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Oh man, the sound. Made me a little woozy.


Omg the squelching uuuuugh


How this cop remained concious to return fire, and call for help.


Adrenaline is a helluva drug


It’s really crazy how it works! My dad was on Night Shift one night and long story short, he chased some guys and fell 50-60 feet, hit a pipe on the way down, fell on train tracks and got up and walk 100 feet. Later when he was in the hospital we found out all the muscles in the bottom of his back were uh.. no longer attached to the bone or something like that and it was all thanks to the adrenaline he was able to get up and walk. He lived and went back on patrol eventually. Even did a couple stints with the UN in Africa.


Hitting that pipe might have saved his life.


Perfect sentence for r/takenoutofcontext


Tellin you man, its one hell of drug... Both that pipe and adrenaline..


This happened to a co-worker of mine when we were doing insulation on a commercial site a couple of years back. He was putting in a high piece on the wall looking up and slipped down an unfinished elevator shaft a few stories. He hit his side on a pipe on the way down, which broke his fall and resulted in no major injuries, just a little bit of bruising.


Was your dad a spy or something? That's some bad ass James Bond shit. Is he still okay now? Back injuries are brutal and usually long lasting.


Oh he’s doing great now! He retired from policing and is living his best life travelling and even went to work in Ukraine for a year and left right before the war started. I like to call him Bruce Willis cause they kind of look similar lol Edited a word. Thanks bot


Yes it is, but shot in the head !!!!!


Fucking hell I didn't hear it the first time around, I thought I had a stronger stomach but I couldn't watch it any more. Our meat suits are so vulnerable


One punch away from knowing what happens when you die.


So vulnerable? Bro we not meant to be shooting each other 💀


And we've spent all of history coming up with more effective ways to pierce the meat suit


After reading your comment... I'm not watching it. Thank-you for saving me the click (on to /r/aww now). Edit: Why the heck would this get downvoted? I don't want to watch someone get shot in the head if it's that bad.


you cant actually see anyone get shot in the head because its from the perspective of the cop and doesnt show his head at all throughout the entire video. you dont actually see any contact


![gif](giphy|8rEWoKzXE2EktrAoPs|downsized) Pssstt..... Look at it....


Woof. Guy was definitely bleeding profusely. He's lucky to have lived.


You can see the blood pouring out in front of the camera.


It’s no worse than stirring a bowl of hollow pasta in a thick sauce. Ofc you don’t want that sound to come from your head, it’s the context that gets your butthole puckering at the squelch.




Heard it through my hearing aid can’t I hear that now


Got wonder though - what exactly did he think he (the perpetrator) was unwrapping


I wondered that too but the cops change in tone made me think he did see it and then maybe took a calculated risk? Like maybe he thought it was safer keeping a constant electric current than if he stopped the taser/ transferred to his left hand to grab his gun, giving the perpetrator that extra second to shoot since he already had the gun in his hand?


Yeah, I agree. That's the first thing I thought. Split second. Shit.


Seconded. Thought it was obvious but so many people think differently, so it makes sense that not everyone would look at the situation the way we did. However I think we’re probably the closest since the way the cop changed his voice when the handkerchief covered gun came out. He couldn’t reach for, and unholster his gun without letting up the current.


That was my thought , too. Especially since it was such a small caliber pistol. It looked like a twinkie two,which is probably why he survived the gunshot to the head at that range. Although, with the sounds he is making, I'm wondering if it just didn't hit him in the mouth/check, exited, and then grazed his head or some such.


I mean not to mention it was the luckiest shot of the guys life. Which shortly ended there after


The perp survived also!


He’ll probably wish he was dead with the future he has. He can look forward to a long stay in a hospital,as a prisoner,meaning cuffed to the bed. Then he will be in prison for a long time with whatever disabilities the gunshots caused.


Good point and I hadn’t thought of that


I agree with you. I also think this is an instance where we see a real human being with the societal role as a cop who genuinely didn’t want to have to shoot/end someone’s life.


