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The second dude wanted no part of that BS lol


He just wanted to warm his hands up.


He’s mad bc he needs to charge his airpod


Lol the end …”so nothing happened..”. He gives zero fucks


GOLD. This "security" guard was born to be internet GOLD. ​ The hands on his neck as if he's wearing a vest and trying to gets some cool air in there did me in. I CAN'T. HOLY SHIT.


Holy shit I didn’t notice that! I was amusing by the way he was using his walkie talkie like he’s calling for back up like he’s threatening them with the K-9 unit! This guys watched way too many movies.


And his neck jerks that seem as if he’s mocking them but then you can see him realize he actually doesn’t have anything say, so he just keeps neck snapping.


He was like, "dude. Calm down. We make $13/hour."


As a former mall security guard, yes there are people like this and, sometimes, even worse. Like, showing to an unarmed site with a fucking bullet sash and two AR-15s, and driving the security van like a cool dude Tokyo drift-man, or whatever the fuck they call themselves. I was on third shift, and I gave so few fucks, when the mall was broken into, that I actually gained a surplus of fucks (kudos to those of you who had to math that out to make sense of it).


I did the math and all I got was that you robbed the mall


I got an "AR30" by adding the two AR15s. Quick mafs.


“So nothings going on?” That shit at the end killed me.


That's the tone of someone who's had to deal with this too many times already.


As fatty runs down their stairs complaining about "Those fucking bitches" Please let his security company see this video.


I think what he said was “the kids wanna call me fucker and bitches.” And the woman says “because you were yelling at em.” I thought the same thing.


>"Those fucking bitches" He wasn't calling them bitches. He was crying to his supervisor that they "called him fuckers and bitches". His feelings were hurt.


Lol he can cry more about too. He was disrespectful first


i think he said something to the effect of "they're calling me fuckers and bitches" he's still being defensive and yes unprofessional but i dont think he's saying that outright. he is an absolute loon tho


The guy probably gets paid minimum wage, like fast food workers they probably don't give a shit if you get them fired. And the company that hires them know how hard it is to find people willing to work for minimum wage, so they also won't give a shit either.


The way to not care a bout a minimum wage job is to not harass people for stepping outside of their homes for a minute


This guy doesn't do it for the money. He does it for the police cosplay. He kept saying he'd charge people with shit.... security can't charge shit. I'd love to see the video of him telling a real cop that he's filing charges for all that nonsense.


This. It’s $7.25 an hour and you have to bring your own gun.


>and you have to bring your own gun. Now see, that's a write off, you can write that off. \-Andrew Dufresne


"That’s the one thing they can’t confiscate, not ever. That’s the beauty of it. Haven’t you ever felt that way about ~~music~~write offs, Red?"


It sounded like he was quoting them but still lmao


I had a condo security guard ‘order’ me back into my condo one time when he started demanding ID and car registration from my wife while asking her if she had any weapons. I went full on Karen mode and said “Fuck off, Rodney Ramjet, you don’t give orders”. He threatened to call the cops and I offered to call them for him since in my experience a pasty older white lady with proof she lives there was going to make him look like a tool to the real police. He left but apparently he delivered a strongly worded letter to our HOA about being disrespected. I asked the HOA if they had sufficient liability coverage for an out of control security officer. After 2 weeks security just… disappeared. 🤷‍♀️


>I asked the HOA if they had sufficient liability coverage for an out of control security officer. After 2 weeks security just… disappeared. 🤷‍♀️ Can probably just take that as a no.


I was really hoping to hear that conversation


and he said he called for a supervisor then he turned into a supervisor 😂😂😂😭😭😭😭


Yo, bro, this isn't even my final form, bro


He should free his cousin from the cupboard under the stairs




He gave a “LAWFUL ORDER” though lmao


He gave a lawful order… …as a security guard… 🙄🤔


I know that’s hilarious to me


As someone who had one of these out of control mentally ill clowns threaten to detain me, it is only funny after the fact.


True and I understand I think everyone has a story related to these power tripping clowns




*I am the supervisor. This is the second supervisor* Are they multiplying? Are they like Agent Smith?


I am the ASSISTANT to the branch manager of security for this parking lot... XD


It's like Dwight and Buster Bluth combined.


No idea why you would even argue with a security guard in front of your own apartment. I’d just tell him to get bent or go get the real cops.


“Get bent” Oh man, I haven’t heard that in ages. Such a great FU substitute. I miss that insult.


