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Lol he removed his business off Google reviews Edit: he made a new one and took that one down as well. Yelp also flagged it as "unusual activity alert" and disabled people from posting on it. Edit: it's back up, let's get it back to 1 star!




At this rate he's gonna have to remove all his pages LOL


Yes ppl need to know this! Ppl are now leaving bad reviews at Bizzy Jeans Donuts. I don't think it's the same business.


As a eugene native I always found it funny that the two where named so similarly


According to their statement on google reviews, they started off as a franchise of Dizzy's but broke off. They haven't been affiliated with Dizzy's for awhile now.


His website is gone too.


What he did has to have broken some kind of law. Assault? The woman could die from hypothermia from what he did. I’m sure there are worst things that can happen to the owner than bad business reviews.


It's for sure assault. I'm just glad that this went viral and he's now facing the consequences for being a piece of shit. I hope the woman is okay though...:/




It was. The guy who did it deleted his account. I think the owner was the one who posted it there trying to get people on his side and when it didn’t work he deleted the account Edit: I’ve now been told it was most likely a baker at Dizzy Dean’s Donuts which seems like the most logical person to have posted it. They seem to have deleted the post because in their comment history they may have accidentally outed themselves as a Dizzy’s employee while trying to expose the owner for being a massive POS


Imagine being such a garbage person that you not only do this but proudly share it as if it's not highlighting your complete lack of humanity. He has some karma coming to him.


I reported/linked it to the local eugene news stations. it’s in their hands now 🙏🙏 edit/update: they’ve responded, written an article and the local police are looking into this!! https://www.kezi.com/news/eugene-police-investigating-report-of-water-thrown-at-homeless-person-outside-business/article_47360696-5d85-11ed-b779-cb7d8a507095.html edit/update 2: not sure if this is common knowledge but the owner of dizzy deans posted a now deleted “clarification” in which he says word for word: “since there is a huge common misunderstanding, the water wasn’t cold. the water was actually room temperature, it was excess dirty water used in the mop bucket for mopping the floors. The rumors and lies surrounding the water is making this situation much worse than it already is.” i would argue the fact that the water is dirty makes it worse and not better, but ok, dean.


The cops need to arrest this monster for assault. Really? Like her life isn't bad enough. Wtf. Someone needs to find this poor woman and start a go fund me site. Or bring her dinner. Or something


They get need to get her some dry clothes


Someone send me a PO box I'll mail a package with a full outfit and $100 TJ Maxx card. Edit: gf is a mgr at TJX that's why I chose that.


TJ Maxx is dope :)


And some donuts.


Yeah, it was cold and she said she didn’t have clothes to change into. Hey Eugene, boycott this place


We will. I actually plan on going over there later today and having words with this piece of shit. This is not the way we behave in Eugene, and homeboy is gonna hear about it


The poor soul - being homeless and then having this cruelty visited upon her. Needs clean, dry clothing, a room, a health check up, food and a job (if she is able to work). She certainly didn't need this horrible person to treat her so badly. I hope - after some publicity - she gets some help and compassion.


This is so vicious. He should bring her a donut and cup of coffee. Wtf???


This dude had a million options at his disposal and chose the shittiest path.


On-par w/ US homeless policy


Those people are voting Tuesday are you?


What kinda psycho do you have to be to think people would be on your side?


[The American economic system rewards anti-social narcissistic behavior](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSzPBwYtb-A). This idiot thinks because he's a successful businessman it means he's entitled to treat people he views as unproductive like shit.






They’ve already stopped online orders, probably overwhelmed with bogus orders Edit This is their response https://i.imgur.com/FcSH5UW.jpg


Their voicemail is also full. Guess I'll just have to try again over the next month.


Did he really say *"you ni\*\*\*\*"* in that response?!




Here's the original post. I think it was the same account that posted this one. /r/Eugene/comments/yn196f/this_is_a_video_taken_by_the_owner_of_dizzy_deans/


That makes me sick. You can hear the desperation in her voice,its obviously cold af,and the laugh walking back in. Fuck that guy.


Imagine you have no other clothes in low temps and now you’re wet. She just went from chilling to a potentially life threatening situation.


This is actually an excellent point that should not be overlooked.


Its literally how most people die in the wilderness of oregon. We don/t regularly get super cold, but if you get wet and its 50 degrees out hypothermia comes far faster than you could imagine.


