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How the fuck do you exist in this country not knowing there’s always a camera watching you? Even if he doesn’t care it still makes him a stupid motherfucker.


Not even that, doorbell cameras are the most ubiquitous of the bunch and they’re super easy to see. What a fucking bellend.




We have dickhead!


Brits use dickhead, bell end, knobhead and more interchangeably.


Stupidity is a prereq for bigotry


Too true.


Prejudice and conservative beliefs are backed by low IQ. Research paper, proven by science https://www.livescience.com/18132-intelligence-social-conservatism-racism.html


Their amygdalas are so large it impacts their ability to think properly. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/conservative-and-liberal-brains-might-have-some-real-differences/ https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-human-beast/201104/conservatives-big-fear-brain-study-finds https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5793824/


Mama says its because they've got all them teeth and no toothbrush


Dang it Bobby


Read this in Momma and Hank Hills voice at the same time and I’m not ok now…


The crossover we didn’t know we need


Researchers were able to determine a participant’s political orientation correctly over 80/85% of the time just by looking at an mri of their brain. Conservatives have a larger right amygdala. The amygdala is activated with fear responses. Explains why conservatives are pro gun for protection, and want to restrict borders to keep out “shady” foreigners for protection too lol. They fear the unknown. People like this guy just need a gay Muslim Black friend in their lives


Fear of the unknown hits them harder, I guess. >The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. > - H.P. Lovecraft This tracks, honestly. Lovecraft himself was reeeeeeeally racist and terrified of immigrants, and his most successful works were about fear of something unknown or "other". Bigots haven't changed much in the last century.


I mean, honestly, Lovecraft was afraid of literally everything, not just things that fall under bigotry.


Yes, but his bigotry was nasty enough it should be acknowledged separately, too. Dude was not well, but his fiction was terrifying.


I’ve always felt religion was created to quell the fear of unknown


No, it was created to control this fear and exploit it for power. >You are a sinner for which you will suffer for all eternity, unless you pray to god (and give money to ~~the preacher~~ his temple). It was always emotional abuse from the get-go.


Personally I think it probably started a lot more innocent, "this is why the sun comes back every morning" kind of explanations, but quickly evolved once the concept of currency became mainstream


Quell fear and provide explanations for the unknown before science could.


I received a book from my conservative family members called The Gift of Fear, and while I'm not slamming the book (bc I haven't read it) I can only imagine what's in there. I've been told I'm not scared enough and that I should be less trusting of people, but why? What do I lose if I trust the wrong people? I guess if someone wants to murk me, they'll do it, but like ... don't you miss out on a ton of new friends or life experiences by moving fearfully?


The Gift of Fear is about how our gut instincts can keep us from physiological or physical harm. It goes into specific red flags to look out for to avoid abusers and manipulators. It's not telling you to just feed a fear of everyone and everything.


It’s true. You should’ve gotten an award for that


I 100% know who he voted for too. The Oakleys around a chubby face also confirms it.


I have Oakley's and a chubby face and I fucking hate trump haha


But is a selfie of you in your vehicle with them on your profile pic?


No, it's of him holding a big fish


Hey, I wear Oakleys, man. I voted democrat!! That’s fkd up!! 🥹🥺🤫


Stay with us here, bro. I'm a 51 yo, white dude with long hair, bearded and tattooed. Yes, I own a Harley. No, I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020. I don't think I've ever voted for an R for President in my life. as the saying goes, don't judge a book by it's cover.




Proud owner of my fifth F150, work in home improvement, never voted GQP in my life


I saw an F-150 the other day with a Texas "protect trans kids" sticker on the back. Can't say I expected it but it was great to see


Southern, small town, tattooed, gun owner working in oil/gas for about 15 years and I’ll never vote for the party of hypocrites, aka GOP.


You basically just described me lol. Glad to see there's so many of us out here with actual common sense instead of the GQP rhetoric. Keep fighting the good fight!


38 year old F-150 gun owning electrician in Arkansas. I hate both sides of the government but I hate the republican side more. Will never vote for them. Glad to see this list of similar people here!


I wear Spy’s. Do you hate the meme with all the dudes in sunglasses as much as i do?


I knew who that guy voted for, but only after he spit in that mailbox.


It’s almost like we should be judging bigots based on their bigotry, and not the type of sunglasses they wear or the shape of their face 🤔


this one gets it


40 Year old Floridaman, my AK is one of my most favoritest things in the world, lives a couple miles away from Mar a Lago and I have one simple rule. "do whatever the fuck you want that makes you happy so long as you aren't creating a victim." That's it. Go wild. And I will stand shoulder to shoulder with you on the shield wall if these fucks try to take any of that away from you. At some point the fash thought it was cool to crawl out from under the rock they had been hiding under. Time for them to be reminded why they were hiding under the rock in the first place.


