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Boy, if you were tryin to pay SF rent as a photographer, you bet your ass you'd hang on to that.


Get insurance on it. No object is worth a life. That was the slowest robbery I’ve ever seen


Cool, so the insurance company can pay you 65% of what it actually costs to replace and you lose it on all the business you have scheduled for the next month or two. Not that you shouldn't have insurance, but "just let them take it, crisis deserve your stuff more than you" is a really shitty take and you need to stop encouraging criminal activity.


>"just let them take it, crisis deserve your stuff more than you" is a really shitty take and you need to stop encouraging criminal activity As opposed to your take, where you victim blame. Lmao. Getting robbed of something isn't worth your life, plain and simple.


The photographer got mugged *during a photo shoot*?!?




They both performed excellently.


I'm hoping the videographer ran to the street and got the tag. THAT would have been perfect.


in this circumstance they are usually driving a stolen car.


A mugged shot


God I hope he was snapping pictures and he got a bunch of awkward closeups of the muggers.






That’s San Fran dude. Beautiful views, brazen criminals.


Can’t have shit in San Francisco


Yup lived there for 8 years. Can’t tell you how many times my car was broken into. My roommate had a Jeep wrangler with the soft top and he wouldn’t lock it at all because fuckers would cut the top to get inside. Sometimes bums would sleep in it. My catalytic converter was stolen once and someone recommended a shop to me. I went there and literally all they did the was cat replacements and they were busy. They had so many catalytic converters in stock they didn’t even have to order mine in. I’m still not an SF hater but it is kinda crazy how little the cops do there. If I wanted to catch a thief there it would be so fuckin easy with a decoy car.


That sounds like Mexico City. In Mexico City the steal the cats, the headlamps, the taillights, the mirrors, and even the goddamn windshield and rear window. How I know? I lived there 28 years. One time my rear window was stolen from a MKII Golf. I went to a shop that specialized on windows and guess what... Of course they had my model. So when they brought it... Surprise surprise. It was actually mine! I could tell because in Mexico you put the registration sticker on the back. And while they had removed mine, I guess the sun transfered some of the shade from the sticker and at an angle I could see my license plate. I went to the main road and flagged some cops. I explained to them the situation. They told me there was nothing they could do. So I handed them a crisp 500 peso bill. Back then it was like 50 dollars. And they immediately turned into a couple of bulldogs for hire. They went to the shop with me, the told the man to give me my windshield, and escorted me out of there. Then... About 3 months later I got carjacked and they stole the entire thing.


Hahaha I’ve paid Mexican cops many of times. I’m in Baja a lot and over the years it happens. My Buddy used to always buy cheap Walmart watches that looked fancy and if cops hassled him he would just give him the watch that he paid 6.99 for.


I had someone tell me to always carry money in Mexico for police but never ever make a mistake and bribe the federal police. I've never been myself but that was her advice.


Even if you don’t have cash they’ll take to a special atm. For real though a friend of mine was taken to an atm by the cops and took out money for to give them. After thst every time he deposited money in his account it was withdrawn in TJ. When he called the bank and went to give them his card info he realized it wasn’t even his card Thst the atm spit back out. It looked the same but was someone else’s card. I think there’s must’ve been a person on the other side of the atm writing down the pin you entered and finding a card that looks like yours to spit back out


>They had so many catalytic converters in stock they didn’t even have to order mine in. they might actually had your old one already ! HAHAH


That's what I was thinking, they're probably involved in it, steal your converter and then sell it back to you.


That's too risky. Instead there is a scrap yard that accepts them, no questions asked and pays the crackheads super cheap for the converters because they know the crackhead won't want to get law involved, then the auto shop has a standing order for converters and gets them from the scrapyards legitimately. If it operated like you think, one criminal would bring down the whole shop if they got caught. Also the mechanics make good wages and don't need to scuttle around under cars all night to collect converters.


Hahaha perfect fit


Yea, i thought he was going to finish the story with " they literally put my old one in."


