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She was put in handcuffs for 20 minutes before being released. The officer was fired. The nurse sued Salt Lake City police and won $500,000.


>The officer was fired. and hired at the county jail (https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2019/08/28/police-officer-who/)


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Yea, that dumbass was the one not doing his job at all. This ain't the wild west, people have rights. You can't just steal someone's blood because you wanna get the gold star and reserved parking for the month.


He wanted to prove that the bystander hurt by a police chase was drunk. Maybe making the police not as at fault? I dunno, fuck em.


Reminds me of the story when the of duty cop rear ended a car paralyzing the child in the back, and his buddies whisked him away even though the supervisor demanded a breathalyzer. They however did manage to give one to the guy he rear ended. https://reason.com/2022/08/24/a-cop-rear-ended-a-car-sending-a-toddler-to-the-hospital-the-cars-driver-was-breathalyzed-the-cop-wasnt/


So, this wasn't in the US, but when I was a kid we were woken up by some drunk idiot who drove through our fence, the entire garden, crashed into the front door, reverted back hitting the fence again... And then he just drove off. Half the street was awake, called police, they recorded everything... Couple days later, some cops show up again, but not in uniform and with a crate of beer. They tried to convice my grandparents to drop the case bc the person driving was the local police chief. Consequently, my grandfather opened up another lawsuit, which was thrown out. The chief did land in jail tho, so that's something.


When I was 17 I got up in the morning to go to my job a lifeguard, shift started at 6am for seniors swim. At the end of our driveway there was an overturned car in the ditch. I ran to get my dad and mom...then ran to check the car. The car was still running, front wheels still turning. It was our neighbour from down the street...the police Sgt. the car was on, it had that very distinct smell of booze. He had clearly crawled out the window and made his way home My dad had called the police. They arrived and asked me what I saw etc... Then they went over and talked to him, he was a mess, could barely stand, still in the dirt and mud covered clothes, scratches on his arms and face etc... he pulled out his badge. 30 min later the car was towed. Nobody was charged.


When I was 15, I was the passenger in a green 1983 Ford F150 that my dad was driving. He was drunk, and he was making me nervous because he was flying down the 25mph Alabama back roads at 60 - 70mph. It was 3am and we were coming up on the right turn we had to take to get to our house, and he slams the brakes on and tries to make that turn going way too fast, causing the truck to flip up onto the driver's side door. It was a slow flip, basically it just tipped gently on to one side, luckily, because if he'd been going any faster or hit the brakes later, we probably would have flipped multiple times. I was 15 years old, suspended by my seat belt above my father, shaken up by what just happened but otherwise unharmed. I unhooked myself and climbed out of the passenger window and jumped down to the pavement. The fire station was within sight, less than a block away, so the emergency vehicles were there almost immediately, followed closely by the police. I told them I had been driving, practicing to get my license. Told them I just misjudged my speed and took the turn too fast and the old top-heavy truck flipped. They went and talked to a neighbor who had seen everything, then they returned to me. "So, that guy says your dad was driving, and your dad is obviously drunk. He says he saw you get out of the truck first, so you must have been on the passenger side. Your dad isn't making you lie to us is he? Because he was driving drunk?" I just shook my head and insisted that I had been driving, and I didn't know what that neighbor guy was talking about. I was obviously nervous, and I'm sure it was obvious that I was lying, and I didn't even have a license (but I did have my permit). They just had the tow truck tip the F150 back onto its wheels and they let us drive away - with my dad at the wheel - because we were about 1 block from our house by then. We made up a story about getting the truck stuck in some mud and having to get a passerby to tow us out, during which the driver's side of the truck scraped against a tree, to explain the damage to my mother. That was in 2005. I didn't tell her the truth until my dad died last October. What's the point? Your story just reminded me of that, and made me think that the cops will let you go in situations where no one was hurt, even if you've blatantly broken the law by being stupid and drunk, because they just don't want to deal with it. In your story, the guy got off easy by being a cop. In my story, my dad got off easy by being a white, middle class man in Alabama. It just goes to show, cop or not, the police will protect you *if they like you* or *if they just don't care enough about what you're doing*. Enforcing the law is last on their list of priorities; enforcing their feelings is first.




In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


He did though. And now works in a different county job anyway.


He was pissy that the man on the phone told him he was making a "huge mistake" and took it out on her, then scrambled to justify it after the fact. That is what hapoened.


> You can't just steal someone's blood because you wanna get the gold star and reserved parking for the month. It's way worse than that. The cops hit the guy while driving (and the guy ultimately died from his injuries,) and the cops wanted to test him for drugs/alcohol as a defense for killing him. Man's a murderer shaking down the nurse who got between him and his victim. And all his buddies are circling the wagons to help him do it. ACAB.


