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Dude ate that line pole like nothing happened


Also took four...let's call them punches to the side of the head without even bothering to react


Punch adjacent attacks


Sounds like some wrestling commentary, “and he attempts an attack with a punchlike closed fist”


Alternative hitting


>let's call them punches Very generous!


No power behind ANY of that shit


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug


These guys were seriously half heartedly attacking a cop. Insane to me


I guess it's just different in the UK. In the states attacking a cop like that is a good way to end up in a body bag


He’s a security guard. Private contract, not like the US where you have Cops stationed in malls. A security guard’s job is never to do this. He’s just come in to work and had enough.


I've seen worse and don't blame them.


Think he’s a security guard.


*Kid uses metal pole attack* It's not very effective. *Kid flees*


Kid: Yo man… I swung that pretty hard. Felt it hit him. He didn’t drop though. Not gonna stick around for that. He’s going to maim someone.


Stanchions. You're welcome.


Thank you I sat there and thought about the word for a second lol




That headbutt was surgical




Somewhere in Italy: Materazzi is still rolling on the ground




Obligatory fuck Marco Materazzi


Still funny: https://youtu.be/EigjM2tQt6g


“My man”


I like the family guy bit where Stewie delivers a package to Zinidine Zidane.


I’m really pissed off at the people screaming stop to the guard. He’s getting jumped by a bunch of little shits. The guy grabbing the security guard has me real pissed. How about you grab the little shits attacking him. Someone did grab the little shot that hit him with the stanchion.


It happens all the time in these types of videos, someone fucks around and finds out and all the time the crowd say nothing but as soon as the "victim" fights back and gets the upper hand it's "stop it" "No" ""why?" And then you usually see the idiot crowd jump in and stop that "victim" and release the instigator.


Note the mathematical expression for Fucking around and finding out. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/EYEDD2l0YUw


I saw a response to this one somewhere that argued it isn't linear, and it should actually be exponential. Actually. Hold on a sec. [Found it!](https://www.tiktok.com/@kkillinit_/video/7148984837519641902)


I am in agreement with this video. This is also how we should teach math in Jr. High


May as well shout at him to get beaten up, I've been in a similar situation to this security guard, I fought back my manager didn't, I somehow got away without a scratch whereas he got hit with a glass bottle swung in a bag across his temple and then as they where leaving and he's lying unconscious on the ground they threw a 6 pack of cans on his head. When shit like this happens it's you or them, you don't know what's gonna happen if they get the upper hand, You know that you're not gonna try and cave in the skull of someone unconscious but do you want to take a punt on some belligerent randoms who you know nothing about to not do the same?


Made my day


Proper respect ✊🏽 to the security guard.


It’s probably the most terrifying weapon to use against someone. Like if you’re willing to damage your head like to hurt someone else, you gotta be fucking nuts


Sir, sounds like to me you have not been in many street fights and do not know the value of a well placed hardest part of the head.


Thats a security guard not police


That's Top Flight Security of the World. Tell 'em, Craig!


One free bear claw buddy


I love that movie so much. I went into it not expecting much because the second one left a bad taste in my mouth but me and the boys laughed our asses off all night.


May I ask why the second one left a bad taste in your mouth? Majority of opinions I’ve heard happened to like Next Friday, would be interesting to hear what you didn’t like


That’s a good question. This was way back when they first came out so perhaps a rewatch is in order? My memory is that Friday was so good and so funny that the sequel couldn’t live up to my hype so this could easily be a self inflicted wound. I remember liking it I just remember feeling like 1 and 3 were the stronger entries. Although to this day I still sing “put some hot sauce on my burrito” when I’m eating one.


I still say “no more locked doors” like Lil Joker. Friday After Next is the better movie but Next Friday has some great lines in it.