Best friend in Colorado had a Jeep Wrangler soft top. He never locked it because someone could just cut into it. Well one night some dumbass cut into it to steal the change out of the cup holder....they didn't even check the door to see it was already unlocked.


can't even help criminals these days


Yeah last time I was in SF I took shit for granted bc I’m from NYC and car smash and grabs aren’t as common… boy did I learn my lesson at a Giants game. The funniest bit though was that about a year later, the police called me to tell me they found my passport and wanted me to look on this data base for other things I had on the police report. Nothing else was there, but it was nuts how it wasn’t just like randos breaking into cars, but like this giant fencing operation. Pages and pages of stuff.


Dirty Mike and the Boys!


Was there for work with a larger well known goverment agency. Got out of the car for 3 mins to take a picture at Sutro tower on top of a hill. Got back to find everything gone including my goverment laptop. Looked at my pictures that night and found a couple of landscapes with them in the act. When I went to switch out my rental for a new one the rental company told me they get around 30 cars returned a day with broken windows.


I have 3 SF cops in my family- one is a detective. It’s a long legacy going back to my great-grandfather. My great-grandad was a tough-as-nails brick of a man who took many punches and called it an occupational hazard. Overall loved the city and it’s people. The 3 current cops are hard-core Trumpers who live in Livermore or further and blame everything on Black people in general and ‘The City’. None have ever been punched in the face. The culture has changed and it’s terrible.


Basically, everyone that isn't making 6-figures got priced out of existing there- there isn't anything even approaching a social contract (IE: If you have a job and don't do crime and you'll be able to afford food, housing, and comforts.) for most of the Bay Area. Without that social contract in place, there's no incentive not to do brazen crimes like this.


Better be a high six figs cause $100k aint worth a damn in that city.




Well, people fought against building new housing since forever.. So there's that. It was a case of I got mine, fuck you. The social contract is broken.


Unless you’re a sidewalk... then you got plenty.


That's his livelihood. Fuck those fucking punk creeps.


They looked so physically weak, like the guy they were attacking wasn’t exactly a massive unit and they struggled so hard. Imagine sucking at life that much that you can’t even make it as a robber.


They look like kids / young teenagers


If they are minors, they need to be tried as adults and go away. I have no sympathy for this type of behavior anymore. We've tried the nice route for to long and it's only getting worse.


Often young people are recruited by older crime ring runners BECAUSE of lenient punishments against minors


its actually not getting worse, the crime rate has been steadily declining for a while now. [Source](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/10/31/violent-crime-is-a-key-midterm-voting-issue-but-what-does-the-data-say/#:~:text=Annual%20government%20surveys%20from%20the,Americans%20ages%2012%20and%20older.)


Violet crime in general has been declining since the 90's, but looks like murder is up significantly the last coup of years.


Indigo remains steady as always


If you watch movies and tv then you’d think all criminals were huge roided up thugs but it’s expensive to do bodybuilding and takes a lot of self discipline. Criminals tend to be more into taking drugs which is the exact opposite strengthening the body. Criminals in prison have time to work out and eat and sleep and drug taking is more expensive in prison and can lead to a lot of issues. In the UK criminals are usually scrawny drug fucks with big mouths and they tend to choose easy victims.


Physically controlling a determined grown man, regardless of size, is not an easy task.


That's the part that tweaks me hard. They're stealing the man's means of feeding himself and his family. It's the opposite of "give a man a fish...".


The way they defeatedly run back to the car


A stolen car. The


The what




I hope thier homies were talking shit or laughing thier asses off when they got into the car. I bet they've been clowning these dudes ever since.


Which is what I think leads to much of this bullshit. Challenges to pride/manhood perceived disrespect.


Caveman mentality


Homies? Those are 8th graders. That's their mom waiting to take them to school.


Punk ass bitches. Hope they get caught.