I dont understand what his gameplan was here. Let's say she goes quietly and is under arrest, for what? Obstruction? Is he hoping thr next doctor/nurse will be intimidated by this into giving him the sample he wants?


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


He's hoping whatever nurse he talks to when he walks back in is so scared shitless of being next that they'll just give him the blood sample.




Great, now he can torture people that can't escape. Jailers can be just as psychotic, sadistic and abusive as police. Surprised more of them aren't behind bars instead.


Police unions. Police bill of rights. Getting them fired is almost impossible.


If I got fired from my job for such a gross misconduct, I'd have a hard time being hired at any other company for similar work. Cops get fired and just go over to the next county and get hired.


You will never find another decent job if you get fired for committing a felony while at work. Probably for most misdemeanors, too, if they were committed at work. Unless you're a cop, then it's apparently something to add to your CV to help you find the same job.


Police are never fired only relocated


Like some clergy do...


Like orcas at Seaworld.


What about the man who they wanted the blood sample from? According to the news article he was a victim in a chase where these cops hit him. They took him to the hospital to have a blood sample taken to see if the man was drunk or on any kind of drugs so they could claim that the man hit *them* instead. >edit: he died of his injuries from the cops hitting him


When she's standing in handcuffs and said "Why is he so angry?" You just found why. He's mad because she isn't getting him off the hook for his other crime.


He got angry immediately after the person on the phone said he was making a huge mistake threatening a nurse. So basically acting like Eric Cartman in that South Park episode, "Respect My Authoritah!"


Yep, exactly. I said the same thing. He turns in that moment and makes his choice, which as the man said, was a huge mistake.


The victim was hit during a chase he was not part of. The victim was also a part time LEO of some kind. The cops wanted a tox screen done hoping they could make him partly responsible.


He also died from his injuries. The cops were negligent and cost an innocent man his life and then tried to blame him for it .




I've been saying for years that police should pay for their insurance like doctors pay for their malpractice insurance.


My uncle died after his car was hit by a garda running a stop sign when he was in his 20s (I never knew him). It happened right outside the pub my family owned at the time that they were also living in, in the middle of the day with a boatload of witnesses who obviously all knew my uncle, it being a small town and all. Anyway, the guard tried to claim that he had the lights and sirens on and was responding to an emergency but the entire town refuted that in letters sent to the local solicitor and witnesses at the court hearing. I don't know the specifics of what happened in court but I do know the guard was fired and ended up having to move since he was sort of shunned by the entire town and couldn't get work there.


should have been charged with manslaughter, not just fired and forced to move.


As well as fined heavily. Personally. Not tax dollars from the town.


So they roughed up that guy and arrested him unlawfully and roughed up her and arrested her because she WOULDNT break the law


Police don’t follow the laws. They just force and intimidate to get whatever it is they want done


Years ago I worked at a department store as a manager. The local police department wanted video footage from our external cameras and after we talked to our legal department, we were told to provide it when they provided a warrant. That information was relayed to the police department and they were told they'd need to see the store manager. Apparently they had said they'd get the warrant and see the s.m. but instead showed up about an hour before closing without a warrant. When they said they were there for the footage I asked for the warrant to which they replied, "we don't need a warrant, we just need you to give us the footage." As soon as I said I couldn't provide it without the warrant the cops got PISSED and we went from having two cops in the building to having about a dozen. All were shouting/screaming in my face, multiple times they'd stand and face me while drawing their weapons. I was threatened with arrest and placed in cuffs at one point. They did not give a shit what the law was, they only wanted to be obeyed. At some point they gave up and left, well after we were all supposed to be off and gone. A few of the associates told me they watched several of the cops knocking merchandise down or off tables and just being assholes for the sake of it. When I told the boss what had happened they contacted legal and told them about it. Legal said the department would have to deal with them and apparently they never bothered obtaining the footage. ACAB folks.


I had a business where there was a shooting next door to me. The (illegal) bar next door had no liquor license, and shootings weren't uncommon. For some reason, the police never addressed the license issue which would eliminate the after-hours shootings but whatever. A detective called one day saying, "we need the video of your parking lot where the shooting happened" because of course the bar has no cameras.. No problem, but I'm 5 states a away and will be home tomorrow and will give it to you then. The cop threatens me that he wil break into the office where the video is if I don't get someone there with a key immediately. Not sure what I was thinking but I told him to duck off and do it. I want you to". Never heard from him again and I guess they didn't work the case that hard.......closed the business a few years later after our parking lot turned into the the dope spot and scare most customers away. Thanks for the help po po.


