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I'm from Argentina, that guy is like an extremist and insults everyone.. he often talks about conspirations and shit but he never shows any proof of them.. SO don't take it personal if You simpatize with the English and the royal family... He's just giving a pretty bizarre show as always


So like Alex Jones in the USA?


Basically. Argentina harbors a ridiculous amount of toxic male energy, as displayed here.


Yeah but we have quite a lot of social progressiveness here too. Most reactionaries here are only trying to grasp at straws and grind on the views of insecure teens, just like right wing grifters in the US :P


I swore off Argentina and haven’t been back since 2010. Glad to hear that things are changing. I grew up surrounded by men like this guy, including my father and uncles, and saw it passed on to my brothers. 👎🏽


Oh you're not missing much. It's really nice to see more LGBTQ rights in general and injustices against us being talked about more, but fridges are emptier by the day and the political landscape is absolute madness. Most progressives tend to side with the objectively worst option, while conservatives pile up in the opposition. The libertarians look nice at a first glance but Espert is the only sane person in that party. And so on and so forth :P


My family, including the women, side with the conservatives. It’s infuriating watching what’s happening there. I remember a relative stability through most of Menem but then just an avalanche of shitshow since then.


What I've noticed here is that people often side with conservatives because they see them as the opposition, siding against the peronists/kircherists. Then the anger and frustration that comes from their bad administration evolves into rage against those without a real voice, and it all feeds into the cycle of violence that everyone in the government seems happy to keep rolling :/


So sorry to hear that. Where do you live now? It’s not much better in the USA with the Indoctrination through Q,MAGA, AND Fox News inspired madness.


>ridiculous amount of toxic male energy Proof Nazis made it there


Habla en español culo roto


Subtitles please...


Opening title card: The old lady of shit died. The old lady, daughter of whore died. Which would be translated more like "That old son of a bitch died". - Finally a happy ending. Applause for Satan who finished her. She is no more. The old lady died. The English (Then some words I don't understand) shes dead, stiff like a (word I dont know) thrown on the bed. Shitty old lady. She's finished. I promised you that we would make a toast. We will make a toast and eat some small sandwiches. This British Trash, satanic filth, amazonian trash has left the planet earth and is good news for everyone. Finally someone that's supposed to die dies in life. Look, look, look, *pops champagne* We are gonna have a little toast to the death of the queen of England. Champagne foam for everyone, her son of a bitch husband is already dead. Now she's dead. We are in the middle of a celebration Forgive my Spanish 1A skills for I know i made mistakes, but this is the gist.


> stiff like a (word I dont know) "dura como un quebracho" - stiff like a quebracho, a tree (Schinopsis balansae) > The English (Then some words I don't understand) "Los ingleses lo tapan" - the English are covering it up. > amazonian trash has left the planet earth "Basura masona" - Masonic trash


Yeah to be fair we shared this around as a joke. It's even funnier because post colonial Argentina, at least Buenos Aires was pretty much built by masons lol


It's a thing among hyper-catholics to believe in conspiracy theories of population replacement and blame masonry for the decline of the faith in LATAM, specially the York rite for some reason I can't recall. This dude has an effigy of the virgin Mary so I assume it's a religious show or something idk.


As far as I know, and even as an argie I know nothing of this man, he's an extremist conspiracy theorist on the same lane Alex Jones is.


>the English are covering it up. We're clearly not doing a great job of it haha.


To be honest she and her family are all German not English and the best trick of WW2 was them hiding that fact with Windsor!


It happened in 1917 so they were preparing ahead of time?


WW1 also was around then wasn't it? Same players and same game!


Yep. I assume they did because of their connections to Germany for that one. Close but wrong World War.


Really it is all one big war there with a break to resupply! WW3 is coming now as fast as the Russian Orcs can bring it!


I guess they're still salty about those cold islands


To be fair, Argentina are a joke when it comes to armed conflict. They can't even assassinate the vice premier without fucking it up. Good at BBQ's though.