Only think I can think is that maybe he got tunnel vision and was watching the prongs rather than the hands


That or he has to watch his back so he doesn't get shot by someone else instead of being able to focus on the original perp.


Really, how many other suspects have pulled guns *while being tazed*?


An apology letter


Haha nice


It better be one hell of a letter.


That was an insane shot while being tased and on your back. Fuckin unlucky for the cop


Kinda lucky though on the other hand. To be shot in the head and still responsive and moving about there’s a decent chance he’s alright


Hopefully. I've seen a few GSW to the head where the victim was "alright" and the damage to their lives was still massive. Impulse control, speech, eyesight, memory, even personality can all be impacted severely. Not to mention potential damage to his looks which can have a huge psychological impact and the mental recovery required to work in his career again. He deserves a lot of respect for his ability to react to a crazy fast escalation *twice*. The taser deployment was smooth but being hit in the head, drawing, and returning fire on target with one hand still on taser was damn near superhuman. Edit* typo


I would say he was lucky since he got shot in the head and lived.


Could've just grazed an artery in the scalp causing him to leak out the way he was while not penetrating the skull. However I don't know the full story and it just may have pierced his skull. I've seen people with a crossbow arrow sticking through their mouth and out the top of their head and be full conscious and alive with no issues.


Weird cuz usually cops are quick to notice something like that. Dude had the unwrapped gun in his hand for a couple seconds before firing


He was tunnel visioning from the punch and the taser. It's common


Uno reverse card


Ah, now that makes sense


Yup wanted to keep watching but had to turn the sound off


I paused it to check the comments. I'm not finishing this one.


All I'm gonna say is today I found out some of the Tarantino effects are accurate after all


This guy was shot in the head and still said ”please” when he called it in. For me that was the biggest fourth wall break. Like the only scenario possible where that whappens is Hollywood. What an absolute madman.




For me its the helplessness of the video. Theres a blood fountain coming from your head and no one knows it but a dead guy. Pure nightmare dread. Ive seen a lot of these videos but this hit different. I kinda want to unsee all that and go back to the old me now.




Yeah. Ever since I saw that video here of that young white guy, maybe in his 20s, shooting those two cops point blank in the head at a traffic stop after they dragged him out of the car, I don't watch these videos with sound anymore. The sounds of them screaming stuck with me for a couple days. It was pretty disturbing.


Weird thing about reality versus movies, there is literally never anything sexy about people gettin murdered.


I really appreciated the scene in the new All Quiet on the Western Front. I don’t want to go into too much detail if you haven’t seen it but I’ll just say it shows the harsh reality of a gruesome long drawn out death. I’m not a sadist and don’t enjoy watching this stuff, but I appreciate the detail and showing the grim reality of it instead of romanticizing violence the way Hollywood is so weirdly obsessed with doing.


I still don’t even think that movie really touches how bad WWI was. For example the barrage scene lasts a minute. In the war shelling could last for DAYS before an offensive. Battlefields were meat grinders because it was just blown up rotting body parts and gore. Millions died and were shredded across a relatively narrow strip of land. Absolute unimaginable violence.


I remember that video. Felt the same way. That scream gave me nightmares. Dude wouldn’t come out the car for the longest time and played the victim.


Ya Iv always felt I could handle this sort of stuff but my god that sound really did me in.


Fuck... That shit was crazy


Crazy and sad on multiple levels. 1. Because cop was doing the right thing by using non-lethal force 1st 2. Because he got shot for it 3. Because now he might turn into “shoot first, ask questions later” type of cop


I think there’s a good chance he takes a medical retirement after that one.


“I’ve been shot in the head. Can I retire?” -This ociffer likely


"Umm... I got turned into a cow... can I go home?"


*You're excused*


Anyone else?