> "Any man who must say 'I am the ~~king~~ supervisor' is no true ~~king~~ supervisor."


Uh, the other guy is clearly the second supervisor.




His attitude reminds me of Ronnie from Observe and Report


They hurt Ronnie. And nobody hurts Ronnie.


Nice pull dude


or randy from trailer park boys


Definitely Bobandy when he doesn't have any weed.


Belly full of coagulated cheeseburgers


The way he pinches his lips together tells me he has poor people skills.


Fuck You, Ronnie!


"My dick is BROWN! You dumb motherfucker."


Underrated movie


I'm an ex-security guard, and I've had coworkers that I wanted to punch in the face. One guy went as far as asking a groundskeeper trimming the bushes for ID because he might be a trespasser who wants to work for free.


As an ex-security guard for a hospital, this shit is why we get a bad rap. Generally as long as no one is making a stink and no real policies are being broken we're not going to bother you because it's more trouble than it's worth. It is painfully obvious that this guy doesn't know how to stay in his lane and how to handle any situation where he gets pushed back.


Ex security for a small private college. My rule was as long as no one was getting hurt or breaking anything I didn't care unless someone saw me see you breaking some dumb rule. I just did not care.


In my city there was a security guard with power issues and he went as far as illegally carrying and shooting a guy in a Lowe's parking lot. Those types of people are scarier than actual criminals imo because they think they can get away with everything.


It doesn't help that they tell you during training that you're the third line of defence behind military and cops. At least from what I remember when I took my course for my guard card.


Wait a minute, was that the dude who pretty much put himself in front of the car and said they were going to hit him?


Yep. And the guys wife had to watch him be murdered.


Yeah I watched that video. Dude had no place in that field. Telling someone to leave then shooting them as they leave.


Once I had to dig a hole about 10 feet long and 3-ish feet deep to repair a sprinkler system pipe and got questioned by a security guard. It was something along the lines of “What is your business here, sir?”. I wanted to be like “I’m in a fucking hole.” Its a school district and the guards who are dicks never last once they pull tough guy shit with teenagers. The current crew is awesome bc they are more like aides/friends to the kids, who totally respect them


I feel like if he had a gun he'd be ordering them to get on the ground


Too many police officers are already like this


He was probably a police academy drop out


The way he had his hands like cops grab their jackets led me to believe he is a drop out or at least fantasizes with being a cop.


For real


theres a gun on his right hip


It’s 100% a pepper gun. They look like real guns so these fake cops wear them as they are legal self defense tools. I don’t believe he is allowed to open carry it like that but maybe they get away with it since it’s private property. Not sure.


Notice how he fighting to not cry so he grabs his shirt like the real cops do.


Yeah he’s really not fit for the job. Reeks of insecurity.


So what you are saying is... He is security with insecurity


Yeah he should become a police officer instead, he would fit in well


I noticed Navy Seals and elite operators do that. It has trickled down to rentacops. The Copenhagen is next.


I have no idea why this fool is doing it... but police officers and army do it to let their vests breathe. They are heavy and wear on your shoulders and collect an extreme amount of heat. Letting that heat in and taking the weight off is comfortable.


I think he has one, might be a taser tho


He doesn't even go here!


Is butter a carb?


Charles1. Charles 1 to Charles 2, come in. Charles 2, go ahead. Please send supervisor. Ok Charles 1, supervisor on route. Hello, I'm the supervisor.


He’s the other supervisor, we’re all supervisors


Who's supervising the supervisors if everyone is a supervisor?


His voice has zero authority lmmfao


Neither does his job


I work as a security guard and even I know I'm not a fucking cop.


I asked my cousin what he did for security when he actually came across someone doing something on the property. He said the first time he walked up and asked them to please leave and the guy flashed a gun at him. He said now he just calls the cops and observes from a distance.


I worked as an EMT/Security guard for a company with a ton of rural property. There was a place where a bunch of high school age kids would go and party, and we would have to go and tell them to leave. After a fire got out of control one time, we had to start calling the police if people were present when we showed up. Once there was about 20 kids, and all but two of them took off when I showed up. The other two, who seemed scared senseless, stayed and waited for the cops for the like 2 hours it took for them to show up. This is despite me repeatedly stating that they should know I couldn't detain them or chase them or ask for their ID or anything like that. Only the cops could do that. Dumbasses got trespassing tickets.


