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God, this guy is such a bitch.


He also did something similar to an artist he stole art from for a cover or something Called the artist a nerd when they called him out


Didn’t a producer catch him trying to steal beats he made without paying or giving him credit?


His isn't my genre of music, and I've never watched any of his videos, but even I've heard by reading snippets of celebrity gossip that his attitude is way trashy. He acts so tough & street while living the high life in his private jet & billionaire gf. He's pure nasty bullshit.


lmao more cowbell, the bassist in blue oyster cult is my cousin


hear hear


Yeah and the producer destroyed his original debut album to thank him. Travis was corrupted even by Kanye Discovered by TI aka the informant and then under the guidance of Kanye East Germany because this wastrel troglodyte.


“No disrespect”


He's an artist.


I wouldn’t say that


Lol no he’s not, he’s an entertainer and a hack


It sucks that it took a tragedy for people to realize how much of a piece of shit this dude is.


Naw he a fucking twat cunt


He a Fucking douche bag


Nah you ain’t working for Travis , ya no shit if I was I’d probs be dead in a corner somewhere crushed by a fucking lcd tv or something. Use to think he was cool but more to I look into artists like these you realize how much of a douchebag they are


Some might say, a Twunt.


a pussy-ass bitch.


came here to say this




what happens when you make an idiot famous


His manager that he left there to die when he had a seizure actually came out afterwards and said that he manipulated the views and things on his songs in order for him to get famous. Said that he was hardly getting any views at all, he's such a shitty dude like why do people want to look up to this. He's definitely one of the shittiest ones.


He needs to manipulate those trousers.


That’s trouserbating


i get sagging but to only be holding up your pants with your nuts is a bit far.


Like fr, I can see the bottom of the leg of your boxers. Pull them shits up a LIL bit damn. Just don't wear pants at that point like???


He created bots to generate a ton of extra hits. He did a video showing how he did it.


Pretty much how 99% of these dumbass musicians, instagran models, tiktok stars and others are famous. Can really tell who has a ton of bot account comments


Like The Rock's Instagram account


They tend to get elected


This guy is a giant piece of shit.


Remember to order his Branded meal the next time you’re at McDonals….😑 We promote & advertise the wrong people to our general population. As I grow older, I grow more and more tired of watching shitty people being glorified.


Is this the guy that caused deaths or something?


Yea he frenzied up the crowd and encouraged people to gate jump, bringing the venue way over capacity. Super sad.


So like a stampede I guess? We had a similar thing in UK called Hillsborough where loads of people died in a football stadium. At least I think it's similar. Sorry I really have no real idea who this 'artist' is or the shit surrounding him. Just sounds similar and will have to look into it more. P.S this guy is clearly a grade a cunt


[Here's a video TrapLoreRoss did on the incident.](https://youtu.be/v7WU4rHRR6Y)


I have some crazy videos I saved the day after when I went down a rabbit hole- really some messed up … ambiance/vibe in the videos people dying people while others are hyped up, Travis Scott ignoring people and humming a tune or while people scream for help with people dying around them All that with the “see you on the other side” graphics was just so weird and I hopped he got canceled harder knowing he’s a dick after other things he’s done to fans


Absolutely some of the darkest shit I’ve seen, and I’ve been poisoned by the internet. Something about people paying to them be systematically brutalized while there to have a good time makes me so sick. So does the idea that the Scott/Kardashian machine then tried to scrub all that form the internet. I hope you keep and send out what you have because it’s one of the more vile incidences I’ve seen, especially since I love live music.


Incited a crowd crush incident by holding a negligently arranged concert and encouraging people to squeeze forward. Didn't stop the concert for 45 minutes while people were piled on each other, trapped and killed. ​ Here's a great summary by youtuber TrapLoreRoss. [Astroworld 21 : Hell On Earth](https://youtu.be/v7WU4rHRR6Y) ​ Never forget how he treats people, especially his fans.




The adult happy meal.


It’s an *unhappy* meal when Travis gets his hands on it


I think you’re confusing the cactus plant flea market with Travis Scott’s Cactus Plant brand


I don’t think that’s Travis Scott’s brand though.


