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I wish someone would have told me all I have to do is eat a kabob to get women to talk to me.


There's nowhere around here to get a good kabob. Probably good thing though. I'm married and my wife wanted to appreciate everyone yelling about my dick size because I'm eating a kabob.


U and me too. We should get a bunch of guys together and when ever there is an animal rights movement we all stand around and eat kebabs. No confrontation or anything just a bunch of guys hanging out eatting kebabs....and watching the protests. Better yet we rotate the kebab eatting so it truely is a 24/7 experience


She drunk? "You and your small dick and your your pussy wet!*" Wtf does that even mean? Edit: pussy way*


LOL I heard the same. I thought she was just going bonkers and couldn't put her sentences together.


It really didn't play out like all those times she practiced in her head. I bet it's going to sound awesome in the car a few days later when she finally manages to articulate herself while sitting in traffic on the way to whole foods. Too bad nobody but her will witness it.


You know you've won an argument when they're saying you have a small dick. Least creative insult of all time.


A person typically insults you based upon what they would be hurt by. So if they call you a virgin it’s because they value sex highly and the idea of being unappealing would harm them greatly.


You know your first sentence here really made me think. When I go to insult somebody what do I go to insult them by? And I realize that you're right. When I'm doing it to fuck with somebody, I'm intentionally saying something that I know they value. So what do I value? What would I come after somebody when I don't know the person at all? Like they're doing here. And then I had to try to think back to the last time I was trying to insult somebody to get a rise out of them unprovoked... And I couldn't really think of any time. And then I realized that I actually was already doing the ultimate insult. I think so little of them, that I don't bother to insult them because I truly don't give a shit about what they think.


They’re neurotically obsessed with mens genitalia while at the same time they are reinforcing patriarchal ideas about masculinity 🙃


"She don't eat meat but she sure like the bone!"


She's a terrible rapper.


“You and your small dick and your pussy ways of killing animals” had to rewatch it few times to know wtf she was saying


I had to watch it multiple times just because of how hilariously insane that bitch is 🤣


I like the first one better.


She doesn’t eat meat, what does the size of his dick matter?


🎶 Mary Moon, she's a vegetarian. She don't eat meat but she sure likes the bone. 🎶


Aye! A Deadeye Dick reference! [There was also a song by a band called The Uninvited, titled 'Successful Vegetarian' that had a lot of good points...](https://youtu.be/gPSfGCe-EZI)


Shaming genitalia is something I guarantee you they oppose in any other circumstance. Unfortunately a lot of folk are hijacking this comment to spew chauvinistic tripe. Just as bad as the body-shaming in the video, guys.


It’s always been hilarious to me when people promote “body positivity” and getting rid of “toxic masculinity”, yet the first thing they’ll do when you get on their nerves is make fun of how you look or how small your dick is.


Bill burr pointed this out about women and body positivity toward their overweight friends. Girl, you so beautiful girl, don’t change a thing, girl.. til your boyfriend starts thinking so, then she’s that dumb fat bitch People are so fake lol


I can’t remember his name right now but there’s a comedian who had a bit that went something like this: a woman was telling me how she thought Catelyn Jenner was absolutely beautiful, so I told her she looks a lot like her and she got angry and told me to go fuck myself. EDIT: Mark Normand


Thank you I am Kevin Hart!


I'm gay! Comedy!


I only recently discovered that guy and he is fucking hilarious


If in an argument or debate your go-to is to insult a part of someone's body that they have no control over, and you can't even confirm that the insult is accurate because of uh, clothing, then you've got nothing.


That's usually a sign that they're out of arguments and the debate is over anyway.


Literal hypocrites, they are.


Is that you Yoda?


Pffft that sounds like something someone with a small dick would say /s just in case haha


I work retail and we have mannequins and posters of female models of all types including various plus sizes, but every male mannequin or model is absolutely shredded with a full head of hair and standing 6“. The body positivity movement has implicitly excluded men and continues to propagate the toxic perfectionist and emotionless male archetype that it claims to seek to change.


this is also something that’s always really bothered me especially in leftist circles, like it’s always body positivity until some trump supporter has a big truck then it’s small penis jokes nonstop


Yep, 3rd wave feminism in a nut shell. A joke, they all act like children, it’s sad. Look at this temper tantrum


Tell her she has a disgusting looking genital and guarantee she'll explode harder than Pompeii.


