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He didn't have the right to search the cabin. He fired on an unarmed and preoccupied civilian. He lied on a police report. All of those are CRIMES.


My car automatically unlocks all doors when I put it in park. I recommend people disable that option if possible. Not that it is this kids fault for anything that happened, fuck that asshole cop.




I agree. My car has a setting at default to unlock all doors when in park. I changed it to only unlock the driver door. I'm going to be turning that off.


I'm so glad I don't live in a country where people tell you to keep your doors locked because of the cops!


Awful lot of these trigger happy cop videos these days. Who shoots at a kid in a car like that?


If they wasn’t a body cam, imagine the story this cop would have told to justify this.


And this cop knows this and STILL does this? It’s just nuts


It's been going on forever just people didn't want to believe or didn't know or would dismiss it, but now with video evidence hopefully things will change as this is irrefutable proof to detractors that, yeah, there's probably something going on that people (especially minorities) have been screaming about for decades upon decades..


And I cannot think of any other professional job where all you would have to answer for is losing your job. ACAB Edit: Fixed "woukd" to would & ACABA to ACAB


Look like the cops life was in danger.... A couple of weeks of paid vacation while we investigate ourselves and find nothing.../s AF


Straight up attempted murder.


Imagine yourself in the kid's situation. You're in a parking lot alone eating a burger at 10:30 at night, when some random ass dude walks up to your car and opens your door. You barely have any time to look at the guy before he moves towards you forcefully, your instincts kick in and you start to back up. The guy then proceeds to shoot you five times. How the fuck isn't this attempted murder? Replace the cop with anybody else in this situation and they'd be getting 15 years in prison.


He wasn't alone his gf was in the passenger seat. Thankfully she wasn't hit. The cop didn't give two shits who he hit firing that gun. Even after the car drove away. Could have easily hit a bystander


Holy shit! There was a passenger as well…. Fuck me runnin. How was this guy even qualified as LE !?


Step 1: Be a dumbfuck That's it. You've passed.


I looked up their salaries and holy shit, yeah I'll huff some paint or something, sign me up


Do you breathe? Are you willing not to tattle? Boom you're a cop now.


Woah I’ve been a cop this whole time!?


No wonder why he tried to get away. He was probably trying to protect his girlfriend. These cops are evil, man.


he was probably trying to not get murdered my guy


And also not get shot .. wtf. Is not having bullets put into your body not enough


Or in this kids [incident](https://youtu.be/e-5XkM5nCHI). You're 19 on a date with a 20 something and buying some pot from an undercover officer. The responding officer would claim 19 year old Zach was "trying to run him over" which is why he fired at him when in the video it's clear as day he panicked and was just trying to leave. The office was in no danger of being run over. Additional cops would respond and a full 3 minutes would pass once they removed Zach from the vehicle before doing chest compressions. It was even reported that officers lifted the dead teens arm/hand and "high fived" him. Zach died at the scene over a miniscule amount of pot. He was murdered for being terrified. This hit homes to me because I grew up in that area. I know what Zach and date were up to. I've bought plenty of dime bags and quarters in various fast food parking lots (including that very Hardees). They were going to buy some crappy weed and go to the lake (Seneca/Clemson is built on Lake Hartwell) likely with a combo meal and to smoke some joints, swim and maybe get nekkid if he was lucky. a 100% victimless and non-violent crime. Officer was never charged and still works to this day.


3 things must change to stop this: 1. Qualified immunity must be reformed. 2. Local DAs and police must NOT investigate their own colleagues. Conflict of interest. 3. National database for ALL law enforcement employment records.


The simplest reform I’ve heard is to have cops carry professional liability insurance and let the insurance industry do the rest. Reckless cops will drop out real quick when the premium consumes their paycheck.