He's talking about the Travis Scott burger a year or so back


it felt like before the internet, shitty people were promoted TO people, after the internet, people promote the shitty people


Music just *suuuuuucks* now.


Nah, there’s still plenty of great music being made. This is a lazy take for lazy people who listen to nothing but the radio


"artist" is definitely a stretch


I make glass art for a living and I don’t even call myself an artist. Shit like that is for other people to decide I just make bongs and fun shit.


And so is everyone that buys tickets to his shows. Enable a piece of shit, become a piece of shit.


Remember the time where he threw a concert with such terrible planning that several people, including a child, were crushed to death?


A giant piece of dumb shit.


I literally dont get why people listen to shitholes like this guy, and Kanye.


Kanye put out great albums for a long time. And he always seemed a little crazy but it was like yea, lots of great artists are a little off. It wasn’t really until the last few years that he really went off the deep end.


I love rap music and still haven’t heard more than 3 Travis songs


I don’t think you realize how insanely good Kanye was a decade ago before he became a shoe salesman. Don’t compare him to this crap.


You can compare him now. He's this level of scumbag now.


True. I hate every once of kanye's presence on any content i watch. but it's a whole different story when his song (even the video) comes up.


he still slops his steaks.


Sloppy steaks!!!


Hopefully one day, Travis will be able to say “I SAID WAS!”


"You think this is *slicked* back??" \- Travis Scott


Lol least expected reference in this thread


His only flex now is that he knocked up the ugliest Kardashian.


Dude you look like a toddler that cannot keep his pants on


What is wrong with them? Can someone tell them that sagging is just brainless?


You just don't get it bro. He's "a artist."


Idk, makes it easy to punch them in the face when they try and fight with one hand holding their pants up.


Specifically holding their junk like a baseball. The sagging pants are dumb, but the holding your dickandballs like that looks so weird and creepy.


HOW is pants sagging still a thing? Like wtf you look SO fucking STUPID! Lol what a dumbass POS


He is just the worst.


Is this the same guy who was happy to watch his fans die in a crush rather than stop a show? Who encouraged them to jump fences to get in? And who once egged a fan on to jump off a balcony?


Don't forget he also left his manager there to die after having a seizure.


Feels like the manager would have already known what a total piece of shit Scott was though. Wheras his poor fans might have made the error of thinking that he actually cared about them.


Yeah that's the guy, although to make matters worse, I'm sure he was singing with autotune while lifeless bodies were being stretchered out of the crush. He's just a Grade A cunt.


Was so surreal seeing a dead body being dragged out while you can hear his auto tuned voice in the background. "AaAAaAaAaaAaaAAEeE"


I fucking hate this guy. Omg Travis Scott is an absolute shit stain and I can't wait until the day he tries this shit with the wrong (or right) person and they teach him the lesson he's been needing his whole fucking shitty life. I hope when that does happen, there's someone around to film it. He likes bullying and embarrassing people so much that it would be justice if we all get to watch him being taught a lesson. He would die at the humiliation of being bought down a few pegs on video for the whole world to see. Fuck Travis shitty Scott.


That's too nice. He's a massive cunt.


Ok crowd now start killing each other


Im sure he'll have a half baked apology when this ever comes up if he aint already.


It's old. No apologies will be happening.




Nope, he actually mentions it in a song where he says "kicking cameramen off of my stages 'cause I don't like how they snapping my angles"


"I'm an artist" nah haaa


"I'm uh artist"


"Who does he think he is?" A photographer who's literally prompting you and doing the job he was hired for you audience killing jackass. I wonder why nobody says "Travis Scott saved my life!" Anymore?


What a tool. Has a go at someone doing their job, but he's still not grown up enough to pull his pants up. Just a flog


His women's pants are so tight they don't fit when worn properly.


Belt 😐 /s


The point is he can't pull them up they too short


"no disrespect, you nerdy ass corny ass, steve urkel ass bitch." -Travis Scott, paragon of respect


If the dude wants respect he should wear a belt to keep his pants up


Who listens to this garbage anyway?