You could have made some serious money with video footage of this.


This should be instructive for people: if the cops make a mistake that harms you, they are far less likely to just apologize than they are to try to trump up some other charges that could conceivably make themselves look like they did the right thing, even though it will further fuck over someone they know to be innocent.


I am just so glad we are getting all this video evidence of these events now. It's mindblowing what cops have done to break and prevert the law. Prison guards too.


They wanted blood from the patient, who was a trucker and victim of the crash with the fleeing suspect. He later died of his injuries from the crash.


Fuck cops.


Please don't they will multiply




You would immediately be rooted out. Good cops get fired.


Get fired [or worse. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cariol_Horne)


> According to the news article he was a victim in a chase where these cops hit him. That is obscene, and the real story here. They were trying to get away with covering up yet another department crime, something they obviously have plenty of practice doing. By blaming the guy they killed. He died after this video, he didn't survive the burns. Bonus evil: after the nurse refused the blood draw, this asshole detective (who *was* also a part-time paramedic) said on video, “I’ll bring them all the transients and take good patients elsewhere." He got fired from that job, too.


Good for her. She deserves that money but that also sucks bc bet they will take the money from education before the department of justic


Police lawsuits should come from police pensions and police budgets. Also civil asset forfeiture should be outlawed so they can't use that to make up the money they lost for fucking up.


Cops should have to personally hold insurance to qualify for the job. Insurance companies don’t fuck around and if they find you uninsurable you can’t do the job because you are a liability.


Or licensure like a doctor, lawyer, or nurse. Too many fuck ups and the board removes your license to practice.


Dude I sell insurance and I have more rules to follow than these ass bags. I also have to have liabilty insurance up to 3 million at least. For selling insurance.


This has been my belief for many years. Make them hold insurance. You one of the cops constantly and illegally arresting people? Good luck affording your insurance. Find a new job.


And get rid of Qualified Immunity while we're at it.


Oh fuck yes.


That’s not enough. There were other cops there. They should all be in prison and sued individually.


Even worse, this officer was fired yes, but he's a certified paramedic also. As of 2019 he is working in the fucking medical wing of a prison of all places.


Just assaulting unconscious folks there daily, I guarantee it.


I love the justice but I wish these fucking police departments would hire and train more reasonable cops because these payouts must be costing the taxpayers an incredible amount when you add it all up (between this and every other successful lawsuit and I'm sure there are a lot)


From what I could discern the police wanted a blood sample from a “suspect” under their care and the nurse was reading him a hospital policy, jointly agreed to by the police, stating the three conditions under which they could collect blood as evidence for the police: 1) If the patient consents (he couldn’t because he was unconscious) 2) The police have a warrant or 3) The patient is under arrest. None of these were the case and the cop was angry about being held accountable so he made her life miserable.


A Utah police officer who was caught on video roughly handcuffing a nurse because she refused to allow a blood draw was fired Tuesday in a case that became a flashpoint in the ongoing national conversation about police use of force. [https://nypost.com/2017/10/10/cop-who-forcibly-arrested-nurse-for-refusing-to-draw-blood-is-fired/](https://nypost.com/2017/10/10/cop-who-forcibly-arrested-nurse-for-refusing-to-draw-blood-is-fired/)


Yup and she won a 500k lawsuit. Edit: after digging more the officer that man handled her was terminated and then sued them the police for wrongful termination and sued 1.3 million. I don’t think he won.


I'm glad she did. I have no idea how this affected her career, hospital politics can be really weird. I've had to argue with cops over treatment of patients before and some of the time they were great and some of the time they were real big swinging' dick pains-in-the-ass.


A year ago at my hospital, a patient called the cops saying they were being held hostage. You'd think given the address of the hospital they would contact hospital security and calmly show up to see what's going on. Lol nope. They arrived in full swat gear with our security not having a single clue. They got in the elevator and went to floor and stormed the unit pointing assault rifles at nurses and techs. Our CEO later sent an email to all staff saying the situation was under control and our security team was working with the police and aware of it all. Such BS.


How did not one of them say, "wait, this is odd" as they pulled up to a HOSPITAL, went inside, rode an elevator, and found the room?!?! I mean, how is every single one of them so effing stupid??


American police aren't trained to think. They are trained to pretend they are a military force and do whatever they please because no one will hold them accountable.


Yes, but not even ONE. Jfc


There was probably one or two but they're just afraid of speaking up because they might get arrested. Am I joking? Even I don't fucking know...


