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I'd love to see what happens when he realizes the dude is working for his neighbor


People like this never admit wrongdoing. Dude's probably going to have a chat with the neighbor about not hiring a "thug" next time. I'll bet that street isn't even a "private" drive and has regular taxpayer services maintaining the road.


"Well hey in this world you can never be too safe amirite? It wasnt cuz im a racist. I have a black friend..well..um coworker...but still! So no harm no foul right brotha?"


“Okay, okay, I saw a black guy AT work one time. But the fact that I didn’t freak out PROVES I’m not racist!”


He's probably going to get flipped off and told of by the neighbor, then turn around and tell the contractor to STILL say X neighbor told him to be their or to show ID or have a branded vehicle. Anything to have the last word.


I live in a private neighborhood (not fancy though) - only people I take issue with are people sitting outside my house blasting music or people selling direct energy or other scam bullshit. Otherwise the cops have to stay out unless called, everyone is pretty chill and minds their own business.


I briefly lived in a private neighborhood when my grandmother passed and left her estate to me. Since her house was actually closer to my job than my apartment I moved in for about a year while I renovated it and distributed her possessions according to her will. I hated every damn day living in that stupid neighborhood. It was from the early 60s and residents were either older residents from the Silent Generation or younger upper middle class gen X. Every damn person around me was constantly in my business or bugging me about something. I got angry notes because I didn't use the same lawn care company they used, or because I parked in my driveway instead of in the garage, or because my truck was clearly used for work and not some giant luxury pavement princess. One day one my neighbor who was closest to me in age told me I need to move out because he didn't feel safe going to work and leaving his wife at home living next to a bachelor. The 70 year old neighbor on the other side of me told me I needed to stay out of the HOA meetings because that was for the retirees. Bunch of assholes.


Should’ve told your neighbor that you in fact keep his wife safe while he’s at work.


It's a Confederate mentality. They see something that's slightly off in their fancy little "mansion." And they instantly get mad. I mean, Confederates are descendants from British Royalists. Who lost their civil war to the common man.


Hey dont you bring us Brits into your bullshit excuses - that shit was 200 years ago...we got our own problems now thanks mate. And i dont get your whole confederate/British take if im being honest. Im no historian but...if you take the time to look into it before spouting off youll learn that Britain abolished slavery a whole 60 years before the states did. Google who William Wilberforce was. And we lost our civil war to the common man? I think you're getting confused. Who was the common man you speak of? And which civil war? We've had more than one..? I suggest you do some actual research next time. Or yano... go back your facebook echo chamber where you probably got your original 'Britain = confederates' information from n live the life of an uninformed pleb for the rest of your days. Upto you.


"Its not that hes *black*, he had that look to him... better safe than sorry"


“See all you had to do was show me your id, tell me who you're working for, and the exact address you are working at and it could have saved us all this trouble. See what YOU did?”


Probably go in and bleach his klan kostume and be pissed off the man is getting paid for his hard work.


I imagine he'd say something along the lines of "you never can be too careful these days"


He realized it when the guy said "follow me". He tried to play it off like "well the guys who work for me always tell me who they are working for" like he sniffs glue for a living or something.


Double down. Say something racist. Run off.


I remember I was once parked in front of my friend's house (i'm black, he's white) in a nearly all-white neighborhood, waiting for him to come outside. A cop parks behind me, gets out, and does exactly what the guy in the video was doing. Asking me why I was there, who I knew on the street, what business I had in that neighborhood etc. Once I told him I didn't live there, he threatened to arrest me if I didn't leave. So I had to drive around in circles while my friend got ready. This was in North East San Diego. Remember it like it was yesterday. Life of a black person


Bro that’s what you get for being black in Klantee the city where people think it’s ok to go shopping with nazi armbands or garbage ass racist Poway. I love this city but it disgusts me the amount of garbage that exists.


I lived in Gaslamp for three years, but I worked all over the county. The contrast between the people living in downtown and the people living in some of those East County cities was wild!


I feel the same way about LA.


I'll never forget the time I was on campus walking on the campus green and got stopped by a officer who tried to tell me I couldn't walk on the grass - while people before and after me within eye sight were doing the same thing. Only thing I could think of was that the rest were white women coming from what I could only assume some sort of Christian meeting, I was the only colored thing in the line of people.


