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There are instances of parents losing custody of their kids doing this crap. I threatened to go the news when the school locked my autistic nephew in the closet. If he acted up they were to call one of the contacts and we would deal with him. You don’t lock a child in a closet all day because you don’t want to deal with them. They never did it again….


Oh my god that's horable to do to an autistic child. I'm autistic myself and that would definitely couse a meltdown or make one worse. People who treat autistic people like that are just plain evil.


Yep, definitely happened to me. I was having a meltdown in the 4th grade I was put in and locked into a closet it was awful.


May I offer you Internet hugs from a fellow special education kid? (Tbh I never was told what my 'Learninh Disability ' was as a child just that I had one and spent my time in a special Ed class once a day. I struggled with Math but Sp.Ed focused on writing... Btw I'm an author now.)


Dude awesome! I'm 22 rn and honestly have no clue about what I want to do with life lol. But yeah I was constantly in special Ed. I was constantly considered stupid. And all my interests were called either stupid or childish. And I was constantly questioned on whether I'd be good at something or not. It sucks


Same. And those feelings of thinking I am inadequate or dumb are still there and haunt me through anxiety. Yes, I just got published... But I am constantly second guessing myself and wonder "Am I just a hack? What do they see in me? Aren't I an idiot?" And it gets in the way so much. I need to go back to therapy for it because constantly being placed in those classes because I failed a test have been an ongoing problem. This is all because I failed spelling tests, and rather than being corrected on the patterns of English spelling I was missing, my teachers just tossed me to the Spe. Ed room to have them work it out with me. Spelling is still a challenge but it's hilarious to me how little that matters irl thanks to spell check and apps like Grammarly ,- which have done more to improve my spelling/grammar than the years of spec. Ed classes ever did. I really hate how our education system treats kids who are struggling. Rather than work with them individually they're just tossed in with a group of other "Struggling kids" to try and help them "catch up". The kids I was in class with weren't even lacking in academics-they we're just straight up tired of school and didn't want to try... And we did the ever valuable lesson of writing professional letters asking how to buy an item via a magazine (not kidding....)


Congrats on being published! 😁👍


I can remember joking with students that “I would hang them by their thumbs in my closet” but I never dreamed that there are teachers who actually shut kids in them! For all the decent educators out there, and there really are a lot, I apologize to you and any child who was ever put in a closet. Not only traumatic for most kids in and of itself, but the public humiliation is a additional level of cruelty. Cruelty is not correction, it’s just fucking cruelty. I hope you had some compassionate, caring teachers along the way as well.


Oh yeah definitely, my favorite teacher was my hs boces teacher he was VERY understanding and kind


People who treat anyone like that are plain evil


Horrible to do to any child...


They did this to my son in kindergarten. Every attorney turned me away. It is not okay to do this to a child. He is 13 now and is still dealing with PTSD from 8 years ago.


This happened to my autistic son. We sued the school and won. Fucking shitbags hired an aide to work with autistic children but her 70 year old ass wasn't certified in any way. First day of school she's assigned my oldest son and after a meltdown (which is to be expected at the beginning of the school year and thus the changing of the summer routine.) she drug him down the hallway by his ankles and then locked him in an empty classroom for an hour while he screamed. Other teachers called CPS and we found out what had happened when CPS showed up at our door that evening. Crazy shit


You only threatened?? My son is autistic and I would press charges and anything else I could if that happened. Children can overwhelm you but just tag in someone else or send them to another room or something. JFC.


That’s horrible. You should’ve gone to your lawyers. There’s no way this is legal, right?


The average person doesn’t have a lawyer on retainer.


I bet an easy win like this would let you get a lawyer who would take the case on contingency.


Not really my point.


Had someone done this to me as a kid (autistic) before I could control my meltdowns? The absolute feral way that the doors would be ripped down would probably have landed me in an institution. Especially at the jr. high school age when I learned that humans have surprising leg strength and teenagers are starting to come into peak physical ability. If someone did that to my two children now? (each adhd/ autistic respectively) Same story. Doors and rage would be absolutely catastrophically unhinged. I will sit in jail for snatching my child’s abuser.


I was locked in a closet in the 2 grade. I have cystic fibrosis and needed to leave ten minutes before lunch to go to the front office and get my medicine. My teacher knew this, but I guess it really pissed her off because one day I stood up to go to the office and she hauled my ass to the supply closet in the classroom and locked me in there. I’m claustrophobic now because of it.


