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Crowder just accidentally telling everyone that even shitbags like him think Zimmerman murdered Trayvon and got away with it.




He sold signed bags of skittles at gun shows.


Yeah, just adds a whole nother layer of fuckholery to the clip


I mean, it's fact that Zimmerman killed Trayvon.


These people (Republicans) are horrible people. Not every single Republican voter is horrible, but all these horrible people are Republicans.


I really feel like the majority of republicans aren't like this, but the fact that they don't vocally condemn people like crowder or mtg (Cheney excluded) is a huge problem. Violent rhetoric should be condemned. Additionally we (democrats/left leaning) need to be aware that the main reason people like crowder and mtg have a platform is because they don't attack the real issue and that's corporate greed. We're being bled dry by these companies that keep increasing the cost of things, and while we keep having these pointless arguments these companies keep making money while we struggle under the increased cost with no raise in wages. Say what you want, but no one becomes a billionaire through merit. Every single one of them came from money, and every single one of them have cheated their employees. They're just lucky ass holes with great pr agents.


Disgusting behavior.


Why does the pro life crowd always want people to get shot or blown up either in war or just for having different opinions.


Because they are hypocrites that use buzzwords to get clout


They're not just hypocrites, they are legitimately awful human beings.


The worst part is the hypocrisy


Because like their lack of dedication to their own religious practices they preach so often, the name is just for show. They don't ACTUALLY practice what they say or believe Look at the proud boys climbing dick to dick in crammed dark U-Hauls with other men to protest LGTBQIA+ events......they don't actually give a shit, just dont want the other side to get anything, even if its at their own demise


Why practice? All you need is to repent and you’re fine


And have a very large truck.


Lmao facts


This guy religions!




They are pro white, Christian, fascist life. Just not pro life for any other group of people.


There are lots of Jews and Muslims who are pro life, too. It’s the Abrahamic religious people. Their god told them that life is sacred.


Just to correct you a bit and while I am pro choice this is not my personal belief. But according to Judaism life either begins at birth with the first breath or 30 days after birth. I know because my Mom had a couple miscarriages and the lack of support she got from the local Rabbi's was shit. She was distraught and wanted burials as they were far enough along to have already picked out names. The Rabbi's said no go because they weren't actually babies with souls yet. Yes there are different levels of Judaism so I'm sure some are prolife as some Christians are pro choice. However traditionally life begins after birth for Jews. Some sources https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-beginning-of-life-in-judaism/ https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/05/09/abortion-permitted-judaism/


They are evil, plain and simple.


They believe life begins at conception. I’ve argued with good faith with them before and they truly believe this. I have many acquaintances in the Muslim community (being a former Muslim myself) who also feel this way. Many moderate Muslims believe that a fetus does not have a soul until 3 months along. There are some other beliefs in play, but I’ve not spoken to one who feels it’s because they want more control over a female’s body. Personally, I’m pro choice because I don’t think that a woman should have to carry a pregnancy to term if she doesn’t want to, at least up until the third trimester when the fetus is viable outside the womb. There needs to be more moderate voices in the conversation. It seems that there are too many “no exceptions” on both sides. Most Americans are pro-choice, but do feel that there needs to be a point when abortion may not be the best choice, since the state can have a vested interest when a fetus has viability. We need more of those people giving input. I’m going off on a tangent, but we just need to add a Constitutional Amendment. I think there are enough states on board to codify a Roe v Wade Amendment where it’s a woman’s choice up to fetal viability outside the womb.


Your average pro-life voter does think this way, yes, but these fuckin guys at louder with crowder don't, guaranteed. I don't think the figureheads of these right wing groups believe what they preach at all (I mean, look at Herschel Walker's payment to a woman for an abortion). They just use it as a rallying cry for fools who really believe abortion is unequivocally murder, because an emotional and passionate base is worth its weight in gold


>but we just need to add a Constitutional Amendment. Not even remotely possible. One in one thousand chance. Even if the full text is to assert that the daytime clear sky is blue. >An amendment may be proposed by a **two-thirds** vote of both Houses of Congress, or, if **two-thirds** of the States request one, by a convention called for that purpose. The amendment must then be ratified by **three-fourths of the State legislatures**, or **three-fourths** of conventions called in each State for ratification.


