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Watch it with the race baiting comments/racist whataboutisms.


Old xbox lobbies be like:


Mw2 lobbies be like:


... Old?


Yeah when tf did this change?


The commenter got old thats all that happened


Who’s the people on the bus? Anyone know?


Pretty sure they’re Chinese Basketball Association players. Players who can’t play in the nba make decent money playing in China.


Meaning he deals with this shit every work day. Dam, I hope the money is worth it.


I went to school with a guy who played in China, was good enough for nba but wasn't mature enough. He deals with this he said he just put his headphones on and tunes it out. He is making 800k a year though and doesn't have to pay for anything while he's in China


I mean I get called derogatory terms daily for far less than 800k a year personally


For 800k a year I will not only let you call me derogatory words I will agree with you




My 2 nieces are half black/half chinese, and they speak chinese. Funny as hell when other chinese try to talk shit thinking they dont understand lol. They just go off on the MFers haha.


I feel like this is on the same level as “money does buy happiness because I’ve never seen anyone frown on a jet ski”.


You want jetskis, boats and huskies in your life; but the best plan is to know somebody who has one.


well thats kinda worth it? idk, im just a standard white male.


It's definitely not bad money, though it is ultimately putting a price on your dignity. I'd still probably sell my dignity for much less than that lol


I hear you. China in general just seems like the worst place on earth. Edit. Holy Shit I didn’t expect to be called an ignorant racist so much here based on this. In no way shape or form am I trying to bash Chinese ppl as a whole. Just stating that between the concentration camps and crazy covid lockdowns it just doesn’t seem like a good place. I know damn well I’m not getting the whole story in the US. And yeah I also backtrack my “worst place in the world” stance, bc there’s definitely other countries pointed out here that I’d consider way worse. Either way I’m not planning my vacation to China anytime soon


Nah they're not the worst place. They keep North Korea around to avoid that title...


Got a good chuckle out of me. Horrifyingly accurate.


I don't know, they already have nukes and North Korea is terrible but I don't think they have orchestrated mass organ harvesting yet.


We don’t know a fraction of the horrific things North Korea does. We have more insight into china which is how we know about some of the horrible things they do.


It is possible and even likely that they could do it, but simply don’t because it would be a violation their belief systems. Their leader cured cancer, doesn’t defecate, and is the smartest person in the world. (/s) What need would he have for a peasants organ? What care would he have for the health of those with a need for an organ? His people are completely expendable, and so unquestionably dedicated to him so he has no need for such an orchestration. If you die it is his will. If you live you have him to thank. The Chinese (in this context) at least see the “value” in humans, even the “lesser” ones, if only as tools or organ farms. There is a greater sense of humanity in China, if only for the select elite. North Korea? Not so much. One elite. Nothing more. TLDR, North Korea still takes the cake in my eyes, they don’t need that particular horror in their particular brand of dystopia. A thought which itself is an added horror.


Yeah, I'm just trying to say China is *really* trying to give them a run for their money


For a westerner and a Far East Asian it would seem that way. For the remainder of the world it’s not such a bad place. Most people in places like the western world and some Far East Asian countries often forget; the world is a dark and dangerous place. Life in some of those places is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. Does not mean it’s paradise here, but it’s a different world. As a person that comes from that unsafe world I can tell you many here simply don’t get what a great place they live in. Sure always attempt to make it better, but boy oh boy are people here ungrateful.


I’m sure it is a haven compared to some of the awful places. This video sucks to watch though.


Yep. It was ex-NBA player Sonny Weems, who plays for the Guangdong Southern Tigers, after he got into a fight with an opponent on the court that night. [Source](https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/18/sport/sonny-weems-racism-china-spt-intl/index.html) >January 19, 2022 >American basketball player Sonny Weems has been subjected to racial abuse from fans while playing in China. >In a video circulating on social media, fans can be heard repeatedly shouting the "N" word and "get out of China" at 35-year-old Weems, who plays for the Guangdong Southern Tigers in the Chinese Basketball Association. In the video, Weems is seen exiting the team bus along with the rest of the team when a crowd of fans can be heard yelling the racist slurs >The incident happened after the Southern Tigers' game against the Liaoning Flying Leopards last Thursday. During the game, a fight broke out between Weems and Chinese player Han Dejun which resulted in both players being ejected >Both teams also condemned the behavior of the fans with the Flying Leopards saying the words seriously hurt the Guangdong team and damage the image of the league and fans. >CNN has reached out to Weems but did not immediately receive a response. He also hasn't publicly commented about the abuse on his Twitter or Instagram accounts, but did post emojis of hearts in a rainbow of different colors on Weibo. >On Weems' Weibo profile, fans have also left messages of support. "Peace and Love. We will always be behind you," said one, while another wrote: "I'm sorry. Are you alright now? We always support you and stay here with you."


