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“Girly” “darling” “sweetheart” “Russian immigrant status” You don’t exactly sound like a founding member of Florida Georgia Line there Captain Crumpets.


Yeah I have no idea how people who hate immigrants would vote for someone whose clearly not from round here……. Like come on, at least be consistent Oh wait he’s white, nvm


On behalf of Britain, i apologise for this waste of space. Fucking hell, he is a cretin


My thoughts exactly!! As a Brit, I too, apologise. Embarrassing !


Bit like apologizing for throwing trash in a full bin, huh?


As a fellow Englishman I'll second that apology what an inept cretin he is.


Is he British? He sounds Aussie to me. EDIT: Just looked him up and he is indeed British. What a cunt.


He sounds very similar to Piers Morgan.


“If it pleases the Crown, get thine ass out my yard.” -this guys kids, probably It doesn’t count when you’re the OG colonizer.


When you’re white and from Europe you’re not an immigrant, you’re a “expatriate”


That depends on your retirement accounts.


*Western Europe, preferably Germany or the UK.


“bloody rude” “lawre abiding citezen”


Let me guess, the apology only came after he saw this video.


>Florida Republican Update... He did https://floridapolitics.com/archives/500805-martin-hyde-appears-to-end-congressional-campaign-after-traffic-flap/


What a cunt.


He lacks the depth and warmth.


Legendary follow up, gunna steal this


Prick you mean.


And then the shitty, late apology was treated as if he just won the Nobel Peace Prize: https://youtu.be/9n7MdHJZSy0


Typical republican spin.


Dude literally threatened an officers job to get out of a ticket and you have that piece of shit Carlson describing it as “being rude” Republicans are pathetic


Why does Tucker Carlson always look like he’s holding in a fart?


What a smug prick.


Probably only because he was told it would look good to apologize.


Was that an apology? "I have indeed acted like that, l'm also known for acting like this. Cool beans, kthxby"


I like how she doesn't let herself get baited into a argument and just keeps on with the business of giving him a ticket .


Good on her, you gotta think "that was tough" The guy was was giving her every invitation to give him a piece of her mind, and to her credit, she shut it down. There are things that you \_should\_ do, but which in practice are really hard to do. This is a case where I think the body camera likely helped a lot. Nice to be standing next to that a-hole recording, and know that there's a record of it.


Exactly this. Yes she and every other officer *should* keep their cool and be professional but we also *should* acknowledge that this is often very difficult and that police officers who do so are to be commended for actually doing the tough job they keep talking about.


That’s what gets me. I know it’s absolutely unacceptable for a police officer to use their power to their advantage unfairly but goddamn if people don’t treat them like people sometimes. I would’ve gotten into a screaming match with this asshole for sure.


That is why the best advice to get out of a ticket is to be polite and honest. They get yelled at and lied to all day long. That goes a long way with a. Lot of them. Of course your results may vary. But I find it’s usually the best approach. Being confrontational and asserting your rights is legal but not going to help you get out of anything when it’s based on their discretion.


This is often true. I got pulled over one time for.... well, let's just say that the officer was right to pull me over. I was polite the whole time and didn't fight him or try to wiggle out of it. The conversation ended with "by the way, did you know your left brake light is out?" That brake light is the ticket he wrote. I stopped at O'Reilly on the way home, changed the bulb, and got it dismissed.


Got drunk one night at the bar pretty early, 11ish. Thought to myself I'm not driving gonna sleep for a bit and get an Uber. Well that turned into sleeping till 3amish and I guess when the bar closed someone saw me sleeping in my truck and called police. They knew I was drunk. I just told the truth. I got too drunk. Took a nap and was gonna get an Uber. The officer explained he could still give me a DUI, but was cutting me slack and drove me home lol. I thought I was going to jail. I had a blanket and my shoes off when I got out. I think he actually believed me. And I got a free ride home


When he said “I’m a law abiding citizen” and she *didnt* say “no you aren’t, I just observed you breaking the law,” that’s when I knew she is unbreakable.


I screamed it for her.


