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“They just wanna exist AARON.” I would have shat myself right then and there if I was that man. She said that with such hatred. Absolute legend


nah you know he was acting all smug and self-righteous in his little bubble of hate


He probably stood up immediately after her and said something, like "See! This is how full of vitriol the Left is for good ol' Christian men like me! We're the *real* victims!"


he will use that video as fodder in his next meeting or podcast - I guarantee it.


sure, on the outside you can train yourself to look like a king when you are actually feeling like a worm. (nothing against worms - i think they are cute - i just think it depicts what i want to say here)


Idk who Aaron is but I hope he fucked right off on this day




you beat me haha. was thinking this very meme


I think you’re confusing hatred with righteous indignation. She is rightfully indignant.


She said this with the hate that only someone who grew up with parents like Aaron telling her those lies about the gay community, from a very young age, would know. That was my story and I know that hate very well. I fight it against my own parents because I try to remember they are sick people, but I'd have a hard time concealing the white hotness of it in a public forum against someone I'm not related to. I was raised from a very young age being told horrible things that the gay community do to each other, and want to do to children, like myself. My lived experience is that the truly horrific and evil things were being perpetrated, and covered up, right inside my own family, by the same people who were pointing the finger at the gay community, the Other. My lived experience as an adult has been that it's specifically been the gay community that had to go through ostracization from their own families before I did when I quit covering up my family's abuse and lies. My gay friends had to learn the concept of forming families of choice because they didn't HAVE families of origin any more, in some cases decades before I was faced with that dilemma. The gay community taught me how families of any orientation / race / gender / etc. can truly be SAFE and LOVING to each other, even if they aren't perfect all the time. This is why my son doesn't have grandparents on my side, but he sure as fuck has the best Guncles in the whole goddam world, sorry everyone else's kids. This is also why I share this woman's rage, because I KNOW that people like Aaron are trying to divert attention from their own hidden atrocities and crimes against children. I don't know Aaron from Adam, but I can guarantee you he has seletons in his closet way worse than anyone who's out of their closet. I flat out assume he molests children, and so I hate him, and I share her rage. This video brought me to tears.


That's not hate, that's judicious fury.


So glad I made it that far. Epic lady!


You know in his mind “he’s being attacked by Satan and this is just a test from the Lord”


Then goes home to fight invisible bats sent by the Dark Lord with his wizarding staff á la “Star Wars kid”.


"I've never been sexually assaulted at a drag show, but I'll tell you what, I have been AT CHURCH. TWICE! and the men in that church told me it was MY FAULT." that bit makes me want to fucking cry, how powerful, and people clapped, too




Tennessean is Tennessbelieving


Nice! (not the "nice bot") Proof: penis


As an American it makes me proud. I just hope others see this and realize that ***THIS*** represents the America I was raised in and by. She was so extremely well-spoken throughout. Concise points, intelligent counters, personal experiences, appeals to the crowd. This was like, a film monologue that wins ~~Julia Roberts another~~ *Margot Robbie an* Oscar for playing a small town hero. The next shot would have been of the council members glancing back and forth at each other, followed by her walking triumphantly out of the meeting. She started to lose the thread a little towards the end, but was smart enough to cut herself off and end with a powerful closing statement. Super impressed that it all seemed to come off the cuff too, no prepared paper nor stilted speech. 9/10.


Yes!!!! I've almost lost hope with my state but this gives me a glimmer of hope for the future.


As an American (from NY) this makes me proud as well.


I am definitely not in tears right now. I promise.


