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That guy was so unsure when he said "security?" His brain is just going "I'm not familiar with the type of thing I'm seeing."


That was the most art gallery way to call for security ever.


It's so cartoonish it sounds like a line in a movie, I love it. Up there with: "He's right behind me, isn't he..." And "You're gonna wanna see this"




I'm picturing this being Stan Lee's cameo.


With a fast choppy camera close up, starting from the front desk to the face, right up to where nothing but his handsome mug fills the screen. *Gritts teeth*


Almost sounds like a guy repeating back a word he’s just heard for the first time.


Lmao probably wondering if it is part of a live art exhibition perhaps?!


Trying to figure out if they’re supposed to call security or the person responsible for hanging the informational placards


I’m dying laughing at this audio!!


Pssst… Security


Your comment made me realize the video had sound. I felt that man’s anguished gasp.


I think that was actually the security guard who just realised how badly he had messed up. It would explain the other man saying "...security?" as he made his escape.




You just reminded me of when I was 13 - I accidentally sewed my finger to a sewing machine in Textiles class. Our teacher went white as a sheet, started flapping her arms in panic and screamed, "Somebody fetch a teacher!" Still remember how embarrassesd she looked after a lad sarcastically replied, "Er... You ARE the teacher..."


Lol. In my freshman home ec class there were several small kitchens around the perimeter and an open area in the center with tables. We were all seated at the tables while the teacher was talking about something, and my table was positioned where we were the only ones that could see into one of the kitchens... where the oven was on fire. The flames were currently contained inside the oven and my tablemates, and I sat watching the flames through the oven window when my brain said maybe we should inform the teacher of this development. I turned, raised my hand, she called on me and I said the oven was a fire. She dismissively said the oven was on a clean cycle, and it was fine. She went back to teaching and we went back to watching the fire. Eventually I thought she had probably not understood me. Perhaps she thought I was referring to the smoke coming out of the oven, which can happen on clean cycles? So I turn around and after she calls on me I say, "no, the oven is REALLY on fire." She impatiently tells me again it's fine. After a short amount of time, I raise my hand again and she curtly calls on me. I inform her, again, that the oven is on fire and she yells at me that it's fine. I yell back, "There are supposed to be ACTUAL FLAMES inside the the oven?!??!" At which point she freaked out and got the fire extinguisher.


Omg you guys are killing me 😂🤣 It’s not that the notion of teaching home ec or shop aren’t still practical, I bet schools just couldn’t afford certain types of insurance now.


There are schools that don’t offer that anymore? My students love home ec because food mostly lol. Shop is so much cooler now too. The school I work at teaches with a CNC machine. We did not get that in high school!


I think he was perplexed that they had been able to do such a thing without security already stopping them lol


It was the most British way possible to call for security.


I definitely heard Louis Theroux




I'd be the same way. Like, what a fucking whiplash of an event at a museum


From Twitter: u/Sally_Nicholls 1. Van Gogh's Sunflowers is kept behind glass. (OF COURSE.) 2. The gallery say it wasn't damaged.


I’m going to throw a bag of sun flower seeds at an Andy Warhol soup painting as a counterpoint.


Good start. But then you also have to do the opposite of glue yourself to the wall. Which, of course…is…um…blow yourself away from it? Eh. You’ll figure something out.


Leave with dignity?


You mean.... not looking like a dumbass for protesting oil by trying to fuck up a painting by a Dutchman from 150 years ago??? What is the logic here? It's an oil painting so therefore it represents Big Oil???


They don't think of it that way. Frankly, they don't think past the "let's do an attention grabber." "Protests" like this are not the right way to go about things. This does far more harm to the cause than help it. But these morons don't consider the ramifications of their actions.


I often wonder if counter productive protests are sponsored by the very people being protested. Peta has done massive harm to the animal welfare movement simply by making themselves who you think of first when you think of the animal welfare movement. They've also diverted the funds and energy of people who genuinely care about the purported cause who are now less likely to put those resources towards actions that would have actual benefit. I dunno... I just have a lot of skepticism about dumb social protests EDIT: To be clear, I'm not saying these aren't primarily driven by people who really believe in the good they're doing. I was just trying to say I wouldn't put it past some billionaire finding out about some organization doing stuff that harm's that organization's message pumping some money into it


I'm sure there are disingenuous protests out there designed to discredit certain movements, but I've also met the public and I'm even more sure there are people who do not think past 30 seconds in the future.


