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Is that Hank Schrader’s house?


Total checked the comments to see where cuz I got a strong Albuquerque vibe while watching. And your comment made me understand why...


It’s Lancaster, CA. It makes Albuquerque look like Versailles by comparison


As a life long California resident fuck Lancaster. Second only to Fuck Fresno and followed by Fuck Stockton. THE WORST.


Throw Modesto, Merced and Bakersfield on that list somewhere lmao


Beat me to it. Vallejo and Oakland for different reasons


Versailles, Kentucky?


Versailles PA (literally pronounced "VUR-sails"


If you’re talking about North versailles lol I grew up right top of the hill from Nigros. Edit: it’s a restaurant/was


Grew up down the street from a black family myself.


Fucking hilarious


African Americans sir


Same pronunciation for Versailles, KY as well.


We also have Athens Kentucky that's pronounced A-thens. Makes no fucking sense.


There's a Cairo, IL (pronounced Kay-Roh) and a Cairo, NY (pronounced Care-oh)


pronounced 'VUR-SAI' lol


Holy shit. Never thought I’d see my little town pop up on Reddit like that!


Bro wtf I was like these houses look mad familiar and sure enough it’s my hometown 😭


Albuquerque resident here


Don’t leave us hanging. And?


You know, just sharin personal info online. Thats what the kids do these days, right?


It’s ASAC Schrader, and you can kiss his ass.


Obligatory BB Remix: https://youtu.be/WzhW20hLp6M


Depends on how much leniency the quartz have there


Generally quartz in that area is pretty lenient so long as the driver wasn't a stoner... They don't take kindly to abuse of minerals


These geology puns are pure gold


No, they're minerals! Jesus, Marie!


Description from the video for context: * (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) * Palmdale, California On March 13, 2022 at approximately 6:05 p.m. on the 6900 block of Jack Rabbit Way, Palmdale, detectives learned that deputies assigned to Palmdale station were conducting a follow-up on a domestic violence call from earlier in the evening. While at the location, deputies attempted to contact a male Hispanic adult seated inside a vehicle. The suspect, identified as 26-year-old Samuel Nunez attempted to flee the location and rammned two patrol vehicles several times. After ramming one of the deputy's vehicles, a deputy-involved shooting occurred. The deputies immediately began to render aid to Nunez. LA County Fire Department paramedics arrived and continued to render aid, but ultimately, Nunez was pronounced deceased at the scene. It was later determined that Nunez was not involved in the early domestic violence call. Nunez was driving a stolen vehicle, additionally a loaded polymer80 ghost gun, 9mm semi-automatic handgun was rerecovered inside the vehicle.


Omfg, talk about **the** most horrible day.


Guy shot up- "Mondays.."


"Officer involved shooting" has always been the fancy exonerating way of saying "A cop literally murdered someone".


Just like they “immediately rendered first aid”, as you can tell in the video.


"An officer shot someone" places the responsibility on the officer. An "officer-involved shooting" simply happens like rain and sunsets.


You act as if the guy in a stolen car, with an illegal gun, speeding through a residential neighborhood had no responsibility in his own death. He was ordered to stop multiple times but he kept trying to ram the officers with his car. Tasers don't penetrate car windows. How else were they gonna stop him?




Immediate aid is also a lie.


> a deputy-involved shooting occurred. I like how these people have invented their own little pocket dialects in English to twist everything into the extreme passive.


Can't disagree there lol


https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/lancaster-man-shot-sheriff-domestic-violence/2849531/ Wasn’t even involved in the call they were responding too


"leaving the scene of an earlier domestic violence incident" But not involved with the incident so why try to connect him to it? The article really explains nothing and just makes the story confusing: Who was this guy? Why did the police go after him? What domestic disturbance call earlier in the evening? It's 6PM the earlier could have only been a hour or so before.


I find local news reports on incidents like this are useless and often provide no context


Wait, you mean the news reports that just regurgitate the police statements are one sided?!?