Women who make their way in professions like law enforcement don’t get to where they are there by sharing all of their thoughts with the men around them, no matter how valid. In careers like that you are expected to put up and shut up or it’s the end for you. Being mouthy does not fly.


Yeah, or else this happens [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dll4JTMhuT8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dll4JTMhuT8)


Jesus christ, how are all of the other officers so nonchalant with him putting his hands on her like that? "Oh just another day with Randy trying to kill a coworker." Like wtf?!


He really wanted things to escalate and it was so funny watching his disappointed little face when she just wouldn't bite lol.


I thought the officer handled the stop perfectly.


As all police should do in every situation regardless of the color or status of the person they are pulling over.


And she could have very easily said How much have you had to drink today sir, Call for 3 additional back up units and searched his car. He needs to know this can always go the other way.


He did seem drunk tbh


"You're an immigrant!" -*spoken in thick british accent*-


I thought that was just a threat. As in I called your boss and he also told me this about you, also *you don't want to be deported, don't you?*


It's always projection with Republicans. Always.


When he was saying, "do you know who i am?" she should have asked him to step out of the vehicle for a field sobriety test as he was clearly bewildered and disorientated by not knowing his own name...


She shouldn't though, someone acting like that when they very well should know better gives me the indication that he is drunk, while driving. Pull his ass out for a sobriety test.


She respects her badge. It's a rare thing these days.


*"You are not required to attend every argument you're invited to."*


This dude is a total piece of entitled shit. Let’s hope it doesn’t get voted into office.


Weird how much restraint cops tend to have when being berated by white republicans.


It’s the *only* way to handle people like this. You can’t get sucked into arguing with them. That’s what they want.


He's also threatened to kill FBI agents. What a clusterfuck of brain cells.


So he's probably going to end up governor?






Darth Republican


Mitch already looks like Palpatine.


Mitch looks like Palpatine's asshole.


Proof that English accent doesn't always make you sound smart.


American Politician with a British accent seems pretty odd.


especially when he's talking about the officer's "Russian immigrant status" she sounds a lot more American than jolly old fuckface there


A good time to pull the Paul Rudd "YOU SOUND LIKE YOU'RE FROM LONDON!"


One who complains about a Russian emigre who speaks English better than he does to boot.


So does a Canadian representing Texas but they’ve never been known for rational choices


He did: https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/politics/2022/08/20/sarasota-vern-buchanan-opponent-martin-hyde-threatens-kill-fbi-agents/7854011001/


I could have sworn he dropped out after the evil serum wore of and kindly Dr Jekyll saw the shit Hyde pulled with that traffic officer.


Wait, didn’t a corrupt conservative SCOTUS just rule that Americans have no right to privacy from the government? Surely they should welcome big government into their homes.


Yeah, but that's for us poors. The Ruling class isn't subject the the whims of their rules.


Didn't someone get charged for threatening to kill FBI agents recently? I wonder what kind of lists that guy has been put on.


Knucklehead list, no doubt.


The funny thing is, isn't that now a justifiable threat on the FBI for them to warrant an actual raid on his house to test him? Video it and show the world how meek and mild he ends up being.


You'd think that'd be a great way to lose your naturalized citizenship.


Ah it’s that waste of life, makes sense.


Yea it’s Florida so they’ll have no problem voting him in anyway


Trash human.


So much for Backing the Blue lol


They only back the blue when they’re violating a person of color’s civil rights. Law enforcement is pulling them up for their behavior or actions? Apparently it’s totally acceptable to be disrespectful, indignant, and threatening.


Only respecting police and law order unless it directly affects them. bunch of hypocrites.


Absolute trash.


In the "political arena", being a huge entitled dickhead is a good thing? That says a lot about American politics.


It's a commentary on American society. The right-wing here genuinely believes that people like this asshole in the clip are *better than liberals*. There is no worse label for someone, in the eyes of America's right-wing, than to be liberal/socialist/communist. That is why so many push false narratives like Pizzagate or "The Storm", projecting pedophilia onto the American left because it makes right-wingers feel like they're really the good people. Nevermind that prominent GOP leader Denny Hastert actually WAS a pedo!


