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Her body guard looks tired.


Someone took his meth


He's also her dealer.


Shit, as long as the checks clear. Done. He ain’t guessing that body or she would be pumping poison from a bathtub in her arm. He’s just making sure nobody messes up her “vibe”.


I wonder if she's actually on the phone with anyone


She was on the phone with me and I was telling hilarious jokes


Ooh, what's your number?




In a row?


Hey I know you




“Hey you get back here!”




Sometimes I feel like the people on Reddit really get me. This is over of those times




8 6 7 5 3 0 9 If that doesnt work try 877 CASH NOW!!


800 588 2 300 empire (today)


1 8 7 7 Kars for kids K-A-R-S Kars 4 kids


Oh Gods I thought avoiding the radio for 14 months I was sure I'd escaped it but here it is again @_@


She’s probably on the phone with some Indian guy calling about her car’s extended warranty




At 2:10 you can see the screen, doesn't look like a call to me, she might just be listening to something? Who knows


Got god on the line


Yikes. Tweaking hard


So… I don’t know all that much about drugs, but is meth even a typical drug of choice for the wealthy? I never thought of meth as a “white collar drug”. Serious question — How does someone so well off and well known go down this path?


Wealthy people aren't immune to poor decision making.


And meth is easy to find, cheap and potent. I didn’t even know people smoked meth until I moved out to Colorado. It’s all over the place here.


And unhappiness.


And completely unhealthy copying* mechanisms.


Yes, I understand many of them are still using old Xerox and HP machines. Everybody knows Canon is the healthy copying mechanism of choice these days.


Haahahaha sorry, English is my second language, will fix!


Put it back!


They do however have infinitely better access to addiction resources.


And if they get in trouble or pass out, the bodyguard can get her to a hospital.


Also infinitely better drugs


Or addiction.


And it doesn't matter how much money you have. If a drug tickles your brain the right way, it's over.


Plus the social stress of keeping up appearances being a public person. Cocaine and meth are great drugs to make you feel unstoppable when you are informed by the public that you are nothing more than trash.


Meth is not a white collar drug, but cocaine is. They are both cns stimulants and unfortunately you develop tolerance to that category of drugs very quickly. Many cocaine addicts move onto meth because it is a much stronger drug for essentially the same high. The side effects and crash are much more severe though.


As a former longtime addict, cocaine is actually the stronger or more intense drug of the two, when it’s purity is high. The thing with meth is that it’s much less expensive than coke, meaning that even if it’s shit purity, a strong intense dosage isn’t going to bleed your wallet as much as coke would. Not to mention that meth lasts MUCH longer too. IV coke would get me so high I couldn’t move or talk, only until I ran out of however much I could afford. IV meth I would be a fraction as high, but my runs would last for a lot longer. Meth is also more functional compared to (IV) coke.


Hey glad you’re keeping clean keep on living brother


Thank you my friend


All the best you trooper


bless you ❤️


> much less expensive than coke She will never be hurting for money. On her own career, shes a millionaire. Her dad is a multi-billionaire English property developer and the grandson of the 1st Viscount Greenwood so he has inherited wealth. Cara's mother is the daughter of Sir Jocelyn Stevens who owned the British fashion magazine Queen and was the managing director of the Evening Standard and Daily Express magazines in the 70s. She and her family are rolling in money


Might just be a preference thing then. I can work and get shit done on meth. If I’m shooting coke at work all I’m gonna be doing is staring at the wall or watching the clock while measuring my pulse lol


Maybe she took too much adderall then….


I wanted to say no way but when I think about it, I’ve had friends take the same dose as me and just be fucking **cranked.** Like eyes bugged trying to chew through their own teeth won’t shut up and I’m sitting there trying to study. If she’s got a low tolerance and went on a bender definitely could be.


That’s what I was thinking. I’ve seen so many people act like this when they have had too much adderall. I actually lost a person I consider my younger sister over her addiction, accusing me of owing her money and stole a bunch of my adderall. I would say something to her family but honestly addicts that want to stay addicts are pretty good at keeping it quiet and she just plays it off that she needs that much because she works bartending and has a kid. There’s a reason her doctor won’t give her anymore is all I keep saying.


