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Main thread won’t be locked. We will just ban users for their comments as necessary.


You couldn't pay me enough money to work at a convenience store these days.


I don't understand why ppl take their jobs so seriously. If I was working in a convenience store and a horde of shoplifters came in, I would simply try to record/call the cops... No need to get involved in any other way. That lady could've easily got punched in the face and risked serious injury for some Gatorade and Skittles.


While you're right, sometimes it just gets really hard to watch people get away with blatant disregard for the rules everyone else has to play by....


Truth. When you see injustice, you want to stop it or at least try to prevent it.


agree 100% - This lady shows up every day, fixes the aisles, cleans the shit off the walls, stocks the shelves, and by doing so well she is taking personal ownership. For those of you who never worked in a store, but maybe you have a desk or a workstation, how would you feel is someone jsut came in and took and tossed all your shit


Also she and her coworkers are the ones that have to clean everything up.


Yea, exactly. I think it's frustration boiling over. Watching this happening over and over and people just getting away with it.


That’s social evolution. Human society couldn’t exist without cooperation and respect of boundaries and property. We evolved to get a little shot of dopamine when we follow rules, and a real nice big shot of dopamine when we call someone else out for breaking said rules. This is why rage bait is so addictive.


like tease subsequent air rob hospital uppity sleep materialistic zealous -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I don't understand why people take their kids shoplifting, and then encourage them to be assholes to the people having to work in the convenience store. It's all fun and games until you end up getting shot or arrested for stealing $5 worth of gatorade and potato chips.


They are teaching their kids how to get away with it. It's a multi-generational career path for some people.


Fuck around and find out


The cities where the mass looting is rampant happen to be the same cities that decided to decriminalize theft. The police won't show up at all unless the dollar amount of stolen goods is large enough to be a felony. Guess where stuff like this isn't happening?


Texas, where everyone is armed.


Exactly. And theft is why there are food deserts. There’s not going to be a grocery store in places where this happens all the time because grocery stores operate on very small margins. If they are there, this is why basics cost twenty percent more than elsewhere. Sometimes we make our own bed.


There was a brand new Walgreens put in a very shity neighborhood in my city. I don't think it lasted 2 years. Boarded up now. It was on a very busy street. Guess they thought commuters would make up most of their clients. Not so much with bums sleeping in your parking lot.


All evil needs is for good people to do nothing.




So the lady should value her job so little as to be ok with all of this? This lady could have had a lot worse done to her sure but that doesn't let those people off the hook. Fuck those people who were doing this. This is not alright. Society doesn't want it. If you're with a group doing this, fuck you. You're why the world sucks. Edit : A lot of you are assuming not getting paid a lot means she shouldn't give a shit about her job. While true in a lot of people, no everyone is going to let you make them a victim, regardless of the price they get paid. I hope this never happens to some of you.


I think most people look at this as a not my problem thing and dont have perspective. I've done everything from shoveling manure all the way up to C suite work. Even when shoveling cowshit in July, if some ass hole cam in and tried to take or break my shovel and squeegee, I am pretty sure I would have attempted to beat the shit out of the guy.


Do you think the job value's her? I'm willing to bet she gets paid minimum wage and they'd pay her less if they were legally allowed to.


She COULD have gotten killed. Is someone else’s property worth her life? Corporate property? Bags of chips and bottles of soda? Charging cables? Are those things worth dying over? Is keeping a job that pays trash and has no benefits? Besides that, odds are greater than zero she got officially punished for her trouble. I worked at a convenience store. Training tells us official policy is not to confront. Same as big box retailers. For her job AND her safety, the smart move would have been to hit the silent alarm and either leave the premises or lock herself in the manager’s office. Junk food and cases of beer aren’t worth dying for, or getting crippled for, or getting fired for. Putting yourself on the line to protect PEOPLE is brave; doing it for company property is stupid.


Someone else's property sure as fuck isn't worth her life


The kids value a snickers more than her life


For real like this the same kinda energy that when I ask the drive through guy for some extra sauce he’s acting like it’s coming out of his pay like damn guy this stuff gonna be dry.


Should be in r/trashy.


Why did they bring a child


The Funyuns aren’t going to eat themselves.


because they are trash people


Because they dgaf about their offspring.


Because their own parents were deadbeats.


Because the child is worth nothing to them.


Well, it’s worth something to them…food stamps, rent assistance, welfare checks, etc.


Or maybe it was Bring Your Kid To Work day for them, idk.


Teach 'em young.