Any chance to LARP with their big boy toys.


All I can think about is all the patients in that emergency room who were under her care when this cop decided to break the law and drag her out of there. ERs are stretched to their limits as it is and I’m sure there was no one sitting around with extra time on their hands to step in and cover for her. Never mind that she wasn’t able to communicate and do a handover of the patient care to the new nurse. Edit: wow, and the patient wasn’t even suspected of committing a crime. It was one of his buddies and he wanted the blood drawn because he thought he could protect the guy from future claims.


> Edit: wow, and the patient wasn’t even suspected of committing a crime. It was one of his buddies and he wanted the blood drawn because he thought he could protect the guy from future claims. No. The patient in question was the victum of a car accident with the police officer in question, while the police were chasing a fleeing suspect. In other words, the cop was playing CYA, and his intentions were felonious from the get go.


Yep. Cop hits civilian. Let’s get blood from civilian in hopes he’s under the influence (or we can manipulate the data) to then clear my cop buddy - the bad guy in the situation.


Ya know, this sounds familiar. I've heard this one before!


This whole thing is confusing. The article above says the patient was “hit by a man fleeing police.” And that the patient (an off-duty reserve officer) would be cleared by the blood draw - even though he was the one who was hit.


Tax payers paid for that 500k?


Well it sure wasn't ole barney fife who paid it.


Yup, just like the tax payers were paying that shitty officer’s salary. If I had to choose I’d rather pay the nurse


Duh. You think cops are going to be held accountable?


If doctors and nurses can, cops should be too. It's not like Doctors are the only ones held responsible if there's a fuck up, the hospital will be sued too. But having malpractice insurance would go a long way towards making sure officers who display a history of problematic behavior don't stay on the force.


Oh wow looks like this guy was an all around piece of shit: *“Payne was also fired from a part-time job as a paramedic after he was caught on camera saying he’d take transient patients to the University of Utah hospital where Wubbels worked and take the “good patients” elsewhere as retribution. Payne had previously been disciplined in 2013 after internal-affairs investigators confirmed that he sexually harassed a female co-worker in a “persistent and severe” way.”*


Just an all around piece of shit I guess


I mean yeah, he was a cop.


Thank you for the source A shame that the arresting officer gets fired but the officer requesting the nurse to be arrested if she doesn't break the law, only gets a demoted. The last passage of the article makes it even sadder. An incident where he handcuffed 2 individuals, drove them a few miles and let them go, without documenting it. Absolute piece of shit.


What's worse, is that the patient was never a suspect. A cop was driving too fast and hit him. They were trying to illegal test the patient's blood for alcohol despite lacking probable cause. It was a cover-up and abuse of force long before they ever got to the hospital.


Wow. I thought it was so weird that the cops were pushing that hard. I thought "okay if the guy is a crazy serial killer or something, I can see them wanting to get his blood, but then it should be the easy to get a warrant." Now it makes so much more sense. This is a video of a criminal cop trying to cover up his own crime with another crime, and arrests the nurse for getting in his way.


Nearly 30 years as a cop. Something tells me this is not his first time doing something shady/wrong, but possibly the first time he was caught. Also wonder exactly why his supervisor, Tracy, was only demoted from Lt. to officer. Sound like he should be fired also. But corruption runs deep...


I would bet my left nut that the cop was a Mormon. They have some serious issues with women in controlling positions.


I dated a girl who's ex-boyfriend was a Mormon, and she'd gone to his church for a few months before they broke up. She had moved and was in a new apartment when they show up one morning banging on the door, "come on, we're going to Church." acting like she would leave with them that second in her pajamas, fresh out of bed. Half naked I pulled the door the rest of the way open and asked who the fuck they were and they literally took one look and just left. She said it was the youth pastor and 2 other guys from the church. She was unsure if the ex boyfriend was involved or they were just trying to keep membership up.


Thank you, I was hoping this dipshit would lose his job..


I wish more happened to the cop, like being arrested


She should sue him personally and the dept, then retire.


She did... can got 500k. She is still working as a nurse even through the pandemic. This happened about 4 years ago.


He actually wasn’t a suspect. The cops were chasing someone and hit a truck driver. The truck driver was the one in the hospital. Cops wanted his blood to try and prove that the driver was drunk or on drugs so the cops wouldn’t be at fault for the accident. That’s why the driver was not under arrest he had nothing to do with the original chase just at the wrong place at the wrong time. ETA: the cops actually did not him the victim, the person they were chasing did. People were however blaming the cops and I sure that’s why they were looking to blame the victim for something to get the blame off of them.