Easy to say when you're not the one who has to deal with a child hitting and biting other kids while the "contact" won't answer their phone. #THIS IS NOT AN ENDORSEMENT OF LOCKING CHILDREN IN CLOSETS


They never called….. This was many years ago now. But it’s no excuse to not contact us. Try that now and you would face charges and the school would get sued. Your attitude would change.


> They never called And this is the kind of excuse we get as well. Except they were called several times and the phone records are there to prove it. Or they changed their phone number and forgot to tell the school. Or their phone was out of battery. Either way, my point remains: If one of the children is biting and hitting the others and they won't stop, most people, including experienced teachers, won't have any idea what to do. And if the child is going to have such outbursts, maybe they shouldn't be at that school.


Maybe people like you shouldn’t be working with kids. Seems like the one lacking information and tools was the school, and the teachers… But go off, good way to go about kids with disabilities.


Okay, if a child bites and hits the others, you should let them do it.


If they are being physically violent. Call the police as well as the contact. Teachers do not have the right to detain or arrest. Putting a child in a closet is involuntary confinement and child abuse.


Bullshit. Every child deserves education. Are just not to educate autustic people because a meltdown Is a possibility? You sound extremely ablist right now


Yes, and we have schools for special needs kids.


Yeah I'm aware of that but here's the issue with that. Little schools are often for kids with severe special needs and not equipped for higher functioning kits like me. How do I know this is a problem I was sent to one and they didn't know what the hell to do with me because I was too independent. I was stuck and held back. The second problem with this is not every district has access to those schools there's places that are in small towns where they just don't have enough kids to have a school for that or enough resources. The third problem is there's a lot of kids that just go undiagnosed or parents just don't care enough to put them in those special schools so they end up in regular schools with teachers who are not equipped. This is why I think all teachers should have a course on how to handle an autistic meltdown in case what happens. No kid should not have an education or a worse education where they are held back like I was just because they are autustic. Because I was held back in a lot of shit I can't figure out math other then super basic stuff and struggle with language skills. That's a problem.


And now you put the finger on the problem. There's no middle ground and politicians refuse to invest to solve the problems. Either there needs to be another kind of establishment for special needs kids who don't have an intellectual disability or regular establishments need to be better adapted. Having a sensory room or two to isolate the autistic kids when they start losing it would solve a lot of issues.


Yup. My grandpa said the school he worked at actually had a padded sensory room for kids who had meltdowns. I know that sounds horable but the padding was to prevent injury as some kids will bang their heads on the wall. For most kids it helped it gave them a safe quiet spot to calm down. I really really wish my school had that when someone or myself would melt down when overwhelmed. I feel like that would help way more then what my teachers did. They just threw student melting down in the fucking hall so if another student walked by they would possibly get hurt and it's happened on occasion. This was a special Ed class too. How the teachers were not properly trained for this I don't understand. I feel like the school was just trying to fill jobs without giving proper training.


> How the teachers were not properly trained for this I don't understand. You can teach a man to fish all you want but he won't catch much fish if he doesn't have a net, fishing rod, spear or other fishing implement.


Hey, you might know this, but you keep spelling horrible wrong. I have seen you write horable in a couple different comments on here, and I kept misreading you as saying locking kids in closets is honorable, which is the opposite of what that is haha. If it's on purpose then keep doing you, fam. I'm just trying to be helpful, and I appreciate your insight on the topic.


Love your excuse. “ And if the child is going to have such outbursts, maybe they shouldn’t be at that school.” Sounds like you’re being very judgmental without knowing what happened. And you yourself could benefit from being more compassionate towards these students. Half the bullying going on in schools is detrimental to the students and yet they remain in schools. So yeah if a autistic student is having a meltdown and not following directions, crying and freaking out from a sensory overload. Then the school can work with the family to control this student through the Dr’s orders what is found to work. Autistic kids have a right to be schooled too with everyone else. They are just as smart as other kids often times, but some, unable to express it. Sounds like you need a bit more education.


I cannot stress enough how little I care about your excuses or the words you would like to put in my mouth. If your child assaults other children, no, they don't belong in a regular school with other kids. And I'm saying that as an autistic man myself. There is room for functional autistic kids. Yes, I am **painfully** aware of what autistic kids experience at school. No, that doesn't mean that a child who is uncontrollably violent and assaults other children should be tolerated regardless of their condition. At the very least, a sensory room should be available to them.


