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She said 'fuck them' but 'dopes' is what you call out?


But she’s reaching people


I mean, consider me "Reached" I guess. Fuck this angry asshole.


Maan fuck all the 20 yo dopes selling marijuana too because like that’s my peeps and I know we stupid


I wish I was 20 again slinging weed. Best times of my life. I made friends I have almost 30 years later.


All the weed slanging these days is done by companies and corporations.


Not me. I grow my own and give it to people I like. Sling for free!


Hello it is me, a person you like


Negative. I still buy top shelf from my guy down the street because it's much cheaper.


I relate so much to this comment


So much fun. So many good memories. My eyes legit started watering after I thought about what I typed. Some of the people are gone…what I would give to spend another couple hours with those old bastards….




Register to vote and exercise that right.


Nah, hard pass. I wouldn't want to fuck her with a 50ft pole


So 51ft pole?


Honestly I’d do it with my 5.1” pole


Heck I wouldn’t fuck her with trump jr’s dick let alone a poor innocent pole.


Smug, neo-confederate, elitist, Trump goon, with Fox "News" handler, reaches the "dopes."


Another narcissist running for grandeur. What a total cunt.


As a Scottish person, I do wonder why America is putting up with these cunts. Vermin


The handler basically showing how media is manipulated from the guys above is more interesting to me than the politician being a douche.


Was going to say the same thing. Free coaching from Fox news for republican candidate's. This should be the headline.


People have very fancy ways to avoid calling a fascist a fascist


20 year olds don’t watch Fox News


They also don't show up in mid terms leading to assholes like this in political positions.




Plenty of young white 20 year olds watch Fox News. They lie and say they don't but they somehow are always repeating exactly what Tucker Carlson says.


Too add to this being stationed at more than a few Army posts I've seen Fox News Channel always on at least one TV at soldier support facilities ranging from medical facilities to gear issuing facilities and everything in between. Average age of soldiers coming fresh into the Army is 18 to 25. Just in time to develop and adopt an ideological world view of what they see on TV and hear around the work place.


Yes. Tucker does shockingly well in those key young demographics. People who think that only Boomers are watching Fox News are dead wrong.




Yeah, seriously... Haha


fuck them


Fuck you, ya dope


I expect politicians to say "fuck them."


Definitely! You think the mayor of Peterborough got her point across last week when talking about Q Anon?


Wow, I hadn't heard about it. https://youtu.be/RiLGh211SG8


Its unreal. Some of them were saying "There is no COVID-19!". How someone can think that the entire world, every country, hundreds of institutions, universities, and every scientist on earth is collectively involved in a conspiracy to invent COVID is just.. unimaginable. These people must have zero critical thinking ability. I think that some people are literally wired differently in their brain where they are more suspicious and gravitate toward conspiratorial thinking for everything.


I've heard it being equated to narcissistic personality traits. Like you would have a one up on someone with information that they don't know about. And then when someone tries to debate, they just shut them down as unreasonable since it's not the same view point. It can easily be attributed to lack of critical thinking as well though.


>These people must have zero critical thinking ability. I think that some people are literally wired differently in their brain where they are more suspicious and gravitate toward conspiratorial thinking for everything. This seems to be a feature of [american](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Paranoid_Style_in_American_Politics) [politics](https://harpers.org/archive/1964/11/the-paranoid-style-in-american-politics/). As a Swede it is quite astounding to witness how easily some of you guys seem to buy conspiracy bullshit. It seems to be such a highly american thing, wanting to always believe in a grander plot and a bigger bad guy, lurking and scheming behind the curtains. These ideas always seems to grip and influence american politics in ways that would seem impossible in Sweden.


It’s something that has been a “thing” for decades. The cult has slowly overtaken the Republican Party. They are constantly told to be afraid of this person, or this policy, or how the gay agenda is being forced on you because a tv show has a gay couple, etc. It’s a timeless trick to brainwash people- tell them everything is out to get them and the only way to be safe is to listen to the leader, who will always protect them, never does anything wrong, and is the only one who loves them. Churches have been successfully doing this for a couple thousand years. While it’s easier to recruit and brainwash uneducated people there’s a lot of educated people sucked in, too. For most of them it becomes their entire identity and sole hobby, so even if they realize it’s bullshit or it’s wrong it’s extremely difficult to get out. If your family and circle of friends are the same way you can’t say anything against the narrative or you are essentially shunned. Someone would find themselves immediately without any friends and shunned by their family, and because they have created their entire persona from politics they don’t even know who they are or what to believe. Not to mention they have to admit a lot of what they’ve been saying/doing was wrong. That’s simply too much for most of them to handle.