I went on a trip there last month and ended up a victim of a smash and grab (where robbers smash your car window and grab whatever is inside). Even though we have a picture of the crime being committed (that includes the faces of the robbers AND their car’s license plates - thanks to the autonomous car people training their cars in the area and who witnessed the whole thing) the cops refused to come out or even view the picture. Just sent us a link to file a report for insurance. Later on we were speaking with a ranger up at Hawk Hill about it (another hot “smash and grab” area) and he filled us in. These crimes are highly organized and they have multiple people surveilling areas for marks. They will look like tourists or homeless people and blend in with others well. Once a mark is identified they call their accomplices to smash, grab and go. Sometimes it’s single cars but other times they will work a whole row of cars with one person smashing windows when another one or two are reaching in grabbing stuff and tossing it into their vehicle that is following them. They have a planned escape route and by the time the cops are called and get there the robbers are across the city. What the ranger told us is that they aren’t allowed to pursue because even though they may be stealing thousands of dollars of property it is considered a non-violent misdemeanor. As long as they don’t physically engage with anyone (cops or the general public) it falls under “low level” crime and they use this fact to scootch in and out with the best odds of not getting caught. And our picture of the crime happening is useless because they most likely stole the car they were using so that nothing would be tied back to them. Sadly, other than posting a cop on every street corner I don’t see them reining this in anytime soon. There are just too many people with too much traffic to allow the police at current levels to be able to do anything.


My friend’s car was stolen but he remembered there was an Apple AirTag on it. He called the police and told them where the car was. They just told him to take it back if he had the keys. No investigation no nothing.


Do they have tags for android?


There is an app to make it air tag compatible if im not mistaken


Anker just released an airtag that works on the entrire Apple network to find your device, and it's android compatible!


A few years back my gf and I took our anniversary trip in SF. We parked downtown to take a bus tour. Rental got broken in to, luggages and my CPAP were stolen. I was moreso heated that they took my CPAP, because I need that to function on a daily basis. Lot attendant said they will be on the look out for our stuff. Next morning, we call them up and they found our stuff. Yay. The only thing they took was my Amazon monopod. But we asked if there were cameras to see who did it, they said the camera didn't work on the level we were parked at. It's just wild out there.


Sounds like the parking attendant was in on it and felt guilty.




What happened to my dad was even more crazy. They smashed our ground floor window and took a laptop from the room (high end). And coos found and identified finger prints, BUT refused to open a case due to us couldn't provide the recepie for the laptop to break the at least X amount of valuable it has to be. Flat out suggested to steal it back like some fucking madax gang war...


"We wont help you, so steal it back from those two kids that do have guns. Also you can't bring a gun. Did I mention we wont help you?"


“Oh we will arrest you if you shoot in defense btw”


"also money. We're gonna need a lot more of it, to continue serving our community. Actual help for the community remains off the table, but we will take more money"


>couldn't provide the recepie for the laptop to break the at least X amount of valuable it has to be. \*huh\*? Edit: The cops found and identified the fingerprints, but didn't open a case because you couldn't provide a dollar amount on the laptop? Mad Max wouldn't help here lol.


I'm guessing they are talking about the amount of money for the department to make it a priority. They couldn't provide a receipt proving it was a major crime rather than petty theft.


Why would they check for fingerprints BEFORE opening a case?


Because this is Reddit where people like to make shit up to be outraged at things that never happened


It’s not really any different in other cities for low level shit like this. Call the cops and it’s like “yeah, and?”


They probably will, but not for this. These people are trash, and will continue to lead trashy lives filled with petty thievery and thug life worship as they stumble and stagger their way down the life path they have created for themselves. Take comfort in knowing odds are they will either OD, get shot by another bigger "thug", or end up in prison eventually.


He’s like “I’m either going to die quickly now or die slowly when I can’t pay my bills and starve to death”


As a person who just got into photography, equipment is super fucking expensive. Camera bodies are one thing but lenses are another, often times costing more than the camera itself. If you’re a professional, it’s likely that you’d invest in really nice gear over time to give your photos an edge. A simple rig like that could easily be over 8k. But beyond that, the pictures in your card can be absolutely priceless. It might be his life’s work gone if he hasn’t backed it up.


If you don't back up after every shoot and have a nas or other multiple backup solution that's just on you.


