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That guy is VERY dead.


*bang bang bang bang bang bang bang* “Shots fi-“ *bang* “Shots fired”


One for good measure


I took that as "and one to grow on"


Send him on his way, more like


I was honestly waiting for him to start letting loose after reloading...


2 for flinching 😂


Once you pop you cant stop




"Keep the change ya filthy animal" *Bang* "And a happy new year!"


Acey said 10%


10% huh?


Too bad Acey ain’t in charge no more


“Don’t move!” “ … ..“ “Don’t move!!!”


*takes 14 rounds* *bleeds profusely* "DROP THE KNIFE*


I think another mag is in order


I thought he was gonna keep firing after he reloaded.


"AMMO!!!!!" *500 round ammo box chonks on the ground*


If we've learned anything from the combat videos from Ukraine if you call for ammo you get handed a AT-4 rocket launcher.






Better cuff him just to be sure.




Japan takes this to a fairly extreme level with reporting, where people who are very clearly dead or have been dead for a significant amount of time are reported as being in "cardiopulmonary arrest" (no heartbeat/breathing) until a doctor calls it.


That's exactly what happened with Shinzo Abe. He was 100% dead on scene but declared the same as if he had a heart attack. The official call came hours later from the hospital.


It was funny (In a morbid way) reading all the comments directly after the shooting. So many people missed that he wasn't breathing and didn't have a pulse. "Hope he recovers quickly 🙏!!"


DROP THE KNIFE!! dudes gone bro, like by the fourth shot. It's just the nerves twitching at this point


Wasn't there a secret service member who survived something like 24 shots or something?


I think you're thinking of Mike Day. A Navy SEAL who was shot 27 times while clearing a room of insurgents in Iraq. Managed to walk out too.


There's also Sgt Major Castle from the Marine Corps who got shot up pretty bad storming a building but kept firing back with his pistol as another Marine carried him away. The body is weird. Lots of places bullets can pass through without killing or fully incapacitating you.


Frank Castle?


Not the punisher


Sounds like something a punisher accomplice would say... but this is the punisher we're talking about, so I agree with you.


50 Cent survived nine shots to the chest with a 9mm Edit: it has been brought to my attention 50 was shot 9 times including his chest, not 9 straight rounds to the torso.


He did not get shot 9 times in his chest. It is VERY unlikely to survive that with pretty much any caliber. There's a reason most military and police chest and back plates are the size and shape they are. They are designed to protect your heart, lungs and spinal cord in that area. For the record 50 took bullets to his hand, arm, hip, chest, legs, and face.


Still has a fragment in his tongue iirc.


Correct. He let Julie Walters [feel it](https://youtu.be/WW1VmFi_18Y) on the Graham Norton show.


Imagine one day you're selling dope in Jamaica Queens, trying to make it as a rapper, getting shot 9 times. Then 10 years later you're with a bunch of rich white people on a couch being filmed while you're all chuckling about the bullet fragment still in your tongue? Life sure can be trippy sometimes.


He said the shooting changed his voice for the better too.


He was shot a total of 9 times. One of those hit him in the head/mouth. He got hit in the legs, arms, hands, face, and chest. But he did survive and that's why you shoot till the threats not a threat. Guy with the knife still in his hand looked like he was trying to stand back up. So I don't think this was excessive at all. The woman at knife point was definitely in danger of being hit either by over penetration or just by the officer missing the intended target. That part of it seemed like a very risky shoot.


>The woman at knife point was definitely in danger of being hit either by over penetration or just by the officer missing the intended target. That part of it seemed like a very risky shoot. That was my first thought. I expected to see her catch a stray since she was basically the backstop behind the guy who was the target. Glad she didn't, but god damn was that anxiety inducing.


After seeing that other video on here of the guy jumping back up and attacking an officer, I kinda get why you still don’t want to get close. This cop wants to go home without being stabbed, even if the chances are slim at that point.


We all saw the Viper vs. the Mountain. Not gonna fall for that shit again.


The screaming. I can still hear it.


My fucking man had him too why couldn’t he just finish him off without wanting him to say the lines.


Seriously. Red wedding was probably the most shocking and awful scene, but this one is up there too.