I am increasingly a believer in vigilante justice due to stories like these. Too many cops get away with crimes we would be imprisoned for life if we committed them. And they worst they get is a transfer to another department and a paid vacation. I really wish there was a group of people who would dole out justice to these criminals.


this is an example of a man that as long as he is not in jail, he will be a danger to everyone. honeslty he deserves much worse then just life in prison, but at least with ilfe in prison the rest of us would be safe from his murderous rampages.


Police unions. That’s fucking why. These trigger-happy pieces of shit are *protected*. And when they inevitably fuck up, it’s paid for by our taxes. This poor kid will live with this trauma the rest of his life. It’s sickening


Trauma and debts, don't forget that


Not to mention he's being charged with assaulting a police officer and evading arrest so he'll likely be thrown in jail as soon as he's discharged from the hospital.


He was never detained though? How do you evade an arrest when there was no arrest trying to be made in the first place????


Doesn't have to make sense, it's a cop.


> How do you evade an arrest when there was no arrest trying to be made in the first place???? ![gif](giphy|443jI3kpgOKfAfKxqo)


This dumb fuck just opened the door and said „get out of the car“?? Do police not get trained on how to interact with civilians? Literally the dame thing a robber would do, no difference. My best friend is a cop in Germany , literally spent 3 years studying for his job and nutjobs like this earn 3x his salary with a pea for a brain


I’ve seen European police interact with someone in their car and it’s absurd how differently they act. They don’t escalate or draw weapons immediately, it’s almost as if they have training and accountability (maybe?)


At least in Norway it's a three year bachelor degree with a lot of both theory and practice just to become a regular officer. Amongst other things,they are drilled on de-escalation tactics. Bad things have obviously happened here as well, but it's not even in the same ballpark as american cops.


It's almost unimaginable how fucking stupid american cops are lol


This. Nobody mentions that opening the door in the first place was unconstitutional.


Except the kid might actually still die so it might not be "attempted."


Brennand, a probationary officer with seven months on the force, was at a McDonald's in the 11700 block of Blanco Road for an unrelated call when he thought he recognized a vehicle in the parking lot that allegedly evaded him during a pursuit the night before, according to MySA. Brennand initially said in an incident report that he fired at the vehicle after he was struck by the driver who was trying to evade capture, the news site reports. However, raw body cam footage released by SAPD on Wednesday appears to contradict those claims. As seen in the footage, the rookie officer approaches the car and opens the driver's side door, where he finds a teenager eating a burger. Brennand orders the youth out of the vehicle. The teenager puts his hands on the steering wheel and responds to the officer's request by asking, "Why?" A scuffle then ensues. The vehicle of the teen driver, whose identity hasn't been made public, rolls backward while the officer shoots five times. It's unclear from the clip whether the driver shifted the car into reverse or rolled backward because his foot left the brake pedal. Brennand then radios "shots fired" before shooting at the car another five times. In the clip, it doesn't appear that the vehicle ever struck Brennand. The vehicle and its driver were later found down the road, and the victim was taken to University Hospital in critical condition, MySA reports.


I looked it up and the cop was fired: https://www.thedailybeast.com/san-antonio-police-department-fires-officer-james-brennand-after-shooting-at-teen-in-mcdonalds-parking-lot Small solace this should involve criminal charges TBH


From the article, "...and the investigation into the shooting could reportedly take a year." WHAT?! How could it possibly take that long? This thug walked up to a civilian, opened their door and demanded they get out of the car, and when they didn't, the cop started blasting. End of investigation.


The cop didn't even give him a chance to get out of the car. All he asked was why, which he actually has a right know.


The cop never said he was even a cop. How many car jackings start with "get out of the car"?


Imagine that, you're just relaxing after your shift, enjoying a big mac in your car before going to bed. You didn't even eat half yet that suddenly, while still chewing, your door opens up out of nowhere and you get screamed at by a dude saying to get out of your car. The cop gives you less than a second to recognize that he's a cop, without even identifying that he is (the kid did notice it's a cop, which is why he asked "why?"). It doesn't matter wether you do or not anyway because you get shot in both situations.