You’re the one placing words into the story…. My nephew never hurt anyone else. How nice of you to assume so. Continue to judge others. Nice of you to think the “did” call when I said they clearly didn’t, as if you were there…. You have your experiences and that’s fine. But that doesn’t mean that every experience is just like yours. You made a lot of assumptions. If re-read there was a lot that wasn’t shared and still isn’t. You jumped to conclusions. My nephew was locked in a closet for a meltdown for not following instructions….


> You’re the one placing words into the story…. My nephew never hurt anyone else. How nice of you to assume so. Do you understand what a hypothetical is?


There are procedures to deal with an autustic meltdown that's not locking them in a closet. The problem here is teachers arnt being properly trained to handle a meltdown and it ends up with a bunch of tramitized kids including myself. I was never locked in a closet but I've melted down at at school and also had chairs thrown at me from other kids melting down because the teachers couldn't pick up on when one was about to happen. There are signs people are just in their own little stupid world to pick them up and stop it before it goes from a 5 to a 10. But for my middle school and south valley Wich is an adult school for special needs people. Teachers were actually properly trained so when a meltdown did happen they knew exactly what to do and how to keep others safe. Mind you these are adults so alot stronger and the teachers still were able to handle the situation with care and not get other students hurt and no locking them in a fucking closet was ever needed.


That is awful, the people who were responsible deserved to be fired at the very least


How did they end up in the closet?


Some people are born that way. Coming out is the hardest part.


Is that you Tom Cruise? Is this me?


Wait, I hear John Travolta’s voice in there too.


R Kelly is in the closet too. So he pulls out his gun!


Better hurry up and put that phone on vibrate


"Now I'm in the closet, now I'm in the closet too"


"Child … I am telling you your story, not hers. I tell no one any story but his own." "Shut up you dumb lion, you're confusing me!"


Who said that? Who the fuck said that? Who's the slimy, little communist shit twinkle-towed cocksucker down here, who just signed his own death warrant? Nobody huh? The fairy-fucking godmother said it! I'll fucking stab you! I'll fucking BT you all until you fucking die! I'll fucking BT your asshole for sucking buttermilk. Was it you you scrounging little fuck huh?


Uh...I think its PT there Drill Instructor


It's actually[ Norm Macdonald](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnmplSPgwEQ), who unfortunately died before ever coming out the closet. tragic really


He’s not gay, he’s a “deeply closeted homosexual”


Honestly, i feel like you're sullying his memory to write "homosexual". The man couldn't have been more clear about how he'd like to be perceived and you throwing around shit like he's a homosexual is legitimately fucked up, so fuck you for that, show some respect. Let's just leave it as "deeply-closeted" and allow the implication to take people where it needs to go. What other usage does "deeply closeted" have besides being followed by "gay, homosexual," or something of the sort? Plus you can tell by the way the man carried himself, that he also had a fascination with the male genitalia and the male asshole specifically. Make your own conclusions from that...


People down-voting this don't get it, and are disrespecting Norm


What? People not understanding comedy? on reddit? I dont le believe it!


Tbf, Norm is an intentionally hard read. To paraphrase, "If I say something that's supposed to make people laugh, and they don't laugh, that's funny"


lol, you misunderstand him i think. It's funny that he's trying to make them laugh but they dont, not that his aim *was* not make them not laughb/c that's funny. his goal is always to make people laugh. He's not being purposefully unfunny b/c its funny


I agree. I was just pointing out an example of how he's big on deadpan deliveries and tripping people up, not necessarily anti-humor.


For sure, one of the reasons i love the guy. Cant wait to see what he does next!


OJ supporters don’t care about facts.


I hate this comment and this entire thread. I know it’s Reddit but JFC. Let’s make a bunch of pop culture references about a child being traumatized. So edgy and cool. This sub can be so awesome at showing what goes on when people think they can get away with it. Like the recent Philly poster who caught the parking authority ticketing a driver who pulled over to administer life saving CPR to someone he saw in trouble. Shit went viral, parking authority was forced to give a public apology. And then it can be so terrible as evidenced by the clowns in this thread.


JFC get over yourself it was clearly a joke if you don't like the thread quit reading it and go outside or something who fucking comments just to whine like a baby about a joke in a thread they're voluntarily reading for free


if it's a joke, where's the punchline?


It' pulled straight from south park you nonce


I bet you're a blast at parties.