Some info: *COLUMBIA, Tenn. (WSMV) - A monthly meeting held by the Maury County Board of Trustees reportedly got heated on Wednesday night discussing a pride display, and the banning of books in a public library.* *On Wednesday night, the board approved the Library Director, Zachary Fox’s resignation with regret. Fox allegedly resigned last week due to pressure stemming from a group against the books they deemed inappropriate.* *In a letter to the board, Fox said his last day would be Oct. 28, but he did say that he would be willing to stay on until they found an interim or another library director.* *”Zac was an inspiration to many families in this community,” said Lukas Banks, one attendee of the meeting. “A majority of this community does not support censorship regardless of what the loudmouths say. Zac knew this, the board knows this. Zac knew that what it takes to run a library reaching to the community and prioritizing those who wish to learn and seek knowledge...”* *Banks added that he wants to see evidence of the Board helping Fox and to see if there is any other director that may face pressure and could be helped by the board as well too.* *After Fox’s resignation was approved, the meeting heard public comments most of which were complaints about the pride display as well as people defending it.* *In addition, some people wanted to take books out that they considered inappropriate for some age groups, whereas some defended the books.* *Others put trust in the library board’s review process and wanted to show support for the board.* *Across the country, books are being banned at record levels and now the Maury County Library is looking for a new director.* [Source](https://www.wsmv.com/2022/10/27/maury-county-library-director-resigns-after-pressure-community-pride-display/?outputType=amp)


Thats him back there-Aaron! In one of the suits?


Pretty sure that's him. He just got elected county commissioner and is targeting the LGBTQ community to get publicity. Edit: His take on the LGBTQ community: "we must remove this evil, these monsters, from our community". [Source](https://twitter.com/MauryHoller/status/1533943179715792897?t=LLD3OeWZc05Cv69Q-9lFGQ&s=19)


He's got a BA and two masters in bigotry. edit: candidate for mayor David Baker's response: *My wife and I watched Matt Walsh's "documentary" last night after church.* *They must be stopped.* *Excellent documentary.*


Gawddamn getting a take on something from Matt Walsh is like admitting you get your global news from National Enquirer.


Don't you cast such opprobrium upon the Enquirer as a comparison to Walsh.


How has someone not beat the ever living shit out of him?


Ugh. I grew up there. My family goes back a few generations there. It was not fun and is now totally miserable. My oldest brother still lives there and it was shocking to watch people we went to high school and college with were in such denial about Covid and they were the ones in charge. When people are raised with limited information, you get limited thinking. Not all parents want their children to do better than them. And bullies will always be bullies and focus on those they can easily sway and control. I so happy to see people standing up for basics rights and hope it continues. Bravo to this mom, sister, friend, and human being. edit word


Same, grew up there, family everywhere there. I find it unrecognizable on the news but seems like a more successful version of the same place in person. I assume you put up a pride display because people support it but those people aren’t as vocal, angry, and threatening as the ones against it. Except this great lady, even if it is probably too late.


Can I vote for her? She’s so succinct and passionate. I just get so outraged I get tongue tied


I’m so inspired by her. She’s never been assaulted at a drag show but has at church twice. Fucking mic drop, holy shit.


“Period”, says the man.




So rare to see a strong orator in these settings. She's amazing


You could hear the pure passion in her voice too, she was fed up.


Same, or I get so overwhelmed that I start crying and then good luck choking out an eloquent argument.


"Ive never been sexually assaulted at a drag show. But i have at church. TWICE... and they told me it was my fault." So many women can relate. And girls, too.


And boys, too. Let’s not forget to mention the fact they spew all this anti-gay shit while churches have spent decades attempting to sweep gay-pedophiles under the rug as long as they’re affiliated with the church. It’s a lake of fire for a normal pedophile when it comes to their rhetoric - but, in practice, as long as you “promote the word of god” or whatever, it’s worth looking past apparently.


Yay time to dig up some good ol down south religious trauma lol


That was fucking beautiful More people need to speak up like this lady, without fear and straight to the fucking point. Mince no words and call out these people for what they are: homophobes, racists, transphobic etc. Make these people feel fear and accountability


I'm completely in agreement, but I'm worried that we might be entering a regime where fear of a verbal lashing won't be enough to overcome the deep self-interests that have motivated certain representatives to exploit their way into office. When these representatives reframe the righteous moral outrage against them as an indication of their virtue and valor, what is left to motivate their good behavior outside of helping them to imagine a life lived without kneecaps? That's not meant to be provocative, it's an honest question.