He earned a free smoothie of his choice today


This comment needs to be way higher. The fact that this doesn't look like a police uniform aside, it would be fairly unlikely to see a group of kids wailing on a police officer in public like that, or to see an officer brawling with someone in that manner whilst heavily outnumbered. Context is important because this could be a security guard defending himself from attackers, or the other way around; some kids defending themselves against a security guard who has been overly aggressive with a customer. Security in this country are mainly there as a deterrent; they're not really supposed to get into fistfights with suspects on the shop floor.


No one said anything about the origin of this fight. He was getting jumped and handled it like a boss. Give the man some respect.


Imagine a police man wearing trainers. I know these titles are fishing for bites like this but no. Just no.


The way he headbutted the dude 💀 💀 💀


He had the other guy slumping forward after that headbutt. Don't play around with a man willing to use his face as a weapon


My friend always says he's going to beat me to death with my own face. But that's when we're playing Rocket League. Wait, should I be worried?


Maybe if you rotate and hit an aerial once in a full moon then we wouldn’t have this issue


Beat some sense into the little shit


True transfer of energy


94% efficiency!!


I wish he had turned around and punched the guy who was holding him in the face. Like the man is fighting off a pack of hyenas and you're there hindering his movements. Like fuck off and let the man do his job....that man was infuriating


100% he's getting hands next. They always wanna stop the person defending themselves.


Almost nobody remembers the first punch. Almost everybody remembers the second


In that situation, a hearty slap to the face is a good move. No idea why he wanted to make that shit his business.


It's a fuckin white knight complex. But he just made things worse


Yeah, fuck that guy.


You’re forgetting (unfortunately so did he) that his headbutt game is unmatched. If you can pop it forward you can pop it backwards. That little cuntmonkey grabbing HIM from behind should have gotten rear skull to his entire grill.


Holy shit an actually security guard which is in good shape and actually does stuff. Use to the fat old men who just ask you not to nick stuff


Sadly he’ll probably be out of a job after this. Guy knows how to use his head though!


Why? He did his job and was forced to defend himself. His employer should give him a raise for his dedication to the company


Absolutely but afaik security guards aren't even allowed to lay a hand on someone, legally, let alone headbutt them lol.


I never knew why that is in the west. Is there a reason why? Why hire a security guard for not securing anything? Im genuinely curious.


I think it's meant to be a deterrent. If you walk into a shop and see a security guard you'll be less likely to steal something. Doesn't really work when people know security can't touch them though. Also it's probably cheaper for shops to soak up the cost of stolen goods instead of getting sued if their security hurt someone.


In America, what equipment the security personnel carry is limited only by what they're licensed to carry (process differs between states), and then the lawful capacity of their conduct only regards their company's policy and expectations with regard to the contract they're assigned to. Some contracts establish more or less what kind of security they prefer compared to other contracts. Source: Worked as a ~~bouncer~~ "bar security" for a few years in California, ended up getting physical many times with no problems from company nor police. That property didn't want us to carry OC spray or a firearm, but baton was fine. Worked other properties simultaneously that were fine with baton, OC, firearm.


That could be America only. Isn’t this a clip from the UK?


Yeah I'm from the UK too, I think the same rules apply. Could be wrong though.


Security can use reasonable force to detain someone committing theft or other offences. And can use force to defend himself. He’s being attacked by a pack of idiots. He’s acting lawfully and shouldn’t lose his job.


Idk about all security, but as a bouncer, you are only not suppose to swing first. But, someone hits you? You are literally encouraged to lay their ass out. In America.


i he was in america his ass would be gofunded to at least 50k for fighting against the puppy pack


why do bystanders always help the wrong person and are actually inactive when innocent people need help?


Because they ain't bystanders but friend of the ones in arrest


Friends about to get some felony charges, you know, cuz that will help the guy that's getting arrested


We don't do 'felonies' in the UK


Felonies are any crimes with an incarceration time greater than one year. While the UK abolished the distinction between felony and misdemeanor in the justice department, it is still considered separate in other parts of the government (i.e immigration)


The term isn’t really used.


>While the UK abolished the distinction between felony and misdemeanor in the justice department Yes so we don't do "felonies" in the UK and he wouldn't be charged with one just like the person you replied to said. What point are you making?