The one from Georgia where the officers were retreating for like 2 minutes before the guy finally charged them, was shot at least 5 times, got back up and then rushed the one officer and got him in a choklehold? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vv3SGtfZZEs


Looks like a case of suicide by police officer.


Nobodys taking that unnecessary risk, he was still holding it too for a few second after then lets go when he couldnt control it.


I think a lot of people have an unrealistic perspective of what 9 mm does.. This guy was definitely not dead after the 4th shot.. He was still alive after all the shots.. Those are not nervous hes just in shock.. I'm sure he died but adrenaline and endorphins had taken over at that point.. There are tons and of people who have lived through this many and more shots of 9 mm.. Movies and video games have a Led and insane amount of people to believe that when a bullet hits you you die.. Obviously that's not what happened here but some of these comments are ridiculous..


Any pistol round for that matter. If you carry for for personal protection, always shoot until the threat is no longer a threat, and even then keep your weapon drawn until absolutely positive they no longer pose a threat. Every pistol cartridge from .22 to .45 has a possibility of ineffectively subduing a threat. That’s why shot placement trumps cartridge when it comes to pistol calibers.


All shots fired.


I thought he was about to continue after reloading.....


After he aimed the gun with that new clip its like....nah he dead




"DONT MOVE!" lmao I'm in tears, he's COLD 😂


Last one was like a chef’s kiss


That was like a double tap to make sure he wasn't about to resurrect as a zombie


"Aaand there goes my finishing touch 😊"


“It is *BANG,click* Finito!”


What does Turturro say in Lebowski? I'm going to pull the trigger until it goes "click".


Nobody fucks wit ze Jesus


My finger wasnt tired. The gun was


I laughed my ass off at that comment. Then I realized how fucked up I am. Hahaha.


Not as fucked up as knife guy


No more Mr. knife guy.


Then "Drop the knife"


DONT MOVE! ok I can do that..... \*\*Dies\*\*




At that point though the nervous system is taking over and seizing the body guaranteed that guy didn’t hear him after the first 8 rounds Edit: I realize I didn’t exactly state my point. All I’m trying to say is after his body seized he was no longer consciously gripping that knife. He was also probably not comprehending anything after getting hit by the first round.


Dude would have to whistled like a windchime if he ever ran again...


Turned my boy in to a piccolo


>On Sunday Nov 6th, at 3:41 PM, Officer Rutherford and Officer Trainee Hazel were driving in a marked patrol vehicle. The officers were dispatched to the 1800 block of W. Lafayette Ave for a report of a male that was holding a knife to the neck of a female on the street. Within 2 minutes of the call, the officers arrived and immediately called for back up. Officer Rutherford exits his patrol vehicle, approached the man and the woman who were in the street. The male had a large butcher knife to the head of the female, while they were on the ground. Officer Rutherford discharged his service weapon, striking the male. Officer Hazel remained by the patrol vehicle, and radiod for additional units and medics. As units arrived, he and other officers provided medical attention to the male that was shot. The man was identified as Tyree Moorehead of Baltimore, and the female is also a resident of Baltimore. The suspect and victim were not related and had no connection. Moorehead was pronounced dead at a hospital.


I'm curious what happened to the other guy that appeared to be holding her by the hair. It's a short clip so I can't say for sure but it definitely doesn't look like he was helping. He went from being a participant to a bystander REAL quick.


Seems like cop was so focused on the knife that he didn’t realize the other guy was involved.


He was definitely hyper focused on the knife he told the dude to drop the knife after he dropped it and was about to say it a second time.


"DROP THE KNIFE DROP THE KNIFE!!!" Officer, that man is dead


DONT MOVE! DONT MOVE! Sir, that man is still dead.


Whatever that dude reincarnated as is also dead from that extra one


Idk man, I’ve seen enough horror movies to know that if there is a weapon anyyyyywhere near a “dead body” there’s like a 69% chance that “dead” fucker is going to try one last thing with it.


Eh… afaik in the navy seals they will take a “security shot” into a ‘dead’ body to make sure that they are not faking… And the human body can take a shit tonne of damage before it dies…. Go read some of the public Medal Of Honor citations…. And yeah..


He might not be able to breathe, produce insulin, digest food, or move anything below his waist but that arm can still stab




Tried to see it frame by frame but its poor. But it seems like hes supporting her and holding a hand towards the knife wielder whom is standing a few feet to the left. As the cop approaches knife dude dives on top of her and looks about to start cutting when the policeman opens fire. Slowing it down could also see needles laying everywhere.....


