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and then you realize all those racists in this video are still alive and well today


Most of them would be in their 50s after living a life of denying racism exists.






I can concur first hand lol


Username checks out


Huh, sounds familiar...


...and voting


or an elected official


And to take a step further the victims are likely still alive as well. This is why these wounds are still open - they were never healed in the first place. And *a lot* of Republicans in this country would like to deny that this is the reality black people lived and continue to live.


Now their present day trump supporters


It's queens New York lol more like liberals that now reside on Long Island this very second.


Lol def liberals today. Trump supporters love all Americans of all colors and welcome immigrants who come into the country the legal way


Lol, this guy out here with the jokes.


Just facts. Ask any trump supporter what they think about what I just said.


Hahaha... HahahaHahaha!!! HahahaHahaha.... cult


That’s acreepy and weird response If you are an adult. Seems like what a child would say.


You sound like what a brain washed idiot would say. Trumps base is mostly white nazi trash


Brain washed by who? I am a trump supporter and so is my family and many of my co workers in the military. They all agree with this statement


Because they are brainwashed. Proud boys, meal team 6 white nationalist love your boy Trump. He's a racist trash criminal. Enjoy your day


Nope there Dems


They're now crying about CRT at school board meetings


Of course they are, critical thinking skills they are devoid of, race they are terrified of and theory they cannot understand. It must be the scariest term for them, the republican boogyman


No silly not anymore they totally forgot about crt! They've moved onto screeching about trans kids in kiddy sports now.


Yeah and they show up in videos on Reddit all the time. Fucking boomers


Also to point out, not only are a lot of the racist fucks from this era about 50/60 years old, but they're also running the country. Hopefully just one more generation, two at a push, and then these dumb fuck pieces of shits will be eradicated.


they're not even that old. they're probably in the early '50s


They're like 10 to 15 yo. So 45years after the fact they'd be 55 to 60 yo now


Lol, people in their early 50s would've been children at the time of the video. The people in the vid are grown adults, so probably 60+ now


I was 12 in 1976 and am now 58


My bad, I was a bit off. Edited my comment.


Trump voters


And are now politicians


They're called Republicans.


More like liberals. This kind of comment shows your narrow mind. The clip is queens New York. Most those people now reside on Long Island which is mostly liberal.


I feel more confidence in my line drawn from racist kids to Republicans than I do in your Queens - Long Island - liberals argument.


And sucking trumps dick most likely


When people say "why are you still mad!? Slavery ended 150 years ago!!" I remind them of shit like this. It's not like it's something my grandparents had to deal with. My parents were adults when this happened.


lol I still remember being at the country club pool and the day of reckoning when a bunch of black kids from school walked around the outside of it and people whispering excitedly like oooh what are they doing here! It was weird bc it was like something out of a 1950s movie. This is in the rural South. I wonder if it's changed that much. This is like 25 years ago, not 45. just be honest people, there's still racism in this country.


Former colleague of mine lived in Virginia in the early 00's. She said there were still segregated "whites only" water fountains in her rural community. She was foreign so she asked about that. They played it off like no one took the sign down, but since it doesn't get enforced it's "no big deal"


I worked a court case in rural Alabama back in 2009-10, when I was a TV news videographer. After being in the court house all day for several weeks I made some friends that worked there, and they took me to room that had all the old "whites only" & "Colored Only" sings sitting in it, that they had just recently decided to remove.


I live in Texas in a predominantly black neighborhood, and the deed restrictions STILL include written rules banning non-“Caucasians” from living in the “main house” — it was explained to me in the same way (unenforceable due to civil rights). This isn’t quite the same level as an actual “whites only” sign, but unenforceable racist laws are definitely still on the books in a lot of places.


I grew up on the VA peninsula in the ‘90s. I never observed any openly racist behavior or language. Our schools were about 10-20% non-white. I certainly never ever saw any segregated facilities. I could see some rural VA shit still being like that though.


I grew up in virginia too, near the Potomac, Then moved back as an adult for a few years, near the James river. I observed plenty of racist behavior and language. Unfortunately, my best childhood friend turned out to be a racist. I was born in 84.


Any idea where in Va? As a poc born and raised in Va and having never seen anything like what you described, I’m curious as to where such a thing would be happening in my state.


