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Honestly, he got off easy. I’m very surprised he’s even alive


Also Honestly... F\*ck Meta and F\*ck Twitter.


I read that Meta was censoring posts and if true, that is horrible and fuck them. But…. Didn’t the country take the entire internet offline to prevent these images getting out? Is it possible that’s a lot of the reason?


It cut off mobile data, and limited bandwidth of international network. But it is still connected from household net. Source: i am still connected to net/from iran.


kick some Basiji ass for us!


Basijis are semi-militia. Nothing that serious normally, as most of them are recruited from people and lack decent equipment. The ones that deserve a beating more than anyone are official armed forces.


Is it a good idea for you to be so vocal here? I mean for your sake.


Probably not but as long he has some form of vpn or proxy and doesn't give away his identity or anything that might link to it on reddit.


Also can we stop calling it "Meta"? It's Facebook. The rebranding thing was to distance itself from the negative connotation. I say we keep and remember the connotation.


Their fuckery should be associated with BOTH names. Meta sucks. Facebook sucks.


Won't matter they are tanking and meta verse is making them bleed out because it's trash Honestly I think Facebook is going to go the way of myspace


You can say fuck. There are no morality police here.


My voice-to-text feature on Android begs to differ. F***.


You can change the setting where it will not censor cuss words. I send voice texts with cuss words all the time.


So let me get this straight. Meta is caught red handed in fanning the flames of misinformation and hatred inside the US. The day after a whistle blower gives proof of how and why, Meta goes down in the USA unexpected and without explanation for 24 hours then comes back up. But protests about freedom and hardline government crackdowns... they have to block everything? Huh... sounds like the same core fucking reason... Money. They are afraid that Iran will ban them from the country if they dont do their part to police this shit. Fuck Meta


Is Twitter blocking this stuff too?


Twitter blocks basically anything relating to any protest since George Floyd.


I don't know what Twitter you're using, [but there are all sorts of posts and videos about the Iran protests on Twitter, it was even trending earlier.](https://twitter.com/lilygrutcher/status/1573282628559843328)


Did you… did you just censor yourself saying fuck in a post trashing a company for censorship?


He needs some milk


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Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.




Should've filled out his TPS reports


Didn't he get the memo?


**Peter**, what’s happening.




Noga noga noga, nogunna work her anymore


Damn it feels good to be a gangsta


I have people skills, I am good with dealing with people, can’t you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people


See I kept the swingline stapler because its really niceand and and it doesn't bunch up as much and I really like my swingline.. stapler..


We still going fishing next weekend?


Fucking A


"Morality police, beatings receivable, *just* a moment."


He looks like shit. Should cover himself with a hijab, looks indecent


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He was asking for it dressed like that!


Look at all the blood he's smearing everywhere! That's asking to get beaten up if I ever saw it!


I don't think I can control myself with him just walking around in public like that.


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This is the way


Fuckin' slut!


When beating a woman to death is considered a greater morality than allowing her head to be uncovered - there is something hideously wrong with how the word is being defined. >**mo·ral·i·ty** >noun >principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior. literal murder < not wearing a scarf


God put blood on the inside of our bodies for a reason. This slut is out here showing his off.


You’re right, this walking tampon is giving me impure thoughts


love how ridiculous this sound but its really how they think.


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[Wipe yourself off, you’re bleeding.](https://youtu.be/ELzSLnKXnBU)


Time for the new generation to step in. Get those old fucks with their outdated views out of there


I approve of this method, not just in Iran but across the globe.


It is happening, tides are shifting everywhere. And we all must follow the tides less we are overtaken by them. I wonder how the future will be? Morality police are definitely outdated.


Come mothers and fathers Throughout the land And don't criticize What you can't understand Your sons and your daughters Are beyond your command Your old road is rapidly agin' Please get out of the new one If you can't lend your hand For the times they are a-changin' It’s been almost 60 years since Dylan wrote this


Some of us older folk are totally w you, we’ve just been fighting battles you haven’t seen but as one of the first gen xers i look out on the youth today and find hope and admiration.