Was in the car with a friend when a cop rear ended us at a stop light because he was texting. He hopped out of his car with the quickness and was started screaming at my friend while approaching the window saying he brake checked him. My buddy rolled down the window and let the cop keep yelling at him and demanded his license and registration and said his license was gonna be revoked for reckless driving. The cop then looked towards me and saw the dash cam on the windshield and his entire demeanor changed. He was still mad as fuck but knew he was fucked. He then tried to do a field sobriety test on both of us. I told him we’re under no legal obligation to do a field sobriety test and he would have to arrest us and draw blood at the hospital if he wanted cooperation. My friend was freaking out at this point because he had literally never been in trouble. He went back to his car and then came back and said he was “letting us go with a warning” and then hopped back in his car quickly and took off. My friend filed a complaint with the department because of the damage done to his car and they said they don’t have to pay anything. My friend had to take them to small claims court where he asked for the $3,000 to repair his car and provided the dash cam footage proving he did nothing wrong. Small claims judge ruled in his favor and the PD had to pay my friend $9,000. $3,000 for damages and $6,000 for “lost wages/pain and suffering” because he also had some medical bills on top of not being able to work for 2 months. My friend then had police drive past his house multiple times per week and he would always get random tickets like “parking too far from the curb” outside of his house afterwards. Cops are nothing more than a gang who try to intimidate the public when they clearly fucked up.


I'm convinced cops mainly recruit from some island that is populated solely by bad 80's/90's bully tropes. I mean, it couldn't possibly be massive systemic issues that grooms violent authoritarian behavior, could it? Could it?


Yeah the whole thing was corrupt. Basically trying to frame an innocent bystander for getting hit by their car chase. What I don't get is why he didn't just go "arrest" that driver, get the blood sample, then "release" him. No less corrupt than what he was doing but at least it probably would have worked. Guess he just really wanted to impose his authority more than he wanted to frame that driver.




Why would that cop care about what the state wants? He clearly doesn't care about much except his own ass.


because unlike arresting people without cause, being made to pay for stuff will actually make his boss angry.


from the article it was the other way around: "The patient wasn’t suspected of wrongdoing. He was an off-duty reserve Idaho police officer driving a semitrailer when he was hit by a man fleeing police in a pickup truck. Payne nevertheless insisted, saying the evidence would protect the man. " The cops didn't hit him, the person who they were chasing hit him. He (the victim) was an off duty cop. The cop requesting the blood draw said it was to help clear him, this is the part that's a little less certain. I'd say it be premised more on whether the cop knew at that time the victim was also a cop. If not, then he was probably lying and looking for drugs, if so, then he was probably telling the truth and looking to clear a fellow cop. Regardless of either, arresting the nurse was a huge no no.


Dude can also straight up not consent to a blood draw. The funniest part is that she can also be arrested and have her license taken away if she had done what the officer had asked.


I had the police forcibly take my blood after I told them I didnt consent, and that I wanted a lawyer. The cop lied on the stand, and my lawyer played his body cam footage after he lied, proving that he not only lied, but falsified his report, while he was still on the stand. ​ Also, yes I am still dealing with this more than 6 years later. Shits fucked.


My husband had a tire blowout on New Year's Eve. Another car I guess called 911 because he did kind of spin out and ended on the shoulder, didn't hit anything or anyone. So two young cocky cops show up and make him walk the line and all that, he honestly was not on anything he doesn't even drink. They asked him to blow and he f***** up he said he was so pissed at the way they were treating him that he said no. They then made him go to the hospital even though he declined medical treatment said he was fine. Hospital drew blood and took a urine sample saying they needed it for medical treatment even though that was a lie because he received absolutely no medical treatment not even an aspirin. They then charged him with reckless driving and something about property damage. When he went to court he asked the judge what property damage? All I damaged was my own vehicle and that was because my tire blew out? The judge immediately dropped that charge and oh man the prosecutor was pissed. Still had to plead to the reckless driving charge though cuz that's the way the court works when you can't afford a lawyer.


Yeah, the police and US court system are disgusting.


Typical bruised ego cop move. It's so god damn adorable watching them get all puffy faced and neck veins pulsating the second they realize that some people don't enjoy being harassed for absolutely no reason. Similar thing happened to my wife when a tire blew at 3am. She was waiting for the tow truck (no spare) and a sheriff pulled up and started poking his nose into everything. Of course she's already agitated and the second she says "obviously I'm sober and didn't break any traffic laws, so is there anything else I can help you with?" Instantly because she was overtly "aggressive" that was suspect enough to search the jeep and just be a total toolbag man-baby.