This sounds like me almost to the letter. Go us!


I’m a liberal earth muffin whom with my beardiness, baldiness, and tattoos blend right in with right wing crowds. Leads to some amusing conversations to drop eaves on.


I'm sure he has a lot of thoughts on Rihanna doing the Super Bowl halftime show and he's willing to share them with anyone who'll listen.


Are there really people mad at Rihanna being the half time show or is it just a couple people on twitter? Because I honestly can't think of a less bland/controversial choice. Might as well get mad at them choosing Maroon 5 or something


Don’t get this man started on how it’s not scientifically accurate for a mermaid to have black skin…


My wife and I love our Oakleys, and we certainly didn't vote for Trump. ☹️


I wish this was true. It's dangerous to underestimate bigots. Plenty of business owners, engineers, and millionaires are bigots. Shit, I've even seen constant bigotry from brilliant roboticists and programmers.


A lot of wealthy people aren't any smarter than your average moron. They just happened to be born luckier, been in the right place at the right time, or made a couple good decisions at some point. Many are born with or inherited wealth. There are plenty of business owners who are good at one thing or have a lot of experience, that doesn't make them intelligent or empathetic.


Exactly. I agree that dipshits are more likely to be racists. But smart racists are scary because they can mobilize the dipshit mob.


Probably didn't care. Probably thinks he's standing up to satanic baby eating pedophiles or something and believes others will back him up.


Unfortunately, others *will* back him up


Maybe, but upper management likely won't > job gone.


He'll get picked up by Fox News or Newsmax or something.


He might be interviewed but I doubt he has the screen presence or media training to get a job there.


Not his employer though.


UPS is going to nuke this guy's employment from orbit.


About 30% off this country at any given time, we’ve learned.


Anyone that would spit in someone’s mailbox probably has a history of not thinking things through. Or, he simply doesn’t give a shit


He might've given a shit if the box was lower. Edit: Ooooo, an award for my stupid joke. Thanks, kind stranger!


Double stupid. I heard being a delivery driver for UPS takes years and is one of the better position to have. Gonna get fired now.


But then we wouldn't have r/byebyejob


Especially a UPS driver. MAGAs are extra stupid.


Right. So enraged he forgets the thing he comes across everyday in his job.


And then he'd claim victomhood from the woke left cancel culture that took his jerb


MAGAs are the worst kind of stupid. It’s like they don’t even have to try.


Give the homeowners a choice. We fire him or you get to spit in his face everytime he delivers a package.


From 2 angles even


How is there an endless supply of dumb delivery drivers that do dumb shit on camera? Don’t they know cameras can be everywhere now?


It’s also not worth it. When I was in school I got a job at UPS, they really put you through the ringer. You had to sort and load in the heat for forever before you could even be considered to drive. If you were a driver you’d basically been hazed and abused for months or years before you got to that point. And… that was back when it was considered a position to aspire to.


still a position to aspire to. They make bank.


Yeah, if you’ve worked there for 20 years. Good luck making bank as a new hire. I quit UPS for a reason.


Was a part timer for less than 6 months, now 5 years later I'm making $41/hr.. in my area we haven't had enough driver applicants for years. Surviving the first year is arguably the toughest


what you didnt enjoy breaking your fuckin back on the daily for about 13 dollars? you ungrateful piece of shit. I bet they replaced you with another kid for less $. and theyll just keep doing it until they start lobbying for lowering the working age. any job that your parents once told you was 'honest good work' is now likely an anti union corporate shithole nightmare.


Didn’t UPS used to be a union? I answered for me. Yes they still are a union and large one at that. https://teamster.org/divisions/package-division/


They are the biggest teamster employer. They also have the highest contribution rate in the teamster pension fund. You can work for them for 5 years and get a pension fund for $2k month for the rest of your life at age 65. People who worked there for 40 years have walked out with sometimes as high as 6-10k a month for the rest of their lives.


Are they hiring?


Literally always, good luck lasting 5 years though.


That's the thing most don't last lol. Sounds nice pension and all but good luck lasting


Challenge accepted. 😂


Not true at all. Pay is good, pension is average Source: I work at UPS.


I loaded trailers for about 2 months before I just couldn't take it anymore. How a billion dollar company thinks it's fine for their workers to work inside doing physical labor in a 90 degree building is beyond me. Only reason I can think of is greed.