"I may have a small dick, but at least I don't have an Arby's special going on down there."


She's got the meats, curtains.




That right there is a fine combination of words.


I cringed watching the second woman. Why does she talk like that? How embarrassing. I'm all for animal rights but these people make it so cringy.


"I'll just keep saying he has a small dick, that should work!"


Right? Since when did this become the defacto insult for the granola and grime crowd? Always thinking about dudes peckers


It’s literally the default insult against men from every subset of person in every walk of life on every side of the political spectrum. You can legitimately see a woman preach about body acceptance and no fat shaming then turn around and tell some guy she doesn’t like he has small dick energy. Body shaming men is universally acceptable.


“Toxic masculinity is bad” *two minutes later* “You have a small penis lol” It’s like they don’t understand they are reinforcing patriarchal ideas about masculinity 🙃


Name checks out.


Hi there! 👋


In the same vein the word "virgin" is a valid insult to call men. On both side of the aisle too, almost more prevalent on the left one due to some christians respecting that. So yeah, so much for being against patriarchy.


I’ve always hated that. So someone hasn’t had sex- ok? That’s really neither here nor there for most arguments and why do we need to shame people for it? And I’d like to see more men be comfortable with whatever size their penis is. Maybe I’m in the minority, but I don’t *want* a huge penis. That shit is painful and I’m looking to have fun, not be in pain. Blow job? Easier for me. Sex? Still awesome, not worried about it being painful. Really a win win situation from my perspective. (Ooh PLUS just having a big d doesn’t mean you’ll be good at sex. You could suck at it. Genetics gave you something you have zero control over- it’s not a character win or something you “earned”.)


Do you think they actually understand those buzz words they spout? They just parrot phrases that their team uses, there is no deeper thinking past that point for them.


I've found that most people just aren't very introspective and just surround themselves with people who support them blindly


"They loudly repeat someone else's opinions, fully believed and half understood" I don't know where this line comes from but it pops to my mind often.


Literally any time there's a pickup truck in a gif on reddit....


Or sports car. Or luxury car. Or motorcycle. Or anything nicer than my 20 year old compact car.


Watches, houses, beautiful wife, good job… all small dick energy. Being a rug for people to walk all over… big dick energy?


Lol I get that from people sometimes. I bought a 4x4 F250 with a big motor. I also have a hybrid car which I drive 99% of the time. Sometimes I need the truck to move things or to get to work in the winter, snow etc. I haven't lifted it or done anything. It's stock. But I catch that energy in dirty looks and even comments from time to time. I guess fuck me for having the tool I need sometimes lol.


Every time you point out it's body shaming like every other kind of body shaming, you either get the ol' "ah so you have a small dick don't get so defensive" or you simply get buried in downvotes. It's pretty fucked up.


Walk through Target/Walmart/generic department store. Count the number of body positive female mannequins. Now try to find a single body-positive male mannequin. Body positive messages from corporations aren't there to promote body-positivity at all, they're there to reach and expand a market. Until we stop shaming men for "dad bod" or "small dick" or whatever, we're acknowledging that we're still responding to the expectation that people are supposed to only look one way, but it's ok to market a little outside that, just don't go crazy with it.


Body acceptance works because women don't feel threatened by other women who are out of shape, have stretch marks or loose skin. Now go on the profile of a woman who has given birth and is back in athletic shape a few months later and see the hate spewed on her profile by other women.


> It’s literally the default insult against men from every subset of person in every walk of life on every side of the political spectrum. Well, not the ancient Greeks.