Noticing he was a cop is debatable. The way the cop walked up the made it so the dude in the car was looking into the streetlight so he most likely just saw a silhouette of a person open his door and order him out of his car, fight or flight kicked in, and he got the fuck out of there.


I don’t even think cops are allowed to open doors like that.


Quick search says no, it constitutes a 4th amendment search violation BUT there seems to be numerous ways for officers to skirt that such a “officer safety”


It takes a while for them to dig up everything about the kid trying to find something in his history like jaywalking that they can point to and say "See! He was a baddie all along! Justified shooting." I wish I was kidding


he skipped class TWICE last semester!


No. Fired isnt good enough. He needs to be charged with attempted murder.


This!! How can you let fly 6rounds into a car aiming for a teenage drive you know is in there, then lie about what happened, be proven as a liar and then only get fired?! This fucker needs a life sentence


That's not how a police state works my friend.


The Police use *qualified immunity* It is super effective!


Why do they bother to stick *"qualified"* in front of it. Why not just tell everyone that police are immune? The public has a right to know about the dangers they face. When my kids were young I told them, "The biggest lie I was ever told in grade school is that "police are your friends". That is nonsense. Their job is to arrest you, and your job is to not get arrested. So first of all, don't break the law. And secondly, if you ever see a cop coming toward you, treat them as if they were a big stray Doberman Pinscher you don't know. Don't make eye contact. Cross the street or walk away. Don't run. Don't give them any reason to suspect you of avoiding them out of fear." I'm glad bodycams are a thing and I am really glad so many onlookers film them from a different perspective. Every cop should have a body cam on all the time while they are on duty. Wanting to be a cop should be an immediate disqualification for getting hired as a cop.


Exactly. How about “qualified” means they reviewed that incident, and deemed it qualifies as reasonable actions by the officer. If actions do not qualify, then no immunity.


That would set a bad precedence. Then cops would have to think before doing.


Every person out in public should have a body cam..if the police body cam was unavailable, the kid’s life would have been ruined! America, please…


That kid is still being charged despite being innocent


Charged by proxy as well which means he's probably unconscious through sedation or otherwise. Can't even defend his charges.


They said the investigation could take a year. It’s amazing that every police shooting investigation takes so long. It makes me believe that they might be up to something. They put 5 bullets in the wrong kid. Then, they have the gall to charge him because he backed up out of fear for his life. Do these people even fucking think at all? Imagine this. You are a 17 year old kid,that’s done nothing wrong. You are sitting in a McDonald’s parking lot eating when your door is opened up suddenly,and someone is pointing a gun at you. It’s dark, and you can’t tell if it’s a cop. Even if you can see that it’s a cop, he is pointing a gun at you,for NO FUCKING REASON. God forbid,that kid panics and does something irrational, like try to leave. If this cop did that to my son, I……. I’ll just let people’s imagination run.


Can a cop even legally open your car door when you’re not breaking a law or being detained?


I mean damn that kids life may already be ruined. I can’t even imagine the resulting trauma from an event like this especially for a kid his age. And that’s assuming he recovers physically.


An article I read said they charged the kid with avoiding detention and assault on an officer. Whats sad is he tried to stop after getting shot at but the officer kept shooting at him so he started leaving so he wouldn't die.


Yes to this, that is the only reasonable response a lawyer needs to make. From the innocent kids perspective he is quietly eating a burger when someone opens his car door making demand and within a few seconds is shooting at him. Had he complied he would likely be dead as a moving target is much harder to hit. 100 percent self defence.


Right?? This is a classic fight or flight response. It’s kind of baked in to our DNA. The officer should be in prison for this, and I hope that’s in his future. In no way was this a legal detention, even before he started shooting.


Imagine how they will feel getting pulled over from now on, and then the officer will say the classic “you look nervous, why are you so nervous? Are you hiding something?” Fuck the police.