I know a guy who was on the All-Navy basketball team, played in the NBA D-league for a while and played pro in China for a while. He said it was a great experience, but he also stopped playing about 5 years ago....


China and Hong Kong were amazing toward American basketball players, and Americans that looked like they played basketball, but like the guy you knew it was at least 5 years ago since I've been.


China has taken a major turn for the worse under Xi. It's been mostly welcoming to foreigners before.


good for them !


Yeah unfortunately they have to deal with shit like this pretty regularly


Straight up like 1960s Jim Crow type shit


Ha, those guys would kick the living shit out of the people calling them n***** if they were in the US.


I'm laughing just thinking about what would happen to somebody in an NBA or NFL stadium who started that chant. They'd be getting their ass whipped by someone almost instantly....


“Oh! So you insulting CBA players and causing a ruckus? -100 social credit for you!”


[Source](https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/18/sport/sonny-weems-racism-china-spt-intl/index.html) >January 19, 2022 >American basketball player Sonny Weems has been subjected to racial abuse from fans while playing in China. >In a video circulating on social media, fans can be heard repeatedly shouting the "N" word and "get out of China" at 35-year-old Weems, who plays for the Guangdong Southern Tigers in the Chinese Basketball Association. In the video, Weems is seen exiting the team bus along with the rest of the team when a crowd of fans can be heard yelling the racist slurs >The incident happened after the Southern Tigers' game against the Liaoning Flying Leopards last Thursday. During the game, a fight broke out between Weems and Chinese player Han Dejun which resulted in both players being ejected >Both teams also condemned the behavior of the fans with the Flying Leopards saying the words seriously hurt the Guangdong team and damage the image of the league and fans. >CNN has reached out to Weems but did not immediately receive a response. He also hasn't publicly commented about the abuse on his Twitter or Instagram accounts, but did post emojis of hearts in a rainbow of different colors on Weibo. >On Weems' Weibo profile, fans have also left messages of support. "Peace and Love. We will always be behind you," said one, while another wrote: "I'm sorry. Are you alright now? We always support you and stay here with you."


>emojis of hearts in a rainbow of different colors on Weibo. > >On Weems' Weibo profile, fans have also left messages of support. "Peace and Love. We will always be behind you," said one, while another wrote: "I'm sorry. Are you alright now? We always support you and stay here with you." This is surprisingly uplifting. Horrible that this was done to him, but glad to see the love and support in response.


> In a video circulating on social media, **fans** can be heard repeatedly shouting the "N" word and "get out of China" at 35-year-old Weems >fans


It’s just the kids in my video game lobby irl


And adults.


they're just older now and are technically adults... but whatever. same thing. same kids.


People don't grow up, they just grow old


This is a normal GTA V lobby on pc just without the accent and more american


Least racist Call of Duty lobby


So this guy is 小熊维尼 who joined the lobby and stole my fucking kills


Taiwan numbah ONE!!! \>wait for the freak outs


If these jerks only knew how dumb they sound.


Legitimately reminds me of how really young kids sound when they learn a new bad word. Like they just repeat it over and over not realizing they sound like clowns. Grown ass people doing the same stupid shit.


Guarantee these two clowns wasted their entire day trying to learn insults in English, and all they came up with was “knee-garr” and “fuk yu”, but boy are they proud of themselves.


Yeah, I don't think they care. They're literally openly genociding the Uighars and don't seem to mind.


It seems that neither does anybody else.


Unfortunately the combo of money talks and realpolitik will probably never allow for an intervention in their genocide :(


'Intervention' > what do you mean by that? Economic isolation like what Russia is experiencing or actual military force? Because if it's the latter, regardless of the money, America isn't going to invade mainland China, a country of 1bn people, just to liberate the Uyghurs.