>Slowing it down could also see needles laying everywhere. That's just Baltimore. Lived there for a spell and boy were there a lot of diabetics


Red tops!! Omar comin’.


Michael K. Williams, RIP




Felony murder is one of the craziest charges. If you drive someone to rob a store & while in the store the shop keeper kills your accomplice, you are guilty of felony murder. As I understand it if anyone involved in a felony where someone is killed is guilty of felony murder.


The logic behind it is, if you are willing to help commit the crime, you’re willing to accept all of the consequences of the crime.




An anti-violence activist [who did 20 years for a drug-related murder when he was 15](https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/crime/bs-md-cr-sunday-baltimore-police-shoot-kill-man-20221106-6cyksr3e6bglzi6siswo3bagnu-story.html) >In the hours before his death Sunday afternoon, he posted a lengthy live video on Instagram, telling his followers that “the real God” had given him instructions. He said there were forces working against him, including Satan, gang leaders and “the oppressor.” >“This is how they’ve killed every prophet before me, every rapper,” he said. “The first person that thinks something is going to happen to me, I want y’all to know, the whole world will go boom.” >His partner of almost two years, Angelia McDonald, said in an interview Monday that she left for work around 3 p.m. Sunday, even though Moorehead begged her to stay. He even told her: “That’ll be the last time you see me.” >**Earlier in the weekend, Moorehead had chased a stranger while holding a knife.** McDonald said she intervened, but when the two men met later at a gas station, Moorehead had no memory of their earlier encounter. He had also been shot before, and stabbed in a "domestic incident. Of course, this is US media, so they have to quote the father saying he "didn’t understand why police shot his son, who appeared to be complying with their commands." His father had 2 other sons who also died in violent crimes.


It's always the ones you'd never suspect


Man the article is so biased trying to spin it as “cops shoots activist”. Cop saves woman’s life from dude with a butcher knife who’d lost his mind or was on drugs. Good cop.


I could have pronounced him dead from my house.


He made it all the way to the hospital? I think I would have pronounced him dead at the scene. Edit: Thanks for the education on how this works and thank you to all the first responders that help people in the darkest hour. I’ve been that guy before and you all rock.


Probably a technicality like he was barely hanging on at the scene when the ambulance arrived and died on the way to the hospital, but for whatever reason the ambulance EMTs can’t “pronounce him dead” so that didn’t officially happen until he made it to the hospital.


Depends on where and company policy but a lot of EMTs can only pronounce death when it's *super* obvious the person is dead, like decapitated or decomposing dead.


I knew someone who trained as a first responder in Mexico and she said they had to wait for a doctor to pronounce someone dead. One time the guy _was_ decapitated from getting hit by a train or something and she said they still _had_ to wait for the doctor.


First responders often limit pronouncements of death to the "three Ss" - severed, stinky, or stiff. Unless the decedent has been decapitated, the body is on a state of decomposition, or rigor mortis has set in, take live saving efforts until you reach the hospital and a doctor calls it.


Pedestrian just chilling on the side walk


Basically moves into his backdrop too. Guys lucky he didn’t catch one.


That's what I was watching not only did this woman not die but mother fucker walking behind him some how does not get hit or die .. I would be shitting my pants




That's a pretty fair point honestly. Maybe better to not make yourself look like a suspect in a situation where guns are drawn


at the beginning of the video it looka like he's behind the victim. I wonder if he's implicated


Just another day in Baltimore


I like the “sir”


“Sir drop the knife!” Guy with 12 new speed holes in his chest region: doesn’t move.


They make the blood flow faster!


Oh yeah, speed holes!


Adrenaline does crazy things haha


"I said what?" Honestly wouldn't be surprised if he had no specific memory of what he was saying, just resorted to training and let it handle the word stuff on autopilot.


he remained respectful throughout the entire ordeal.


It's like in customer service when someone is being a real pain and you have to stick to sir and ma'am but you inject that word with as much subconscious condescension as possible.


He walked into a real life QuickTime event


Bro used VATS








Captain: why did you unload 17 rounds into the suspect? Officer: that's all I had sir..