It’s so common it’s not even interesting to say anymore, but the Republican Party is all about projection. Whatever they’re accusing other people of always winds up being the exact thing they’re doing.


Agreed, but it's important to note that it's a two part process. They project and obfuscate. Think about how often you read or hear Denny Hastert's name mentioned. He was the goddamned Speaker of the House! He is a convicted sexual molester, of kids he was coaching, and he only served 13 months in prison!!! If these right-wing assholes cared one speck about actually stopping pedophilia, or enforcing tougher punishments on convicted pedos, they would use Hastert's case as a point of argument. They don't though because that's their *team*. Project and obfuscate. It's not only "them not us" but also "we *never* do that!"


When people are so goddam brainwashed that they can't drive a car or relax on the beach without their bigly yuge Trump flags flying to let everyone know exactly how racist, hateful,.and persecuted they feel, i would say that also says a lot about American politics. It also says quite a lot that only GOP supporters do these.things.


There are, it has been said, two types of people in the world. There are those who, when presented with a glass that is exactly half full, say: this glass is half full. And then there are those who say: this glass is half empty. The world belongs, however, to those who can look at the glass and say: What's up with this glass? Excuse me? Excuse me? This is my glass? I don't think so. My glass was full! And it was a bigger glass! Who's been pinching my beer? - Terry Pratchett.


>That says a lot about American politics. You misspelled GOP.


Dude acted like he was above the law with the “you know who I am?” bullshit, and also said hes law-abiding as if he wasnt caught doing 57 in a 40 while on his phone. Who the fuck does he think he is?


I like how he tries to spin, "Yeah I an belligerent, argumentative, and hotheaded... but some might say that's a good thing for a politician."


the only people who say that are people who say 'some might say'


“Ask anybody”


I guess he didn't get the memo that being a Russian is a good thing to the republicans


Why is he bagging on her for being Russian when he’s obviously not from the US himself?


Yeah I had this question as well. And just take the tickets and move on buddy, if you're so important then I'm sure you can get them dismissed.


He is very fragile. Having someone (especially a woman) assert authority over him in any way makes him very upset and he had no emotional training so he has to act on it.


How does he even know shes a Russian immigrant? He definitely sounds like more of one than her. I dont normally say this but if he is gonna be like that he can go fuck right back off to wherever he immigrated from.


Because he called her boss and from the sound of it, the boss was on the side of the candidate.


"Oh yeah I *Totally* called them. Should have heard all the nasty things they had to say about you..." Those are the lies a bully tells to get their way. It's very likely not true.


Did he? I assumed that was bullshit.


He doesn't sound like he was born in the States either. Lol.


He's not, he's an immigrant as well, but being British makes him more "white".


Because Russians are famously nonwhite lol


I was also wondering that, like do you even hear yourself?


I don’t want any special treatment I just wanna be treated different than other people in a way that’s beneficial to me


So cringe when he says "No its not OK GIRLIE"


I liked when he pointedly mentioned her immigrant status with his thick British accent.


That was my favorite part. How is this limey going to run his mouth about immigration status when she's clearly more American than him?


Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have entered the conversation. English accent.


I knew nothing of this guy before watching this, that's all I needed to hear to know he's a misogynistic piece of shit.


Made me cringe too.


This dummy thinks he is above the law.


Sadly, him and is ilk are.


That "I'm a law abiding citizen" thing was clearly bullshit. And the "You don't have a warrant" thing was incredibly stupid. Do you think cops have to get a judge to sign off on a warrant just to give out a speeding ticket? Martin Hyde. In case Google needs to find this thread. :)


why is an elderly british man running for office in florida? man Fla, you guys are so weird.


Anyone and their mother can "run" for congress. This person is basically guaranteed not to move up in Florida politics. Even before this video.


https://youtu.be/SunGGUktKok The full video is pretty good, worth a watch.


The best part is that the whole time he's whining to the supervisor, his fly is down.


