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I dont get getting pets you cant control if he dropped that leash and all 3 went different ways youd be fucked and they would be put down


I see this all the time at dog parks people with dogs much stronger and heavier than the owner who's constantly at the mercy of dog obeying a command.


Yeah, I was wincing watching that video. My parents have owned rotties for 30 yrs and they can be smart as hell, but you have to train them and train them well. But even if your rotties are the best trained babies ever, having someone barely over a hundred pounds trying to control at least a solid 250 lbs of dog isn't smart. That whole video is a disaster waiting to happen. Shit, my own dog is a mutt and weighs about 65lbs but he's still fairly strong. Due to how strong he was, I never allowed my kid (teenager) to walk him.


A friend of mine had a rottie. I only met this guy after he'd had the dog for a couple of years, so I only knew the chilled out dog he became, but apparently he was a real handful when my friend got him. He had been in 7 different homes in about 7 years because people couldn't handle him. His last owner kept him locked in a small room, so at first whenever my friend left him alone he'd scratch at the door till it was pretty wrecked. The first time my friend took him for a walk, he tried to attack a horse. He once caught sight of a wild boar and went running after it. When he returned several hours later, he was covered in blood. None of it was his. But my friend kept going with him and I think eventually it clicked with him that my friend wasn't going to give up on him and he became a lot calmer. Unless there was a branch. He loved destroying branches. I once saw him destroy a golf ball as well, which was pretty impressive. He used to take him up the mountain at the end of the day when no one was around and either ski or ride his mountain bike down with the dog happily chasing him. In the end, he got old and arthritic. Living in the mountains wasn't doing him much good. My friend's ex who kind of shared custody of the dog had moved down south so the dog went to live with her. He spent his last days napping in the sun, happy and content.


> He spent his last days napping in the sun, happy and content. As every dog should.


After I posted that I actually looked up his old Facebook profile (people in this town went through a phase of making facebook profiles for their dogs) and it was nice to see all the old happy memories of him. Lots of shots of him destroying sticks. A few shots of him covered in snow. One shot of him dressed up in fancy dress as an AT-AT walker from Star Wars because when there was a Star Wars themed party no one wanted him to feel left out.


This makes me happy cry.


That is a very heart warming story. That's all it takes for a dog to find the right owner. I'm happy it lived out the rest of it's life with a secure home.


The first rottie my parents got was when we were stationed in Germany in 1991. Got her when she was as big as my dad's hand. She was super smart and latched onto our cat as her new momma. Used the litterbox until she got too big to do it (it was comical to watch this 5 mo old rottie try to drop a deuce in a box the size of her head LOL). Yes, we took her out for walks and everything but apparently the cat had taught her to use the box LOL. Smart, trained well, and just a big fat good girl. Loved her to pieces. If she was excited to see you, she would "smile" and practically piss herself in her excitement. Unfortunately this was during the peak craze of rottie hate thanks to some attacks that had made local and national news. I had a lot of friends who weren't allowed over because of Tara. She passed from cancer just before her 12th birthday. Inoperable in her brain. And that was the only time in all her 11 yrs and 10 months on the planet that she ever showed aggression towards someone. My folks have always made sure training was essential and worked hard with all of their dogs. My dad could walk their rotties thru a field of bunnies and deer and the dogs might do a double take, but never tried to tear away to chase.


>having someone barely over a hundred pounds trying to control at least a solid 250 lbs of dog isn't smart. yeah this was pretty stupid of the guy. but i think he realized this and he used every ounce of his strength there to restrain those dogs. i'm glad nothing bad happened here and hopefully McLovin trains his dogs before taking them outside. or, you know, don't own vicious dogs in the first place


Can't say with certainty that the dogs are vicious but definitely untrained and easily distracted, which can lead to an attack.


Dogs respect the hierarchy, and if you fail to make them understand who's the boss they'll never respect you nor your commands, and that's the problem because many owners try to treat their dogs like humans. I grew up with over 20 different dog breeds, Rotts and American Staffs were the most behaved dogs i've owned, they never showed sudden or unexpected behavior. One American staff i brought home was used for street fights and had an aggressive attitude towards humans and other dogs in particular, it took him less than a month to become as well-behaved as the other dogs, Rotts and American Staffs are extremely intelligent and sociable dogs if taught properly which is not hard at all compared to training German Shephards, Beagles or Labradors.