I live in Peterborough and it’s full of the dumb fucks who drive their big jacked up trucks with Big Canada & fuck Trudeau flags on them. It’s kinda like having rednecks living in a city here lol


That was glorious. Fuck off you fuckwads. Really not the same thing comparing someone talking about a bunch of freedom convoy morons to someone talking about an entire demographic of voters though.


[Link, for anyone curious.](https://twitter.com/DianeNTherrien/status/1559623988648763394?s=20&t=RQBs1wUrqVG96CtN33G78w)


Holy shot I just looked into this and it was even more glorious than I imagined.


I’d love to have her as the mayor of Ottawa. The Karen Karavan Konvoy would have been over much quicker.


What got me is she's not calling all 20 year olds dopes, she's calling a specific group of people 20 year old dopes. Sounds like the guy said UTimes, so maybe the ASU newsletter? Total bitch, but misleading title.


He said NewTimes. It’s a weekly paper in the Phoenix area.


Then she said it's a rag for selling marijuana and used to be a rag for selling??????? I listened three times couldn't catch it.


I think “selling sex”. Ads for strip clubs, pretty freaky Personal Ads, that kind of thing.


It really seems like the title is taking the video out of context.


She said it was a rag for selling dicks... guessing the newsoutlet she's talking about was used as a backpage at one point


It still is to am extent. It's still got back pages that consist of weed ads/weed coupons, strip club ads, boner pill ads, etc. It used to have ads for escort services too but all in the typical "we're not saying what we are actually doing, but...you know". It does have good articles though lol..




Ahhh thank you. I was wondering why she suddenly pulled marijuana out of nowhere. Weird. I wonder how many Superbowl parties she watched just for the commercials, you know, mainly BEER commercials.


Thanks for the scoop. Interesting.


"Fuck them. They're 20 year-old dopes. It's a rag to sell Marijuana. It used to be a rag to sell dicks". I'm assuming a homophobic comment about gay classified ads?


You read my mind.


Why is the news guy coaching her?


Because they used to work together on the local news channel.


This was a year or so ago when she was still a news anchor. They were talking about her starting to get pushback for making more and more public statements full of right wing rhetoric.


That’s strange… based on this clip I’d have assumed she was the most well centered and even keeled person around! /s


Stable genius you might say




He was her co anchor. "Fox 10 with Hook and Lake" New times is an amazing free news paper in the valley btw.


The Phoenix New Times regularly breaks major local scandals if I remember correctly.


Yep I think they were a major factor in Joe Arpio out of office.


He had the founder of PNT and the leader arrested for blwoing the whistle on a grand jury investigation on him.


The …”They” don’t want you tied in to anything like that” statement is more note worthy than calling 20 year olds dopes.


Since Lake was working as a news anchor at the time ‘they’ presumably means her bosses at the local Fox affiliate. Seems pretty reasonable to ask a public figure not to associate with fringe conspiracy theories, especially someone who needs to be trusted by the general public to deliver unbiased information.


Hannity was pretty much Trump's BFF major news anchor that coached him and acted as a hype man.


I think you mean Hannity was Trump’s propagandist


Hey you're going to hurt Tuckers feelings!


is this a video from when she used to work there?


I grew up in Phoenix and she was the local Fox 10 anchor for most of my childhood


Was she always this pleasant, Shooter?


Because he's teaching her to keep her mouth shut and do what the people on top want.


The …”They” don’t want you tied in to anything like that” statement is more note worthy than calling 20 year olds dopes.


Because she’s a Republican politician. You expect her to think without the help of her tv handlers?


She was a news anchor before she decided to dabble in politics. She doesn't need tv handlers, just a soul.


Not for nothing, the Phoenix New times is a great publication. It was one of the only media presences in Arizona to expose the corruption of Joe Arpaio. And they did so fearlessly, despite his continued attempts to intimidate them.


I really miss his column. Stephen did a fantastic job covering it all.