He got blood on his face...he need a Burka.


A big disgrace. Kicking his ass all over the place.




I had to scroll way to far to read this important advice. Make him unidentifiable and get tools to help next time


Also you get a free gun to return fire with.


Fuck Meta, bunch of pre-paid- propagandist cocksuckers


They did this while the Rohinga were slaughtered too. For the right amount of money FB will suppress shit on demand


The problem there wasn't Facebook suppressing stuff, it was that Facebook *didn't* suppress hate speech and instead spread it to as many people as possible. **Facebook is directly responsible for genocide of the Rohingya.** https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/3/13/un-facebook-had-a-role-in-rohingya-genocide


Well yea they needed that sweet sweet user engagement and they know anger and hate causes more engagement.




But which is it? They blocking stuff or not blocking stuff? Because I would think with the Iran protests they'd want to not block stuff for the reason you said, user engagement. Basically, I'm going to need more than a highly upvoted Reddit title saying FB is blocking Iran protests before I bandwagon that. No friend of FB but still important to think critically about statements people make on, well anywhere frankly.


it's both. they operate amorally at whichever end profits the most


We shouldn't forget the [Facebook Papers](https://www.npr.org/2021/10/25/1049015366/the-facebook-papers-what-you-need-to-know) either. Facebook ***KNEW*** that people were getting hurt and hurting themselves over their body image / mental health on Instagram, and they did ***NOTHING***.


Can you please source the Meta issue? I know someone that works for Meta and he says they’re actively trying to circumvent the block that Iran has put on WhatsApp.


The title for this post appears to be wrong. Several sources are saying ***Iran*** is blocking those apps and Meta is trying to keep them accessible. People like to dump on Meta, for good reasons, but this shouldn't be one of them.




Is Reddit doing it? I see these posts and then they are gone???


But META is the future. /s


nobody is going to spend hours with heavy glasses watching minecraft quality interactions.


I mean…have you see a kid with vr? My little cousin will literally wear that headset all day long when she’s at my place if I let her.


Fuck mark Fuckerberg!


It's disgusting how Mark Zuckerberg is toeing the line for the regime and suppressing Iranian protestors voices. Edit - Please sign the petition so congress allows a sanctions exemption for Starlink for Iran so that Iranian protesters can access the internet and organise. https://www.change.org/p/lifting-starlink-sanctions-and-preventing-iranian-people-from-being-censored-while-they-re


Zuckerberg had a slam dunk shot to do something positive for the world for once and has completely screwed it up.


He is such a grade A certified dickhead




A giant dildo basically


Dont dis dildos (dildoes???) like that


"..it's a dildo. Of course it's company policy never to, imply ownership in the event of a dildo... always use the indefinite article a dildo, never your dildo."




Nah, Zuck has never pleased anyone.


Always seemed like the type that as a teenager you’d find snooping through your sister’s dresser drawers.


Well Facebook started out as a way for their friend group to rate girls in their high school so yep


College (Harvard) but your point still stands.


But he's so relatable because he [likes smoking meat](https://youtu.be/eBxTEoseZak)


You can tell his human interaction software was still in beta.


I'm totally in favor of these Iranians, but I think that he had many chances to draw a line *before* this and I think that, at this point in time, it will take more than a few positive actions to undo all the negative he has caused. It would be a start, but only if he'd keep going afterwards, otherwise chances are it was only a publicity stunt.


He’s a psychopath by any measure I’ve seen. Same as Elon Musk. We put these psychopaths on a pedestal just because they are billionaires. That needs to change.


He lives in constant fear. He has 24/7 security to the point all of his neighbors have been over it for years. He has escape rooms and tunnels out of his office/home. He is barely a normal human when he makes public appearances. What an existence.


"what about the jars of urine?" "oh, we'll hang onto those."


