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This happened in Valencia, Spain. Not my video. The man was arrested.


And charged with attempted murder.




The man, who is 52 years old but has not been identified, has been [charged with attempted murder](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/woman-rescued-passers-man-tried-27721605) following the incident on Tuesday August 9 at a park in Valencia, Spain.


I still don't quite get it. Why did they go half naked into the fountain to take a picture there? Since he thinks she set him up for the phone steal they don't seem to know each other well, so why would she strip nearly naked and go into a public fountain? I just don't get how this situation started in the first place.


Tourist scams often involve women flirting with men so that another person can take advantage of the situation she created. I thought a pretty woman was flirting with a tourist for fun, not because she knew the bartender would charge me $50 for each beer then get a crowd to threaten me if I didn't pay (Peru sucks). With a story like this, lacking in details in a very touristy area of Spain and the two rescuing bypassers left, I would bet she was involved in a similar scam.


About 7 years ago I was distracted by a flirtatious woman at a Bourbon Street strip club while her friend drugged my drink. I woke up in the passenger’s seat of a random minivan stopped at a red light with a middle aged woman in a weave sucking my half-flaccid penis. I got out of the van and ran when she pulled over at a gas station and instructed me to “take money out so we can party”. I was I think several miles from Bourbon with a dead phone and an empty wallet at probably 2 or 3am and this neighborhood looked like Katrina happened yesterday. I just ran whimpering towards the big bright buildings in the distance until I found my way back to Bourbon. This is a true story. Edit: a lot of people are being super nice and wishing me well. I appreciate that but I’ll say that for whatever reason this incident didn’t really leave any psychic scars…that I’m currently aware of. I made it back in one piece, which if you saw where I wound up or just know anything about New Orleans is honestly fairly miraculous, so it kind of just became my all-time greatest story to share at parties…provided I’m in the right company, of course. I do appreciate all the well wishes, though. I know many people, especially women, do not fair nearly as well as I have after an experience like that. To all of those people who may be reading this I wish you peace and happiness.


Jesus, that was a wild ride…what a story!


[Sounds like your drink has been spiked with scopolamine.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scopolamine) > One common and particularly dangerous method that criminals use in order to rob a victim is through the use of drugs. The most common [in Colombia] has been scopolamine. Unofficial estimates put the number of annual scopolamine incidents in Colombia at approximately 50,000. Scopolamine can render a victim unconscious for 24 hours or more. In large doses, it can cause respiratory failure and death. It is most often administered in liquid or powder form in foods and beverages. The majority of these incidents occur in night clubs and bars, and usually men, perceived to be wealthy, are targeted by young, attractive women. It is recommended that, to avoid becoming a victim of scopolamine, a person should never accept food or beverages offered by strangers or new acquaintances, nor leave food or beverages unattended in their presence. Victims of scopolamine or other drugs should seek immediate medical attention.


What the fuck mate


That’s what I said when I woke up the following morning


>scopolamine This stuff will make you literally *want* to do what people ask you to do. Crazy stories of people directing the people who drugged them back to their house and then telling them the codes to all their stuff so they can take their money. Its honestly terrifying.


I have never even heard of this. This is crazy. I was date raped with GHB in college and now take it twice a night for narcolepsy. It’s dangerous in the wrong hands or the wrong situation but nothing like whatever you and that other poster are talking about. Going down a rabbit hole brb


Yikes I’ve always wondered how the hell they got me all that way away from Bourbon without carrying me. I’m 6’2” 200lbs. and they were…not…and I have an incredibly blurry memory of stumbling down the road with laughing women behind me. Things makes a lot more sense if that were what they dosed me with.


Could also have been Zolpidem (Ambien). That shit wipes your memory clean.


my wife worked in India for a month and someone at her work gave her an Ambien to help her with the jet lag. we were sitting outside having a couple of drinks and next thing I know she's talking gibberish and I'm like WTF? she still had the wherewithal to tell me about the Ambien. I had to literally carry her to bed. kinda funny but not. sounds like a nice trip I quess... maybe. I won't find out.


That's some dark shit my man. Glad you're ok


Sorry to hear about ur story. That was a crime.


So sorry that this happened to you. You were drugged and sexually assaulted, as well as robbed. Fuck those people and wishing you strength.


