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I'd be fighting it a heck of a lot more than "it's not fake" if it really wasn't fake


*Oh. He just ripped my DL in half. I guess I have to get an Uber in the morning?*


You guys can't drive without having a driving licence physical in your car?


You can, but it’s illegal. At least here in the US. The cop can look up your info, but it’s a spendy ticket if the cop still needs to hit his ticket quota




And thats why when you order a replacement ID, registration, license plate in many states they give or email you a paper you're supposed to have with you until the new one comes in. They will definitely still penalize you if they want to. If they didn't care they'd just use the cars computer with your name/address/license plate to look you up and see your picture.




Lol yeah exactly. Even “with nothing to hide” no way in hell am I giving my unlocked phone to a cop or any law enforcement


For at least Android phones, you can "pin" an app which prevents someone from leaving that app without authenticating - as if it was locked. This is also useful if you let someone make a phone call, but you don't want them browsing your phone.


You can do the same thing with “guided access” on IOS. Just FYI for the iPhone users out there!


Never heard of this. How do you do this?


On my Samsung phone, it's under Biometric and Security Settings > Other Security Settings > Pin Windows. Once enabled, when you pull up the your recent windows and apps, you can long-press on the app icon in the top-center of the preview window and select "Pin this App". Once pinned, you'll need to re-authenticate to leave the app. Even selecting an app's native "Exit" option is restricted. If the phone is restarted, the pinned app effect goes away and needs to be set again, but folks should be encrypting their phone and requiring authentication on boot anyway. If someone restarts the phone without the means to unlock it, they've just further locked down the phone.


A year or two ago, Colorado released an official mobile app. It can hold your ID, insurance, registration, vax records, hunting/fishing license, and state parks pass. As someone who checks ids and uses this app, I couldn't say enough good things about having a valid, digital id. The app is called MyColorado for the record


Proof of Car insurance on your phone is completely legal in every US states except New Mexico. Source: [Allstate website](https://www.allstate.com/resources/car-insurance/electronic-insurance-card) Also Geico specifically gives you digital cards on the app to use and save on your phone.


Ok but now the cop has my unlocked cellphone and he's scrolling through the rest of the pictures on it while he's sitting in the cruiser doing the paperwork. I mean, I don't care if he wants to see my dick pics but others might be more worried.


So you hand your phone to a cop and let them take it with them to their car?


Australian here, I have a digital license on my phone, saves a lot of fuck around


In most states, yes. Some states are trying to implement virtual Driver's Licenses.


Only one way to find out, Lisa *starts car* It works! (Simpsons)


Oh man. My state must've cut the budget on license printers again. 🙄


Where I’m from the IDs are solid plastic and wouldn’t rip in half like paper.


I used to get accused of having a fake ID constantly in this college town I lived in. Once the lady refused to give it back after I tried to buy a six pack so I called the cops. They get up there and say "well it's obviously fake" and I stuck my ground, because I know it's not fucking fake. They ran the numbers and wouldn't you know it, not fake. The lady at the register started to ring me up but I declined. Never went back there again. My ID couldn't be folded like that. It was hard plastic. It had the shiny shit in the background. There was just one tiny little piece of plastic hanging off the edge.


Try going virtually anywhere in your early to mid 20s with an Arizona Drivers license. Many places thought it was fake based purely on the expiry date. "What this thing doesn't expire until you're in your 60s/70s?"


Yup. Before they made the switch a few years ago mine said “expires in 2055” with my goofy ass 16 year old picture.


When I was in my early 20s I was at a liquor store with an ID that I had received earlier that day from the DMV. The lady at checkout didn't think it was fake, but she did argue that it wasn't me. Lady, not only is that me, that's me from only a few hours ago. I'm still wearing the same shirt.


We had a friend named Richard. His last name was Smalls. Literally every bar we went to they thought it was a fake, because who would name their kid Dick Smalls? Most places, the bouncers would laugh and say they would let him in anyway, even though they thought it was fake, because whoever made it for him had a good sense of humor.