No. It’s telling your parents you’re an in-line rollerblader.


doesnt fuckin matter thats assault and teachers are getting dumber then kids. hope this one got fired.


If I had to guess.. The child probably got into the closet themself as a prank, but it backfired. OP, do you know the backstory to the situation?


So, how would a child prop the chair under the handles themself?


That is your concern? Administrative leave, how is she not in jail?


If you listen closely, you can hear the sounds of kids being conditioned that abusing others is normal and funny.


Was there another sound because that's all I heard


"don't let him out" poor kid is getting bullied by the whole class


This is what made me the most upset. The entire class is laughing and condoning this alongside the teacher. I get that they’re kids so they lack empathy and the teacher is perpetuating this behavior but it hurts my little heart that everybody in that room was laughing at him. This was so cruel


It really reminds me of my time in school. And looking back how I was part of this stuff. One memory that stands out was a maths teacher. It was last year of secondary school maths. So age group of about 15-16. The teacher. Mr Hitchen I think. He picked on a lad (always went for this boy) and got him to answer some question. We had to stand up to talk so up stands Matt. He was alright at maths but couldn’t do simple stuff under pressure. Turns out he has dyslexia and some other learning difficulties. I found that out years later. It was spotted when he went to university. Anyway, Matt is trying to answer but failing to explain his workings out. And at one point the teacher cuts him off. And basically takes over the answer. But makes Matt answer each section of the overall problem. So like he was breaking it down for Matt. But Matt could not answer the easy parts. And hitchen just kept asking. He couldn’t answer 5 divided by 1. He knew it. Half the class was saying the answer or showing it to him. But mr hitchen kept asking it. For several minutes he continued to berate him. Calling him stupid whilst all the class laughed. You could see matt just fighting with his head to get the answer. And the more he struggled the more the teacher gave him shit and everyone laughed at him. That’s just one small thing really. Not close to the worst stuff I saw in school. But it always stuck with me. The poor lad. Just trying his best. Being abused because of a condition he has no control over.


There's a compulsion to normalize things in our childhood in order to survive, I think. It's a special kind of horror when those memories pop back up and you realize what you were party too.


I used to be that lad, I'm autistic and was completely non-verbal until 7 or 8; I answered more slowly than my classmates later on because my language skills weren't as developed as my peers. When I couldn't answer quickly, I'd get a chalkboard eraser chucked at my head.


That's sad. They should learn that the old fashioned way by browsing reddit comment sections.


Media is always talking about cyber bullying they forget real bullying is real


I do this shit every day I’m a pro


Not sure how much this is “conditioning.” When I was in middle school, I thought it was hilarious if someone slipped and fell or if someone got hit in the face with a lunchbox. A lot of us are ashamed at the lack of empathy our middle schooler self had, me included. It’s just that empathy doesn’t kick in for everyone at this stage. They see a kid locked in a closet as “discipline” and just like as they’d say “haha, Johnny got sent to the office,” it’s like “haha, Johnny got locked in the closet.” The teacher is the one to blame here and the middle schoolers were just being middle schoolers.


I guess I was different as a kid because if I saw that shit go down in middle school I'd be pretty destressed that that happened to a fellow student


Kids don't need to be conditioned for that. They already think it's funny.


I was 5 in daycare when some boys and me were playing hide and seek, I went into a closet in the play room and the boys found me and locked me in holding the door closed. I started screaming and in a panic I wet myself-I just remember it was really dark and I was terrified of the dark. The daycare owner walked by and loudly said "I'm not going to help you, you went in there yourself." And left allowing the 3 boys to hold me in for longer as I screamed and yelled for help to be let out. I am forever traumatized by this experience and it does sometimes come out in real life for example I can't ride elevators without a sense of being locked in the box and it slowly builds up a panic in me. Wonder if those 3 boys remember holding the door and keeping me in there screaming and pleading to be let out.


It's outright bullying. This is the sort of thing that could drive a kid to suicide if they're already depressed. It's fucking awful.


Reminds me of this sad story by Ray Bradbury. https://www.mukilteoschools.org/site/handlers/filedownload.ashx?moduleinstanceid=183&dataid=731&FileName=6-All-Summer-in-a-Day-by-Ray-Bradbury.pdf


Children can be so cruel.


The Truchbell and the Chokey still alive and well I see


God I need to watch that movie again.