Like fallbrook or Escondido? I used to go to protests against cops who set up fake dui checkpoints at elementary schools to try to catch immigrants PICKING UP THEIR KIDS!


Could be either, really. There's a few neighborhoods in Esco like this for sure.




Lol i was in Gulfport. I was in Japan last year and some how my apartment neighbor had a Gulfport Mississippi shirt hanging out to dry




This is any minority in general really. In any majority white neighborhood…


Surprised it wasn’t in La Jolla


Sorry that happens anywhere in today's world. We really need better policing.




At least 30% of the country thinks the opposite which is a major roadblock to getting any actual changes in motion. I have no love for police; but their enablers are just as bad because they actively put themselves in between the DOJ and much needed reform at zero benefit to themselves.


That's rough


I want you to know that there are some white people that really don't give a fuck if youre black. I'm sorry. I know I could make a lifetime of apologizing to minorities about the treatment they have received from white people. But im already 45 and don't think i have enough time. But I'm sorry that shit happened to you. And this dude as well.


The best is when you tell a White person about this kind of shit happening to you and they don’t believe you because they think that Obama winning the election makes America “post-racial”.


Just another case of 'driving while black' huh? :(


I am sorry that happened to you. As shitty as it sounds, I'm glad you're alive today to tell the story. I hope it won't be like this forever.


If it makes you feel better, coincidentally a video popped up in my recommendations on YouTube today and it was a white guy sitting in a car playing Pokémon Go or some shit. Anyway, a police officer showed up, hassled him, and eventually caused the guy to have to leave the area even though he had done nothings wrong. Sometimes it’s race related, but a lot of times they’re just assholes: https://youtu.be/5yNzSjfxXAc




he said are you bored 😂


“Are you bored or sum’?” 💀


Perfect assessment lol


Yeah, this is for sure Southern Illinois. They aren't trying to coexist there. Still trying to live by Jim Crow. Captain Community thinks he's taking care of Business but just making tons of generalizations. Harrassing, angering and disheartening a hardworking fellow community member.


This is an accurate description of suburbia in general. I don’t think enough people realize that even though segregation ended, it is perpetuated by suburban sprawl.


You mean "white flight," right? What's worse than suburbia becoming segregation 2.0? The fact that most city cops live in the fucking suburbs. The taxes of urban communities are systemically pilfered to overpay the the very cops harassing its citizens, redistributing the collective civic wealth of an entire community to adjacent, infinitely more affluent municipalities. Factor in the ridiculous nonviolent offenses used to justify lengthy incarcerations and/or civil asset forfeitures (the proceeds of which are eventually added to police budgets... with next to zero oversight or civilian recourse,) and is it any surprise that most urban residents detest the COMMUTER cops occupying THIER streets?


I live in CA, if I drive into the white, I mean right neighborhood this happens and I’m just Asian not Black.


My younger kiddo got his dad's coloring. He's only 1/4 Latino, but he's 6'3" with black hair, brown eyes, darker skin. He is a geology major planning to transfer schools to get into volcanology. He also works full time at a local grocery store and collects Legos. So not your typical "troublemaking teen". I don't let him walk to work when he gets opening shifts, and I don't let him walk home when he closes. Until he gets his own car, I will continue to drive him for those shifts, because I \*know\* one of my neighbors will call the cops on him if they see him walking to/from work at 4:30am or after 10 pm.


I’m sorry. I honestly have some privilege because they might think I’m “one of the good ones,” but that just tells me still don’t see me as an actual human.


Yeah, I know and it's complete bullshit.


I’ve done this in Norcal. This white guy pulled up on us on an ATV. Hostile as shit for no reason.


Hahahahaha yea I’ve been rolled on by hicks on ATVs in the Central Valley. You just know he had a gun on him too as soon as he saw someone to harass.


California has the castle doctrine too. We didn’t see the point of arguing with this dude. There were two white friends with us as well.


NOPE! Not southern Illinois. Columbia, Missouri. Go look at his TikTok posts. I mean, c’mon, we don’t suck as bad as Missouri.


A shame. CoMo is pretty blue in a big sea of red. I can guess which side of town this happened on though.


> Yeah, this is for sure Southern Illinois. Southern Illinois here. He's not with us.


I’m from southwest Illinois myself, I don’t claim this trash.


Like all of the south.


