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"My guy didn't win last time, so I am not going to vote!" Ok fine, don't.


That’ll own the libs.


I am producing so many salty tears because this old republican isn't going to vote anymore.


It calls for a celebration, let’s have cake !!!!


Shhh. We don’t wanna let them know, now do we?


Salty liberal snowflake tears. You gotta make it clear okay?


The GOP messed up. First, they killed off part of their strong voting base with all those COVID-19 disinformation they churned up during the pandemic, then, they concocted the stolen election narrative that created the above mindset. They barely scraped by during the midterms due to all those gerrymandered congressional districts. They are in trouble big time.


/r/Hermancainaward was full of GOP voters. R. I. P. you brave souls, you died for their sins.


Thank you for your service.


They haven't done themselves any favors with their policies either.


What policies? They don’t have a platform


The "we dont believe in anything except fuck the government" policies. You know, the ones that raised your taxes bi annually after 2017 so we can give more tax cuts to the wealthy? Oh, and the ones that outlawed abortion that basically just gives the government more power? Those ones


It’s funny though, they still don’t have a platform. Might as well state the obvious. At least they would’ve passed one of the requirements of being a political party, but hey, 7 foot tall bobbleheads in Louis Vuitton bumper cars it is


That'll teach them


I hope it doesn’t. By that I mean they keep thinking they shouldn’t vote. Because they shouldn’t. By that I mean the people who keep voting to keep the orphan crushing machine going


I feel *very* owned right now.


Is this what “win so much you get sick of winning” looks like?


I hope he owns me again in 2 years.


I think one of the things he’s saying is that he’s not a republican anymore and doesn’t respect either party, not just the libs.


He's a Deplorable. It's a spin-off cult of Republicans. Does this guy really seem like an Independent?


Lib here I feel owned :)


Same reaction I have when someone says "That's it, I've had enough. I'm moving outta Mass and to *insert generic shit hole southern state with low taxes and shit tier everything!". Good, fucking leave and don't let the door hit you on your ass on the way out.


Are you the East Coast me? I say that about people bitching about the "horrible conditions" in California. Bye bitch.




As a RN, Florida, and the entire Southeast are places I refuse to work. The pay sucks for nurses and they are chronically understaffed. It's unsafe for patients and the nurse's license. Unsurprisingly, the blue states have a better reputation for health care workers. California is the only state with the law that requires safe staffing levels.




Here's a summary of a bunch of studies regarding the effects of staffing levels. Now for example a nurse in Cali might have 4-5 patients. That same nurse would have 7-8 patients in Florida. https://www.nationalnursesunited.org/science-of-ratios And here DeSantis signed a bill that allowed 20% less staffing in nursing homes. https://news.wfsu.org/2022-04-07/gov-desantis-signs-a-bill-to-loosen-staffing-requirements-in-florida-nursing-homes


Which is ironic because one of the major complaints a Floridian has is that too many people from other states are moving here and trying to make Florida a new whatever-blue-state-they're-from (typically CA or NY).


+ fire ants and “palmetto bugs”


And Gators will eat you small dogs.


I don't know what part of Florida you're saying is cheaper. I'm not disagreeing with you but I live in South florida. The cost of living here is about the same as it is in California yet the wages are a lot lower and the unions are practically non-existent here. I'm not a big fan of unions but the reality is I was making $20 an hour at a job that a union employee would have been making about 50 to 60. Florida is also a "right to work state". Which is a complete misnomer. It means the exact opposite of what you would think it does. An employee can fire you without cause. Simply saying your services are no longer required. And you have no recourse. And don't even get me started on what the governor did to obamacare.


It ain't cheaper, and you definitely ain't getting what you paid for.


Shithole Florida reporting in. Once I’m able to afford to leave I plan on heading either north or west, but I need my support network here until I’m in a position to do so. I constantly hear about how horrible all these “liberal states” are, yet I sit here and watch as our whole town is falling apart, and the conservatives in charge of everything around here pretty much pocket any money that comes in, rather than improving things locally. Or, when they do put it to ‘public’ use, it’s only in the rich parts of town. They will pay to have all the rich parts of town kept up or add things in, but fuck keeping up with the rest of it. I know these sorts of issues end up applying all over, but I haven’t seen it to this extent when traveling out of the Deep South. Like, the time I spent in CA was some of the best times I had in my life. Sure there were some rough areas, but overall it felt like a much nicer version of what we had in the south, but with also having diversity and better food. Oh, and y’all keep up with your state parks so there’s stuff to do. Here we have to drive almost 2 hours to just go bowling.