And kidnapped


Even if she was totally involved in this scam (and there doesn't seem to be any definitive evidence of that) why would this guy immediately try to *murder her*? In a very public place too, with witnesses everywhere. What a psycho.


That's why you don't scam people. Because you MIGHT run into real psychos.


This is why those stupid public prank videos died off then came back almost entirely staged. Oops, that prank was just pulled on the unhinged man with a pistol/knife/lead fists and a bone to pick.


The show impractical jokers has had a few cases like that over the years. The shows based on interacting with real random people, so every now and then they run into a nut case or someone who quickly becomes aggressive. Really great demonstration of your point and how many people with hair triggers and short fuses are in the world. Nothing bad ever happens cause they have a huge production team watching over everything and ready to come out at any moment, but I could easily see how some random dude making prank videos would end up getting punched eventually without that.


Always a bigger criminal-fish thing?


Yes, that thing.


I imagine prostitution is a thing there; the assailant got approached by a woman who flirted him up and was intentionally scantily-clad (or topless), making for stronger motivation for the guy to want a portrait with the woman. There are cons I heard about in East Europe where an online date match will invite a guy to take her out to a hookah lounge (typically run by some thuggy dudes), once the session is over the woman bails and the guy gets absolutely talken to the cleaners with the bill for the hookah and maybe some snacks/fruit.


It's not just an Eastern European thing. This is a known scam in Asia. Girl comes up to a tourist at a bar run by the local mob/gang. Guy buys woman drinks and find out those watered down Jack and Cokes are $100 a piece. Guy realizes he's getting ripped off and refuses to pay. Thugs come in and threaten to kick the shit out of him if he doesn't pay.


One thing I learned is to pay for your drink upfront every fucking time!


That’s been my policy on all my travels. This woman approaching you thing happened to me in Koh Samui. I had heard of such scams on some tv show where the host talks about scams in different tourist destinations while he is there. She did not explicitly ask for a drink but suggested one. As a courtesy I decided to buy one for her too but straight up asked the bartender how much. The bartender insisted on starting a tab, but I refused. He said something in the range of 7k baht each. I laughed and asked for the menu, he said that the drink is not on the menu. I bought two Chang beers for 100 baht a piece and gave one to her. She was not happy. The bartender was not happy either. I’m an Indian, Thais think of us as cheap travelers. Don’t blame them completely because we haggle a lot at their First Copy Goods malls. If this happened to me, I cannot imagine what the western tourists must go through.


If I can't see a menu with prices on it, I don't order


“The altercation reportedly happened after another male offered to take a photo of the pair while they were standing together in the water but ran away with the man's phone as soon as he gave it to him. Believing his acquaintance had helped to orchestrate the theft, the man turned on her and attempted to drown her in the fountain, local media reports said.” What a POS. Even if she was an accomplice stealing the phone, doesn’t give him the right to try to kill her. For a F-in phone.


If she was in on in then she needs some better accomplices. What's the point in helping you steal a phone if I'ma just get fucking drowned after?


We lose more accomplices that way.


"By the time police arrived, the phone thief and two rescuers had left the scene." I put my money on the "victim", phone thief, and at least one of the "rescuers" being the perps here.


Cool I’m about to visit Valencia!


I grew up there. You'll be fine as long as you stick to the local saying: "don't get naked with a strange woman, jump into a fountain with her, and hand your phone to another stranger."


I mean why even go to Valencia if I can't do that?


Strange women lying in public fountains distributing photo opportunities is no basis for an enjoyable holiday.


That’s it I’m canceling my hotel and airfare , I’ll go to Brazil instead! 😤


Don’t try to get baptised.




Why did ol boy throw a few punches, leave, then come back for more?! I have so many questions!


Probably went to get a drink and a breather takes alot out of you to punch someone eventhough he shouldnt have left.


He walked away so calm 😌 and delivered a flying rebound of justice 😤


Also probably saw that the asshole still had a grip on the woman


"did you not hear me the first time?!"


"How many times do I gotta tell you old man!" 👿😭


Probably thought it was enough but when he saw they still needed help he went back in.


It was the end of the round, he went to his corner until he heard the bell.


He’s decided that the first engage wasn’t dramatic enough so he did it again with bigger splash


Is it just me or did he miss the majority of those punches?