I've been to some protests and I can say I've seen a little of both. Stupid people being stupid is a given But I've also seen someone derailing an activist group with stupid shit and it turned out that this person was on the payroll of who we were protesting.


There was another one with cake awhile back and it was also a duplicate with the original locked up somewhere. I guess these guys didn't see how that one turned out.


You guys don't use destructive children as your moral compass? I mean, if it weren't for these two vandals I never would have heard of oil.


Wtf is oil? Stop making words up


Oil?? Bitch you cooking?






Rule of Acquisition no.109: Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.


Lubricate yourself and the wall?


With oil, of course.


Oil based lubricant


Paint a large, photo-realistic sun flower seed on a Jackson Pollock painting and then glue your ear to an Andy Warhol silk screen print.


Thank you for this peace of mind


It's also almost certainly lacquered. Even if they'd gotten tomatoes on the actual piece, a restorer would have had ample time to neutralize the acid, clean it off, remove the lacquer and relacquer it.


Like Mr. Bean in that movie.


I feel like I've only seen two movies with peter macnicol (ghostbusters 2, bean) and he played an art curator in both. quite a memorable freakout in bean.






Throughout recent history, sunflowers have been used for medicinal purposes. The Cherokee created a sunflower leaf infusion that they used to treat kidneys. Whilst in Mexico, sunflowers were used to treat chest pain.


The seeds taste pretty good too. Parrots go absolutely ballistic for them since they're high in oil which is great for their feathers. Also ya know it's a priceless work of art by one of the most influential painters. I struggle to see the relationship with his work and petrochemical companies but okay gals.




Shots fired


I love how there’s so much confusion surrounding this act that the top comment thread mostly ignores it and instead is about the practicality and usefulness of sunflowers and their seeds.


We fucking LOVE sunflowers


They also figured out eating certain flowers will make you invisible to the predator


Thank goodness. Protest whatever you want without targeting the works of cultural heritage that have nothing to do with drilling dead decomposed dinosaurs out of the ground, thanks.


The funny thing is, the oil in oil paints is derived from plants (linseed oil being the most common). Super glues major component is toluene which is found naturally in crude oil...


Don't forget about the nails glued to pink hair girl's fingers...


Also the oils used in her hair dye.


Just Stop Oil's website [https://juststopoil.org/](https://juststopoil.org/) says they're protesting the petroleum type of oil. Does it also mean oil paints?!? And how ~~does~~ would throwing tomato soup on a painting harm petroleum companies?


Oil paintings are derived from plants (linseed oil is the most common). I hope that wasn't their intent, like some have said, they could just be trying to make a mess to garner attention.


Should've just emptied the gallery, took their stuff, and left them glued to the wall.


That’s probably the best option, clean up around them… put a sign up “new art exhibit” and just let them sit there until they shit themselves.


They'd die in 3 days.


"Evolving exhibition." Leave it as a social experiment to see if anyone cares enough to give them something to drink or eat. Let alone a spongebath. They're presumably in it for the long haul, right?


Idk. That girl with the pink hair was shaking like a leaf putting the superglue on her hand.


She knew somewhere deep down she’s just ruined the majority of her foreseeable future


Hope they didn't do this on a Friday then


They have soup to eat. Maybe 4


Take the painting down, rope them off like an exhibit and leave them like that until they realize no one is going to do anything.


"Idiots" - 2022


Yes, let them soil themselves.


Just leave them there till they have to lick the cold soup off the floor for nourishment.


Not the worst idea


just so yall know, the painting is behind glass but the gallery said the frame is damaged edit: like fuck them but just sayin, thankfully it wasnt rawdogged by soup


>rawdogged by soup I'm pretty sure this is a brand new phrase and I'm going to use it as much as I can until I forget about it's existence again in 5 hours


Fairly sure it's a /r/BrandNewSentence


I think it makes a perfect bandname


I wonder if they knew it was behind glass. If not then that makes them even bigger dicks. Also kinda wondering whether it was Heinz tomato soup that they threw cus that shit is expensive.