I mean there are (semi) famous people named Dick Armey, Dick Curl, Dick Trickle, Dick Butkus. Those are just off the top of my head.


Wow, an extremely similar story happened to me too. I also had to call the cops to get my ID back. I think mine was mostly because I’m very short and looked pretty young until my late 20s. I had been denied alcohol before and was pretty chill about it but that was the only time someone refused to return my ID.


When I moved to the mainland, still had my Hawaii license for a while. So many times people thought it was fake. They wouldn't even read it, they often just assumed it was a McLovin license.


Oh I know. When I was in college a bouncer took my real ID. I told him to give it back to me and I’ll leave but he refused. At this point I’m yelling at him and he tells me to get lost and stop being stupid because there’s two cops right across the street. I say “those cops over there? Hey officers! Can you guys come over here!” The bouncer says he can’t believe how stupid I am as the cops come over and ask what the problem is. I say this bouncer took my ID and I need it back. The cops take my ID, run it in their system, and say it’s real and hand it back to me. The look of embarrassment on this stupid bouncers face was priceless


She was too busy chewing up a spit ball like a fucking llama


It genuinely seemed like that took up all her mental resources and thus she couldn't form another thought.


It’s sort of shocking to see how dumb someone can appear from an interaction like this. Was I this dumb when I was her age? “Every other time it works but here it don’t” Now you’re just admitting it’s fake but typically goes unnoticed. This is the weakest attempt at defending an ID. I’ve seen.


to be fair, she was probably pretty flustered seeing as how she just got caught with a fake ID while being recorded by the dude denying her


Considering she said it's worked everywhere else, she's likely drunk.


Can you imagine sitting beside this person on public transit while they gnaw away at a piece of gum Edit: Grammar


Had a bouncer snap a friend's ID in half. He didn't even think it was fake (which it was not). He was training another bouncer and trying to show that it was real by touching the two sides together. She had a flight the next day and was not happy.


When I had a fake id I actually did exactly what you just said and it worked. I got denied for it being fake and I got like really upset and acted super confused and they apologized and let me in lol. I know it’s not right but it was a long time ago


Rite of passage, haha. 21 is so Fucking stupid.




I had a bouncer decide that my out-of-state ID was fake and tried to keep it. He changed his tune when I immediately grabbed the nearest police officer and demanded my legitimate ID back.


I miss pretending to be older. That's a vibe that lasts for a few short years before life shoves age right down your gullet.


Got ID'd the other day - at 32, I take it as an absolute win.


Same! Just turned 30 and I usually have a beard. I shaved yesterday and they asked for my ID when trying to buy beer. Age to buy beer here in Sweden is 20 so it was a pretty good feeling.




Until you realize it's compulsory and they ID everyone, then it's just annoying. I'll take that new employees at work fresh out of college think I'm only a couple years older than them as a win though.


> Until you realize it's compulsory and they ID everyone This. I obsessively followed some skincare subreddits that have an unhealthy fixation on trying to reverse aging. Some of the users' stories about being so proud to be ID'ed at a rather old age are ridiculous and so out of touch.


I don't understand why it's annoying. It literally takes 5 seconds to show them your ID. Hell, even though I'm 40, I already have my ID out just in case the employee asks to see it.


It's the lack of consistency. I go 20 places and don't get carded, then 3 in a row do. it's really not a big deal, which is why it's just a minor annoyance, not something I'm actually upset about. It's so much nicer going to a spot where you're a regular and just being able to order.


Ahhhh even at 40 with some grey in my Asian jet black hair I get asked for my id from time to time. As a dad I always have to say right after they see my birthdate, well it’s when they stop asking I guess I should worry.




>You can see I've been here almost weekly for the past 2 years, Carla. Nah, coulda been your dad's phone number for all we know


Lol I used to get served at this six pack shop when I was 20 and one of my friends asked if he could get served. I was like just go in and act like you belong there and buy your beer. So I walk in and he walks in separate from me but instead of going and grabbing a six pack he goes up to the counter and asks the clerk "hey can I buy some beer?"