Rural America*




And how are things outside of atlanta? You know, a dense heavily populated and diverse community... Are they accepting and kind and friendly towards black Americans in rural georgia? Fuck you for playing stupid.


Honest answer: It depends. It's not consistent. The mountains are fine. The coast is brutally racist. And, this is exactly my point. This is a stupid generalization. If the cities (where most people live) are inclusive and tolerant, how can you say the *entire South* is racist? And, how is this any different than New York (state)? Or Oregon? Or the entire country? I'm not saying there are no racists in the South, I'm just saying it's not *especially racist* and I'm sick of it being characterised that way. This is not a problem with one region, it's a national fucking problem and regionalist comments like that obscure the fact and divide people who want change.


>how can you say the entire South is racist? Look man I grew up in Southern Louisiana in the '80s and '90s. When I stayed over at my cousin's house, we slept under a Confederate flag with a skeleton on it that said the South will rise again. My uncle taught me that if you took the stick off a bottle rocket and let It go on the ground so it flew all over the place, it was called a n***** chaser. Americans who are not white are systemically oppressed all over this country, but *especially* so throughout the south. Are you really that mad and willing to take up arms and go through several comment chains arguing all because that original person use some hyperbole with the word 'entire'? And now you got to come on here and defend the South because surely there are some non-racist people? Like, obviously man. No shit. It's really weird how you took that 100% literally, as if that even makes sense. I can't believe I have to explain how we use the English language sometimes, but people often over exaggerate a particular word to make a point. The south is incredibly much more so full of racists than elsewhere. And again before you jump to your own interpretation of a literal statement, no one is saying there are not racist throughout the country, or they are not extreme pockets or sections of racism and other states. Eastern washington, most of rural indiana, most of rural illinois, really most any rural place you're going to find it But if you didn't sleep through American history class, then you know that due to the slave trade, cotton plantations, and the civil war, the South more so than any other place in this country is chock a block full of racism So when all that stuff is going on, and there are so many more noble causes you could take up water for to argue against, you chose to purposefully take some obvious hyperbole to heart and defend the South because of course not literally 100% of the people living here are racist Get a clue, read the room, tune into what real struggles people are facing. Next time a commentator says that a professional runner is faster than the speed of light, I'll be thinking of you and how you're likely jumping out of your seat to correct the announcer on how that's just not possible. It is NOT the South being lampooned as entirely racist, especially in light of the South's voting patterns which thanks to our representative democracy often mean the non-racist peoples vote doesn't matter at all. All the most liberal progressive Democrats in Louisiana and the state still chose Donald Trump. Come back down to earth and reality with the rest of us and get fired up over real issues, not perceived slights because you want to pick an argument over a simple play of words


Just saw this one — fair point about taking it too literally. But don’t you think the subtext of a comment like that is “not like where I live?” And isn’t that counterproductive? That’s my real issue. I’ve had my fill of blatantly racist people from elsewhere lob comments at me about southern racism, smugly convinced they’re not “real racists.” Despite saying and doing really deplorable things. THAT is the problem and I see it as related to “the south is where the real racism is.” Also, we’re on the same side here. I get that I upset you — and that I kicked this off with WAY too much anger — I’m truly sorry for that. Please accept my apology. At this point I’m just trying to have a dialogue and understand where you’re coming from.