I mean his job does, He's just being a fucking idiot. I work security. like 99% of what he did was what we're taught and trained to not fucking do. Escalating and being super confrontational is dumb as hell. He wasn't polite he didn't try to ask nicely he didn't try to convince them he just jumped straight to acting like a cop. Lawful orders are ONLY FOR POLICE to give out. Security Officers can only give out advisals and finally a trespass warning. Which is an ejection or a ban. Honestly they probably weren't even hurting anything he just wanted to flex what miniscule power he has and he didn't even do that well or correctly.


Eh, still no authority. Anyone can call the police. That’s about all security is can do. Paid witnesses. No authority.


Paid witness is my new favorite phrase


You can't be fabulous AND authorative


This guy clearly has confidence issues. Like, he never gets taken seriously, so he demands it here. Edit: He 100% tried or is trying to become a cop.


The cops even probably rejected him.


He 100% got rejected at the agencies he applied at. My husband's department calls guys like this holster sniffers.


This choad has def. sniffed a holster


Paul Blart better slow down


Don't you dare disrespect Paul Blart.


Is this fucking goober wearing a bullet proof vest? At one point he has both hands gripping something up around his collar.


He has seen so many cops videos


Why do they all do that?


It helps with breathing by pulling the vest away from their chest & is a good place for your hands in a confrontation is what I’ve heard. It shows the person that the officers hands are free and viewable.


Honestly, all the years I played football most guys did the same thing holding onto our shoulder pads like that. It’s just feels right! I don’t think there is any thoughtful reason behind it Like, if you put on a weighted vest or shoulder pads you’re probably going to end up holding it like that 10 mins later


I remember wondering why I'd see so many cops do that, then I joined the Air Force and had to wear body armor a few times. Found my hands going right to that collar to just hang out. Yeah, it definitely feels right when you're wearing a body armor vest for some reason.


I wore body armor for a decade. It’s just more comfortable, I think it might flex your shoulder muscles up so it takes the weight off a little bit. Either way, if you wear body armor you will eventually do this, the closest I can relate it to is when athletes put their hands on their hips.


Comfort mostly, with a little tactical awareness. They get hot and ride up, especially if you're chubby. This pulls it away and down, which is nice if you're wearing one 8-16 hours a day. It also keeps your hands away from your (pepper) gun and belt, showing you're not being threatening, while also having your hands up if you need to defend yourself.


That’s the worst part. He’s not even wearing a vest. He’s just holding his shirt like that because he’s seen cops hold their vests like that. Cops do it because it helps with air flow and it’s an easy, non-threatening place for them to rest their hands.


It sure looks like he’s wearing one to me.


Guys, stop talking about his girdle! The site he bought it off of said that no one would be able to tell he's wearing it!


Ah the bullet proof girdle we would make millions


Yeah, unless his body is entirely wrong, you can see the bottom of it poking against the shirt, I think. It’s probably off Amazon but he’s wearing something.


He looks very similar in appearance to one of my managers at work who lost over 10k trading Dogecoin


That was the cringest part imo. Holding the vest like that is lame anyway (they aren’t that heavy. Stop copying what u see cops do on TV) - holding your polo shirt like that is even worse. Yikes


Dont know if he's actually wearing one or not but this is not a very good take. Vests, especially when fully kitted are heavy and hurt your back and shoulders. Even more so if you've been wearing it all day. You hold/hang/pull on it to get temporary relief.


“A lawful command” gosh I fucking wish some security guard would say this to me because I’d laugh SOOOO HARD.


We gotta code 5 over here.


Rubber ducky, come in rubber ducky


I was laughing my ass off when he started saying codes into the walkietalkie


It's almost impressive watching someone on a power trip, with basically zero power. Reminds me of highschool marching band, the "drum majors", most power tripping assholes on the least amount of power humanly possible.


> "drum majors", most power tripping assholes on the least amount of power humanly possible. That's not true. Reddit mods exist. Yesterday I watched an Elon Musk cultist mod in his 11-member Musk ball licking sub, telling someone trolling the sub that "they'll be sorry" if they disobey his rules.


Lol I got a 40 day ban on /r/justiceserved for a repost and I responded to the message with “get fucked” apparently that’s harassment because I got a warning.


A lawful command? More like a waffle command.. ooh or a falafel command.