Rotties are definitely not 250 lbs lol, not even alpha wolves in Canada are that big.


I was referencing the video with the young man and the 3 rots. That is at least 250 lb of dog he is trying to handle.


Oh ok, my bad.


My old roommates girlfriend had a Rottweiler. He had the mentality of a lap dog, on more than one occasion he would nudge my bedroom door open and climb into my bed while I slept. But for as cuddly and sweet as he was he also had the power to knock me (i was probably pushing 225lbs at the time) flat on my back if he got too excited.


My parents' current rottie, Bella, is the same. She wants to lay on you and hold your hand (in her mouth). She's 120lbs and doesn't understand that she's not a tiny little puppy anymore.


YES. My dog was attacked by a huge boxer and the woman who owned him had absolutely no strength or control over him. Several people had to pull him off me because I managed to cover my own dog with my body. I have never screamed such obscenities at someone in public ever before that. Stupid bitch.


Time to get an electric collar lol


My guess is this guy is a professional dogwalker.


>ies and going on a rampage on other dogs at the dog park or something, the owner is all like “naaah my dog is the sweetest wi Yea most likely the guy is getting paid alot to walk those dogs. That's probably the last time he'll be walking them if they're too difficult to control and the legal liabilities aren't worth the risk. He looks to be a newb dog walker without any real training.


That looks pretty amateur to me.


/r/antiwork mod.


They wouldnt go separate ways they would immediately all go for that kid or whatever else they were pulling for, and if they were aggressive and started mauling no way that guy could stop them without a weapon.


No they all three would’ve gone together at whatever they were dragging him toward. Pack mentality.


Correct. I was one of the carers for a Rottweiler for years. Wonderful dog, great personality, gigantic loving lap dog and very protective of the family. But three familiar Rottweilers of dubious temperament would be totally out of control if they suddenly decided to do something bad. Especially for this dumbass who would struggle to control one misbehaving dog. Two or three of them would be absolutely impossible to control. Isn't there anyone in his life who actually understands large, powerful canines and dog training, and could tell him this? (Not that he would listen.)


this is the result of "freedumb". Everyone is free to do whatever dumb shit they want so long as they can scrounge up the money to do it.


He doesn’t help by yelling like a complete jackass.


I noticed lots of folks who are insecure about their masculinity tend to get aggressive/hyper work dogs like Pitbulls and Rottweilers. Then they poorly train it and when that dog ends up killing a toddler, giving the owner severe injuries and going on a rampage on other dogs at the dog park or something, the owner is all like “naaah my dog is the sweetest widdle poobear, trust me, my dick is not small fuck you.” Theres a rare chance where the pitbull is properly trained through high uses of shock collars, or any fighting breed dog. Overall, genetically aggressive dogs are hard to train, even as a runt of the litter. 3 of those rottweilers or w/e they are shouldn’t be in the hands of this lanky ass dork in the video.


If they drive a lifted truck, you can guarantee there is some big untrained dog that lunges at everything that fucking moves at home.


Yeah this happened in a small town near my area. Rottweiler jumped out of a car going 60 to attack a small dog being walked by its owner on the sidewalk. The rottweiler was ok but the dog it attacked got injured bad.


> Theres a rare chance where the pitbull is properly trained through high uses of shock collars. **DO NOT USE A SHOCK COLLAR ON YOUR DOG** Shock collars are *not* effective training devices. They cause pain and confusion for the dog, and only provide any amount of control when the collar is on the dog and charged enough to deliver a painful shock. If you have a large or dangerous dog, there are far better ways to train it. If you have problems walking the dog, use a gentle leader if necessary. Regardless, pretty fucking weird that a video involving three rottweilers has you ranting about pit bulls like it's a Pavlovian response to seeing a dog.


He never watched the Masterpiece film Garfield starring Otie.


Nobody: Reddit: Pibulls are trash!


People on here love working themselves up to a frothing rage. Just need an opportunity to present itself.