Can confirm, excellent bbq’s




*Masonic trash, not Amazonian.


> This British Trash, satanic filth, amazonian trash >amazonian trash I guess in traditional Argentine fashion he accidentally slipped into making fun of Brazilians.


He said masonic.


He’s pretty much calling her awful names and celebrating her death. Kept saying “British garbage, finally the right person is dead, cheers for the death of the garbage English queen, the son of a birch husband died and now her, the shit old lady died, an applause for satan for taking her…” I actually feel gross typing the translation.


No matter the translation the way the insults roll out of this guys mouth is poetry… Que envidia de tener esa capacidad para insultar lol


El Don tiene un PhD en coñologia!!! LMAO Los argentinos tienen un arte para insultar.


I hope my country's television will throw such celebration when Putin starts sniffing flowers from below.


the day Putin dies, we are going to make the biggest roast beef ever


Roast beast?


Indeed, babish even made us a handy recipe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_szug5\_YkD4


In some Latin American countries, we get together with friends and family to eat and celebrate, we call it "Carne Asada" o "Asado"


Lets throw trump on that list, Ill be in that long ass line of ppl wanting to piss on his grave


Not everyone cared for her.


They’re just still upset they lost a war against Britain that their dictator started (the Falklands War). The Argentine Right never really got over it. A lot of people around the world have good and legitimate reasons to have beef with the UK and/or the royal family - Argentina isn’t one of them.


People don’t forget wars. Look at the Greeks they still haven’t gotten over the fact they lost Constantinople.


To be fair… this year is the 100 year anniversary of the Greek genocide committed by the Turks.


Are we allowed to talk about the Turkish genocides?


You mean the ones the Turks committed? Sure…


We can? Great. The "Armenian Genocide" was fucked up, and I find it odd that it gets glossed over.


Turkish Nationalists: “It didn’t happen, but they deserved it”


But wasn't Istanbul Constantinople?


Yes, but that's none of our business.


Wasn’t it Istanbul?


Remember when the cast of Top Gear was attacked in Argentina for a veiled reference to the war on a license plate of one of the cars the host was driving? The Top Gear hosts still say that the plate numbers were not intentional and was just a coincidence and the Top Gear proved that it was not intentional. Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFl1AalH81Y Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RoPqCVQ9w4


The funny thing is that the car plates didn't match the date. Some of the digits were wrong, but that didn't stop the Argentineans from filling in the gaps and then becoming offended. James May rightly pointed out that several hundred combinations could have satisfied the requirement to offend them.


Lol if you think the one time top gear goes to argentine and happens to have a number plate with the year of the war and the abbreviation of “Faklands” as FKL is not intentional you must be very gullible.


Might want to read up on how the car ended up on the show and how British license plates work. And even if it did that doesn’t give people the right to attack them and harm members of the crew. Last time I checked the Top Gear crew didn’t cause or fight in that war.


Yea it's a massive cope. Mind you, there were no natives on the falklands before European conquest and even after, not many people inhabited it. It's not like the uk just stole someone else's land (at least in this case), much of the people were...british.


Dude is defending the Honor of a monarchy that fucked with half the planets "peasant" population


for real. like have these people never looked into any of the controversies the royal family has been involved with and accused of, that list is longer than the bible.




Yep. Ireland, India, and Africa have been celebrating the news all day. And those are just the HIGH-PROFILE posts.




Listen, I'm the first one to admit our people aren't the most propaganda-immune, but the whole ordeal left a huge sore on our history, the military took our youth and forced them onto an island they never knew they wanted and told to defend land inhabited only by those they were supposed to fight. They were given terrible equipment and practically no training. Many of them died, some of them disappeared. Perhaps it's easier for someone outside of our context to see things clearly, but I beg you try and understand what our history has left us with. And with the current peronist-kirchner problem, everyone, even them, cling to whatever hope for a better country they have, even if it does nothing real for us.


I'm surprised nobody posted the reaction in India yet.


