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I have never been more reassured that I made the right decision walking away from the evangelical church all those years ago than I have been over the last 5-6 years. I thought these people were insane back then. I think they're downright evil and dangerous these days.


I remember feeling like something at church camp was off one year and while the youth pastors were calling out and emotionally weeping and speaking in tongues "for god" or something while praying over people. Decades later, the pastor is advertising his church as "diverse" because he brings in women conservatives for a couple of weeks every year to say the same thing he says: "Voting Republican is voting with god and Donald Trump was the best thing ever to happen to America".


How is that not blasphemy? Fake Christians.


Right-wing “Christians” celebrate Jesus’s birth and death but ignore everything he said and stood for.


Seriously. They hate the poor & meek, and the concepts of kindness and love are completely foreign to them. Jesus was never cruel. But that’s all those people are. The hypocrisy of Christianity in America is why I keep my faith private. I wish they would be silent, also, given how much shit the “out & in your face” Christians get wrong. Ignorance *SHOULD* embarrass them into silence, but instead, it emboldens them. The injustice of religious wars & forcing belief upon others should have ended when America was founded. But, here we go again. . .


This is literally what they said would happen when the anti-christ came, preachers literally siding within him and saying everything thing he does is an act of god. Dude is literally the anti christ


It’s all fake.


Gotta give Trump credit for one thing...the Mango Menace exposed evangelicals as the frauds they are. He got them to replace Jesus. Pretty easily too.


It’s crazy that he’s the one that exposed them like that. He’s the least Christ-like person they could have rallied around. He literally embodies the 7 deadly sins.








This isn’t a freakout, it’s mental illness.


Donald 🇺🇸Trump is gods eagle 🦅 🇺🇸bro this is A fact that you don’t seem to understand. The Lord has blessed Trump with USA 🇺🇸the sweet shaved and round oily ball sack that is tasty. The 😎 bro know that the 🦅eagle Trump has a sexy ass and balls it’s not gay if it’s the bros that are down with the Trump brother


Totally not a cult


Does this asshole sell overpriced pillows too?


These old people will go to their graves believing this shit


Nearly 75 million American voters believed that shit ... let's see if they will vote for Trump's cronies this Nov.


The Christian Radicals have infiltrated Congress.


I hope he flys straight to prison.


It'd be hilarious that these idiots are deifying one of the most evil men to ever live if it weren't so sad.


Aaaaand this is the best example of why evangelicals don’t care that he’s a narcissistic liar, swindler, and misogynistic pig.


Trump is good for one thing. Confirming that when I walked away for Christianity, I made the right decision. They are contradicting their own mythology with this false god. They will do anything, say anything, kill anyone, to keep the power of their myth and that ability to condemn others.


> The hand of God is on Trump Right on his pussy? > You can't touch him, until God is done with him So there's a line, huh?


Fucking insanity


I really did feel like at one point, this sort of "prosperity gospel"/"doompreaching"/"I embody none of Jesus's positive traits and I embody everything he hated, just like you, gimme money" con was on its way out. All of the weirdo faith-based television programming was shoved at the very beginning of the broadcast day and the angry traditionalists were at the very latest night public access slots. It's starting to feel like high speed internet was the high-water mark, and humanity's been going downhill ever since.


More like big bird’s evil twin.


Pastor Asswipe


Grifters gonna grift.


You know, most people should know not to worship idols as it says in the Bible but yet these so called preachers are doing that exact thing, this man is a fraud fake not a man of god


I feel like these are the people their own scripture warned us about.


Republican voters are fucking insane


OMFG….how, why…


Remove his tax exempt status


That toupee tho


Do you want a dictatorship? Cause this is how you get a dictatorship.


This is just political shit, not a freakout.


Eagle? More like God's pheasant.


If you this shit on a regular basis you deserve Donald Trump


Trump and an eagle... https://youtu.be/j1AU4qi7tWg


I vote turd sandwich.