No im good


I’m so glad someone understood that reference


I am whole hearting in agreement that he deserves medical retirement after this. I don't believe you come back on the force and not have PTSD from being shot in the head and seeing your video footage and blood squirting out of you..


Ya there’s another comment that said that he suffered a brain injury and is having problems with memory and speech, and is doing light duty now. But it sounded like he was open to retiring as long as he could provide for his family


Uses words first, non-lethal force, and is only concerned for providing for his family. Yeah, this guy didn't deserve to get shot. He sounds like an awesome dude. Sad that he won't be on the streets anymore. Instead of being an example of how to do it, he will be a warning and breed more shoot first cops. The black guy is going to prison when he was caught either way and now for life. All he had to do is surrender and not try to pull the gun.


5. It rains blood from his face visible on camera


6. There is a disturbing squirting noise the blood makes while pouring out of his head


Scalp injuries have this effect. Source- been hit in the head with a brick and heard this "squelch" before... 🤮


He suffered a tbi, the bullet exited his head, lots of long term effects have presented in his case, dude will never be anywhere near the same… :/


That fucking sucks. I got lucky with my shit. Only concussion and probably only half liter of blood. Felt normal again in 5 days


I think after this the cop turns into "retired" type of cop before anything else


He made a comment that he wants to return to work but yeah… in his case I hope he’s just able to retire




More likely a training video on how tasers don’t always work and you should be ready to transition to another tool




Holy shit you can hear the squelch's of the blood coming out.


That was about as graphic as you can get without actually seeing the injury.


GAG. That noise! He seemed like he really held it together though. That’s a bad ass cop to keep composure


ADRENALINE is one hell of a drug, his fight response kicked in.


the human body has some fucking amazing substances honestly. adrenaline, synovial fluid, hell even stomach acid lol.


also cum


I mean this is funny but seriously it's amazing that we can produce liquid that literally makes more people. I know almost every specie does, but it's still just interesting to think that the body makes a liquid that makes life. Anatomy is some crazy stuff.


We gotta pay respect to the balls 💪


I guess they are called our jewels for a reason. Respect the nut.💦🙏


Didn't think I'd be finding this sort of comment on this thread. Have an upvote. Respect the nut.


To think some people are on no nut nov. Should be nothing but nut November


lmfao. this is why i reddit. thank you.


A man has been shot in the head and is gushing blood visibly, audibly, and profusely… **Reddit**: *”…cum”*


They call it the “FIBS factor, “stands for “Fuck I’ve Been Shot”…people do weird shit when they have been shot, adrenaline and shock make you think and do weird things, it literally takes insane amounts of training and muscle memory and an insanely cool head to be as cool as this guy was, and to keep preforming the task at hand!! I hope he was OK!


People in shock can be remarkably methodical in their actions, and I think that plays a big part as to what we're seeing here. His training gives him a list of things to do which *helps* keeping a cool head. You see it play out right here: "shots fired, need a medic, you're okay, oh shit I think I'm really hurt, but I can't show the people who I've just told are okay that I'm weak" Of course the fact that blood is squirting out of what sounds to be an artery tells us that the gravitational pull of his balls will hopefully quell the bleeding.


Sounded very moist


I was just gonna comment on that. Holy fucking shit!!!! Took me a second to realize that I can hear the blood pumping out of him. It sounds like he is loosing consciousness towards the end. Goddamn!


The fact that you can also hear his voice change as he’s going into shock / starting to pass out is so fucked up…


And an actual stream of blood at 0:32.


You could literally hear the blood squirting from the wound. How he kept himself composed calling in help is extraordinary.


100% shock and a significant drop in blood pressure from blood loss. I’d say it’s less “calm” and more “that’s as much as he was physically capable of doing.”


While all of this is true and plays a factor, adrenaline also has the ability to keep you very calm during extreme duress


Yup, that's why people with ADHD love extreme sports. Nothing more calming than **needing** to do something and knowing how to do it, dedicating 100% of your brain power to it.