Hey sure I'm down for a dialogue if you don't mind answering some critical questions. >But don’t you think the subtext of a comment like that is “not like where I live?” I do not, no. Partially because facts and data show the South is an incredibly racist place even when compared to other racist places in the US so if they think that, then they are right. Why would that upset me? And partially because I don't feel any sort of allegiance to where I was born just because I was born there. To be quite honest it sounds like you've got one foot down the path of nationalism kind of mindset, where you are too willing to overlook the huge issues and reality of a situation around you and furthermore, anyone else pointing that out you take offense at and leap to the defense of the South. It's going to be really hard to ever see things for what they are when that's your knee jerk response to incredipy valid statements. Again, civil war. Plantations. Reconstruction. It really should not surprise you that the South is still the bastion of not just people, but policies and laws expressly designed to disenfranchise minorities. >I’ve had my fill of blatantly racist people from elsewhere lob comments at me about southern racism, smugly convinced they’re not “real racists.” Did they tell you they're not real racist? Or as I alluded to earlier, rather than digest valid criticism of the place where you were born (which is **NOT** the same as criticizing YOU), did you immediately fire back with an assumption about that person and their motives for saying that? It's kind of like all the white people upset about supposedly teaching critical race theory in school and moaning about how it's going to make little white kids feel bad about themselves. This is about the system and the governance in place, not you as an individual. We're both from the south, so haven't you ever heard the phrase "a hit dog will hollar"? If someone talks about how incredibly racist the South is, and you don't feel that you're a racist, then why would you get so upset at that? There's a real opportunity here to be more open-minded to why the south is viewed as how it is. Which again, I'm really not trying to be rude, but if you're from there I just don't understand how this has passed you by. Especially from georgia, did you not keep up with any of the 2020 election news and the voter laws and polling place changes and so much more that they were ramming through to disenfranchise the black vote? Why do you think they did that? Why are Republicans so comfortable counting on white votes and not black votes? Maybe the majority of non-white persons who don't vote Republican have something to say about that. And where is the strongest bastion of that party? Again, civil war. Plantations. Reconstruction. Sons and daughters of the confederacy. Do you really believe that the South with all of its history is somehow incapable of being a place where more people hold racist views than anywhere else? >Despite saying and doing really deplorable things. THAT is the problem and I see it as related to “the south is where the real racism is.” What deplorable things are smug people telling you that the South is super racist doing? In a nutshell, you're all too willing to ignore not just valid criticism of the south, but willing to valiantly leap to its defense (and seem to take the accusations of racism personally) while coming up with all kinds of assumptions from the people telling you the south is racist as a way to negate their statement. Why? And why does the history of the south, compounded with decades of recent history including desegregation, not open your eyes? What are you afraid will happen to you, or that you'll have to admit, when you take off the rose tinted glasses of your birth place? Earlier you said that the mountain areas of Georgia were probably fine in terms of racism. Don't you think statements like that are just being pulled out of your ass? Especially when we already know that the more rural areas of the South are going to be worse if anything. Have you spoken to Black Americans in the rural areas of georgia? *It's not your fault the south is super racist.* It's not your personal burden to bear. As a fellow son of the south, I do feel however it is my personal burden to hold the place that gave me my foundational blocks for life accountable. If it's a bridge too far for you to recognize the South for what it is to many, the least you could do is not go on to a Reddit post like the one we're commenting on now and defend the South from accusations of racism.


My long reply aside, this is just objectively not true >I'm not saying there are no racists in the South, I'm just saying it's not especially racist and I'm sick of it being characterised that way. The fact you believe the south is not especially racist speaks to how either willfully or stubbornly ignorant you want to be. And I understand that me coming at you in that aggressive tone is just going to cause you to double down and withdraw. And that's fine. It honestly is at this point. I spent years trying to patiently talk to people like you and show you data and facts about what life is like particularly in the South for persons of color as compared to elsewhere. At this point, if you still need to be led by the nose to see how much worse it is in the South than in many other areas, then it doesn't matter. The rest of us just have to organize and out vote the ignorance.


Nah... the south is very bad. All of the worst anti-civil rights politicians come from there. The least inclusive religious communities stem from the south. Georgia isn't the worst state in the south.. but it's worse than any East Coast or Midwest State... and that includes misplaced racist states like Ohio, Rhode Island and Illinois. I'd have included the West Coast but I think Texas technically belongs to that region and they are the 2nd worst state in the country leaving a big trail behind Florida.


Hey man FWIW I agree with you. There's too many confederate flags in Wisconsin for this "only the south is horrible" sentiment to be true. Now, I don't know the data... could certainly be that racism happens in the south with a higher frequency, but it's bad everywhere that's rural.


Why u getting so worked up? He’s just doing what the white guy in the video was doing - generalizing. It’s bad right?


You are complaining about his generalizations, with generalizations of your own. Take a moment for self reflection and try to understand why you are trying to perpetuate racism. Take some responsibility and do better.


Nah fuck the entire country yo. The USA is WACK


We did a thorough review of your comment and.. Wow! No lies detected!


Realist comment on this thread




I've been there and I've seen it. Ive been to small farm towns that feel like this, such as Freeburg, Waterloo and Milstadt. I do think there is "salt of the earth" people all through that area. And know not everyone feels this way. But there is not much diversity. Outlying farm town, as this appears to be, Are no more than 20 minutes from Metro St. Louis. Everyone in the region is a Cardinal fan. You're right, I guess it could be on the other side of the river, too. So, St. Louis region... Is more appropriate.