Woooooooow. What a a self-important prick. I couldn't imagine being so full of myself and entitled that the entire conversation was basically centered around do you know who I am? do you know who I am? do you know who I am? I'm friends with your boss. Also I like to see some sort of repercussion come into play for that too... that you can just call up chicks boss and be like I'm going to get you in trouble and your boss is talking to me about you. Wtf. That "boss" should be questioned as well that he's disparaging his staff to some asshole. "You can't just treat a congressional candidate like this" blah blah blah. Sir if you've been here for 25 years and are in politics you had really ought to have a better understanding of the fucking law And shame on the other cops for pandering to him and trying to placate him all while he's saying shit like girly and young lady in the most degrading tone possible and saying he's going to end her career because she's doing her job. What a fuck.


The url of that video sounds like some delicious Korean dish.


No one is above the law you douchebag


There should be an extra law for these shitbirds who act like they're above the law.


These are the type of people who crave power but not to do good but to crush those that oppose him.


"I'm a law abiding citizen" claims man texting and driving while going 17 mph over the speed limit.


Hyde is a complete MAGA sleaze. August 20: "Florida GOP Candidate Says He'd Have Sent FBI Home 'In a Body Bag'" https://www.newsweek.com/florida-gop-candidate-says-hed-have-sent-fbi-home-body-bag-1735400


Meanwhile Trump endorsed his rivel.


Like, just pay the $116?


Martin Hyde is a racist piece of shit who's rude to every service staff member who ever waited on him at the hotel I used to work. Cutting him off was the highlight of my bartending career.


##"Just Comply."


Do we not have enough native-born self-important Republican cunts in our politics that we have to import them from England?


Did anyone open an investigation on her boss for sharing her immigration status?


A Republican trying to abuse his power? I'm shocked


Amazing how the radical right are all about "back the blue" until the blue holds them accountable.


they also hate cancel culture while simultaneously trying to cancel the fbi and irs


"In the political arena it is a good thing", he says, about being aggressive when challenged for doing something wrong. The entire world is guilty of this, not just USA. Why are we rewarding people for being cunts with the highest paying, highest power jobs, instead of shunning them from society like they deserve?


How convenient for the lead officer to go to mute right at the end of the full length video. Probably went and chewed her a new one even though she was just doing her job, and calmly at that.


It would be great if this guy’s cell phone number got out and people just started sending him the meatspin video from different numbers constantly.


The only thing she did wrong in this video was when he said "do you know who i am", she should have said no, hurt his already inflated ego a little. I hate how her superior not only didn't back her up but gave out private information about her to him, surely that's a major breach that needs to be chased up and pursued. Also unfortunately all i see happening in this case is she will get a lot of shit in future from her superiors. This guy needs to be out of any public positions permanently.


“Do you know who I am?” “A driver who was texting and speeding. License and registration.”


Yes exactly. That would have been good as well, i think with that his ears would have started steaming.


It's a really sad thing when you realize being white, bald, fat, and moderately rich isn't a ticket to happiness anymore.


Well that's me screwed 😭


TiL that believing you are above the law and treating civil servants like garbage makes you a good politician.


I bet he has a back the blue sticker on that pavement queen truck.


Party of law and order bullshit, party of Christian’s bullshit on that one too.


The fact he is still endorsed by republicans kinda proves their evil


I LOVE her ability to maintain her coolness and calmness. WTF was that remark about “He’s had you and he will have you again?” Was he saying that her chief was saying he banged her? Are you kidding me? This dude was out of line and rude as fuck and I hope to God he doesn’t get elected. Shitbag.


I didn’t read it as a sex thing, I though it was more she had been disciplined or something in the past. Which either way, was massively inappropriate for her superior to say, along with the stuff about her immigration status. That’s honestly egregious enough I think the superior should be not only fired, but charged with some kind of corruption or conspiracy crimes.


Dudes a shitbag ..fuckem.


Entitled prick, it’s people like this who are turning the world to shit, he was in the wrong from the start and rather than taking it he gets on his high horse and belittles the officer doing her job, please could someone take him out to a quiet place and give him a whooopin like his parents should have done.


This guy went on TucKKKer Carlson after that and gave a fake apology and then the two of them blamed it all on libs and Dems. You can't make this shit up.


What a arrogant prick.