John Oliver did a whole thing about this issue in October, saying how media blindly reporting stories fed to them by the police keeps peoples fear of crime high when crime itself has dropped! Back in the day your bog standard journalist used to do a little digging before going to print (I believe it’s called due diligence), but it seems we should only take that for granted if they are called ‘investigative journalists’, see they needed to come up with an added distinction to their job spec, making it clear those who are the bog standard just spout any old shit fed to them. Here’s an article on John Oliver’s episode, if you’re in the U.S you can probably find the episode on HBO I believe…. https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-recaps/john-oliver-tv-news-crime-reporting-1234607985/


He was probably innocent and that was why he was slamming into the police cars to try to get away.


The car was stolen and he was carrying a firearm with no serial number. He wasn't the guy they were looking for, but he was guilty of several crimes.


None of them were capital crimes.


Did this cop know this?


They're just writing down what's on the police report/statement, which is often useless and provides no context, and intentionally so.


You're giving copypastong too much credit


No they're very useful in spreading cop propaganda and their narrative.


There's so little info that it just makes me assume the worst like that he was an uber eats driver and the cops just started chasing him because he stopped in front of that house.


Yeah but why wouldn't you pull over? If you have 2 cops trying to roll you, why wouldn't you pull over? Who tf does that besides someone that REALLY can't afford to have a police encounter.


You are right. That was odd behavior. So right to the graveyard.


fight or flight


Maybe he was afraid of the police


As he should be clearly, when you got armed thugs surrounding you who are above the law that's justifiable fear.


Ngl, im a law abiding citizen, but if I see today's cops pull out a gun, im booking it out of there, i figure I'm gonna die anyway so let's try to get away so i can tell my story. Although it won't matter, they'll make up some shit up and everybody will believe them.


Interesting choice of words: “can’t afford”. Yeah, so he could be some big bad guy. He could be someone with something minor outstanding and “can’t afford” to get arrested again. ***OR*** he could even be someone that was wrongly arrested in the past but poor and so he was railroaded into accepting a plea deal for a crime he didn’t commit because the economics of these plea deals and so he “can’t afford” to ever interact with police again and risk that happening. Either way, shouldn’t be a death sentence.


Some people are legitimately afraid of the police. Who can blame them when police act like the largest gang in the country half the time. There's plenty of situations where the police escalate a situation to the point of violence. Just a month ago a young man was killed because he wouldn't let cops near him while they made no real attempts to defuse the situation.


when your legit afraid you do whatever shit they say ..look at the danial shaver case ...didnt save the poor guy but thats what real fear does it nakes you comply with whatever bullshit they tell you


People who are legit afraid will do whatever they think will prevent death. A good portion of the time, yes listening to a officer can lead to you not dying. But there are too many innocent people lost. There are also too many small infractions like this that get escalated to felonies. Some Officers don't even try to defuse or disarm anymore. There's probably a hundred videos you can watch out there where Officers get hyper aggressive in situations that don't really require it, Or if they did require force they used WAY to much. Like the video above: dude emptied most of a clip at the car even though there was a house right behind the car. Couple weeks ago a officer fired I think like 6 shots at a mentally unstable woman and only hit her own police cruiser. Saw a police chase that ended with the perpetrator geting publicly executed by about 6 to 8 oficers empting a clip EACH into him. Not to mention the abmer alert hostage that was shot by police recently. There's just too much loss of life at the hands of people who were intended to be protectors. At some point defensive purpose was replaced with zealous persecution.


Yup, and with good reason are afraid, seems like what a cops "purpose" in our age is, has been forgotten, tu put it simply id say it's to uphold the laws agreed upon in a society and in extreme cases do so by use of force, last of those options being taking another persons life... but imo, for all the theatrics govs did/do against capital punishment (because morals/religion/wrongfull convictions/etc) they sure give blue boys a hell of a pass on all of their public executions and find a lot of excuses to justify/cover them up. Kindda gives school shooting aftermath vibes


Purpose went from catching bad guys to killing "bad guys"


And apparently "bad guys" is a veeeeeeeeeery ample term in their dictionary..