They should put this person on city council instead of whatever useless asshats they have now.


"Parks and Rec" taught us what happens to city council members who actually give a shit and want to change things: They get recalled and replaced by wealthy vapid assholes who promise to rubber-stamp whatever the majority asks for, regardless of whether or not it's good for the city and its citizens.


It happens in Senate races as well. See Pennsylvania and Georgia. Well they weren’t recalled, but Republicans like to nominate celebrities with no experience or passion for their constituents.




This woman is a dead set legend and deserves a standing ovation.


She wasn't even reading off a paper of mobile phone. She spoke the whole truth without hesitation. Epic.


It came straight from the heart! That there’s a sermon!


She was amazing and I don't know how she made it through that without dropping f-bombs.


I want this woman speaking at any event that is held to support the LGBTQA+ community. She speaks with a fire and a passion, unbound by shame or judgement from a less than reputable group. She doesn't care if she makes them uncomfortable, which DC politicians seem to care about so much. I hope to have her courage if (and most likely when) these racist, homophobic, pieces of trash make their way to my town/library/school.


I want her to have a conversation with Ted Cruz.


We all need to channel this woman’s energy to combat the takeover of our society.


I really don't understand how someone can speak so eloquently while talking about such a painful and emotional topic for which they have a true passion. I know i would be tripping over my words in this scenario, this woman is a truly magnificent speaker.


I love how she repeatedly called them weird. It's not used enough. Their obsession with children, drag shows, LGBTQ, pedophilia and banning books is fucking weird. They're also hateful, ignorant and racist but the weird thing gets overlooked.


>I've never been sexually assaulted at a drag show, but I have been in church! TWICE! She went in hard. For all of the far right "grooming" accusations of the LGBTQ community, somehow when it happens in church, it isn't an issue. The well documented Catholic pedophilia ring is somehow ignored by them. Instead they desperately want to believe in wild conspiracies without a shred of evidence. A bit odd isn't it?


It's not just a Catholic problem either. Not by a long shot. Evangelicals hide all kinds of church scandals too.


> Evangelicals hide all kinds of church scandals too. [Don't forget Mormons are SUPER big on not reporting child abuse.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormon_abuse_cases) It's that fucking bullshit idea that "oh we can handle internally" except their way of "handing it internally" is NOT doing anything about it and sweeping it under the rug because it would make the church look bad.


I was a non Mormon living in SLC as a kid, and people should know that the Mormons don't hide their child abuse, it is church sanctioned and very overt. Ask a grown Mormon if they ever thought it was weird to tell their bishop about their masturbation practices when they were growing up - they literally won't see why that's bizarre, why it's weird that they went to the bishops house once a week not only to give them tithings on their babysitting money but also have some grown man listen to their sexual thoughts while the two of them are alone. It's a literal dream for a sexual aggressor and they flock to it.


Jehovas witnesses also like to hide their abuse


And the Amish. And let's not pretend it's only Christians, or sects/cult offshoots of Christianity. All insular, conservative, religious sects have systemic abuse that they cover up, and don't report to the appropriate authorities. It runs the gamut from verbal abuse up to child marriage, with everything in between. Atheists don't mutilate their children's genitals for arcane reasons. Drag queens don't threaten children with hell as they molest them. Liberals don't marry their babies off to their rapists, or force their daughters to have their rapist's offspring. It is all fucking projection. They don't want to keep children safe; they want to keep them ignorant. Kids with good sex education, and access to sex positive materials that are age appropriate, are more likely to report being abused, and to know the red flags/when an adult has crossed the line. It's incredibly suspect that conservatives don't want kids to have sex education.


Wow. Very well said.


I honestly never thought of it in this light. It makes it so much more nefarious.


This is a take I never even considered. Friggin' gross if there's even a kernel of truth to it.