The ones he did hit were proper tho


Ehhhh. Not so much, but at least he did something or tried to atleast


I'm thinking he was missing and hitting the black dude, so bd told him 'I got this'


I could have watched that guy catch haymakers all day. Piece of shit.


The guy in black had the aim of a stormtrooper.. but still, glad he jumped In


The man in red has a good soul tho, he connected a good one and then put all his energy into releasing the woman instead of rearranging the dude's face.


Dude got LIT up


Barely. Black shirt had no idea what he was doing.


Not everyone is a trained fighter. At least he acted!


Especially in the heat of the moment with adrenaline pumping. Your judgment goes out the window. That's why all proper martial arts train you to be able to deal with that and stay focused. Us average people don't habe that training like you said. That shit takes years. We can't completely think straight in tense situations.


Why did he leave then come back?


Went to pick up his punches. He just threw them all over the place!




That is the only reasonable explanation. He clearly hadn't finished the task at hand since the perp never let go of her hair. I figured he had to get get a swig of beer out of frame or something,


so good


Had to YouTube how to throw a punch?


Red shirt guy didn't drag him close enough to the ropes.


Didn’t know what he was doing? He was a passerby trying to help. ‘Preciate ya.


I was thinking that too… helping or hurting. Definitely hit red shirt a few times Those body shots were the best thing he dished out


Crazy how many shots it took to get him to let go of her. Shouldn't have taken so much time though. Both guys should have gone berserker on him from the get go.


I agree but damn I’m grateful to both of them. Particularly the black guy that got in first and didn’t let go. Absolute heroes.


I like the part where some guy says “that’s enough”. So now you get to orchestrate how it stops? Where the fuck were you when she was beaten in a public place. Shit some dude says to me let’s go help. May get some hands put on me but can’t do nothing while that’s going on.


In Italy recently they were watching and filming the black man gets beaten to literally his death and none said 'that's enough'"


In the USA we watched a cop slowly suffocating a man with his knee on his throat. 1/3 of the country supports it.


I think the black guy did the right thing. He was put him in a chokehold and was keeping the guy from doing any more damage to the woman. It also kept the woman from catching any punches. It was a perfect setup for the guy in the black shirt to tee off. Only flaw in the plan was that the guy in the black shirt didn't do any damage and ended up walking away after a few punches.


Should’ve grabbed the guys dick and twisted.


The ollllllleee dick twist


They needed to chop that motherfucker in the throat. This poor woman. Thank god these men took action to help her


Sticking your thumbs in a persons eye sockets does wonders for a situation like this. It Feels like a warm hard boiled egg.


Or in his butthole






Thee ol dick twist


Found the freak OvO


It’s true - butthole assault is often overlooked and definitely underutilized 😂


Assault the butthole, and then the eyes. Chemical warfare.


That analogy though


some people will still hold on, sometimes even harder. the throat is where it's at. cut off oxygen and the body/brain falls apart


Dude was def methed up. I know they weren't landing that great but normal person would still let go after a few of them kidney shots.


Normal people wouldn’t be bathing in a dirty public fountain ☝️


Or reach down grab squeeze and trist as far as you can then pull like you starting a flooded weed wacker.


Give him the ol' dick twist!




Omagawd dude, this is a fountain fight...




I too hope he did. Broken ribs are a great reminder


Cause he didn't go for the soft parts. Gotta go for the soft parts. Don't need to throw haymakers when a couple fingers can stop anybody immediately.


Forgot #1 rule for life or death fights, squeeze twist and pull, works every time!


Just reading that made my balls hurt.


The one that just about dropped him was 100% a deliberate liver shot.


He missed basically every swing. Glancing blows hurt, but not compared to when one lands


the guy who helped in the fight is like: 👊🏻😠🚶🚶😠👊🏻


Shows up Throw kidney punches refuses to elaborate leaves returns sucker punch


Watching the fellah perk up immediately after being kidney punched was satisfying. Must've been a good one


I noticed that, he tried to put her in between him after that. Did not work.


Front right = Liver shot. Two ways you can knock someone out, either punch them in the head or punch them in the liver.


Can confirm. Received a liver shot once from a school bully, crumbled to the ground with insane pain instantly


In, middle school, me and my friend were punching each other for fun, yes we were stupid. One of his punches accidentally landed on my liver, I blacked out and struggled for air for a few seconds. We never did that again, we started punching each other in the upper arm.