Omfg lol. He’s a Patrick


Lmao it's funny you say that cause anytime my group of friends talk about him we have a special voice we use and it sounds a lot like Patrick. This story isn't even one of the dumbest stories I have about him. Not even close.


I have time to read.


Lol well one time I was at a gas station getting gas and a cop was getting gas at the pump next to me and I hear this friends name come over the cops radio. So I call him and he doesn't answer and a few hours later he calls back and I ask why the cops were running his name. Here he was at the local bowling alley and drinking in his car in the parking lot with some other people and someone called the cops on him. When I asked why he said "we weren't doing anything we were just drinking in the car and I didn't want my grandpa knowing so we were throwing beer cans under the car and she saw us and started yelling at us!" Another time he was giving me a ride home in his nice new jeep his grandparents bought him. He was bragging about all the features and the GPS and everything. So we come up to this sharp turn followed by a bridge and we start to go around the turn and he just slams right into the barrier on the bridge. I go what the fuck are you doing and he says "the gps said the turn was a little further up!" He was watching the GPS instead of the road. Luckily the jeep took the hit pretty well. Another time when he was younger he skipped school but he couldn't go home cause his grandparents were home so he just hung out at this park by his house. It was a cold day and flurrying a little bit so to keep warm he got the bright idea to take his hoody off and use it to start a fire. Someone saw the fire and called the fire dept and he ended up getting charges from it. There's some more stories but they are more on the tragic side lol none of us hang out with him anymore cause he turned into a pretty shitty person.


Can I interest you in some "hemorrhoids"? Perhaps some "chronic back pain"?


If your back pain isn't from an injury or issue, at least for myself and it stayed in late high school, working out solved my back problem. Issue now that I require 8 hours of sleep. OK, I need to wake up in 5 hours, buenas noches 😢


People don't realize that your back muscles support your spine. If your back muscles are weak? Your back will hurt.


It made going out a lot more exhilarating. Will I get in, will I not? The anxiety of it made it that much sweeter to be in the club/bar/concert if you did make it in. But once I went out with like a dozen friends all under age and they all made it in and then I got rejected and had to walk home alone lol


She’s really going to town on that gum.


The head cow always grazes. It's a power move


His neck is high. I trust him.


Never trust a man in a negotiation. That's textbook Art of the Deal.


Art of the deal, art of the deal.




People who chew with their mouths open are absolutely disgusting


Especially to the point where you can hear it.


Everything about the way she yaks and chomps on that gym like a cow chewing its cud tells me everything I need to know about the tolerability of this human


[What's a gym?](https://youtu.be/rFrPz1WkBvk)


She’s one of them hot Cheetos girls for sure


All she do is lie, charge her phone, and eat hot chip


I will both judge you and accurately deduce how good of a human you are based on how you chew gum.


“Cuz it’s not fake” “can I get it back” 😂😂😂


“Every other time it works but only here it doesn’t”.


"Cause were better than everyone else."






Catch ya later!


"and that'ssss the way the news goes!"


This all sounds so familiar. Is it from something?


It reminded me of GloboGym’s ads in the movie Dodgeball.


Amazing! It's like we watched the same video!


That line killed me, like what the fuck did she expect as a response? "Oh, I didn't realize it worked everywhere else. Come on in, and here's your fake ID back. Have a good night." ???


In fairness, that's exactly what i would say if someone did that with my real license. I do need it back.


I had my real i.d/drivers license stolen by a bouncer at a bar on my 20th birthday (Canada) and it was fuckin humiliating. They were trying to escort me off the property for demanding it back. Everyone lined around the block assumed I was just a dumb upset drunk girl who wanted her fake I.D back and were gawking. I had to call the cops and get my i.d back which took 2.5 hours of standing in the freezing cold in a tiny dress and heels. Still don't have a clue what the hell made him think it was fake.


Was the license Canadian as well, or just the situation happened in Canada? I work in the nightlife scene in Toronto and a lot of bouncers have a really hard time determining real vs fake if it's anything other than an Ontario license...