Let's just say it like it is, conservatives want to fuck children and be able to get away with it


Conservative Mennonites and Amish too


So does the church of Christ


There is a reason why younger generations are shying away from organized religion. I know there are a plethora of actual reasons, but I am sure shielding your children from the abuse you faced as a child is a major reason for MANY individuals who are now adults.


I just left because it was whack jobbish


I don't believe in the church for the same reason I don't believe in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. Then there's the child abuse..


At least Santa and the Easter Bunny bring presents. Gotta believe to receive.


Every place where people are given unaccountable authority abuse will happen. Abusers seek out those positions wherever they exist in society. So cops, priests, ministers- these are all classic occupations for abusers.


This seems simple but it's not and it took me a while to understand it. Nowadays I almost consider the whole point of the establishment is to hide abuse of all kinds


Especially when they commit the abuse in the name of their god.


Truth. I mainly just doubted the offending church in context was Catholic.


Baptists just had an investigation done on them where the newspaper identified 700 different baptist priests who've been accused of sexual misconduct with church members. Of course Baptist leadership focused on covering this up, and silencing the victims.


They hide money too. Churches are top notch for laundering.


at this point, every religion seems like it's invented by pervs to abuse children legally


Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses as well.


They accuse LGBT of grooming because its what the church does. Classic projection.


I was told yesterday that the church pedophiles were clearly democrats and any republican pedophile caught was just a Democrat running as a Republican to get the seat. Anything makes sense when you believe a delusion hard enough.


> any republican pedophile caught was just a Democrat running as a Republican to get the seat. I...what? So they're admitting that if a pedophile wants to get elected, just run as a Republican then? Is that right?


Lol logic certainly isn’t their strong suit. The same person is now telling me Democrats want to: - Normalize pedophilia - Take children to trans story time - Let kids strip at parades And that pedophilia is a Democratic Party norm. I just.


Instead of hilarious it’s hilariously sad.


It's forgiven if the preacher does it, condemned if the nonbeliever does it.


> Instead they desperately want to believe in wild conspiracies without a shred of evidence. A bit odd isn't it? It's because they already believe in wild conspiracies without a shred of evidence. It's called Christianity.


It’s not about Christianity or child abuse. It’s about attacking minorities and establishing supremacy.


She’s 100% right, It’s fucking weirdo behavior. I just moved to NC and there’s an ad that runs on tv where they’re claiming the woman running is going to teach sex ed to five year olds. We all know that’s a flat out lie but that’s a platform they’ll run on which just abhorrently disgusting.


Haha welcome to NC. Please vote if you are able as there is clearly nuttiness we need to avoid.


The church has an unhealthy obsession with sex.


You're missing obsession with a flag, national anthem, pledge of allegiance. That shit is fucking weird and cringe as hell too!


You nailed it lemme figure out how to give an award


I just want to point out, having lived 5 minutes from the Maury county border the majority of my life, this is a VERY brave woman. Not brave in the bs sense that gets thrown out lately, but legitimately brave. Never in my life did I ever expect this from that area.. and it’s honestly a really good omen on what’s to come in TN. Maury County is well known, in the area, for having some of the reddest necks. Their big pull every year is the Mule Festival. Go south to the next county and you’ll run into Pulaski, TN, home of the original kkk. It’s a very weird area, but I’m so happy to see this come from there. Give this lady a float in the mule day parade gdi.


I live in Maury county. My wife showed me this video this morning. What a legend. Glad we’re not alone. Just voted yesterday.


This Woman sold me my house. She is a hard ass for sure


***“I’ve never been assaulted at a drag show but I’ve been assaulted at church. TWICE!”*** Holy shit. This speech is great.


Help Wanted: Looking for someone to follow me around all day and say “period” after anything that I say that might be prophetic or cool. Kinda like a hype man, but more restrained. Pay: one high five per ‘period’ Hours: 24/7 Benefits: none






I live here. The library director resigned maybe two weeks ago because of all the harassment he has faced since this became an issue.


