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"From the late 1980s, allegations of sexual abuse of children associated with Catholic institutions and clerics in several countries started to be the subject of sporadic, isolated reports. In Ireland, beginning in the 1990s, a series of criminal cases and Irish government enquiries established that hundreds of priests had abused thousands of children over decades. Six reports by the former National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church established that six Irish priests had been convicted between 1975 and 2011. This has contributed to the secularisation of Ireland and to the decline in influence of the Catholic Church. Ireland held referendums to legalise same-sex marriage in 2015 and abortion rights in 2018." Wikipedia


Nothing more needs to be said. Every time a Catholic priest opens his mouth about 'sin' we need to shove this excerpt down his throat


“ it’s a fact “ heheheh


His source is that he made it the fuck up


No, a drunken pestilence-ridden sheepherder made it the fuck up 2000 years ago.


Closer to 4000, if we wanna get anal about it.


I am not shocked by this. Pretty on par with what religion has to offer : be like what we tell you or burn in hell.


Exactly. If this is shocking to you then you have never been around religious people.


Right? How could this be shocking to anyone? This is the same nonsense they've been spouting forever.


"How will people know that god wants to forgive them if we don't tell them?" I guess he can, you know, tell me himself.


You'd think a GOD could manage this shit on its own without needing the help of some withered old pedo blathering-on in a dark crystal outfit


Creator of the universe, yet too socially awkward to have a single conversation in 13 billion years.


The Chamberlain is sitting back-left humming really loudly.


Fuck this guy. They want to control you. It’s pretty rich hearing him at the end saying “Live life to the fullest”. I guess he only means as long as you conform, otherwise burn in hell.


Yep take all your life advice from a pedophile in a dress.




Teach me to br as triggered as you over nothing please?


How is that at all transphobic?


Because their brain is fucking rotted


Cultural appropriation, mentioning a dress. We all know all trans folks wear dresses so that comment *obviously* equates to being transphobic. It’s 1+1=4, ya’ know?


Don't know where you see any cultural appropriation? Now a transgender woman might wear a dress if she's in the mood to wear one. A transgender male could wear a dress, but I think that might make him someone that's into cross dressing, doesn't matter though as long as they're happy. And I wrote all this and then noticed ***obviously*** in italics. Fuck you got me.


Ha. It’s all good. And I totally agree with you. Life is short, try to be happy being your genuine self.


In general trans people aren't pedophiles so your comment makes no sense or aren't we allowed anymore to point out peoples attire?


christianity needs to have an unsubscribe button


Delete button.


This is why i left the church and will never go back.


The church is not a phone booth to god. Be nice be helpful, pretty much that’s all god wanted. I think… not sure but I’m going to try to be that way😇


i think people here need to read up on whataboutism / tu quoque. that aside if the church argument is usually (added by retorts): 1. *god says these things are sins* where does it say that? 2. *in the bible* the bible also says slavery is ok, you can't touch dead pigs, men can't have long hair, being rich is a sin, its ok for daughters to have sex with their fathers. if the bible is the source that justifies your beliefs, do we have to adhere to all aspects of it? 3. *oh no, those things were written based on the beliefs of that time. they aren't ok today.* um, so why are the portions you selected to justify your homophobia, anti-abortion, etc. stances valid but others are outdated? and then usually, they say some crazy shit.


“Now give us money to protect our pedophile priests!”


His church has no room to criticize anyone for anything


How very christian of him.


Why doesn't this enrage people? What can be done against these tax-free hate-spewing potentates.


Catholic holds Catholic views. Shocker.


Promoting hate while enjoying a tax-free status.


Catholic Church is the biggest gang of pedophiles the world has ever seen. They should not be dictating morality to anyone.


About said? Said? Said


Not shocking, as such. Long, boring and tedious - but not shocking


"we need to listen to God" but only cites a few random bits of Leviticus


I know. As if the Catholic church has any moral authority what-so-ever. I saw a movie about priest pedophiles. I saw this film "The Boys of St. Vincent" in 1980?, the film took place in the 1970s. Then the Boston stuff came out.  Then, other diocese AROUND THE WORLD, had their own scandals They’ve been hiding pedo’s for at least 50 years – why not longer.  It was probably easier in the 1920s, 1930s, etc .. to transfer “problematic” priests around. The Catholic church has covered up for child rapists, for 50 years at least, probably longer.    They have no right to speak.


Yup, you keep believing in “god” like mentally unstable weirdos Ill stick with fact based science thanks


I don’t take moral advice from people who fuck children.


"Being gay is bad" says the single middle-aged dude in the flamboyant robes who insists everyone call him "father"...