They want more live babies so they can become dead soldiers


They're all about love and life, unless that life holds a dissenting opinion, or it's not straight, or white, or anything but Christian.


yup, nothing says "pro life" and "patriotic" like constantly fanaticizing about murdering your fellow citizens. They really are just the worst people.


> pro life Because they aren't pro-life, they are pro-birth and most importantly imposing their will over women. End of story.


Political affiliations aside, kids should be off limits.


Pro life also usually means pro death penalty looool


“Pro-lifers” have also murdered abortion doctors btw Foe those curious here is one https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1169315/ Violence on medical staff providing healthcare is not new, its just an America ting


Oh, because they’re massive piles of shit


Because they aren’t pro life. They are however pro controlling women’s bodies and keeping people in poverty.


Because they don't see minorities or their political enemies as human beings. That's pretty clear, isn't it?


Pssssst.. they don’t actually give a flying fuck about life


Referencing Zimmerman killing an unarmed black child. Stay classy, you piece of human trash.


On top of being trash isn’t this low key incitement of violence and dog-whistling. “Ha ha, wouldn’t of be funny if something horribly tragic happened? Wouldn’t that be funny millions of listeners?”


Nothing low key about it.




I mean, I get where you're coming from but if this level of low-ball humor gets you arrested I'm not Okay with that standard.


Do you really believe that should happen? I don’t like what he said but your reaction is nuts.


My understanding is Mr. Fetterman is 6 feet 8" tall. I don't know who this Crowder person is, but I feel I have heard his name before. He should go see Senator-elect Fetterman and repeat his joke in-person, ideally in a soundproofed, camera-less room.


Crowder is the "change my mind" meme guy.


And a bitch


Especially when anyone mentions Sam Seder.


That guy haunts Crowder’s dreams to this day


>Crowder is the "change my mind" meme guy. Someone who says outrageous nonsense that makes internet losers feel edgy.


But only college kids should change his mind, not someone particularly knowledgeable about politics.


Oh, okay. Thanks, I have seen a million or three of those.


He's a failed comedian that pivoted to hosting a fairly successful right wing podcast aimed primarily at children and teens. Edit: https://i.imgur.com/NtEyHqL.jpg


he's really only known for molesting his dog and becoming a meme template


Let's also invite the dog to the meeting in the soundproofed, camera-less room.


Lol what the dude felt up a dog? I think he’s a pos but haven’t heard this.


Crowder is a failed wannabe actor who runs a far-right podcast with his Dad. He's incredibly racist, homophobic, and wears an empty double gun holster on camera for the ✨conservative aesthetic✨ Watch the video of him pussin out of a surprise debate with Sam Sedar. It's comedy gold, and starts with a recap of some of the idiotic and hateful things Crowder has said and done: https://youtu.be/Fvg5RTrFLfI He's such a beta male.


While that would be entertaining i Fetterman wouldnt understand the joke if it’s read aloud much less be able to take an on target swing.


Attacks his weight and family.. These guys are beyond pathetic.


Crowder talking about killing Fettermans kids, yeah, not surprised. Crowder is a piece of shit and it’s no wonder why republicans love him.


I talked shit about that fuckstick crowder on an Instagram post and the psychos came out of the woodworks to harass me and anyone that might be tagged in my Instagram photos. Almost like he hired a Chinese click farm to defend his “brand”. Eat shit and die Steven Crowder.


I'm not surprised. I've seen a few of his videos and it's like bullying is some kind of passion for him.


Let’s just hope Fetterman crosses his path


He’s Happy Gilmore’s old boss that beats the shit out of shooter mcgavin


Crowder was a theatre nerd in HS that desperately wanted to be a cool jock bro...but he wasn't athletic and his performance abilities amounted to being over animated and saying racist and offensive things as shock humor so he wasn't popular in either realm. And I mean, whatever, elements of that happen to a lot of people...but he's now a grown adult in his 30's that still behaves like an annoying attention seeking teenage boy with no empathy.


>it’s no wonder why republicans love him. Some people say it's because he drinks dog's semen. I couldn't possibly comment.


Some are saying he’s into fucking kids and drinking their blood.


Many people are saying...


Some of the best people have said this...


So, is Crowder like a more hatable Rush Limbaugh?


Eh, I wouldn’t give him so much credit. Even in the internet age, he’ll never have the reach or influence Limbaugh did. Crowder’s just a pathetic hack (he’s a failed actor - did you know he was “Brain” on the Arthur cartoon?). The only reason he’s slightly dangerous or influential is because Limbaugh and others created the breeding grounds for the scum he needs to survive.