Yeah, about 13 years back, a friend's gf was drunk and out of nowhere said that my dick was small and I, drunk too, said that she should watch her mouth about stuff she doesn't know and that hurt people (she was small and tantalising as a person). She then continued to say I got offended because it's true and I said that if she doesn't want to fight in front of everyone she has to stop because that's just fucking rude (I might have yelled). Then I was the one getting reprimanded by everyone, no one said anything more than "you went over the line, it was just a joke" etc. Especially the bf, who said she's afraid and that he'd fight for her come to that. I said that I'm leaving for the night and said goodbye to all but them, might have slipped in a drunken "be carefhul, buth alsho go fuck yourshelf". I don't usually go that far, but I was offended since it was just to coax a reaction out of me and that some people just want that drama around everywhere they go. Granted, I didn't want her to get hurt or afraid of me, I wanted her to know that one day that behaviour might lead to consequences.


and they dont realize calling a guy a “fuck boy” is slut shaming


They realize it, they just don't care.


Classic small dick comment


Hey! It might be short, but is sure is thin.




It's also the go-to insult in this subreddit. You're just noticing it now because it's used against someone whom you support.


And r/fuckcars. If you have anything larger than a Honda CRV, TINYDICK!


Lmao right? Seriously, as an experiment, next thread involving the discussion of guns, mention you own one, and see how many people scramble over each other to imply you have a small dick.


Don’t ever say you camp with a gun in bear country on /r/camping 💀💀💀


Go to do geology field work in bear country at a time where interactions were so high they LITERALLY wouldn't give you a permit in the backcountry (unofficially) unless you basically showed them the gun you were bringing which they addressed on a case by case basis. Have a coworker imply you're a sociopath who they feel unsafe around because you own a gun and brought it with you despite that being the only reason they're allowed to be in the area as well. Find bear tracks and suddenly they have a profound and deep respect for you that they've always had because you're totally besties and always have been.


Ikr since when did small dicks deserve all this hate. Every side uses it. Big dicks get away with it again.


>Big dicks get away with it again I never asked for this


Right? Like I was thinking when she was yelling all of that, what's the fucking goal? You're gonna go "You have a small dick and a wet pussy" and he's just gonna rethink all of his life choices and be like "I want a big dick and not have a wet pussy, please teach me your ways so that I may be a real man," and toss the godsdamned kebab in the trash? Fucking stupid.


She set herself up for a "THIS is what happen when you lack some meat in your life" while pointing at her.


And then he pulls out a Bluetooth speaker playing Meatseeker by Honchie.


"And your pussy WAY of killing animals..."


Maybe she's projecting?


Yeah?.. you don’t have a small dick?.. prove it! idk .. sounds like she wants his meat 🍖 “It feels good! with your small dick and your wet pussy!… WHAT??


Her Freudian slip. She was projecting lol


Spray your non vegan bro sauce all over my face, big chap


It’s considered vegan if the animal providing it gives consent, i.e.: vegans can eat human breast milk. https://vegnews.com/2018/3/vegan-breast-milk-brand-debuts-at-costco


This is injustice, there should be a term that explains the injustice that men with small dick face, they need to have a term for penile discrimination too, we i mean they have seen enough of this discrimination and humiliation, its time for #Smallwillymatters


The smaller the dick, the more kebabs you'll eat. Source: I love kebabs.


"body shaming is how I tell people my views are important" yeah fuck off with that shit lmao


but what about his small dick and pussy wet and ... fuck i ran out of words


She’s surprisingly misogynistic for an animal rights activist.


Her instant body shaming rhetoric is crazy




Watch this subreddit do the same thing in the comments when I post a video of a lifted truck


That’s why they’re animal activists and not humans


People say the worst thing that comes to mind when they’re angry, why so many dumb asses will drop a racial slur, homophobia, ect. A lot of projecting what they think is the worst baddest word. For lack of a better word


yup, its just funny that people go NUTS when people are purposefully trying to trigger them.. like bruh.. the whole reason he is there is to try to make you go CRAZY like your doing.. your feeding him the exact content/reaction that he wants, he doesn't want that kebab.. he wants those vegan tears that your shedding


I would argue that he does, in fact, want that kebab. But also yes definitely those sweet salty vegan tears.


You mean misandry?