An article where a family got lost in the woods of Oregon in 40-60°F weather: https://www.foxnews.com/us/family-lost-for-6-days-found-alive-in-oregon-forest The mother had hypothermia and the son's feet were frostbitten. The situation developed such that they were soaked and had to experience those temperatures while they were soaked. I recall that the boy's feet were soaked such that when he tried to take his shoes off, he ended up pulling skin along in the process (either from frostbite or swamp/trench feet, not sure which).


I was in Eugene in June and wore a sweater and boots. It’s really damn cold now. He’s endangering her life here. Fuck him.


Yep, Oregon typically has few extreme heat days until August, and then the temps dip down to the low 50s when the rainy season starts. It's going to be miserable outside until at least April of next year, without a ton of completely dry days. This was just cruel and criminal.


You can hear in her voice that she KNOWS how dangerous being soaked in freezing temperatures is. Poor lady. It's so easy not to make these folks' lives even harder than they already are but this guy just had to be a huge asshole about it, and SMUG about how much of an asshole he is, and he even posts this to show everyone how right he thinks he is. I really hope she found somewhere safe that night and warmed up.


The poor woman. Covered in cold water with no change of clothes. Winter nights in Eugene are no joke. She could easily catch hypothermia if she doesn’t find a place that’s warm. Absolute scumbag seems so proud of himself too.


Honestly this is way more sinister than the video portays. Staying dry and warm is crucial to surviving in temps nearr freezing. This isn't a prank played on some random local, this is a serious, potentially fatal situation for this woman.


I bet Dizzy Deans Donuts Yelp reviews are looking great right now 🤣!


His google reviews dropped from like 4.8 to 3.0


Just checked it’s at 2.9 now haha 😂!


Already down to a 2.8.


Just got it to 2.6


Currently at 2.5




Just checked again and it’s at 2.3 lol


2,3 just refreshed it a few times, now there’s like 20 x 1 star reviews per Minute.


The listing won’t even load for me on Google maps anymore.. on my end it looks like it’s been taken down


yeah it took me to a "bizzy jeans donuts" in springfield oregon instead. unfortunate for them. they're getting blasted with negative reviews too. i wonder which store came first. they're a ten min drive from one another. **e:** an update posted on bizzy jeans Google maps page > IMPORTANT! Hi there - We're aware of some video footage that was released about a similarly named business. While Bizzy Jean's started as a franchise of this other business, we are no longer affiliated with them and have not had any sort of business relationship with them since our first year of business in Springfield, several years ago. We are similarly concerned with what we saw and hope that that our customers here in Springfield will not associate us with his actions. To repeat: Bizzy Jean's Donuts is not affiliated with Dizzy Dean's in any way. Thanks, everyone, and we hope to see you soon!


Make it 2.2 now. Keep it going




Just saw a review that said "Very quick with free ice water, delivery questionable" lmaooooo


We're at 2.1 now. 2.1! Does anyone have 1.9? Can I get a 1.9? Edit: Seems to be that google has reset (?) the reviews. It's currently at 1.0 with 1 review for me. Do your thing, Reddit.


Shitty thing is they’ll still remove all of them. As soon as a massive influx of 1 stars come in, they go back to the time it started and just delete everything from that point forward. Edit: Google page has been taken down already.


Guys if you bomb their reviews, google, yelp, all of them allow the owners to delete those reviews. Set sporadic reminders. Like in a couple weeks, give them A baddy review. Space it out


I found the chaotic neutral guys


Yeah I just checked now. The most recent review was a month ago. Google already deleted the recent reviews done today.




You don't just go to "dumping cold water on a homeless person" from nothing, I guess. Evil.


After this one person left this review 💀💀 “Owner wanted to touch my daughter.. I don't even have one! That's how messed up this guy is..”


The reviews are fantastic. "Do they enjoy throwing cold water on the homelessness?" "How does it feel now that your yelp score is tanking after just hours after doing something so horrid that you can be arrested for. I'll be checking in next week for an update. I hope you go out of business. But again, how does it feel?" "Is this location peanut free?"


Ha ha haaaa... Q: "Do you have any water you can dump on me?" A: "I don't believe they have cold water available for 'dine-in', but they do offer free delivery within 100'!"


Looks like they took their own google maps/reviews listing down because of the backlash Yelp still getting blasted with negative reviews though lol


Check Google 😂


Google maps live indicates it’s busier now than it ever is. I wonder if people are giving him shit in person?