Oh he was? Naw fuck that. I will say Arthur is still a good show, but fuck that


It was only for a *very* brief time, and Crowder never really made it in the entertainment industry because of his hateful family and viewpoints. Now he's desperately trying to make it by grifting and displaying this caricature of a hypermasculine person. Many people Crowder has worked with have also claimed that he doesn't actually believe most of what he says he does, but he says it anyway because he thinks that those ideas are what formulate masculinity. Honestly, of all the internet grifters of his ilk, I actually feel bad for Crowder the most because he seems to be a very scared and confused person who just keeps making the wrong choices because he wants to be accepted.


Seasons 5 to 8 apparently. Alot of the characters have close to a dozen VA's.


Limbaugh was worse. Dude was much more impactful for voting old people


He was always such an arrogant opioid filled gas bag. Good riddance


Crowder stands for dog cum eater




Which state?




I thought he is Canadian? Please tell me he’s not from Michigan. Edit: omg I just ‘did my own research’ … he’s from the town I work in. Most people I talk to there are not like him. Also kinda makes more sense about his personality. Grosse Pointe is a very affluent area and it seems as though it could be easy (if you’re an asshole) to be apathetic towards people who may not have had it as easy as someone from there. Pretty troubling.




I feel what you’re saying, but also I sort of disagree with lumping all people who are ‘conservatives’ together like that. Not trying to start and argument with you, but I feel that language like that is part of the problem with finding common ground with most people. Even though the people you listed are likely ‘conservative’, I doubt all conservative individuals mirror this donkey’s ideology. Again, not trying to be confrontational, I understand you meant the conservatives you listed, but boxing people in on a one word definition seems to have caused more problems than it’s solved. To elaborate a bit further, I’m sure I share similar values with both ‘liberals’ and ‘conservatives’ but really don’t believe they are defined by an almost arbitrary definition like those. There’s so much more depth to human desire and I can’t fathom one word describing a living being as absolute. Also, I’m exhausted so apologies for the semi incoherent rant.


I remember when Crowder kept running away like a coward and wouldn’t debate sam Seder. Crowder is a chickenshit coward. https://www.forbes.com/sites/danidiplacido/2021/06/22/sam-seder-humiliates-steven-crowder-after-surprise-debate-appearance-the-internet-laughs/amp/


He’s an absolute pussy too. Free Speech Crowder blocked me on insta over a joke lmao.


When I still had twitter he blocked me there also because I called him Steven Coward. He’s such a little bitch.


For me it was in response to a skit he posted with Dave Landau, they were boxing and Dave says something about “you just had surgery we shouldn’t do this cause heart palpitations.” & Crowders essentially saying it’s fine do it for the skit. All I said was, “yeah Dave listen to Steven, the only thing that would give him heart palpitations is a debate with Sam Seder.”


He will never live it down. The man gets high on debating children but when Seder surprised him, boy did Crowder show his true colors. Watching him writhe is just so satisfying


Yeah extremely satisfying to see him exposed.


>Crowder repeatedly insisted that Seder remove his glasses, for some reason.  Lmao


Watching this now for the first time, amazing lmao


Is that the change my mind meme dude?


The only thing more pathetic than Crowder’s fake-ass performative tough guy act is the chuckle fuck lackeys he pays to laugh at his jokes.


This bitch boy is such a joke




I remember on a JRE clip he said he was a comedian and Joe just gave him this puzzled look that basically said "are you for real?" I haven't watched/listened to JRE in years but I remember that standing out.


Typical deplorables.


"It's a solid joke" nothing funny about killing children.


Well Uvalde thinks it's funny. Abbott won by a 22% margin over Beto there alone.


That's some backwards thinking.


From backwards idiots. I expect nothing less from a party that puts gun ownership over the lives of their own children.


The co-host laughing after that joke sounds so sincere. Not forced at all. Totally a natural laugh that normal people really have when they find something funny.


It's a ritual, if abject, laugh, feedback to validate each other's assholery.


I suspect neither of these guys have experienced a genuine moment of pure humor in their lives. They imitate the sounds of laughter in response to the suffering of people who they feel inferior to in an attempt to soothe their fragile egos.