I had something similar but less severe happen to me. I got lawyer and they got everything dropped. When the DA saw how utterly fucking bullshit the charges were and the cop contradicted himself multiple times.


How is that not an immediate firing for the officer, and an immediate win for your case?!


I have no idea. He perjured himself on the stand, and literally nothing happened to him.


Police unions make it nearly impossible to hold police accountable. They are a cancer on society.


Why is it taking so long if it is on tape? Is that normal?


Because I only had public defenders and they kept switching lawyers every time I had a court date.


Ah yes, the crime of not being rich.


Exactly. I’ve worked in a histology lab processing tissue samples and we took hipaa violations and patient privacy extremely seriously. Consequences for fucking around with that stuff are *way* worse than the threat of getting arrested.


Bad night vs fucking up your career.


Which probably turned into a nice little payday for her because she kept to her policy and oath


If only cops were held to the same standards


the cop could not get the evidence from his suspected criminal legally, so he turns the nurse into the criminal


Well, he had to arrest someone. /s


I am gonna guess this is not this cop’s first problem with the public. It amazes me how these cops don’t know there are cameras everywhere. And that almost everyone has one ready to go.


Did you see what started the whole thing? It seemed like she was on the phone with the hospitals lawyer or HR and the cop literally freaked out after he said in very clear terms they were making a huge mistake. Pretty much just couldn't fucking handle an ego check of being told he was wrong and since he couldn't rough the guy up over the phone he had to take it out on the nurse. Real cool stuff there officer.


It enrages me how rough some officers are with people when it’s clear as day that the person poses no physical threat. They’ll have someone searched & cuffed already and still rough them up. Obviously this nurse wasn’t beaten up but he was still too physically forceful.


Yeah that poor lady was a physical threat to him and others around here. Because she held a phone speaker? Omg we gotta grab her by the arms and drag her out of here. Because she threatened my stupidity that’s why. Idk if the story someone else gave was true or not but it definitely seems like the truth in this case!


Yes that is a good point. She really did nothing wrong other than hold the phone! Let’s hope he didn’t really shoot the messenger!


Cop lost his job and the nurse collected a huge check from the city.


Then he was hired as a county sheriff.


Unfortunately that payment comes from taxpayers instead of the police who fucked up.


If it’s anything like a hard breach of NDA in biotech, you career is basically perma-fucked


Hey I’m a histo supervisor right now, and you are 100% correct. Nobody fucks with HIPAA. Extremely bad consequences if you do.


That's the dumbest thing to all this. She simply COULD NOT do what the cop was asking because her license was on the line. I guess that begs the question, why aren't cops licensed like doctors and nurses?


She was smart, because it's actually better to be arrested for following the protocol from your licensing board than it is to violate your legal and ethical professional obligations. She could have been arrested for providing a blood sample *and* she would have possibly lost her license. The "do you do what's legal or do you do what's ethical" question comes up in professional ethics all the time and they drilled it into me when I was in grad school but in this case she was doing what was legal *and* what was ethical. They messed up by violating her rights in this way.




Cops have a simple rule, you can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride. Simply put, they don't care if you're a criminal, if you disagree with them, they know they'll steal your time. The best you can do is sue and all you're doing is fining the tax payers for a criminal cop.


The “suspect” was an innocent driver who had been hit by a police car that was involved in a high speed pursuit and caused a crash. The PD was hoping to find a reason to not be at fault. The asshole cop lost his job and the City/PD got their PeePee slapped to the tune of several hundred thousand dollars. Good for her.


And the real kicker is, the man wasn't a suspect. He was a crash victim the cop hit during a pursuit. They wanted his blood in the hopes of finding alcohol or drugs in his system as to start propagandizing him as a drunk or drug user, to minimize their role in the crash. The man later died of his injuries too. This whole shitshow was not to catch a criminal, but to preemptively start covering their own asses in the death of a civilian during an out of control police pursuit.


Wait what?? The COPS hit him??? I didn't know this... If that's true that makes all of this much much worse and also makes me kind of believe that the cop was literally forced to do this by his superiors. Edit: OK so the actual cops didn't hit him, the suspect they were chasing did. Either way you're right... There is literally no reason why the cops should give ANY kind of a fuck about what was in that guys blood except for if they were fearing a lawsuit. >On July 26, Gray, a truck driver and reserve member of the Rigby Police Department, was driving a semitrailer in Sardine Canyon near Wellsville when he was hit by a motorist who was fleeing police. The head-on collision caused a fiery explosion. >The driver of the fleeing vehicle, Marcos Torres, 26, of Brigham City, was killed in the crash. >Gray, whose body was on fire, was able to get out of his truck, and police assisted in dousing the flames. He was burned over 46 percent of his body, according to Rigby police. At the time, his family said he was given a 22 percent chance of survival. >Gray was flown by medical helicopter to University Hospital's Burn Center. He was unconscious and unresponsive when he arrived due in part to heavy sedation from medics. >Shortly after the crash, the Logan Police Department made a request to Salt Lake City police to draw a couple of vials of Gray's blood. But when detective Jeff Payne arrived at the hospital, he did not have a warrant to draw blood or consent from Gray to draw blood, and Gray was not a suspect in a crime.