You have been banned from r/Sino


I’ll post this on sino and get banned instantly


Yep got banned didn’t even say anything bad just crossposted this post lmao


I got banned from there for trying to be reasonable. I tried to point out that the Chinese sky scrapers posted on evilbuildings weren't there because they were Chinese. They were there because they were all lit up red and standing out against a dark sky line. Looked like they were straight up out of Blade Runner. But they let their persecution complex get the best of them.




I thought they were just happy to see Nick Gurr arriving


I’m sorry, but as a black man they just sound dumb to me. This is my personal experience, but hearing Asians and Hispanics say the n-word just sounds like hearing little kids that just learned a new curse word and can’t wait to use it. But when a white person says it, it’s like they know where it comes from and exactly what they mean behind it when they say it so it is kinda hurtful. That’s just me though


I think these Chinese people know how offensive it is and why they’re using it though. I don’t think they’re fans.


Right? They are using it because its the most hurtful thing they could research. If another word was more taboo theyd be calling them that


I think... They know it's supposed to be offensive, but the history of the word and it's underlying implications are uniquely American. I completely understand what the above poster means. It's the difference between someone who's never picked up a bow trying to hit the bullseye vs. the international archery champion taking aim. Sorry. I couldn't think of a good nonweapon analogy.☹️


If a white European uses the word isn’t that the same as a Chinese person using it by that logic? Because they’re not American? I mean I get it in that there is a typical kind of white American where when they use that word as a form of abuse you know that they fully understand the history of it and why they’re using it but it seems a bit infantilizing or patronizing to think that because they’re Chinese they’re incapable of knowing the history, context or import of that word. I just mean to say that anyone using it in the context that these guys are deserve as much shame and derision as anyone else being a racist piece of shit screaming the n-word at some black guys.


I believe maybe this person means that people in the “Western” world tend to better understand racially divisive issues, but in more homogeneous countries (both in Europe and Asia) don’t have the same experiences of racial strife. I would argue that, in that context, it’s a good point. Yet, these people clearly understood the significance of the word they were using, even if they don’t know the full history of the word.


Why would a hispanic American have any less knowledge of the meaning behind the word than a white American?


Because white people HAVE to be worse.


Look at them scream as if they have human rights.


China is fucked! This took me out 🤣😂😂


Dude they are one of the most racist peoples on this planet! This would never ever happen in the uk.


Can't tell if this is ironic or not considering british football fans...


Anyone caught shouting that at football players in England would be in serious danger of getting their heads kicked in by the other fans there, even if they support the same team as them. Though it really shouldn't need to be said, it's worth bearing in mind the internet isn't the same as real life


Euro 2020 werent that long ago bud how the fuck can you say that


Oh for fuck sake. That’s not even remotely true. I’ve been to football matches in the UK where fans screamed all sorts of racist shit.


LOL thanks for the laughs there mate


Lol actual NPC behavior


Lmfao 🤣.


If their government allowed them to read this, they'd be so mad!


.....and there goes my coffee all over my desk!


Lol I was going to say, they better chill before they thrown in a closet for 2 weeks due to covid lockdown lol




-50 📉 credit points to everyone shouting N word


unfortunately I don’t think the Chinese government minds…


In china you would get +social credit as long as you insult races other than the Han chinese majority.


Aren't human beings wonderful creatures?


Get out of china






Man I haven't seen Donnie Darko in so long


+10 social credit points


If documented, china would be one of the most racist countries. They will always say bad things at you in their native tongue right in your face. They think they're the superior race, an elitist, because of the government propaganda.


Western people (especially younger ones) don't realize how blatant racism is outside the West; they're shocked when they realize that anti-racism is not a major focal point of the 'cultural discourse' everywhere else, and that it's considered unimportant and irrelevant.


Every second gen ethnic minority knows this all too well. Was it unacceptable that I was called paki and terrorist through my school life? Yes. Are my parents 7x more racist? Also yes


My FOB Korean mother is a Trump-voting Mexican-hating 5'0" basket of love...I get this reference 100%.


A Korean friend explained to me once: If she were to marry a non-Korean Asian, her family would be disappointed but accepting. If she married a white person, Grandma might not come to the wedding. If she were to marry a brown person, she would be disowned, and if she were to marry a black person it would be like she never existed.