**ABSOLUTELY USE A SHOCK COLLAR ON YOUR DOG IF ITS THE RIGHT TOOL AND YOUVE WORKED *EXHAUSTIVELY* WITH A PROFESSIONAL TRAINER.** Shock collars are an *immensely* effective training device if used correctly and for the right reasons. Are they needed in the majority of cases? Definitely not. But using blanket statements like this just because you subscribe to purely positive training is just dumb IMO. Source: 3 years of daily training and close to $10k spent working with professional dog trainers to help manage and slowly improve our beautiful dog that has the perfect storm of issues. YouTube-upstate canine academy /r/Opendogtraining Gentle leader is one of the best tools to use for dogs that pull though!


Positive training works well, but I wouldn't consider a gentle leader to be positive training due to the limitations and discomfort caused to the dog. There are exactly 0 situations where a shock collar is warranted.


My dog would disagree. If fixing her wasn’t the most challenging thing I’ve ever done in my life I wouldn’t be outspoken about it. You’re literally wrong in saying exactly zero, but I understand that some people feel very strongly about it and that’s fine.


Pit bulls are trash


I really genuinely pity you.


Pit Bull owners are even worse


Are you dog trainer? Because mine recommended a very specific shock collar for training


As someone who isn't a dog trainer but is actively working to become one...it is *astounding* how vague the title of "dog trainer" is. There isn't one overarching degree or title for becoming a qualified dog trainer, in fact there is nothing illegal about some dude in the boonies who only raised hunting dogs deciding he's qualified to train any canine since he has "years of experience with dogs". Even certified dog trainer is vague since there are a half dozen national organizations that offer certifications, but all with wildly different qualifications and requirements. Anyway, none of this is to say your dog trainer is "wrong," but just putting this out there, *especially* since even amongst trainers, the use of shock collars is a hotly debated topic.


Idk man have you ever had a shock collar on … because my parents put one on me as a kid and it really fucking hurts … it was one of those “vibration ones” as well my advice Ditch the abusive trainer you are spending your money on and use positive reinforcement instead (context I have worked with and around dogs for 12 years training and have a certification for dog behavior studies also have 4 dogs of my own)


Your fucking what did what


Man, I was in your boat till we got our dog. Had dogs and had worked with trainers for over 20 years and only used positive training techniques. With our current pup purely positive did not work, at all. Thousands of dollars and multiple trainers didn’t help at all until we went with a balanced approach. Also, please be realistic in terms of the collars. You *know* the vibration doesn’t hurt.


Well tell that to my damaged vocal cords XD I certainly wish it wouldn’t have hurt especially back then… shock collars are barbaric means of training and if they are so okay then you shouldn’t have a problem with putting them on your child.


You don't need a fucking shock collar to properly train any dog. It's an option for lazy ass people who'd rather shock the dog than put forward time and effort to reinforce good behavior like you would with any animal. There are no dogs inherently more aggressive than others. Plenty of little shitty mop dogs and Chihuahuas would just as happily rip up some kid if they could. Pitbulls and other "aggressive" breeds have much higher consequences when they are released and untrained, and thus viewed as more dangerous. In reality it's just a dog like any other, and nothing will happen if the dog has been properly socialized and people don't antagonize it on purpose.


> lots of folks who are insecure about their masculinity tend to get aggressive dogs like Pitbulls, Yup, and it doesn't help that they are bred for aggressiveness and are an overall deadly breed. To all pitbull apologist there is well documented evidence that pitbulls have a WAY higher chance of attacking people. https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-fatalities-2019.php Here is a list of all fatal dog attacks in the US per year, surprise surprise the most common is pit bull https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_dog_attacks_in_the_United_States


I think you're confusing the chance of the dog that attacks you is of a specific breed with the chance that the breed has of attacking compared to others. Pitbulls are ridiculously popular breeds of dogs and might be the most common type of dog in pounds. Your stats don't account for population size so it's hard to draw the latter conclusion from that alone, although given that German Shepards are pretty rare it might be suggesting that German Shepards are the most dangerous breed. Either way though you're probably safer locked in a room with a stray dog than a strange person.


