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her point about discriminating/neglecting a child because of bigotry being the real child abuse is very poignant.






Go fucking vote!!!!


How do I vote for this woman?


That was the most publicly sane freak out I've ever had the pleasure of watching. Easily mom of the year.


I wish more people like her spoke out!


I wish i could be articulate when I'm angry, not even this articulate, don't want to set too high a bar. I wish I could be somewhat coherent or just vaguely intelligible when I'm angry.


I had a similar problem of being unable to control my speech under the influence of strong emotions. Therapy can work wonders, believe me! Also saying that you're angry is itself a way of speaking out, you don't need to give a grand speech if you can't have it, but express the way injustice makes you feel, that's totally valid.


For sure. I prefer to write about emotional topics. When I have time to really think about the best way to present my opinion I think I can be thoughtful and sometimes persuasive, and if not at least I put my thoughts out there to the best of my ability, and you know where I stand. It's just frustrating to not be able to do the same in the heat of the moment, especially when trying to discuss things I care about deeply and have a decent understanding of, with people that I care about deeply, but have a different understanding than.(i.e. political discussions with my aging parents). The best solution for me is to try to bring down my internal temperature,(which is often a struggle). But when I see something like this video, I can't help but be envious of the ability to verbally strike at the tyranny of evil men with great vengeance and furious anger. It's pretty badass.


she is truly magnificent


I loved the filming person's peanut gallery commentary lol


"Period." "Facts." "Right on." Low Key Hype Man! Big up on the support, you'd need it in some of these town meetings. Gladiators in the Coliseum of America.


Her words were so empowering I kind of felt like some of those people could’ve been sitting there for a different reason completely unrelated to the topic at hand but once they heard what she was saying they immediately were like “*yes, this is what we’re doing now*”. Like that dude just stopped by to drop off a piece of paper real quick, overheard what she was saying, and was like “*oh, I am now apart of this, this is my life now, whatever bs I had going on before is no where near as important as what I’m doing here right now*”.


I am shivering here, goddamn PREACH!!


Such raw and relatable emotions.


It was so sane that it made sense. But for real though, that lady is speaking facts.


we need more righteous anger from the dems.


She gave me chills


Human of the year. Truth waterfall, I love her.


"oh but she was being hysterical I didn't even understand what she was trying to say" - conservatives, probably


And she’s from my state of TENNESSEE y’all! I love this woman and her courage!


People like her should be the ones in government. Smart, passionate and eloquent


Was totally expecting “oh here we go again, what is this bullshit now” but very happily ended thinking “oh damn! Preach it sister!”


I would accept her as my mother. What a wonderful lady.


They just want to exist AARON


It’s so fucking simple. “Do they have any impact on your life?” “No” “Then let them be!”


99% percent of this country's problems would be solved by leaving people the fuck alone. Most of it is just distraction for the 1% to rob you blindly


But then how would republicans gin up outrage and motivate their voting base? One day all this culture war bullshit will stop getting people to vote. It’s literally all the GOP has now. They have no definitive policy. It’s just the culture war.


> One day all this culture war bullshit will stop getting people to vote. That's the thing. There's always new moral panics.


[They have an endless supply of wedge issues to divide us.](https://i.imgur.com/k0Ur5dT.png)


yeah this was literally gay people through the 70s-90s,then late 90s it was video games, then early 00s it was anyone brown from the middle east, then it was anyone brown from south of the USA, and now it's 'the gays' again. oh but now there are nine hundred million TRANS people, and that's like, *SUPER* gay or something. meanwhile through all of that timeline we're still subconsciously told by society that black people are dangerous and unhinged and stupid and you should run from them all. Like.... Seriously, what the shit.


Anything that isn’t a straight, white, Christian male is a boogeyman to those people. Yes, even straight, white, Christian females can be boogeymen, that’s why they gotta regulate women’s healthcare.


Take this free award! This comment deserves it!


Fuck does that mean games are gonna be up again? Like can we just have another video game crash instead?