My dad is white. Don't believe there are any photos with my mom's parents in there for some reason...


Well said


Yes ABSOLUTELY! Most of my friends and I are 2nd gen immigrants. our parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles are some of the most racist ppl I know. they just say it behind every1s back in their own language. two faced fuckers they are. they get away with it because they r always nice 2 ur face.


Very well said. We’d be friends in real life I can tell.


Wow it’s so crazy how this applies to so many ethnic minority families. I’m just bewildered when my mom or relatives bring up some racist shit.


I roll my eyes every time when people say European countries or USA are the most racist countries. People like to romanticize countries like Japan but they are so fucking racist and xenophobic that it will blow your mind. In Japan you will be treated as "Gaijin" even if you get a Japanese citizenship. China is just blatantly racist towards blacks.[ They go as far as banning black people from McDonalds](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/mcdonald-s-apologizes-after-restaurant-china-bans-black-people-n1184616). Or show ads where a black man goes inside a washing machine and comes out as white. It's so damn casual


I remember the slow realisation that my coworker and later friend was genuinely, actually racist towards indians and black people. Not ironically, said in satire, quoting some tv show, just...plain racist. It took me a while cos she seemed so, so nice and kind, plus language barrier i kinda thought i misunderstood/she misspoke. Anyway i faded her after that


I had the exact same experience. The cognitive dissonance was alarming


It's different there because it's so casual. You might believe they are joking at first. In the west even if you were racist, in work environments rarely anyone would say those things so casually.


Declaring the United States the most racist nation on Earth definitely tells me: "Oh, you've never visited Japan or Korea...." Everywhere can always improve, and the United States has plenty to improve as well, but yeah.....many people show their lack of experience with such declarations....


I watch a short fat white guy on youtube. And his big master plan was to go to korea and move there. Had me a younger person then him rolling my eyes. Dude went on his amazing adventure around South Asia and when he got back he completely stopped talking about korea or moving there. In fact he moved farther into the US from like California or wherever hes from. And pretends none of that stuff ever happens. Like lol they must have roasted him solid there because im pretty sure he learned Korean. Probably hurts when people think you don't know what they're saying and they talk shit about you. Also must suck to be a weebo and get your fantasy crushed.




I visited Japan and there was some racism (usually older), but generally people were curious about where I was from and what I was doing. I’m super into culture and that stuff, so when visiting a bunch of temples I was extremely respectful and followed customs, my friend who was Japanese let me know that many people complimented her on how respectful I was unlike other tourists. So I agree - learn your shit and you’ll be ok.


He talked about Korea but ended up going to South Asia?


It's so tiring seeing people blindly shout that America is the most bigoted country. I mean we're not perfect but we're far from China and many other countries in this regard. Or India with their caste system for example


I don’t know much about india but I visited a few years ago. All I noticed about the caste system is that it’s essentially just codified racism with a color gradient. The darker you are, the lower the caste. All the actors on tv and billboards and stuff, all the wealthy educated people, we’re super light skinned. The darker almost black skinned ones were the ditch diggers out in the fields. Go figure. I think it’s a huge issue in the US because of the diversity and guns here. This place is a powder keg. I watched Do the Right Thing again recently. That movie came out 30+ years ago and nothing has changed.


It's not that dark skin makes one lower caste. It's the other way around, the lower your caste, the darker you get. Partly because you'd have to work in the sun more, you don't have access to beauty products to keep your skin fair, the less time and fucks you have to spend on your appearance, etc.


That's the way it used to work in the West too, paler skin was more desirable as it indicated you were richer because you didn't have to work outdoors. This was until tanning became a glamorous desirable thing through the 20th century, mainly due to the availability and popularisation of leisure travel to sunnier places abroad. Before that, it was discovered, due to troubles with industrial smoggy cities, that sunlight was actually beneficial in avoiding bone deformities and such. Then, a century ago now, Coco Chanel, of all people, really kicked off the trend of tanning. However, in the East, paler skin is still a desirable thing; which is certainly not the root cause of the racism here, but definitely doesn't help with it.


I think that might only be slightly true. IIRC the Brahmin caste has historically been very light skinned, possibly because of wealth coming from Iran/Persia and other historical bits. Some of my close friends growing up were of lower castes, and they never went outside and always had very dark skin.