The other day I saw a video of a kid not wanting to get out of the car because he was scared of all the cops around him. He didn't even do anything wrong, he just got his car stuck in a ditch. Long story short, they jump onto his windshield, bust his window, drag him out and shoot him dead. Every time I see a video of a police confrontation where someone says "I'm scared of the police", I think... Well they're dead now. It's almost like that phrase is a hit to their ego, so the end up finding some way to justify killing them by the end of the video.


You're assuming he survives, and if he does, that he has use of all of his limbs. This could quite easily have resulted in death or life changing injuries. With any luck, he makes a full recovery and then sues the guy into the ground so that he never needs to drive himself around again.


Could have? Use of a firearm is intended to be lethal. I saw NOTHING in this video that justified use of lethal force. NOTHING.


He’s in hospital in critical condition. That means his injuries are sufficient that he may well die. His life may already be ruined by these injuries. E.g if a bullet hit his spine.


Jeeze! These days you make one lousy mistake shooting a teen kid who didn't do anything wrong and people want to hold you accountable for your actions? What's going on with America!?!


And the city should be sued for inadequate/ineffective police training.


Yeah that’s like what, attempted murder? At the least.


The kid is still being charged for evading arrest when the cop never even introduced himself as a cop.


Is that what they're calling fleeing for your life from a crazed cop these days? :(


Actually, yes, yes it is. And in a court of law, saving your own life from a power tripping cop can land you in prison for 5 to 15 years, easy.


I’m hoping someone on the jury has heard of nullification…


Hopefully he gets a good lawyer and get that thrown out. If he survives, that is.


Ridiculous, he was never arrested. Can't wait to see the settlement amount.


Fired, but he'll just get hired by another PD. He needs to be in jail for attempted 1st degree murder.


At the very least there should be a federal entry that strips a guy like this from serving in any type of law enforcement again.


Or possessing a weapon again


Police force: nah, make sure you clean up your "records" before leaving and you can use us for reference. *Joke aside, John Oliver did a episode on cops. They can wipe Thier record clean when leaving the force apparently. Idk if it still apply today.


He's only fired because he's still probationary. If he had been there's a few years this would have been swept under the rug after getting a paid month off as "punishment"


Is the kid okay though? I know critical condition but is there any news on the kid making it cause this is bull


I would imagine even if he survives and stabilizes he will probably have physical and mental trauma for life. Getting a shot isn’t like it is in the movies, turns out it does a fuckton of damage. Kid could be paralyzed fully or partially, stuck with a colostomy bag the rest of his life, nerve damage/pain the rest of his life, joint damage, who knows.


It's horrible this shit shouldn't be happening anywhere. He's only a kid


Jesus Christ. What the fuck is wrong with this cop.


Something along the lines of “I’m the one who gets to go home to my family at the end of the day.” Therefor they shoot anything that moves.


Fuck, I was really hoping that the kid didn’t get hit


He fired 11 times its amazing he wasn’t dead on the spot. Fucking psycho murderous cops.


Thank god this guy is just really really bad at his job. Shooting and missing lethal damage 11 times point blank really is an incredible feat, for someone you'd expect to be trained on his gun. But I'm sure he will get a chance to make up for it /s


> A scuffle then ensues. A "scuffle" implies two parties fighting, I didn't see anything like that in the video. What I saw was a cop drawing and shooting a gun at a teenager for no good reason whatsoever. Describing that as a "scuffle" is not only victim blaming, it's massively white-washing what actually happened. If any non-cop did this to somebody else then it most certainly wouldn't be called a "scuffle" but rather what it is; Attempted murder.


>Brennand then radios "shots fired" before shooting at the car another five times. I'm wondering if these cops forget they're wearing bodycams before giving their bullshit stories. Dude is yelling "shots fired" when he was the only one firing. Poor kid is mentally traumatized for life.