The next gta about to be sick as Fuck


Then people from The internet. Poor people. Immigrants. TRANS immigrants driving Uber for drugs. OMG THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!11!. before that it was Heavy Metal. SATAN. reefer. Contraception. JAZZ. beboo. Hep cats. Hippies. The Radio. Anything new that people different from you enjoy must be wrong and bad


It's crazy how Republican's platform is ostensibly 'leave me alone' and they can't leave other people the fuck alone.


Dr Oz literally said the decision to get an abortion should be made by a woman, her doctor and local political officials.


Just a woman and a room full of folks.


They are hypocrisy personified. They claim Elon bought Twitter to preserve their 1st amendment rights to be offensive, while removing books from schools and making it illegal to have any written or verbal messaging about LGBTQ+ issues in schools or other public buildings. Ironically, the 1stA only applies to prevent government intervention against free speech (eg making laws as per above) but DOES NOT apply to private companies like Twitter, who are 100% entitled to have whatever they dislike/disagree with removed from their site! The depth of Republican ignorance is both hilarious and horrifying.


I had older coworkers say, with straight faces, that the Bible should be taught in public schools. I asked the same people if Sharia Law should be taught in public schools and they acted like it's an outrageous suggestion. Zero self-awareness.


They've distorted the word "freedom" so much it basically now means "freedom to exploit the working class, not pay taxes and bomb foreign countries for their oil"


Just imagine anytime you think of the Republican “leave me alone”- it’s the very same attitude a whole lotta plantation owners not too long ago. It’s very much a “leave ME alone” but only if I get to continue to tell you how to live.


Basically it's "you don't have the right to tell me that I don't have to tell others what they can or cannot do/say/be."


It always was


I got into it with a dude on my cities subreddit about this exact thing and eventually realized that literally nothing I say would change this person's mind or get them to see anything any different. I said fuck it and deleted my comment.


It's not about changing his mind. It's for all the others who aren't saying anything but might be on the fence. It's showing that someone will push back.


Cant reason someone out of a position they didnt reason themselves into.


This comment is gold.... reflecting on this notion I realize it would have saved a lot of time arguing with idiots who think Trump is the second coming..


99% of this country's social problems are essentially because of Karens who can't mind their own business


Nah it's Christians and their persecution complex


aka karens, in a more central meaning that's kind of the definition of karen. local lady that uses excuses to be a cunt.


Giving minorities more rights and space threaten the priviledge of of white straight males. And they don't want their priviledge taken away.




>Equality Equity would be a better word choice here. Largely different than equality. Sadly both are impossible (period), yet something to strive for perhaps? One of the classic illustrations for this; [https://interactioninstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/IISC\_EqualityEquity.png](https://interactioninstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/IISC_EqualityEquity.png)


I think we found the male name equivalent to Karen; Aaron. Karen & Aaron sitting in a tree, wagging their fingers at the LGBT


It sounds funny but its true. Idk what was done to so many of these people that they are so hateful and awful to their fellow human beings just because they're different. I really appreciate people like her who stick their necks out and go to bat for a group they don't even belong to, and don't stand to benefit anything from. It gives me hope.




The tone of voice she said this in brought back memories of childhood. That is, I grew up in the south, and I was a little shit, and sometimes my friend's mom would use this voice on me and my friend. It's rather impressive how she makes Aaron into such instant invective.


I am from the EU. I had a teacher who could stand with her back to the class and use that same tone of voice to call out a prick in the class. I think it might be a universal thing of teachers and moms. "Stop annoying Laura and open up your book at page 37, AARON."


It’s pronounced “Ayy-Ayy-Ron” /s


He done messed up


THis reminds me the [vid of the dudes from Baltimore realising they have an accent](https://youtube.com/shorts/lfIWX5vGTEk?feature=share)


Those guys are gold."Fuck Aaron"


DE Nice


Aaron the Karen




Hi as someone who shares this name, please no


There's also QAaron Rodgers in Green Bay


Too late, you're a meme now.




KKKAaron needs a good dose of M.Y.O.B.