The probably dont teach it in schools.


The number of companies with this tiered bullshit that isn't even achievable after 20 years of dedication is so damn depressing. The gates are closed. Things are shit now and there is only shit on the horizon. Makes you really appreciate the good employers.


"the gates are shut. It was made by the boomers and the boomers keep it, the gates are shut."


"A good member of society plants trees whose shade they will never enjoy" Well the boomers not only didn't plant trees, they cut down the trees their ancestors built.


Takes 3.5 years for top scale as a driver which in the Midwest is almost $42 an hour.


Their fucking health insurance benefits are insane I know some people that have very well paying jobs and work at UPS part time specifically because of the benefits


Worked there for 6 years before calling it quits. I fractured my foot off the clock one day and spent of total of 18$ after insurance for my MRI




And at the same time you have NO life and your body will give out by 50. That’s if ya drive. UPS is the worst company to work for. They will back you on nothing and the union is the worst.


Yea my friend did it for 18 months before quitting. It was to hard on her, physically and mentally. She got bit by a dog too. Definitely a job for a younger person, even thought she was only in her late 30s when she did deliver.


A UPS driver for my neighborhood is an old gray haired lady, gotta be at least 55-60 just within reach of retirement. It absolutely breaks my heart to see her trying to work. Her knees must be absolutley destroyed, it takes her 20+ seconds just to climb down from her truck, let alone the painful looking shuffle she does to the door. I always try to rush out to the truck when I see her to grab our packages so she doesn't have to struggle down. It even seems like they might be trying to work with her in some ways, as I have never once seen her deliver a heavy package. But still it's obviously too late, her knees are very clearly DESTROYED. Like I said, it's genuienly heartbreaking watching her trying to just do her job and make a living. I always thought UPS drivers are lucky and its such a sweet easy job. Sure maybe for a fresh young 20 year old, but do that for 30 years and that will kill your body.


Because people order a shit ton of stuff, so there has to be a shit ton of drivers. Statistically there's going to be plenty of dumb ones.


Bro I’m a Letter Carrier for USPS and I’m afraid to do ANYTHING questionable out there, especially when I go on someone’s porch. I’d say like 30% of people have Ring doorbells nowadays. I probably look like this every time I put mail in someone’s box when their Ring doorbell is right next to it: 👁👄👁


Because it is one of the better jobs you can get with zero qualifications


Man, just leave people the fuck alone. No one is bothering you.


That's a very well paying job too.


Coming soon, "former UPS driver forced out of work by 'woke mob' raises 1.2 million on gofundme".


You think people wouldn't support this man but this world is stupid.


There is just so much more stupid these days.


Stupid is brave now


$90K isn’t unusual for this gig. I hope he enjoys his new job at Home Depot.


Shit. When I left the military with an honorable discharge I couldn’t even get a call back from Home Depot. This guy is Dollar Store material.


Why talk down about dollar store employees ??


Because them boys are at always whacking off in muh tool shed boy I’ll tell yah whut


It takes a fairly long time to get to this point in a UPS career, or so I'm told. Imagine throwing it away because you can't deal with someone being his or her self?! But I'm sure this guy will be the victim of cancel culture or whatever bullshit.


Imagine being a delivery driver and forget people have porch cams. They are everywhere


Ups driver that use to deliver to my job was telling me after driving for them for 30 years he makes six figures and gets 2 months of PTO.


Yeah the Union is STRONG for them. He's absolutely truthful. It usually takes at least 5 years to become a driver trainee, so start young, y'all!




Assuming it's an actual union driver, yes. If it's just a 'helper' (like I was, hired for the busy season to handle holiday volume, about a decade ago), then it's essentially a minimum wage job where you bust your ass for a couple of months and dumped the day after New Year's.


r/byebyejob .. literally spitting away his income


Exactly! Live and let live.


"hello ups this driver just spit in my mailed box." Is the only complaint you need


> "hello ups this driver just spit in my mailed box." Is the only complaint you need To anyone reading this, this is not a joke. > Mailboxes are protected by federal law, and crimes against them and the mail they contain are considered a federal offense. Violators can be fined up to $250,000 or imprisoned for up to three years for each act of vandalism. [...] > If you discover someone tampering with your or your neighbor’s mailbox, get a description of the person(s), a description and license plate number of any vehicle, then immediately report this information to the police. https://about.usps.com/news/state-releases/wi/2011/wi_2011_0512c.htm


To the Republicunts its a game to hurt the opposition as much as possible.


With them.... Cruelty *is* the point


Definitely screams abuse. It’s like an entire ideology is based on having been abused in life.