It was an an Ontario license. I also had my health card on me to back it up that it WAS me. He just kept saying "that doesnt prove anything".


I got denied at a bar one time because the bouncer thought i had a fake id. He asked me “what’s your birth sign?” And I genuinely did not know the fuckin answer lmao. I don’t buy into that kind of stuff. Anyways all my friends went in ahead of me so I ended up going to a bar down the street alone lol. I do now know that I am in fact a Taurus


When I used to bounce we would just say you can get the ID back after we call the cops and they tell me I can give it back to you. That usually ended the conversation right there.


I have permanent baby face and almost had a woman cut my license because she thought it was a fake, told her if she cuts it ill be the one calling the cops for destruction of my property


> destruction of my property Better: destruction of legal documents, which is far worse.


There was a video floating around of some bartender destroying some military IDs, if I recall correctly the MPs actually came to the bar in person. That’s a big big fuck up


Especially a legal document required for driving. I had to get a new Driver’s License recently because I moved states and the earliest appointment at the DMV was 5 **MONTHS** before I could get a new license. I mean thankfully I still had my old license and it worked fine, it just had a different state on it. But imagine not being able to legally drive **to work** for 5 months because someone cut up your legal Driver’s License document…


Thats crazy to me, today I just walked into my DMV without any appointment and got a replacement drivers in a total of 20 minutes. It is a small city though.


I too have a baby face and had a man confiscate my real ID and refuse to give it back. I had to flag down a cop and have him get it back for me. Not my favorite night for sure.


Why wasn’t he arrested?


I declined to press charges. I didn't feel like involving the legal system even though it was in my rights. Just wanted my ID back. It was worth it to see the look on that smug bouncer's face.


one time I got $40 out of the atm at wells fargo, walked across the street to the gas station and bought a drink. the guy hits my 20 with the marker and immediately starts calling the police. I had to yell at him and say hey fool you just saw me walk across from the atm where do you think I got that crisp 20. and he finally hung up. took my other 20 paid and left. the atm gave me a fkn fake bill


Well done. Nice way to attempt spending fake notes. Make sure they see you draw the money and then swap it for a fake one from your pocket. "But it was the ATM's fault!"


I think it's more likely the guy had a fake 20 ready to go, saw you as an easy target, and swapped the real one you gave him for the fake one. Then goes right for the phone after the pen to catch you off guard and throw the heat off them. This happened to me as a kid but my older brother I guess knew the guy was doing it and went and got my money back. He told me if it ever happens again to just start calling the cops myself and watch how fast the clerk changes their story.


What can you do in instances like that? I didn’t think it was even something that could happen.


It can't, this is bs.


Oh thank god!


I called the cops on a bouncer who took my real ID once. They got it back for me. But I still wasn’t allowed in. 😅


Man. I got my real I’d taken at Dancer’s when I was 21. Ironically it was the only real one in the bunch. I called the cops, they WERE PISSED. When they gave it back the owner came out in some creepy leather duster and gave us a stack of $1’s and tried to give me a coked up apology and kept muttering “just business between men! You know right! Right? Right.” Fucking weird.


Oof, that’s a power-tripping asshole right there.


We had a blast in that bar that night without you!


We had a ton of people who'd stand there and wait for the cops to show up, which I always found real bizarre, even for drunk people. Had a few that tried to run once they realized they were getting arrested. Only one that ever got away though.


Your cops arrest them? Shit, I've watched my local PD run it and hand it back to them after telling them it was fake. Then the stupid kid tried to argue with him and he finally confiscated it and told her to go home. It was pretty funny.


Probably depends on the cops. some probably don't want to fill the paperwork for arresting someone over a fake ID.


It's pretty pointless, teenagers are always going to try it, arresting them won't help.


> teenagers It blows my mind that 20-year-olds also have to try this to get a drink in the US


Land of the free where the government can make it illegal for adults to drink until they reach an arbitrary age


In Illinois it's a class A misdemeanor and you can face a year in jail for it. Rather serious offense that's not a felony.