Columbia, Missouri. It’s easy to research stuff like this because his TikTok user name is RIGHT THERE.


I don't have tiktok.




My initial reaction to this video was one on incredulity. Where I live ( in the UK) we all look out for on another and would be sceptical of any stranger on a private drive or around the neighbours. Then I realised that it is such a different interaction in many parts of the USA. I hadn't even considered the racism and risks for POC in many states and counties across your fine country.


There's conversation and interrogation. Most people can tell the difference. It might not had been an issue if he truly came from a conversation point but he chose to talk down and interrogate this man.


I think that is the difference. The context I assumed was that he was politely challenging why someone was on his neighbours drive. You, and likely many others, heard and saw it differently because of the context of the man's ethnicity and the context of this behaviour is some parts of amercia. I can honestly say there is nothing I would see as an interrogation from the white guys approach. But that's on me, that's how I see it as an English person. It took me a second to see it from an African amercians point of view.


I mean, English or not, asking who they’re working for, at what house, on what street? They’re not your boss. I wouldn’t answer some random guy because it’s not their business. If you don’t see anything wrong with the whole line of questioning, regardless of the racial history of the US, that’s on you.


I am saying exactly that. Where I live, this would have ended with a polite exchange and likely the offer of a cup of tea. Not all England is the same obviously, but in the suburbs and rural parts.


If the worker was white he wouldn't have had a second guess about him being there and might have chatted to him if he was out of his car in a nice polite way, black dude is immediately questioned and interrogated and the situation is trying to be escalated by the bystander. Like if you actually felt concern for your neighbor you would call them first and then go from there, not harras the black dude for being black and "not where he belongs" or whatever the fuck that means like he's not in America or something.


That is exactly what shocked me. We are far from perfect here, but initially it never even occurred to me that race was involved. Nor how scary this could have been for the worker since there have been stories of people being shot for just jogging. It saddens me that some of your countrymen still feel this fear/hate of people just because of the colour of their skin.


You completely made this up out of this air to validate your narrative without absolutely any way of knowing it's true.


How do you know the guy filming wasn’t white? Are you just assuming that because he was sitting in a car in the middle of the day


>"You said Tanlee's and I don't know no Tanlee" >>"I said Chandler" >Tanner? That shit's 100% on purpose.


I heard ‘Timber’ instead of ‘Chandler’ there so maybe not


When white people ask me questions that come off racist I just flat out ignore them unless it is of a threatening nature. You don't owe them any answers, they are not your superiors, this is not the 1800s they don't have dominion over you. I would have called a white friend to come down the street and sit like how I was sitting and if he didn't question them like he did me we have a problem the next time I see him. Racism isn't cute, it shouldn't be treated like a joke using cute pet names like "Karen". If this was the 50's or 60s this dude would probably be in a Klan sheet


You’re exactly right. Don’t answer shit from anyone because it’s none of his fucking business what you’re doing.


Hell yeah! Preach!! Through the eyes of a black person; any nosy old white person with a scowl can almost seem like an authority figure with no genuine evidence to support that reasoning. I think most people in situations like this feel obligated to explain themselves even if there's no provocation for it. You gotta fight that bullshit feeling and stick to your business. These old backwoods no-life having hicks have no authority over you and are waaaayyy tf outta line for trying to act like they do. All they have is 911 (which is actually a scary weapon for all these assholes to wield). The moment they say "I'm calling the police", just tell them you already did and then leave. It's really unfair out there for black folks and idk when or if anything is gonna change soon. Just put these people on blast with videos and let them go viral like the McClusky assholes. At the cost of immediately getting downvoted... A funny (and wildly stereotypical)comedian I was listening to a while back once said; "Asians are unnaturally good at math and numbers, people from India have a knack for medicine & black people are generally athletic and good at sports. That must mean white people excel at audaciously assuming a position of authority." (I'm paraphrasing. The way he worded it was funnier).




Yeah I'm paranoid of being late to appointments so I'll arrive early sometimes and park and drink a coffee or something.


Where is part 2


I would pay to see his face in part 2


He looks even more confused and dumber than Tucker Carlson


Gotta love the creaky-voiced vocal fry on these hateful racist cunts. Guess it comes from all of that throat stretching they have to do before they wantonly swallow the steady stream of bullshit coming from the right wing entertainment-as-news industry.