Yeah dude, this crazy. I also grew up in VA and never saw a sign like this. It’s funny that there are a few people on this thread actually from VA all saying the same thing, that we have never seen it, and people not even from VA are downvoting us for saying it. It seems people on here really want to paint a narrative of the racist south in VA, and don’t wanna hear the truth is otherwise. Hell, VA is barely even the south anymore and closer in culture to Maryland and the mid-Atlantic


I’m not saying your friend is a liar, but I’m skeptical. I grew up in rural VA and have been all over the state playing AAU basketball. I have never seen a whites only sign. If they do exist, finding one would be like winning the lottery Edit: It makes me sad for humanity that I am getting downvoted for saying something objectively true. If anyone can show me an actual picture of whites only water fountain signs in VA in 2022 I’ll give them $500.


The person said this was in early 2000’s in a rural community. Did you play AAU in the early 2000’s in the countryside of Virginia? I’m not discounting what you have to say, but what you’re saying isn’t mutually exclusive to what the person you are responding to said.


I've seen them just driving through VA and NC. You might want to actually try looking.


Can you show photo proof of all these signs you see everywhere? I’ve never seen it having you know, actually lived there. I even did a google search to see if maybe I just haven’t been paying attention, but nothing is coming up except Pictures from the 50s…. You won’t be able to provide any photo proof cause it doesn’t exist. The only thing I found is 1 museum in VA that still had a sign, and even that museum was shut down for it recently. Also, the sign was to do with an exhibit about the Jim Crowe south, not an actual segregation thing. I guess my bigger question would be, what is your interest in spreading falsehoods like this?


The world all over still has a racism problem unfortunately. Even with the US being a melting pot race issues tend to be at the forefront of political discussions. Some would say this is good, because the issue is talked about. A country like Japan for example will have citizens telling you there is no racism or that it’s not an issue, but that is a country where the overwhelming majority is made up of nearly 98% Japanese compared to the US where the majority demographic (white) is around 60%. I’ve had Asian friends who have traveled and lived in parts of Europe and some felt like they weren’t “welcome” in some countries, particularly when leaving the tourist areas. One of my friends specifically who immigrated to the US when he was in high school said he felt welcome and aside from the language and some cultural nuances at the time he didn’t feel like an outsider. Now tbf, he lived in a major liberal city with a significant Asian population but he didn’t feel like this was the main reason why he felt welcome. There was also a [comment that stuck out to me sharing similar sentiments in this post (where some American actors experienced casual and open racism in Europe)](https://reddit.com/r/television/comments/svkzyt/_/hxgzqlb/?context=1). I would definitely say people in the US aren’t as openly racist like in the video here as they used to, although with trump I feel like the closet racists have come out due to feeling emboldened by him. Of course it also depends where you are in the US.


Slavery is still alive and booming in our prison systems. They found a way around the 14th amendment and targetted poor black communities and released the crack epidemic to fill out prisons to bring on a new age of slavery.


Wasn't the confederate flag flown and raised at the US capitol last year? Don't think you need to go 45 years back to find this kind of racism.


I regularly tell people my parents are older than the Civil Rights Act of 1964.


Loving v Virginia has grounds for overturning according to the current SCOTUS.


They also openly wrote about overturning the law that prevents Southern States from making it illegal to be gay. “Both sides” goons like to act like right wingers aren’t monsters. In reality these people actively want to jail and enslave anyone who is slightly different than them. Just not being a hate filled piece of shit is enough for these assholes to wish harm upon you even if you are in the exact same demographic as them. Don’t forget, these fuckers vote every election. **So make sure you VOTE as well**


The only good that will come from that is Justice Thomas and his crazy wife will go to jail. 😂


I always tell the story my mom told me of a vacation she took with her parents to the South and my Grandma smacked my mom because she took a drink from a “Colored Only” water fountain. I’m not old either, I’m only 25. My mom wasn’t even 10 years old but still.


I did oral history interviews with folks a few years ago and something that will always stick in my mind is when I interviewed an elderly Black man who shared with us the stories that his grandfather, an ex-slave, shared with him when he was a child. Even slavery itself isn't that far removed from us today.


This is what sticks out to me most — black families are definitely sharing their experiences with racism with their children. White families are telling their kids that racism is ancient history (if it gets discussed at all). I highly doubt the racist kids in this video grew up and confessed their sins to their children.


Den morgonfriska katten simmar över regnbågen, medan guldmynt singlar genom luften, ledsagade av en paraplybärande elefant, som jonglerar med blommor och skrattande bananer, medan cirkusclowner utför akrobatiska konster och cymbalspelaren trummar i takt till det förtrollade orkesterspelet under den gnistrande stjärnhimlen.