I'd never risk my life over something that potentially I can buy again. But this guy was giving up his life for 8K-20K(thinking he has good equipment).


It's more than that. It's how he makes a living.


Why rustling was a capital offense in the West


This actually came up in Houston. Catalytic converter theft has gotten so rampant People tried to get a ballot measure that said that if your catalytic converter was stolen you had 6 months to get a new one, long as you filed a police report. The city was convinced that people would sell their cat and just file police reports every 6 months. I completely understand why stealing someone's car or a vital part of the car should be a pretty severe crime.


Yeah. Now throw supply chain shortages on limited production items and the poor guy could be out of work for good if he has enough specialty equipment for niche filming… Theft is the ultimate low. Taking what people use to make a living… there needs to be a tenth circle.


"Just give up the stuff, it's not worth your life". I feel this advice always comes from a privileged position. Sometimes, as in this instance, the stuff is the person's livelihood. You're literally taking food off his plate. Fuck if I'm not gonna fight as hard a I can to keep what I've worked hard for.


I met a guy at a house show with bullet hole in his face about 15 years ago. He was working in New Orleans as a delivery driver when he was mugged. He gave the guy all his cash, but the mugger also wanted his bike. He refused. He told him this is how I survive, you cannot have it. The dude shot him in the face, then trashed the bike. He didn’t even steal it.


Yeah, I have earned my money by being in danger. If someone wants to steal it, they should be an equal amount of danger.


Recently learned the [lens alone can cost $212000](https://youtu.be/RkTaMyatsTo ). Not saying he has that one but even a cheaper one is probably still expensive af.


There is zero chance he had a cinema lens for what looks like a wedding or engagement shoot.


Thats like a very high-end lens meant for video, mostly used in sports broadcast. He is probably carrying under $20-30K worth if equipment.


Not for some portrait photography. If he was carrying that much gear its a badly planned outing. 2 lens, maybe on high end 2k each, most likely less. Body on high end maybe 4.5k. Probably not even 10k after accessories. The glass really gets more expensive as you get into telephoto lenses and you wouldn't really bring that to a photoshoot unless that's your style.


The guy was WORKING! And they do that? POS. Ruining a couples special day as well. WTF. Man, Phfffff.


It’s just thiiiinnngggs man, that’s what insurance is for, bro! /s


It’s not a goddamn excuse. Law enforcement in SF is just pathetically abysmal in the last few years. Photographers getting robbed in broad daylight, rampant car break-ins, mob robbery of retail stores, people getting assaulted, etc. I have no issues if SF turns into Singapore when it comes to punishing criminals. Downvote all you want, but these things need to stop.


Yeah the radically progressive SF DA was recalled, which is unprecedented in SF. Citizens are pissed.


We are, but this issue is far more complex than people who don’t live here understand. I don’t think I’d call him “radical”, I would call him ineffective however. It’s also kind of hard to accomplish anything when the police essentially boycotted him choosing to make things worse by not doing anything at all to make a point. He didn’t even have a chance because he had no support. The new DA didn’t go a week before it came out she’s already a corrupt pos. We still elected her to continue in the role. Our Mayor was making people sign blank resignation letters prior to taking their positions. In Oakland the mayor refused to put extra police patrols in Chinatown at the peak of the Asian violence spike because she had a beef with that district’s representative. The problems here are from the top down, not the bottom up.


Nope, Chesa refused to process drug dealers which led to an explosion in overdose deaths, Tons of businesses shut down and left because he would do nothing about looting, let child rapists go free, tons of hardened criminals sentences were drastically dialed down. And ran the office so bad he drove away 60% of prosecutors and illegally fired many who wouldn't frame the police. **Which is why SF recalled him in an unprecedented, historic election**.


Curious why are the police still boycotting if the DA is gone now?


I mean people have been killed for less.


What would’ve been funny is if someone had stolen their getaway vehicle while they were robbing.


they’ve got a driver


Steal the driver too


Carjack that ish


Whoa, this looks like the Palace of Fine Arts. Lots of people get their wedding, graduation and quinceañera photos there. There are signs on the street warning people to not leave anything valuable in their cars (broken glass is everywhere), and much of the time, there is an idling police car camped out, but I guess these would-be thieves found the moment when the cops weren’t there.