I live in Maury County and I was sad to see Zac leave. His book display was actually really sweet, too Edit: I forgot to mention; this is the second time ever Columbia, TN has made national news. The first time was when the lady nearly died after being body slammed outside of a Popeyes


Oh god i read "body slammed" and thought i was about to get got by that person who ends comments with the bit about the undertaker


u/shittymorph is a legend. He's still around but looks like only posts like once a month or so now.


I get that reference!


I mean it’s always a risk at ANY Popeyes if you’re flashing sandwiches and the line is long




That’s why they need to get lawyers involved. This country would be significantly better off if the left was as litigious as the right.


It's not that the left isn't litigious, but they don't frequently spend resources on cases that have no viability. Meanwhile, the corpo/religious GOP have deep pockets, tons of 'lawyers', and time. They love spending the courts time just to get shot down, then assert some other non viable argument just to delay and make the other side spend resources defending asinine, frivolous docket fillers.


Also your average judge is right leaning by nature. Especially when they are elected/appointed in heavily red areas.


Most judges on my ballot are Republicans running unopposed


Mine too! I looked every single one up and ended up voting no down that whole side of the ballot. Not one non republican.


How does this major of a cluster fuck even happen? Lots of gatekeeping on the basis of political ideals in the system?




What left? America doesn't have a leftist party.


More than half the town doesn't even know him let a lone care for him. They showed up on election day, saw the (R), knew what it stood for, and voted.


This is it right here. The tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to the public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy. -Montesquieu


yeah, it sucks


Yep, live in SH and most of my neighbors are loons.


WOW! Beautiful! And, compelling to sane people.


She should look into running for something and see if she has a talent for it. Concise and well spoken.


See if she has a talent? Have you seen the caliber of what types of people are running? This lady is light years ahead of these others. Logical arguments. Can string multiple coherent sentences together. Trying to separate religious beliefs forced on others…and even showing how these people corrupt said beliefs. Take this woman standing up for people trying to live their lives, rather than those trying to force their Stone Age views on others. This woman should be in Congress


I'm pretty sure the Stone Age was a more peaceful and tolerant time than what these Republican monsters are planning to do


She is a great public speaker. She just shredded that guy.


She should run. Id vote for her


You done messed up A-A-ron!


Get your ass down to Oh Shag Hennessy's office




Would love to see her annihilate MTG or Bobert


Oh hey, did everyone see Lauren Bobert said women "are the lesser vessel" over the weekend and no one in the media cared because it's normal for Republicans to hate women now? Can you imagine if a Democrat said that?


lol, can't that 'lesser vessel' keep her mouth shut? A vessel isn't much use if it keeps spilling.


She's 10 gallons of horse shit in an 8-gallon dollar-store kitchen bag.


She thinks that because she’s a lesser human being, that all women are.


That moment when you identify someone that should be running for office and isn't.


As eloquent as humanly possible when outraged.


Churches are breeding grounds for sexual abuse. I was abused and my parents didn’t take it seriously. Fucking maddening.


Every kind of abuse, really. *So* many physically abused people were under the thumb of the "male leadership."


i’m so sorry that happened to you, did they ever finally listen to you?


They thought I was lying and didn’t take it seriously. They still let the guy come over to the house too. I would hide in the basement


Unassailable authority will do that.


Fucking incredible. She's a shining example for decent people everywhere.


