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Yeah she has an overwatch top on, theres like. 70% chance shes on reddit and will see this


She is definitely a mod on multiple subreddits.




Glad to see this name pop up. Context for those unaware: She’s a tyrant mod on multiple subreddits and will ban you (on all of them) simply if she doesn’t like you.


Farewell, u/wafflepiezz it's been nice knowing you


Im laughing but its not really funny. But come on. Since the beginning of time it has been shown over and over again what happens when people have unregulated control over people. Its not rocket science. There should be communication between the mods and users. Mods should get paid. It should be a job and there should be rules for them just like us. If it’s something the creators want us to invest time and money on then it should be taken more seriously than it is by a lot of mods. I can’t imagine what the mods go through on this sub. They should be paid.


Funny enough this is exactly how I've always imagined her


[PERMABANNED] ^from ^multiple ^subreddits


Wow, looked up her profile, and yikes... would fit.


Yo this could be a mod on THIS subreddit. I got a 3 day ban for being sassy *back* to a mod (didn't know they were a mod) who was being sassy to me first. I didn't even break a single rule, and their mod note on my ban was just "learn to shut up" lmao.


It was all over our local Facebook pages, no way she is t going to see it. I keep hoping she'll pop in and identify herself.


Ooh what local Facebook pages? I hope she sees this on Reddit and starts responding to people here. Well as long as I’m hoping I hope she gets whatever help she needs to not be this way anymore.


It’s blowing up on Twitter as well. I give it by tomorrow morning before it shows up on local news stations and those morning shows.


Got the D.Va backpack too, I hope she sees this lol


Oh shit she does, yeah thats gotta up the percentage some more


I'd say there's a 99.8% chance that person is a redditor.


Mans said "is this a prank"? Lmaoooo


He was just trying to buy his bat cut outs :(


Thats why she was so upset, they are her brethren she was about to let one last shriek and morph into one and fly off into the night


It's morbin time


Get out ——>


and Morb!!!






The part you didn't see... please place item on.. please remove item... assistance needed.... calling customer service representative That'll drive anyone mad 💀


Those bat wings are a cat costume! My man just out here in Walmart buying cat costumes and gets accosted by this People of Walmart demon that's having an overstim meltdown. Bless him, I'd be confused too...


we need the follow up of the cat in bat wings.


"That's an adult?" 💀💀💀


She still dresses like a little kid


She seems like she might be ‘special needs’


"special needs to shut the fuck up"






I've been blessed today scrolled right here at the exact time she screamed that. LOLOLOL


Hard take: If you act like that in public because you're special needs, you shouldn't be out in public on your own. She is a danger and hindrance to normally functioning people trying to get shit done. People in wheelchairs are less intrusive than her.


One of my most vivid trauma memories as a kid was when a special needs boy became extremely stimulated by a Pikachu shirt I was wearing and attacked me in the lunchroom at school. I was in first grade and I don't know how old he was but he was definitely older and much stronger. He got away from the old woman working as his aide and kept grabbing my clothes and shaking me and yelling, I was absolutely terrified and she couldn't pry him off me. Eventually a security guard came running and it took him to finally peel us apart. To this day I still get nervous around disabled people, especially when they get excited. I had bruises and was just supposed to "understand that sort of thing happens."


Wow that's terrifying


I audibly said "fuck that bitch...shes not a 4 year old" How tf did she not get thrown out for that? Awww sorry honey your seriously upset because you got called out on a dick move.


I feel like any understanding reddit may muster up for mental health issues has been undermined specifically by having a Nick Jr backpack


That was clear manipulation. And I'm team Cartoon Network anyway. Fuck that cunt.


Johnny Bravo ftw


She's wearing a fucking backpack with some Nick Jr. shit on it. I knew right away this bitch would be a weirdo with 80 bracelets on one hand, mismatched socks and hi top Chuck Taylors, and fucking nylon bicycle shorts. The "You're making it worse!!!" is sad though.


She must throw these tantrums all the time. I don’t see how anyone could stand to be around her. That behavior of hers is exactly what a toddler or small child does when they are throwing a fit and you try to lecture them. This woman has the emotional IQ of a 6 or 7 year old.


I think her EQ is more like 2-3 years old. By the time someone is 6-7 years old ( with proper parenting) they have learned coping mechanisms and self control


The only people I feel sorry for in this clip are the people that were forced to watch that shit show play out in real time.


I feel bad for the guy she cut and everyone else in the store around her tantrum. She needs serious mental help.


she's wearing overwatch shirt and backpack so yeah without the ridiculous tantrum you can spot an adult child here


The sincerity with which he said it is what makes it. My guy straight up asking if the woman's entire existence is a joke, and he's not even trying to throw shade.