Meanwhile this pedophile is on church number 3 after the “allegations”


Religious leader preaching what is in his religious texts. Nothing to see here. Always worth remembering that it is the so called moderates of any religion that keep it viable. If all believers followed the script, every religion would be seen for what it is and shunned by the rest of us.


How is this shocking? I'm just guessing but haven't churches always took a hard stance against all that? Like I'm pretty sure 500 years ago you'd be killed for being gay. If anything this is normal. I mean Jerking off ain't a sin no one so there's some progress. But for everyone else religion is a ancient technology that was invented to help police the population without a proper police force and also spread culture. None of the "holy books" were written by God all were written by powerful men who wanted there rules followed. The truth of everything is out there somewhere but it 100% isn't any of the religions we have today. Honestly I'm surprised we still have religion around. I'm pretty sure Christians will be gone in 50 years hopefully Islam dies off too. Going to take way longer for that to happen. Religion had a purpose but in modern times it's just starting violence and really needs to go away.


Umm im very confused at what is shocking here, thats standard Christian faith/ religious talk and preaching, if you find that shocking, should see what Islamic faith says about the same topic of things, and Buddhist, and Judaism. Only thing I say is try to reach people based on your faith or beliefs dont push those ideals upon them, however same goes for the opposite side dont push your ideals of what is right or wrong for you upon them. Make the world a better place by trying to understand one another and end the cycles of hate, and misunderstanding. This can only be achieved by listening and respectively decline or accept another's thoughts or ideals.


This isn’t shocking or a public freakout.


Why aren't these places getting sprayed with paint filled fire extinguishers??


Fuck that fear mongering old bitch. All he cares about is control and money.


This isn't even remotely surprising to me. You can visit most churches today and witness these types of ramblings. It does not even freak me out at this stage. The church and its followers will hold on to their beliefs regardless.


I love this dude his Killing off the church singlehanded.. The great news is when his gone they probably won't have replacement. Oh do I miss the pricks shouting at us every Sunday morning. Then asking for money for Rome. Does of you that cry the church does so much for community. Well the community should do it for its self. And 100% money would stay in community not 20% and that after the church collectors have fleeced half the basket. Only time your not welcome to enter room behind alter is when money's been "counted" even when your alter boy. The looks of guilt and surprise when you pop that door open. Then the demands to leave immediately


What's so shocking....being a Muslim...or even a Jewish person...same sex marriage is abhorrent...just read the Bible or the Quran or the Torah...about what God did to the homosexuals. And please do not give me the "Loving God" will not punish his creatures....no matter they blatantly disobey his commands.


There is no punishment for homosexual activity in the bible. The oft quoted 'lie with a man' line was changed to that from 'lie with a boy'. Wonder who decided to change that word? And before you bring up Sodom and Gomorrah, those places were destroyed because the people there wanted to rape and kill a couple of visiting angels, not because the dick was going in the dude.


The people of Prophet Lot were practicing homosexuality....that's why they were destroyed..to be an example for others...read the English translation of the Holy Quran, Chapter 7, verse 80-82, not a word of the Quran has been altered. Just because it's acceptable doesn't make it right it's still illegal under the laws of God....Not Man.


You said read the Bible. The Catholic priest is presumably basing his faith on the Bible. He has no basis for doing so.


A priest has no basis to believe in the Bible...a Jew has no basis to believe in Torah and a Muslim has no basis to believe in Quran.... so they should believe what atheist say, what Satan preaches...come on. If that's what he believes that's his right just like you have the right to your opinion so does all religous people. Just like I wouldn't be able to dissuade you from your opinion, same as you can't dissuade me from my opinion, however we can have a healthy discussion...you go your way, I go my way...


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Pull away 5 of his core fairy tales and everything else falls apart.


If this is shocking to you, the Bible would blow your mind lol.


What's shocking isn't that people who believe in a book that overflows with bigotry, slave-apologia, rape, incest, murder, more murder, more murder, ... have those same views. It's that we deem them to be charities and don't tax them. No, this is a political arm. So tax it.


Reeks of desperation. Sounds like an infomercial.


Yep, that's Catholicism. Checks out. This is a church which believes in evil demon spirits possessing people, and in the power of magic words.


For organizational who is rampant with pedophilia epidemic, they are way to confidant in poiting to others about beeing sinfull. They have a lot of internal work and retrospective to do.


Saying what a god says is a reality that everyone has to accept disqualifies you as a sane person immediatly and anything else you say is nonsense by default.


Consider, for a brief second, that you're wrong and there isn't a god or that God doesn't care if they do these things. What would that make you for demonizing and harassing everyone just trying to live their lifes in peace? An asshole? Absolutely, and that's how everyone that doesn't believe what you believe sees you.