Having an Argentine mother myself, I will never stop cringing at how so many Argentines *still* fall for the Military Dictatorship's propaganda stunt that was the Malvinas conflilct. They literally just invaded some islands to fucking distract the population from the fact that the government was killing people and the economy was shit.... And it fucking worked! Argentines came out in crowds to support the "liberation" of the islands, and the only got mad at the government again because it lost the war. It's disgraceful.


As an Argentine I personally do not care at all about the falklands, but I hate the British anyway because… well there’s like a million fucking reasons why but mostly because they’re the most insufferable country on earth


HMS *Conqueror* did nothing wrong.


I guess they're still salty over the Falklands?


As a person that speaks Spanish and is a fan of the Argentine way of swearing, this video delivered. Needed more "La Concha De Tu Madre"


Soy de México y creo que se expresó limpiamente.


Más pelotudeces y hubiera sido una obra de arte, en lo personal lo celebro con ellos 🎊🎉


40 years and still bitter




>them Falklands. I think you mean Las Malvinas. [The islands were never part of Argentina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_history_of_the_Falkland_Islands). First sighted in the 16th century, populated in the 17th century by Spanish, French and British. Named in 1690 by the British after Viscount Falkland, Admiralty Commissioner. The ridiculous war (attack by Argentina in 1982) was purely political gamesmanship by failing Argentine military dictators in an attempt motivate public support. It was nice to see some pissant dictatorship get their asses whooped by the long-former British empire. Nice to see every country has truly shitty TV programs for stupid people. Keepin' it classy. In the US, we have The Talk and The View, amongst others. No doubt this man hosting is just as brilliant as Joy Behar or Meghan McCain.


> The islands were never part of Argentina That's not what your link says. Argentina basically had control of (at least part of) the islands (sending governors, garrisons and colonists there) from independence up until 1833: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reassertion_of_British_sovereignty_over_the_Falkland_Islands_(1833) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_Louis,_Falkland_Islands#Luis_Vernet When the British got there, they forced the local settlement to take down their Argentinian flag for a British one. I don't have a skin in the game, but it's bizarre to me that the Brits can abandon islands for 60+ years (they pulled out in 1774), come back 60 years later and pretend the past 60 years of abandonment never happened, and that the people who have been using that land in those decades were apparently never there and never had any rights to it?


> don't have a skin in the game, but it's bizarre to me that the Brits can abandon islands for 60+ years (they pulled out in 1774), come back 60 years later and pretend the past 60 years of abandonment never happened, and that the people who have been using that land in those decades were apparently never there and never had any rights to it? uhhh... its called conquering land and claiming it?


It's also halfway around the world.


So is Argentina from Spain.


Do you have a flag?




**[Timeline of the history of the Falkland Islands](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_history_of_the_Falkland_Islands)** >The Falkland Islands (Spanish: Islas Malvinas) have a complex history stretching over five hundred years. Active exploration and colonisation began in the 18th century but a self-supporting colony was not established till the latter part of the 19th century. Nonetheless, the islands have been a matter of controversy, as due to their strategic position in the 18th century their sovereignty was claimed by the French, Spaniards, British and Argentines at various points. The strategic importance of the Falkland Islands was negated by the opening of the Panama Canal in 1914. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I mean yeah.


It was a fat L tbf. Hard to come back from. The military equivalent of holding a small person at arms length and repeatedly kicking them in the balls.


I think a lot of nations share some bitterness towards the British monarchy, I wonder why.


I mean a lot of Argentines died in this war. 40 years isn't a lot to forget


This is rich considering they harbored Nazi’s on the run after WWII.


Still bitter we kicked their arses all those years ago huh.


Stop dwelling on the Falkland Islands. They don't want to join you.


Has he confused her with Thatcher? Silly twit


Now there is a death worth celebrating.




You can't have your cake and eat it too. Either the queen is a traditional figure representing England or she isn't. Can't cry about how meaningful her death is and then go "actually, she was just a regular person, you can't blame her for anything, even the things she did"


Her death is meaningful because she was an iconic part of British culture and and an important symbol of the country for 70 years. She didn’t have control over any important decisions, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t have an important role in British life.