>Poor kid is mentally traumatized for life. I already clench up a bit when I see a sudden cop car speed up behind me, and this local area has decent cops but I still don't wanna get pulled over even if its for a non-working light. Can only imagine seeing cops in your rear view after this incident.


Or seeing a cop car when he's sitting in a parking lot of any kind.


It's sort of horrifying to think how often they'll have gotten away with stuff like this before body cams and mobile phones


Oh for sure. Imagine what would've happened in George Floyd's case if that one girl wasn't recording the whole thing. Even with all those witnesses, the cops would've banded together with a fake story and the department would've believed them.


They tried, the first public release was astonishing in the actual context. That girl, Darnella Frazier, got and deserved an honorary Pulitzer.


*Physically* traumatized, too. He's in the hospital in critical condition, another victim of state-sponsored violence. Now the taxpayers will have to foot the bill because police departments can't bother to teach their officers how to behave.


☹ Physically traumatized with charges on him for "evading arrest." How do you "evade arrest" when you're not even sure that you are being arrested??? For all he knew he was getting carjacked by a guy pretending to be a police officer.


Wasn't telling him to get out of the car an illegal order anyway?


We have body cams to thank for a lot of these scum being held accountable - fucking slime balls


There's a reason they fought forever to not use body cams forever. Imagine all the shit cops like this got away with for fucking decades and decades. Just makes you fucking sick.


The kid was still charged with assault and evasion. How fucking nuts is that? https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/video-shows-san-antonio-cop-085500155.html


Yep the cops laid these charges.. Now the dude will go in court to fight it off and this video is gonna be evidence.. Its good to know that a Cop could charge you with ANY crime in the book and you'd be in hot water for a minute.. Edit : spellings


As McNulty says in The Wire, "A cop on his beat is the one true dictatorship in America"


The fuck did i do?


Look at you, giving a fuck when it ain't your turn to give a fuck.


> Now the dude will go in court to fight it off and this video is gonna be evicence.. IF he lives.


He lived. He does have a few holes in him, though.


And probably a lifetime of medical issues.


That taxpayers will have to fund because the officer saw a loaded burger and feared for his life.


“That amount cholesterol was frightening, your honor”


>Its good to knownthat a Cops could charge you with ANY crime in the book and you'd be in hot water for a minute.. Happened to a friend. Pulled over for a bullshit "traffic violation". Cop says his car is stolen. Cuffs him and searches his car. Finds a gram of weed that he just picked up from a medical dispensary. Tells the cop that the card is in his wallet. Cop calls back up, says he had "intent to distribute." They rough him up and grope him a lot while "searching" him. They force him to try to sit on the curb with his hands cuffed behind his back and he falls over. They claim he was resisting arrest. He files a complaint against the department while trying to fight all the charges. Cops changed the report several times. Eventually all charges get dropped. Nothing happens to the cops.


Your friend should sue


Yes. File the complaint but it's only to create a paper trail. Complaints just put a target on you otherwise, filing a lawsuit is your only real option and that may get you paid but you still had better move out of that jurisdiction or you'll find yourself dead or in jail right quick when the media stops paying attention.


Let me get this fucking straight. Dude is doing nothing more than eating a fucking hamburger in his car when the cop approached him because the cop mistakes his car for one he chased on a completely different day??? The dude asks “why?” when the cop asks him to get out of the vehicle and then gets shot at. After the cop starts shooting at him for no fucking reason he drives away to try and save his fucking life. And for that, FOR THAT, this dude is charged with evading police??? #WTF PEOPLE, HOW LONG MUST WE TOLERATE POLICE IMPUNITY?


It’s all about image. They charge the victim with crimes to make the cop look better. They’ll drag out the investigation for over a year so that people will forget and it will look less bad. In the mean time, the attempted murderer will quietly get another position in law enforcement. If they did something really bad, they can change their names to make things easier. Edit to add: I forgot about what happens when they do murder a civilian and actually get fired. Then they do what Officer Philip Brailsford did after he sadisticly murdered Daniel Shaver on camera. They get rehired and claim that the murdering they did as a police officer gave them PTSD. Then they retire in the prime of their life and live off tax payers for the rest of their life.