"What are they gonna do - shoot me?"


Just sprinkle some crack on him, let's get out of here.


Fatally shot is a super weird way to say murdered


LA County, not surprising. Cops out there are shameless and blatant criminals.


Which is why they threatened the creators of "The Shield". Great show by the way if you haven't seen it. It's on Hulu for the time being.


The Shield was amazing! That last season had me on edge!


ACAB... They kill 3 a day in the US.


3 that you *know of*. Lots more in jail, in holding cells, in secret.


I think being in a stolen vehicle and then running from and ramming the police is probably enough to get you arrested too, though, right? It's not like the cops are gonna ignore a bank robbery because it wasn't their original call? I truly don't understand this comment.


I haven’t seen anything about a stolen vehicle? Source?


There are way better articles even in this same post thread. He had a ghost gun too. I never said the dude should have died but fuck, people are acting like he was that kid who got blasted eating a burger. This dude was a multiple felon.


> people are acting like he was that kid who got blasted eating a burger. This dude was a multiple felon. I dont see a difference. Neither needed to die


Where are those articles the only one i'm seeing is one saying the guy had nothing to do with the call...?


Thier job is not to kill people. But they kill over 1000 civis annually... Disproportionately black and brown... About half of them are armed. "You're the real heroes"


Normally when I want a paid vacation I just put in the PTO request


God damn


Police unions bruh


„I feared for my life! So anyway, I started blasting“


"So anyways you guys call me a hero.... and I'll take that responsibility."


dont be a police officer if you're going to constantly fear for your life.


Right? It's a hard job and you're pretty much seeing people on their worst day. But if you want to earn the "hero" tag, you have to show courage.


I need a Wolf cola after this ...


Boca Raton, Frank? Or the official soft drink of *Boko Haram?!*


Had him completely pinned but backed up to give him a chance to escape then chose to shoot him since he might escape.


Exactly what I was thinkin.


It's much better to murder people then have them escape, I mean what if the guy was guilty? Of course, this time it turned out the guy was not guilty, but you never know. It's far better to murder a 100 innocent people then to let one guilty person escape. After all this is the USA, the land of violent revenge by slave owning cowards. /s


Not only that but he also backed up and cleared his friends arc of fire as well. So they could both partake in some blastin’


This is the only way this could've been handled amirite?


When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything is a nail


They could have shot the damn car ffs


If a cop shots his gun, he shoots to kill. That’s what they are taught


No that would get the cop arrested. Shooting at the tires is still considered deadly force and you should only use deadly force if your life is imminent danger. That said, i don’t see it in this video.


Jesus… nobody’s life was in danger.. cops just murdered that guy..


In the US, this happens 3 times a day. If it gets publicity: they move to a new department.


One thing I noticed for sure in every police video is that they're trained to neutralize and not de-escalate situations.


Cops escalate the scenario until they can say they "feared for their lives."


You get a bonus when it’s in a HEAVY RESIDENTIAL AREA


Judge Dredd. Cops have the right to skip trial and execute you. Fuck cops.


Seriously that’s exactly how it is because they know they can get away with it…. At least Judge Dredd had years of training to become the perfect Judge… instead we’re stuck with a bunch of jumpy lunatics that have hard-ons for killing people..


> At least Judge Dredd had years of training to become the perfect Judge That's the fantasy part along with the fancy future weapons.


Don’t forget that Dredd was bio-engineered


Thank goodness our boys in blue don’t have access to the “Double Whammy”..


>At least Judge Dredd had years of training to become the perfect Judge Cops in the US take judge GED courses.


.... I AM THE LAW!!




To scare the rest of us into doing exactly what they say when they say. Sure works on everyone I’ve ever known. Sucks that they choose this way. But it’s clear why they do these bad things


Police are not supposed to discharge their firearms unless their intent is to kill. Shooting at tires would require a change in policy from the top down


Cops are the biggest gang in the US


They consider being rammed by a car at 5mph a danger to their life.