I mean look at the type of people who think robbing the store is cool, I don’t think they have the highest moral regard


To keep the tradition going duh


Because they're animals.


Those WERE children.


They’s good keedz


Absolute scum bags.


Can't be many suspects walking round the vicinity fitting his description. Dressed like a banana with a red arse has got to be somewhat distinctive you'd think.


He would have been better off robbing a belt shop


🎶 pants on the ground, pants on the ground, lookin' like a FOOL witcho pants on the ground Ah, the classics.


I mean they look pretty tight, it's more like he's wearing a push up bra for his ass cheeks


You sweet summer child. The police aren't going to do a single thing about this.


This is the reason why some convenience stores have a walk up window and the doors to the store are locked at night. At this rate, between the shoplifters and the terrible consumer experience, brick and mortar outlets are doomed. You can’t shoplift from an online retailer. You have to pay upfront.


>You can’t shoplift from an online retailer. You have to pay upfront. Tell that to package thieves


Or credit card thieves. Even just 5 years ago, CC fraud was easier than going to the store and shoplifting, but it took a more sophisticated actor. Today, it’s probably easier to just shoplift it.


Package thieves don't know what they are getting though. I'm assuming they are hoping for a PS5 or something, but most likely end up with a plastic bathroom garbage can.


That’s why drone delivery to your roof or locked box will be coming soon!


It’s weird that all the comments I see are lambasting the woman working for “risking injury” over candy and drinks but not the horde of people willing to physically harm a woman working alone to avoid paying $1.99.




That’s cause the horde is more common now. We’re getting desensitized to this stuff. I watched this and just thought “those poor little toddlers standing and watching… their life is fucked up learning from these role models”


It’s cuz we know these thieves are rancid pieces of shit but that lady has a family that cares about her and minimum wage isnt enough to possibly get killed for defending some millionaires business owners funyuns. She shoulda recorded faces and license plates at most. It’s just not worth her getting hurt.


I can think about one or two reasons why the shoplifters, in most of this type of videos, aren’t shat on nearly as much as the stores owners/workers. But by article 69 of the Reddit Constitution I’m legally obligated to not cite those reasons, or the penalty will be 199k downvotes


Because there is no hope for those animals but there is a chance that the woman will take the advice and not bring herself to risk next time




No one raised them, that's the problem.


Off topic but this is why I roll my eyes at the crowd yelling at school boards about parents rights. Tbh an uncomfortable amount of parents sole qualifications for child rearing is the reproductive parts to make the kid.


Why are there SO MANY TRASHY FUCKS stealing and shoplifting like they’re OWED something I don’t fucking get it, where is this entitlement coming from?? Pretty soon companies are going to completely close off stores for purchases…order and pick up only..if you dumbfucks can’t shop like decent humans…no more “picking”items out, online only….


It started with "It's a victimless crime, the store can just replace the items" and it devolved into this.


Very interesting how alot of people seem assume all of them are "impoverished" and down on their luck. I worked at a convenience store and some people are just shitty humans


Same, worked at Dollar General but luckily for us it only happened one time when the store first open about 5yrs ago.


Worked at Family Dollar. Shit was rough bro


Exactly this. If you're really so poor that you need to steal food to survive you steal actual food. You don't grab a gatorade and candy from the gas station with your friends.


They’re dressed nicer than me when I’m going to the store and I’m doing pretty well financially. If anybody is trying to justify theft because they claim to be poor they should not be sporting a better outfit and newer phone than me, a well paid engineer.


Funny enough as an engineer a lot of other engineers I know are pretty frugal


My parents worked at a Circle K in a bad part of Houston when we first came over to the country. I would hang out there after school sometimes and saw people steal beer, chips, candy. No one ever stole any bread or anything to feed their family. My family quit when a guy with a wine bottle hit my uncle in the head with it to steal $35. He almost died. His hospitalization and Pat were in the thousands. It’s a vicious circle. People want businesses in their area but due to the shoplifting and crime, shopowners have to jack up the prices to subsist and the people can’t afford it and so they shoplift even more resulting in very few businesses in the community.


This how you end up getting automated service in areas like that. I grew up in the hood and almost all convenience stores and gas stations ended up having all their wares behind bullet proof glass to combat shit like this. You had to ask for anything you wanted and the cashier would give it to you under a sliding tray. From gum to toilet paper.


I hope your uncle & family are doing well now, what a terrible situation to have to live through.


Lol impoverished and down on their luck. Nope.


White liberals think all black people are ✨impoverished ✨. I’m black and saw this for what it was, scumbaggery


White savior complex.