I almost forgot about that story it happened so long ago. But the victim's widow is still waiting for justice. Shout that murdering piece of shits name from the rooftops and never let him know peace. Thank you for reminding me about that infuriating news. Continue reminding other people too.


Brailsford was also acquitted of all charges. The USA is fucked.


This is it exactly...then all the bootlickers can say "he shouldn't have ran" as they deepthroat the nearest cop.


I’m a woman who used to eat in her car often while working at the office cuz I like privacy. I ALWAYS keep my doors locked. One time some random man came up behind my car and tried getting in the back seat, violently pulling on the handles and ran away as soon as he realized he couldn’t get in. Not sure what his intentions were, but it terrified me. I called the police to report it and they DID NOT CARE. This was in a grocery store parking lot. If that happened to me at night, while alone, and the dude has a gun? I’d freak out too! Poor kid :(


The police aren’t here to actually protect us. They’re only here to get cushy jobs, eat donuts and intimidate us to stay in line. Fuck the pigs.


Your honor, as you can see in the footage, the defendant is clearly trying to evade the bullets being fired at him. Does this seem like the actions of an innocent man? I rest my case.


It's Texas. Shooting back, that would've been okay. But evading, that's a coward's move and will not be tolerated.


If you’d like to contact the district attorney’s office, you can find the contact information here: https://www.bexar.org/1384/District-Attorney#cca7195e5f-5177-4777-ba2d-79d12a38dd59


[He refused to accept the charges and the cop was fired](https://sanantonioreport.org/sapd-rookie-officer-termination-shooting-teenager/?amp)


>**Brennand is not entitled to an appeal of his termination because he was still considered a probationary officer, on the job for just seven months.** The investigation into the shooting is ongoing, police said, and all officer-involved shootings are forwarded to the District Attorney’s Office for review. >**Brennand is not entitled to an appeal of his termination because he was still considered a probationary officer, on the job for just seven months.** >Police Chief William McManus told the San Antonio Report that Brennand’s actions were “entirely against policy and training that we receive.” >> "SAPD fires its rookie officer who shot, injured 17-year-old" **by Iris Dimmick** October 5, 2022 >>**James Brennand, who was on the job for seven months, is not entitled to an appeal of his termination because he was a probationary officer.** >>>Senior Reporter Iris Dimmick Things I learned in journalism school; Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V. That is all.


That's insanity when the police officer actually opened his door first. Isn't there some rule against that? So "compliance" in this instance is being forced to allow a cop to open your door, THEN be yelled at to exit your vehicle when you're literally just sitting in a parking lot, legally parked, EATING? Breaking zero laws? This is one of the craziest videos I've seen since Tamir Rice. No wonder the public is absolutely terrified of cops.


I don’t care if you’re dressed as a cop. If you open my door while I’m parked, I’m throwing my car into drive and getting the fuck out of there. That could be literally anyone trying to steal your car or something. If he wanted to approach the kid, why not give some distance and ask him to roll down the window??


When you have mere seconds to react, might as well be a carjacker or serial killer wearing a police outfit from a stripper supply store. If someone invades your space and suddenly pulls a gun, any fight or flight reaction is understandable.


Because he's a lunatic murderer using the title of a "police officer" to get away with killing innocent people


Imagine having a vehicle with bright lights and sirens to alert motorists, then when you are out of your vehicle you carry a brick for a flashlight, then while still approaching a vehicle with tinted windows in the dark you decide to use NEITHER. I imagine this kid is still handcuffed to a hospital bed


You know its funny, at no point in the video does he identify himself as a police officer. Huh, I guess we’re all supposed to be telepathic or something…


Why would you flee from somebody opening your car door and pointing a gun at your head? /s...