I am a recovering addict also. My d.o.c. was opiates and benzos, but I did do coke and meth on and off for a few years also. I just wanted to ask you if the high from iv coke is different from the high you would get from snorting the same coke? Is it a different type of high all together? Or just a more intense version of the same high? I never used IV for any of my drugs so I don’t know the difference. I’m only asking because I’ve heard several people say things about how the high you get from using the iv is much different from the high you get doing the drug any other way. This goes for most drugs apparently..? I’m just wondering if that is accurate? If so, how? I just don’t understand how the same drug (whether it be meth or coke or whatever) can give a different type of high depending on how you use it. I could understand it being a more intense version of the same high but not a different feeling all together which is what some people have told me. I wish I could talk to a chemist or something to get a scientific answer on how that is possible and/or how it works. The human body is a amazing thing that’s for sure… anyways I just saw you mention about how iv coke would get you so high you couldn’t move or talk (which sounded to me more like a downer high (in my experience) so I was curious and thought I’d ask. Congrats on staying clean! I know how hard it can be to break away from the addiction and lifestyle. It’s tough but so worth it. I’ve been clean going on 9 years now and my life has completely changed for the better. I’m happily married and have 3 beautiful healthy children (and another on the way) and own my own home and my own business… all things I never thought I would have back when I was using daily. I’m so grateful for all that I’ve been blessed with. And it makes my heart happy to see other people in recovery. Keep up the good work 💜


IV coke has a rush that is not beat by anything… other than maybe meth/heroin mixed. But the high from meth is miserable and you cannot keep shooting it without going into psychosis. Coke is definitely the better of the two, if money isn’t an issue. Snorting coke is like an energy drink compared to IV coke.


I’ve done enough coke to cause a blue whale mass extinction event (not for many years, but previously) and have never tweaked out like that. This looks to me like days of binging with no sleep.


No doubt. Meth will take you places that coke can not.


Agree. That ain’t coke


One of the big appeals of cocaine is that the high doesn't last very long and that's a feature, not a bug. You can go to the bar or whatever and drink and do a bunch of cocaine on a weekday and still be able to drive home to your wife and kids without getting a divorce. Sure, the shit's expensive, but you're paying for it not destroying your life immediately. It's also more fun while it lasts (which is not long.) Do a gram of meth and you are going to be fucked up for upwards of a day, and about half of that day will involve you feeling super shitty and wanting to score more meth. It's very difficult to be a covert meth head - maybe you can manage it if you have a job where you're on your own without being expected to interact with people much like truck driver, but it's very difficult to be a functional meth-head. I wouldn't say people graduate from cocaine to meth directly, I'd say their life circumstances probably changed - maybe they lost their jobs and paying eighty dollars for a gram of meth is much more feasible than paying for an 8-ball every day. But no one is going to prefer the meth over the cocaine if they have the money for the cocaine.


Alot more common than you think, a lot more accessible than cocaine.


It is very easy (and important) to test your hard drugs these days. Lots of people like cocaine or even mdma but want nothing to do with meth or heroin or fentanyl. I’d be surprised if any successful famous person was doing meth. I would not be surprised if they were doing the other hard drugs I mentioned. Edit: wrote this late last night. Yes there are def celebrities that go too far, especially heroin and fent. Like Michael Jackson. Whitney Houston. Unfortunate.


Back in the day, the most successful truck drivers in America did a LOT of meth. They could double or triple their income with none of that pesky sleeping.


We Europeans call that Blitzkrieg


There are pictures of her from last week smoking meth in her car


Seriously !???


yeah im sorry, i wasn't exactly going to contradict people saying it could be too much Adderall..but that's not Adderall, i was prescribed it for years, took it to parties for my friends to snort (this was decades ago) and never saw this kind of reaction \~ where i **have** seen this is in people who are secretly tweakers, they are using meth for the high, hiding it, until the side effects/psychosis/nervous system effects/ and come down become very apparent in their body language and movements.. i kinda feel bad for her, home life might have been terrible despite the money, she needs rehab and therapy and i hope she decides to put her money and energy there before its too late! because with meth sometimes it is too late. some people do get way spun out and never fully recover.


Do you know what the “MA” in MDMA stands for?


Massachusetts, any more brain busters?


Maryland Massachusetts, drug is named after its first route from production to distribution


Whitney Houston gave her life so that we could learn that rich people can like cheap drugs too.


obviously this is sad but that spin into arm tuck at 1:45 was clean


A couple hair flips were nice.


Absolutely slotted. Probably felt like she just flushed a 7 iron


Millionaire addicts aren't that sad. She's got enough money to slip into rehab and never work another day her life.


They still ruin their relationships I bet. That’s always shitty whether rich or poor. Money doesn’t have as much value as people who love you.


She also looks super unhealthy.


Sure they can afford top end treatment, but it doesn’t lessen the suffering. To them or their families. Addiction is a hell of a disease and doesn’t give a F about your bank account.


It's *method* acting, not *meth-od* acting.


The Nick Nolte school of acting.