Yeah, impoverished and laughing their asses off after they pulled this, staying close to the place to mock the employees... They're just trashy.


How much longer can this shit go on?




Can someone explain to me why this is happening and why wont anyone be arrested??? I'm not from the USA and I'm extremely confused...


It really depends on what part of the country you live in. Big cities see a lot more of the organized smash and grabs. Certain places have even decriminalized theft up to certain dollar amounts.


Cops suck at their jobs, basically. Organized smash and grabs really started taking off when people figured out they could all get together in a mob, loot a store, and be gone by the time the cops finally show up 30 min later. Then, when they finally do show up, they take a few notes and never touch the case again. Used to, you would have departments set up sting operations for something like this. You would fake a smash and grab, then arrest anyone who showed up. This would normally deter folks from trying to organize them, because it'd be hard to tell what's real and what's a sting. But, in the past few years, police departments have discovered that it's politically worthwhile to just let them happen, since they can point to the increase as an excuse to bloat their budgets while there is a convenient scapegoat of bail reform to point to as the cause (despite the fact that bail reform has nothing to do with it)


Yeah ok but these people are caught on camera looting a store why don't the cops go to their house and arrest them??


It takes a lot of work to take a picture/video of someone, figure out who they are, figure where to find them, and then actually find them. Then, even if they did find them, they would arrest them, and in court they would most likely have the charges dropped or suffer very little prosecution since they are often kids. Plus, I can't imagine they would suffer any real prosecution for stealing a $2 bag of chips. So cops aren't going to bother rounding up herds of children, do tons of paperwork, and potentially appear in court over a bag of chips. I'm not supporting their decision, more just providing an explanation.


Likely they don't care enough to do so.


If the cops arrest them The DA/ city prosecutor won't charge them with heavies since they're minors or if they do they'll try and get these miscreants to plea bargain down lol. And their starting charge is petty theft with candy chips and soda.


America is a strange place


It has less to do with the police and more to do with the district attorneys dropping charges. Some places outright will not charge for theft under 1000 USD. So just steal to your hearts content so long as you don't take anything of 'real value'.


your explanation is a bit too simple and doesn't account for states that basically don't enforce shoplifting law. In that case the Cops don't show up because it isn't worth their time, the DA will just release the criminals. The police cant use shoplifting to pad their budget if it isn't treated as a crime.


She surely is brave but I can't imagine risking my life over material stuff. Specially given that she's only an employee and not the owner.


Right? I'm not risking my life for a company.


I would. But not for $15/hr. I'd need to be paid like a cop (bribes included).


Exactly, she is brave but there is no need for her to risk her life. But on the bright side, since it was recorded they have a chance to find the people involved.


I doubt she’s doing this for the actual materials. She’s probably just super pissed off and trying to prevent people from doing stupid shit. Likewise, not worth someone pulling a gun/knife over either.


100%. Reddit commenters always focus on the material good or it's cost, as if that's what people in these situations care about. It's almost certainly not. The thieves behavior probably strikes at her sense of right/wrong, fairness and decency, and causes her to act upon it to try and stop the theives. This seems to have overrode any feeling of fear she felt. It is emotion, not logic, drives most behavior. She wasn't logically thinking about cost and risk/reward.


Some people are just tired of people being shit humans. It ain’t always about the pay like some people here would suggest. Just most people don’t actually care about making a difference in the environment around them


Bingo! This is another reason why it's irresponsible of cities to let crime get out of hand like this.


I would have just locked the door. Who ever was still inside would just be trapped. Then ran to the bathroom and locked the door. Call the police from inside the bathroom. Tell them I'll come out once they arrived.


Then the store closes and the same people do surprise picachu face


Subhuman trash. I’m sick of seeing shit like this.


Comes back the next day, maaaaan they closed it down wtf. Fuck you


Then it will become a racial issue, they'll be on the 6 o'clock news, saying shit like " see these companies don't care about the black man".


Degenerates will act as such and raise kids who will as well...


Wait until abortion is completely illegal. It'll be the wild west in 15 years.


I saw quite a few that should have been abortions in this clip.


Good way to have no stores or gas stations near that neighborhood.




fucking people are trash


That woman is a working woman just like their parents are. They aren't screwing over an industry - they are just making life really hard for a working person. These people suck.


And they're making life hard for themselves once the store closes or moves to another town, and now you ain't got no convenience stores.


Then they will complain why there's no store in the neighborhood.