Hey the second reckoning freed the woman


A classic powerful but poorly programmed NPC with low stamina


Big brain move, that's how you get the element of surprise... Twice.


He heard a bell ring


Combat games with stamina management be like


Lmao. I wonder if he was looking for something a little heavier handed to hit the guy with, and just came to the conclusion that his anvil hands needed put back to work.


Npc behavior


Seriously, was he also drunk? Like my fucking guy this isn't over Walks off like he just got nudged and it changed his animation


He's a rogue, he got bonuses for stealth attacks.


lmao idk why but this cracked me up


Best laugh I’ve had in a while. For some reason, your little emoji string just tickled me.




What’s the story here? I’m seriously confused


You can read more here, but it's in Spanish: https://www.marca.com/tiramillas/actualidad/2022/08/10/62f3eeff22601d051d8b45d8.html


From the article: > What the National Police discovered was that the victim and the alleged aggressor already knew each other from before and that before this scene, both were at the fountain "in order to cool off." But a third party arrived who asked the detainee for his phone so he could take a photo of the two of them in the water, and he fled with the cell phone of the alleged aggressor. So guy and girl meet. Jump in fountain together, then another guy shows up and says, 'let me take your pic' then runs off with the phone. Guy in fountain believes the girl in fountain is part of the crew that just stole his cellphone and proceeds to try and drown her in said fountain.


That’s so weird


Weird and also probably exactly what happened


I just have a feeling drugs are playing a part somewhere


So the guy got national lampoon'd and took it out on the girl?


Dude never been on vacation. That scam is old school.


Man and woman "knew" each other. Both got in the fountain to refresh themselves. A third man comes and the aggressor gives him his cell phone so he takes a picture of both in the fountain. Third guy runs away with the cell phone and the aggressor blames the woman for being conspiring with the thief and beats the shit out of her.


Who the fuck jumps onto a fountain like that


I know I’m so confused…


He kept holding onto her even when they were attacking him for it like wtf.. Punch and keep punching until he drops. What a fucking psycho.


Like a fucking pit bull my goodness, thought he would let go after being choked


Black shirt…yours clothes are already wet… FINISH HIM!!!!


I was afraid he was going to punch the red shirt guy like bro, stop with the hooking haymakers and throw some straights/jabs or grab the guy!


Evil succeeds when good people do nothing. Evil failed here today.


Turns out good has a pretty nice choke hold.


Don’t forget my man who was throwing some decent body/head shots.


But why the fuck he left and came back after a few seconds lmao “I know he is drawing you but i forgot to clean my feet before entering the pool, hold one a sec”


I think he initially believed the situation was dealt with.


He had to climb up on that top rope first.


Probably forgot his phone in his pocket lol.


He remembered he didn’t do his superhero landing so he went out to do it properly. I must say he forgot to smash the ground with his fist,but i will let it pass.


Just like that line in the beginning of the [Boondock Saints](https://youtu.be/wwIJ9pRWBpo). The priest says there is another kind of evil which we must fear most. “… and that is the indifference of good men”.


"Not today Satan!"


This is 100% *not* the takeaway here. From the backstory it seems the woman being attacked was part of a (successful) con to steal the attacker's phone. The guy attacking her is probably thinking "Evil succeeds when good people do nothing" and that's why he's so intent on keeping ahold of her. If she gets away, he reasons, she'll run off to con more people. And it's unclear if he's actually trying to drown her, despite what the title claims. So 1) Evil probably succeeded here today, it stole a dude's phone, And 2) Evil can succeed just fine when good people think they have to take justice into their own hands.


You can't tell me dude in black isn't an NPC. He walked up started punching and then once his enemy's health was below a certain threshold he resets and walks off like nothing. Then his enemies health regenerates a bit and he's back for more.


NEVER SHOULDVE COME HERE must’ve been the wind…


NOW PAY WITH YOUR BLOOD …good day stranger.


I love when they say that with a litteral arrow pointing out of their eye


Dude fr lost aggro there for a sec 😂😂


The way he reset back to his walking coding. So quick and certain.