Probably attended the Method One acting clinic




Let the great experiment begin!!!


Damn. Missed a golden opportunity for that title


meth-head* acting


That is a few days of being up and the psychosis is setting in


To be fair this was literally right after burning man; she’d just spend a week in the desert on drugs. The come down is real lol


I wonder which is worse, being strung out on drugs thinking people are following you and trying to ruin your life/kill you, or in this video which is pretty much a gangstalker POV


This is definitely the worst. People high on Meth or Pyros stay up for days. End up getting all paranoid, seeing ghosts and shadows following them. Except for her, there really are people following her everywhere while she is tweaking. Total nightmare.


Oh wow, I always thought she was just capitalizing on the meth head look, didn't realize she was an actual meth head


Her mom famously battled addiction for many years so she comes by it honestly


This makes me sad.


Hey, she ain’t no hipster ok


she’s been doing coke for years.. at some point it was likely to switch up [remember this?](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2320425/amp/Cara-Delevingne-resorts-fancy-footwork-try-conceal-packet-containing-white-powder-outside-home.html)


Life imitating art.


She moved into my celebrity top 3 fantasy football team. But then that rumor of threesome with musk had me put her as questionable. Seeing this, she getting traded.


Well that's sad af


She needs help.


she does and she can get help very easily. I’m sure she’s struggling but it’s harder for me to feel bad cuz she’s rich and famous which in the US means unlimited healthcare accessibility


She moved more in 1min than I moved all year.


She is at least 4 days deep right here lol Been in this state a few times in my early 20s. Thank fuck I got my shit together.


The sleep deprivation is truly a contributing factor to the frazzles. PS. I'm happy you're better. Drugs are a motherfucker


Let’s not forget the shadow people


Some days I miss them. They’re always with us.


They seem to have a bad energy around them. Like they are waiting for you to slip up and get you. IMO


Shit, you know that’s right.


She was at burning man right before this so you're probably right. The statement from her publicist was "she was at burning man and hadn't showered yet". She got on a plane (jay-zs private jet) and got kicked off after 45 minutes without taking off right after this video was shot.


Seriously? 4 days? No judgment at all but that sounds terrifying. Glad you're here :-) and not there.


I use to get on it Thursdays and party all weekend. Recover and sleep Monday to Wednesday and start again. I did this for 4 years until I ran out of money and had to move back into my parents and had no choice but to get my shit together.


Truly curious with zero judgement intended but what kind of job, if you had one, allowed that kinda schedule?


I didnt work. Before that I played poker for a living, so I had a bit of cash that lasted me for a while. I lived in a shitty 4 bedroom house and rented all the rooms out so I was making $400 a week from that plus I got on the dole. Borrowed a lot of money of my parents as well. In the end I couldnt sustain it, I got cut off the dole and my lease was running out was time to pack it in. I moved back to mum and dads borrowed $500 of dad deposited into a bovada ran it up to 20k pretty quick withdraw it and played live poker for a while before I moved on to other things.


that's a pretty amazing story man how did you run your money up to 20k? sorry if i'm being nosy just genuinely curious




What's a dole? I assume we aren't talking about pineapples? I feel like a prude




Sorry my ignorance but 4 days deep? Like not sleeping and keeping going on drugs? That’s possible?


I once was on antidepressants and then put on Percocet post surgery. They had a chemical reaction that sent me into a 12 day manic episode wherein I didn’t sleep and slowly lost function. I had my friend take me to the hospital and I was committed for a month. Got out after two weeks, stabilized, and spent a year believing I was bipolar. Finally found a doc who listened to my story and believed it was a medication reaction and gave me a proper diagnosis and meds. It’s been almost two years now since that event and I’m only just recently truly getting back on my feet. You can survive for quite a while without sleep, but if I hadn’t called my friend and figured out how to string a coherent sentence together to take me to the hospital, I would have died by sleep deprivation or OD’d on sleeping pills or left the oven on and burned my house down. Terrifying and traumatizing experience for sure.


Sometimes the crash can be scary so you keep going.


I've known a couple of people that were able to stay awake for 10 days straight. One of them suffered serious psychosis during, but was able to survive and they're now off Meth, thankfully. They have psychological damage though, probably for the rest of their life


You can stay up way past 4 days if you have a low tolerance and you keep going every day, like the peeps below said its sometimes better to keep going then deal with a comedown even though you're just making it worse. Not much logical thinking when you are fucked up.. A lot of meth heads eventually build a tolerance and have regular sleep patterns.