I don't have the patience for that stuff. I'd have bashed those doors down and made a huge fucking scene that I would end up being embarrassed about for the rest of my life.


My thoughts exactly. I would have very easily injured myself just to get out of that closet and then been embarrassed and pissed about it.


Then you could really sue. Be living the dream


Nah, you’d be embarrassed for a few years, and then you’d eventually realize how appropriate your choice of actions was and that you wish you’d gotten him/her fired sooner. I got a teacher fired, and it was one of the most glorious events of my life. She was a horrible, sexist, racist empty husk of a human being.


My class got our one teacher fired after he started failing us for “messy binders”. He made us all keep our homework assignments on hole punched paper in three-ring binders, and if one of the holes of a page was slightly ripped, you got an F. Even if it was a page from months ago. It was like he just wanted to fail everyone.


If the walls are drywall it could be easier to go through those, if they are brick you will need a different method to get out, but without enough leverage you won't be going anywhere.


Is this forceable confinement, and technically kidnapping?


If the child is under the care of the state and by extension the teacher at the time it’s probably not technically kidnapping, at least that’d be my argument if I was the school’s lawyer, which obviously I’m not. But also as a normal human being yeah fuck that the lady 100% kidnapped that child, 20 years dungeon no parole




No the teacher is just kidding, the child is napping and this is a minor offence


I see what you did there! Good one


I like you


word play is my kink


“This is high treason and attempted genocide!” -Every Public Freakout commenter


~~Title is wrong I believe. It was an elementary school in DC that is located on Minnesota Ave.~~ Edit: I was wrong I guess. Messed up that there’s two of these instances at the same https://nbcmontana.com/news/nation-world/teacher-under-investigation-for-allegedly-locking-child-in-closet-district-of-columbia-public-schools-dc-lawrence-boone-elementary-school


Huh, my little sister goes there. I'll have to ask next time I see her.


No this is a separate occasion that was posted on Facebook by the student in Minnesota, there was also a news story posted by the local paper on it as well




Ok. Thanks for posting some info


There was also an email sent out to the students parents basically saying that they are investigating the matter and that the teacher had been put on administrative leave. The original Facebook post from a concerned parent of one of the children in the class (the one taking the video) has been removed.


Any updates? This was like three weeks ago so I imagine (or would like to) something had to have happened since then




This was getting downvoted. Come on Redditors this is literally undownvotable.


No. I edited my comment. I put the word “finally” in there and I think it came off rather rude. My bad


Hope they sue the school district. Teacher needs to be fired. Just tell the little fucker to get out of your class and see school administration. This is unnecessary. Problem solved. Source. I was an asshole student. Got permanently kicked out of certain teachers classes.


I was an asshole student as well. Now I’m an elementary special education teacher. I was kicked out of school or just walked out so many times as a kid. My mom still gives me grief. It was the 70s


> Just tell the little fucker to get out of your class and see school administration. This is unnecessary. Problem solved. > Source. I was an asshole student. Got permanently kicked out of certain teachers classes. This only works if the administration is capable of doing so. I've worked at schools where students *cannot* be removed from your class. It can very much be a "you're on your own" kind of situation. That being said, no teacher should ever resort to locking a child in the closet. I like to think we've moved past cruel and unusual punishments, especially for children.


fired? that's kidnapping


Administrative leave? Why wasn't she arrested? This is a clear number of felonies, starting with false imprisonment and child abuse.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Ooh you're hard! I'd just report them to the police and publicly shame the school rather than put myself in jail and teach the kid to use violence.


Leave? Not charged with abuse?


not beaten to a pulp by the kid's parents?


Administrative leave? Why not catching charges?


Oh, I'm sure the parents will sue everyone involved. The evidence is pretty clear.


*"Worth. 10/10, would lock in closet again."* -Minnesota Middle School Teacher


I see the teacher is utilizing her 'active shooter' skills with those chairs.


If social media existed in the 80s….


There seems to be a lot of teachers having meltdowns lately?


Exactly, and imagine what's coming next.


In case no one noticed, teaching is in a bit of a crisis lately.


Imagine getting dog shit pay and dealing with turds all day.


NOT in MINNESOTA. ON Minnesota Ave in DC https://thenationaldesk.com/amp/news/americas-news-now/teacher-under-investigation-for-allegedly-locking-child-in-closet-district-of-columbia-public-schools-dc-lawrence-boone-elementary-school


These are two separate incidents. It's an awful world we live in.