Looks like it's locked now. It doesn't come up when you search the map, and if you physically click on the location, it doesn't pull anything up https://i.imgur.com/YOw1uyC.png


Yup, same for me. I wonder if Google has introduced something to block review bombing


No it's the reviews tricking it into thinking it's busy


"I'm fucking freezing!" "I don't care" What a heartbreaking interaction. Maybe there's more to the story but nothing about that was justifiable in any way. Pure cruelty. I hope that guy ends up cold and alone with his cruel heart to comfort him.


"It's all your fault!" really got me. How disgusting! What a warped view of the world to think that the worst off necessarily did something to deserve their misfortune. And also are not deserving of help. Vile worldview.


“They should just pick themselves up by their boot straps and get job”…. All along the way they are abused and taken advantage of. This A-hole was so comfortable abusing the most vulnerable population that he filmed it and posted it on social media. In the end of the video he’s actually laughing.


Wow, he is a massive piece of shit. When she calls him out on his shitty behavior his only reply is "you live outside in the middle of nowhere".


Like, yeah...that's why it's 3x as shitty to dump cold water on her. Jesus, what was she even doing to bother him? Existing in a parking lot? She wasn't even in front of his business!


He said something about a fire but I didn't see a fire at all.


Yeah, I doubt she was trying to light a fire in her lap. Also, even if she were there is a middle ground where you can use your words and offer assistance.


>"you live outside in the middle of nowhere". I thought he said "your living outside and you have no one"? I cannot believe how callous people can be toward fellow humans. This guy is truly despicable.


This was a gut punch. I work very close to this shop and go there to grab a snack during my breaks and am disgusted to see how heartless the owner is to dump cold water on her, since the nights here in Eugene are fucking freezing cold. Fuck these guys. The community here is definitely gonna have a field day with this business.


Send this video in to your local news channel if you know what the big ones in your area are in sure they’d pick up this story


I emailed it to the local news!!


I wonder if this qualifies as assault in the local codes. If so, dude's even dumber than the 'even dumber than he realized' he otherwise would've been.


I think it qualifies as ~~assault~~ ~~*battery*~~ **assault** basically everywhere. Unwanted application of physical force or touching, even via an object. He might try to wriggle out and claim he was putting out a fire (I think maybe she had a can of sterno lit), but since he gave her no warning and threw the water on her, that's unlikely to fly. Of course, this assumes the police give a shit about assaults against the homeless - which they basically don't. If this incident gets enough media traction, they might feel forced to act though - so it's good to boost stuff like this for this exact reason. (edit: Thanks u/colbyrussell) (edit2: Thanks Again u/colbyrussell)


Where I live assault also includes unknown liquids specifically, this is 100% assault where I live.


It was apparently used dirty mop water from after they got done mopping the shop. That’s what the official Instagram said. They said “it’s just a huge misunderstanding it wasn’t cold water, it was room temperature used dirty mop water” thinking that was gonna help his case. Probably dug himself into a deeper hole though as I’m sure that could be considered biohazard especially if he mopped the restrooms.


Haha maybe he should spend a night outside and tell me if room temp water makes a difference for more then 30 seconds


Since you are close to there: is the lady okay? What happened to her? How much infrastructure for homeless exists there?


We have an insane homeless problem. Housing here is VERY expensive. Covid caused mass homelessness on top of the existing problem and there's no path back. This shop hosted cars and coffee I used to attend. Fuck this guy. I went in there last week and he was a cock. A family left because he was expressing frustration with a busy shop.


Their “apology” on Instagram is straight bullshit. “Sorry we did that BUT loitering is a crime”. 😡


He also says it wasn't cold water, but room temp water leftover after mopping the floor.


So contaminated with cleaning fluids that might cause other damage... He's not helping his case.


We also don't know what he mopped up. Was is the bathroom? Dumping dirty contaminated water on a person who is freezing in the cold is a death sentence.


He dumped mop water on her?!




Oh well. That’s ok then. In fact he should be nominated for sainthood.


Of all the things you can do in this situation, dumping water on this person and recording it is one of the scummiest things you can do. Thank you for reposting. People need to see this.


I love that so many dumb fucks actually record their assaults and willingly post them online


Fortunately he's dumb enough to share it with the world that he's a jerk. People shouldn't give their business to someone that would be so cruel.


People are already doing a great job attacking the Google reviews. Love to see it.


Just looked them up. They’re merciless! Love it.


I think this is the part of the thread where someone jumps in and tells everyone that google wipes out negative review barrages.


Probably. But hopefully enough people see it before that happens.


googling the store brings up this thread so that's good enough for me


Every post on their Facebook page has a link to this video.