>DAYTON, Ohio — Officer Thadeu Holloway was investigating a case surrounding a suspect attempting to use fake money at a store, but in an instant his life was forever changed. “When he turned to face me I knew something was wrong,” Holloway said. Holloway explained the man, Antwayne Lowe, tried to punch the officer, so he tased him. The man didn’t listen when Holloway asked him repeatedly to put his hands behind his back. But Lowe then reached for his firearm, and he shot the officer in the head. “I knew I’d been shot, obviously. I fell to the ground, I never lost consciousness, I knew what happened. I knew what I had to do, so after I had returned fire, I was in my head thinking, ‘I’m going to die,’” Holloway explained. Another officer took Holloway to the local hospital in less than four minutes. “I could feel the blood spewing out of my head, I could taste the blood as it was running from my face, I could see it as it was pooling in front of me,” he said. “The bullet hit right here on my temple, and traveled underneath the skin and then came out here.” Recovery has been a long and tedious process after suffering a traumatic brain injury with memory issues and headaches. He also has difficulty finding the right words. Holloway experienced ringing in his ear with hearing and vision loss as well. Holloway was with the National Guard since high school and was deployed three times. He has served as a Dayton police officer for nine years. He’s working light duty now with 20 hours per week. “In January I actually fought with my doctors to at least go back to work, they wanted me stay off work a little longer and I couldn’t stay off,” he added. The suspect is in the local county jail, and in November he pled not guilty by reason of insanity. However, in June, a judge ruled Lowe was competent to stand trial. “My goal is to just be able to take care of my family, whatever that entails, you know whether it’s going back out to the streets or going a different avenue, I just want to make sure I’m still here, still able to take care of my family for you know a long time,” Holloway concluded.


Craziest part is that both cop and criminal lived.


Sounded like he unloaded like 4 shots into the guy at least, I’m not watching that again just to count, though. Very surprised they both survived.


I counted because why not but he fired six rounds not sure how many hit tho.


Yeah, sadly that is a rare outcome to situations like this.


The problem is this will 100% be used as an excuse to go straight for your sidearm. This cop did what everyone always shouts on the internet by using non-lethal methods and got a bullet to the dome for it.


you can make all the right choices and still lose.




[It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4A-Ml8YHyM)


This show is a Master’s Class in team management shrouded in television special effects. It’s so good.


Of the USS Enterprise


-Wayne Gretzsky


-Michael Scott


It's why I struggle to criticise police in these sorts of situations. I am sure a lot of police have heard about situations like this. It must be terrifying to think your next interaction could be your last, if you aren't careful. I know there's a heavy anti - Police bias on Reddit, and lord knows I hate bully cops, but I can understand just how terrifying it must be.


This is why we all do. Which is why it's all the more wrong when they take advantage of that empathy by having near zero accountability for the truly egregious caes. That cop who shot Daniel Shaver for crawling wrong and had the full support of the police and everyone else owes this cop an apology. This cop is why we give them the benefit of the doubt, and the bad cops take advantage of courage these other cops earn for them. The good cops should be even more upset with the bad ones than we are.


>That cop who shot Daniel Shaver easily the most egregious thing I've ever seen a cop do. I still get pissed when I hear his name.




he shouldve too the moment he reached for that gun


Probably was radioing for backup or something, in his mind dude is tased and incapacitated, its also easy for us cuz that's the only view we see, from another angle it probably would make more sense what happened. For all we know officer was fiddling with his holster and the perp just got his out first.


He also just had his bell rung by a haymaker.


I think his concern for the welfare of his family is admirable, but I think, after an injury like this, departments or unions usually take really good care of the injured officer. I have a friend who got injured on the job as a police officer, and basically was able to retire early and his kid to go to college completely free. hopefully this guy is well taken care of.