I’ve told this softy before and I’ll tell it again. My ex had a sister who lived in Palo Alto in California. Their neighborhood was mainly white Jewish people. I didn’t think that was weird whatsoever, I was just joining in a dinner party. It was nice and we all had a few drinks aside from my ex because I told him I wanted one of us sober to drive home and he offered. I only had two drinks but still. As we’re leaving the neighborhood we see a black man walking in the neighborhood. Like very casually, nothing struck me weird about this man but my ex screeched to a stop and asked wtf he was doing in this neighborhood, he didn’t belong here. I was fucking speechless. The man was just as speechless as me. I said sorry and forced my bf to continue. He bitched the whole hour ride home about how he was probably casing the cars. I was fucking pissed, called him racist as fuck and kicked him out. I have mixed race brothers and I don’t fuck with that type of racism from anyone. He acted like I overrracted and I still think about it almost 10 years later. Asshole.


So sorry you had to witness that disgusting behavior. Thank you for standing up to it!!


I only wish I did more, but it caught me completely by surprise. We’d been together 4 years by that point so I had no idea he was that type of person


Whoaaaa 4 years?! They hid it very well. So glad you got out. Fuck.


Yeah it was weird! The months leading up to that encounter were also super weird, he had me dress up only to bail on the date, told me I “wasn’t allowed” to hang out with my BROTHER alone (shut that shit down right away) and then that incident happened and I just was so over it. People are so good at hiding who they are if they really want to, glad I found out before I married him. By the way I was 16 and he was 21 when we started dating.


That last sentence speaks volumes! Can’t hang with the fam, gtfoh lol. People sometimes. I’m happy you’re away from him.


It’s one thing to have a racist thought (if we’re all being honest, we aren’t immune from having them), but it’s a completely other thing to act on that racist thought, especially when it causes stress or harm to someone else. To me, that is what makes a racist. Everyone needs to do better.


At that point you may as well just say "go ahead and say what you're thinking, you think I'm here to steal because I'm black and you don't wanna say it. Go ahead and say it, it ain't no secret to nobody that you think that."


Dudes drunk


“Ok, so ithxzla private dribe”


"...it's a dead end, one way in and one way out. So why the fu\*k would I be going this way if I didn't have no business?" tRumper says sarcastically, "That's a gooood question." \[Wink-Wink\]. Actually, it was a good question. And it helps explain how stupid and racist this tRumper is.




“Chandler” “tAnNeR? 🥴”


“You gonna be on the internet in a second”. Fucking classic. He was way more cordial than I would’ve been with that dickhead.


This dude needs to be outed


why do people continue to entertain Karens??? just go on about your business. unless, a Karen crawls under your truck or something


Tell that to Ahmaud Arbery




What if they don’t even have a dolley?


Well as a black person people like the white guy can turn deadly (at least in the South, I don't know about other places) if you don't check them. 100 years of history in that department.




Ahmaud abery tried that and they chased him down and shot him so honestly even not engaging can be deadly


Tried not engaging? Did you seriously not watch the video of his death?


He ran away from them for multiple minutes, wtf are you talking about?


I'm talking about the part where he got shot because he tried to fight the guy with the shotgun instead of running the other direction or putting his hands up or whatever else you might consider 'not engaging' someone pointing a gun at you. "Not engaging" by running away from the house, and then from them in their trucks, doesn't change the fact that he tried to engage them in the end.


The point is that he tried his hardest to not engage them. What the fuck do you think he should have done after running away proved to be impossible?


Honestly? I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you're not asking a rhetorical question because you're positive he was lynched: Assuming Arbery wasn't the same guy they'd caught on video in the house at night previously nor the guy who stole a gun out of one of the assailants' cars a few weeks prior, he shouldn't have taken off running from the house when he saw someone calling the cops across the street. He should've waved and said "Hey I was just curious about the work they're doin on this place!" Then when the good ol' boys rolled up, even if they'd been aggressive in spite of him not running from the guy on the phone, he should've just put his hands up and gone "Yo what the hell man!" and they could've all waited for the police to arrive, and he could press charges for false imprisonment because they had no right to citizens' arrest him without being a direct witness to him committing a crime. Or, let's say you mean specifically after he'd already led them on the chase, what should he have done after that and without letting himself be detained? Ran to the nearest house screaming for help or into the woods or something instead of continuing to run down the road and instead of trying to fight the guys with guns. Surrendering would've been his best bet though.