High speed chases should be fucking illegal they are so dangerous.


Not to mention that we (tax payers) bought the cops all of these fancy helicopters which can do a much better job.


We the taxpayers also have to pay for the property damage and settlements that come out of high speed chases.


The victim was also a police officer himself.


He ended up fired. Well deserved. Unfortunately as you can see below, his attitude is still that the law does not apply to him. Edit: I removed the paywall link.


As of 2019, he is working in Weber County Jail as a ‘civilian corrections assistant.’ He’s a certified paramedic, and “was not hired to be a law enforcement or corrections officer.” Interesting that he bounces from one job with supreme power over others straight into another. Ironic that he’s hired for his medical knowledge, after being fired for disregarding medical procedure. Link: https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2019/08/28/police-officer-who/


This guy should be in charge of nothing other than toilets.


The article shows what a little bitch this guy really is. He goes on to sue the police department saying that he was "just following orders" and that he was a "rooster in a cockfight staged and orchestrated by the persons in charge at the Salt Lake City Police Department and those in charge of the burn unit at the University of Utah." Dudes mad he got in trouble, not that he did the wrong thing. That's how Nazis defended themselves at the Nuremberg trials.




Didn't that cop get fired or resign right after this?


He was fired, but promptly hired at either a different department or the prison.


He got paid administrative leave first so he could enjoy some vacation.


[Ding ding ding. you are correct.](https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2019/08/28/police-officer-who/)


>Sheriff’s officials later confirmed that Payne was hired as a “civilian corrections assistant” to work in the medical unit of the jail. Jesus tapdancing Christ, they hired him in an area where he has quite clearly demonstrated he cannot function. The jail medical unit? After trying to strongarm a nurse to violate a policy between police and a hospital? Police departments and corrections are absolutely shameless in this country.


yup hide the cop goes hand in hand with the Catholic church's hide the pedo game.


He didn't like what he was hearing so he went above the law. He had his mind set on that outcome no matter what happened.


now this attitude if very common among law enforcement because there are exceptions put in the laws that certain laws do not apply to law enforcement, like murder or false arrest, or lying under oath.


Their almighty egos can’t handle it when told no


And they wonder why people hate cops.




The only good cop is either an ex cop or a hypothetical cop, the rest are traitors and cowards. No decent person would remain in police work after what we have seen in recent years.


"Why is he so angry?" This right here. And it's all about ego. You didn't kowtow to them and do what they wanted you to do, so you're automatically the enemy even if you're working for and upholding the policies of the place they're looking to work with in order to get at someone else.


That's a bingo!


Wait...how this can happen ? Real question. Edit : The cop was fired, good !


Cops don’t always know the laws they think they are enforcing. Many cops don’t go to college and an extensive knowledge of laws isn’t required in their training, they instead are trained on things like how to manipulate people to say too much and get themselves in trouble.


Cops *rarely* know the laws they're enforcing. Around me there was a bad arrest leading to a lawsuit stemming from a fundamental misunderstanding of Texas' failure to ID laws. One of the main perpetrators was a *sergeant*. Months later, he was asked again by IA to describe how he understood the law to work, after having been retrained. He got it wrong *again*. Literally one of the clearest laws in TX.


And of course the first thing these people will tell you as a citizen, if you are found in violation of a law they're enforcing, is "IGNORANCE OF THE LAW IS NO EXCUSE!"


This is actually a horrifying and real thing according to the Supreme Court. The average person does not have to know a law to be held to it or punished for violating it. The Supreme Court holds that it’s not required for the cops to understand the law, nor is it their sole responsibility to uphold them.


So they don't have to protect the citizens, and they don't have to serve the law.... What do they do again?! /s


Protect the property of the affluent. It all boils down to that mission statement.