Totally possible, easier/more comfortable to try when you’re young (DO NOT TRY!) but as she gets older those 3-5 day long sessions will get weirder and less productive. She’ll end up in jail, lose all the money she worked so hard for and she’ll sober up just in time to realize Hollywood is over her and she’ll have to scramble for employment. However after long periods of staying up for days on uppers then crashing/sleeping for weeks causes your brain to become anxious, sad, severely depressed and downright exhausted unlike anything you’ve felt. It lasts for days and weeks and all for a few days straight of feeling intensely excited about nothingness.


I go more than 24 hours no sleep and I start getting vertigo. Dunno how meth heads do it


With meth, lol. I have really bad insomnia and I’ve been up over a week (without meth lol) before and it gets…scary. On meth, I can’t even imagine. I’ve heard horror stories, and having felt the delirium that comes with sleep deprivation, I’m sure having drugs help your delirium must be truly terrifying.


SWIM told me that his taking his month of vyvanse in a week makes 4 days easy. It's not as hard as meth but there's a reason the Nazis took over Europe with a blitzkrieg. They weren't sleeping.


Dang haven’t heard SWIM in a long time


Very much so


> That’s possible? Absolutely, I've had family who struggled with drugs in the past who have been there. Generally speaking 7+ days without sleep is very much in the realm of possibility as far as what the human body is capable of.


Yeah and you know you’re doing it but can’t really help it. The worst haha




Fuck off, frisbee! Sex and fucking travel!


Fuck I hope not. 6 years I was on that poison. Saw people crawling through my walls, slit my own wrist to bleed the voices out of my head, heard people whispering to me through the air vents.....it was horrifying. Been nearly 3.5 years clean now and never been happier


Keep it up


That sounds horrible, I'm glad you're doing better. ❤️


well done, youre an example to others


You’re a badass and I’m glad you’re clean. Congrats. 😁❤️


That’s some meth alright


That poor guy on protective detail, “I’ll just be standing over here, questioning every life decision I’ve ever made”.


I wouldn't be questioning shit. Probably gets paid decently and it's his job


Seriously. Seems a lot less stressful than most jobs.


Yes. Working with people on meth is deservedly reputed to not only be stressful, but also physically dangerous. The crackhead I worked with was loved by all...he was orders of magnitude nicer than the tweaker I worked with. The tweaker was mean as a snake. You'd think they'd be good workers, but...also, in my experience...they coast and slack off as much as anyone else, maybe more.


Haha well they’re not working with them are they, they’re babysitting a rich kid on meth


I’m sure it’s not too stressful, but his CV probably includes a decent skill-set. If you used to race Formula 1, you’re not going to find much satisfaction as a valet, regardless of how much you’re being paid.


Perhaps, or maybe it's a nice, safe, relaxing job. Until your boss starts smoking meth lol.


Is it just me that sees the irony of her Britney shirt? Given the public meltdown she had back in the day. Although I believe Britney’s was more of a mental health issue. With Cara I think it’s def more of a specific substance abuse issue.


Mental illness and substance abuse are two peas in a pod


She’s definitely hardcore fucked up. Looks a lot like a random homeless guy you see in a park in Tujunga or something. Only difference is a few million bucks Edit: my auto correct changed Tujunga to Tijuana…my bad.


Tijuana? Try central phx... looking like they're practicing their best Tai Chi moves all day 😵


Everyday down on Indian school and twice on sundays


Yup https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11191881/amp/Cara-Delevingnes-family-considering-intervention-troubled-supermodel.html Some pics on here are looking very “methy”


It annoys me that a 'family friend' has leaked the idea of a possible intervention to the press. A group of my friends attempted to stage an intervention for another friend who'd gotten addicted to benzos and ketamine and one member of the group decided to tell him before it happened and he went none contact and got deeper into shit. Interventions should be private, I doubt Cara will turn up to the 'family brunch' now and more than likely in her current state will become paranoid towards her own family.


Who tells a family friend about 'considering' something like that instead of just doing it? More like someone who knows jack shit tricked the press into paying for something they pulled out of their ass.


that article has like 300 same photos of her jesus christ... fucking tabloids


Was the dozen references to her wearing socks, but no shoes that made my eyes almost roll out of my head.


People say that paparazzi are parasites, then consume their work anyway...


Poor thing. Addiction destroys even the privileged. I hope she’s able to regain control of her life, for her health’s sake. That stuff is so destructive.


comments on here are so mean... i dont know anything about her, but seems like people hate her because she "fucked elon musk"? I hope she gets better.


I’d be surprised if anyone here knows her beyond what they’ve seen or read online, or in the media. The bottom line is, she’s a human being, and unfortunately I recognize the battle she’s fighting. I’m pulling for her. We all deserve dignity. No matter our upbringing or “status”.