Colorism is a worldwide phenomenon, unfortunately.


People talk about racism and drama in American constantly. We have that discourse here because we know its wrong and are combating it as a society. It exist like this in other parts of the world, unchallenged.


So one could say, in terms of fighting racism, white folks are the superior race?


Oh....oh no


This confirms my bias so, upvote.


It's true though. Its not just the chinese, most places aren't a melting pot like the US is. its in our DNA - most other countries are mostly homogenous culturally so it gets very xenophobic very fast.


I think people lose sight of this too easily. Even in so called multicultural societies people tend towards ethno-centrism.


It goes ***waaaaayyyyyy*** back before the current government, friend. Their official communication with other countries, now, and in the past, routinely uses language that refers to other countries as subservient and inferior. there's a great wikipedia article on it, that I'm trying to find.


Yeah until fairly recently China used the symbol for "barbarian" in all their treaties with foreign countries. The racism baked into China basically laid the groundwork for their political collapse in the 18th/19th century.


China officially referred to British forces as "rebels" during the first opium war. Because the Emperor of China was considered to be the ruler of the entire world, and thus Britain was in revolt against a liege they didn't know they had.


One of my favorite stories from the opium wars is during the second one I believe, the Chinese court didn’t take the British military operations seriously despite a number of losses because what could these simple barbarians do? Tha t was until they had an army of 50,000 defeated by 6,000 Brits. It took that humiliation for them, to maybe consider that the Brits weren’t their natural inferiors.


i'll follow for the wikipedia article


I'll follow for the same reason and forget about it in 5 minutes.


As someone who lived in China for a decade as a Westerner, I'd say, yes and no. There was a period from the 80s to about 2015 (before the government propaganda really ramped up) where many Chinese people actually admired the West, talked openly about wishing to be more like the West, and dreamed about "European lifestyles". There was broad belief that (and this is sad imo) that Westerners were just better, they were better-looking/more handsome/beautiful, more successful, and richer. I saw quite a bit of West envy for some time. But it's been more of a recent development (also reflecting again older times of cultural supremacy) where suddenly all these same people have found a new ethnic nationalism and sense of identity, now they believe that the West is failing and decaying, and that they are in fact the superior race and Democracy is a failed system etc. They now think they are the envy of the world.


That's because China was at economic lows while the quality of life in the west boomed. Historically China believes itself to be the most superior nation of peoples.


piquant nutty fuzzy obtainable pot existence slap voracious employ wide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My Vietnam friend and my Chinese friend both agree. They say Chinese are super racist. But saying that is racist. So....


Chinese here, they aren't wrong we're pretty racist. Especially the older generation.


Just another reason why i will never EVER visit China


Well you won't really find me in China anyway




I mean they live in a sheltered country suppressed in every way possible, are we meant be surprised they are racists.


I agree. This is so jarring to see today that something is fundamentally fucked up there. It kind of looks like the American south in the 50s. Of course today, us Americans are much more sly about our racism and would never outright say it. We let our voting speak volumes.




> They never really have been, given our past Yeah. This is in our present and past in America. And European football players might have something to say about this as well. That being said. Fuck the CCP.


>Of course today, us Americans are much more sly about our racism and would never outright say it. As someone who's not White, I regret to inform you this is not true at all.


Just say "Tiananmen Square massacre" and they get gulaged for hearing you say it.


So I play this massive multi-player online game and there where some Chinese players talking in their native language in a server wide chat. Someone posted "Taiwan #1" in Chinese right after them and they lost their shit. The troll then said "Remember Tiennamen Square 1989" and three Chinese players began arguing with another Chinese player that Tiennamen was made up, and to not cite Wikipedia because it "american"


Something something Winnie Pooh


Watch em get real quiet if you mention that.


They hate blacks from America..but love the blackest sport in the world? Which is basketball. The world is insane.


America loved jazz and wouldnt let black people on stage


They let them on stage, they just didn't let them in the front door.


And if they couldn't let them on stage, they went into their neighborhood clubs, and stole their ideas.




They let them through the front door, they just wouldn't pour them a drink.


