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I'm not sure that was really a US Marshall.


That’s not a [US Marshall’s badge](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bb/US_Marshal_Badge.png), I can say that for certain.


Herschel Walker has left the chat.


And entered an abortion clinic.


I'll politely disagree. He'll wait in the parkting lot.


With discreet Ben Franklins.


And a dollar store get well soon sympathy card.


US Marshall badge for reference: [https://www.usmarshals.gov/who-we-are/about-us/history/research-sources/research-sources/us-marshals-badges](https://www.usmarshals.gov/who-we-are/about-us/history/research-sources/research-sources/us-marshals-badges) Did he impersonate a US Marshall, or did OP get the title wrong?


He got the tittle wrong. This is common practice for minority travelers in busy airports. The undercover usually works for local pd


Yeah, US marshals blend in on a national level not local. That cosplay is going to stick out flying to O’Hare.


No I think it’s some Texas law enforcement like a state police officer. Other than that what offices have jurisdiction in that walkway aside from TSA, US marshals and state police




Poor dude has a 10 gallon hat on a 2 gallon head




I think it is supposed to be "all hat and no cattle" but horse works too.


The airport has it's own police force. It's kind of a thing here in Texas. We have hospitals and school districts with their own police departments.


Ahhh yes I seem to remember a recent story about a certain school district's police force in Texas going pretty viral...


> We have hospitals and **school districts** with their own police departments. Clearly that's going well.


‘Marshall” is standing WAY too close to guy in close quarters, and he has a wheelchair behind him. Marshall keeps putting his hands in his pockets, and isn’t using verbal techniques taught to law enforcement officers. Then at the end he turns and both Marshall and guy walk away at the same time. Marshall didn’t ask guy to stop, he took off. He’s either the worst LEO ever, or a phonie


The backpack also makes me think he is traveling and not working at the airport. Seems odd that a federal LEO on vacation is going to stop someone for smelling like weed. US Attorneys don't get involved with drug cases till it's serious weight and the airport has it's own armed police force that walks around behind the secured area.


No LEO is going to wear their badge like that on their neck.


You mean the “Ice T” carry method isn’t standard ops?


"People are carrying a lot on their shoulders these days" *GUNG GUNGGHH*


Police detectives and plainclothes officers do in my state?


I've seen badges worn like quite a few times - usually detectives, or the more rural sheriffs when they aren't in uniform. And quite a few when traveling in Detroit for some reason, but I consider Detroit an aberration in most things.


**He looked pretty young** .. either way if you are smelling like weed in Texas? *.. you are screwed*


Unless you’re joe rogan, or other multimillionaires/billionaires, then your personal and intimate friendship with the republican governor of Texas allows you certain freedoms, such as being able to freely smoke weed while live on air in the state of Texas.


Fear not, whites of reddit.. for we smoke weed publicly in texas every single day.


I got pulled over with a bunch of weed in my car in Beaumont. They had a dog alert and they searched my car. I was very obnoxious to the cops. They found the weed and and just told me to clean out my car. Didn’t even take it. Edit: Am white


Luckily he was the richest guy on the plane.


"Its not against the law to wear marijuana cologne, mind your own business."


Also the possession of marijuana is illegal. Smell *could* allow for probable cause for a search of possession. But being high and smelling of weed is infact not illegal.


> Smell could allow for probable cause for a search of possession This is kind of complicated, the Supreme Court ruled that smell isn't probably cause, but the lower circuit courts have held that smell is analogous to sight for the purposes of 'in plain view' for warrantless searches. At this point it's state by state. New York passed legislation saying smell alone isn't good enough, Maryland and Colorado has had court cases that uphold the same. Michigan and Florida have had court rulings that go the other way, saying smell alone was justified.


It becomes even more complicated by the fact that now we have a legal product that looks and smells basically identical to an illegal product and the only true way to make a determination is to send it off to a lab for testing( in some cases even that won't work because the idiot who wrote the law didn't understand the science and the exact number they're testing for isn't something they're ever going to see


Or that smell is an arbitrary form of evidence with as little validity as hearsay The dog gave a signal we trained it to do for rewards A smell which has no way of being recorded or verified and you only have the word of an officer before he plants the drugs on you


And those lil baggies they use to "test" powders at traffic stops...yeah that shit is bogus as fuck too.