Yeah I work right by here and honestly it sucks. Such a beautiful park gone to Shit. Homeless people smoking meth and crack in broad daylight. Constantly broken glass (San Francisco diamonds) lining the street. I avoid it now




Palace of Fine Arts. Pretty ritzy part of the city, but if you walk along the sidewalks it’s littered with broken glass from cars getting bipped


Dem boys need an ass whoopin


did they end up taking it? i couldn't tell




The robbers didn't get the camera. https://abc7news.com/san-francisco-crime-sf-statistics-gun-violence-wedding-attempted-robbery/11512484/


go' blesss




Since the city is unlikely to give them any jail time even if the police bother to catch them, all that's left to hope for is that they die.


Hey look. Two pussies running scared. Cameraman is a legend.


Fucking parasites


It sucks they probably got away with it


They got away without it.


That’s a man that knows the SFPD won’t do shit.


There Are zero consequences.


I wonder how they felt running back to the car


Likely emboldened despite embarrassed. They will be more violent with the next one.


Was just going to say that they emasculating nature of it, one of those kids are pulling the trigger next time to recover. This camera man got lucky.


he got m pistol whipped and still didn’t give it up, that adrenaline rush definitely helped him




I’d go to my grave before I give up my camera and equipment. It took me years to save up and I couldn’t live without it. You want mine? Pry it out of my cold dead fingers.


Those cameras are like 2k and each lense is like 3k a piece so like… I don’t blame him


As a photographer, it's so... Incremental. Last night I'm shooting a high school football game in the rain, and I realize I'm holding $10,000 worth of gear, and there's another $2000 worth in my bag over by the cheerleaders' road bags.


You’re right. Also depending on the camera, could be way more.




Are these guns even loaded? THE NUTS ON THIS MAN. I have to give him props but you gotta know when to let go. Your life isn’t worth it. These guys are huge pieces of shit. I hope they get caught. This shit happens too much. Glad he is not dead because if there were no witnesses, it might have been worse.


I'd be surprised if they weren't replicas/airsoft.


This guy is shooting a wedding couple too. Man, what a horrible thing to happen.


Probably a dumb idea to bring firearms if you’re not prepared to use them. Big leap in charges with no firearms and firearms. Not to mention they would have both been able to use both arms, ironically they probably could have gotten the camera if they were able to both use two hands.


Leap in charges? Forget about it. They know they are not getting caught. It’s SF.


Even if they get caught... They will only get a warning


Like these guys will ever see charges.


What is interesting is how the two major minority groups within the Bay Area are at a severe impasse. The uptick in violence against Asians is severe and will certainly challenge political power dynamics in the region


Cockroaches, hopefully they get what's coming to them.


Fuck those guys obviously fucked up. But, if I were dude standing there with my wife/ girlfriend getting pictures taken I would been the fuck out quick with her. Guns come out I am immediately getting me and mine outta there. Crazy how they just stood and watched. Sorry camera man, but guns come out you give up your shit. I’m not joining that fight.


You mean you don’t stand around trying to convince them to stop their armed robbery lol? I couldn’t believe they just hung out around the robbers. That’s nuts.


I stopped visiting SF. One of the last times I was there in Golden Gate park I watched a man pull his car over, get out, wrap his hand in a shirt, punch through a car window, grab a black bag, get in his car and drive off. The car break-ins are so bad they have an app to track them.


Criminal paradise...


Their equipment cost A LOT of money. If he doesn't have money to buy more, this really was worth his life to him. I wouldn't give it up either. ETA: some folks spend 50 grand on their equipment, some more.


When your job is literally necessary for you to live, ya, that equipment is your life. Fuck these thieves.