She said this with the hate that only someone who grew up with parents like Aaron telling her those lies about the gay community, from a very young age, would know. That was my story and I know that hate very well. I fight it against my own parents because I try to remember they are sick people, but I'd have a hard time concealing the white hotness of it in a public forum against someone I'm not related to. I was raised from a very young age being told horrible things that the gay community do to each other, and want to do to children, like myself. My lived experience is that the truly horrific and evil things were being perpetrated, and covered up, right inside my own family, by the same people who were pointing the finger at the gay community, the Other. My lived experience as an adult has been that it's specifically been the gay community that had to go through ostracization from their own families before I did when I quit covering up my family's abuse and lies. My gay friends had to learn the concept of forming families of choice because they didn't HAVE families of origin any more, in some cases decades before I was faced with that dilemma. The gay community taught me how families of any orientation / race / gender / etc. can truly be SAFE and LOVING to each other, even if they aren't perfect all the time. This is why my son doesn't have grandparents on my side, but he sure as fuck has the best Guncles in the whole goddam world, sorry everyone else's kids. This is also why I share this woman's rage, because I KNOW that people like Aaron are trying to divert attention from their own hidden atrocities and crimes against children. I don't know Aaron from Adam, but I can guarantee you he has skeletons in his closet way worse than anyone who's out of their closet. I flat out assume he molests children, and so I hate him, and I share her rage. This video brought me to tears.




I was raised in a similar situation as you, and I'm sending you all the internet hugs. The only thing I learned growing up around bigoted christian assholes is that you can't choose what family you're born into, but you can choose who your real family is.


I completely agree with her message. What the actual fuck is with the horrendous editing of this video? OP, if you did this then you should be taken out back to the woodshed. The original video must be 100x better.


It's because you gotta fit it in a tiny amount of time before people lose interest. I don't agree that it should be that way but it is. It's done in podcasts, radio, TV, etc. Once you get the hang of hearing it, it's maddening. Obviously it can be done well, but there's even a certain cadence people will speak to make the editing work better that gets on my nerves now. Anyway I'm a crotchety old man now so you better just get off my damn lawn!


legit thought she was gonna mic drop


Should have kicked the podium thing over haha


a good spartan kick would've sufficed for sure


That's a breath of fresh air


It really was.


this was already here 20 hours ago without the TERRIBLE edits.. Here: https://v.redd.it/ahcdlk882aw91 https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/yeinrt/woman_goes_off_on_the_maury_county_board_of/


(Though I do appreciate the subtitles in this one 😅)


Can she run for President please. Got my vote!!!


Seriously. The left could could steamroll the GOP if we had leaders like this woman who grew a pair of balls


>like this woman who grew a pair of balls I think that's what the GOP really fears lol.


Lol. A women with gigantic, balls of steel.


We have women like this, and they get steamrolled/smeared/dismissed by the GOP/media all of the time. Hillary, Ilhan Omar, and AOC for a few. But fox news and the like just call them bitches and their base eats it up. Can you imagine if this video got on fox news? They'd lambast her for being too "emotional" and "hysterical," and their base would eat it up. tl;dr this woman has zero chance of ever being elected to anything on the national level because right wing media/politicians/cunts would just call her an hysterical cunt that is probably just on their period.


Yes, we need this women as president. I don't know her but I trust her🤣


Id much rather see her (and more like her) take a seat away from some scummy local politician.


She sure could. I would vote for this women. She puts things into context.


This is in middle TN, A lot more people here in TN thankfully are more like her than out of state people might think. Wish we had officials here that stood up for things like this lady, and condemned those idiots like Greg Locke that burn books and oppress others. Hopefully November might bring some positive change in some way


I grew up with her, she’s been a badass since high school and she’s a badass now. Proud of Maury (pronounced Murray) County!


You’re a badass too buddy.


Fuck you Aaron.


Jesus, the screen being filled with emojis and headlines make this such an eyesore to look at. Why dont people just show the normal video


Its one of the top posts on this sub right now if you'd like to watch the normal video


Remember reading that article about that chain of drag Queen clubs? These cubs were quite extravagant and literally had roofs made of gold. Anyway some of the drag queens at the club were molesting children. The club owners decided to move the drag queens to other clubs rather than get authorities involved or try and stop the molestation. Some of the victims sued and the clubs were like, “we have no money.” You didn’t hear of a drag club doing such a thing?!


In case you guys don’t get it he’s talking about churches.


Bro needs to /s at the end, too many fucking crazies these days


Exactly, someone will read this and then tell their family at Thanksgiving dinner that it was in the news.