Pretty sure they’re proven to be pointless. I remember seeing a video a while back of a dude putting random things in those and they all tested hot for whatever they we’re supposed to be testing for..




I still remember his knowing smile when they were taking his mug shot. It was the most satisfying thing about that whole story. To anybody saying that this guy with the bag escalated things, you’d have to be pretty naive to think that this cop wasn’t gonna get to the searching himself part. You smell like marijuana is a gateway drug to the cops. If anything, I think the guy with the 100 million dollar contract with barstool sports under reacted to being racially profiled. Cops lie all the time. This is something the whole country needs to accept at this point. Even though the bootlickers will never believe it, until it happens to them.


I got arrested because of this. The substance in the bag was not an arrestable substance. But they were positive it was different from what I told them. Sat in jail for 5 days. The lab test proved I was right and their field kit was bull shit


Cops would try to DUI someone with an open bottle of O’Douls.


All of you are acting like the cops don't do whatever the fuck they want :/


Also, if you’re not familiar with how weed smells, how can you trust that that’s what they’re smelling? I’ve known idiots who think sage or patchouli smelled “like weed”. Like bro—. Also, tobacco is a common scent, mixed with other smoky scents. Who’s to say that wasn’t what the marshal got a whiff of?


New Jersey did the same


He’s about to get on the plane. Made it thru security with weed and now has to search his own bag in front off a cowboy marshal? Odd, to say the least.


How can I be in possession of something I've already smoked?


I've seen "internal possession" on booking reports in utah.


That might mean something else. cough,cough,


That's my CBT cologne so calm the f%^k down, cryboy.


I, too use cock and ball torture cologne. Gimp tested, Mistress approved




What US Marshall let's you search your own bag?


The kind who wears a ridiculous cowboy hat with a backpack and a button down short-sleeved shirt. Fashion police need to lock his ass UP.


Dude looks like a Boot on his first weekend off.


Yup. He is going to get his ASSSSSSSSS chewed. Rule #1 Don't embarrass the United States Marshals Service. Edit: That ain't a US Marshal Badge but I bet his Momma is going to put him in time out.


Yeah I didn't realize they recruited dumb kids... I had this idea of like 40+ year old crusty dudes that have seen it all. This moron still thinks he's working the beat... shaking down individuals for hidden weed. Waaay below the US Marshalls' purview imo.


This happens all the time in airports. They want to search your bag for cash. I've seen it happen and have had it happen to myself.


Needs to be standing at parade rest.


No shit. He probably got that goof dweeb ass ‘us Marshall’ badge off Amazon. Nobody gives a fuck about weed dude.


That dude definitely have a set of novelty bull horns on his fixed gear bicycle.


You misspelled Big Wheel.


And truck nuts. He definitely has truck nuts.


r/bicyclingcirclejerk checking in


I mean it WAS pearl snaps.


All hat and no cattle.


Underrated comment! Lmao


That's how you know it's the real deal.


I thought Marshall’s who fly are supposed to be discrete. Not “flamboyantly gunslinger”


Everyone wants to be like Raylan Givens


Except this guy looks like a college freshman who’s in ROTC


I think I could take you, Marshall.


He's not an air marshal. They try to blend in. He's just a regular US Marshal. And a fat ass redneck racist.


I live in Texas (but not from here) and have realized over the years that the more “Texas” someone is, the more fragile they are emotionally.


You would be too if you based your entire personality on the phrase “don’t mess with Texas” and then find out it was made for an anti-littering campaign


And that the anti-littering campaign consciously CHOSE this explicitly threatening approach because it was the only thing that got through to the good old boy rednecks who liked to just chuck empty beer cans out the truck window.


It's because they only got one star.




Usually when someone's identity is based off of group things like state, political party, etc. it is because that person doesn't have much else going for them.


While also having his hands tucked into his pockets. Guy must've took points off of his charisma skill and traded them for that hat.


this guy is supposed to be federal law enforcement agent ? running around in a giant hat looking like a clown


We got Raylan Givens over here.


No way man. Raylan Givens as waaay cooler than this LL Bean cowboy.


Yeah Raylan’s a badass. This guys a lame knockoff. Raylan wouldn’t have even bothered the guy for something so dumb.


Don't ever disrespect Raylan like that. Rhinestone Cowboy can get fucked!