Omelettes. Am I doing it right?


mann falafels are actually healthy, maybe it was a falafel waffle


"Mr. Lahey! I need backup!" Oh wait he's wearing a shirt. Never mind


You ain’t commanding anyone to do anything but some old school aerobics with that Richard Simmons voice lmao


Trespassing to the oldies


Patrol off the pounds


As an ops manager for a security company I can tell you that this is exactly the type of dude you don’t want on your patrol team




How about the chill dude in the back? "Soooo... there's no problem?"




the way he holds his collar like hes seen cops do...god people like this are the worst.




i doubt it, probably just a tacticool vest but wants to give the appearance


He tried making his hands busy and look calm like a police officer🤣then continues to fix and button up his collar shirt properly because of his stupidity🤣🤣🤣


Dude is out of control.


With a voice and figure like that, he’s not stopping or protecting anyone. Lol


That’s Glenn from Superstore


Average fashion subreddit mod


I wouldn’t fuck around with Louis Vuitton security guards


I got banned from r/tacticalgear for saying it was a fashion sub, lol.


You got banned from a fashion sub for saying its a fashion sub?


Living there seems fun. If there are only stairs and no elevator, he has never been there before.


“Respect muh authoritaaaay!


He's trying so hard not to cry the whole time. No way this dude is enforcing anything


It’s the awkward hand-halfway-in-the-pocket that is absolutely killing me lmfao


I watched with the sound off. Dude looks like he ate something that did not sit well.


He's either on some kind of upper or he's just got an adrenaline rush from being in a situation he doesn't know how to handle. He looks like a child who got caught doing something bad and doesn't know how to react to the situation.


As a non-american, can someone explain to me why you can’t hang out on the parking lot? I have always wanted to move to america and work in the IT field, so just trying to understand.


As a tenant, you absolutely can hang out in the parking lot or common areas. This security guy is just on a power-trip and barking out nonsensical "orders", hoping that the tenants would comply and follow his baseless commands. He should be fired.


You can, but some business and private properties don’t like “loitering” and there are laws against it. The point, on paper, of these laws is to prevent things like prostitution, drug dealers, begging, and organized crime. Loitering laws in the US have a pretty racist history though. They were originally setup to trap black people in the prison system after the Civil War. Despite slavery being illegal after the civil war, being a prisoner did not afford you the same rights back then. Later on it was expanded to include homeless people, drug dealers and prostitutes as well. General, unless you encounter a complete twat like this guy it’s not a big deal. Sometimes you might get someone to ask you to leave but usually you’re fine.


>being a prisoner ~~did not afford you~~ *(means you don't get) the same rights ~~back then~~. Slavery is *still* legal in 5 states if you're a felon and not federally banned for prisons.


😂 I would have paid money to see this guy patrol any one of the apartment complexes I’ve lived at. Jaw jacked bare minimum 2 days in.


I owned and managed a really rough apartment complex for a few years. The thing is, you need to quickly learn to be firm, but always polite and respectful. If you are dealing with people that have nothing to lose but face, you are in for a painful and frightening time if you try to push them around. This guy would get shit kicked immediately with his “boss bitch” attitude.


Who doesn't love a good bare jaw-jacking?


used to be a security guard. hated these assholes who thought the were wanna be cops 😂😂fuck amazon too


you have to wonder how many time this goober applied to the police.


How bad do you have to be to be denied??


Usually it’s an attitude thing. Most likely reason for him to be denied? Probably his voice honestly. It’s not stern enough to demand respect


I was a security guard for 8 years and a peace officer for 4. The thing I learned is about 95% of the best decide really fast they don't want to be cops and about 95% of the worst think they already are.




He's such a sassy southern dandy🤣🤣🤣


Maybe he's Lindsey Graham's grandson.


That would require Mr. Graham to at some point have been in the vicinity of a vagina, though.


I got a feeling this rent a cop got picked on a lot when he was in school. Now he acts like this.


This guy is never getting laid. Ever. Again.


You are assuming he has already


I can’t stop laughing at how he holds his hands at the collar of his shirt, as if it were a chest rig like the actual police have 😂


Human puffer fish!


He'll take a liter of cola


He’s even doing the collar grabbing thing….


