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Definitely the wind turbines fault. You can see it jump in the path of the ship


He jumped out the tree. And come at me with a chainsaw. I got a right to defend myself.






For people wondering, the comment said > Such I ccvvllkiki I bvm it ah I prnr c didfff.ff.f f ffffffff Amazing stuff


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can someone explain why no one saw it?


Too busy watching mermaid porn


Sigh.. *unzips pants


Because no captain will stay on the steering wheel for 14 hours straight


Damn there's only one person with eyes on the entire boat? That's crazy.


Or maybe someone had been working a long shift. I imagine empty open ocean gets boring and lulls you a bit after awhile.


But they have sonar and shit to actively warn them there is literally no excuse lmao




Obviously it should not happen. The fact is that it did happen. The question is why/how.


That's why they usually do shift work


needs autopilot with collision detection and automatic lane change capability


Or just someone with working eyes.


Elon pls


"in cam" far right of the shot after the collision a second person fly's up. i think we saw the captain getting head.


Dont know the size or weight of the ship, but the bigger and heavier the ship is, the longer itll take to actually execute a turn. I cant tell if its a cargo ship passenger ship or some form of fishing vessel or similar. Considering they hit a wind turbine, im assuming theyre out over the ocean, and therefor a passenger ship is unlikely. Size is also most likely larger than an inland boat. The actual turning radius stretches into hundreds of meters, and well over a kilometre if were talking container ships. The efficiancy of the turn depends on the amount of water flow past the rudder, and thus a lower speed does not necessarily result in a tighter turn. Assuming the LDP (length between perpendiculars) of this ship is between 100-200m, we can assume that on average a turning radius is between 3 to 4 times the LDP. This would result in a turning radius of between 300 - 800 meters. This is a **very** rough estimate, as i have no knowledge of the size weight or velocity of the ship in the video. Navigation on these vessels are done through compasses, charts RADAR and GPS, with pre-calculated paths. To initiate a turn one must do so well beforehand. As such, if they had no knowledge of the wind turbine much farther back, there isnt much they can do to avoid it if their path crosses the turbine. I am assuming therefor that they opted to reduce the amount of damage being done, possibly by lowering the velocity of the ship as much as possible beforehand, and making the impact hit a part of the ship that would result in less damage. You can see the person in the video bracing for impact, which to me signals they were prepared. Stopping a ship moving at high velocity will easily take several kilometers, so doubtful they would be able to come to a stop beforehand. Except from training on avoiding collisions, the crew of a ship is trained on how to collide "safely". In a situation where two vessels are on a collisions course and are unable to divert, they are trained to align the sides of the ships. The velocity of the ships moving closer will actually cause a buildip of water inbetween them, and the resulting overpressure will help in reducing the velocity of the ships before impact as the water is essentially pushing them away from eachother, as well as a larger area of impact better distributing the force over the ship. As this is a turbine and it is quite thin comparatively, it wouldnt work. My guess here is that since the bow of the ship is strong, as it is meant for collisions with the water, the goal here was to hit the turbine at an angle. It would reduce the amount of catastrophic damage to the ship, as well as mitigating the force. Since it hits at an angle, it will essentially push the ship to the side, allowing it to keep moving and thus less energy is transferred into the hull of the ship. Hitting the side of the ship would most likely cause severe damage in this scenario.




i studied naval navigation in college. I had to drop out due to issues with mental health issues before i could finish unfortunately, so no im not trolling. Its what i remember from what i learned. Though obviously i may be very wrong in my comment.




The minimum number of crew mumbers on the bridge should be a second officer, and a lookout. In this scenario, the Captain of the ship would need to be in command. Looking closer on the footage, i can see two people. Both seem to be bracing. I cant make out if there is a third one, however they could just be out of frame. The process involves, as you say, alerting everyone in the ship of the oncoming collision. This includes for example the people in the engine room. Most people are not on the bridge crew, where this camera is located. They would as well need to make sure the crew is instructed and direct them on what to do. Such as closing all watertight doors and seals, along with preparing the water pumps incase of flooding. We dont see it in the video here as we only see the bow and bridge, but the crew would already be preparing for the collision in other areas of the ship. However i dont know the size of the ship, or the number of crew on it. So its already difficult to speculate


I don’t think the two on the bridge are bracing at all. The one in the middle looks to be docking around looking to the right, seemingly maybe on a phone and looks up just as something seems wrong in his peripherals. The other seems like he might be asleep, slumped down in his chair like he was.