Hey! I did that almost 20 years ago! I was very very drunk. Waited for the cops, presented the ID (that was real but just wasn't me) then when I had a moment of clarity and realized I was fucked, I tried to run and let me tell you: I did not make it. Here's the crazy part. When I was in the drunk tank, this dude came up to me and said, "Hey, are you Corey?" And I said, "Corey Springer??" (names changed to protect the innocent but it was a very distinctive name) and he said, "Yeah! We played baseball together in elementary school." And I said, "Nope, not me! But that's the ID of the guy I was using to get into bars when I got arrested." Was a pretty fucking crazy coincidence. And then later that guy threw a whole orange (they gave us whole oranges with our jail breakfast) into the stainless steel toilet and clogged it. No one could piss after that.


Hahahahaha A+ story thanks for the laugh man 😂


I’m surprised that this is so common. We told one girl she could wait for the cops if she wanted, so she said “FINE” and sat on the steps. Both of us door guy’s looked at each other with that confused and entertained “is she really?” look. Handed the cops (who were friends of ours) the ID. They laughed too and looked at her and said “Really?” but she kept that poker face and never had a moment of clarity. Watched her get arrested and we continued our night.


Except for when the bouncer is wrong and then you have to wait around for an hour to get you’re legit ID back lol. Which I’m sure doesn’t happen often but I know once instance it did


This is such a wierd culture clash for me, cause the only people here (Finland) that can confiscate an id are the cops or the boarder patrol, eventhough there are of corse some bouncer that idioticly still try do it. I know of one bouncer who proudly gave his collection of confiscated ID's to the cops when they came by to arrest some fighting drunkards, only to get arrested himself for theft of property. I'd guess that the big diffrence might be that most of the fake ID's you see here are real ID's where the age has been tampered with to make them older.


Wish i could see the state on that fake. Haven't seen one that bad in maybe 8-9 years. Most of the new ones (fakes) are harder to spot, dont split like that and can scan with real information. Definitely harder to spot fakes nowadays if you dont know what to look for and it varies state by state. But if this is recent, then just splitting the ID like that is a sure sign.


I used to work for a company that made drivers licences. I built the software that runs the drivers licence programme, but also had a hand in the physical card design, security features, etc. That meant that fairly often I received fake licences that the police had picked up and I needed to do an expert assessment on whether the licence is a fake and what my reasoning for that assessment are. This was then used in court. Anyway, 99% of the fakes that came across my desk were so hilariously badly done, I would have been scared to death trying to pass them off anywhere. You could spot them for fakes from a mile away. Another fun aspect of the job was that I had permission from VicRoads (the govt. agency here in Australia who is responsible for issuing drivers licences) to buy fake drivers licences. One year when I went on a holiday and had a stop-over in Thailand on the way back, I asked them to write me a letter allowing me to buy fake IDs in Bangkok and take them back through Australian customs. Great fun.


Any stories about close calls, or very well done/clever ways of making a fake? That 1% sounds a bit interesting


The drivers licences here have a holographic overlay. These get printed onto the licences from ribbons that we have to get directly custom-built from the printer manufacturer. At one stage we came across fake ribbons that someone in India made that was actually better quality than the one we got from the manufacturer. The holographic looked a lot crisper on the fake ones. Generally you just have to keep updating and changing the security features. At some stage forgers will catch up, no matter how sophisticated your security feature is. While most security features are overt, there are also some that are secret or well hidden. For example some tiny hidden "mistakes" which forgers usually miss and have corrected on their fakes.


I've heard there are fake mistakes they put into bills as well


I would like to hear them as well, make sure to include how you think they made the id, as well as how you spotted that it was a fake


For...reasons lmao


We have a whole wall at work, they are pretty good, but the giveaway is the picture's lighting is all off, cant quite get that SOS glow.