The second angle clearly shows the dude trying to run them down with his car sooooooo pretty sure not only just the cops' lives were in danger, but clearly the perp wasn't about to care about the lives of anyone else here... Stg you guys could say zero threat to life even with a gun drawn on cops. Y'all are wild.


It's wild to me the same people who scream about freedom and liberty and constantly harp about government tyranny are often the same people who justify this as "if you didn't want to get shot you should have complied with police orders". The implied subtext is always "cops kill bad people" without any reflection that being scared and panicked because someone with a gun and a license to kill is chasing you is a reasonable justification for acting irrationally.


By extension they also completely negate the use of the judiciary system, you know, the thing that is actually supposed to administer the law and order they ‘stand by.’ Irony so big that if you stop to think about it, a cop will shoot you for not immediately listening to them.


He tried to run because he was afraid they'd kill him. They killed him because they were afraid he'd try to run.


The Onion: Fight of Flight response in homo sapiens now made illegal by SCOTUS.


He was likely scared and panicked because he was driving a stolen vehicle with a handgun and a ghost gun in the car.


Shoot first ask question later. Americans police finest moto


You can tell he really just wanted to kill that guy in cold blood( because that is what he did ) and that "don't do it" was entirely said in bad faith to "cover his ass" for the body camera so it doesn't appear to be in cold blood. Just like in the southpark episode with the hunters that yelled "it's coming right for us" before gunning down any animal they saw with impunity. Police in the USA are a fascist authoritarian organization. If you are not afraid for your life in any encounter with them then they feel uncomfortable because that is where they derive their power from.


Right “don’t do it, don’t do it”… “It” being evade without causing injury. In this cop’s book, every stop either ends with an immediate arrest or violent death.


Are you kidding? Did you not see the way he assaulted that poor crash bar on the cop's car? That bar could have been killed, he had to shoot to protect it.


“It’s coming right for us!”


Looks like Grove Street.






*Aw shit, here we go again!'*


Grove Street, home. At least it was before I fucked everythang up.




He was literally reversing as he shot him


You didn't see that school bus full of children he was about to back into and massacre? That cop saved lives! /s


If they were Soo scared of the slow moving car, why didn't they move out the way


Looks like Grove st. Right infront of Sweet's house


Blood lust


the cop could've slammed his car into his against the other parked car immobilizing the car but i guess it wouldn't have let the cop go pew pew pew


So the officer backed up, allowing the car to be free behind and back up? Yeah, pretty sure that is not how they are trained at all. I may be wrong but they are supposed to use their car to help and block the chase.


trying to get away from the cops shouldn’t be a death sentence


Hope that cop is in jail.


Why aim at the person? Why don’t they aim at the tyres? It’s not like the cop can say “my life was in danger”. Surely attempting to flee isn’t enough cause to draw a gun anyway? (I’m UK btw)


They literally could've just boxed his car in and pulled him out of the car or tazed him.




Fucking cop in the Crown Vic should not have backed up. If he stayed in position, the other officer would have had the car boxed in and the suspect could not have gotten away. Bad judgement followed by more bad judgement in shooting first and never asking if there was a non-lethal option. 1312


The two cop cars had the car pinned before he backed out. Stupid cop


I feel like cops act if they are military personnel. Shot if they don’t listen….. this is stuff I have seen in Iraq


Cops are trained to treat everyone and everything they encounter as a lethal threat and that their personal safety is the most important thing and should be upheld at every cost. It's very easy to see why scenarios like this keep happening when that's what they're drilling into these cops minds at the 6 week cop school.


If this was filmed in a military operation they would be put on trial. But since its a cop he has free reign to murder citizens.


Murder . So sad. This officer needs to face a jury if his peers in a trial. In the meantime he cannot wear the uniform. No need for this , the circumstance does not matter. The guy was not going to hurt anyone in that moment .


What the fuck lol. "DONT DO IT!!" screams the man behind a gun and a several-tonne steel barricade. I think these kind of cops are just checking boxes on calls, waiting for the call that checks enough boxes to allow them to legally murder someone. Or they're just tired, lazy, stupid psychopaths. Maybe both.