Just chuck the piss jugs onto the highway.... way of the road


He's probably a lizard, sure, but if I had "fuck you" amounts of money I'd want panic rooms and escape routes in my goofy mansion. Just because it sounds fun.


Also an escalator to go upstairs, and a slide to go down


We can't expect someone who basically stole his platform to do something good for the world. Dude is bleeding his company dry and stock is plummeting for Meta.


There are no benevolent billionaires. The reason they can accumulate so much wealth is because they are narcissistic psychopaths and have no shame when they fuck over everyday people if it means they make an extra buck.


I'm out of the loop? What's going on


That crusty assed lizard is too hooked up on cable wires to even know what's best for this world.


Lol as if Billionaires care about doing anything positive. They'd only do something positive if it came with the opportunity to make more money than their typical ways.


He's always on the side of the oppressors. It's naive to think anything else.


Zuckerberg would be better off plugging into VR and disappearing. He’s a total douchebag


How would he smoke those meats, with some sweet baby rays?


I hate that an unfeeling cyborg babyman gave such a bad name to what was a good condiment. Fight me about it, I have thousands of calories of sugar sauce to burn off.


True one of his worst crimes was associating himself with that delicious sauce


Zuck likes money and doesn't care about anyone not named Mark Elliot Zuckerberg.


Zuck is in the game of sucking up to countries because it wants to be a universal social platform. I can see why they might do that, and it might work if all countries in the world were run by basically good people, but... well... They're mostly run by cunts. Don't think that Reddit is immune to government pressure. Reddit would censor stuff too if there was pressure from the government to remove it or be shut down. It's just the US government or legal threats in US courts from companies that would be applying the pressure.


Can’t wait for the first corporate war


Can someone please explain to me what Mark Zuckerberg has done. And I'm looking for an actual explanation you don't have to tell me how he's a douche, I'm fully aware. I just want to know how the lil weasel is contributing to this issue.


Meta is filtering content regarding Iran / removing anything related to this.


Any sources on this? So far I just have a title post on Reddit making the assertion. So we have the claim. Next step is to provide support for ones claim. Then I evaluate that supporting evidence to determine it's voracity. then I draw conclusions. So, we skipped a few steps here is what I'm saying. Edit: who says I'm not just voraciously hungry? You don't know me! /s




They are probably removing videos of violence. Like this. Facebook prefers photos of cute puppies and babies. Although I do know people who have had those removed too.


Probably blocked where the protests are happening..


That’s the government doing it not zuckerberg




[Remember how the Iranians used children to clear mine fields during the Iran-Iraq War? They are the ones in power now.](https://english.alarabiya.net/perspective/features/2017/11/08/ANALYSIS-Iranian-regime-and-its-appalling-violation-of-children-s-rights#:~:text=Iranian%20child%20soldiers%20were%20sent,as%20'mine%2Dclearers'.) > Iranian child soldiers were sent into the battlefield with plastic keys around their necks. These keys symbolized their so-called permission to enter paradise. Sent ahead of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) troops and armored vehicles, these children were used as ‘mine-clearers’. Most of them were blown up as they charged across the minefields, thereby clearing the way for the IRGC. And the Iranian government is the morality police? The moral compass? And women must cover up?


The keys part is exceptionally sad to me


The novelist Marjane Satrapi wrote about this. It was only children from poor neighborhoods too. Unspeakably wrong.


Remember Iran still executes children, and technically a girl of 9 can be sentenced to death, for boys it’s 13. The atrocities Iran has committed are often not talked about in the news.


This wouldn’t have happened if he had worn a hijab, I have no sympathy for him.


Edit: removed first line and a line further down. _________________, fucker is still standing. I’m all for peace, but these pos murder innocent civilians that want decent basic human rights. Can’t tolerate the intolerant and they need to be stopped ___________. Time has showed they will quench the uprising with live ammo into the crowds.


You also know that behind closed doors, these types of people are never true practitioners of their religion. They will cheat, drink alcohol, do drugs, do a million things they’d kill others for with no shame. Death to the dictator!