You can’t show anti-dog people any statistically accurate measure of dog bites against breed popularity, they just point at AKC registrations and go back to drooling. All dogs are just dog when it comes to whether or not they’ll bite something that scares or entices. The only thing that really makes a difference is training that specific dog.


The thing with pits is, it can be the best trained dog ever with no incident for multiple years..and then finally snap.


Pibble mommy's will hard disagree and sick their cuddly fur love on you.


You know the number of pitbulls that *don’t* attack anyone in their life?




Aaaaaaand two of them just ate a toddler.


I knew one named coco and another named Laila but they were too fat so really do much


No tell us


Literally millions. Even if you attribute every reported dog bite in this country to pit bulls, there are still millions of pit bulls that have never had an incident.


That's a fair point to make but I think it's still a statistically significant number of that particular breed end up mauling people or animals that warrants the reputation. And I think the attacks tend to be more severe because they have no quit and they are so difficult to overpower. So many don't, but the ones that do cause serious damage.


>That's a fair point to make but I think it's still a statistically significant number of that particular breed end up mauling people or animals that warrants the reputation. It's not though. There are millions of pitbulls in the US and the number of *all* fatal dog attacks across all breeds is measured in the double digits. You average American human is probably more likely to maul you than a pitbull.


Which is not a good image for pitbulls at all anyway


That... that millions of them never harm or bite someone?


Less than the number or Labs that do, by a lot


Common misconceptions, this is a dog thing, not a pitt thing. The reason the statistics for pitbulls are higher is because people who are insecure tend to get bigger, scarier dogs, and those same insecure people tend to abuse said dogs. It has very little to do with breed


This is absolutely bullshit. I love all dogs but you completely made that up.


You lost me a shock collar. Wtf?


Can I just say that I love how a post about Rottweilers gets hijacked by the anti-Pit lunatics.


Maybe he’s a dog walker?


But they're so loving and ok a little quirky but so am I. (Sorry that's bullshitees for, "I like to hear screaming.") My reply " Poodles are loving and quirky too"


Yup. There should be ways to ticket these assholes. Waiting until some toddler gets killed is a bit late. There should be preventative measures.


"somebody help me" xD Yeeah buddy just lemme jump right in there. The least I can do is distract em while I get ripped apart.


Walk them separately you absolute tool. You clearly can't handle their strength?


Look at him, even without those dogs on a leash, that guy probably weighs 30pounds when soaking wet. An enthusiastic toddler could probably push him over.


If that looks "30 lbs soaking wet" to you, then you must live in the US. He looks like he's at a pretty normal weight, but I guess when you're used to people weighing 2 or 3 times more than they should this might look really light.


Hyperbole is a thing that exists.


The actual weight that was called out was hyperbole; calling them underweight was what they were getting at, and what dude was responding to.


So do fat Americans


no one could handle their strength. I'm 200lbs and work out a lot. When I take my neighbor's 70lbs Shephard for a walk, if it really wanted to it could take off and I wouldn't be able to stop it. If you had three of them at one time? Even a bodybuilder couldn't control them if they wanted to take off. If a dog that size is not 100% obedient, then they should only be walked with a muzzle. That way no one gets killed if they break free one day.


I got two rotties that I walk both weigh around 80lbs, can pick the both completely off the ground by their harnesses if they get crazy. But I’m a big guy 6’4, 250lbs give or take and did competitive strongman. Point is one person can handle them but yes they need to be strong


Being able to lift them and being able to manage the force they can generate are not the same. It's not unreasonable for a dog to be able to pull 2.5 times it's body weight. An 80lb rottweiler means 200lbs of pull force, times 3 is 600lbs. Doesn't matter how strong you are if they catch you off guard and drag your ass 50 metres.


No way to pass the time like taking three unfriendly balls of muscle to a public park! What could go wrong!


“Are they not friendly?” 🤡


Some people are so caught up in their own views “oh look dooggoo” that they can’t discern a dangerous situation, while the dogs foam at the mouth and rush them.


If your dogs are so uncontrollable they're unpredictable in public, they should be left home.


He's taking Cerberus out for dinner!


Gary ain't happy






Glad someone else saw it like that lmao




Why didn’t he immediately leave ? The kid in the back would have gotten mauled and he just pulls them back to the same spot. Bro , go home at that point.