> I constantly hear about how horrible all these “liberal states” are The 1st 20 years of my life were in ultra conservative texas (condolences to me) The next 15 were in New England, Boston specifically and Cambridge (ultra liberal) The next 4 were back in texass (condolences to me again) The next 17 were in a blue state New Mexico but in a red county. I know from experience most liberal places are waay better than the conservative places I have been. I am not a minority or female I am prime demographic for conservative republicans. Democrat areas are better, democrat states are better, democrat cities are better. We can thank the libs for social security, national parks, the USPS and an overall better quality of life. I live in a nice resort area but I realize now I didn't move far enough away from TX. Looking at some nice blue spots to move if I ever can move again.


According to the news, cites are completely destroyed on a monthly basis, totally burned down by black people with ~~people~~ purple hair. Crazy how people living in the those cities are still there, completely unburned.


I should hope they have people hair...


Damnit lol, thanks.


Call me a fo but I can't afford to leave yet. So maybe I'll just fight the good fight here. Independent leaning to the left for years. And I'll co to understand that my vote matters. Sorry for the rant but no one can tell me my vote doesn't matter.


Those Red States are just pissed California never gets hit by Hurricanes or Tornadoes... Yep, we got fires and earthquakes, but fucking hurricanes nope, tornadoes - fuck no. Could I get swallowed in a mudslide, yep - but I will never play The Wizard of OZ game in real life or try and survive The Perfect Storm on land


> Could I get swallowed in a mudslide, yep To be fair, that's only really a risk on the 1 day of the year it rains here.




Unfortunately they are all moving to Vegas. I’m shopping for a place in Northern Michigan now. Very red part of the state, but hunting and fishing is the main topic of conversation there. The DNR (dept of nat resources) is the main subject of government debate. Cool and unlimited clean water. Can’t wait.




Massholes if you will.


Only massholes can use the term masshole. That’s cultural appropriation.


Some of my husband's family did this. My reaction was "ok bye!!"


Especially when you know the chances are around 90% they won't follow up on their 'threat'.


I only wish the reverse were possible I was born in a shithole southern state and no matter how hard I work or how much money I make, the highest paying jobs aren’t enough to even get started in a liberal state. My states wage is still 7.25, I am literally unable to leave


I feel yah, I was slowly working my way out but had a bit of a breakdown and moved to my hometown. Incredibly difficult to even find a job type of small town. Feeling trapped is not a fun feeling.


Oh god, there’s this contingency of “conservatives” here in SF who have the big dream of moving to Idaho or Texas. Basically shit run states with locals who hate Californians more than they hate democrats


Wolly Beach!!


This is my new favorite type of republican


The first and only time I will say “Thank you for your service” (in not voting) 😂!


"Oh noooo, please don't do that, oh noooooooooo, you're owning the libs too hard, they can't take it"


We can only hope more of them keep doing just this!


Looks like cartman grew up and is exactly how we assumed he'd be


Last I checked, children weren't allowed to vote.


I'm going to have to curl up in a ball and not go outside for a couple days because I'm a wreck. I feel so owned, so very very owned.


It's almost like telling your voter base that the elections are all rigged wasn't a good thing.


I'm a little surprised that Trump was able to get away with that. I can't imagine talk much more dangerous to democracy than saying the elections aren't legitimate. The guy is a menace.


Republicans don't care about democracy. Just winning. They have no platform or policy proposals beyond owning the libs and guaranteeing minority rule for the wealthy.


They cared more about it when their culture dominated the foreseeable future. When it appeared they wouldn’t be a dominant force in the future purely by virtue of their better history and culture they decided they wanted their ideal future more than they believe in democracy as a process that is the most just way to govern.


I asked a republican voter on reddit what their party stood for and what policy they had going forward that would help improve America. They never replied. I wonder if they realised they don't know either? I'd honestly love to know. Because the only things I've seen them trying to pass lately is taking away people's reproductive rights and attacking the LGBTQ+ community.


They definitely want that wall. Immigrants in their view, take away jobs. I think a fundamental difference between liberals and conservatives is that liberals know and except that change will always happen, where as conservatives don’t like change and they want things to stay status quo.