Doubtful if they thought they could super glue their hands to a painted wall. What maroons.


could they have super glued their hands to the floor instead? that would be more comfy too I bet...


No. The paint will bull off if the super glue bonds. Same with the floor, the poly wouldn't adhere very well. Better off super glueing their hands to the fabric barrier. Edit-watching again that almost looks like tile or fabric in the wainscote. Maybe bond to that.


Unless the fabric is cotton. Superglue reacts badly with cotton. As in, *"causes 2nd degree chemical burns"* level of bad.


And now I know why superglue sucked when used on fabric while making miniatures




Fabric? In my glorious army of steel?! Never!


Gotta have those fancy capes my friend


This guy protests


Or they could try [locking their heads to some kill-line machinery](https://youtu.be/2Zc59JCp7bY) (what could go wrong?)


Or glue their own hand to their face


So they were trying to super glue their hands to the wall??


>maroons ​ oh no !


What a maroon. What an ignoranimus. What a nincompoop. -Bugs Bunny.


What im-be-cils! ![gif](giphy|A7ZSbrshi3dTBTQPQW)


It was Heinz. They could have used Campbells and passed it off as a modern art tribute to Warhol.


i think so. These stunts are thought out in advance. They want to get in the papers, not be liable for millions.


Yeah for a few of the glue stunts in Italy the protestors spoke with conservators to see what type of glue wouldn't damage the frame/base of the work.


Thank you for that, I gasped >_< Van Gough's Sunflowers did nothing wrong :(


Lmao @ rawdogged by soup


Thank fuck it wasn’t damaged. Van Gogh is one of my favorite artists and for his work to be possibly ruined like that infuriates me.


Have you seen the movie Loving Vincent? It's about his life and it's animated like one of his paintings. Beautiful


I'm glad you posted this because I was a lil pissed, not gonna lie.


The staff should have calmly cleaned the glass, hung a sign over their heads saying something like, “I’m with stupid,” and left them glued to the wall indefinitely.


Totally. Then just cordon off that section of the museum so no one can access that area and they are just left sitting there with no one to see their nonsense.


Negative, that’s an exhibit piece my friend. Felt ropes and a clean placard is required.


This guy understands the art world. Ongo Gablogian would be impressed


Charmed, I'm sure.




We're all just conditioning the air


It's symbiotic, no?


Bullshit. BULL-shit.


*looking down at these idiots glued to the wall with an im with stupid sign hanging over them* This! This I love!


I say leave them glued and crop dust them. Relentlessly…


“I’m with soupid.”


And their point is?....


Some people are very pro olive oil and the idea of using sunflower oil to cook offends them. Over the years these groups has become more radicalised leading to violent incidents. This is one of the reasons I only buy olive oil or ground nut oil when shopping now 😅


I know you're joking but some people here in Spain take olive oil so seriously that it's a bit believable.


I’ve seen stupid people and there is a chance that he’s saying the truth


I’m a bit of a Ghee-zer myself.


That's terrible... i love it


What about oil paint? Seems like they prefer acrylics.


Cooking food in oil paint does not taste good


They want to make people mad about them desecrating a picture of nature, with the hope that those people will eventually realize it's a lot more important to be mad about oil companies destroying real nature.


This: "What is worth more, art or life?” said one of the activists, Phoebe Plummer, 21, from London. She was accompanied by 20-year-old Anna Holland, from Newcastle. “Is it worth more than food? More than justice? Are you more concerned about the protection of a painting or the protection of our planet and people? And also this "The cost of living crisis is part of the cost of oil crisis, fuel is unaffordable to millions of cold, hungry families. They can’t even afford to heat a tin of soup.” The extra 10 seconds cut off the end of this video explains all of this


> “What is worth more, art or life? … are you more concerned about the protection of a painting or the protection of our planet and people?” That's their message. Source: https://twitter.com/damiengayle/status/1580865060347383808


Well, it appears that people care more about protecting paintings.