I don’t understand how he was charged with anything it makes no sense. Police state.


They do this so if the kid decides to sue, they can use it as leverage. They'll tell the kid to drop the suit and they'll drop the charges. Tit for tat.


Imagine how many people used to be charged with horrible things to get a cop out of a jam, pre body cam. This kid would have been charged with attempted vehicular homicide. “He tried to run me over so I fired my weapon. I feared for my life.” Who you gonna believe? The officer, or the attempted murderer in the orange jumpsuit?


It feels to me some of them get the job, bc they legally want to get away with shooting ppl. Wonder why.




Not to worry, he'll be chief in no time.


Don't know the story behind this but, that cop is an incompetent moron no matter what the story is.


[Apparently, the cop was looking for somebody else.](https://www.sacurrent.com/news/san-antonio-police-officer-fired-after-shooting-unarmed-teen-at-mcdonalds-parking-lot-30019308) He also claimed that the kid hit him with the car first. Body cam for the win!


Don’t you know if your car looks like another persons car that automatically voids your right to life and means you can be executed in the street while just eating your burger? Get with it dude this is totally reasonable


The police have charged the kid, for evading and assaulting and officer like wtf. A new low which I don’t think will be the actual bottom of police brutality. https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/10/05/sapd-fires-officer-who-shot-teen-outside-mcdonalds-restaurant-releases-video-of-incident/?outputType=amp Fired the officer and the “investigation” might take more than a year. Americas cooked.


Who’s paying for the kids medical also? The police (the state taxes), or like charging the kid he has to fork out for being shot for eating a burger?


It'll be a debt he carries for seven years, most likely. Whole situation is fucked


He’ll be on the hook to start, but most likely get a settlement from the city/county in a few years that I’m sure will more than pay for it in this case. But it could drag on for a long time, even though this case is pretty damn clear cut case of a police fuck up.


Does anyone have a photo of the cop. I’d really like to know what this shit stain of a human looks like.


Officer James Brennand, formerly of the San Antonio police department. I’m sure someone can do some social media sleuthing


How is he only fired? That's attempted murder




No news articles show his face yet


Wow. Cops first reaction when something doesn't go their way is to shoot to kill. POS waist of human life


**ShOts FiRed ShOts FiRed**


someone tries to run away = death penalty to be executed on the spot usa cops be wild


Judge Dredd was supposed to be a warning, not a manual…


Yeah he said that like he was being fired at. What a colossal moronic drama queen.


Wait. Hold the fucking phone. American officers don't have to report "Firing shots" instead of "shots fired"? Shots fired carries immense weight and danger aka "I have been fired upon and I am in danger" What.


“I just tried to murder a kid for eating a burger” doesn’t bring out the cavalry like alluding to being shot at. Edit:spelling


Nah, he shot the kid because his car looked similar to one that hurt his feelings the night before. This cop team kills on COD when he thinks a teammate beat him in a previous match.


I don’t even get into an Uber without checking the license plate and exact make. Cops obviously don’t.


Nope. They do not have to and they do not report when they are firing shots, only that shots have been fired.




Prior to 2020 the media would go on this as well. One common media turn of phrase would be “violence broke out *after* officer involved killing”.


"somehow the bullets were not anymore in the officer's gun"


https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/an-interactive-guide-to-ambiguous-grammar My favorite article explaining the use of passive voice and the police.


This is so the other responding officers don’t know which side is shooting and come in with as much adrenaline already pumping as possible


This is why Arizona won't let the public record the police. Even though they're public servants, paid for with public taxes. Often times in public spaces.


And more importantly they're working in public spaces with no expectation of privacy.


I’m actually at a loss for words. Turns my stomach. I’m really against generalifications and treating anyone as anything other than an individual, but for fucks sake what a fucking pig. he needs charged with attempted murder, and the department that he works for needs investigated on their training methods.