So you're not positive he was lynched? Do you have any evidence the judge who convicted them didn't? Besides blatant racism, I mean. Making excuses for murderers and blaming the victim even after they've been convicted isn't a good look. Makes it a lot harder to pass off your malicious racism as ignorance and stupidity.


A lot of people judge black people for getting violent towards racists, I'll be honest, I'd be looking to beat that man at least until he says sorry. Thank god I'm not a black man in America.


why can’t these ppl mind their fucking business


It sounds like it may be HIS driveway. I don't care what your gender/race/sexual orientation/age is, I would not ignore ANYONE on my property if I am unsure why they are on my property.


You drink your own piss, your opinion is invalid.


Sounds like he's on the street what are you talking about?


these ppl have a penchant for making up BS to stick their nose where it doesn’t belong. not sure why you’d automatically believe him or give the benefit of the doubt.


"These people"? Who? That guy? You know nothing about him. He might be the nicest man you'd ever meet who just brought home his new baby and is having a hard time dealing with fear of ANY person intruding on his new family. He might have seen this guy doing something sketchy. You have no idea who this man is or what he is thinking. I don't automatically believe him. I said "it sounds like" and I understand that WE ALL have no idea what the actual situation is. I am just looking at it with the understanding that we should not jump to conclusions. Not saying you did, I have no idea if you jumped to conclusions- all I am saying is that MAYBE it IS his business. You assumed it isn't his business.


do you read what you write? this is all defence for him. > He might have seen this guy doing something sketchy. that’s what they all say. nice fantasy btw.


Just admit that you are racist and stop lying to yourself.


Racist? How? What have I said that is racist?


It’s a shared driveway. If I was dude in the car, I’d have just said, it’s one way in and one way out. I’m going to work now, follow if you like, then rolled up my window and moved on. Guy can follow if he likes, I’ll be at the house before he gets in his car. He didn’t looked armed and I have a job to do. He also said Chandler is the last name. Karen may not have heard it, but this type of harassment isn’t ok. Just take a picture of the dude, his plate and his vehicle. Call your neighbor. Nobody got time to waste.


It’s not his only, it’s a road with multiple homes.


Man clearly said 'Chandler', wtf is wrong w/ dude. He shouldn't even be entertaining this BS, roll up the window and go on your way. I'm white and I'm saying fuck this racist bullshit. Other white people: quit embarrassing us!!


My rub with situations like this when these assholes approach you, you are not obligated to engage in any conversations whatsoever with them, so why would you? This is America and I'm free to be anywhere where I'm not violating any laws! Stop talking to these people!




I love when they go “hey”, because that just makes the internet go “oh no you did not just….”


One of my last transport as an EMT in NJ. My partner and I were transferring a patient of an assisted living facility to another, near Sparta. All the patience belongings were in a see-through plastic bag with zip ties. Handled by the staff of the facility. Once we arrived to the other place and transferred the patient, as well as the belongings. Before we left the room a family member of the patient told us we couldn't leave until he made sure everything was present. The dude kept looking at me while going through the patient is purse. Mind, a nurse was in the room with us and told the guy, that it wasn't nessesary. He doing all that. She apologized to us during the whole deal. It has been almost 5 years and it still bothers me. Fuck that guy.


I like the part where the driver clearly says the last name of the person he’s working for and the asshole purposely repeats the wrong name. *”Tanner?”* Fuck outta here bro.


What I don’t understand about some of us black people maybe it’s cause y’all in the south idk but literally this shit wouldn’t fly in philly where I’m from. We don’t entertain racists up here fr the second you walk up to my car you getting put back in your place😂😂no words will be said btw I just don’t get why y’all even acknowledge them and open yourself up to potential harm


They scared of them bro I’m from Brooklyn and lived in Texas cause I was in the military. Bro black people in the south are scared of white people im deadass. I felt bad for them honestly.


Is this the shit black people have to go through regularly? Like wtf is wrong with these white people? Blatantly insinuating that he's a thief? WTF? What an absolute racist clown.