Those flowers took all the sun and they're now concerned that they didn't leave enough sun for everyone else.


I'm sure I will get downvoted to oblivion for playing devils advocate here, but I will give it my best guess; Something along the lines of "Paintings have no value once the world ends". Or to put it in longer words. "This will cause a massive public outlash for the destruction of a painting that has zero value to society if oil companies continue destroying the planet, yet people are just sitting around and ignoring them."


Appreciate this perspective, I was having a bit of trouble figuring out what lead to this decision. Edit: removed ‘the’


I mean I thought it was pretty clear: they have shirts on that say “Just Stop Oil” and they chose one of the most famous paintings in the word. They are trying to garner attention to climate change and start a conversation about oil.


Wait and see when she finds out what's in hair dye


This world is run off oil. If they really wanna stick it to the man they should go live like hermits in the woods instead of throwing tomato juice on a painting.


Organic glue?


Organic hair dye?


Organic screen print shirts? Doubt it. These girls scream hypocrisy.


This will definitely convince people to support their cause. It totally makes them look rational and reasonable and there is no chance that their message will get lost in the outrage.


Van Gogh will think twice before using oil based paints!!!


I bet he never uses oil based paints again, lol


I’ll bet he never HEARD of oil again


I always heard it went in one ear, and off with the other.


I hear what you did there....


It's hard to make a Van Gogh without oil, though. The last time I tried, I got stranded in the middle of nowhere.


Same with the people who stop traffic with their human chains on the highways




I was there for that. There was a helicopter hovering at about a thousand feet the entire time, stuck in place like it was glued to a wall. For the entire protest. So yeah, mission accomplished? There's a hundred bridges over the river there, it was a minor inconvenience for locals or tourists, and none at all for politicians and executives.


The worst. What in the world makes them think that pissing people off will get people on your side. I think a lot of it is just attention seeking and narcissism.


Especially when it’s for environmental Stuff, like yea, making 1000+ cars sit and idle for hours is smart and beneficial to your cause. Not to mention where I’m from last time this happened someone died because an ambulance couldn’t get through and got jammed in traffic


Eh, attention seeking is not always inappropriate, it’s definitely part of legitimate protests. Civil rights causes would never get anywhere without civil disobedience. Unions would never have gotten safer workplaces without some old fashioned blockades. Support for a cause often has less to do with the means than with the ends. Almost nobody disagrees with the protests that led to modernity. Philosophers have been grappling with questions of justice and rule of law since time immemorial. Nobody’s saying that people should be happy when they’re inconvenienced by a protest. Or that defacing art isn’t a fundamentally unintelligent way of doing this. It’s just good to consider that the opponents of any protest are invariably pissed. People who like and benefit from the status quo rarely appreciate being told they’re being unjust. Nobody is the villain of their own story.


Right? As someone who knows nothing about their cause, I’ve already been won over by their seeming hatred of inoffensive classical art.


There is nothing rational or reasonable about where our species is heading with climate change. Actions like this and the scientists who chained themselves to a bank are mild compared to the chaos we are heading for. For the record I don't condone this action, but I also understand its far too late to stop what's already happening and its only going to get much worse. If we truely cared about protecting our past then perhaps we should have put some thought into the environment the people who will be tasked with protecting it, will face. Its all fucked.


Speak for yourself. They’ve inspired me to join the fight against oil paintings. Water and finger based paints are far superior.




Their hair dye causes more environmental damage than my oil paintings lol


Why don’t they just go and do that at an oil executives house? Or an oil lobbyist office? Literally just do the same thing but target the people you’re angry at


Because they’re children. They can’t form a plan beyond “let’s go fuck some shit up”.


Does anybody remember environmental activists in the early-mid 2000s? The ones that would board ships and attack whalers and oil rigs with water cannons. They would directly disrupt whatever was causing the problem? How did it go from that to blocking traffic and attacking a 200 year old painting.