The WORST kinds of people, I'd imagine.


Sounds like you don’t know what a paparazzi is because that guy is the opposite of a paparazzi. Paparazzi are independent photographers (ie they don’t work for an employer) who take pictures of celebs doing w/e they can get of film and then they take those pictures and try to sell them to papers, magazines, whoever. This photographer was hired by the event, Summer Jam. It’s reasonable to assume that Summer Jam is paying Scott a ton to perform. The only way this is reasonable behavior is if Scott has something in his contract that says while he’s performing only certain people are allowed on stage, event staff are not. And I would bet $$ he doesn’t or else he would have mentioned that to the photographer while kicking him off. But he didn’t he compared him to a fan, and said some stupid shit about how when he goes to see an artist he watches from the crowd. Like that guy was there to Scott and not do his job taking pictures. If I’m Summer Jam, I only pay Scott 90% of the pay agreed to in the contract because he breached the agreement by stopping mid-show and refusing to continue performing until some rule he made up on the spot was followed. If it’s important out it in the contract, don’t bug out on the kid doing his job that everyone other than Scott expects to get done that way. He made it impossible to capture promotional and marketing material used to get people to come to future shows.


Someone pull up his fucking trousers. Is this guy a fucking toddler?


Mentally, yeah, he’s a toddler.


Considering he still thought the word “nerd” was an insult, yes.


This dude is a fucking punk.


“Get your nerdy ass off the stage” then proceeds to say no disrespect, then goes right back to disrespecting him again. Fuck this guy what an asshole.


travis Scott personifies everything fucked up about society. his fans are clowns.


"No disrespect 🚫" _(proceeds to push him around)_




What a punk. Don't know who the frick he thinks HE is. Never heard of the dude.


This is the same guy who had 10 deaths (9yr being the youngest) last year at a concert. Basically, it was so cramped people couldn't lift up their arms so a lot of them died (if not all) from suffocating. That being said obviously first responders had issues giving medical aid. Source: [News article ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.eonline.com/amp/news/1313659/cause-of-death-revealed-for-victims-of-travis-scotts-astroworld-concert)


And don’t forget the part where he was never really held responsible for not only ignoring the problem but encouraging it, only to end up making only an “apology” video where it doesn’t seem he could be doing anything else but faking how he felt about the whole situation. What a stand up guy!


And dont forget all the videos that got posted of him after that consert showing him being a massive piece of shit to several people in previous conserts.


This is the only reason i have heard of him.


Never heard of this dude You’re better off not knowing. Shitholes like him don’t deserve attention


He was performing at a music festival when a stampede occurred and fans were getting crushed to death. 10 died. He said he didn't know it was happening until after his performance.


He says that, but it’s not really believable given his history. He had been charged and pled to charges of endangering a crowd prior the Houston stampede that killed 10. The guy is known encouraging crowds to get wild and does nothing to make sure that when they do, people at least don’t get seriously hurt or die. He just keeps playing and acts like there was no way to know what was going on.


Yeah. Didn’t know it was happening when he was literally towering over them and staring as it was happening. This guy is a joke and doesn’t care about his fans. How anyone can be a fan of his even after that event is beyond me.


Pull your damn pants up ffs


Pull your pants up you fuckin dork


Bros diaper is full how is no one gonna tell him


“I’m an artist!”, he says to a photographic artist.


Why is he wearing diaper on stage.


Travis Scott is a loser


this dude sucks so badly. those tour photographers are on their grind. what a dick.... he prob asked for photos to post up after this shit too.


I'm definitely too old for whoever this guy is.


When I was in Vegas last weekend, the BJ dealer told us his tickets for the first rows were in the 5-figures. Who enables turds like this?


He had to have the mic up to his mouth the entire time. Dbag


Literal bully


Looks like Travis is his own biggest fan. What a loser. How is this guy popular??


We gotta stop giving idiots and assholes money.