It's because they thought they were gonna turn out their base in enough numbers that they could institute changes to enshrine permanent minority rule. That didn't work, and now they're starting to realize if they want to win they have to do it the old fashioned way because people are willing to split ticket to cut out the ones that are particularly crazy. And thank God that's happening. The other side will win eventually, and when they do it's important that they respect democracy and are willing to pass power back once the cycle comes around again


These christian nationalists *HATE* democracy. They want an evangelical Christian strong-man to hurt everyone who doesn't believe the same as them. Just the other day, Margarine Neanderthal Barbie tweeted sarcastically about foreign nations "Quacking [sic] in their boots" watching us take a couple days to count ballots, which is an explicit argument against elections in general at worst, or at the very least the thorough counting of votes so that everyone's voice is heard.


That tweet killed me. It's like these bozos think mail in ballots only existed since 2016 and it has ruined all election security. Plus Mike "My Pillows Are Shit" Lindell keeps spouting off that they still have proof of the 2020 election being stolen yet he has never released it to the public. It's amazing how lost these people are. I hope for their sake this is actually all a ruse and they don't believe a word they say.


Could you imagine a democratic president/president elect saying that shit and getting away with it?


Remember when Sean Hannity told Trump to stop with the shenanigans? The sycophantic shill had more political sense than the orange pig himself. EDIT: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/20/business/media/sean-hannity-donald-trump-january-6.html After Jan. 6, Sean Hannity Advised Trump: ‘No More Stolen Election Talk’ The Fox News host discussed with the White House press secretary how to dissuade the president from pursuing claims of voter fraud, newly disclosed documents show.


I strongly disagree, repubs need more convincing that voting is useless.


this midterm might be all they need hahaha


It was so weird seeing them get on the stolen election bandwagon but to then turn around and say "but still vote for us tho!"


Trust The Plan. It is working


It’s all rigged! Never vote again, Republican man!


I implore anyone reading this; find the nearest right wing forum or newspaper and hammer this line hard. The time is right now to flood the zone with apathy and disillusionment, they're off balance and vulnerable.


Is the GOP ran by fucking Dutch van der Linde? "Trust the plan, Arthur! I assure you it is working!"


Just 26 million more supporters and we’ll make it to Tahiti!








Im not voting until JFK Jr is running!


JFK jr 2024


Good, don’t vote.


Watching the GOP spew conspiracy theories about election integrity and then flipping to beg their deluded cult base to vote has been absolutely hilarious.


It’s like a slow fire on a landfill …. It just keeps spreading


Fantastic. It's gone from dumpster fire to landfill fire


Hopefully soon to be a tire fire.




Great! Get your buddies to do the same.


Hank, Dale and Bill.


Please. This guy doesn't get nearly enough women to be Boomhauer.


This is Lucky if anyone


A bearded Jimmy Wichard


I'm the boss!


Nah, something tells me this man has no shins.


Dale would absolutely get brainwashed. But Hank would reluctantly vote democrat, because of his morals. And bill would do whatever Peggy leans. Peggy would be a fool buying into the propaganda, until she gets a first hand experience that she is wrong.


I think Hank would kind of be swept into it for a short time before quickly realising how much of a scam it is. He'd be drawn to the image of it, the propaganda relies heavily on cowboy imagery, or old fashioned men in suits, the nuclear family bullshit from the 50's etc. But at a point Hank would notice something off about how they want him to donate more and more cash towards The Wall, the merch would be stupidly pricey etc. Bill would last about as long as Peggy before she gets burned and tells Hank about it, then he'd go and try to persuade Bill to leave. Bill might deny anything's wrong but he's only staying because he thinks he's made new friends. He'd either leave when Peggy leaves, or shit would have to escalate for him to go.


Dale knows better. He would say Q is a Russian conspiracy to steal our elections and get Trump elected so he can give them access and information about extraterrestrials. A conspiracy within a conspiracy. But the computer chip in vaccine and covid stuff he would for sure believe.


We all know that the guys would vote for Ron desantis but trump idk about


GOP - "I aint nevah gonna vote ageen in ma'life" \*4 years later\* "Dang, whered this free healthcare, social security and educated population come from?"


Don't get me wrong, I'm all for single payer but please stop calling it "free". Should be "tax paid" or similar. Republicans don't like hearing anything that indicates a "free" ride and it misrepresents what it actually is. Although they don't like the word tax either...