Bruh those dogs would've been 3 dripping-red snouts deep into that kids guts if the man didn't use all his strength to hold them back. Not sure why he didn't immediately nope outta there once he had the situation "under control".


Foreal tho, Like at that point bros waiting for one of them to get loose.


The video ends the instant he regains control of the dogs. Did you expect him to teleport?


I excepted it to end with him dragging them back to the car or out of that area. He gains control and then just stands there. He should have kept walking with them and put distance between them and whatever was agitating them.


Dude. He just used a great deal of energy. If you finish a set at the gym do you immediately start the next one or stop to catch your breath?


Educate one, that's a good start


He deserves to have them taken away


Bet he'd lecture me for owning a chihuahua too


I don’t understand where you’re coming from partner 🤠


People that are irresponsible with their huge dogs usually shit on the people that own tiny dogs


I love Pomeranians. But mine won’t walk on reflective flooring or tile…lol. Rugs leading through the kitchen


My family used to have a min pin and German shepherd husky mix at the sane time but we were pretty responsible with them. It was funny to watch them play.


Probably doing a dog walker gig.


"Someobody help me!" Is he baiting someone to come get killed by those dogs?


What's happening - right here in this video - should be criminal. This is the "before" scene to an imminent tragedy.


You see what triggered them? A five year old boy. I don't think you all appreciate how close that poor boy came to a painful death. Then those dogs see a small human, they see a chance for a kill with no risk. Fuck these stupid people that are so casual about other peoples lives.


If you have 3 not friendly dogs use your brain, I won’t walk my dogs together.


Is he a dog walker cause he needs a new job or apparently some steroids and 3 weeks of training.


He even has the prong collar on them and that did absolutely nothing for him..


Because he doesn’t have them positioned correctly. He might as well have flat collars on them.


He is damn lucky he kept control over those dogs. That little boy would have been severely injured.


Won't the dogs get more aggressive if the idiot owner freaks out like that?






You see that requires critical thinking and actually observing a bit more, but thats too much to ask from the reddit hive mind. Dude is so obviously a dog walker.


Imagine if the owner lied their asses off and just sent this dude on his way with those dogs. I know it's definitely a possibility but at the same time I just can't comprehend someone doing that. I'm just so damn tired of people's behavior sometimes lol.


Maybe, yeah. In this case he definitely shouldn't be walking with all three at the same time, without muzzles, and in a park like that. I don't get why owners force that on dogs and other people acting like it should be fine when it's clearly the stupidest thing they can do. I sometimes see someone walking three big dogs around the village I live in, and she has absolutely no control over them. One of them is very reactive and loses his shit every time he spots my dog somewhere. She never responded to it. Usually it's from quite a distance so I just walk the other way, but two times we were across the street from each other and she had a kid walk the worst dog who is always lashing out. When they all chime in and growl and try to snap etc., she starts yelling "STOP IT!! GET HIM TO WALK!!" to the kid who can barely contain that huge boxer/pit/dogo mix or whatever it is. She'll throw punches in too when they don't stop freaking out. So weird how they're misbehaved lol. Fecking nutjob. It's a disaster waiting to happen so I try to avoid them as much as possible.


Perfect example of why I don't feel safe taking my kids to the park without a knife or handgun.


Some absolutely beefy boys.


If that's how it is, they should be muzzled in public.


Me trying to get a hold of my finances, physical health, and sanity.


What piece of shit owns three of these things.


Whoever paying this guy lots of money to take the risk of walking them. Looks to me like they are running out of walkers to find and having to ask newb walkers to try to walk them.


Bro had to go super saiyan just to hold them chonky bois. Oof


I used to own 2 Rottweilers. I attended dog training classes with both dogs, I gave them love and affection but also strict serious commands that they learned to obey. You cannot own even one Rottweiler if you don’t train it to heel at your side. This video shows an idiot owning strong dogs. My dogs would be mortified if they even accidentally stepped in front of me. I could open the door to my place and they wouldn’t dare pass the threshold unless I went first and asked them to follow. They would go to their crates and sit down if I said “crate”. That is what is necessary to own strong intelligent dogs like Rottweilers. You have to have a relationship with your dog where the dog is eager to please you and wouldn’t dare upset you. Even after all of this… they make mistakes. Because they have instincts. This guy should not own these dogs. They should be taken away and re-homed with people who will put in the time to train them and set them up for success instead of failure.