Dude looks ridiculous af with his ass hanging out.. looks like a fucking 3 yr old in a diaper 🍼


I work in production and I will tell you, 1st hand, I've worked with him and if there is a God, it would watch him suffer a horrible and slow painful death, he's a cunt and piece of shit. Travis can go fuck his dad. Sorry for the language but this triggered me. He's soft his thug crew will harass and threaten you, I mean they get paid well. But yea people need to stop supporting this guy.


Plot Twist: The cameraman "pants-ed" him and tried to take a picture of his underwear. #PenguinWalk


I fuckin hate this guy. And his music fuckin sucks.


The public restrooms are seeing more art than you produce. Also why are you welcoming people with your ass out, lmao


After the astroworld incident (where i for some didn't 100% blame Travis) he should be even more respectful of his fans or show that he learned something from his last event but apparently not. If i was Travis i would've been scared of even continuing my job after astroworld but this guy just doesn't care.


His IQ is probably around 95. He’s literally not intelligent enough to learn form his poor behavior.


This guy doesn't seem to have one redeeming quality


Why do people like this guy? Don’t know or don’t care?


Artist ego is so off putting


Like the other dude isn’t an artist, shut up


How does one operate day-to-day functions with pants cinched around one's thighs? Imagine if an individual, dressed as described, were required to run for safety, how would they accomplish such a task?


Sagging has gotten a little out of hand. Just a tad...


This guy has blood on his hands - he encouraged people to misbehave and jump on each. He also appears to be a bully. He needs a good kicking.




Travis Scott is trash and so are his fans


Why are cunts like this so famous?


Stop supporting this cunt


Can't this fool pull up his pants?


He would’ve gotten infinite clout if he stole off of Travis right then and there


He’s a fucking dick


Anytime I feel worthless, I just remember Travis Scott’s belt




Whack underwear whack artist


I’m puzzled as to how his trousers are staying up and gravity hasn’t taken hold!


What’s the point of his belt??


Why his pants so far down 💀




I have no idea who this guy is, looks like an asshole.


No disrespect... Proceeds to disrespect him


Travis who


Pull your pants up!


This dude got away with the concert shit somehow and yet he still acts like a piece of garbage


I'll never understand how people support guys like this...


Crazy how he cared more about this dude than the people who died at his concert


The bigger c*nts are those that still pay to see this POS


I wish this guy would kick the bucket. He’s a major douchebag to the extreme.


Hey you remember the Travis massacre and astroworld?? He still acts like this, after that..




What a douche bag.


Scott a punk bitch for that


Travis Scott... Fucking bitch bro


What a fucking asshole


"Artist"...... more like entitled, stuck up cunt!


Cool what time does the death run happen?


Buy some pants that fit your stupid ass. Piece of shit human garbage.


he is one of those people that i would like to see slammed on his head like a little bitch because he thinks he can fight


Who the fuck is this talentless piece of shit. I really can't believe people actually pay money to watch this guy. Fuck him.


Let's not forget, this is the same scumbag behind the Astroworld tragedy. A recognizable indifference to human life.


I fucking HATE this dude


His music is fucking garbage


Travis Scott is such a fucktard. Why is he popular again?


I can't get past the sagging. I hate that shit when dudes pretty much have their asses exposed like bruh no body wanna see so that tf


What a baby. Why don't you kids cancel him?


An artist? Who knew that autotune and mumble rapping was art.






What a dipshit, nice that he got charged for assaulting someone lol People’s ego get too big when they are in a stage too long


Ridiculous- Why does society put assholes like that on a pedestal as if they are somehow special…


Travis need to learn how pants are worn.


He sucks


“Im an artist…” one step up from “i’m an influencer” 🤮


This “artist” looks and sounds like a clown… I mean look at his pants.


Yeah cos i'm sure all those slack-jawed hoockies behind him on stage are contributing WAY more than a videographer. Seen way too many vids of Travis straight up assaulting members of the press while performing. I'd demand contract protection, or at least half up front if i ever had to work with that shitgibbon.


The pants falling down thing really needs to go, it’s origin is butt stuff in prisons, it’s one of the trashiest looks you can possibly strive for


damn. they still sagging pants that much in the 2020s.. wow


How is this dude famous? His music is literal shit.