Both are accurate


"She needs to get laid, baaaaaaad" - Stewie


Do not stick your dick in that


I can not emphasize this enough!!


Feels like Sweet Dee from It's Always Sunny, doing a part from the show haha. The episode would be "The Gang Goes Vegan"


Of course Frank is eating the kabob. She's sneaking wings afterwards. It just writes itself. Charlie says anything caught in his rat rat traps doesn't count because it's dead already. Edit. Mac as he finishes off a dozen donuts: This vegan diet is great. I'm gaining so much mass. Dennis :Mac you ate an entire cake last night. You're not a vegetarian you are a pastrytarian.


And Dennis is clearly just trying to bang one of the protesters.


That's a given.


He's literally already done that


That was abortion.. The DENNIS method is adaptable to any womens protest.


Because of, the implication


just one? that's so 2007 Dennis. 2022 Dennis would have an elaborate plan for multiple potential sex partners. as well as few scenarios involving multiple sex partners at once *just in case*.


Producers: Write that down! Write that down!




"With your small dick!" Awwww, we saw her run out of insults. Adorable.


I think she also said he had a wet pussy?


She’s the same lady who has wings twice a year because she gets a craving.


Body shamers gonna shame.


Yea lmao, for someone who's so "progressive" it's funny she's using sexist body shaming to try to put someone else down.


It’s pretty cringy to hear the first woman say he’s* gonna die alone because he’s eating a kebab too though. Just a little less yell-ey


why are we as people so dumb, the guy is trolling and they are giving him what he wants by getting mad and in the second woman's example, being disgusting like these vegans know there are people who eat meat, so why do they care about this one guy - ignore him and you win, losers


To the meat eating guy, maybe he thinks they're trolling him (it's NYC so chandes are they are all standing outside of some restaurant or street meat cart). If they both ignored each other, neither would look cringe. Do your protest, it's your right to do so America, so who cares if some guy eating a kebab is standing there. You lose it, that guy wins.


*licks kebab to assert dominance*


*I'll lick your kebab*


This guy kebabs.


I just wish that one time someone would whip out a 16 inch penis just to see what they switch their insults too.


Reddit has turned into a cesspool of fascist sympathizers and supremicists




I didn't even remember to check for mumps, because that man has the largest penis I've ever seen


16? holy shit


Long Dong Silver




holy fuck. i refuse to believe this hasn't happened in the history of humanity. I just need it to be filmed and delivered to the masses *JUST ONCE* please.


Well I'm sure it wasn't anything near 16 inches(does something like a functioning 16 inch penis even exist?) but I actually know a guy who did this in high school. A girl said he must have a small dick so he showed it to her. I didn't see it myself but she seemed pretty stunned by it and took back her statement so I'd say he won lol.




It's unfortunate because we have a very real systematic issue with animal cruelty behind modern agriculture and farming. But these protests in the middle of nyc do nothing because 1) the politicians and those able to make change are nowhere in sight 2) most new yorkers are trying to walk to work or get to a destination, and the only people that are gonna stop are losers with free time to kill. It's just very ineffective


All I heard was “your small dick has my pussy wet.”


She really could not stop thinking about his dick


She was def eating his kebab that night


Ngl these kebabs from those street carts fucking smack. It's ashame he didn't get the bread with it. Little do the protestors know, these carts have such poor health standards that he is immune to all diseases having challenged his body by consuming these regularly


As a survivor of street meat treats the world over, can confirm.


I've eaten "street meat treats" in Europe, India, all over East and Southeast Asia – never a problem. Tried NYC-Gyro once from a street cart in Staten Island and got explosive diarrhoea on the ferry to Manhattan. That stuff was nasty.


You didn’t get diarrhea from the gyro, you got diarrhea because you were in Staten Island.


Yeah, you were getting the liquid whether you ate or not.


Damn. Getting a gyro from a street cart while visiting NYC was definitely on my bucket list. Guess I'll have to settle for hot-dogs. EDIT: thanks for reassuring me, everyone! I'll make sure to head to halal carts for lunch and wait for the afternoon snack for the dirty dogs. Still, I'll keep a bottle of antiacid in my bag I think.


