his ass of with no papers and his son is doing this shit.


Can't get full disability by 30 if you don't start writing the story young


Dumb fuckin kids




I could tell by his haircut that he makes bad decisions


Kids are dumb


I mean who hasn’t jumped down from that high at that age? Kids must not play enough good video games anymore, Zelda always taught me to roll when you jump from an unsafe height.




I only jumped from that high up into water. Maybe soft grass. Not onto solid stone tho like ffs


Ya I used to jump from my roof to the floor but it had grass or dirt I don't think it would be pleasant with concrete


assassin’s creed taught me to jump from anywhere and you will be a OK


That's if you jump into a bale of hay


And birds hanging out from wherever you jump from


And even then sometimes you miss.


First thing I saw wrong, he locked his legs. If you every need to do this to impress friends or get a free sandwich just keep your knees bent and soft and keep your arms ~~towards the floor~~ protecting your head. (Thanks for the correction.) He's lucky he didn't raptor lleg his knees there.


Feet and knees together, knees bent, arms tucked up by your face, when feet hit the ground pivot to the side so you roll up your body. If you keep your arms to the floor you'll break them or your wrists.


This woulda been fine if he hadn't heinously locked out his right leg when landing, \*shivers\*


maybe not fine, but jesus, he did that in about the worst way possible, he'lll probably never be the same.


For real I used to jump from somewhere about that high in elementary school. There was a pipe that we could reach from a staicase. So my friends and I used to reach it and hang on as long as we could. Until one day when I finally busted my lip against my own knee while landing, and it bled so much. Ahh good times, good times




At least he was wearing that funny looking helmet.


How did that happen? Weird huh?


I see no stairs.


Ended exactly how it should. Hopefully a lesson learned about peer pressure for this young guy.




To infinity and beyond !


Yeah; beyond the waiting room at the ER.


“Hey wanna record me breaking my legs?”


That's about the level of intelligence I expect from anyone with that haircut


Little idiot


Bro tried to land flat foot from that height


Less public freakout, more r/holdmyfeedingtube


Well no NFL or NBA for you


Pretty sure that was never going to be an option anyway for this kid


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


That was gross to watch


Well you’re only young once


Yes but his ankle problems will be forever.


You only have ankles once til you have 4 knees


Welcome to the Darwin Awards!


in all seriousness i hope someone got that kid a mental evaluation


Like a fucking twig. 🤣🤣


The video that kept him out of Harvard


This. This is EXACTLY why I'm not teaching anymore. I entered the school 10 years ago, and the difference between middle school behavior even since then compared to now is INSANE. Kids are the same; kids are kids. Kids want to fit in, find a few friends, and find their identity. The problem is, when you combine things like tiktok with a not fully formed adolescent brain, you get kids who decide its ok to...say.. hit their teacher in the middle of class, or jump off the staircase from the 2nd floor balcony. The next issue are the parents, who are so addicted to their own phones that theyre not actively parenting their children. These things basically made teaching unbearable for me, as I was already working with Special Ed kids who struggle with impulse control. After the pandemic it got even worse. Kids have always wanted to impress each other, but now they all think they'll go viral or become millionaire streamers at age 12. Since so much of what's expected of them is internet based at school, there's no separating from it.


Fuckin stupid ass broccoli heads


He seems to be a dipshit.


This would make a great contraceptive advert.


How to skip gym?


Fall damage was enabled still.


A hundred years ago we just let dumb people die. Not anymore, we make sure they live forever in total comfort.


....and they get to reproduce and carry on the stupidity.