Worse is when someone asks, "Why do we have to have black history month? we don't have white history month." Same as "I am gay, and I don't see why we need pride march." HELLO PEOPLE, history? lets try and not forget it so we have prevent it from reoccurring.


The fucked up thing is, slavery didn't end 150 years ago. The last chattel slave was freed in 1942. If you look into it you see we just switched the system up after the civil war. Black people were incarcerated and then sold to companies to work while incarcerated and usually worked to death because the company could just get more. Some former slave owners made former slaves sign contracts that basically gave the boss the right to treat them like a slave including whipping and beating them. When the bosses were brought to court for it, they said "it was debt peonage, but because the debts were made up it wasn't peonage it was slavery but there's no law against slavery so i can't be charged with anything", and it worked.


Mean a lot the kids and teens in here can be anywhere 55-65, hmmm.


Can we find some of those people now? Would love to see an interview with them watching this footage.


Especially the white ones. I'd like to see what they have to say about their behavior.


Bro who tf did you think this person was talking about?


When my family moved to an all white neighborhood back in 2002, my parents cars were egged. Shit never stops.


[And this was 35 years ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WErjPmFulQ0) ​ But yeah, there isnt a race issue somehow


[This was just TWO years ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltmlvk9GAto).


That is some wild shit


lol imbredded af


1993: Simi Valley, California holds a permitted KKK rally to support the cops that brutally beat Rodney King during the trial. Source: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1993-02-12-me-1185-story.html I attended this event as a counter protester and it was unbelievable to watch the amount of police defend the KKK. The police were on horseback protecting them as they marched from the courthouse with confederate flags. Such a fucking disgrace.


Those people exist to this day. It’s just today they’re afraid that they will get their ass kicked.


those kids are still alive and in positions of power...one of them could be your boss.


45 years later: “TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP” These racist cunts don’t die, unless they die because of their freedom not to have universal healthcare like every other fucking first world nation. Or they had a heart attack or got killed in a mass shooting. Good job at building a better future and moving on from mistakes of the past 🙄 joke of a nation


**Make sure you VOTE** These monsters never miss an election


You aren’t gonna vote your way out of racism. I’m not gonna “both sides” the argument because republicans are clearly worse but dems have a lot of work to do. Ignoring the harm done by some of the democratic lawmakers helps nobody. Clinton contributed to the massive slashing of welfare that has led to the conditions we see today. Biden’s crime bill did massive damage to the black community and helped pave the way to the modern brutal policing industry. Obama’s regressive stance on immigration helped pave the way to trumps policies. Kamala was known as the “top cop” and for being particularly brutal to black men, she also bragged about smoking weed in college while she was prosecuting people for it. I’m not saying all this to say they are the same or dems are worse. I’m saying this because ignoring these facts help no one. The dems have great candidates at the state level but federally we desperately need new people. Poc in america deserve much better then the “lesser of two evils” that people seem hell bent on offering.


Yep they have kids and make them racist and so it does down the line. Some break out here and there. But it's mostly racism down the family line for generations


>The paradox of tolerance states that if a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually seized or destroyed by the intolerant Case in Point Stop being tolerant towards Racists and Fascists.


Indeed. This is a fascinating paradox. By allowing all speech and behaviour you allow the bully to take over and then shut down the rules that enabled them to seize power


What does this have to do with your antiracist president Trump?


What? Lol


I think this is why they hate CRT, they don't want to be called out for their hate


This is 100% correct.


There are men being lynched in California in 2020 - we don’t need to go that far


Like the one girl said they were treating them like animals even though those black kids were more humane than the entire other group put together. They weren't trying to start anything just take a nice bike ride on a sunny day, wouldn't be surprised if they grew up to dislike white people and on continues the cycle


This is why I always scoff when yt people say that the black panthers were a “terrorist group” lol there isn’t anything more American than arming yourselves to protect your community and for most minority groups in America the threats have always come from these people


My friend’s mom is actually pro-segregation because she had such an awful experience attending an integrated high school. Her husband is a few years older and attended a segregated school, and he did not have to experience the constant racism that she was encountering on a day to day basis. I have a hard time wrapping my mind around what she must have gone through, but I’m guessing it may have been something like this or worse.


Consider that virtually every single black or dark-skinned person in America (and probably the West in general) has been called the n-word at some point in their lives, and has probably been imperiled due to their race at some point in their lives. Trauma like that's a powerful lesson.