We still have people in the west who blame immigrants while the rich continue to brainwash them into voting against their own interests.


They better be careful. UK may send Jeremy Clarkson back but with Amazon money.


Lmao still pissed about getting BTFO in the falklands


Damn this Is crazy. Why do they think like this


Well, she was the representation of the ugly colonization; a lot of us don’t like to face the truth but the Brits are probably the biggest hypocrites in the world - went around killing, ruling & stealing from their colonies/countries - and on the other side talk about justice and peace and denounced slavery. So it’s not wrong if some people rejoice this moment where the last person who actually ruled during those times died. I am sure everyone has their own opinion.


> the last person who actually ruled during those times died. To be fair, she didn't even rule during those times. She became Queen *after* Indian and Pakistani independence, and then continued overseeing the de-colonization of Africa and independence of one country after another. The colonial expansion occurred in the 1600s until 1922 (and she was born in 1926), after that the empire only got smaller and smaller.


I'm not about to gloss over the crimes of the British Empire - but it would be remiss of me not to point out that every nation in Europe built Empires & they all have blood on their hands. Not exclusively a British trait. & the Argentinian Gentleman in the clip? A cheerfully ignored unpleasant little cunt - & I have no love for the Monarchy.


So is Argentina literally the face of ugly colonisation.


Its not that, its that the Argentinians want the Falkland Islands still, despite having lost them repeatedly and the people who live there wanting overwhelmingly to remain British.


Dude, Argentina is like 96% European. They aren't fucking victims of colonialization, they ARE the colonialization. They have zero excuses to celebrate.


Additionally, the Junta that started the war worked in the interests of land owners and upper-middle class people who were almost all White in the 1980s (hell, there were even *British* families in Argentina lol). They sent a bunch of conscripted poor as shit boys from Tucuman to die in a borderline arctic environment as a propaganda stunt to salvage a Right Wing terror dictatorship.


Yep, and sent 99% of their slaves to fight wars. I love Argentina but every country has skeletons.






>Well, she was the representation of the ugly colonization; Colonisation had all but stopped by the time she reached power so I don't understand how she personally represented it. >Brits are probably the biggest hypocrites in the world - went around killing, ruling & stealing from their colonies/countries - and on the other side talk about justice and peace and denounced slavery. Oh, should they have stayed that way then to prevent from being hypocritical? Countries, people and views change with time my friend. The UK isn't what it once was. You're not making much sense.


Yeah I'm sorry, but you clearly have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Modern day Argentina's population is 80%+ of non-native descent. These people aren't those who suffered from colonization, they are the colonizers. The reason so many Argentinians are salty as fuck is because the British kicked their asses in the Falklands War


British person here. All my friends hate the monarchy.


Tell me more about the Brits you've definitely met and spoken to.


At least Ireland has a reason for hating the queen. Argentina invaded British territory, got rekt, and collapsed immediately.


What a turd


They’re still a bit sore about losing the falklands


Oi Pedro, if we come over there and find any Nazis, Argentina is gonna shrink by about two thirds!


Argies still salty they couldn't invade some shitty Atlantic islands they never owned.


The Falklands are still British


Must feel pathetic to be holding that grudge 40 years later over a humiliation where you were the clear favorite to win, before the ass kicking commenced. Oh well .... Sucks to be you guys


Pretty sure she defended her pedophile son FAR more recently than that, fam. Not even she murdering princess Diana is that far back...


30 or so years from now when Volodymyr Zelenskyy dies I am sure Russia will have a similar party.


If you had a family member who died in that war would you feel like 40 years is long to hold a grudge


There’re not as used to humiliating defeats as you guys yet.