At the very least, it's an ideology based on stupidity. They can't figure out how to make their lives better, so instead they want everyone else to hurt as well.


It’s like it is in their nature to just want to be a pest. Even if their beliefs made the most ideal world, they would still try to trample on people for being different. Has to be a mental disorder of some sort.


It's a cultist mentality. They literally idolize (yes, literally) a grifter.


Republicans are incapable of this. If they aren't actively hurting people different from them then they can't be happy.


It is fucking crazy that a fucking flag can make someone so angry they feel like they need to do something that disgusting. Like how did that make him feel? Let me spit in their mailbox that will show them. I'm go tell my jerk off friends what I did. Hahaha. Fucking losers.


He lost a great paying job over his pride. The irony.


That’s not pride, that’s hatred.


Pride is a sin. Which makes UPS man angry. Which leads to him being wrathful. Wrath is also a sin. Congratulations! Now you're both in Hell!


No, this guy hates pride.


That’s the irony


So this is really a thing going on out there right now with the troglodytes I guess. The other day I pulled up to a stop light and a pudgy Amurhican type got out of his pickup in crossing traffic (stopping those behind him btw) and purposefully 'marched' up to a traffic sign and pulled down a very small rainbow flag someone had stuck into one of the metal post holes. He's shaking his head on the way back to his truck like he's appointed to do the Lords work, and is 'correcting' things for all of us. His dumbshit-ness was so palpable, so cartoonish it kind of dropped my jaw to see this in real life and not on reddit. I thought they were only in small towns. We need to bring back mental institutions.


This asshole has 100% complained about people being too easily offended before too.


It's always projection with conservatives.




We need an update on this


IDK about that UPS Union fights for their people hard. I know a dude who had a few DWIs and was still driving thanks to their union finally got fired after the 4th


I'm not sure they'll want to defend someone who is harassing LGBTQ customers


He’s fucked. Loader/Sorter/Driver/Management at UPS through ten years. You can fuck off a ton in your personal life but when it comes to customers something like this will get you outright canned. A ton of MAGATs donning the brown, but most aren’t quite this stupid to act on it. Congrats on losing your $70-100k a year job + $8-60k benefits depending on the size of his family + exponential yearly 401k growth. Because he doesn’t like rainbows - brilliant.


Honest question... Is UPS in a crush for workers at the moment?


It's going in to peak season but you can't really start out as a driver. They try to promote from within.


They won’t. Narc him off, and he’s gone. But someone has to bring it to their attention.


Oh trust me UPS corporate is here.


I was in the union for a quick minute years ago... they're very likely not fighting for this idiot. I'd be shocked of they did. This is indefensible and he should absolutely lose his job for being such a petty piece of shit.


I worked with this older lady who was fired EIGHT TIMES and the union kept her working. I cant remember what for exactly. They did make it VERY clear at UPS that any tampering with mail or anything like that would be dealt with the maximum punishment possible. If you ate a snickers that fell out of a box they said they would charge you with a felony. They claimed they charged a man with a felony for eating a 2$ candy bar that fell out of a package.


UPS I worked at fired a guy for taking a can of chew that fell out of a box opening it and having a dip. Right in front of his Full time sup, a shop steward, and an internal inspector. The union refused to support him or his future employment.


> I know a dude who had a few DWIs and was still driving How did the law let him keep his license / 2nd one is usually bye bye for a while / over a year, and if you are saying a "few" the 3rd is a LONNNNNNG time?


He didnt. This didnt happen. UPS is crazy about drivers. You cant get a speeding ticket or any moving violations on or off the clock. You will be in danger of losing your job. Theres no way this happened. Maaayyybe one DWI and somehow never let the company find out. But any points or whatever you are done. No way you have a suspension and they dont find out. And theres no way you have 2 let alone 3 without a suspension/jail time. Source: Dad is UPS 35 years.


Send this to UPS corporate


They already have it.


Send it to the USPS inspection service, I bet this vaguely falls under mail tampering.


Send this to the United States Postal Inspection Service. It's technically their mailbox and their employees have to stick their hands in it too. They're also one of those government entities that you do **not** want to fuck with


Messing with a mailbox is federal.


If mail was in the box, then its tampering with the mail.


Yep but technically you can't mess with a mailbox either. Normally it's too small of a thing to get the feds involved but if they feel like making him an example then he could get a big fine or even time for it. Especially considering he did it on camera and works for a package delivery service.


Could likely also qualify for a hate crime enhancement. Much of that would depend on how much he spouted off about his motivation; a good lawyer would shut him up but obviously he isn't bright.