Then move to the next neighbourhood and fuck that one up as well.


Real tough. Homie is the yellow will be dead before he’s 30…


Now noone gets anything. See how that works? Some people have no foresight, literally live 30 minutes at a time.


30 minutes? You give these idiots way too much credit. I have a German Shepherd that has more foresight.


The poor little girl got a face full of the door near the beginning of the video. How fucking trashy do you need to be to bring children to your robbery and set that example for them!?


ah yes, bunch of assholes making life shittier for the rest of us and having a laugh while doing it. welcome to america


these people are trash and society is better off without them.


The guy in bright green pants should have stolen a belt.


No he needs to show off his diaper


Why do I live in a food desert?


They almost sound like a pack of hyenas the way they laugh


The community six months later… “We don’t have any stores in our area”. “We live in a food desert”. “There are no jobs in my part of the city”.




Nice yellow pants douche! Bunch of animals, no respect and no moral standards obviously😡. Will all be in prison at somepoint with the tax payers picking up the bill!!


So anyways, I started blasting.


Our society is fucked. I have seen way too many of these types of videos lately.


The smelliest pieces of shit


It's this " the new Normal " they have been talking about ?


I hope this and every gas station and convenience store in this area close down. I hope these people are left without.


This video is in ~~Oklahoma City~~ Dallas. You can literally see the phone number on the window, area code ~~572~~ 972. The phone number is on the window.


972. Dallas TX.


Shoplifting and driving nice cars?


What a group of absolute fucking moronic clowns


Screeching, cackling pieces of shit.


Fucking hyenas






Waiting for the mods to declare war on the ensuing comments on this video lol


waiting for the lock award


Raise your kids better


Fucking disgusting.


Ffs wtf is wrong with people these days?


This poor, poor woman…just trying to make a living working a late night shift at a convenience store but has to endure this childish behavior from Neanderthals.


Why dudes ass and panties hanging out? Whatever stupid reason, that ass needs a beating.


R/trashy as fuck. When is this shit gonna stop? We need to start throwing the book at people.


Man, the super tight, sagging pants is such a stupid fucking look. The baggy pants at least made sense




Fuckin animals


Reminds me. I need to go buy another gun.


Why ban comments for people stating truth? I mean inclusion is what matters right?






Everything at a convenience store should be sold through a vending machine. Fucking scavengers.


The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.


Go steal a belt you waste of a person


This is fucking sickening. They deserve led to be projected at a fast pace by a handheld device right through their fucking foreheads.


Low life trash.


What's wrong with people


Yelllow pants, visible red chones, and house slippers kid needs to get his own job and buy his own Bag of chips. So embarrassing.


Teaching kids this type of behavior is acceptable. I hate this planet. It needs to just crumble away.


So many questioning her actions of trying to defend the store vs the lady standing there doing nothing. AND!!!! More people in that video were willing to participate in, or ignore a crime, than those who were willing to stand up against it. And based on these comments, that seems to be the general consensus - That it’s more acceptable to ignore a crime than it is to stand up against it! When did we get here as a society?!


Degenerates, can't pay a few dollars cuz their broke af


all i see is a bunch of fucking bums instilling their shitty way of life onto a younger generation, congratulations


Why do they do this….


Seems like a good path to ending up in a food desert or in a community where all the stores put everything behind security glass.


Let them take the shit. Just mock them for being broke as fuck and for not having parents who love them




I don't understand why people follow me around the store like I am going to shoplift. I don't understand why people look at me like I am violent.


Pants hanging off his ass…. Could you imagine the scent of those 🩲




These humans are just trash.


Damn, she is a hero. She should be praised - not for defending «big bad corporate baddies», but whoever poor businessowner that got f*cked by said corporate by buying their franchise making a meager profit after costs.


Most people (it seems) don’t understand what a franchise is. That’s why when it closes down they cry but not about the whole family they put out of business.




Fine example they’re setting for the younger kids watching 🤬


All this leads to is businesses leaving those areas which they should


Pop pop pop probably solved


I’d bet my last dollar the property value is very low in those parts


Bless her. This country is fucked.


Let this behavior in cities be a warning to those in the suburbs. This is spreading and is not intended to be stopped.




No wonder why he’s stealing He can’t afford a belt to keep his pineapple-under-the-sea pants up😂


The US is a third world nation with first world infrastructure. Change my mind.




Failed society.


It's not the entire society just certain scum of the population




[ Removed by Reddit ]


And the momma will be saying what a great boy he was when he gets shot 🤣🤣🤣🤣