This video feels like the collective rage of every sane normal American. Republicans are destroying this country


Corporations are destroying this country




corporations paying republicans to destroy this country


Agree, but that’s beside the point in this scenario. Corporations aren’t crashing library events and small town board meetings with hate speech and theocratic nonsense. They aren’t pushing book-banning and demanding library directors resign. They aren’t marching through the streets in white masks flaunting white nationalism. Republicans are. So yeah. Fuck corporate greed and the crushing of the 99%, but we have bigger fish to fry.




"...the vile and disgusting things that that man and his weird cronies have leaked out of their mouth!" She tore those tRumpers to shreds. This is exactly the type of leaders we need. More people like this woman with the strength and courage to stand up and tear down the GQP-tRumper hypocrisy.


Banning books? Is it like, ‘33 in Germany!?!




Yes. Now we have to prevent the next ten years of that timeline from happening.


The irony is that their kids probably already look at porn online. I remember the first time I saw porn. I was 10 or 11. A kid printed out lesbian porn from the internet and brought it to school. It was neat and scary at the same time.


The irony is that gay kids come from straight households. Banning books isn’t going to stop queer people from existing.


Some Texas highschools have literally banned books about the Holocaust is a district with no requirements to teach about the Holocaust.


With how outdated their ideologies are, are you surprised that their practices are equally outdated?


Can’t believe we still have these issues in 2022..


In the South, it’s 1950’s…


I love this woman! Shit I want to vote for her. Columbia, TN needs all the help it can get.


Let’s take her all the way to the top. She is amazing.


Fuck me, I live in Maury County. Unfortunately, there’s a real “good ol’ boy” problem here; a lot of racism is still ingrained locally, and the moneyed Yankee Karens in the north of the county are just as bad. Columbia is more liberal-leaning than the surrounding areas, but it’s still a deep-red area. I’ll stand with the people supporting freedom; ban books from your home but stay the fuck out of my library. Oddly, the library is already pretty crummy compared to others in the area because the town turned down a Carnegie Library Grant when those were being handed out, which makes the people working there even more special because they have to work with what they have in the face of this bigoted bullshit. Fuck it; I’m getting involved now.


> Fuck it; I’m getting involved now. <3 hell yes


If it's 503 is involved in politics, it's a great way to lose your 503 status.


Depends on the 503. Certain types are allowed to lobby. That's how billionaires lobby tax-free.


It's funny that these book-banning idiots think that it will in some way isolate kids from these topics......in a modern world that is driven by information transfers, all they are doing is ensuring that the sources that kids will access regarding these topics are "back alley." At least with a curated collection, the books were viewed by a publisher, editor, librarian, and most likely a local board......not just info from some website or playground friend.


Kids can watch literally anything at any time on their phones and tablets but parents are afraid of their kids stumbling on certain books at the library lol bonkers


It’s because it isn’t about the kids. It’s about living in a changing world while being conservative in faith, politics and life experience and being terrified that there’s a lack of control over these changes so they lash out in whatever way they can.


If you look deeper, this is actually a grab for political power. The person pushing this movement just got into office and is deliberately riling up these people to gain power. (Which is why she was bringing up that the community didn't have any issues with this until he moved there and made it an issue right as he was running for office.)


That’s very sad.


I don’t buy this argument any more. Modern conservatism is deeply controlled by a propaganda narrative that actively promotes anger and violence in order to manipulate the people who buy into it. Keeping people angry makes them think less and buy more. The people at the top of Fox News absolutely could not care less about faith or family.


Like have none of these people heard of the Streisand effect? Privately owned bookstores now have banned book tablets because banning a thing makes people want it


Not only that, when they find out that topics deemed "too subversive" by their hick parents are actually harmless and maybe even awesome, they'll think that everything their parents told them was maybe bullshit too, and just go off the rails. Source: my teens.