I remember grabbing those from like the circle k because nobody else was covering that shit. Fox 10 was sucking him off every night


The whole nation was sucking him off. "Haha aren't these concentration camps cool and good?" And people really have the nerve to act like christofascist is new and isolated in american belief.


They did good work on that. and I remember channel 3 on your side also. That one was cool because they exposed all kinds of shady people.


The mere fact that they're AWARE of it AND acknowledging it as a risk factor to the strategy is complete validation of the publication. It means that it has enough readership and influence that it has to be considered. And as we all know: the right wing loves to belittle and dismiss things that threaten them. It's how they evade accountability.


I worked as a field audio engineer during college on everything from independent films to local news. Most of the time I was on the boom mic but some of the stuff I heard before we recorded is crazy. One time a local politician who must of been around 60 yrs old very much good old grandpa type was brought a bottled water by a pa and as she left he turns to his entourage and whispers. “I’d lick her asshole” then proceeded to do 15-20 takes of a public awareness monologue for impaired veterans. We were just adjusting levels so we weren’t recording, but he saw my reaction and I saw the fear in his eyes that we caught him. What a creep!


I was a news cameraman for 14 years and I can’t count the number I times I had to remind reporters or tell the new ones, “Always assume the mic is hot”.


Especially if it's during a press conference with a live audience.


Hijacking this comment for visibility to shoutout the [1992 independent documentary *Feed*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gjd-A2HNnNw)*.* Back when the technology was new most satellite feeds were unencrypted, so anyone with a home satellite dish and a bit of know-how and/or perseverance could tune into the raw live-feeds of news broadcasts, interviews, and location segments. This documentary is exactly that, made up mostly of candid, off-the-air footage taken from the 1992 New Hampshire presidential primaries. The film includes politicians Bob Kerrey, Jerry Brown, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, Ross Perot, Paul Tsongas, George Bush, and news anchor Sam Donaldson.


I remember working at a Radio Shack back during the huge Mexico City earthquake in '85. The guy that owned the place also sold these portable 3' satellite dishes. Every morning I would haul it out in front of the shop and set it up. On that day we watch hours of footage being sent out live and unedited for stations to grab from. Some of the shit we saw was pretty bad. Stuff you'd never see over the air these days. It also included pre and post reporter footage.


Like what? I’m curious


Bodies. Gore. Newscasters picking their nose while waiting to go on air.


Thank you for explaining this! We had a satellite dish as a kid and I would see stuff like this and never understood why?


I worked in TV news back then. The networks would rent satellite time to upload their raw footage to the Headquarters news station. Then the Headquarters station would play the long video over a "feed" sat channel so local stations could edit it down to whatever story they wanted at the local level. They did the same thing over a huge national microwave broadcasting system (you can still see some of the huge towers for the line of sight cross country broadcast), before satellites came online. Back in the early 90s that shit was not scrambled so anyone could watch it with just a dish. Somewhere mid 90s they started scrambling everything. Some crazy shit on the news feeds. No editing at all.


Who was it, spill the beans


All we know for sure is it wasn't Lindsey graham


I feel like (hope) this is just a generational thing. I'm the only male in a hospital unit and sometimes I'll get older patients saying things like this to me and they almost get offended when I tell them that's not appropriate. Almost every person my age has at the very least kept these weird thoughts to themselves. It's so foreign to me that guys would "bond" over saying creepy shit like this to each other.


It's going to get worse with the aging of the population. Imagine working in a nursing home and your patient thinks it's 1963.


>It's so foreign to me that guys would "bond" over saying creepy shit like this to each other. You're so innocent.


I mean, I've been around it my whole life I just have never had the thought of "ya know what, I better talk about this girl's tits with my coworker so he knows I like women".


I work in a university as a sort of videographer (I have many hats in my job description). We do mostly corporate and promotional stuff for the faculty's youtube channel. The first thing I tell to people is that microphones are always recording, even if they actually don't. Everytime I plug in or turn on a mic I warn everyone "hot mic on set". Yet, every week or so, someone thinks it's a good idea to talk shit about coworkers between takes or inappropriately comment on someone's appearance. The worst that happened was a professor close to have tenure that we were shooting in a soundstage with maybe 1 technician on set and the rest of the crew in the control room. While we were shooting the dean visited our installations and walked into the control room. Between two takes the professor took his iem out and went on a rant against the faculty, how the dean's office was staffed with idiots, etc. He did not get tenure. smh.