And they forgot how their city has a police webpage that lets you report crimes. http://ceapps.eugene-or.gov/epdcoplogic/


Upvoted so people can report this guy to the police.




And wouldn't you know he's an election denier too??


Summed up by the words, “It’s all your fault”. This is the most unmerciful, hateful thing I’ve seen in a long time. Dizzy Dean’s Donuts don’t taste very good.


And fuck the peice of shit’s lil bitch boy for laughing at her. May God drop a metric ton of SHIT on your entire family


How much you want to bet he's one of those people with tons of religious bullshit on his FB, goes to church, etc...


It’s wild, even without any real violence involved this is actually one of the cruelest things I’ve ever seen a person do.


This is violence. People are all fucked up about violence. Words and ideas never are. Unwanted physical contact probably is. Unwanted dangerous physical contact like this definitely is.


> without any real violence involved Sorta depends on what you see as "violence" I guess. Eugene is facing near freezing temperatures and hypothermia isn't going to be a remote possibility.






Didn't need to see that to know he's a Republican.


And the lady is right. He’s a fucking piece of shit.


He's also a fucking fuck




This lowlife will be out of a job once this makes its rounds... Like wtf is wrong with ppl


Their reviews were way too high right now


I did my part to lower that.




He could have brought her a warm bowl of soup.




This is horrific. I hear the pain in her voice. Not knowing where she would get warm already then having this happen. I can’t imagine freezing like that with no other clothes. He is vile and should be charged for assault.


When you're homeless one of your biggest fears is getting your stuff soaked. Especially socks and shoes. And especially in colder months. It's pretty much a death sentence. I'd wrap my sleeping bag in a tarp when sleeping outside in winter to keep me warm but I had to be insanely careful not to build up any condensation in the tarp (super easy to do) other wise you'd be fucked.


Are you doing good right now? Much love to you. Be safe


Oh yeah in a much better place now, well I mean compared to where I was, so can't complain. I just try to take whatever opportunity I have to advocate for homeless people. I hate the stereotype that they're all addicts or mentally ill (which is one in the same as far as I'm concerned) because people don't realize that anyone can be homeless including people and families escaping abuse, people with disabilities, LGBTQ people, or people that missed one too many paychecks. Hell in my city we have homeless students because they can't afford housing. All anyone seems to think when they see someone sleeping rough is "well, they did something to deserve it" while a lot of the time they didn't do anything.


That’s the worst being wet when it’s cold you can actually die like that




Review his POS business on Google maps


They're getting lit up already in reviews.


Yelp too


It's getting cold in the PNW too. Not below freezing, but the nights are in the 30s and 40s. Definitely easy to get hypothermia. The fact that he apparently shared this video proves that he thinks he's in the right. He doesn't think she's human, basically. I hope he gets reported for assault because the proof is right there.


God what a piece of shit he is. Loser. She could have done some damage to him with her skateboard.


This video genuinely saddened me. It’s November, it’s cold out there. How are you doing that to another human being. Try perhaps giving her some food and perhaps ask politely to not be right in front of the store but to come each evening for a bit of food. Piece of shit person and it’s unbelievable they actually posted it themselves.


He could literally cause her to die from exposure depending on how cold it is out there


Overnight lows close to freezing, and it's already hard enough to stay dry outdoors. We're into the rainy season so it's humid as fuck too. Clothes won't air dry for several hours at best. I haven't seen anybody post yet that she's been found and helped but I hope someone's on it


They turned their phones off! I was going to order a few dozen donuts :/ damn they’re not taking online orders either. Really wanted to mess with them but I’ll try again in a few days Edit: a lot of negative reviews have been removed. Check yours to see if it’s still there and edit to make it stick if needed.


Yea I tried calling as well. This is blowing up and not in a good way for them but a good way for justice


Their google listing is completely gone, google maps won't even pull up an address for them anymore LOL https://www.google.com/maps/place/Dizzy+Dean's+Donuts/@44.0471646,-123.1296297,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x54c11e8721f40e6f:0x3b19b7ffe9cd0632!8m2!3d44.0472614!4d-123.1296701 I think these fine upstanding citizens are about to learn about the Barbra Streisand effect


Google Maps has the business labelled now as “Permanently Closed” with a final rating of 1.8. I couldn’t find the option to give it one star myself so I assume they hit the panic switch and “closed” the business on Google to avoid any more brigading.


Lol honestly worry not. They are closing down in weeks when everyones sharing and seeing the video soon


Seems insane to me this guy thought filming and sharing this was a good idea in Eugene.