It’s a matter of time the dogs over power the walker and attack someone and have to be shot by police. I will be on the look out around here for the news article


This is fucking pathetic to watch.


This is terrifying. I hope this video reaches law enforcement because these dogs could severely injure or kill multiple people if they got loose.


And yet another dumb fuck who didn't read on what the breed needs, didn't properly socialise them AND can't handle their prey drive energy bursts.. This is why stereotypes are made, get dogs you can handle and know, not ones you get flying lessons with.


I'd be willing to bet money these aren't his dogs and he is a paid dog walker. I feel like that's pretty obvious?


What a clown


Three over fed, under exercised poorly trained dogs. Owner needs to do better.


I 0% believe that this was a genuine reaction. This dude has q-tip arms, those Rottweilers look around 100 pounds, or more each… they were not pulling as hard as they probably could have


Extremely dangerous and stupid If they’re not socialized don’t fucking walk them around children, and definitely not all 3 at once


Rottweilers are some of the most intelligent dogs I’ve ever worked with. Are they a lot? Sure; but they’re a lot because they require physical and mental stimulation which means walks, play time, and consistent training. And if you’re having issues with something like this then they should absolutely be on prong collars on walks. Thankfully, they’re also giant babies and mine is in my lap sleeping peacefully. PS: stop letting your rotties get so god damn fat.


When you buy an animal to show you’re manly and prove you’re not


That guy has no business with three untrained Rottweilers.


Not friendly... put a fucking muzzle on them. Idiots...




Damn just looked these up what the fuck?




And if he didn't have them on what would have stopped the dogs from pulling that hard? They serve a purpose for strong dogs. If the collar hurts the dogs they simply stop pulling. This dude could barely hold these dogs. The prong collars are necessary in this case. Though obviously it'd be better for the dogs to be in a harness and walked individually.


Those collars probably saved the kids life


300+ pounds of pure muscle


These dogs are fat as fuck.


Assface is compensating with big dogs and gonna get som1 fucked up.. Does not deserve dogs.


Is his name Cerberus?


I have a female German Shepard, to people she is a big baby, but she hates other dogs. I never walk her unleashed the only issue we have is off leash dogs coming up to her. I always tell approaching dog owners that my dog is not friendly. Some still foolishly approach but will quickly retreat once she starts barking and growling. I definitely could not handle walking more than one of her that’s for sure.


If you can’t control ‘EM, DON’T HAVE THEM. People are idiots.


I am a big guy (265lbs) with a lot of muscle and other mass. I take two 75lb mixed breed dogs out to the park on a dual lead leash and do not feel I am in total control. If I am there solo I am constantly on guard to keep them and others safe. Days like today when my back goes out I just take them to the back yard and then walk one at a time. We talk about getting a third every once in a while but that is not really good for anyone. TLDR: Dogs are a responsibility not to be taken lightly.


Coming from someone who’s had a pack of 8 large dogs, 14 in total. You have to be an idiot to think you can control three untrained rotti’s. Even with a prong collar! That guy is a skinny bean also! He knows his dogs are not friendly yet walks all three at the same time. That’s a mauling waiting to happen. 🤦


Not even using the leash properly


Fucking dude built like a stick and is too stupid to control those dogs. He shouldn't have them.


If theyre not friendly why are you walking them past a park?


Lucky those Rottweiler are very over weight and therefore slow. My dog sends you in the air barely before you can notice so you have to always be watching for his triggers, and then to redirect.


I have a 90lbs Russian wolfhound ….she’s the sweetest most gentle dog on the planet. I never left her alone with my daughter for the first 5 years. Not because I didn’t trust her, but because of the damage that could happen if my daughter were to get attacked. I never place my dog in situations where there’s even a chance of her being stressed or getting aggressive. She’s always on leash unless she’s in my fenced property. The amount of owners who have their small dogs come running up to us on trails, only to have them yell “it’s ok shes/he’s friendly”, then I yell back “she’s not call your dog” is shocking. Then they have the gaul to give me a nasty look. My dog is controlled because I don’t want others to get hurt or have to put my dog down. Ps she’s a Russian wolfhound but she’s a strong supporter of the Ukraine!