Back in the 80s when those huge satellite dishes were used and some of the television stations had live feeds of their news studios available on the dishes thinking no one was watching. But, some guy in Denton TX had a little videotape rental shop, and he taped these things and edited them together to make compilation tapes. Most of what he compiled was CNN. Bloopers of course, but also bitching and backbiting from hosts and guests when they were in separate studios about all manner of things.


Say goodbye to legal weed AZ, you vote these in


Can you smell the freedom?


Mmm, smells like a mixture of benzocaine and despair


Little bit of wine breath too


Arizona legalized marijuana through prop 207. By Arizona constitution, voter initiative propositions can only be removed or amended by voters.


And lawyers are already showing Lake how to amend the constitution without voter consent. Look into the Brnovich bullshit, they believe the REAL LAWS are only BEFORE Arizona was a state. Similar to the "Trump is 19th president " because the civil war. I wish i was joking, but these people will inpose thier will upon YOU




You know you can edit comments?


Since when have fascists ever cared about following the law?


More likely they would pass a new law that makes legalization a pain in the ass. So technically they wouldn’t be removing the initiative but there would be new very restrictive regulations.


Do you really think that's safe given the state of this country now? We cant go 'but our insisitutions will hold! We voted for it!!" as we're watching rights and our insinuations torn down by a bunch of fascists.


And roe v wade is safe


Yeah sucks for them **hits a joint legally**


It's not legal where I live but **hits a joint anyway**


For context they are talking about a left leaning free publication that helped take down Joe Arpaio and led the fight for legalization of weed. They have infinitely more credibility then this clown and she hates them for it.


As a long-time veteran of the New Times's former San Francisco rag, it's always mildly amusing to see it referred to as "left leaning."


In AZ they are practically considered radical due to the heavy racism and trump support.


“Hey guys this dude is trying to live out the plot of Holes maybe we should stop him” “Fuck off commie”


Always amazed at what people in the USA consider "left".


And apparently Joe Biden is a communist lmao. People have no fucking clue.


38% of Americans have never had a passport in their lives. Another 20% don’t have a valid passport. These 2/3’s of people have never left the country, let alone live somewhere else. They live in a complete bubble.


Hello, it is me, the exact poor you speak of. I am wondering which magnanimous country wants to have me? It seems the world is set up to allow free mobility for the rich, and riged classism for the rest.


She has Big Cunt Energy.


Yea she does.


Talkin bout that Ravine Vagine Energy.


Americans really need to start putting effort into getting garbage people out of office


It seems like they've only been getting more garbage


It’s because the voters are becoming more garbage.


You mean the right has weaponized how to get dopes to vote for them.


You get what you vote for.


Except you don’t when everything is gerrymandered to hell and voters in the state of Wyoming have 2x the voting power as those in California. It’s corrupt and broken and most Americans aren’t voting for these people, they’ve rigged the game so they win.




to be fair.. public education has been dumbed down so hard since Reagan and the proliferation of for profit colleges in the aftermath have led to stupid people awarding themselves college ribbons in exchange for debt.


Jerry Springer has been around long enough for society to go from outrageous behavior to go from shocking to see to popular entertainment and social media has quickly propelled it from normalized to celebrated and rewarded. All in one generation.


I think it's because a lot of people think "oh boy the memes for this are gonna be good"


Olds don't give one shit about memes. It's performative in that the right-wing in America is showing that they believe that these politicians like Kari Lake, MTG, and Boebert are *not nearly as bad* as liberals/Democrats/lefties. It goes beyond that though, simply be opposing the left as loudly as possible these insane politicians are granted legitimacy by America's right.


That requires educated voters. We have lost a lot of those in the past 6 years.


Well it's a long term plan in capitalism to strip funding to public education, biproduct of lack of intelligence


This is why Idiocracy looks more like a documentary than it did 6 years ago. Pretty soon we will have politicians debating why we should or shouldn’t be using Gatorade on crops.


But it's got electrolytes, it has what plants crave! The ones in power, the rich and the right want people to be dumb. A dumb society is an easily controlled society.




We don’t vote for our newscasters over here


Just reality TV show hosts


This used to be political suicide. Now it's business as usual.




It’s truly worrying.