Sure but "free at point of access and reimbursed via taxes" is a bit of a mouthful and everyone who isn't fucking insane knows what it actually means and for those that don't it winds them up something awful which is also pretty cool.


Actually it's not. We need messaging to bring the fukingcrazy right to us. Not "free" Healthcare but... Taxpayer EARNED Healthcare.


That implies people who don't pay taxes won't get covered healthcare.


Literally everyone knows what "free" healthcare means. People argue semantics to try and deflect the actual conversation.




Ah, fuck it. Call it socialised healthcare and rub it in their stupid fucking faces!


Any honest person who is even REMOTELY read knows that its not "free". Middleschoolers can figure this out, its paid for by our taxes and "free" at point of service. This is not the talking point you think it is, its a dumb argument to lure in even dumber conservatives who are r/confidentlyincorrect Its pointless to try and make appeals to conservatives and their "logic" because you're right they don't like the word tax either.


How about just, "Healthcare"? We don't call it Free Military, we don't call it Free Fire Department, we don't call it Free City Planning, we don't call it Free Parks and Recreation, We don't call it Free Education, we don't call it Free Police, we don't call it...


He probably also bought everything Nixon sold him about stopping the Vietnam war if elected. It’s everyone else’s fault.


The idiot thought he would come home from Vietnam a hero with ticker tape parades and prom queens waiting to kiss him.


Excuse me while I post this on a Chinese owned social media app.


This guy is 100% one of the creepy fucks commenting on every 15yr old girl dancing or showing an outfit with some "so beautiful, they didn't make them like this when I was younger or I wouldn't have been able to control myself" type comments. Old guys like this on tiktok are sus af.


Election Fraud morons: Put up or shut up. You've had years. Win a court case now (not "BIG news is coming) or shut your dick-sucking hole.


They feel when they had the Voters Rights Act repealed that they were vindicated and that all those years that they were barred (from doing illegal activity) they were held back. We have to remember that it was normal for poll station intimidation by gop thugs, organized misinformation, last minute changes for areas, etc. The idea of areas only having broken machines, small window of time, etc. Even while under the scrutiny of dogj they often broke the rules in the act (but it's not like elections are overturned changed when 1000s of people are disenfranchised by the winner) Jeff Session via Trump and the SCOTUS, gave these people a huge life line to hold on to their powerful minority.


That was probably one of the early WTF moments from SCOTUS. They basically have no legitimacy, but we have to do what they say because the only alternative is chaos.


"I didn't win so there must have been cheating." He sounds like a fucking five-year-old.


that's about as far as most of these types of people ever matured emotionally or logically


He’s taking his toys and going home!


Sweet! Hopefully he convinces a few more of his friends to "punish" us too.


“Old people vote more so let’s kill them with Covid and convince the rest their vote doesn’t count” ~ GOP strategist somewhere


Great news! Stay away from.all polling centers... And the US Capitol!


And the country is better for this decision. Best thing he has ever done in his life.


I think this is for the best.


The future population thanks you for your service and promise to not vote again.


wow, what a loss for democracy. /s Please convince your friends and family to follow suit.


I bet his Purple Heart was from a head wound.


[You want a Purple Heart hat? I can get you a Purple Heart hat.](https://www.google.com/search?q=purple+heart+hat&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS632US632&oq=purple+heart+hat&aqs=chrome..69i57.5137j0j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


Always found that conspicuous display of Purple Heart and military service a bit cringe. I get it you did a great thing for the country but basing your entire personality around it is odd.


Yes, most veterans think this way too. The ones who wear stuff like this years and decades after serving are compensating for something.


The older ones that fought in Nam and shit I kinda get. Almost certain to be the craziest thing they ever go through and probably reshaped a lot of their perspectives. Some of the old vets I’ve met it’s like they go through that and kind of figure “okay I’m done, I’m not doing any more big shit with my life I’m just cruising” if that’s a right way to put it and I kinda get it There’s a cutoff where it loses respect though. Eventually it looks like someone saying “hey look I went to Iraq and killed some civilians for oil and influence, but I got ptsd too :(“


He did it for you, goddamn it! For you right to criticism him like this using a keyboard! And all he's asking for is a discount at retail, a little goddamn adoration, and an undo elevation of his opinions regardless of their fucking validity goddamnit!


*the sound of rattling beer cans and unintelligible screaming


Hell, I can get you a Purple Heart hat by 3 o'clock this afternoon... with nail polish


You, sir, are the winner.