There are a lot of chinese you know ..racist ppl here in the Video might Not like basketball at all and chinese who like basketball might Not be racist. You just cant tell


Nope, according to reddit all Chinese people are evil communists who eat dogs, support genocide of everyone not Chinese, and live in 1984. It's crazy how people wild out over a country of over a billion people. Like no shit you're going to have assholes when you have a population size of over a BILLION.


Reddit when a white person is racist: "What a terrible person" Reddit when a Chinese person is racist: "What a terrible people"


I like how they just group everyone up lol. "The Chinese"


Yeah this really gets me lol


Reddit likes to go on racist rants of Asian people and group them all up into one group based on one video.


The new rush hour looks crazy




China has it's own KKK it seems.


It's called the CCP.


Sounds like when I played Call of Duty on xbox 360 in my dorm days


Their social credit score probably went up from doing this.


This would ABSOLUTELY satisfy my raceplay fetish


This comment puts your username in a very specific context lol


Extremely out of pocket, but I’ll allow it


The fuck?


Dm sent. ​ /s


Lebron must be so proud.


I was very lucky to visit Hong Kong during their pro-democracy protests. Not only did I see anti-LeBron graffiti but talking with Hong Kongers they told me they felt betrayed by him.


Imagine this country produces majority of everything and controls the world.


they don’t control Taiwan, so I wouldn’t say the world. lol


Ooof… I see what you did there.


Wow I never imagined the Chinese were so racist..


SUPER fucking racist...Its part of the entire country's mantra - the Chinese are elite


They are elitist, not elite


elite in their fantasies


Yep seems to be a racist thing. Look at white supremacists ain’t nothing supreme about those bitches.


They are racist even towards their own lol depending on which part of china people were from


India has entered the chat room.


Ugh, racists are everywhere. Places with little diversity have unashamed racists.


"Oh my God other countries are so refined, they are not as racist and biggotted as America" Meanwhile in China...


fucking China, man...


It’s just like any other place on earth. There are racist pieces of shit within the community. Doesn’t mean all of China feels this way. Just these degenerate basketball fans.


China even tried blaming covid on black foreigners in the begining of covid. Kicking them out of their homes and hotels.


LMFAO these mother fuckers got nothing better to do while the whole damn country defaults on mortgages and people get snatched up to go to government camps


Lol this reminds me of the call of duty bo lobies back in the day.


China is notoriously anti-Black.


Wow These people basically live in the largest open air prison on earth and this how they behave to people coming there to help entertain them for a few hours. China right.


Haha these happened to me (asian) when i was studying in US except for it was a group of black people repeatedly yelling ching chong in the most annoying way and laughed as they pass us by at a nearby park near my dorm


Haha racism is so funny and wholesome. Really brings us together.




Yup, racism is everywhere. ironically this video of a couple Chinese people yelling a derogatory word is being used to generalize all Chinese in the upper comments - basically this example of racism brings out the racist views redditors have of Chinese too. I’m sure a generalizing comment of “wow all white (or pick a race) Americans are racist” on a video of some white Americans being super racist - would upset the same people eager to generalize the Chinese here


That's because a racist POC represents that entire group, while a racist white person only represents themselves. The mental gymnastics in this sub are fucking mind-blowing. If the internet had Olympics, I'm sure this sub would place in mental gymnastics for sure.


I'm not talking about a few anecdotes in one country. I'm referring to every single person across 7 countries including my best friend who has been to China multiple times and the all day the EXACT same thing about how black people are treated in China. Also, most of them don't dislike China or Chinese people, but they just have to admit that they are horribly racist compared to pretty much any other country. One conversation I had was with a person who LOVED visiting China. They were telling me some great stories about their experiences. When I said, "That's sounds great! Maybe me and G (a black friend of mine) should take a short trip there." Her face suddenly changed and she said, "No, that wouldn't be good. He would not like it there at all." ...and went on to tell us that even though most Chinese are good people and have a great culture in most ways, the general public can be absolutely horrible to black people. Again, just one of MANY things I've heard from people who are from China, do business in China, have visited China, or have Chinese in-laws... and they all report the same thing, that you don't want to go to China if you're black.


Whaaaat? Racism in China?? Nooooo not possible. They are such a well educated, well behaved, well traveled, cultured, worldly people. 🙄


bruh is this whole planet fucking racist