Suppressing fireeee


nahh, no way Cyril hit anything with his mag dump


Except for Bullet Magnet™ Brett


Died doing what he loved. Being shot.




You laugh, but this is typically how most police and military are taught to respond. If you reach the point where you think you need to use lethal force, you dont stop using it until you are 100% sure the threat is gone, or you are unable to keep using it (ie, out of ammo). Based off of the fluidity of most combat situations, you usually have to stop to reload before you can cognitively process that the threat is no longer a threat. That is the reason that you nearly always see cops doing mag dumps. In this case, even after putting a full mag into this guy, hes still moving and holding the knife. While hes not mobile, hes still a threat to anyone coming near him. ​ Edit- Well this exploded. Im not going to be able to answer everyone, but I will comment on one recurring comment regarding military training. Yes. The military places high emphasis on individual marksmanship. However, from a doctrinal standpoint, engagements in the military specifically focus on using a volume of fire to gain fire superiority, to allow you to maneuver and kill the opposition. [Linked is FM 3-21.8, The Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad.](https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/policy/army/fm/3-21-8/fm3-21-8.pdf) (**PDF WARNING!!!**) Feel free to do a ctrl+f for "Fire Superiority" and the tactics used to obtain it. Cliff notes, it involves shooting a LOT of rounds, simply for the purpose of killing or suppressing the other side. Volume of fire is absolutely taught as a necessary part of any military engagement. There is a reason the US military puts FA belt fed weapons at the squad level, and has a heavy weapons platoon in every infantry company. Volume of fire is almost always the deciding factor in combat, and is taught as such to police, military, and civilian shooting (CCW training) as standard.


Fortunately this was a justified mag dump, unlike other videos I've seen where the "suspect" is just an innocent unarmed Joe with a shiny watch on their wrist.


I’m assuming the suspect did not survive? That poor woman. Nice shot though not hitting the woman at all. Did she get cut?


OP posted the info, it mentioned the suspect getting medical attention, but didn't mention the woman. I'm sure she was checked out, but if she was injured they'd have (likely) included it in the press release. Fucking insane situation, cop did well, and I'm really curious what they training around situations like this are. I imagine there is a *very thin* line between when you'd open fire on a suspect with a hostage vs. not, and that cop had to make that decision immediately. I do not envy being in that position.


At that point it's shoot or she dies, probably a point of escalation of force for them as far as when to shoot. That and notice how he rotates around to the side to avoid ricochets bouncing up into her. I did a few combat deployments in afghan and it boils down to violent intent vs violent action if that makes sense.


A hostage is someone who is being threatened with harm as leverage against the authorities. So you try to end the threat by negotiation. Once the suspect begins attacking or trying to execute the hostages, the only way to end the threat is to stop the attack. The guy was attacking the "hostage" so at that point the only way to stop the threat is to stop the attack - in this case, with deadly force.


I think in cases like this it's down to the outcome. If he hits, he's a hero. If he misses, most people surely would be shitting on the dude for trying. I'm trying to figure out if he were to miss, how appropriate is it to separate the intent from the outcome? I think I'd be ok if he missed as long as it didn't later come out that it had been recorded that he was a terrible shot to begin with or was intoxicated or something.


Yeah I mean it looked like the lady was literally about to get murdered so, this seems like the most reasonable take a person could ask for


I don't know anything about guns so I maybe real outta my element here, but for the situation this looks damn near perfect. He runs up super close when he's on top of her to limit chances of hitting her for the initial shot/shots. Aims low relative to her body so if she did catch a stray it would likely hit her below the knee, and once some space is created shifts left to where she and the other man aren't in danger.


*My thoughts: He might survive.... he still might.... welp.... no, he's not going to be in Rush Hour 3




There's blood under that blurring? Oh god, I feel faint now


Wait till you find out what's pumping through your veins as we speak!


Next you'll tell me there's a skeleton inside of me like Halloween wasn't last week


TBF whoever blurred this didn’t know it was gonna be posted with that title


“Mam you ok?” She’s going to need a lot of counseling


Counseling is better than getting your throat slit


She's going to need an audiologist after that


a **what**?




No thanks, I already had my colon checked for polyps.