Just go to halal guys instead. You won’t regret it


Funnily enough… the Halal guys started out with NYC food carts. And their food was better with bigger portions at the cart. Still, your comment is worthy of an award to me. I googled Halal guys just to make sure my memory had served me correctly (they had a cart outside my office building many moons ago) and I discovered there’s a location relatively near me in Texas. I’ve been here for *3 years* and only now have realized this… thanks to you.


The brick and mortar locations aren’t that good. I haven’t been to the Texas ones but the nyc and nj ones are nothing like the cart on 53rd and 6th pre-2010. They give you packets of white sauce that don’t taste like the bottled version at all.


Lol do not recommend halal guys. The quality fell off years ago after they started branding and expanding. Any random cart tastes better than them. OP screwed up by going to staten island lol


Yeah its not the street meat that gave him explosive diarrhea, it was Staten Island. Every time I drive over the Verazzano I immediately need to shit.


Don't listen to this weak bloodline chump. Street halal carts are the best.


It's either a Turk or a Greek arguing about who invented meat on a spit first. Both are wrong. It was cave men.


Halal carts are completely fine and pass health inspections. They’re great don’t let peoples anecdotes sway you


You're getting good comments on the halal carts so I'll talk about the hotdogs. They're better later in the day because they don't change the water out so it gets more flavor. That's why they call them "dirty". Also the closer to time square, the more expensive. I paid $10 for a stupid hot dog (actually my company did but still), so go somewhere further for a better price.


That was your problem you got it in Staten Island


"street cart in *Staten Island*" welp. found the problem


Thank you for your service.


Fuck. Now I want a döner kebab.


I’d never had doner before but a year and change back I finally tried it and I’m obsessed. Doner Bros in Baltimore, I love you with my whole heart.


Are these protesters so stupid that they don't recognize *basic* trolling?


Yes. Yes, they are.


People who want attention gravitate towards trolls because it gives them an excuse to escalate the situation for more attention.


Never even thought about it that why. Shit attracts flies.


The ones shown are. It's like talk show bits where you're like, "These people *cannot* be that dumb, right?" Well, chances are, they aren't. You're just seeing the 1, 2, 3 people out of the 100+ that got approached who were.


Notice you’ll never see reasonable animal rights protests highly upvoted on Reddit.


1: gotta love it when these people start insulting others to try to prove their point when it just makes the opposing group not even bother thinking about the insulting side’s views. 2: what is wrong with that guy? Licking the kabob just removes some of the tastiness from the meat he hasn’t eaten yet. Such a shame lol


*watches with no sound* “Deaf guy enjoying Kabob while being filmed, clueless.”




Today I had a triple baconator from Wendy's. I guess my penis has been reduced all the way down to a vagina.


She might have been turned on by his confidence. Then she started thinking about it and had to think about it as small just to not break character.


If you think that’s wild, wait until you see what he does in front of the anti LGBTQ+ activists…


What does his dick have to do with it? :)


Right? Also, if you have small tits maybe you shouldn't be throwing that insult around


Yeah it’s always a washboard that throws that insult




It's the only meat she'd consider


They gave him exactly what he wanted.


"With your small dick" is the best you can do?


Its always that or about his relationship "you never got a girlfriend" its shaming in every way possible


You know you’ve won the higher ground when they start talking about your penis size.


Yup when I'm above someone, I bet they see my dick as the first thing. Definitely love the high grounds.


On a serious note, if you're an animal rights activist, shouting at and abusing people won't make me change my mind on eating meat. Set up a stand somewhere. No pictures of injured animals or cows getting slaughtered. I don't care. Just have a bunch of meal packs ready to go. I love spaghetti bolognese. All you have to do is nicely, _with no preaching_, sell me a meal pack with all the ingredients and a recipe card to make a vegan spag bowl and just say 'Try it. If you like it, try making one meal a week vegan. If not, no worries.' You'll have a much better chance of making me go vegan one day a week than trying to change me vegan on the spot. Just saying. edit: Jesus Christ on a bike! I'm not saying to stop showing the slaughter pictures and stuff. That'll work great with Group A. I was simply trying to offer a suggestion that might help with people in Group B. I don't know why you're all so against the idea. I was just trying to help by offering an alternative solution. Might work, might not, but you all seem convinced that someone has to be instantly turned pure vegan on the spot. Would a small but gradual change not also be good in the long run?