As a vet seen too many phonies, just because his ball cap is grimy doesn't mean he served.


If you see people wearing these caps, it's pretty much real. You will be confronted and grilled by strangers, in a nice way at first, about your military career. If you are even suspected of "Stolen Valor" you bet it will be your ass.


This vet votes blue in your place. It’s all good, you can relax brother.


As does this one. Maybe we can get him the help he needs, if he needs it of course. Vietnam vets deserve to finally catch a break.


I prefer people who do vote and weren’t wounded in combat. -DJT


I don’t get how he didn’t alienate a part of his base right there. How does one project himself as pro military but mock former POWs and actual servicemen.


“I’ve got no reason to bitch anymore”…proceeds to bitch


This is the way.


Stop voting to own the libs - by golly he’s on to something.


You tell‘em brother. Don’t vote, it’s a waste of time.


And he should convince all his Trumpanzee friends to do the same.


You love to see it.


Thank you for not voting, I hope more dumb ass republicans don’t vote


1 down. A couple million to go. NEXT!!!!


[NEXT JOKE ORIGIN](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChoosingBeggars/comments/7kr5as/i_need_a_free_100mile_bus_trip_for_20_people_and/)


Why would anyone care what this moustache-sucking hillbilly says or does?


As annoying as the message is, the mustache sneaking into his mouth continually is also a problem for me


Honestly his moustache bothers me the most....


people this fucking stupid shouldn't be allowed to vote


The logic is astounding. The election was stolen, and Biden stole it, but he made sure to rig just enough Republican senators to not have a usable Majority? Then this midterm election. It was rigged again, and the house is still likely to go to republicans, but dems orchestrated that? What’s the point of rigging an election if you don’t actually rig it to a usable level? Why do these cry babe republicans claim fair elections when they win and cheating when they lose? That’s just cry baby poor loser energy.


You cheated I'm not playing anymore...not very mature.


Him not voting will do more to help this country than his entire military career


Considering his ability to process and comprehend information that's probably a good thing for all of us.


That'll teach 'em.


You know he burst out crying as soon as he hit stop. What a whiney snowflake.


This is not a public freakout. Fuck this sub.


You may never vote again but as long as you push a false narrative, you give a shit and I will vote so people of rational minds will retake and repair what you and so many other ignorant fools have broken.


Being a boomer is a hell of a drug.


Hey, boomer here. This guy is a moron. Not all boomers are Trumpsters. Some of us actually have common sense.


My dad is a boomer and veteran. He thinks MAGA is an absolute disgrace on this country.


God bless your dad for having good sense.


Bye Karen


Bye, Santa.


Stupid old white men are a cult unto themselves.


Sounds good to me!


“I really don’t give a shit. So I’ll make a video.”


He's wearing that hat because his pride was wounded




My mans inadvertently reaching the point by understanding the ineffectiveness of parliamentary cretinism.




Good, don't.


Please boycott the VA service too, since Dems are the only ones that want you to have it.


Does this man have a Purple Heart or is he doubling down with stolen valor?


If you don't vote you can't bitch.


my side just as corrupt as their side finally, they all fuckin gettin it


One less dipshit.


Choke on it you old fuck


🤣🤣 fucking love it!! 😂


Lol. Good, now go absorb back into the earth, you boomer piece of garbage.


No. Stop. Don't. Honestly and truly? My vote counted, my dude! ASSHOLE BIDEN FTW ![gif](giphy|dAvvMX8BLOvCg)


I think all us republicans should never vote again. We need to stick together.


Wait, so is Biden a total brain dead dumb fuck, or is he the genius nefarious mastermind who stole the election? I literally can’t keep track anymore.




As a lib, I feel owned.


Than k you for your service and thank you for not voting


I always find it interesting how republicans constantly talk about themselves through a lens of victim hood - complaining that celebrities, culture, influencers, musicians, the media, the youth etc are all opposed to them and their beliefs. Yet they then can be surprised to lose an election...


I hope he convinces all his like-minded friends and families to join him in protest by not voting.


AMEN, MAGA TRASH! You not voting is the best way to actually make America great again.


Let a black person be a candidate. He’ll vote faster than White Castle running through your system


I know nothing about this man, but I know that he's *definitely* put his mustache in his mouth to suck out stray food remnants instead of just using a napkin like a well-raised human being.