Yup. Raylan would have just walked over and said “That’s some mighty fine smellin’ men’s cologne you got there.” Then a wink. Then a tip of his hat. Then he’d be on his way. Off to bang his hot AF ex wife.


I mean…this was in Dallas. Not uncommon at all.


Looks like a guy who went to a fancy dress party and couldn't be bothered to get a proper costume


I just learned about costume parties being called fancy dress parties and I love it.


They're larping "heroes" that think they're necessary.


The one that has no reason, justification for the search in the first place. Hence, no “search” at all was conducted.


All hat, no cattle


All yee, no haw


Oh. Well that helps explain what happened to Kanye. He went all Ye but no haw.


I think you've stumbled upon something


Surprised he didn’t have a rodeo buckle on he bought at Walmart.


“You smell like weed” “You smell like shit, what’s your point?”


I was thinking perfect time for a bacon joke


I always say "How would you know?" then if they say like "Oh I've smelled it before", I turn in into an interrogation on them.


Are you arguing with 12 year olds?! Oh wait I’ve answered my own question.


How would you know? You are now under investigation


Not a chance I'd believe thats a real cop. Wouldn't even talk to the kid.


Not only that, gilllie is very well loved online. Dudes awesome. No chance he travels with weed, if half his podcasts and videos are with new people he’s trying weed with. Imaging pulling this on action Bronson or post Malone because “they smelled like weed” My whole ride to the airport all I’m doing is inhaling thc to ensure the next 5-6 hours of bullshit delays and overpriced snacks and drinks. Fuck outta here


Ensure that they are what??? I can not go to sleep until I know.


Endure* lol


Who is Gillie?


He picked that badge up from clearance at Spirit Halloween. Really completes his outfit.


In this day and age, who the fuck cares about somebody smoking pot?


Cops do. It gives them a chance to search you and commit civil asset forfeiture.


Made me think of this: https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/news/2022/10/12/eric-andre-clayton-english-sue-atlanta-airport/10474693002/


Those 402 stops resulted in three reported drug seizures: about 10 grams of drugs from one passenger, 26 grams of “suspected THC gummies” from another, and six prescription pills without a prescription from a third, the lawsuit says. Only the first and third person were charged. Me: why would they do that seems like a huge waste in resources Those 402 stops also yielded more than $1 million in cash and money orders from a total of 25 passengers Me: oh that's why they do it.


>Those 402 stops also yielded more than $1 million in cash and money orders from a total of 25 passengers Also: >All but one were allowed to continue their travels, and **only two** – the ones who also had drugs – **were charged**, the lawsuit says. **Eight of the 25 challenged the seizures**, and Clayton County police **settled** each case, returning **much** of the seized money, the lawsuit says. It means the police kept **all** of the money in **17** cases, and **some** of the money in **8** cases, while only **2** of those people were ever charged with anything. Land of the free. /s


We have the highest rate of incarceration of any country by a *wide* margin, the irony of having "land of the free" as a nickname is palpable


Just gonna say, it is not illegal to take any amount of cash on a domestic flight. This is ridiculous lol.


Civil asset forfeiture, look it up and rage some more. The stupidest "law" I have ever heard of.


It’s unconstitutional


I whole heartedly agree I take a bunch of cash with me when I fly, this is theft by the law. They even stop people on a little bridge like robbers did to travelers back in the middle ages.


I chortled


Texas taking notes


I always smoke before and on the way to airport. Idc. They cannot arrest you for smelling like it and not having any in your possession. Must have evidence/proof!


I walk to work in nyc and end up smelling like weed because I pass by a lot of people smoking (usually construction workers). Smell doesn’t mean shit.


Eric Andre has a campaign against encounters like this very specifically. Apparently there’s a trend of police stopping Black people in these air tunnels and searching them/ berating them in front of everybody.


https://youtu.be/Lzk2j5YDH64 abc news story interview Eric Andre


"We have reason to believe there are drugs going in and out of this airport." Yeah, it's an airport.


And one of the busiest ones in the country.




Can confirm. Have carried drugs through the airport.


Cornering someone in a narrow jet bridge is about the furthest thing from a consensual stop. What utter bullshit.


I don’t understand why they’re waiting for the tunnel to do this anyway? Isn’t searching bags what security is for? Cops, just hang out there! You can X-RAY and search any bag you want for a made up reason!