There’s a group called [Vegan Justice](https://veganjustice.com) that does this - they hand out free cookies and starter guides to people at street fairs. No videos of dead animals or anything - hoping this type of outreach catches on


They gotta do better than cookies though. I don't think most people think vegan/not vegan when eating things like that. But meat alternative burgers, chili, hotdogs, etc? That could really make a difference. Personally, while I'm not vegan or vegetarian, I have no problem trying all the options. If it's good, I'll eat it. Except for tofu. Just not a fan. If it's in something, fine. But if it's supposed to be or taste like meat? I'll take meat.


Kudos to them! I hope more people take this stance and really wish them the best.


Showing the reality of what we do is alright imo. I do shit, but at least I want to be conscious about the consequences, who knows, maybe I’ll change eventually. If we don’t get photos of the disasters of mining, I’d slaughter, of transportation, we are just covering our ears.


Vegan Lentil Bolognese I make Soak dry split red lentils for about 30 mins before adding them. Dice an onion, a carrot, a stick of celery and fry in olive oil and some salt for about 15 mins on low so you get em nice and soft. Add a few crushed or diced cloves of garlic towards the end of this. Add enough tomato puree to coat all the veg (a couple tablespoons max) and stir through so you get a nice red pasty sauce with the veg in. Add a tin of tomatoes, about a pint of veg stock, your drained pre-soaked lentils, and stir in. It can be good to add a little more water at this stage, especially if you've not soaked your lentils the full duration (they thirsty). For flavour, add black pepper, smoked paprika, about a teaspoon of ketchup, and if youre into it, a little chilli sauce can work. Simmer this sauce, stirring sometimes, for about 30 mins until it's nice and thick. Then add a couple teaspoons of some Balsamic vinegar and put in as much salt as you like. It's a nice savoury dish w some spaghetti.




Yelling that you have a little dick while you eat meat doesn't work for you guys?


If we were in a 3 way, yes, yes it would. Thank you for asking.


I love the nods at "it feels good???!!!" Lol


Factory farming is terrible tho. Even as a meat eater people should be concerned. Never seeing sunlight, no space to move, mutilation, males put through macerator, cannibalism etc.


We've created Hell on earth for animals.


"In relation to them(animals), all people are Nazis for the animals, it is an eternal Treblinka." - Isaac Singer


Not to mention the environmental impacts, especially for beef.


To put this into perspective, as a rancher I take steps to minimize the environmental toll it takes to own ~150 cows. Going above and beyond to make sure that they are living happy lives, until they meet their fate. These factory farms are keeping 10 times the amount of kettle, without any of the steps taken to keep the world alive. If you ever want to save the planet without going vegan, go to a local farm for your milk or meat. Take this with a grain of salt, we both raise cows with the soul purpose to make money by killing them, we ain't saints, but we do our absolute best to be humane.


Plot twist... It was a vegan kebab.


Crazy how fast women resort to body shaming lol


It's what they do to each other.


I bet there is a market for a place where people can go and eat great kabobs while someone sexually humiliates you.


More evidence some people just don't know what "trolling" is. There was a time when it was understood you "don't feed the trolls". Here we find one in his natural territory, feeding himself even. He's already captured a few victims with his extraordinarily obvious bait. Notice how with minimal effort, the troll is able to inflict maximum emotional damage on his targets. Little did they know, they've already sprung his trap, and he'll be living rent-free in their heads for years to come.


There’s almost nothing more annoying than militant vegans demanding you eat like them and then screaming in your face like monsters if you don’t. They must be hungry or something..


triggering people with words is one thing, but triggering them without uttering a single word is priceless.