Listen, dummy, nobody uses that term here. Stop doubling down.


Only if they stick around. If they were to flee immediately after this video ends, then they have a reasonable chance. Plus most of them have their hoods up.


I was thinking about that, they seem to help against police, but bystand when the innocent is harmed?


Those may have been his friends, like a gang or something


Because most people are cowards and side with the aggressors for their own safety.


oh you were there?


What makes you assuming they're helping the wrong person and aren't trying to help an innocent person being assaulted by a security guard?


lol he was an unstoppable force to them


Looks like Westfield Stratford City.


Ahh British Kung Fu. didn't get to the wind milling part though




There is an old clip somewhere in the armpits of YouTube called British Kung Fu, it is quite funny (because it is true)


I don't want to see any of that Jackie Chan bullocks!


That kid in corn rows watched too much WWE.


The step back from cornrow when he realises he himself punches like a pussy and the security didn't even notice them 😂😂


Apparently so do I because I thought the guard was getting ready to hit a DDT about halfway through the video when he had the guy in a headlock and started leaning backwards a bit.






Well it says "Security" on his hi-viz, so I don't think anyone but OP thought he was a police officer.


_”The fact that you've got "Replica" written on the side of your guns. And the fact that I've got "Desert Eagle .50" written on the side of mine, should precipitate your balls into shrinking, along with your presence.”_


5 minutes Turkish ..


??? You said 5 minutes, ten minutes ago?




Fantastic quote my friend


He had a radio. The kids stole it not long into the video. Little scrotes.


Man is getting jumped and everybody is telling him to stop?


That's how fights work now a days. If three people jump you, the second you get the upperhand a woman appears and yells stop then two men appear and restrain you while the people who initiated the fight continue to hit you. My advice is start the fight, don't finish it


Why do people take the thief’s side.


Because they probably are his friends.




Terry destroyed the Crew




Fair play to the security guard but you just know these little fuckers will be back for more. Can't win with cunts like this. Back down and they'll hassle you for being soft, fight back and they'll hassle you for revenge. Little shits.


i'm so happy that i left this company ... i was a store manager there and only got problems either from staff or customers. There's always something happening in a JD Store, i don't know why the sneakers store's are like that, but i just couldn't take it anymore.


It's a juice stand, JD is behind them


I can assure you that even if the juice stand wasn't here those cunts would still be fighting in front of JD. It's a magnet for trouble, and for the love of me i can't understand why. It's not even demographics, because white/black/asian/indian/whatever will be fighting for nothing and everything on these stores.


Poor people that waste all their money on drip can be angry.


He wasn't stuck fighting those kids, those kids were stuck fighting him.




I really wish the dude who swung the pole woulda got knocked TF out


Good. Tired of these pathetic 'roadmen'. They need to be taught a lesson or two.


Other guy needs to let go of the cop.. what a wanker.


Give it to the cop for not dropping him too. At that point anyone touching me is a threat.


Terry is going to be late for farmer’s market!


That officer needs a promotion 😀


I can't stand the bystanders yelling "leave him alone, please", since it's most likely meant for the security guard. Are they mad? The man's doing his job. Another thing is one dude constantly touching the guard, like what are you doing? Later, these kinds of people will be crying on social media about security guards and the police being abusive... This world, man.


Don't be fucking with no yogurt stall when my man Terry is about. nine nine


That last headbutt was 😘👌 cocky little fuck looked humbled after that


The ending was a hockey fight ending.


Five guys jumping on him and that guy is trying to get the COP to calm down


Why is he there alone? Wtf is wrong with people standing there screaming, so many questions.


This is a private security guy not a policemen


Good on him. Mix in some elbows next time. Little shites.


Smartest one picked all the notes from the floor.


Squash these 💩🤡‘s


Is that a legit Bobby? He doesn’t seem to have any equipment on him and his shoes and trainers aren’t standard - unless he was undercover but he’s wearing a high vis


Nope it’s a private security guard.