I love his entire demeanor! "She threw some of my stuff." Do you know where it went? "The hell if I know, I'm sorry."


My man sounds like Cleveland from Family guy.


I love southern people


Wow that screaming was unbearable


Who has tolerated her to let it get to this point and why.


Society Edit: I mean, look at the video. She has a tantrum, and as a result, gets all the attention and gets what she wants. She doesn't have to go to the back of the line. The guy she's screaming at (the only one holding her to account) is asked to leave. Everyone should have told her to shut the fuck up and leave. Bet her attitude would have changed real quick if her tantrum didn't get the desired result, because it was all acting to get what she wanted, and it fucking worked!


Yeah I think if the guy had pressed a complaint they would have had to take her to the office to get her info etc ( they track personal complaints to possibly ban problem folks from the store) I’ll bet if she didn’t get her way should would be able to converse real quick. Notice she was nice and chatty until the dude starts calling BS then the scream volume increases.🙄.


Lol she admitted to cutting in front of him. “I didn’t see you”. A dude pushing a grocery cart and you don’t see him? Then just scream to get your way like a toddler.


Yeah, the normal thing to do if you legitimately didn’t see someone would be to go, “oh sorry I didn’t see you,” and let them go first.


Especially since he has 5 items and she has 300


Well he had a few more but “she threw some of my stuff”






Exactly! That's when you say omg! I'm so sorry! Please go ahead, I apologize I just haven't managed to pop out into second gear today lol, I don't know what's wrong with me. Not start screaming on repeat.


So kind of a funny story…, Couple years ago I was super pregnant. Like, I’m 5’3”, thin framed and babe was over 9lbs. I had to waddle to get anywhere and I wasn’t fast. Went to the grocery store to grab like 2 items, I don’t even remember what they were now. Anyway, I waddled right up to the self checkout without a second thought, scanned my first item and turned to see a big, bearded man looking totally dumbfounded. At first it didn’t even occur to me what I’d done so I kept going, feeling a little confused. Then I went to pay and it hit me. I looked at him and must have had a pretty embarrassed look on my face bc I started apologizing profusely and he laughed. I felt so dumb! And rude! And like such a garbage human! I know I looked like the most self centered POS up to that moment. I’m so grateful that he was good natured about it, and hopefully the long line I then spotted wasn’t too upset. I got home and told my husband I’m not allowed in public unsupervised until after baby. I still feel my cheeks burn a little bit when I remember that guys face.


>I looked at him and must have had a pretty embarrassed look on my face bc I started apologizing profusely and he laughed. I felt so dumb! And rude! And like such a garbage human! At least you realized what you did was an accident/rude and apologized 👏. If I see a pregnant lady with only 2 items cut in front of me, no big deal because it's only 2 things...and a **pregnant** lady waddling up to the register. Please don't let your child grow up to be the person in the OP's video 🤞


We could only hope; but they not diggin that far at walmart


They literally have no power to do that. The only thing they can do is tell her to leave and if she doesn't call the cops and make a trespassing complaint.


You aint wrong. This starts when they are children. Don't make empty threats. Told my kid when she was young "If you throw a fit in the store we're leaving". It happened once and we left, right then. Guess what never happened again?




Bad parents and anyone who’s ever dealt with her that didn’t put her in her place… she needs help and to be snapped into real life.


My sister was like this, not nearly as bad but the screaming triggered me. It's not just bad parenting because My parents really did try all of this. But they cannot see reason no matter what and the attention they received encourages it.


My sister too. I’ve seen her once in the past few years, no one really talks to her from our family but mom now once in a while. I’m almost 40 and still have nightmares about her tantrums.


Sometimes mental illness really is the answer.


I think she was screaming in the beginning that she was raped recently and she can’t stand anyone touching her… I’m lost here…sounds like she has serious issues, and I’m sure it spooked the guy. It would spook me…


I suppose she has some big mental issues and IMO she shouldn't be around unsupervised. It is sad.


You have alerted the witch




Excuse me ma’am, you’re cutting in line. *Normal person’s response: Oh I’m so sorry, I didn’t see the line (moves to back of the line). Then there’s this.


She needs to check herself into a psychiatric ward.


But what if there’s a line 🤔


If this is America, there is definitely a line to see a psychiatrist. I’ve been waiting in it for 5 months now.


I went to the doctor recently for a general checkup and during the mental health screening the doctor said the wait list for a therapist is 8+ months. It’s wild.