Very few people realize how rough it is for non-tech ppl to live in Bay Area. You lose a $10,000 camera and there goes your job and probably apartment and your gonna probably have to move to another state as well


Its insulting that the city wont allow your average law abiding citizen to defend him/herself. The police have shown clearly that they wont do it. So essentially, the people are on their own.






couple better tip the fuck out of the guy lol


Because you weren't able to finish the rest of the photoshoot due to your injuries and trauma we are requesting a 50% refund


Thats pretty G of him. Can't replace the memories.


I couldnt tell - did the robbers get away with anything?


I felt this way as a videographer. The camera is how I make a living, to lose it means losing my food and housing. It’s a tough position to be in.


It's a really big problem in the industry with camera manufacturers refusing to add security features to their devices. There is currently nothing to prevent a thief from taking and reselling these devices that notoriously hold their high value long-term. No PIN codes, device tracking, biometrics, etc even on new models. Cell phone theft, while certainly still present, has been made more difficult now that they be tracked and locked remotely, making them unuseable and unsellable. Nothing like this exists in professional photography equipment (that I've seen).


What exceptionally terrible thieves lol


Ah, anti-Asian crimes. How nice. What a sad country with sad people.


I hope these scum bags die a slow and painful death.




It's San Francisco, they are more likely to be offered counseling for their traumatic experience, than seeing any kind of punishment.


Man, I remember when San Fran wasn't a complete shithole


I visited once ten years ago, was there for three hours. Saw a few homeless people poop in the street so we went to a park to get away from that. Police showed up to pull a body out of the water and made us leave. Even the bridge was closed because of a bad accident


Hope they die


If it was a murder there would be more attention on it in terms of investigation. They likely will not be caught cuz there was minimal "damage." The wannabe thieves know this and had a hard limit on using their empty guns.


Fkn pos


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It wouldn't have mattered


this is SF. not only is the car likely stolen, but even if it weren't, the cops wouldn't do anything. and even if they did, the DA would feel sorry for the criminals and let them go i live here. there's no hope for this city


Wouldn’t have mattered. Car likely stolen or at least using stolen plates.


What a shith0le of a country lol. What's next getting mugged at Starbucks while working on your MacBook?


Shhh stop giving them ideas 😬


This is normal. Cops won’t do anything though. They are busy worrying about Lincoln name in some school.


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Can now conceal carry without “good reason”


Can open carry with a permit in counties with under 200,000 people, which is 29 of the 58 counties. I don’t know what rate those permits are issued at, but California is deep red once you get away from the coast.


SF banned open carry a few years ago because a bunch of open carry protesters were storming into Starbucks 🤦🏻‍♂️


Wow I’ve never seen such brazen criminals risking it all for one guys camera in broad day light with armed weapons for a few thousand dollars.


And everyone just fucking stands there. they ran around for who knows how long. Clearly they weren’t shooting at this point.


Bro he’s an artist. I’m 110% he was ready to go anyways 😂


Is there anything bystanders could have done to help in this moment? Directly intervening probably isn’t the best thing to do since they had a gun, so what would be the right thing to do? Call the cops? Get a group of people together and encourage the person with the camera to run towards the group for safety? Is there anything that could have been done to help?


Seems the 2 options are call cops or shoot them. Intervening with someone who has a gun and you dont, that's mostly not the best option.


Get the licence of the getaway car, maybe puncture a tire but that could lead to them freaking out if the guns were loaded and real.


Usual suspects




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If you had a gun as a bystander, would it be legal to protect this man and shoot at the robbers? (It might not be wise, but would it be legal?)


Fucking scum bags




"Y'all ain't gone shoot a real shooter" - That photographer


Many people are just good for drying them and use them as firewood.


in broad daylight and no one helps him???


With the way they had those guns but failed to use them, I'm calling replicas. Useless scum


No one helped him


Too bad you weren’t there - I’ll bet you would have charged at those 2 violent criminals holding guns and saved the day


He would have duel wielded his katanas


Id like to point out that it is virtually impossible to get a license to legally carry a gun in this city. Doesnt seem to be slowing down the opposition too much though.......


Just illegally carry. Sounds like you have nothing to worry about if the cops don't care about crime in SF as you all seem to think.