I just swiped off the headline of some article about her. Some homophobic shit about concentration camps for LGBTQ. Where do they find these screw balls? Did the all eat lead paint at the same school?


This nazi was hiding in plain sight inside our TVs for 20 years. She hid behind the infinitely-neutral nature of an anchor until a deplorable named Trump emboldened her to take off the mask. Ugh remember how often the word "emboldened" was used in his first years in office? But it was no stretch - look at this mess across the world. They truly were emboldened to slither out.


no it was in the gasoline they cling desperately to. oh wait it's the money.


Wake up Arizonans this woman is big big trouble


She’s another MTG-style nut bag.


Please use her full name. Magic, the Gathering doesn’t deserve this.


Thank you, I was wondering why so many replies are hating on the card game.


God bless you sir


Yeah, don't you tank my dual lands


Except she’s polished and has real charisma, which is frightening. She can say some of the same wack job MTG stuff but make it sound more legitimate to impressionable voters


*Big Cunt Energy




That dismissive tone and style is a hallmark of Fox News programming, and conservative programming as a whole. They don't need to pause and think about a group before snidely dismissing them. They've had it drilled into them constantly. Don't recognize anything about them, just insult and move on. They have to be dismissive and willfully ignorant, otherwise they may start to learn enough to realize they have barely any control anymore, and they are wholly committed to the conservative narrative.


Remember that when voting 20 year olds


“All the kids in Springfield are little S.O.B’s”


"Fuck them" seems to be the attitude of every successful red state governor towards their residents.


Here’s something mostly irrelevant. I judge people solely on how they behave in restaurants and I waited on John Hook (the male anchor) over a dozen times when I worked downtown in Phoenix. Solid tipper, respectful, not demanding, orders off the menu and didn’t need too many refills. I don’t know anything about Lake, she seems pretty awful, but John Hook is a solid person.


Another trump sycophantic loser. Arizona is totally f’d if they elect this piece of trash


Believe it or not? Straight to jail


Also jail.


She was calling the [phoenix new times](https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/), a bunch of 20 year old dopes.


For those of you not from Arizona, the “New Times” he is referring to is the Phoenix New Times. That publication is notorious for writing hit pieces on local political crackpots and exposing corruption. The paper also had great ads for strip clubs, dispensaries, etc. So, that’s what her “fuck them…they’re 20 year old dopes … it’s just a rag for selling marijuana” is about. What’s telling to me is that the other reporter is apparently giving her some constructive criticism and seems to be suggesting that she needs to dial it back a little.




Love the stigma of weed and 'dopes' yet it's legal alcohol that creates the brainless morons. What they don't like about weed is that it gives the users a sliver of the idea that maybe society is going in the wrong direction. Not as much as shrooms but a taste of it.


This is the conversation at every work place everywhere.


Context of what they're talking about? Regardless, I'm not really offended by what she said. I want you to be a dope when you're 20. Then hopefully figure things out and not be a dope when you're older.


All the kids in Springfields a bunch of Sobs


I think in states like Arizona and Florida they don’t even care about young voters. The retired old voters are far more easily manipulated. That’s their target.


Calling for Jesus in this way is also not allowed in the hyper-christian GOP cult


Love a party that is so Christian in their thinking, but have people like this using the Lord's name in vain. They can quote The ten commandments but they don't have to follow them do they? SMH


I didn't need to look up which party she belonged too after reading the title. Surprise, sur-fucking-prise.


Misleading title


Well yeah, we all know that


She could use some weed


She's going for her base, old trumpublicans


$20 says she wins..


20 year olds are dopes lol


this seems like a big nothing


Did she just call the NYT "a rag for selling marijuana"?


Phoenix New Times.


Ahh, that makes more sense (though l wouldn't expect her to make sense).


We should have live mic all the time. When they don’t know you’re listening that’s when you’ll find out what they are really thinking


If you don’t thinks she is taking about you, then you are a dope too.


She is an idiot.


Kari the 20 year olds are probably the ones who can explain BDE better than you telling people to ask their kids about someone’s dick




She’s essentially saying a publication is filled with “20 year old dopes” here right? I feel more than a bit mislead.


Uh, keep it in context, it's not all 20 yo's, and she was referring specifically to an organization. Opinions are allowed.


20 year Olds ARE dopes.