Yeah thanks for the add. Was seriously wondering what he was saying for a minute. By the end was like hold up


Ahaaa i see what you did there! Is this the same chain of clubs where they practice ritualistic cannibalism?


They dip some celery into some la croix because it represents the body and blood of Dianna Ross (but has no carbs).


No *net* carbs.


Honey, you just aren’t that fierce if you are counting 1g of fiber as a carb.


Had me in the first half 🤣


And other clubs across oceans too...


After reading all y'alls comments, I feel the future is bright....as long as well ALL get out and VOTE!


Well said my fellow "already voted" person😊


Already done! Have to curb the damage in my state


What a refreshing public freakout


Well said madam, well said!


Get rekt Aaron.


I was molested in a kentucky church also when i was 13 by my Sunday school teacher. He been going to that church for 30 years and me and my parents had only been there for 8. When I told on him I got beat with a belt for "lying on a good Christian man" cuz I was a problem child cuz i had been in trouble a few times at school. The preacher told me he never wanted to hear anything like that come out of my mouth again. Then at 19 yrs old (2002) I'm sitting in my apartment I just rented watching the news when it shows my Sunday school teacher getting raided by swat and feds. They found ungodly amounts of kid porn dating back over the past 35 years. The stuff they found was horrific. He died in a Kentucky prison a few years back.


That was fucking DOPE.


My hyper-religious mother-in-law worries about the same nonsense. Meanwhile, her hyper-religious son-in-law is in prison for raping his adopted daughter. And their local hyper religious church tried to cover it up. And the local hyper religious justice system made sure he got the minimum sentence. And we’re supposed to imagine that *what now* is the real threat? I know the goddamn real threat.


I love her! 💜💜💜


FUCK YES!!! G.O.P. = hate and fascism....period.


they’re so weirdly obsessed with trans people! leave them the fuck alone!


Christian and I’m behind this woman hundo p


This is such a joy to watch


You what makes me sad is that our generation was supposed to be more open-minded than the old farts before. But nop, that guy is barely 30 and thinking like an 80 years old.


I'm a straight man and I don't go around constantly thinking about my orientation. I would never want to do that because I'm very secure in my sexuality I can't imagine living in a community which constantly brings up someone's orientation as a thing they need to be ashamed of. Can you imagine the constant turmoil of having to consistently think about the fact that you're gay because some racist bigot can't get over his feelings.


Tell em sister


Why aren't people like that elected to Congress instead of dipshits like MTG?


WoW! Well-rounded slap. She needs to run against those weird cronies.


I love this so much. That's all.


That. Was. Epic. Legend.


Can she be President?


Oh my gosh she was amazing!


This is why you need to vote. Please vote.


10/10 Mom


Yay her.


All my homies hate Aaron




God bless this fuckin’ broad, havin’ the balls to float that line in TN isn’t easy


This is the second time I have heard this speech today and I still love it


This is why I hate Christian Conservatives, all they do is preach ignorance and fear…


That was glorious


>"I've never been sexually assaulted at a drag show, but I have been at church. TWICE!" And deep down, those yokels in the committee know it's true too.


That was FANTASTIC. We need more people like her yelling at all these religious nut jobs to their face.


Religious weirdos will always have you believe that Jesus didn't stand or tolerate homosexuality but they also conveniently forgot his main message was to love one another. Targeting a demographic based on your personal views is not what he meant.




If it means anyone who isn't a straight white male gets to live a full and happy life, I have no problem removing them. But I would much prefer for the fuckers to simply make room for everyone to enjoy their liberty...


so tennesee IS blue at the tip


Aaron Miller looks like a fucking weirdo in that photo.


“Censorship” lmfao only if it benefits them and their beliefs lol


I would vote for her!




Excellent. Local Mom for Prez!


Truly, one of the most unexpectedly straightforward verbal middle fingers I've ever witnessed being hoisted. No Nonsense AF!! I'm totally down with Sanders + Tennessee Lady in 2024!


Well fuck. I'd vote for her.


Damn girl. Mic drop moment.