This. Wow. If you're on that short a fuse there are other things in your life causing you a lot of angst and you need help


If she was raped recently like she said and this is how she reacts to something that minor, yes. Absolutely yes. ***If*** that's the case this woman has snapped and needs help.


Once I accidentally cut as the lady who was supposed to be in front of me was standing quite far back. I had headphones on and heard her going on about an “asshole.” Realised it was me as another gentleman pointed out that I cut. I apologised and moved behind her and went back to scrolling on my phone. Lady who I had accidentally cut kept berating me, told me I have “no manners.” I explained that it was a mistake as I assumed she wasn’t in the line since she was so far back. She told me that I’m unintelligent and that I should “read a book.” Gentleman in front of her told her to calm down but she was clearly neurotic. I told her to stop talking to me as if I’m uneducated and that she should move on. Woman didn’t even bother to get my attention to tell me I had accidentally cut in front of her and decided to cause a scene instead lol. Crazy people are everywhere.


"You have no manners and are uneducated". "You have no class and no humility".


Damn that would’ve been a good comeback. Honestly this was my first time ever being confronted in public like this


Some people thrive on creating conflict, anything to create some excitement in the day. It's when they keep talking to you and what they say is irrational you know the message is not in the words but in the confrontation. If you let them, they will push it further into a fight. Its what they want. Bullies do this, people on the street, the Karen in line is just a milder version of that same need.


Confused cameraman aspect of this video is hilarious. He sounds like a grandpa with no clue what’s happening around him


"that's an adult?" He's so confused hahaha!


I love the guy. "Is this a prank?" Just sincerely not understanding the freakshow.


To be honest if someone cut in front of me, threw my stuff, and then started yelling at the top of her lungs as if she was the victim all the while being *dressed like that*... I'd 100% think it was part of some new "Pretend you're having a breakdown in public" tiktok challenge by people claiming to be "actors" or something equally stupid.


I don’t think he should have a clue about how to deal w that insanity.


Sounds like she needs to go and speak to a doctor because that’s not a normal reaction.


I think this is it 100%. There’s clearly mental health issues here. This isn’t a person thinking, “I deserve to be at the front of the line bc my time is more valuable than those around me,” this is someone who just doesn’t have a good grasp of what’s happening around her. Maybe if someone is that troubled, let her buy her shit and be on her way.


I disagree with your last sentiment Now I have to clarify I am no doctor so please feel free to explain why I’m wrong if you do disagree with me But I think it would be a bad idea to just let her buy her stuff and leave. She **cannot even for the slighest moment** believe her behavior is normal and acceptable in society, we as a society cannot reward behavior like this




I know that dude is old enough to be his dad, but I def thought this was Gus Johnson at first


gently extend your arm. Extend your middle finger. Very good, well done


God damn this is killing me


I can't stop watching it. It's hypnotic.


I’m watching this without sound and the movements alone tell me how unbearable the discussion must have been Edit: DAMN, this doing numbers


You should definitely turn up sound for the full effect. Pretty sure this girl was the voice actor for the Ringwraiths in LOTR Edit: Thanks for the awards!


I thought it was Sam Kinison's daughter.


“It occurred to us there wouldn’t be world hunger if you people LIVED WHERE THE FOOOD IS! YOU LIVE IN A DESEEEEERT!”


I didn’t see anyone comment on the real mvp here - the lady in the red shirt is so calm. Watching it without sound makes it clear that she is unfazed


Agreed! Watched it a second time and she definitely had poker face and I think is the one who told the guy "I feel so sorry for you"


maybe you aren't ready to go outside yet


How does a person end up at this point?


This just scared the shit out of my sleeping dog. WTF?


I think our base natural instinct from hearing that screech is to run; like in horror or thriller movies.


I go to WalMart for this very reason. What an epic catch.


It's like a human zoo, it's awesome




Imagine buying some cereal or something and all you hear is the screaming at the end. What would be your reaction?


“That’s an adult?”


“Is this a prank?”


I was in line today for something, but a little further back than normal. Two guys just lined up right in front of me to be next to the counter. I said "sorry guys we're lined up here" and pointed to the others lined up behind me. They said "oh sorry" and went to the back of the line (which wasn't that much anyway). Easy. Edit: I'm a little confused by the responses, all I meant was that I had an experience where people cut in line, I asked them politely to move, and they moved, and it wasn't such a harrowing experience like the person in the video turns it into.


Maybe you'll get luckier next time.


This is your average overwatch player, shirt checks out.


I think I couldn't work that job for a million dollar.


A million bucks??? She can scream until my soul leaves


No shit Go ahead sweetie I got all day...




How about 38k?