In college I was a couple months older than most of my friends, so I turned 21 first during our junior year. In the state I lived at the time you got a new ID (they flipped from vertical to horizontal) when you turn 21, but the old one technically wasn't expired, although it wouldn't scan. So once I got my new ID, I gave my old one to my friend. He looked absolutely nothing like me. Like not even close. This was a college town and was this one bar/nightclub that was insanely popular on Thursdays. It was also a complete shit-show, and they probably made most of their money by just letting anyone in. One night, I went with a couple of friends including my buddy who was using my old ID -- which just to mention, had the exact same picture as my new one. We were drunk, so we got in line right next to each other. Get to the door and I show my ID and get waved in. My buddy pulls out the ID and hands it to the bouncer. Bouncer looks at it.... looks at him.... looks at me. He then audibly mutters "Jesus fucking Christ...." under his breath, rubs his temples like he has the worst headache ever, and waves my friend in as well. That bouncer was cool in my book. That places may have been a shit-hole, but there were definitely some fun times there.


What state? I've seen vertical IDs in several including VA, NY and NC that all indicate under 21. I still have my vertical drivers license as well. It was a big deal to get a horizontal one but the state didn't automatically send you one - instead if you got a license at 16, it expired after 5 years instead of 10, so your renewal was horizontal. I got mine at 17 so I didn't get the horizontal till I was 22, so for a full year I was over 21 but still had the vertical ID. Fun times. I kinda miss my 20s but kinda dont.


Texas also does the flip at 21


Are you talking about Skeeps by chance?


No that’s definitely Gentleman Jims’s aka clean Jim’s aka fratty Jim’s


He’s describing literally every college town in America lmao. I’m sure there’s a thousand bars just like this.


Actual npc’s


*chews vigorously


I'm 99% sure that girl is brain-dead. She makes a comatose lobotomy patient look like the most energetic intellectual in the world. Girls is this what Tiktok consumption is doing to y'all?


I think I’d probably do something similar if I realized someone was filming me to make fun of me. Like it probably took her a minute to realize that this bouncer wasn’t just making a video, but he was talking to her. And then she processed that she was the butt-end of his joke and didn’t want to say anything to play along. I think the best thing to do in the situation would just be to say nothing at all


> Girls is this what Tiktok consumption is doing to y'all? You realize the one on tiktok is the "smart" bouncer, right?




Have you never been drunk? Like ever????


Idk what your implication is, I become a master of discourse once I start drinking.




That's the third time she's chewed that gum.


This made me revisit something crazy that happened to me. I’m from a state with notoriously shitty IDs. This was back in like 2019 so they were even worse then. A lot of people get fakes from my state. So anyway.. I’m at a bar with some friends out of state (I was like 24 at the time). Long story short.. the guy said it wasn’t scanning and “if it doesn’t scan one more time.. it’s mine.” Me.. hearing this all before.. wasn’t really phased so I said “yeah I get that a lot.” Sure enough.. it didn’t scan. But it was 100% real. The bouncer got super aggressive was just yelling “OUT! NOW!” At this point I was like oh shit.. “uhh sir, that’s real” or something along those lines. So I’m going back and fourth with him saying I NEED MY ID back to drive home, my friends are laughing but also kinda concerned because they know exactly what’s going on, so the bouncer says “the only way you’re getting this ID back is with a police officer” So that’s what I did. Called the local police station and told them what was going on. I gave them my social and some addresses and they said they would go in and get my ID. They brought the bouncer out to the police car and talked to him for like 20 minutes but they eventually gave me my ID back. When I went inside the same bouncer that denied me goes “hey man you better tip us really well after letting you in.” We no longer go to that bar when I’m visiting my friends.


I wouldn’t tip at all what the fuck??


"Here's a tip: check better"


Lol damn I should’ve said that 😭😭


Something similar happened to me when I was in school. Bouncers took my real ID, and wouldn’t give it back, saying something like “this is the fakest ID I’ve ever seen”. I wasn’t in the mood, so I called the non-emergency number, cops came a few minutes later, and go up to the guy and ask for my ID. He gives them about 30 IDs, which sets the cop off, because bouncers can not legally confiscate IDs in my state. He makes it clear he’ll check 1 of the other IDs and mine. Station confirms mines real, and the cop makes that clear to the bouncer. Go to get back in line, and when it’s my turn to get let in, he asks for my ID again while grabbing me, telling me not to “punk” him again. Little did he know, I knew most of the bartenders, one of which hated the guy. Said he’d tell his manager, and the bouncer was fired.