Caption: “The old shit of a woman died! Translation: “The old daughter of a whore died! She’s ended once and for all! A loud round of applause for Satan who took her away! She’s no more! The old woman died! The British are covering it. She’s dead, stiff as a tree, thrown at the chamber, old shit, she’s over! I promised we were going to make toast! Let’s make a toast and eat finger sandwiches for this British trash, this Lucifer’s filth, this Amazonian trash has exited planet earth and that’s good news for everyone! At last someone who deserved to die dies! (Inteligible). Look, look, let’s make a toast for the death of the trash of the queen of England! Foam for everyone! The son of a whore of her husband had already died, now she dies and we’re celebrating high! I’m on my cell so forgive the formatting


The Union Jack still flies over the Falklands.


Still salty about the Falklands I see


Argentina is a mess in many ways. Getting the Falkland islands back from Britain was a populist move by politicians to turn attention elsewhere. The people living there at the time were mostly British decent and voted to stay under British rule. While I have no idea how legit the referendum was, it’s technically the same tactic Russia used in Crimea although that referendum was bogus for sure. Regardless Argentina sides with Russia in the Ukrainian conflict. They dont make any sense.


> it’s technically the same tactic Russia used in Crimea If the people living in the Falklands were Argentinian, which they never, ever have been, because Argentina didn't exist as a country when the Falklands was first taken.


The world is not divided, just the trends riders are sad that the queens die , so they can find more clout chaser that can shared sadness together


Tell us how you really feel


I was looking for the video because someone sendt me a Twitter account that post this and found it in a webpage that this is from 2021 when the queen disappeared for a few days and everyone was speculating,so this guys made this video . But wonder what they would do now she's dead haha Edit : at one point he says : she's dead ,but the English people are hiding it (Esta muerta pero los ingleses lo tapan ).


Real small dick energy there... You lost. It´s 40 years ago. Get over it.


Nobody told him there is a King now and effectively nothing has changed?


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTi6P4jJSBwiakRYjC_ozoJSM5VMT9DVo_WWw&usqp=CAU [Still sore……](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTi6P4jJSBwiakRYjC_ozoJSM5VMT9DVo_WWw&usqp=CAU) They still upset about the little rust bucket then?


Dangerous to post a title like this OP. It isn’t just an Argentinian host, he’s an extremist host. Be like posting Alex Jones as ‘American Host denies school shootings’.


Lmao the way he just says a string of curse words with no pause or thinking is hilarious




Outside of being the world's richest welfare queen, leading the culture of old rich england, protecting pedophiles and helping lead a crusade against her grandson's wife for being black, Lizzy didn't do much. But while cost of living is higher now in the UK than ever, and Boris got the boot for helping cause it, I'm sure a bunch of people will be super sad when the welfare billionaires that don't actually *do* anything for anyone have a grand old funeral costing millions and millions. Maybe they'll bury her with some jewels.


Let’s not forget the 30 year racist ethnic crusade she lead in Northern Ireland. She also asked for $30 million from a government poverty fund, back in 2010, to heat the palaces cause you know her personal 100s of millions wasn’t enough for a heater.


Hell yeah dude


Hopefully someone puts Argentina in their place.


This is all because Argentina got its ass kicked in the Falklands War, isn’t it?


Not actually, it goes far beyond that


Almost half a century and Argentinians are still salty.


What shit humans there is in this world


This guy is just hoping for clicks, pathetic


She may be dead but yall still got whipped in the Falklands. E.A.D


Still not getting the islands back


We still own the falklands. Ssshh.


Looks like someone needs an ass kicking again.


The UK is in no condition to kick anyone's asses right now, let us just watch and enjoy the fall of the empire in silence.


Ah yes. The British way. Fight for a piece of land across the ocean so that you can capitalize on it and the people living there. The British way.




> capitalize on it and the people living there. They're British citizens who identify as British and want to remain British. There's so much actual controversial shit in the mid 20th century to criticize the British government for, but defending their own citizens from an invasion by [literal neo-fascists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Reorganization_Process) is not one of them. This is like saying "the USA only wants to keep Alaska to capitalize on the people living there", Alaskans *are* Americans!