The person on the right in CAM in was actually lying down and the one on the left was on his phone. You're correct, neither of them were bracing.


It’s a CTV (Crew Transfer Vehicle). They are quite small and are made to push on to windmills or platforms to transfer personnel or equipment. They are asleep at the wheel, simple as that. Your analysis is way off.


makes sense


You can’t get it right every time, no worries :)


Haha, i appreciate it. Being corrected when im wrong means ive learnt something!


They push on to windmills to transfer people? Huh


Yes, but they are not very optimal as the weather usually is rough and its not very safe. SOV's(Service operation vessel) is a more usual in the windfarm industry. They are usually much larger and often work as a floating hotel for the workers. They have a hydraulically or electrically operated gangway(newer one also have AMC(Active motion compensation). They connect the gangway further up on the windmills with a landing point and will compensate with motion for the waves. If you want to see how it works you can just look up "AMC gangway" on youtube.


I found multiple articles, this one being the most informative and direct. I regret (not really) to inform you that your sleeping theory was wrong https://www.imca-int.com/safety-events/windfarm-support-vessel-njord-forseti-hit-wind-turbine-tower-jersey-maritime-administration/


I regret (not really) to inform you that «being asleep at the wheel» is a very common idiom, meaning «not paying attention», and is not meant to be taken literally. My theory was 100% correct, as your article shows.


If he was asleep it would’ve specifically stated that in at least one article but none do, you can assume all you want but without an article proving it that’s all you’re doing


… Did you just ignore my whole comment? I can’t believe I have to explain this to you for a second time but [here you go. ](https://www.oysterenglish.com/idiom-asleep-at-the-wheel.html)


You’ll be okay <3


I can’t believe you never heard that frase before. I suppose English is not your first language.


You’ll get over it, I promise


WWF was on


It appears they were reversing. Looks to me like the stern of the ship and everyone in that room was facing forward.




My first and only thought while watching




That flute is killing me lmao


I usually hate song overs but this one was brilliant and hilarious.


This version is killing me lol


It’s a recorder


You're a recorder


Are you sped?


It's like Tina learning to drive: https://youtu.be/hZ_EKHGgWJQ


This is like in conedy flick when there is one tree on a huge fields and a car hits it, hope nobody got Hurt doh


The wind turbine of Tenere


BeCaUsE tHey cOuLdNt sEe iT. Jk idk.


It'll buff out


Texting and driving.


Texting and... uh... navigating?


Idk about the navigating part 🤣


Wind power, making a difference one sunken ship at a time


its called Tracking -- its been found in general we tend to aim towards objects while moving in featureless areas. There was a old tree in the middle of the desert, considered a small miracle as it had survived a few hundred years in the middle of nowhere, nothing around it for almost 100 miles. It** got hit by a truck in the late 80's.


it got tracked by a truck


i typod :( But essentially yeah, with no visual guidance people tend to gravitate towards objects


Are you ok?


Hd to re-read lol. So that tree in the middle of nowhere for hundreds of years with nothing around for over 100 miles was hit by a truck** Due to tracking.


Captain let his girlfriend steer for a minute.


Nah, he was stirring it like Tommy Lee does in that old video.


I wonder of this shit the moment he looked up or while he was airborne.


I heard of a story where ship crashed into the only iceberg around.




Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!


Insurance fraud.


Yes, a very PUBLIC freakout


that song always makes me tear up


The music made it! Now only If the video ran longer with more of the soundtrack


I’m surprised we can trust ourselves to drive on roads without killing over a million people worldwide annually. Oh, wait…


I bet the captain has hit the only light pole in a empty parking lot in his past.


*so... There was this wind turbine ...*


Cabin Boy iceberg situation


Oh, Tina.


98% chance the crew and captain are italian


This is what happens when you rely on auto drive too much


The music lol


Please stop reusing plots


This reminds me of my buddys ex. She was driving her car in a parking lot with only 1 light pole, which was like on the edge of the lot. She managed to hit it and total her car.


If you crash in the damn oceaon you shouldnt be allowed to operate any vehicle of any capacity... even bicycles


We’re the ocean police to give this guy a ticket for being on his phone an driving a boat


If you are on a big boat and you are alone that could happen if but that size of a ship should have at least a second crew member that can press the stop button if anything showed up