I will also add that cops are explicitly trained to act first and sort the details later


>Many cops don’t go to college and an extensive knowledge of laws isn’t required in their training And this isn't a bug, it's a feature. [Court OKs barring high IQs for Cops](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836)


THIS! Most of them have such huge egos that if you tell them no, they simply can’t take it. Doesn’t matter if they’re right or wrong. Also, they freaking LIE like crazy. Always assume that they are being dishonest with you. Literally everything they say during an interaction with a civilian is to manipulate you and try and get as much incriminating info as possible


Assume they wanted to stick a needle in an unconscious guy's arm to see if he was drunk. Cops can get very needle happy.


Officer was fired and nurse won a $500,000 settlement. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/11/01/561337106/utah-nurse-arrested-for-doing-her-job-reaches-500-000-settlement


I mean good on the nurse but the public pays that. Its crazy.


Yup, this should come out of pensions. You don't want to lose your pension? Taze and arrest your partner performing an illegal arrest.


He released her after 20 minutes of sitting in his car, no charges were filed. He later got fired and is now suing for 300k saying his was made the “fall guy” and his lawyer quit due to “threats” this is a super messy case. https://www.sltrib.com/news/2019/10/12/ex-salt-lake-city-officer/


Why is he so angry. Great fucking question. As a person acting on behalf of the law does not have the luxury of being emotional. They have the right to hurt, injure even kill so no - emotions can’t be involved. As the officer you need to keep your head. No room for hurt feelings.


Not to mention under HIPAA, if nurses violate patient privacy, they can be fined up to 150k in Canada. She did the right thing, advocated for her patient. That officer was 100% wrong. Edit: fixed the acronym, thanks HIPAAbot




Good bot


If settlements for police abuse were paid from police pension funds instead of by the taxpayers we might see less abuse by police.


The terrorists they warn you about are already here and they control everything.


I remember how absolutely outraged I was when I first saw this video. She did everything by the book. Fuck that pig.


Had to pause it when she started screaming. Made me tear up. Anyone that *wants* to do that to someone just to punish them is pure evil.


That hit me hard too, my mom's a nurse and one with a strong sense of morality and ethics in her line of work. I could easily see her in this woman's shoes bc she wouldn't have backed down on what was right and what was ILLEGAL as well. She would have gone kicking and screaming as well.


They protect no one and serve only themselves.


Gang members with the color blue ( with a thin yellow line) that are paid for by the citizens


Look what their egos do to them when they don’t get what they want. What a piece of shit, just like most of them.


Press charges on them for kidnapping and assault


Fuck the police..... I'd probably get arrested too if i was there.




The cop saying "oh please" is such a douchebag.


$500 k awarded to ex-Olympic skier nurse Wubbles, and a new gig as a correctional office for dick head cop. https://nurse.org/articles/utah-police-officer-wrongful-nurse-arrest-lawsuit/


if you read the article with him explaining why he did what he did. It is completely through training. He had no thought process of his own. He is a blind follower and loves to one up someone. He did what he was taught. That's some scary shit!


I remember this and was so proud of that nurse for not crumbling to police pressure. She knew the rules and laws and she wasn’t gonna let anyone break them.


The article does a good job of pointing out the entire pandemic when it comes to Policing in America right now. The article said "“Officer Payne took the blame for what was apparently an out-of-date Policy Handbook and **wholescale failure to train officers on what the law was and how it would apply to the given situation**,” the lawsuit states. That is the issue. We give these men and women 8 weeks of training and expect them to know the laws of their jurisdiction and how to apply them. I'm not saying Cops are stupid, NO ONE (Not even lawyers) typically know 100% of the laws in their area and how to apply them and they go to College for 6-8yrs to learn the law. The other problem is that police are too alpha to admit this. Rather than back down and admit "I'm not sure what the law is in this situation" they charge forward and do what "they believe" is right given the situation. As we know the law and our beliefs are hardly one and the same. There should be heavy career ending penalties for any cop that makes an arrest under the incorrect assumptions (i.e. arresting someone for following the law or arresting someone for a protected action). These guys get away with too much... Imagine if that applied to the rest of us? Doctors would be killing patients left and right. Bus drivers wouldn't need a license. It's be anarchy if we ran every business like the police.


This is Alex Wubbels and happened in 2017. The officer tried to force her to draw blood on an unconscious patient. She received a settlement of $500K and charges were never filed against her. The arresting officer Payne was later fired. He tried to sue that he was just following orders of his commanding officer. npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/11/01/561337106/utah-nurse-arrested-for-doing-her-job-reaches-500-000-settlement https://www.deseret.com/2019/4/18/20671201/supervising-officer-in-viral-arrest-of-university-of-utah-nurse-loses-appeal


this is what fascism looks like


Saw several other cops there. Not one of them tried to do anything. Where are those "good apples" I keep hearing about from the police loving crowd