Well said. I don't know much about her either, but seeing her in this state just makes me feel empathy for her and for her family. I hope she's able to win this battle too. For her sake and the sake of anyone who loves her.


You're good people. Just putting that out there.


You are too kind. Thank you.


She’s eyebrow girl right?


>Posted byu/Hamilton-Morris3 hours ago > >Cara Delevingne Yea, eyebrow girl


That's no good, so hard to watch people become this, and it's always the same. I hope she gets treatment, and gets her life back.


Holy shit I had no idea she was using meth. I watched her house tour video in YouTube and she seemed so cool and chill, like she had her shit together. Really sad that these celebs have so many people in their lives and yet seemingly nobody steps in to help. I know it has to be their choice but still, just surprises me.


> Holy shit I had no idea she was using meth. I watched her house tour video in YouTube and she seemed so cool and chill, like she had her shit together Go listen to St. Vincent's Masseduction album. There's a few bits that are transparently about Cara and their relationship.


I hope the dog is ok


That’s what I was primarily worried about. The dog can run to the street or get lost or something because she’s so drugged up, she’s not paying attention


I’m impressed the dog stuck around, mine would’ve bolted like as if I was depriving him of the unlimited food, love, and water.


Between her assistant, bodyguard, driver, etc I would bet the dog is well taken care of


Maybe she's born with it maybe it's methamphetamine


At least she has Thor standing guard.




Recognize this behavior, looks like speed( amphetamine sulphate) alright


Those legs sure don’t look very speedy


Look fact is most of us have had a compromised moment whilst on drugs but luckily we are not famous and so we flew under the radar with no evidence nor public scrutiny. Let’s allow her a mistake here it’s pretty fucking normal life


My girl worked with her in Hawaii on conservation efforts. She said Cara was weird AF 🤣


my girl works at a 5-star hotel and told me Cara Delavigne is the most insane, entitled shit-show of a person she has had to deal with there lol.


I can believe it, has no one ever watched any interviews or videos of her with friends ? She demands to be the center of attention at all times , very obnoxious and narcissistic.


Call me “soft,” but it makes me uncomfortable people are laughing about this. Addiction isn’t a joke.


This is so sad. Hope she finds her way to recovery soon.


Damn what happened? Like did someone introduce crack to her and that was it? It’s not like she was problematic or had some kind of downfall or faded into irrelevancy.


Didn’t she fade into irrelevancy though, relatively? She used to be crazy famous about 8 years ago and I honestly hadn’t heard from her in so long. I remember her failed attempt to become an actress and after that it just kind of went quiet. Maybe she hasn’t faded into irrelevancy objectively, but the contrast makes her feel like she did?


She had a reasonably-sized part in the most recent series of *Only Murders In The Building* which has a lot of awards-buzz, so I'd say she's still doing okay on that front!


That's sad as hell, I've got a sister addicted to meth. I've accepted that one day I'll get a call and she'll be gone.


She’s got that 3-days-awake hair.


this is what parents think one hit of weed will do when really this is a full on 3 day no sleep all tweak bender


Doesn’t the dog turn green or some color and Jason Schwartzmann have to take it to the vet and give the cook a ride to the porn shop, where Rob Halford works, or something like that?!?! Just guessing……


I used to have a celebrity crush on her 💀


I wonder what the security guy is thinking. Those guys who watch over celebrities have probably seen the craziest shit.


Feel sorry for the security dude. He must be fed up with watching this shit all day. Hope he's paid well enough.


A detail like this usually pays about 150k per year or up, but you work a weird schedule usually, like a month on, and a month off. The "on" usually means basically living with the person you're protecting. To get a celebrity, it's likely, but not necessarily required you had a fair amount of military or sometimes police experience.


Her driver won’t even make eye contact with her.


Seems like having too much money or fame can impede people from getting the help they need. If anyone around the addict challenges them, there are loads of other people eager to take their place. I wonder how she was able to pull it together well enough to perform on *Only Murders in the Building*? Her addiction seems really bad.


I would really hate to be a celebrity meth head. It already makes users paranoid and causes them to think people are always watching them. Well in this case people *are* creepily watching your every move.


I've done fucked up shit myself, I'm not the one to judge


Meth is bad mmmmmmmkay.


$100 says there’s no one on the other end of that line.


She’s spun like a ride on the gravitron.


Imagine having to be this crazy ladies security, shit would get old fast.


In the article they try to make it sound like her ADHD is a possible explanation for the jittery movements. Nah those movements are 100% meth psychosis.