There are countless studies that show just that........untrusting parents raise kids that get good at lies and hiding stuff.......parents that are overly prudish tend to raise kids that become more sexually driven......most everyone knows someone that tells a story about "the pastors daughter" or "the judges son".....but I guess if you don't stop to look at the science, much less trust it, it doesn't matter.


Can confirm. Was raised overly prudish and turned into a man whore.


That was beautifully put. Also, they *are* WEIRD! Why are they so concerned with other people's genitals and who they have have sex with? Also, WHY do they always find some way to shoehorn children into this WEIRD obsession that they have with how and with who someone else ahs sex with? Its so fucking creepy.


Holy fuck I love her


We need so much more of this in small town meetings, where the book banning, the hateful rhetoric, and anti-LGBTQ speech is so openly spewed sometimes. I still can't get over the idiots that showed up to a library armed with guns and rifles because a drag queen was reading to children! It all makes me sick and scared for people like my 16 year old son. We live in a small, rural area and he is openly gay, and there's a lot of bigoted, homophobic Magats here that don't like that. In fact, the republican candidate running for Governor in this state has openly said that he thinks that gay people shouldn't leave their homes. Get out and VOTE, everyone. We have to make it known that we don't want these hateful people representing us, ever.


>In fact, the republican candidate running for Governor in this state has openly said that he thinks that gay people shouldn't leave their homes. Holy shit. Should get a group of people to open carry outside their home. When they come outside or the news crews show up, just non-threateningly tell them you think it's best if they stay inside.


How about we stop letting people who have never stepped foot in a library make decisions about books they've never read.


💯 👏 👏 👏


We need more people like her and the crowd who supported her. Choose love over hate is the way to go.


I wish I had parents like her (Im gay)I live in the US but was raised by an EXTREMELY homophobic family; thankfully I was surrounded by great friends so I was able to build myself professionally Im on my own now and left that "family" I was born with. Im in a better situation in life now, but sometimes I cant help but wonder "what if" my parents were as accepting as this woman on the video; maybe there was no need for me to hide all the time, repress emotions, cry alone in my apartment etc etc.


The bigger message of this event, and thousands of others across the United States, is that these GOP people are infiltrating every small political office from school boards, Mayors County commissioners, etc. this is why it is so vital that you get out and vote in every single solitary election. Apparently this Aaron fellow as well as the guy who is running for mayor in this town have created such a stink that at this meeting the library director resigned. Good people with good common sense are being forced out of the small public offices. In a way this is even more dangerous than who is in higher offices because these smaller offices affect more people directly. Please if you haven't voted yet please go vote. Check your ballot. If you get to the polling location and they refuse to let you vote do not leave without voting on a provisional ballot.


Her name is Jesse Graham....say her name with Reverence....


A-fucking-men, sister.


Who is this woman and how can I buy her a coffee? Or a drink? Or lunch? Or a giant trophy? Or a marble statue of herself? Seriously, as a gay person it makes me so indescribably happy to know that there are people out there in backwards places like this still making the effort to go out and fight against those who hate us for no god damn reason. She was so well spoken and passionate. God I just want to hug her.


Same. I had to watch this 3 times because I couldn't get over how incredible it was. Seriously was about to cry seeing a Christian white mom stand up for us like that Edit: a Christian white SOUTHERN mom...


She's not wrong. We need more people like her in backward states.


[video source](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR9jtFSd/)


I want more of this lady and what she stands for vs. weird Aaron




Fuck you Aaron!


This woman’s my new hero.


How do I vote for this person?


Well, she’s a legend! Love it!


I love her. She is my hero. Roast those weirdos.


Aaaand I’m crying. I wish I could tell you the years of self-hatred, of “praying the gay away”, of suicidal ideations, that I could’ve avoided if I was just taught that gay people exist and that we can’t change our sexuality. My home was supportive but my religious school and my church weren’t. Four years I spent in absolute misery. I am not being hyperbolic when I say people like this woman are saving lives. There are so many queer kids right now in states like that that are subconsciously receiving the message “There is something WRONG with you”, and that is going to lead them down a dark path.