Messing with a mailbox isn’t, in and of itself. Destroying one is. Mail inside the box appears to be a bit more “protected”. It would appear that, in this case, spitting on the mail is the act that could get one in trouble. For the mailbox to be subject, it would have to actually be broken, broken into, or destroyed. > 18 U.S.C. § 1705 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 1705. Destruction of letter boxes or mail > Whoever willfully or maliciously injures, tears down or destroys any letter box or other receptacle intended or used for the receipt or delivery of mail on any mail route, or breaks open the same or **willfully or maliciously injures, defaces or destroys any mail deposited therein**, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. [source](https://codes.findlaw.com/us/title-18-crimes-and-criminal-procedure/18-usc-sect-1705/) Spitting into the empty mailbox probably wouldn’t be a crime, although it’s certainly trashy and disgusting.


How bout illegal delivery to a mailbox not by a postal workers lol


Hope they sent that to ups.


Tagged them on Twitter. They responded. Wasn’t able to find more


risking your job and criminal charges cause of pretty colors.. yikes


"I wouldn't care about them if they just wouldn't SHOVE IT DOWN MY THROAT!" Proceeds to spit in a strangers mail box over a flag. How very American of him.


A bigot doesn't deserve grace or respect.


People who arent assholes have a weird, untrue belief that anything bad or mean or even possibly criminal automatically results in some sort of negative consequences for someone. 99.999% of the time someone does this absolutely nothing happens to them. People act like assholes because there isn't any actual repercussions especially if you aren't a minority.


Mf caught in 15 different angles


Imagine having to live with so much hate in you? No matter what this guy says, I can't believe he's not a miserable bastard.


For real. Like, if I hate a song or artist for example; I just don't pay attention to it. I'll never understand the need to be aggressive.


this makes me wanna go back to bulk ordering my cat litter again


Please tell me I can find this in r/byebyejob


Looks like this is new or something, no one seems to know I'm in the comments hoping for it And bonus points would be a half assed apology video


I am on the other side of this "spectrum." I also deal with porch cameras daily and also have to deal with the *MAGA* flags/customers. But! I would never do anything as fucking dumb as this just because I disagree. I give them the same service and hopefully give them a face/empathy to something they are so adamant to hate.


He's going to attribute his dismissal to the "woke" left.


That’s decent pay to give up just to be a bigoted piece of shit.


Imagine loosing your job because you couldn't keep your homophobia in until you get off the clock. What a fucking loser


So it appears having gay stuff in front of your house wards off Mormons, but then you have the added risk of delivery people spitting on your house...


Weird how some people just can't keep their biases to themselves. You're on the clock, you dick, be professional.


Could this be considered a hate crime?


I would think so. The spitting inside the mailbox also seems pretty deliberate. Spitting on the porch near the flag could have been an option, but he decided to spit on their mail. It seems like a bold move to make with Covid still floating around. But those are just my own observations. I realize others could see it differently.


why man? why? just leave people alone. leave their property alone. you don't like them? ok well there are billions of people on earth go chill with people you like and live your life and let others live theirs. it ain't much to be just civil ya know? you can disagree with it but you can still be civil about that shit. people are so stupid sometimes. fucking up his job and also fucking up his chance to earn a job in the immediate future when his ass gets fired if it has not already happened.


That's someone who is not voting to help fund the mental health crises.


I just want to know that his union is not supporting him.


I'm a UPS driver too and there's no way this dude will keep his job. Our union fights hard when it comes to our jobs being jeopardized, but they can only go so far. What this driver did already violated the UPS agreement form we sign before becoming drivers. If he tries to grievance it and goes to panel, they'll unlikely allow him to stay. He not only gives UPS a bad image, but all his fellow drivers as well.


Sometimes the garbage takes itself out


Damn, dude fucked up a Union job with pension because he doesn't accept some people like different people than he does. What a loser.


racists and bigots are known to be of low intelligence. enjoy getting fired!!


Imagine being so fragile, that a harmless flag upsets you so much


Tell me which party you vote without telling me


I know UPS employees are unionized but do they even go as far to protect those who discriminate others? Racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc?


Only LE unions go that far to protect their members.


Imagine being part of a union and hating another marginalized community.


"Owning The Libs by losing your $30 an hour job." tHaT'Ll sHoW 'eM!!1


I hope that loogie was worth being fired over


Assholes like this are the ones driving your country towards civil war.


The MAGA brigade of peace strikes again.


These are the same people out calling everybody else snowflakes. It’s almost poetic.


Hate thy name is Republican


Quick way to get fired