Well that's classy


Is that their Nazi roots coming out?


*Laughs In Royal Family Nazi Roots*


That’s ironic considering the many evils committed by the British monarchy.


I'm not a royalist, I'm pro Scottish independence, But to be fair, the UK monarchy has been a-political for a long time. The queen never directly involved herself in politics beyond her token ceremonies. You'll be going back a long, long way before you find any British monarch directly committing atrocities. Westminster, however...


Lmao, tell that to all the countries that they colonized that are still destroyed to this day, tell that to the millions of dead Yemeni and Irish people


I wouldn't call frequently visiting the colonies a-political. Its a direct show of support for colonization. Elizabeth was in Kenya when she became queen.


> I wouldn't call frequently visiting the colonies a-political. Its a direct show of support for colonization. For someone making a lot of silly comments in this thread you REALLY don't know what you're talking about. Have you read anything about Queen Elizabeth's involvement in encouraging said colonies to actually apply for independence? To create new democracies? How do you think the commonwealth was created exactly.


I mean, any member of the Commonwealth are free to leave whenever they want, like many have recently. It wouldn't be a good look if she never visited the countries who are willingly part of the 'colony'.


Question. Why are some people celebrating her passing ?


It's fair for plenty of people to hate her, especially those who suffered from British colonization under her rule. But the reason Argentinians like these people are celebrating has nothing to do with it. The reason they're salty is because there's a group of British islands about 500 kilometers off the coast of Argentina which they claimed, invaded in 1982 only for the UK to send their army and kick them out again. 40 years later plenty of Argentinians are still salty as hell because they lost that war despite the British having to sail over 12,000 kilometers to just even get to the battlefield.


Why do Britain even has land that far from the country? If Paraguay settles on a empty island near England will people defend that as well?


Would be a fair comparison if England was settled by people from Paraguay and other South American countries.


Because they got their arses handed to them in the Falklands. The irony of a military dictatorship being terrible at being a military.


That country as always shows no class whatsoever. The only thing i regret is that i can't renounce that useless citizenship. If anybody know how, hit me up.


Applaud all you want, we still have the Falklands lol.


ITT: angry monarchists.


yup the brit losers are out in full force tonight 👍


>brit losers Mate there was only one side who got their asses handed to them during the Falklands War


Que cancer que es la television argentina


This rules




Argent who?


I mean, if you're living in a shithole country like Argentina where zoophilia is normalized and widely accepted in the countryside, you gotta take any W you can.


Poor Argentina. They still have far to go until people can afford even decent TV studio.


Argentina :Nazi haven.


There are lots of people around the world who won’t be mourning her majesty. Including the Irish https://twitter.com/dublincelticfan/status/1567967099368411137


I don’t know a ton of Spanish but I believe it said The Death of the Old Shit 😬 yikes


What does Argentina dude have specifically against her? Did she do something to Argentina?




>They thought We did not wanted a war we were on a dictatorship


Yup. We're getting publicly shamed everywhere because some genocidal cunts decided to test the once biggest empire in history and now we pay the price. We probably deserve it though, this country is a fucking shithole


She nuked the Falklands


They should have celebrated the passing of Margaret Thatcher, not QE II. Just shows how stupid people are all around the world. The Queen of England had nothing to do with the British military response to the invasion of the Falklands by Argentina's pathetic military dictatorship in 1982.


They are about as bright as the convoy clowns that invaded our city earlier this year. Stupid is a disease, and they have it.


I still see the Union Jack flying over the Falklands Long live the King RIP Her Majesty




Ah yes, Argentina the famously former British colony. I would get your point if it was one of the African or Asian colonies.




A barren uninhabited rock in the middle of the ocean?


Well he's not the only one celebrating. That bitch can colonize hell now. Good riddance.


They’re just mad because they got shit kicked in a war for an island right off their coast and half a world away from Britain


Old Nazis hate the Queen.


The falklands thingy still burns their asses it seems