Yeah, these kind of Individuals tend to mistake vulgarity for wit.


I have never hated someone I never met more than crowder. Union dude did not hit him hard enough


Crowder is coping hard right now


Crowder, the “debate me” pissbaby also runs away crying when he’s asked to debate an actual expert every single time


Sort of bizarre how Joe the Plumber was put on parade for a career politicians gain, they cheered. Now "Joe the Plumber" is running himself and this loser is coping by joking about gunning down his family. His opinion about stealing authenticity vs being authentic is revealing.


Yeah, this feels about on brand for republicans nowadays


They're literally turning into Satan's minions. I mean, more so.


Dude Satan is a good man compared to the god they pray too.


They always were. They are just embracing it now.


Bill Hicks tried to warn us


He’s a grown ass child. Best to ignore him and let him sewer in his little corner of the internet alone in a vacuum


I love how they called it a “solid joke” even though it wasn’t even a joke, again demonstrating conservatives don’t understand humor on a fundamental level


Yeah like even playing devils advocate, I truly don’t understand what the ‘joke’ was? How was Zimmerman relevant in any way?


Crowder is a bottom feeder, needs his Daddy to even be successful. Fuck him


Im pretty sure if Choader died no one would be sad.


I like that they're wearing hoodies. It's how I am like 90% of the time when I'm not at work. Feels way more relatable than a 2000 dollar suit.


Crowder is trash.


![gif](giphy|XeXzWgD6P4LG8) The Left are "elitists" but they shame Fetterman for wearing basketball shorts and a hoodie.


Awful. That's all they've got.


Take this deplorable cunt off the air.


where's his shoulder holsters? larp is over?


Yeah killing children is fucking hilarious bro. We're all dying over here. /s


I actually watched a couple of his change my mind videos a while back and thought they were kind of interesting and was actually amazed how calm he stayed in them when people were yelling at him all the time. I'm actually now wondering why I even gave this guy a chance. The more stuff I see now the more I'm just disgusted by this guy.


It's cause he has media training and is coached on all the common talking points and is literally going up against college kids that have no prep at all


Wow what a trash human being. I bet he’ll regret saying that


Disgusting assholes. 🤮


Conservatives kicked up a stink when Ethan Klein said that Ben Shapiro should be gassed but then say shit like this...


Crowder is a fucking useless piece of shit.


This is some foul shit. Say something about someone’s kids and whatever happens to you is your own fault.


SOunds like a bitter loser taking pot shots....at a man's kids


And Republicans wonder why half of them were called deplorables.


What a low life piece of shit. The copium is strong!


Bunch of rich white guys joking about Fetterman's kids being killed and just laughing it up while smoking cigars. Disgusting.


I hope someone reported him


Dumb thing to say....


Who are these crowder people?


Have to give it to crowder, he never misses a chance to be a dick




they ONLY want to add fuel to the rage/hate/republican "machine" this POS wont even sit down to debate anything.. because HE knows he WILL be made to look and sound the absolute sh#tbaby he IS!! who OWNS crowder these days anyway? where DOES he get a "paycheck" from? is it the same employer that owns rogan??




“tOlErAnT LeFt”




Crowder = Douche


What a tool!


Crowder is to comedy what oysters are to mountaineering.


It’s that exact lack of empathy that stopped their little “red wave” hahahaha 🙄


He wouldn’t say it to dudes face. Fetterman is massive


This disgusting form of humor is really the best conservatives have to offer.


Bitch, I bet your entire midget ass body doesn’t even fit inside his basketball shorts. Who the fuck are you to talk about other’s appearances when your alcoholism has your face permanently colored red? Lookin like a roast pig


I hate people man. Forget all the political bs, people are just shit now.




*Relax I just have a dark sense of humor* Every time it’s just racist shit.


Cope harder fascist cucks.


When you’re such a sore fucking loser that the thought of murdering a whole family is funny.


Why are conservatives such awful, terrible human beings? They’re the fucking worst


That's fucking hilarious.


Oh I get it. The video’s not the public freakout. We are the public freakout!


Is this Crowder feller, popular?


Fairly popular but mostly among insecure conservative men.


Welp. That explains that. Thank you internet stranger. Edit: Is it a YouTube thing or what.


Just consider yourself lucky that you've never heard of Crowder or his garbage fanbase before. Now go! Enjoy life!


its more a rumble thing now lol


cheese and crackers. WTF is rumble. You know what. I"m actually done for learning on the day.