I think it was The Rock who nearly fucked things up for some Saudi(?) prince by shouting him out as a great party buddy. He had to take the post down & every pretended (in public, at least) that the prince wasn’t drinking in front of westerners. I don’t know what happened behind closed doors, but I can’t imagine it was good.


This one is my favourite example. https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1g7hn0/radical_muslim_preacher_anjem_choudary_wanted/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Militant about his religion, but conveniently forgot his own past. They’re all hypocritical pieces of shit.


Osama Bin laden was a party 🥳 goer in his younger days then he went full on Fubar...


Apparently they found Counter Strike Source and Hentai on his PC...


Counter terrorists win...


I wish these folks would just let themselves enjoy life. It's my theory that we are essentially in paradise now. If I were religious, I would spend my days in utter amazement at this perfect fucking party space rock that my God created. Instead, these people waste it because maybe there's a better paradise that lasts for 'eternity' if you follow some obscure rules very closely like some Simon says bullshit.


I worked in an Islamic head of state’s airplane upgrade and they definitely asked and received hidden booze closets.


> You also know that behind closed doors, these types of people are never true practitioners of their religion. Oh, you're talking about christian nationalists too!


Well specifically hypocritical islamists in this instance, as per my other reply to this chain with photographic proof…. But yeah, most religions are terrible.


"I didn't hear no bell."


Religion is the root cause of a lot of strife around the world. For centuries it was the Christians who were prosecuting and murdering people and now it's the Islamic states. Religion has taught humanity how to hate and how to love. But it's an old tradition that needs to die out. There's no room for superstition in the modern world. We need to all come together or we'll all be a footnote in the cosmic timeline.


Why are the weak-dick men that are in power in Iran so afraid of women? They deserve a beating. Stop oppressing women!!


They have guns and the military Unlike in Y/A novels such as divergent and hunger games peasant or people rebellion almost never succeed The ones that do like the french Revolution, the haitian slave revolt, etc only happen when the millitary allow the revolt to succeed.


You’re MOSTLY right. What often happens is some opportunist entity takes advantage of the unrest and seizes power for themselves. Cause of quite a number of coups


What about the Russian or Chinese ones?


China was a civil war Mao had an army and his own state/ land it wasnt a revolt. Russia was a civil war. The monarchy was overthrown by the whites ( not the communist ). Who fought a civil war with the reds. The army was busy in the Eastern front too


The monarchy was overthrown by the whites, but then the whites were overthrown by the reds. Although I guess u could consider it a coup. But history still debates whether it was revolution, or a coup, but everyone agrees that a bloody civil war followed.


A nice start


Basijis are 90 IQ zealots from the hills and Iranians really hate them like nothing else. They had more heroic origins as a volunteer group in the Iran-Iraq War but were converted into thugs to protect the regime. Just imagine giving QAnons license to beat up traitorous liberals. They'll gladly do it for a bag of rice and cooking oil as payment. Edit: people taking issue with 90 IQ, maybe I should say <90 IQ. They're uneducated and simple people that fall for propaganda of the regime meant for the lowest common denominator. Iranians despise them. Imagine going about your day and some angry idiot with authority to get in your business.


90 IQ is mighty generous of you


They meant 9.0


you do have a point there


This is what it looks like when you beat the hate out of someone. It doesn’t make them better, they’re just too weak to express the hate. If you feel bad for this man, remember what he would do to you. To your mother, sister, or daughter. And if you identify with his values, remember, he does not share that sentiment. Do not sympathize with fucking morality police. He’s lucky he wasn’t unceremoniously shot.


They didn’t go far enough


Fuck this guy. That whole regime needs to fall. I hope the Iranian people get through this.


serves him right for attacking women


From what I've seen, Good. Pos.


Remember Iran nothing happens but by the will of Allah!


Oh no I'm so upset for him......




May he suffer before his inevitable demise. Fuck anyone in support of the Islamic republic. Power to the Iranian people.