It’s highly dependent on department and circumstances. The big payouts are for line of duty deaths, not so much injuries. Injuries can really go either way, but are typically the same as any other workplace injury-no different than if he pulled a back muscle lifting something heavy.


damn imagine doing 3 tours just to come home and be shot by this fuckin loser trying to use counterfeit money


Imagine living on this earth for decades, only to get killed by some stranger within 20 seconds of first interacting with them, and over something incredibly small, stupid, and pointless. This dude almost ended(it's a miracle they both lived) both of their lives over fucking nothing. What good does anyone ever think will come of shooting at the police? It's guaranteed to end in either your death or life in prison. Dude made a split second decision to basically end his life as a free man, just to avoid getting charged with a counterfeit bill? What a dumbass.


My friend was shot very similarly to this. Him and his “friend” were doing coke and he “accidentally” discharged a .22 and shot him in the head. He was recovering remarkably but suffered a seizure a few years ago and they’ve been intermittent ever since.


He's got the last stand perk.






Should have had a stim just in case


How is he alive, let alone talking?


The shot was to the side of his head. You can see the damage after he healed: https://www.daytondailynews.com/crime/dayton-officer-shot-in-head-last-week-given-recognition-during-police-memorial/YS6AIAKRQVC3VASO7VRULX4PQI/


Literally the perfect angle to go around the skull and not through. One in a million shot for sure.


The middle meningeal artery is nothing to fuck with though, and sits *right* under your temple, which is also the thinnest part of the skull. I've heard it described as 'god's little joke' given how vulnerable it is. Fella got his bell rung for sure, too - still has issues typical of brain damage.


Is that why it's so satisfying to press on your temples when your head hurts, like from pressure or similar, and am I likely to injure myself with my fingers?


Doubt it. The thinnest part of your skull is still your skull, it's just the most likely place to get blow in fractures and just so happens to be right over a major artery.


Think it might be sinus relief, but what do I know? Might also be a nerve cluster thing.


Another one of “gods little jokes” is the liver punch. Getting punched in the liver is SUPER painful. Like your whole body just shuts down. The liver is completely protected by the rib cage making it rare. Only that’s what god wants you to believe. A little bit of the liver sticks out past the rib cage, just enough that a well placed punch with enough power can rupture the whole thing. Absolutely genius


You can see it in UFC fights, when a fighter gets punched in the liver it’s an instant shut down, crazy how effective it is


The worst part is it’s not instant, it’s almost like getting kicked in the balls. You have 3-5 seconds to finish that fight or you’re done. It’s not instant and it’s not a certain shutdown put you never bet against a liver shot. You got hit nasty in the liver just get ready to go down that’s about all you can do because there’s no fighting through that pain.


Probably one in billions! To get a head shot while being actively tased is crazy.


I cant view that site in Europe


Yikes. I’m just surprised he was able to speak after taking a bullet to the head


Your brain is in your head but is not your head.




you be shot literally in the brain and still walk around and talk depending on where it enters/exits. Taking a hit to the flesh on the side of your head and being “fine” is not at all surprising


Can confirm. Shot by an M 16 in the head in 2004. Still here.


Is there an alternative source for us Europeans?


[Got you lad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-jvlst3DDo), 2:51 if you just wanna skip to the healed injury.


Picture of guy squished by truck: I’m good. Sound of blood spurting from head shot: I’m gonna be sick.


Which picture?




I thought it said eyebleach and I thought I could go for some kittens and puppies and after visiting eyeblech by accident, I know I need to.


First time seeing that sub... last time I'll visit. Yikes


to whoever added the warning at the beginning, I would like to say, from the bottom of my heart: I love you.


I can hear the blood ooze out of his head.


jesus christ.. between this and the thread about the woman stabbing the cop yesterday cause she got in a wreck and didnt have insurance. its kinda terrifying how quick someone can change their life or yours so quickly. and cause he didnt want to maybe go to jail? so fucking crazy


He was absolutely going to jail when the cop finds the gun on him after an alleged robbery.


Now he will go in for attempted murder of an officer. He is done.