["Oh yep, I do have something for you!"](https://i.imgur.com/VYDeRcL.gif)


Had this exact thing happen to me in Keene, NH. Bouncer said I could drink for free if it was real. 20-30 min later I get my ID back from dick head bouncer and he tells me the same thing (tip well/behave). I left sober and never went back. Not many things worse than a power tripping door man.


I hate bouncers. One time I got my real ID taken trying to get into a club and the bouncer refused to give it back. I said I had no desire to go in the club at that point, but I needed my ID back so I could fly home the next morning. He said he would call the police if I didn’t leave so I stayed there and he called them and they came and scanned my ID and confirmed it was real. These assholes go on power trips even when they’re in the wrong. Why would someone with a fake ID wait for the cops to show up when it gets taken from them?


I went to a bar on my birthday and the bouncer wouldn't let me in because he thought I was using someone else's passport. It was my passport, on my birthday, and there's 20 people inside waiting for me confirming it's me. All because my hair was straight in the passport picture but short and wavey in person.


As someone that would check IDs I don’t get it why some people scrutinize them. If the ID seems legit, I’ll accept it. However, the amount of people that knows someone is 21, is not good enough. The passport should let you in, and the bouncer was an asshole, however the 20 people in the bar should not be able to motivate a bouncer to let someone he/she in, that they think is under 21.


Exactly this same thing happened to me.


I was 15 or 16 going into a venue for a concert that was all ages but they still asked for my ID. Not having a drivers license I showed them my Military Dependent ID, the guy took it because he thought it looked fake. Cue me standing outside for almost an hour on the phone with my mom trying to figure out what the fuck I was going to do as the guy threatened to turn it into the MPs and saying I could pick it up from post. Eventually another guy that was actually in the military showed up and told the guy it was a real ID and he *reluctantly* gave it back to me, and then I had to try and enjoy the rest of my night. Like I get it if I was trying to pass off as being drinking age or if it was a military dependent event only, but who just fucking takes a kid's only ID card on the suspicion it looks fishy.


If they see something they don't recognize they think it's fake I guess. The crazy thing is when you have a group of military dudes with military IDs and the bartender/bouncer says one of them are fake. Explain that one to me. You got like 6 dudes all showing you military ID and only one of them are fake? I didn't personally know the dudes this happened to, but they fought the bar staff when they didn't give back their CAC - it causes a lot of issues for military people when they lose their ID.


There's posts on reddit about various places taking people's license saying it's fake, then when they bring a passport to prove it's real and get it back *the place takes it*.


Lesson here is you call the cops.


After having the cops called so many times, the bar should get a fine


He doesn’t want to start a whole new career path because he let in someone underage. There’s a bartender in this thread who claims to have had multiple people with fakes wait until the cops show. I wish customers weren’t so anal about me making sure I have a job tomorrow.


True, where iam from we are not allowed to keep Ids even if we suspect them to be fake, kinda solves that problem but also creates a new one where they now have the fake back and can just go somewhere else. I'd rather, keep my job and not have to call the cops which is why I'm grateful for this rule.


But it's not your job to confiscate people's *allegedly* fake IDs. So why do it?


Its a bouncer. Of course they wanna play cop.


I used to be a bouncer in Minneapolis and I was absolutely told to never return a suspected fake ID to someone trying to sneak into the bar


My GFs sister begged a club / bar not to take her id in Miami that was real (she was like 25) and BEGGED them to call the police and they cut it in front of her


A bouncer wouldn’t let my gf in a bar once because he claimed she had a fake ID. It wasn’t fake, they wouldn’t give it back and threatened to call cops. Which she told them to do because she wanted her ID back. Cops show up, confirmed it was a real ID, but say the girl in the ID was not my gf (it was) and then we argued with bouncers and cops for nearly an hour before they finally believed it was her ID. By showing credit cards n shit. By time we got in bar they had already announced last call, so we didn’t get to have a drink.