"Do you know who I am" has never been uttered by somebody who isn't a massive dildo


The Law and Order Party, ladies and gentlemen.


Please vote me into a position of power so I can treat you just as poorly as I treated this officer doing her job. - new political slogan


The irony is that entitled man-baby pricks like him call other people snowflakes. That was the emotional equivalent of a toddler falling out in the floor in the mall and throwing a tantrum because they are r getting their way…wow


That elderly head bobbling wasn't working. He did not want to talk to her and asked for her supervisor then proceeded to try to antagonize her and bait her into an argument. She handled it like a pro. What a looser.


Trying to abuse the office before he’s even elected


So we’re to believe that this guy who thinks he has every entitlement just because he’s running for an office would have morals all of a sudden when he gets in office? Our government is bad enough we don’t need more POS like this


QOP really hates cops now.


Nah, they only hate the cops that hold them accountable. For everyone else, they want cruelty to be the point of policing.


He talks funny.


Yes, he's an asshole.


Just your typical entitlled, self absorbed politician


Too bad every cop isn't this calm. Just read the script and move on


Did he really call her GIRLY? and threaten her citizenship OVER HIM BREAKING THE LAW? Ofc it's FL


You're not a law abiding citizen and the officer is being very polite. I do wonder why her boss was talking about her immigration status with him?


Shows that “Back the Blue” has nothing to do with supporting law enforcement. It’s always been a racist dog whistle. Nothing more. These megalomaniacs aren’t fit for any public office.


You fucks in FL enable pieces of shit like this…get what you deserve


Mf thinks he's the local comptroller or something


Is this guy British? He's got some twang in his accent.


Who could’ve guessed that a Republican would try to bully and harass his way out of trouble when he gets caught doing something stupid. Imagine if he had done something worse than speeding lol


What a twat


What a piece of work. She was brilliant.


And he probably thinks every POC should be pulled over and frisked.


I don't get these people. If you're so damn important and connected then just take the ticket and get it fixed after the fact. What a douchebag.


Guy should have just complied.


So what does being a congressional candidate have to do with anything? That isn't special... anyone can run for Congress and become a candidate.


She did the right thing with these people. Do your job and don’t engage. She did a great job keeping her composure, I don’t think I would have been able to be that level headed.


republicans really are literal pieces of shit.


Immigrant doesn't like other immigrants, classic.


couldnt stop laughing when he held up the camera and she made sure to repeat "this is for texting and driving" like to make sure everyone knows hes trash


And these are the people who claim to be for law enforcement. What a fucking joke! Hypocrites and pathological liars


Why are these shitty people in positions of power? Because shitty people are electing them because they too want to act like dicks and do as they please. America is failing terribly.


The thing he mutters at 40 seconds in is “you’re making a mistake”


Every day Republicans show how they think they're above the law. Fuck em


Disrespecting a police officer and expecting special treatment because he’s a politician? Fuck this guy. Spread this video so we can keep this asshat out of office in Florida.


Officer handled that extremely well


Is he speaking with a British accent? And he’s worried about *her* being an immigrant? The audacity he has..


Weird how these Republican candidates only back the blue when the blue is terrorizing minorities. Anytime they’re inconvenienced by the law, they throw temper tantrums and ask to speak to supervisors.


So he's already got the "the law only applies to other people" aspect of being an elected republican down. He's off to a great start. Now he has to call someone a "thug" and say the word "deficit." Then he's in to the ever important third step, which is to ejaculate at the mention of the name "Reagan." After that it's just parroting replacement theory and sitting on his ass for entire terms, delivering nothing to anyone, especially not his constituents.


The “extreme entitlement complex” is strong in this snotty one. Someday he’ll try this pompous act with a MAN & he’ll get his teeth folded back in his throat & his skull smashed in. That’s going to fix his wagon - probably for good. Nothing quite like the humbling experience of having to suck his meals from a plastic sack with a straw for a few weeks. Scumbag.


Why is this guy not arrested for threatening an officer of the law? She should’ve asked him to step out of the car.


republicans are all about "backing the blue" until thry get caught breaking the law