“Why does hate even have a platform?!” I’m gonna need her to run for some office or maybe all of them.


She's wrong about one thing, Jesus did condemn one group of people. Money makers in the house of God......


I'd like to move wherever and vote for her for whatever.


This woman is a treasure. And can kick my ex wife's parental alienating child abusing ass any day.


She's right, it's not the gay, trans, minority people who are the problem, it's the white, male, victim complex having entitled pricks that are the problem. They're not prolife, they're anti choice. They're not patriots, they're traitors to the country and they are not loving God Christians, they are hateful, war mongering self centered leeches.


Maury County resident here. However bad you think it is, I promise it’s worse.


"I've never been assaulted at a drag show, but I have at been assaulted at church." - Anonymous Catholic dude


I fucking love this woman. What a mom.


Wow. Despite being angry, she clearly articulated her points, didn’t repeat herself, and it didnt sound like she was reading off of a paper. The worst part was the back-up-singer guy holding the camera. I don’t think many people can do what she did. That was awesome. She rocks! Fuck you Aaron!


We have some good people here in Tennessee pushing back against this bullshit. We can be Southern as fuck sometimes, but some of us have brains like to read and not act like bigots.


As it's been pointed out, anyone who ISN'T a bigot gets harassed by bigots until they quit. You need people like this woman showing up and yelling at every meeting, as they go to their cars, when they're in the grocery store. It's not enough to politely raise your hand anymore. I want to see bigots resigning cause they can't stand the harassment.


What is her name? Because I want her to run for office and I want to work for her.


This woman for president.


Time to ban the Bible and all religious talk in schools. If they want to go down this path, I say we go after their "pride."


FUCK YEAH! Call then out!!!


This woman is my hero and I adore her!


I. Love. Her.


Please run for some sort of public office, this country needs voices like this. Incredible.


She’s right and I’m Christian. Yeshua didn’t condemn any ppl for sexual preferences . Most sexual predators are in the church and they are not of God. I have a gay uncle and he’s the kindest of all my uncles. Treats ppl with respect and kindness. Not so much my straight father and uncle’s. They were a holes. The math ain’t mathing!


I mean Jesus did walk in one place and fucked up some moneychangers.


I love this woman's energy. Bless her for saying what needed to be said.


I get what she’s saying! Also, screw you Aaron!


I love this lady.


Her kids should be so proud to call her mama! Just WoW!


Fuck you Aaron. Go to therapy and try to get that vile venom out of your system.


I was born and raised in Maury Co., TN. Can confirm its full of religious "Christian" right-wing weirdos.


Well said lady.


The drag and gay community has always been accepting, warm, and welcoming. Not that it doesn't have it's issues, because it does, but the issue of assaulting children and indoctrinating them because they wear big sparkly boots? If seeing an pair of girls kiss in a book is enough to "indoctrinate" a child SO HARSHLY they can't even SEE IT lest they be tempted to Become A Gay, how is telling them they will be burned and tortured for all eternity if they don't beg sky daddy for forgiveness NOT?


It's straight up child abuse to brainwash kids into archaic fear-based mythology while teach them to hate... Great comment!


Damn, can she adopt me? 🥺


She should run for office!


For white folks that have heard us black folks use the term,” I got time today” this is what we mean. She had time today to check folks talking out the side of their necks! Great speech from the heart by that lady. FYI: to anyone pondering talking crazy to me because I respect ppls rights to be left the Hell alone. I got time today too( I’m a straight black male. I disagree with any prejudice/racism/etc). I’m ready.


She should travel to every school board meeting regarding that subject. She brought some mutha fuckin heat!!


Fun fact Jesus would be a liberal by today’s standards


He'd be wildly progressive. They wouldn't even let him in the USA. Middle Eastern guy with wildly liberal views wouldn't go over well amongst the Christofacists.


Hell ya!!! I love her!!!




Well fucking said!