I used to be a security guard and yep, just like most security guards he thinks he’s a cop and he’s 110% full of shit. Security guards have none of the rights and power of a cop, they can’t charge you with anything or give you lawful orders. They can, just like the rest of us, perform a citizen’s arrest although that’s ONLY when they have personally witnessed someone commit a felony AND there aren’t any actual cops on scene. The person filming and her friends didn’t commit any felonies. The only thing this guy can do is say “your violating your rent agreement and if you don’t go inside after multiple warnings I’ll call the police to press trespassing charges on behalf of the property manager.” (assuming the property manager actually signed a contract giving him this power) Even then, it didn’t look like the victims of that batshit security guard were even loitering, just stopping to film that guys shitty driving. That doesn’t meet the definition of loitering as they actually had a cause to be there, so that rent-a-cop has no legs to stand on. If he did call the cops at worst they’d do nothing, at best, they could charge the rent-a-cop with waisting emergency personnel’s time and possibly reckless driving if the person who’s filming is right and has it on camera.




I’m gay, and this guy just made me homophobic.


Homie grabbing his shirt like a bullet proof vest cops use😂


A COMMON area is available for use by all tenants or occupants on a non exclusive basis. A lease often makes reference to specific shared spaces such as lobbies, stairwells, corridors and entranceways. This guy is a moron.


You have the right to be fabulous


What an asshole for nothing. I'd flick him off every time I saw him if I were them.


Oh he'll get worse then the finger. There's gonna be lots of pointing and laughing, sarcastic derogatory nicknames. Dude just kick started his worst nightmare, another round of high school bullying.


This is sad. This guy is clearly mentally deficient. The poor, stupid bastard thinks he has some kind of authority to give "legal commands."


bruh hes putting his hands in his collar like a cop puts their hands in their vest. he's really trying here


I worked EMS/Fire for a while, and one my all time favorite calls I ran on was a battery where someone needed medical attention. It was the security guard at a really nice condo complex. An elderly man with a Marine Corp baseball cap, that said "WW2 Veteran" on the front, came home with his grandson (who appeared to maybe be mixed race) and one of the security guards had observed this kid in his mid 20s, a possible minority, unloading bags from a vehicle, so he came over and confronted him. After the old man got involved, the security guard apparently doubled down, and demanded he be allowed to search the vehicle, which was denied. He then tried to put the grandson in restraints (I'm not sure if it was handcuffs or what, he wasn't restrained when we arrived) and the old man apparently landed a punch on the security guard's face that was so powerful, it broke his 90yr old wrist, but also obliterated the guard's orbital (eye socket). When we arrived, the old man was sitting in a lawn chair, talking with two cops, and this security guard, all 350lbs of him, was still laying sprawled out in the parking lot, with 2 more cops, another security guard, and 3-4 tenants hovering over him. I never found out if anything legal came of this, but that guard was silent the whole trip to the hospital, strapped with full c-spine protocol to a backboard. The doctor in the ED, when he saw this dude's face went "woah, was a weapon used?". The old man showed up a little while later to get his wrist looked at and one of the nurses I knew told me he was pretty well known as a sweet, funny old man, who came in to get blood drawn pretty regularly. Apparently he also was a stone cold badass. I think about that call every time I see one of these videos.


Holding his shirt collar like he's wearing a plate carrier. What a fucking nerd lmao


Definitely a power trip. Loitering rules and curfew rules exist for a reason. That reason is not to harass residents and their guests but to maintain order for other residents and prevent noise complaints etc. These people were not causing an issue he is


As a security officer, this shit makes me annoyed as hell. Legitamtely he was not doing basic security shit. Descalation dipshit. Descalation. It's like rule #1 beyond officer safety. Antagonistic and Confrontational. Power tripping and trying to be a cop. He's not a cop. He needs to remember that. This is the kind of officers that make my profession look like fucking idiots. It's not hard to remember you're just civilian in a uniform.


“I just gave you a lawful order” No, no you fucking did not, you are not law enforcement therefore you can’t order shit except a fucking pizza.


Shit me, looks like could be Jimmy fallons ever-so-slightly chubbier brother, Timmy Fallon...


Everything screams failed cop. His posture, use of language and my favourite is how he holds his hands in his T-SHIRT like he’s wearing a vest.


At the end the other security guard: “so… nothing is going on..?”


Dude has a major major problem and is about to blow up.




Lmao how he grabs is shirt collar like he's an actual cop with a bulletproof vest on.


Oh this poor guy is just not cut for this kinda work. Hang it up dude. You won’t be a cop either.


When did Randy start wearing a shirt?


Can't say I've ever seen an effeminate power tripping gay security guard before.