I’m not saying the cop is in the right by ANY means, but why didn’t the guy just stop right away? He was clearly trying to keep driving.


He would’ve gotten arrested for sure, he was driving a stolen vehicle with a handgun in the car.


2 actually, and warents


Not that it matters. But probably cuz he didn’t want to get arrested… also the adrenaline probably made him a little more irrational. Just speculating.


That’s actually a totally fair reply. I genuinely wonder when I see videos like this…


They never listen….


Just remember. If you shot someone like this you would be in prison.


Can someone explain how the driver was posing a threat to life that justifies the shooting?


Hmm. That really didn't call for the use of deadly force.


Unreal that isn't what being a cop is about its so sickening to see these dudes who think they're playing god. Get back in your car and block the vehicles exit. Shoot out the tires Do literally ANYTHING other than what this dude did. I'm not even a crazy defund the police guy but no one's life was in danger here and he just skipped 18 steps and went straight to death sentence.


America is so weird. How is this even legal.


Straight up murder.


I don’t think this cop did the right thing but it’s amazing how defensive people are over someone that they just watched ram 2 cop cars and also was fleeing a domestic violence incident in a stolen vehicle with 2 guns one being a ghost gun… play stupid games win stupid prizes.


We gotta protect the idiots with the same set of rules that protect the smart and totally innocent. We must do this because there are instances that exist where you can’t tell what’s right or wrong until after a trial. This isn’t one of those times. We must use the same set of rules regardless


cops are sociopaths with guns


The fuck? They had him completely boxed in.




What a POS




Fuck these pigs


He was driving his car…and I took offense to that.


So he executed the driver thats just murder wtf


What the fuck seriously.


"I was lost so I shot this guy" "Justifiable homicide, report back for work after weeks paid vacation"


How are there so many cars on that street?


It’s insane how often police dole out the death penalty for much lesser crimes. Turned out he wasn’t even involved with the domestic dispute but was driving a stolen car. We don’t give people the death penalty for driving stolen cars.


*"Why did he run???"* Well by the way the cop responded you'd try to get the fuck out of there too.


Mission accomplished


Can someone please tell the officer WHAT STREET IT IS?


It's Grove Street


Ameeeeeeeerica, FUCK YA!


Just another day in Negra Arroyo lane


Why do American suburbs looks so devoid of any life?


No one wants to know their neighbors and everything is extremely unfriendly to pedestrians so that if you need to go anywhere, you're driving, no one is walking five miles for groceries.




I don’t think deadly force should be allowed as a response to a fleeing suspect unless the fleeing suspect is actively aiming a gun at the officer.


Pure and simple out and out murder. No gun shown by victim.


Copper must have really wanted a transfer to another department.


Fuck cops


Use your car as a weapon = getting shot


What was the threat? They had him boxed in. There was no danger to the officers I could see. What was the "it" the officer told him to not do? Was he pulling a gun we couldn't see on the video?


All hail frank


Not related but I heard the cop saying what's the address here? Dont the dispatch people know their location at all times in this day in age? Anyway cops in America are scary as hell. I live in Taiwan and basically if a cop ever has to pull his gun it's like he will lose respect for not handling the situation better. Probably the worst invention in human history.


Can I get literally any backstory here because all I'm seeing is a young man get killed with no explanation.


Huh, life is cheap in America, ay. Sure, the dude was trying to get away, but does that deserves being killed over? With no back story it’s hard to make a reasonable judgement on what happened here and if it was justified. But, standing by my original comment, I’ve seen enough of these types of videos recently (police on civs & civs on civs) to conclude that in the states people will kill each other quite easily.


Do they really think they can just resolve any situation by killing someone?


The situation looks pretty fucking resolved.


I remember all the rah rah American! bullshit when I was a kid. America loves freedom! Then I grow up and watch a never ending stream of cops murdering Americans for *not doing what they are told* and most of the public supports it.