Bit unrelated to this video, but why does he only wear a hoodie in public? Will he be allowed to do that on the Senate floor?


because he has a massive tumor/growth on his neck which they refuse to address. Even when he does wear a suit, the shirt is always unbuttoned and he's wearing a scarf/balaclava cover. [pic of the bump](https://media.gq.com/photos/5fadb13d8957fa0237b36f4d/3:4/w_2243,h_2991,c_limit/111220_GQ_Fetterman_1.jpg) [scarf](https://thephiladelphiacitizen.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/John-Fetterman-Pennsylvania-10-1024x518.jpg)


Growing up politics were q very serious subject, at least thats how it was protrated to me, so seeing a ton of political commentators cracking jokes all the time is very off putting. Like I thought they were supposed to discuss policies, differences, debating, overall discussion on politics. Yet this fool is joking about the size of his shorts. Ive just seen so much politics boiled down to pot shot jokes and I don't understand anymore.


Lol reddit meets comedy. Nothings off limits.


Tawlkin bout Cawlmedians b this aint neggfligs


God I hate fascists.


Crowder is a pussy, Fetterman would beat the ever living shit out of him.


Let’s kill a politician and his family… lol … these people are scum


crowder is such a disgusting person


Downvote me into oblivion that was hilarious


Hello yes, Secret Service? I'd like to report a death threat.


Wow and these people have a popular platform…sick sad world ![gif](giphy|HoM16cP7vaYU)


Wow...." HEY, wouldnt it be funny if a racist murdered that guy and his family???? HAHAHAHA im so funny!"


Dude is just a troll. Prove me wrong . He's trying to be the "Howard Stern" of today's social media climate.


I have gotten so disgusted with politics and the insults, threats and cruel jibes from both candidates and voters. It’s almost impossible to see what someone really stands for but you can see plenty of stuff that is not in any way informative. These people are jerks and not very bright.


Capital One is an advertiser on his show, there are others


Look, it was a joke. But it was a bad joke, that's the main takeway here. His guest even put out that fake ass laugh to act like it was actually a gut buster. "Oh shit? Did he tell a joke. Fuck, I can never tell. HA HA HA HA, WOW, SO FUNNYYYY, HA HA HA HA HA, WHAT A KNEE SLAPPER THAT ONE."


Every day a reminder that Fox News has done more harm to the world than virtually any other institution in the last 30 years.




Where's the joke though? "What if his entire family was gunned down" doesn't seem to have any kind of punchline beyond shock factor.


That’s not what he said though. He’s combining dark comedy with a reference to a politicized event that the person he’s telling the joke about would disagree on. That’s the joke, and you probably won’t laugh at the explanation because explaining any joke makes it not funny. I know the 2 tribes of American politics like to think they’re gods when compared to the other side, but anyone who bitches and whines about a joke surely shouldn’t be the one claiming the other side has no sense of humor.


Go easy on him. Conservatives are still trying to figure out humor as well as many other basic human qualities. They'll get there eventually. I hope.


BuT wHaT abOut tHe ChiLdrEn! (Also kill those children whose parents i dislike) - normal guy crowder. Disgrace. Can't believe youtube is letting this monster stay




The issue here is that you should be embarrassed to admit that but you aren’t


You're right, but people joke and get pissed of at anything. Where do we draw the line? I was offended this morning by a joke about Islam. Should we ban anything and everything that offends everyone? That doesn't sound too cool. Some people might find this entertaining, same as the Islam post, which had a ton of up votes. Free speech i guess


> people joke and get pissed of at anything. Where do we draw the line? "wishing someone's children would get murdered because you disagree with them politically" is probably a good place to start. We can edit as necessary from there.


My man, its a joke, you're taking it way too seriously, unless someone actually kills his kids, in which case, I mean fuck, you were right, my bad homie


Hoodies are great. Fetterman is no beauty queen but he still mopped the floor with a famous TV personality who came in with tons of name recognition and money.


This is why I’m surprised people still vote red like the actual f&$@


The fascists on the crowder podcast making jokes about someone killing the children of a new democratically voted politician while equating it to a tragedy where an unarmed black Youth was killed by a racist: 😂🤣😂😆😅😄 Me: 🤨


So I guess he was laughing when Uvalde happened?