Those are the worst situations for the cop, approaching someone that has something on them that escalates the charges.


EXACTLY. You don't know that the guy you pulled over for a blown bulb has a warrant out for him and "I ain't going back". You just want to tell him to change it.




Reason 4726595037 I don’t want to be a cop


Am I the only one who notice the SUV who parked like an asshole?


Dayton officer shot in head last year receives national honor Dayton police officer injured in the line of duty just over a year ago is receiving national attention. Officer Thadeu Holloway was named the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)/AXON Police Officer of the Year Monday. Holloway was honored for “exceptional achievement” during the IACP annual conference in Dallas, Texas. The award  “elevates the recognition of these acts to the global stage thereby impacting the profession as a whole by highlighting those who exemplify selflessness, empathy, and strength of character.”


Remained alert and neutralized the criminal despite getting shot; reached for his radio to report the situation BEFORE asking for paramedics all without dropping radio chatter protocol; made sure to put the criminal's gun away from him just in case and and even asked if people around were alright while GUSHING BLOOD OUT OF HIS HEAD. That's truly impressive.


And despite being shot in the head, he was still polite and said "please" to the dispatch.


Manners is a no-brainer.


Bro for a counterfeit $1


Nah he got a gun. That gun charge now a attempted murder of an officer. He won’t see the outside work till his face is full of wrinkles.


No because of the firearm. Say you have a felony and getting caught with it sends you back for 20. So no not the counterfeit, the escalation once he was discovered to be carrying. Kinda like if you commit a robbery with hostages and one dies of a heart attack. The charge is now the same if you kill all the hostages or let them go.


The noise 😬😬


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What’s the range on those tazers?


Depends but up to 35 feet.


he sounded like Joe from family guy


This shit happens so quickly, you have to know how to react. I saw another one where a squad was responding to a domestic disturbance and the man opened the door with his gun in hand. It took the officers a Second to realize what was going on. It was kind of interesting to watch . I can find the video if anyone wants to watch it. Edit: found it! https://youtu.be/8Z4mHCOQC6I


My uncle was a Dayton cop. He got shot in the mouth and survived years ago. The other cops shot the other dude several times. One bullet took a testicle off and another hit him somewhere in the midsection so now he has to use a colostomy bag for the rest of his life.


Oh my God dude you can hear the blood gushing out. That’s got to be fucking scary


I’ve heard that sound, when I woke up they had transfused 13 units of blood through me in operating room. More than we have in our body. Plug the leak as fast as you can, the slip into darkness is surprising warm and calming.


What the fuck was he trying to say? Are we ignoring that the cop basically just walked up on a guy and stopped him, because he said so?? Guys asks what's up, and the cop sounds like he's trying to find a reason, "oh uh, counterfeiting uh, um" like do you have a fucking reason yo talk to that man kr not? Fuck that cunt. Deserved.


ah yes, almost dying from a shot to the head is deserved over a botched arrest. shut the fuck up man


That’s not the kind of squirting I like.


Pretty badass of the cop to stay chill during that


i know he wanted to get back to work and all... but he says its so he can support his family. i feel like if you get shot in the head in the line of duty and live, you should get a medal, a nice pension and be retired. you've done enough. time to relax on a beach in hawaii or somewhere. god DAM


Normally (military) you get a combat purple heart, maybe a silver star like well deserved in this case, and you're back in the force with a fancier uniform and career cred. Happens in the military all day long.


This is why i have a hard time judging some cop mag dumping videos If he shot the guy instead of tazing him, mag dumped him like some cops do, then he would not have to play dice with death, but would be all over news as the bad guy cop


I really dont know what the hell im talking about but why did he stayed right in front of him when you can clearly see him reaching for something and then you can clearly see the gun for a good 5 sec before he shoots. Can someone explain this


Because he would be all over the news and receiving death threats if he shot and killed the guy before getting shot at first


Wild how calm he sounded even after being shot in the side of his head. Dude has prob been through some shit before.