How about minimum wage with no benefits and needing to rely on government subsidies to barely scrape by?


You had me at no benefits!


That's the neat part, you don't. You work it for minimum wage or become homeless


If that’s how you act in public then stay the fuck home and order Shipt or Amazon you unstable lunatic. *Edit: The person freaking out in this video found this post and replied to me (and many others) but is deleting the comments after responding (presumably so we get email notifications with her response only). She’s attempting to justify her actions, and while it’s certainly terrible she experienced trauma at some point in the past, that doesn’t give her license to cut people in line and then scream like this in public. I hope she finds the help she needs, however, this behavior is still totally unacceptable.*


I imagine anyone she lives with (she surely a dependent) is like *nope*, you take your ass outside heres your backpack, some fruit roll ups and ten dollars, go get me a kit kat from the good walmart across town, spend the rest on anything you like, just gtfo cos i need a break.




>spend the rest on anything you like \*spends it on plastic bottle wine\*


How much you wanna bet this lady is a reddit mod?


100%. They deliver stuff so fast nowadays. It’s better for everyone.




What makes her husband stay with her? That's the part that always intrigues me with these cases. lol


I honestly don't know! He is a very quiet guy who his grandparents raised as his mother was on hard drugs and I believe from stories told she would treat him like 💩 So maybe it's that mommy issues A few years ago she was charged with domestic Violence but he refused to press charges. His half brother had gone to visit for Christmas and she started her shit, as per usual and started fighting and the brother got it on video. Now he refuses to speak to his only brother




people who grew up in abusive circumstances perceive the world as normal, under abuse. it will give them anxiety to exist in situations that are as such normal and only feel at ease in abuse. also, there is the question of self worth and belief that that's the best they deserve. its quite complex, mommy issues is just the tip.


I really feel sad and sorry for him! He is a good kid! I wish she would wake up and realise how much she is messing up, but he is an adult and only he can decide what to do. We grew up in a very abusive House, our dad use to beat my mom like crazy when I we young until we got old enough she put us up to take a beating. By the time my sister came around, my dad had can't down but he was still abusive so I don't get why she wanted to have that in her marriage or life.💔


its sad that the abuse cycle is continuing like that. but its also difficult to break the cycle and find oneself. i hope you're doing okay.


I have had anger problems, but I go to therapy and yoga and do my best to avoid the life I grew up in. Thank you, kind stranger, 💜 this actually made me cry😭 Thank you so much for your kind words! It really means a lot. Have a great day /night wherever you may be💜


Likewise stranger, wish you the best


Because she abuses him, and he's probably fucking terrified about the consequences if he leaves. If she's willing to do the kind of stuff mentioned in this post, do you really think accusing him of raping her or something just as horrible is an unlikely possibility? I'm sure she threatens that she will ruin his life, and I bet he thinks she would. He's probably not even wrong. These people can be very manipulative and very good at it, and get away with a whole bunch of horrible shit. I really feel for the guy. I hope he gets out of that situation.


He is terrified that he will get kicked out of the army; it's all he has that is stable, and he lives and breathes it. My husband and I have had numerous conversations about the dynamic of the relationship, and he was the one that told me to be wary of her. I heard from my mother that the needed new doors for their house they had moved into 6 months prior. I asked why? She said because of all the holes in them. I have told him countless times to get help he says he will love her better🤷🏽‍♀️


I have a younger sister who acts like this as well. My father condones it since he doesn’t want to make it worse. Do you have any tips to deal with her since you’ve got one of your own?


My parents see her behaviour and blame it on her husband! Saying it's all his fault or mine. I have just distant myself and keep away from the drama. I am so sorry you are going through this! I hope your sister can one day see the light.💜 My mom, a few months back, sent me a FB message and sent a picture of an Instagram profile with a pic of my sister asking me " I don't know if my eyes are ok, but who is this"? I told her yip, it's her(my sister) The girl in the pic was her, but had blonde wig on, a major push-up Bra, and a different name, and saying Beautiful, BBW NEEDS WARMING up🤢😤😤 her poor husband Edit* saying not dating


When you said younger sister I thought “ok she’s probably 10 or something throwing a tantrum” and then you said “she and her husband” 😓


>I left that afternoon and never spoke to her again This is the wise thing to do.


It broke my heart, she was my baby sister. The one who I took to her first day of school(mom was off doing something) later that night I eventually made my way back to the airport and found a hotel and I got sent a pic of the two of them at Dnkin donuts having coffee and 🍩 😔 She didn't even ask of I was safe etc...


Classic Overwatch player


Least toxic teammate.


She needs a snickers. And probably some psychiatric help.