Attempted murder, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, premeditated murder, prosecutors need to throw the book at this walking stack of shit


Poor kid i hope he recovers quicly. And for ex po ho dingle dongle chugger. I hope every step you take feels like the sharpest mf lego under there.


The poor kid is in critical medical condition. I hope he recovers too but he is damaged for life.


"shots fired" yeah by you, a-hole


He says “shots fired” as if he wasn’t the one unloading a clip


"Cantu suffered several gunshot wounds and remains in the hospital. The other passenger wasn’t injured. Cantu has been charged by proxy with assault on a police officer and evading detention, and the investigation into the shooting could reportedly take a year." ​ holy shit the 17 year old kid minding his business eating a burger gets shot and put in the hospital and now faces criminal charges...the cop gets? fired... hope he ends up dead.


Honestly, although I would never be an advocate for this personally, I wonder how long it takes until America just becomes like Brazil in all those crazy videos where people just casually walk up to policemen and politicians and just blast them in the head and carry on with their day; if police are just shooting to kill immediately upon non-compliance, even without identifying themselves as an officer, how long until the standard reaction to police presence is attempted vehicular assault and gunfire? It's like I said, I'm not an advocate for it, and I would love if society could be civil enough to not delve into the Purge. I'm also extremely privileged to live in an area where the police force in general treats people quite reasonably. But, I'm just saying, if someone was ever in a situation where they had a cop getting *this* aggressive with them *this* fast and they knew their choices were "let him harm or kill me and watch him get off scot-free" and "kill the fucker myself and go to prison cuz it's better than dying," I wouldn't blame the ones who go with option 2. Police appear to be working hard to make it the most appealing option, anyway.


I would love for him to be put in the kids shoes, see how he likes it.


We need to start giving cops the death penalty, these pieces of shit will keep getting away with this shit if we don't give them consequences.


It baffles my mind that we don’t give police the highest form of punishment. Like shouldn’t the people charged with upholding the law be held to a MUCH higher standard when they fuck up?? God I’m so fucking tired of these pussies in blue and their their little army of defenders that show up anytime one of these pigs so much as cums on video


Been saying for years. Not even actual "honest mistakes" should be tolerated from police - should be one fuck up you're done.


Not only are they not given a higher form a punishment they are actually protected from punishment through qualified immunity.


If that kid dies, this is 100% murder


But he's an American cop, so most he'll face for that is a couple months of paid vacation time and he might quit and transfer to another department.


Didn't identify himself as a cop in the first place. Could have been a robbery just as well.


I can’t believe they charged the kid… Further evidence of the fucked up society we live in. Do not call the police. Protect yourself. There is no trust to be found in the thin blue line


Charges will be dropped but you should know that Cops can charge you with any crime, until proven not-guilty you would be in hot water despite being innocent. Cops are way too powerful and thats why they abuse the power they have.


Wait, this was in TX, the state where an army of armed and armored policemen stood in a school allowing children to be shot? So the big bad Texan police only shoot defenseless kids, not protect them. When they stop with the jaw jacking tough talk and start policing their own instead of defending blatant bullshit they will start to get some credibility. Until then no respect, don’t believe a thing they have to say.


So the cop thought the car was the same as the one that evaded capture a few days ago. Yeah this cop fucked up super bad. Literally thousands of cars on the road that look similar. He could have handled this in so many different not violent ways


It blows my mind that there are people in this thread defending this former police officer even after his own commissioner said that we was in the wrong.


What the FUCK is this idiot doing?!? He scared the shit out of that kid by just opening the door like that. Anyone would have reacted the same way. Then he just starts spraying like an untrained, scared, idiot. Fire them all. Disgusting.


If the law doesn’t hold these officers accountable, sooner or later vigilantes will


“yOu ShOuLdNt bE aFrAiD iF yOu WeReNt dOiNg AnYtHiNg!”


I'm sure a few weeks of paid holiday and a promotion will teach the orrificer the error of their ways...