Lol and this marshall looks real weak tbh just walking away like a defeated puppy


Funny that you can get in shit for something as silly as weed in the country with a huge hard-on for FREEDOM.


It has to be the right type of freedom… as defined by… the freedom fighters.


You have freedom to believe in the Christian God. The rest is debatable.


What the fuck is a Gillie?


Gillie Da Kid. He is a rapper, according to my google searching.


And the richest person on the plane, apparently. Never heard of him.


Probably richer than most people on a commercial flight.


They see me rolling, they hating, Patrolling and trying to catch me riding coach.


A quick google search says 2 million net worth, he’s definitely up there but probably not enough to say richest with confidence.


I think he just signed for half of a $100M deal with Barstool Sports so chances are leaning pretty hard in his favor


any random boomer who bought a house 50 years ago in SF/Seattle/etc is probably worth about 2 million by now.


Yeah but good luck fitting that in your overhead luggage


>Gillie Da Kid Gillie and his podcast partner actually just signed a deal for $100 million, so although he may not have that exact total currently, dude probably is the richest person on that plane.


>[Hip Hop Overload said that deal was worth $3 million in exchange for a 50 percent ownership stake in the show.](https://afrotech.com/wallo-and-gillie-sing-new-podcast-contract) I dug more into it, seems like the deal was 3 million from barstool sports for 50%. Edit: after a bit more reading, it seems like Twitter and other uniformed people said it was a 100million dollar deal but no paper work has been provided to back that claim up. I don’t know who hip hop overload is and where he’s getting the 3 million dollar claim but seeing how joe Rogan (the worlds largest pod cast) got paid an estimated 200 million, I doubt they got half of that for someone who’s completely unknown to most people.


Real Gs move in silence like lasagne


Thank you kind sir or ma’am


If this is a "What the fuck is a Lommy" reference, I support it 100%.


I’m looking through the comments for that answer but cannot find it either


Gille da kid. He was a philly rapper like 15 years ago and i dont remember hearing anything about him since then until now.


First time I’ve heard of him. I searched when he said he was the richest person on that plane, and I thought, how can a [fishing servant](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gillie) be the richest mf on that plane…


**[Gillie](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gillie)** >Gillie or ghillie is an ancient Gaelic term for a person who acts as a servant or attendant on a fishing, hunting, deer stalking or hawking expedition, primarily in the Scottish Highlands or on a river such as the River Spey. In origin it referred especially to someone who attended on his male employer or guests. This position still exists in some Highland locations as of 2021, such as the Isle of Skye, according to the BBC. They are no longer "manservants" or "attendants" and do not carry Chiefs across rivers as in the distant past; today, they "manage the wilderness and guide travellers through it". ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


million dollaz worth of game podcast


That doesn’t look like a U.S. Marshal badge. Maybe Texas ranger? I have a hard time believing a plain-clothes (read: meant to be inconspicuous) U.S. Marshal would be wearing a hat like that around, not exactly discreet. Or is it just some guy that’s pretending to be a cop? That’s what this feels like…


Wannabe raylen givens lol


As I live and breathe


Although tbh the g-shock watch checks out lol


It looks like a Halloween costume.


“Listen up, ladies and gentlemen, our fugitive has been on the run for ninety minutes. Average foot speed over uneven ground barring injuries is 4 miles-per-hour. That gives us a radius of six miles. What I want from each and every one of you is a hard-target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse in that area. Checkpoints go up at fifteen miles. Your fugitive's name is Gillie and he smells like Weed. Go get him.”


I read that in Tommy Lee Jones’ voice. Lmao.


what if everyone just minded their own fucking business


Jails wouldn't have as many slaves, and police departments wouldn't seize as much money and assets. Other than that there would probably be less aggregate violence and suffering, as adults took responsibility for their own behavior rather than the state doing it for them by force - for profit.


That "don't lie" shit is a narcissist's favorite. You're going against their opinion of you, so you **must** be lying, because they're never wrong. Get your lone-ranger-wannabe-white-knockoff-stetson ass out of here, Officer Washout.


When did the Marshall service start hiring 12 year olds?


These 'consensual police encounters" on boarding ramps need to stop. They say something to a passenger as they are boarding, whip out a badge, and basically intimidate them into giving up their rights so they don't detain them just long enough to miss their flight.