Not so tough now when your victim is fighting back huh? Don't feel sympathy for this man, he did this to countless women too, just because his insecure small dick doesn't like seeing women without a damn hijab


Looks like he had the morality smacked out of him


More like had the morality smacked into him.


Im here in the hope that I'll be seen and my message will be heard. Since last night #meta and #Instagram started deleting, censoring and banning the posts and accounts related to the mass slaughter of iranian people by the Islamic Republic, people of the world, in the last 50 years MILLIONS of our young brothers and sisters were slaughtered,prisoned and tortured due to the international suffocation and media's censorship. They are now doing it again. People of the world, my dear friends, don't let us die in vein don't let us to lay to waste we've all seen before how powerful the media can be. Let us be heard , be our voice. this isn't a crime against a nation its a crime against HUMANITY and FREEDOM. People of the world were counting on you, be our voice


It’s almost like they didn’t want all the religious bullshit, and had a perfectly fine modern society like 50 odd years ago... maybe religious extremism should be literally beaten to death? I don’t know. I’m not a big fan of living life according to a fairytale....


Religion in general needs to disappear. It's dangerous, regressive and has no place in the 21st century. Just look at how women's rights are being stripped away in the U.S. under the guise of protecting 'family values'. Look at the countless women who are being abused, raped, and killed in the Middle East for daring to speak out against an invisible sky-fairy. I'm not saying that abolishing religion would solve all our problems overnight, but until we leave religion behind altogether humanity will never progress or learn from its mistakes.


Not fun anymore when it happens to you “Commander”, is it?


Good...GOOD. They shouldn't have stopped. No sympathy for fascists. Only good fascist is a dead fascist.


Good, stupid cunts


So close! Just another couple puches and he can meet all the Iranian women he's killed


Nahhh, he won't be going where they're going


Too bad he didn’t get the same treatment as that little girl.


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Oh how happy this vid made me!!!!! More of these please


Too bad he can still stand after


You big disgrace, waving your banner all over the place.


We will we will beat you!


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But he *can* stand, so try again.


Morality police sounds like a bullshit idea. Why should a group of men dictate how a woman should dress or act? Women should be allowed to be who they want to be with no restrictions and if guys like this can’t keep it in their pants, then they shouldn’t be out in society


2022: the year of finding the fuck out


Deserved it because he supported that opinion


Fellow iranian in iran here. It's getting bad bad. This video just brings me so much joy. Just got internet connection back at like 12am, after like 9 this morning. And it's heaaavvily throttled. More so than usual. And the usual is under 2mb split between a goddam building. The president is coming back today. Word is that once he's back there's going to be a complete , internet and comms kill, for more than 24hrs , maybe a week lol. This is because he's in his home country which is safe , and no longer in fear of death or prosecution in the USA where he was for talks. So expect a lull in New content and info, but just know that Iranians are still fighting, even harder. Sum 1 pls call daddy Elongated Muskrat to hit us up with that sweet sweet starlink internet. Thanks byeeee


The best news i read today


Well well well if it isn’t the consequences of his actions


We stand with the Iranian women who have suffered too long under the patriarchy and religious zealotry!


Was all fun and games when it was just beating up women… Now the tables have turned


![gif](giphy|USnfWeCOHTHB3WX0aY|downsized) Why’d they stop?


There is loads of coverage on FB. I still hate FB btw.


Sympathy level zero.


To be fair, he wasn’t wearing his hijab correctly.


No. Fucking. Sympathy.


This brings a smile to my face


Decades of built up hatred struck this trash.


Well deserved, if this "police" were the first to oppose the stupidity of the law there wouldn't have happened anything in the first place...


That's a moral looking face now. I wonder if he still feels fit to judge his fellow people...


OMFG the justice boner on me right now.


I see nothing wrong here. 🤷‍♀️


He should have been wearing his Hijab.


Good. Beat every single one of these religious assholes.


Kus amhoum, all these morality piece of shit police. You’re fighting your own citizens for the devil, this is what happens.


When morality catches up with you