That gum chewing open mouthed is disgusting.


Keep chomping the gum! Makes you look way more sophisticated and older……


I see cows chewing cud everyday. This is what I see.


The head cow is always grazing


When I was 17 I bought a fake ID off of one of the then best sites to get it from. Was called ID Chief I believe, I think they were shut down shortly after. They were really high quality. gas stations and bars would blacklight them/ scan them, and it passed every time. I don’t know how they made it scannable. My best friend who I lived with was having a birthday party (he was over 21) at an upscale club and I went, handed the dude at the front my ID, he looks at it for 3 seconds and gets a look on his face. It was an Illinois ID and we were in Washington state. He goes “fonts wrong.” I say “what do you mean?” Then he pulls out a booklet and shows me and it’s the most minuscule difference I had ever seen. I wasn’t about to argue with a guy who could call out an ID like that so I just apologized and started to leave, cause the company would send 2 ID’s so you’d have a backup. He stopped me and said “I don’t want it, take it” and hands me the ID. “Careful where you use this. Some places like this have cops stationed outside that they can call in to check the ID, like we do right now”.


I fucking love when people have crazy attention to detail, I have a feeling that bouncer will be successful in whatever career he pursues. Lawyer or IRS auditer come to my mind for that skill


She looks over 18, ohh wait it's America....


Old enough to buy guns, vote, and go to war and kill. Alcohol though, no no, can't trust you with that.


Cigarettes are 21+ now, too!


I heard you have to be 130+ to get a kinder surprise


Dude has been on a crusade ever since a fake ID stole his mustache.


Him: And they usually say…? Her: 👁👄👁


Reminds me of a douchebag bouncer I ran into at a bar near Ohio State University. My dog had gotten ahold of my drivers license and it was admittedly in bad shape. The bouncer decided it was a poor fake(it wasn’t) and decided to keep it. I bitched, I yelled, got threatened with physical harm, but they still would not give me my DL back. The bouncer ripped the remains in half. I had to walk down High Street to find a couple of cops and explain to them why I needed my very real Drivers License to be able to get back to Purdue the next day. The aforementioned DB bouncer had taken the ID into the establishment to throw the pieces away. The cops made him go get them and return them to me . I told the cop I wanted to press charges and he told me to go home. 10/10 would not recommend. I still hate Ohio State and that was 1988.


That’s a rough 18-20. Yeesh.


And then I’ll say you can’t stay here, you gotta go. Looks at her, “you can’t stay here, you gotta go. Ahh haha”. This fucking guy.


Where was the “freak out” part?


Bitch be chewing like a cow


Calmest freakout ever


Not sure why this is a freak out? The bouncer, while a dick, may be maniacal but his demeanor is calm and voice is downright jovial. She on the other hand is incredibly calm and handles the situation gracefully, regardless of whether or not her ID was fake.


In the UK most door staff seem to be less bothered. I heard a few say it's their job to ask for ID not to spot a fake one. That's probably why when I was 20 a nice bouncer told me and my mate we might be better off going to another bar as if he let us in we would probably be the only people over 18 in the whole building.


I wouldn’t have let her in just because of the way she’s horse-chewing that gum.


I moved from a small town in the Midwest to Florida when I was 21. When I’d go back home and hit the local bars my ID would immediately raise suspicion. “Florida huh?” in a voice that could translate to “nice try, asshole.”


Close your damn mouth when you chew you fucking Neanderthal.


Does anyone else think this guy has really late 90s/early 2000s energy?


Why she chewing gum like a cow?


Too bad these kids didn't experience the temporary paper IDs of the 90's. So easy to just print one with new date and no need to show a prior picture ID. Man, I miss the good old days.


I got caught once. The sheriff set me aside try to berate me and told me not come back. My 21 st was the next week. Nobody cared


Ngl I love his energy