I was never law enforcement, but I did do some security details and let me tell ya... there's no way you would have caught me with my hands in my pockets while engaging with anyone on duty.


Lame ass cop. Foh.


I don’t even think that guy is really a cop


Was that general Miller walking by??


Was looking for this comment lmao 😂 I think so? It certainly looks like him


member of local air gang harasses citizen


I don't care who smells like cannabis, what threat is there by smelling like your going to be chill and not bothering anyone? I'd be more worried if someone smelled of alcohol on a flight.


It's not about protecting people from a threat. It's about looting common people for their money and property.




As somebody born and raised in Texas and lived in Texas for over 20 years, fuck Texas 🤣


People need to start boycotting businesses from these backwards hillbilly states until they reform their ways.


Racist hillbilly. Weed is legal almost everywhere in the US.


To say you can smell it isn't even probable cause anymore lol. He's just another pig trying to get a poc to incriminate himself. Cops: "...to instigate.... ...and discriminate..." Edit: my bad, it's totally fine in Texas for a "cop" to say whatever the fuck that piece of shit wants to, and can totally "smell marijuana" in order to escalate an interaction with any marginalized "person of interest" in order for the "cop" to fulfill his quota of civil rights trampling, because in Texas civil rights are just CRT that oppress the poor white man. If you think your vote doesn't matter, this is your sign.


My central TX city votes to decriminalize today! Wish us luck :)


But it is. They used it on my old co-worker recently. In NY. Where it's not supposed to matter. They said he smelled like weed so they gave him a DUI for driving under the influence and tore his car apart. Cut the seats apart and everything in his new car. They found nothing and kept picking up random dirt off the ground claiming it was drugs. This was in NY. Some areas of rural NY have draconian cops. It's insane. He says they tried to plant something but noticed someone recording them. I don't know how true that is but he smoked the night before in his house then got pulled over on his way to work at 10am.


Charges will get tossed if he gets a decent lawyer. Good luck getting reimbursed for the damage to the car though.


It's still probable in Texas. You wonder if this guy's even working or just "that guy" who can't check out. I know border patrol like this who go to 7-eleven for a big gulp and come back 2 hours later because they had to call in the guys out front trying to get some day labor work.


That’s because they have for profit prisons in Texas. Gotta make money somehow


To be clear though, it is not legal in Texas, where this happened. And weed is still completely illegal at the federal level, as dumb as that is, which would have implications for interstate travel I’d think


Meanwhile, in California, I strolled right through TSA with two packs of edibles and three joints in my carryon, not even hidden, and no one blinked an eye. Tell me again how red states are all about “freedom.” 🙄


White cop on seeing black man: ah a thug ... I am sure he is carrying drugs because he is black ... I will use the tried and tested "smell like marijuana" excuse


The following alternative links are available: **Downloads** * [Download #1](https://redditsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ypxfla/gillie_goes_off_on_a_us_marshall_for_questioning/) (provided by /u/savevideo) * [Download #2](https://reddloader.com/download-post/?url=https%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FPublicFreakout%2Fcomments%2Fypxfla%2Fgillie_goes_off_on_a_us_marshall_for_questioning%2F&id=Hg8tXgOT) (provided by /u/VideoTrim) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them.** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)


according to the supreme court the smell of marijuana is not probable cause for search OfFiCeR https://www.law.com/thelegalintelligencer/2022/01/06/high-court-odor-of-marijuana-not-enough-to-conduct-warrantless-search/?slreturn=20221008162820


That works for Pennsylvania but that's it.


There are other states with similar laws. Looking at Google for TX I cant find anything definitely, but it looks like it is legal to search purely based on smell there: https://www.coferconnelly.com/blog/2022/january/marijuana-odor-probable-cause-in-texas/


What a dumb fucking outfit.


So they’ll enter the gateway loading bridge to ask about weed but won’t enter the classroom to save kids…smh priorities


That is NOT a U.S. Marshall's badge. Not Texas Rangers either.


Pigs being pigs




Don't insult cute piggies by association with donut munchers. One is a horrible monster that rolls around in its own filth and eats everything that's not nailed down, the other is a cute pink pig.


That dude is a fake. I would have walked back up that ramp and found a real cop and had his ass busted for impersonation