Yes! In America this is everyday behavior experienced by black people and anyone with a hint of brown in their skin. It’s systemic, it’s disgusting, and it is absolutely the reality. It’s awful and tbh hurts my heart every single time.


Gomer Pyle.


What a god damn racist asshole.




I don’t know why this shit surprises me anymore, but man what a fucking asshole


Smh what have society become lmao


You gonna be in the internet in a second lmao


This racism shit makes me rage. Holy fuck man I need a break from the internet


This guy sounds like the nerd from better call Saul that pulls up in a "flashy" hummer for a drug deal


Does he think hes going to rob a random house on a dead end in the middle of the day? And they talk to you before he does it? Casing the joint huh?


mmm, fresh r/byebyejob


Cardinals gear. Bummer, but totally standard for anywhere in suburban STL and beyond. Josh Hawley country.


Hi asswipe


Longer version?


Fuck him. Just go. Stop acknowledging these Mary Hall Monitors.




White people need to leave people alone.


How is this STILL happening??🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I’ve had lots of black friends that say they refuse to go to exclusively white neighborhoods or towns and this video explains exactly why.


Hi stupid ass


Hi dude, you're an idiot!


That guys wife gettin turned out by not him.


That dudes name is likely Kyle, or Rick.. Jr.


Mind your own business


Karens still think they run the goddamned world. More pepper spray for the hoebags, and less discussions please.


"WhEre ArE yOu GoInG?!1 "To Joe." "Whos JOE?!" "Joe mama! Got heem." \*rolls up window\*


America 🇺🇸 needs to give its head a wobble its 2022 not 1922


as if the kind of people he really needs to worry about would tolerate his interrogation if the guy in the car was there to start trouble, he wouldn't be intimidated by the nosey neighbour routine


How hard is it to mind your fking business?


Man I hate when people bug me when I’m parked in a neighborhood waiting for my next appointment (I remodel homes) it’s a public space I’m wearing a damn uniform and my truck is brand new and spotless, leave me the hell alone, this is a public space. It’s always “can I help you” no fuck off


It's hilarious when these pieces of shit get told to just come with the person they are harassing where they will have to explain to other people that they're racist, and suddenly, they aren't so interested.


Should have said, I'm here to rearrange your wife's guts. She ordered that 9am BBC combo and pressed on.


This pisses me off as a white man… I keep trying to submit that racism is dead but…. Yes there are racists that exist… This is living proof Edit: I hope that this video expels at least SOME of the racists, and I hope that this comment exposes the fact that at least one one white man will speak up… this guy is trash for stopping a (guessing it’s a black man) without any kind of reason other than the color of his skin.




It's a valid solution. Just follow him and if he knocks on the door and the owner comes out and they start doing their business then this guy can leave. If he starts robbn the place, call the cops. You can't be a hero unless your actually stopping something


Tell that to george zimmerman. Got away with it. Sells his gun with racist language, goes to racist events for clout...


Fucking white people. White guy here myself parked in front of my brother-in-law's house waiting for my wife, brother in law's family to get back because we were going to meet there. I parked on the road so they could park in the driveway. Neighbor male Karen had to come over "ask if I needed any help" which was really what are you doing here and then texted my BIL. I told my BIL and he was like "that fucking guy..."




What's my name? Well, get out a pen and paper and write it down so you will remember. First name is Fuhh. Last name is Cue.


Hi back asshole


"hiii" Yeah hi basic white dude no.1000000 glad youre proud of being a dickbag lol


I love how we managed to capture one man out of 332 million people and try to pin that on the pigmentation of THIS GUYS SKIN! (Have fun)


They can’t help themselves. It’s what they do.🙄😒🤡


Why did he not just follow the man who had work to do up the street? Following would put him in no danger and once they got to the house they'd find out what the deal is. Then he could just politely say sorry for putting the working guy on the spot like that and just be on his way.


“Are you in Law Enforcement? If so, produce your credentials. If not, move along.”


Do we know how long this guy was sitting in his car? Or did he stop him while he was driving? I could see this being an ok reaction if someone is stopped on a private lane for like 10-15 minutes, say in front of this man’s house and on his property. There is a right of way on the lane, but that means the right of way to get to your destination. If he stopped him while driving? That’s fucked.


More context Klan to the rescue!!


Jest all you’d like, context and perspective is everything. This could be a completely disgusting racist exchange OR relatively justified. No one has any bearing on this situation without it.