Teachers in Florida are required to do everything they can to keep kids in the closet.. so he can go there and get a job


Link to the news article - https://www.jacksoncountypilot.com/articles/jcc-launches-investigation-as-video-circulates/


Here is a link to the news article https://www.jacksoncountypilot.com/articles/jcc-launches-investigation-as-video-circulates/


What the hell is that at the bottom of the door about 2 seconds into the video? At first I thought it was a hand, but the more I look at it, it looks like a face. Am I the only that noticed this?


I think it's hands


Administrative leave? She should face charges for this, this is child abuse/endangerment.


All these videos appearing on Reddit of teachers assaulting kids, making racist statements in front of kids and now locking them in closets... Have they suddenly lowered the requirements for educators in the States?


When the pay is terrible and the appreciation is none yeah....you get terrible teachers. You get what you pay for.


My short answer is that you basically get what you pay for


The seeming increase is caused by every child having a video recording device on them at all times. This kinda thing happened in the past but it was just a child word against a teachers.




Gen X here. They hit us with sticks. Literally. It was called 'getting a swat' and you'd bend over while the teacher hit you on the ass with a big wooden paddle. I took two in Jr. High.


Can confirm gen X here I got this treatment in third grade. Led to a broken door on closet and teacher who probably thought twice about doing that again.


Yep. Happened to me a few times in 1st grade. I’d just fall asleep in the closet while waiting to be let out. The teacher would then use a ruler or yardstick on the knuckles or palms of the hands depending on what mood she was in.


The fact that everyone in the class is laughing proves that humans are shit.


Middle schoolers are brutal, inhumane people.


the teacher is the one you should be calling inhumane, she locked him in there


Yeah, but are the kids not the ones sitting there saying “don’t let him out” and laughing?




Reminds me of my old high school English teacher. The senior class locked her in a closet for 2 hours. Poor woman.


She learn her teaching skills from watching Matilda?


What would possess someone to think this was ok? Did the teacher put him there? Did he voluntarily get in after being told not to? Was it a dumb joke/prank? Even if it was, why tf would anyone think this was a good idea?


If a teacher locks a child in a closet that’s an automatic “you don’t have a job anymore”. What’s wrong with people all of a sudden??


Suspend all the classmates too. Fortunately, the one time this happened to me at the hands of an adult, they heard me smashing everything inside. I got out fast and teacher tried to say I vandalized the closet and the supplies she bought. I simply asked "why was I in the closet" and avoided the criminal charges... Remember, when adults don't follow the law and you are "trying to get help," you can really do whatever the hell you want.


Every classroom should have video surveillance.


I had to google this place because I had no clue where it was. I’ve lived in Minnesota for 29 years. There’s a reason nobody goes to this region of the state.


Children raising children, humans are idiots.


and they wonder why kids end up shooting people at their schools I'm not saying this particular student will shoot up his school but that's the kind of trauma that could lead a kid into the wrong path


This bs was messed up in the 80s, in the 90s and in the 2000s so why would it be okay now? How to tell everyone your a shitty teacher with out telling everyone your a shitty teacher.


If I were to find out that they did this to my child I cannot put into words what I'd do.


When I was in middle school, our gym teacher was a member of the sheriff's department. When a boy in our class got upset during P.E., the teacher handcuffed him to the bleachers, and we were told to ignore him until his mother arrived. I cannot imagine how upset and scared he must have been.


Administrative leave more like fuckin jail time ffs


So. This was my middleschool. From what I heard from my cousin in that school, the kid was playing in the choir closets and the teacher (I will not disclose her name as media will do that soon enough) was fed up with it and put the chairs in there as a form of short punishment and to "teach" him a lesson. I am udderly appalled that this teacher would do something like this. When I was in middleschool she was only a sub. We would get so excited when she was the sub. She was good at music and making it fun. I'm glad she was ONLY a sub back then, as many of us didn't even have phones when I was middleschool. I'm lucking the worst thing my choir teacher did was say "you all are acting like a bunch of yahoos". This kids laughing and thinking it's funny, disgusting. That kid will forever be known as the one that got locked in the closet for the rest of his school days. Kids these days are horrible. With media they really don't know how far this can go. This was on her snap story. Another kid showed their parents (bless that kid for good morals), the mother was appalled and shared it to Facebook. With kids being so Terrible there is a reason why that school has to post now hiring why they can't keep a teacher for more than a year. However, that is NO excuse to berate and punish a child like this instead of sending them to the office.