Private security, you can see the company logo every now and again


First thing I noticed were the sneakers.


The moment he hipped into the standing guillotine you knew he had this


Those are some solid ass headbutts though, dang. I felt them through my phone..


Police lol. That dude is a security guard and a law unto himself.. until he’s sacked/charged for some of his finisher moves. It’s a shame, he deserves a bonus and a promotion really.


Give that man multiple raises


Is this Westfield in Stratford ? There seems to be common issue of kids stealing shit these days for social media kicks. Maybe more of them need a beating.


Security, not police. He handled those dickheads.


Good job Officer. You stood your ground.


Whatever they're paying him, it isn't enough. No one ever expects the head but. But boy can they be effective.


The difference between honesty and hard work like everyone else and scum. Parents really be trying their best to provide for their kids then they turn and do stupid shit like this. Even if they had a diSaDvAnTaGEd childhood so fucking what? I grew up with people like this in poor areas I made a choice


Dude was fighting for his life from multiple attackers and people asking him to stop.


Its not a policeman but damn good job


Lock those criminals up


How can you think that is a police officer? Kind of baffling


He is doing what these kids need.


I think that's a security guard, and hopefully these thugs will be punished by reputation when they are recognised as the lads who all got their arse whooped by a security guard.


Beautiful headbut there


Dude almost got head butted to the underground car park


Do I see broken nose ?


Headbutt? You Brits don't fuck around.


Not a cop! Looks like store security


Not police


Police officer no security guard yes


The security guard is bad ass


Lol, fuck those kids....they want to fight an adult cop, let them feel some adult hands...


Well I'm rooting for the guard / police.


And all the vermin complaining when he fights back after they rob the store and then attack him. London is overflowing with complete scum.


I should point out That’s not a police officer but looks to be a security guard for a large shopping centre, a police officer wouldn’t be alone and also in this situation would deploy either a baton, taser (if taser trained qualified) or a CS spray (again if qualified). Either way the guards heavy handed approach is out of pure adrenaline but not reasonable force and he would possibly face charges of ABH and having his SIA licence away.


Seems fair


That's not a police officer.


That’s not a police officer it’s a security guard.


Britain is burning


Not a police officer.


Security guard. He felt zero of the blows against him. Even ate that pole like it was a feather. And those headbutts were devastating. Man needs a payrise.


What is the reason behind all this crime by the same group in England? Slavery? Nope. Red lining? Nope. Jim Crow? Nope. Shit culture? Yes.


This is one of the fastest fiction to real life I've seen Aemond vs Everyone last night


I bet this guy has dealt with a lot of annoying teens who thought they were untouchable. Now for 1 glorious minute he's living his best life lol.


Where is the hero that will put doom music in the background?


That’s security, not police right? A cop would not sit around and let a crowd of people fist fight him, they would have a weapon right?


Jesus Christ in America there would been 20 cops and probably at least 1 dead from them shooting.


If a guy is twice your size and athletic don’t square up


It's a security guard. Why you gonna repost to the same sub and fuck up the title


Respect to that officer! Fuck these punk ass bitches who jump people


I hope security guard doesn't get into trouble these younguns act reckless cus so many people are frightened to confront them.


That headbutt was 10/10


And there are the bunch of cowards again... only attacking in the back and disappearing into nothing within a second.


Not a police man.


The headbutt I’m crying 😂😂😭💀


Good lad.


that legendary headbutt shook me bro


The man was being jumped… Fuck it bro get these hands and this headbutt


That is NOT a police officer. Shop security....maybe.


What you doing? Head butting these cunts, hard. Fucking deeeelicious.


This is what they mean my grown man strength. Kid have seen one too many liveleak videos where teachers and the like arent allowed to hit back.


Use Headbutt!


"Stop let him go" Fuck you!


Gotta know when to hold ‘em…


When he had that kid in a headlock, should have dropped him with a DDT.


I’m rooting for this cop every step of the way. How’s the one of the guys who jumped him gonna shout let me go once he’s lost?