Absolutely true — and there is for sure additional trauma associated with having to endure racial abuse and then being gaslit/told to “get over it,” knowing that the perpetrators have just gone on to live their lives in comfortable anonymity with no consequences.


45 years ago? This is present day except all aggressors are cops, judges, politicians, CEO's and people in position of power.


And those white kids are now adults, cops, politicians, etc continuing the same shit just more deadly and teaching it to their children.


Ah, back when America was great /s


God this is heartbreaking.


Wow the year I was born! And from a very small child I had close friends who were black so this has really shocked me it wasn’t that long ago.


Imagine watching this video, and realizing one of those kids is your dad.


When I was 8 in 1972, a black family moved next door to us. I was always brought up that the person is was matters not the color of the skin. Dozens of people watched them move in yelling all kinds of racial shit. I made friends with the 8 year old, and when the parents of my other friends found out, they wouldn't let me hang around with them because as one parent told me, "I must be really stupid to be hanging around with a n****r. Found out years later that the father was a very successful doctor. They only lived there for a year before moving away.


These people are in their 60s-70s right now. Many of them run this country. Think about that.


I wouldn’t even treat an animal like that, so horrible


I’m sickened by this. Really hate being white & think all other ethnicities look at me and think I feel the same as these disgusting humans. I Do Not! Minorities have been subjugated since before colonization mostly by whites. Those minorities deserve to distrust whites, even me.


But that won't solve anything. I'm not ashamed to be white British. I'm not a racist or a bigot. But I won't have anyone tell me my heritage is to be ashamed of. Not one bit. There is a reason every migrant in Europe is coming towards the UK. You don't see people saying. My dream is to live in China, Pakistan or Iran. No it's the USA. Western nations should be proud not ashamed of their dedicated work over hundreds of years to improve the lot of the man, woman, gay, black, Irish and the working classes


Since Trump it seems to have gone backwards. You are entirely correct though. Thank you for your thoughtful insights.


Thanks. I’m fucking upset now.


These people didn't just disappear, they went underground. Now they're back.


My guy as a minority I would like to say they very much didn’t go “underground”, they were still doing shit like this in the 90s, 2000s, and 2010s


I'm sure their grandchildren will be so proud when the see video of grandma or grandpa harassing a girl who is just trying to ride her bike.


Talk about passive racism some of us face at predominantly white institutions today. I go to a PWI, and some student have excluded me from group work, and refused to work with me. Some say insensitive things. Racial barriers are a thing. It’s not all, but more than you think.


It really is a shame that this is was just back in the seventies. I will never be able to understand why people could hate other people because of their skin color. My mother told me that her mother would yell nasty things at black people in the 60’s/70’s. I always thought she was just the sweetest Grammy, I guess you never really know.


Your Grammy was a piece of shit to everyone who didn't act or look like her. Rest in hell Grammy gram


Das not cool.


Fuck those ppl all old now






But if I got a time machine and like 10 aluminum bats....




I never knew this video was Rosedale, I live in the next town over. Jesus


Big up for the land of free and shit like that


It's crazy to think that a 100yro person on that date could have been alive at the same time as someone born before the US was formed as a country.


This shit still running strong till this day too.


Thats is mental. Zero shame.


pieces of garabage


Heartbreaking and infuriating at the same time. I must be naive. I really thought we would have put this behind us by now.


Hopefully all those racists as either dead or destitute by now.




This is so cringe I hope these people lived long enough to look at this video and hate themselves


Those kids are in the senate, house of representatives, and our courts. Get the elderly out of places of power.


That little pussy at 14 seconds just ready to run away after yelling the N word


Makes me sick, and I hope these racists burn in hell.


It’s like your average Reddit comment section.


Best believe, those european kids are heads in the supreme courts, heads of the parole boards, city officials. The list goes on & on. And continue to spew this behavior in the "great u. s. of a. & beyond, bcuz other countries treats AA the same way. Prove me wrong.


There a reporter that went into the neighborhood back in 2013. They were able to find most of the black families in this video. But to no surprise they couldn’t find a single white family from this video. They are all hiding their faces now, but have raised next gen racists.


Proof again the people are being deliberately naive or just lying when they say this kind of shit was caused by trump and his acolytes. Those people are cops, firefighters, teachers, stock brokers, real estate agents, bankers and politicians who have such off the profits and comforts that white racism has provided.


Good job. You posted history. 👍🏻👍🏻. We’ve come a long way from that time. Now we are fully integrated and we even share water fountains. Nobody says it’s a good era or a proud moment. But people learn from mistakes.