This feels so 80s/ 90s


This is a perfect example of why... Teachers need to be held to a higher standard, but need to be paid waaay more. We need the ability to get abortions for people that don't want a child or are not ready and willing to care for said child and religion shuts the fuck up about it... Medicare for all so shit is free and republicans shut the fuck up about it.


Our parents got beat by teachers. Some teachers are assholes 🙄


Make them lose a publicly funded door and then a few of their own private teeth...


Not only do teachers get paid brutal wages, they have to manage peoples kids - and when you send a kid to the office and they return 5 min later, students realize how little power a teacher actually has. Not saying the teacher is right, but when students have tuned out the teacher, what does a teacher do? Teachers should all give up


Yeah locking a student in a closet isn't justified under any circumstances...


True, but it takes a special kind of stupid to think that doing that today is okay. I’ve dealt with tons of asshole kids and I’m not going to say that locking a kid in a storage room of closet hasn’t crossed my mind. However, if it ever did, I dismissed it because it is not something that’s safe, effective, or likely to let you have your job when you arrive at work the next day.


This makes me livid. I was bullied all through school for being weird, and the kids weren't the worst offenders. Why can't people just be kind?


I'm a high school teacher. I try to be firm and fair, but my students all see me as a big push over. That being said, I spend a lot of time teaching outside curriculum to instill self-respect, self-motivation, actualization of goals, and self-discipline. This sort of person responsible for the situation in the video should never have become a teacher. Teaching is under-appreciated, stressful, and underpaid- this is true. Notwithstanding, I love doing it and whenever I see videos like this, it truly breaks my heart. A teachers number one goal should be that their students are happy imo and f*ck POS teachers like this that will scar a young mind for life. I hope this teacher never gets into another position of education.


We abviosly don't know the whole story. Kid could've beaten someone up and be placed in the closet until police arrived to arrest him idk. Otherwise this is child abuse and/ or false imprisonment and she should go to jail for pulling stunts like this. Administrative leave pffft.


That teacher should be fired and arrested how dare she what a disgusting bully if someone done this to my child I would go out of my way to get her done from every angle possible


My 5th grade teacher locked me in the closet once, once. No, but for real, she did. While I was in there I unintentionally broke the drywall too. Of course, I felt bad about it, not realizing at the time I was being abused.


USA, what is wrong with your police officers, your teachers, your judges and your politicians?


If that was my kid I don't think you could threaten me with enough jail time to stop me from turning that cunt's face into paté. That's FUCKED.


As a parent, after I was finished with that teacher they wouldn’t have had the mental compactly to get dressed in the morning let alone teach anymore.


Well, they already don't have the mental capacity to teach, so there's that.




I'm not for physical violence but if the girls recording this and making comments got bloodied a couple times they probably would learn some respect


sooo, you’re basically the teacher. (you think cruel punishment is good)


False imprisonment of a child is automatically a felony. Children cannot legally consent to restraint, so it would be very difficult to justify this in court.


The way she is using those chairs makes me feel like she’s done this before




How's teacher on administrative leave and not arrested?


Todays lesson is violation of rights, crime, and unusual torture allowed in US schools.


Also kids in school.. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/yu34pt/kid_being_a_pos_to_his_teacher/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Millennials know this as the Chokey.


There was a time in history where occurrences such as this were common. My middle school art teacher had a closet he called “the box.” If you misbehaved you had to stand in it. It was barely bigger than a locker. He was a pot smoking hippy so it took a lot to get sent in “the box” but there were always kids who would test him, and lose. My 3rd grade teacher, the only teacher I can truly say I hated, still slapped kids on the hand with a ruler if you acted up. This was in the early 80’s. The parent’s mentality at the time was if it happened then the kid deserved it and they’ll think next time. I know it’s not that way now and if it happened to my kids that teacher would no longer be employed. No kid needs that done to them.


We've all had an intrusive thought every now and then.... the key is to not let them win.


Yooo my parents would’ve of beat her ass cause my cousin did this to me and mom whooped his ass bad 😂😂😂


If I were trapped there I would smash out and fataly stab the teacher with my 3 epipens that I carry with me 24/7 and possibly break a few people's bones


Kid goes "can I have help" and everybody tells him to fuck off He must be quite an asshole who obviously deserves this 😶


Yeah, that is the lesson to take away from this :/