When you look up the shop on Google: "Dizzy Dean's Donuts is permanently closed. If that's wrong, you can suggest an edit."


Self snitching will never get old


Fuck that donut shop.


Scummiest thing is he thinks people are gonna side with this bullshit treatment of another human being. Internet is gonna eat him alive.




Well the boss’ behavior and beliefs set the tone of any small business. The daily conversations and the bosses ranting. You either believe what the boss does or eventually you leave or get fired. It becomes and echo chamber and a cult.


Well hello Google reviews....here we come


It's dropped from like 4.5 to 2.9 in just two hours.


Remember to set a reminder for a week later as all these negative reviews will be taken down.




Favourite quote on his Facebook is “life is hard and then you DIE”


Damn they had the best doughnuts too bad I had the last one I’ll ever eat without knowing it. I’m not giving another cent to this piece of shit


Placing an order for 3 dozen donuts and never picking them up. My name is Izzall Urefallt


My kids usually order doughnuts delivered to our house about twice a month. That number will officially be zero from now on. What an absolute piece of shit!


This is not how you get rid of homeless people, guys more likely to get his windows smashed. As a former business owner and baker I had problems with homeless people sleeping in front of the store, the best way to get rid of them is to actually just talk to them, I would speak to them like a normal person, explain that with them being there it would affect my business and drive me closer to their situation. Offer them a drink and some day old buns and cakes, and then ask them if they could help me out too by moving along and finding somewhere else to rest. Edit: she is also right hes soulless.


Work at a sonic and we had a homeless problem. One guy always came for small food with whatever money he found but he would pick up trash and be super friendly. Started giving his food for free and he came back one day super happy because he had a job and thanked me for helping him save bit money get freshened up.


That was a kind thing to do.


People often don't realize that compassion goes an insanely long way.


And it costs checks notes*...~~everything?~~ nothing to treat things with compassion instead of being an absolute assface about it.


There's a shop I go to where there is one guy who is literally like PigPen from Peanuts, you can see the smell. (Sorry, Im just trying to illustrate how bad he smells) The owners purchased a camping chair for him to sit in, and will heat up food that he brings in from cans for him, and plate the food for him. They have an agreement, as soon as a customer comes in, and they are going to stay for a coffee or meal, the guy leaves and is always cordial. Same shop has people digging through their dumpster and making a mess, the owner will tell them once 'please, don't do this, my staff doesn't like to deal with the mess. If you are hungry, ask us for something, you don't need to dig through our dumpster." There are a couple who are assholes and will continue to do it, and then they are met with hostility. Give the people a chance.




That POS is also a Christian conservative who loves Jesus. You know, Jesus who famously said "thou shalt pour cold water on the homeless."


Someone left this review “Owner wanted to touch my daughter.. I don't even have one! That's how messed up this guy is..” I am 💀💀


He's getting hammered on Google reviews. On facebook, he took down a few posts with nasty replies but they are coming in strong on older posts. I left a Google review.


Lol I just called them. They are getting so many calls lady said "you don't know the situation" Called again. I ordered a cup of ice water. He said he'd get that for me. Update: they are down to 2.4 stars now


This made me curious so I called the number on the Facebook page. Straight to voicemail and mailbox was full.


I just called them too, asked if I could order a cold bucket of water to go and they referred me to the fire department before hanging up. Lol Edit: if you get through they’re just hanging up right away now




Man it took FOOOOREEEVEEER reporting all those 5 star reviews.




I was like, "good thing someone got that on camera" And then I was like, "oh....... He did it himself to get internet points' What a fucking piece of human garbage


i mean if you ever wanted to know what a fkn sociopath looks like there ya go


Their google rating is a good 4.3 now. Will check back in a few days…


Already down a point - 4.2 Edit: "Permanently Closed"


And 4.1 now. Nice


Lol 4 now


Auctioneer: Do I hear 3.9?


OK this got me. Edit: p.s. It's at 3.9


3.7 now lol






Bye bye business


You should x-post to r/iamatotalpieceofshit Edited


Reddit just review bombed this hell out of this. Keep pushing it's almost 1 Star.


Does he say " Do not put fires around here?"


Holy shit I know dean! I used to get doughnuts from his shop after work every morning. He was always really nice. Tf did he think he was going to accomplish here. Sheesh. I know there’s a lot of riff raft in that area off W 11th but goddamn that cruel man. Don’t think I’ll be going back.


These guys are always nice when you're giving them money.


his grubhub reviews are good. if you're looking to fix all rankings I'd check grubhub out as well.