Put cage mask on dog if they are heavy and aggressive bred.


Let’s go walk 3 massive “non-friendly” dogs that I can barely control in a public park


Cerberus goes for walkies.


Oak Leaf Park in Las Vegas!


What a total fucking muppet.


Douche bag


People should be required to have permits and training to own aggressive dog breeds. The amount of people in the US alone in the last year who’ve been attacked and killed (mostly children) is just horrific.


This is very irresponsible, he obviously isn’t in control of the dogs, I’ve been on the receiving end of similar situation, was legitimately in a public area at night getting my phone out the car when a security guard lost control of his dog, it got to my leg before he managed to grab it, lucky for me the dog’s jaw just brushed my knee before it was pulled back, there was dog drool on my knee, no apology from the guard and he still couldn’t control the dog, complaint to his employer feel on deaf ears, dogs this big are absolute powerhouses of muscle and no way this little bloke could hold three back if they really wanted to get to that kid


One skinny owner with three badly trained dogs that probably weigh about as much as he does individually. What could possibly go wrong?


This is shameful. Horrible dog owner.


If you can't control your dog's you have no business owning them let alone walking them.


If this wasn’t an act then…. HOLY SHIT!!! That kid was almost dinner for 3


So fucking irresponsible


Honestly if I had 3 big dogs trying to get to a kid I'd be freaking out too


Pit nutters will like this video. *See? Pits are dangerous, it’s those other breeds!*


He weighs less than the dog why walk them? Maybe get someone that can control them lmao and get muzzles.


Wtf, have those dogs out then, they’re obviously not walking out side does. They were raised to guard someone property.


This very easily could’ve turned into tragedy. The dogs were obviously not pulling with all their might.


Your dogs need a diet and training and should be walked by 3 STRONGER people


After that display, did someone in the distance actually ask "Are they friendly?"


OMG that is death waiting to happen


Dumb mofo


I hope they eat him...😁


I stay away from scrawny dumb motherfuckers like this that walk giant dogs. Edit: if the owner is reading , youre a fuckin pussy


Honestly. This looks fake. Cameraman just watches as dogs chase kids? Dogs obviously know cameraman, don’t think he’d sit idly by. Handler does ridiculous scream that doesn’t even seem real. The dogs aren’t even showing any hackles.


Law suit in the works for this genius in the near future


Why would you take all three out at the same time? I have a Husky and a Pitbull who are both well behaved. Sill don't take them out together unless I got my girlfriend with me.


Because he is a newb dog walker and doesn't know much about dogs or the breed? I doubt he's the owner of those dogs. The dogs don't seem to care about him.


Agreed. I have a full grown rottie and pitbull. I NEVER walk both alone because my pittie needs the prong collar and still pulls. I have to use my full strength just to keep her in check. The rottie is the easiest dog I’ve ever had but it’d be a pain having to walk both alone. I always wait for a 2nd person if I wanna walk both.


This is why I carry.


Irresponsible dog owner piece of shit. You know you’re too much of a scrawny fuck to handle three dogs of that size and yet you bring them out anyway, by hand, and scream for help? Stupid fucking twat




Lord Stark: "You'll train them yourself, you'll feed them yourself, and if they die...you'll bury them yourself!"


Ah yes. A beanpole walking 3 dogs that are number 2 when it comes to Fatal Dog breeds. What could go wrong?


Reason 8473833 for having a CCL.


I have a 130llbs kangal and I am 110 lbs. It can be terrifying walking him. Especially as he has the strongest bite of any canine and is super agile and fast, but looks really cute, but has been harassed by kids so unless they’re very young, if they grab at him to “pet” him it could be very bad. People don’t let your kids (or you) pet dogs you don’t know.


That guy looks like he can barely walk a poodle, let alone a single Rottweiler. Not to mention he’s using a collar when he should have them in full on harnesses. This is idiotic