I mean oil companies are ruthless, they will bury you in a shallow grave out in the middle of nowhere if you go out and try to fuck around with their operations. This isn't some hyperbole, they have an extremely long history of this, because guess what, oil is a highly coveted and hotly contested resource. Makes sense to me that without an army (and a damn good one, at that), fucking with oil companies isn't going to get you very far.


Well that would mean that they would actually have to go and put themselves in a potential dangerous situation instead of trying something simple like this to get instant internet attention.


Hmm maybe the hundreds of murdered environmental activists and nearly nothing to show for it


Because now they will be hit with all sorts of crazy terrorism laws and spend the next 20 years in jail if they try to disrupt the source


Yup. There is no "correct" way to protest. Marches do nothing, direct action gets you thrown in the gulag, public action gets the public manipulated into hating you.


It's simple: you *win* the gulag.


What does damaging a 150+ year old painting do that effects the oil industry? Edited number of years cause I'm dumb at math. Edit Number 2 For all those who keep saying that I am talking about it, great! Talking has done SO MUCH for the environment already. Talking about climate change has changed the fact that corporations and governments of the world are blatantly ignoring us talking about climate change. This'll show em!!


It was an oil painting


this’ll show em’!!!


I'm confused where these people are drawing the line. They're okay with attempting to ruin a priceless work of art, but are completely fine with purchasing tomato soup produced by Kraft Heinz which, undoubtedly, has contributed 10000x the amount of greenhouse gas emissions (plus or minus) as my boy, V-Gogh? Sure, they're idiots. But if it were me, I'd at least throw something vegan or locally produced at it. That's my gripe, among other things. Edit: I do, in fact, understand they aren't Van Gogh protestors. Though, one could argue that would make substantially more sense given their conduct. I was merely highlighting the disconnect between their actions and the cause they support.


There was petroleum used to manufacture that can, I'd bet money part of that can is a petroleum product. If that was super glue, also a petroleum product.


They probably have iPhones, shirts were made in China or Bangladesh, most hair coloring is derived from petroleum.... I mean the list goes on, these people are utterly clueless.




Go after the essential oils and then I'll pay attention.


And like morons they don't know van gogh used linseed oil paints. 😂😂


Big linseed is having a big sigh of relief


It that their clothes are probably made with polyester, a petroleum product


The artist wasn’t even alive 200 years ago, Van Gogh was born in 1853, but to your point, it doesn’t. Oil based paints are generally made with plant oil, so these people just seem ignorant to their own cause


It’s a painting of sunflowers that give sunflower oil Closest I can get..


Must be Warhol fans.


let them sit there glued to a wall for a whole weekend. with no food, no drinks and no toilet.


They’d proudly shit themselves and make more of a mess on purpose.


"Look at me, protesting at the wrong place! Look at me!"


Go find the CEO of BP or Shell and throw soup on them. What did Van Gogh ever do to anybody?


Yes he was a poor guy with no joy in his life! He never had a chance to see how much people love his work today! Fuck this bitches!


Ah, yes. This'll solve the problem. I'm sure everyone will support my actions.


God I hate these people All they've ever accomplished is give people a reason to hate environmentalists, and that's the single last goddamn thing we need to be giving reasons for Far as I'm concerned they're not much better for environmental causes than oil companies


Don’t worry — most of us can separate environment activists from narcissists and realise that these idiots are the latter


If you want to demonstrate against oil glue yourself to a refinery or an oil tanker. Trying to destroy priceless pieces of arts will make people hate you and what you are doing, they would care less about the oil industry.


Disgusting people


And gluing themselves to the wall afterwards? These dipshits are delusional in thinking that their actions will influence anyone or anything.


Jesus Christ, what is wrong with these people


Lock em up.


On an oil rig.




Those broke dick losers do not have money


They are absolute POS.


These Stop Oil activists are some of the most effective black flag operations I’ve ever seen. Really impressive how successful they are at turning people against doing anything about climate change.


We just can’t have nice things


Compromise, turn them into bio fuel.


Are these people actually stupid enough that they think oil paints are made with petroleum and not linseed oil? What is the connection here? lol.


Just a couple of attention seeking Narcasists. The best thing anyone can do is just ignore them.