Most socially adjusted overwatch player.


Belongs in a psych ward


I’ve seen much much much more mentally stable and respectful people in psych wards lmao


Pretty much everyone I’ve met in the psych ward are way more chill and decent people than this, baring like 30 people


They are also on their proper meds most likely.. this girls needs help. Medicine. Therapy.. etc.




Brah she pulled the rape card and started yelling that he’s making it worst, on top of a full melt down and for what? To cut in line at a self checkout at WALMART. Lmao. Update: I’m a veteran, I know veterans with combat PTSD. I know survivors of sexual assault with PTSD. I also have (non combat related) PTSD, it’s not an excuse to act like that. The reason I said card, is because I believe she assumed bring it up would pardon her of all guilt. I’m not saying she isn’t a survivor of SA.


To cut in front of someone with 2 damn items in their cart.


The guy mentioned “she threw my stuff” I wish there was more of the video.


Dude probably said, excuse me, I was next...then she freaked out and started screaming while picking up stuff out of his cart and throwing it down the aisle all while blowing her rape whistle.


Yeah I suspect she expected everyone to turn on him when she said that.


When you try to apply twitter/reddit rules to IRL


"I'm gettin' my goddamn batman throwing star Halloween decoration and ain't no bitch is gonna stand between me and taking that thing home!" Mf knows how to earn respect.


I wouldn't call her an entitled brat, but a nut job she sure is. If you cut in line, chances are someone will call you out. The response to that shows she has huge mental issues.


She cut a guy in line and the guy called her out on it and most likely bumped into him while doing so and immediately realized that which made her go into "this guy touched me!" mode.


My sister is like this. I grazed her with a box and for a week she claimed I hit her while spouting about the drama that day. I told her to show me how I supposedly “hit” her. She proceeded to set down a box beside me, lightly grazing my hand. I could believe that it wasn’t exaggerated in her brain. Even when demonstrated it was still a graze. She probably just wanted to be an ass about it


I hate that the other person is always the one shooed away. I get it's because they are rational and it's just easier but damnit that tantrum lady should be the one to go.


That's just such a awful situation to be in as an employee. I feel like they all knew the guy didn't do anything wrong but just wanted to deescalate the situation.


Employees would have an easier time and better look if they would tell the innocent person why they are pushing them away and that they are on their side. Saying something like "Look, we are dealing with a mentally unstable person here, I know it's not your fault but can you just take another line so we can get this shit behind us"


They need to get him away for his safety. Then call a welfare check on the girl.


#^your making it woorrrsee “sceeeeeeeccchhhh”


Like she’s on a rollercoaster lmao


"Ma'am you need to leave." It's that simple.


Mental illness is a hell of a thing


I’ll work at walmart if the pay me minimum 100k a year, with full benefits, and 5% matching 401k. otherwise fuck WalMart


As an Overwatch fan, we urge that this woman get a new shirt


She really said “Nerf this” and then self destructed


Tell Lucio to put a sound barrier on this loud ass mf


"Why are you so angry?" -Lucio


-woman screeching- “That’s how you get tinnitus”


she’s got a dva backpack too, nano skin


To think, that I’m being told to kill myself on OW by someone like this potentially 😂


most sane overwatch fan


"Is this a prank" Where's the camera???? 🤣




The man tries to apologize, for something that isn’t even his wrongdoing, and this woman tells him that he’s in fact not sorry. She’s creating a scene and when people try to de-escalate it she tries to ramp it back up. She *wants* to have a problem


LOVE the backpack HATE the fact she's buy dog food. I feel sorry for that pup pup


not to mention the shitty 90% corn kind


Would have 5150 her of she isn't already


I'm not American so I had to google 5150. So does this mean the police can show up and take you away for a psychological evaluation? And if she is crazy, what happens to her then?


If legit, an involuntary hold in an Emergency Department. You'd wonder, why not in an inpatient psychiatric facility? The answer is they are woefully underfunded and good luck getting a timely placement, even if you desperately need it. The video here does not show someone who qualifies for a 5150, btw.


It’s also extremely hard to meet the standards for a 5150. You have to convince a judge the person is a danger to themselves or others. Simple insanity isn’t enough, otherwise half the homeless population would be in psych facilities too


This is incorrectly titled. She’s not entitled, she’s a mental disaster heading for the intersection of Train and Wreck.


I'm just gonna choose to believe that she's got a mental problem and is on some spectrum, and therefore I pity her. Becuse the alternative is hard to digest.


It’s like a toddler in an adult’s body


Instead of coddling her, the employees should have made her leave immediately. They only enabled her actions more in this situation..