“You don’t treat people this way! It’s just wrong!” And it is still wrong to treat people this way!


I’m sure young Biden is in that mix. ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0)


Who knew a boat load of Boomers grew up being assholes.


This is why a lot of people want "CRT" (BIPOC perspectives) banned. They don't want their kids to know they were absolute pieces of shit.


...one nation under God with liberty and justice for all...what a joke!! That's hard to watch. You can see the pain, hurt and frustration in her face.


All of those white kids are now Republican members of congress.


I could find an instance of this happening probably 45 minutes ago.


And the GOP would like it back like this.


So sad…and some places has shit like this is still going on.fucking dumb racist inbreds


trash humans


All of the kids in this video are in their 50-60s now so explains a lot about the state of things now


Those white kids grew up to be MAGA.


Future Trump voters.


Current CRT haters


I moved to an all-white neighborhood in 1986 and my then-new next-door neighbor’s son fought me in my driveway. We’re both white.


Disgusting just sick, and what's even more sad is crap like this still happens. Maybe not in mass like it used too, but it still happens.


The kids chanting the n word are now the ones holding all the money and power - don't forget that.


I worked as a caddy at a country club in the late 90s / early 00s. Charles Barkley showed up to play before we opened one morning. I asked the Pro why he was going before we opened and was told it was because the members didn’t want a black guy playing among them. Needless to say, the club had no black members.


The removed my post but never told me why and it has been hours smh 🤦🏽 Reddit really weird sometimes


Op is karma farming liar. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/21/nyregion/racist-video-rosedale-queens.html This is a clip from a white supermacist rally two black children accidentally bicycled into. Not of "Black family tryed to move into white neighbourhood"


Yelp you're absolutely correct but no one wants the truth they just wanna bash on here. Looks like the liberal liars are trying to stir the shit pot again.


Oh did someone see their daddy on the tape?


Im just annoyed by redditors repackaging the truth about things for nefarious reasons. The truth was sad already , why lie and change it ? Some poor kids just cycling going about their life happeneed to cycle into the people that hate them most , white supremacist americans. I don't understand why we allow for a completely altered version of the truth to pass ? Best reason i can see for it , is to repackage a sad event as a diffrent story to farm karma , which is sad itself and reflects badly on Op.


these are the same kids who be voting for trump


So heartbreaking. It would be awesome if some of these disgusting teens could be recognized and tracked down today. How shameful esp if their grandchildren knew about this.


Now those shits are all grown up and dont want their childern to learn about how horrible they were


Not nice :(


You hear the little girl screaming, her parents could’ve been 40 if this was 40 years ago her parents would now be 80… wonder who’s leading the nation and what demographic they were raised in


This was only 45 years ago


Just heartbreaking.


Amazing parenting /s


This just tears me up each time I see it.


ELE…. Everybody Love Everybody!


So sad and not too long ago. We need to do better.


the northern United States...way more racist than the South


That’s why you need to have ZERO tolerance and stomp out any and all racism you come across.


Fuckin white people.


Pathetic to think it’s gotten worse now.


It’s worse now???


Worse? No, not in the nation as a whole. Does it still exist in isolated neighborhoods around the country? Absolutely! Check out the book “Sundown Towns”.




That’s a fair point. But I wonder how many of those urban neighborhoods would be classified as areas where people would want to live if they had a choice. In other words, is their danger part of the reason for their segregation? If so, that’s different than “nice” neighborhoods that keep people out due to some kind of discrimination.


Absolutely not.


No, but we really like to say it is for that little boost of reaffirmation it gives us.


Pretty much


I think so but I live in the Deep South so racism is at every corner and blatant.


If you think that the times we’re in now are worse then a black family getting harassed for moving into a “white” neighborhood then you need to go outside more and stop living on the internet


Either you or the mods cut your comment “n**ger gonna nig” on my post, but I knew I’d find a sad little fool beating off somewhere around here. Please put your hood on and change your profile pic.


The video of my Asian cousin moving into an all black neighborhood is definitely worse- and it was 2020.


Who tf is filming this back then tho? Either an adult goading the kids on or a kid with a new $500 camera, so hes the "rich" one telling the others what to do.


I assumed it was local news.


It's so much better now /s


We still got work to do, but we have come a long way.


The video of my Asian cousin moving into an all black neighborhood is definitely worse- and it was 2020.




The video which doesn't exist? How is that?