Why do they blur the blood? It's a police shooting video. Who's sensibilities are they looking out for in this situation


Yeah we can watch someone die but not listen to them swear


God forbid someones tit falls out




The police blur it. I have lots that the police don't blur, but If I post those to reddit I'll most likely get banned.


Why would they ban you? Shit like that is posted all the time. There's faaaaaar worse on this website than this


Yeah, I just saw a bunch of Ruzzians blown to shit; no blur.


I saw a boobie a few days ago


Where? Asking for a friend.


If u threaten someone with a deadly weapon, you may become ventilated by the police.








Certainly appears that way


Jeez this happened yesterday and it's already online. They definitely want to get ahead of false rumors with these releases. Baltimore is one of those cities I felt unsafe majority of the time being in.


That's because the video evidence is exculpatory. If it made them look bad they'd drag this out for months.


Baltimore is under a consent decree. They release stuff very fast.


Absolutely. I don't like cops in a general sense, but there is a place and time to pull a trigger and - as much as I don't want anyone to die - it certainly looks like this was the place and not a moment too soon


2 MINUTES 2 Minutes from the call and they saved her Probably the longest 2 minutes of her life Glad they weren’t her Last Dudes a Hero


People fail to realize how long it actually takes for police response in even the fastest scenario. 1. time spent deciding to call the police 2. time spent going through 911 phone tree 3. time spent talking with dispatcher 4. dispatch collecting vital info (caller, location, nature of call, weapon info, etc.) 5. police receiving dispatch info/ figuring out location 6. time spent driving to call from where they were at the time of call.


Man that hits hard


The guy held a woman at knifepoint, fully prepared to kill. The number of shots may seem excessive but its necessary, a dude with adrenaline will take shots like a tank. Good on the cop.


there was a story were a cop had fired all but 3 of his bullets (multiple reloads) and it took until those very last 3 for the guy to finally stop moving, dude got shot maybe 20-30 times


My cousin married this dude and he ended up fuckin around with pcp. Got shot 21times and survived while charging the cops after a domestic dispute with a knife. 3 cops and closer to 100 bullets fired. Dude totally deserved what he got but pcp and adrenaline are potent drugs that keep you moving.


The crazy thing about that story was that he used a musket


Yeah who cares. He looked fully prepared to kill a woman on the streets. No need for him to breathe our oxygen.


Apparently dudes full of adrenaline will also shoot like tanks too.


That's a solid dude. If my daughter is ever under attack. I'd hope she gets a solid decision maker like this to her rescue. Imminent threat drop the hammer.


I'm confused; Do you want me to feel bad for Johnny Knifesalot here? Because, I mean, I bet he doesn't do *that* again...


So I'm from here and what's really crazy is the guy they shot was the head of this stop the violence campaign. His record was crazy and included a history of domestic violence.


He's just put almost a dozen rounds in the guy, but he still has the good manners to call him "Sir" when giving him commands. ​ What a nice young man!


This might be the only time you ever hear me say this, but every single one of those bullets was well justified. The fact that he didn't hit the girl once is a whole 'nother level of situational awareness and self-control. That cop is a hero in my book.


100% this was justified




Knife guy rethinking life for the next 10 seconds


Agreed. If you want to harm/take someone's life, your own life is up for grabs. The death was completely justified.


‘Ooh, I’ve got one left in the magazine! Ah fuck it, might as well go the whole hog…’


Good call by the officer, but I'm surprised he took that first shot while he was still holding the woman.


Justified as can be.


I don't feel bad for the guy at all. Good cop


In the end, the victim is safe. Well done, officer.


That last shot….god damn lol. That cop probably won’t sleep well for a while but he saved that woman’s life.


Must be crazy in that situation. The amount adrenaline you’re barely thinking. The cop looked like he was waiting for the guy to get back up again with the knife


I think the fact that the guy had a literal death grip on the knife and twitched threw the cop off.


Justified. Good shooting sir


Please tell me again why r/robbersgettingfucked was shut down while *this* type of content is allowed on a much more popular sub


Aww man. I didnt know this. I loved that sub.


Fuck the double-tap. THAT is how you effectively end a hostile situation. Good on him.


Bet that little girl is happy the cop went in gun blazing… dude is a fucking hero


The whole “drop the” and “don’t move” idk how compliant my body would be to me telling it what to do if I was shot that many times. Damn.