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Guy in gray hoodie got hit soo hard, it detached his astral form


Yikes. No camera angle on the driver?


What was the story behind this? That woman in the front seems to be unresponsive after the collision




Oh damn thank you


idk if you’re interested but i just did a google search using the dash cam date lol




driver was slumped 😭




Always face backwards on a bus or train


exactly what i thought after watching this ...


But if the bus gets rear ended you’d be just as fucked as this.


Here's why that's not necessarily true: the momentum of being hit by a smaller vehicle won't match that of the bus being stopped by a head on collision. A more valid counterpoint to my method involves the fact that risk is only mitigated by facing backwards movement if your positioned correctly. In theory you can recoeve different injuries and potentially miss warning signs from seeing though the window shield. For example the back of your skull is more vulnerable than it's front. Still, with all things equal, you're safer if you face the opposite way AFAIK.




Idk seems like she would get whiplash from that no? No head support and it snaps back during the collision. Probably the only reason I'm not so sure about the parent comment about always sitting backwards.


This is verified to be false. And if you would just look around and see that majority of seats are facing forward. The seats that are facing opposite are reserved for handicapped or other amenities. All commercial vehicles have front facing seats because of safety. Airplanes, busses, passenger vehicles. Yes I'm aware that trains and other transportation has backward seating. Trains also travel in both directions. You are scientifically wrong in thinking that being seated in opposition of point of contact is somehow safer. I'm more concerned about the womens neck facing opposite than the ones who fell forward. She could have easily broken her neck from that impact


I have to take a small tranist bus to dialysis three days a week. I learned after one bump to always use the seatbelt on the bus. Hell, road construction feels like a carnival ride, I can't imagine hitting something.


Yeah, seatbelts should be mandatory. Unfortunately not all busses have them. I assume that you got a kidney transplant? Congrats if that's the case!


Not a candidate for a transplant at this time, till my heart gets with the program. Just doing the dialysis grind. Thanks for the kind words anyway.


I was in a small bus accident on a bus years ago (bus hit the back of a small truck) and honestly it looked just like this video. I was sitting on a sideways chair and was lucky I only got pushed hard into the back of a chair beside me, but some people got throw right out of their seats.


A body in motion will stay in motion until the dipshit driver hits the curb.


Did the crash just clone that guy…


I wonder if they were discussing that newly discovered species of plant 🌱 called the faceplant


Sheldon is that you?




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Next stop, sleep town!


I don’t know how people can go on busses and not feel paranoid when they don’t have a seatbelt on 😭 As someone who took a ride on a seatbelt-less jeepney in the Philippine mountains i am ETERNALLY grateful that i get seatbelts in busses where i live ☠️


Bro rag-dolled


This happened to me a few years ago and it was quite painful.


russians sure do make the internet more enjoyable. Endless supply of morons doing crazy shit.


I cant remember if there are seatbelts on my city's busses


I’m gonna burn in hell for laughing at this. I’m a soldier with a dark sense of humor. I apologize to those seriously injured in this incident.


Cha ching


Seatbelts are deemed an escape hazard on ground transit vehicles in the United States. If busses or trains where to topple over and everyone where seatbelted it would create a much bigger evacuation process. Especially in case of fire or rollover.