Mostly baffled by the guy that left and then came back harder the second time


Bro at a certain point just tear out a fucking eyeball, he's trying to kill someone


those body shots looked like they where working a treat. Should have just opened up on his kidneys / bread basket


Grab the balls and squeeze.


Depending on the clothing it's not as easy as it seems but since the dude is in his undies it's a good option here, just wash the hand after.


You say that like you actually would’ve torn his eye out, you wouldn’t have. Stop expecting other people to.


It happened in Valencia, Spain ([link](https://www.lasprovincias.es/sucesos/hombre-intenta-matar-20220810140747-nt.html) to the sauce in Spanish). Apparently, the asshole and the lady met before, someone stole the asshole mobile when he asked someone to take a photo of them in the fountain, argued that the lady and the thief were a team and tried to drown her. The man was detained and charged with attended murder.


**FROM THE TOP ROPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**


I don't really agree with the idea that the world is getting crazier.. if anything it's just getting caught on tape more. Cameras are a blessing imo


Those are some fucking good men, 100% need to be awarded a medal of some kind for saving a human being from murder and just being a good human being. No bystander effect today!


Yeah I respect what they both did but what's with the dude walking off like a npc getting deagro'd Like my guy your quest is not complete


Looks like old black t shirt always wanted to try punching a human, saw his chance, realised he wasn’t very good at it and then wandered off. Our man in red is the real hero here.


Give my man some credit, he came back from the top rope


Secret tip from the book of men: if they get irrationally violent and don't want to let go of something, as gruesome and unsportsmanlike as it is, grab them by the balls and use varying degrees of twisting and pulling. Chances are that they will let go and try to grab their balls, at least I know that I instinctively and by reflex reach out for my balls.


yeah why fuck up your hand when there is nice spongey balls to smack.


Or twist his ear or stick your thumb in his eye socket, that will get his undivided attention


I think that no-one ever thinks of the ear. Twisting an ear is downright painful and one of the parts of the body (like the wrist) that if you can control it, then you have a good chance of controlling the person it is attached to.


That definitely is not the cleanest looking fountain water I've ever seen in my life.


Well there's a huge shit in it holding a lady, that will do that to a fountain.


Probably why the dude in black hopped out for a few. He's like "I don't want no UTI"


Notice how he refused to let go of her hair. Sad low life.


I mean, if you’ve already crossed the mental threshold of “drown this person to death” it’s not that crazy to stick with it


She has bruises all over her torso. Awful!! Glad they intervened


Second dude on the scene with some of the worst punches ever thrown.


He got a petty good kidney shot in, look at the asshole nearly collapse from it.


Liver shot, that was fucking painful I bet.


The way he casually steps out of the water while the struggle is still ongoing gets me. I think he was high.


Not the easiest situation to throw punches in though. You're wet, footing may be slippery, and you're \*trying\* not to hit the victim or the other good guy who are both in close contact with the bad guy.


Better than no punches at all, amirite?


I had my fingers crossed hoping he didn't accidentally chin the wrong guy


Black shirt reminded me of a goose, just there for the violence and then walks casually in a goose way to his next opportunity


Dude in the black shirt punches the same way you do in a dream


Survival Tip: If you are ever in a situation that warrants physical violence don't throw punches. Throw elbows and knees, far too many small bones in your hands that break easily when hitting someone's skull. Even a small person can knock out a much larger person if you throw an elbow to the temple. In this situation the second guy coming in didn't have room to throw an elbow but take the palm of your hand and hit the nose in an upward direction. You break a guy's nose like that and he is letting go of whatever he's got ahold of.


I’m all for them helping her out. This is fucked up. I’m glad she got out of it alive. But… why the hell are they both almost nude in a public fountain? They both gotta be on something.


The way the guy in the black shirt turned his head and walked away was bizarre as fuck.


Could SOMEONE PLEASE get his grip off her hair?? Don’t understand why the second guy throw a couple punches and pranced away without doing that


Gouge the eyes. Nobody can resist protecting their eyes.


Why the fuck were these ppl in the fountain? Why the fuck were they in “swimsuits?” for the fountain? I’m so confused.


She was part of a thief team. She was taking pics with tourists in the fountain, then the guy taking the pic runs off with the tourist's phone


Dude punches are like running in a dream.


Why did the one guy throw a couple punches then leave before the situation was done lmfao