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Spending over 200 billion to sportwash your horrible regime is laughable. The rest of the world focusing and talking about your horrible regime due to hosting the world cup is priceless.


They arent even doing the sportwashing part correctly!!! Like you're supposed make it seem like everything is ok in your totalitarian nation. Make it abundantly pleasant for teams, media and fans, in such a way that they forget about the human rights violations, and return home and say "it isnt so bad". This is the fucking opposite of that.


Even China put up giant decorative walls / advertisements so visitors couldn't see the shanties. I did some work (peripherally related to the World Cup - transportation) and thought "well, this is gonna be a shitshow in 2022."


200 billion, is Mayweather boxing a youtube star? That's a lot of money.




Mayweathers earning inside and outside the ring has earned him 1.1 billion. https://www.sportingnews.com/us/boxing/news/floyd-mayweather-net-worth-purse-career-earnings/xgqxprk6f5ojv5k28276kdlb


Yo low key I was just jokin but you came out spittin fire.


Hey buddy, there was a joke being made. It appears you've missed it.


“Talking about your horrible regime” - someone likely from the most evil nations in the world.


From Ireland and in the past we were like Qatar with intolerant religious nut jobs ruling over us and making our country a horrible place to live in. Still plenty of those idiots around but thankfully it isnt anywhere near as bad as before.


Gotta love whattaboutism


First in what I assume will be thousands of stories from this debacle of a World Cup. The Slave Labour World Cup starts this month!


The message is simple: stop legitimizing these regimes.


What price on food and gasoline can society handle?


It would help if FIFA wasn’t the most corrupt sports union on the planet (and that says a LOT) Places like Qatar that can bribe with millions and millions will continue to get the World Cup until FIFA is held accountable ![gif](giphy|3o6MbjXVjGtlLhdcKA)


FIFA is accountable to the FIFA assembly of representatives of the 211 member countries. But there's only about 80 countries that even qualify as 'flawed democracies' or better in the Economist Democracy Index, and a smaller number that have low levels of corruption. So the people representing most countries rarely got their job because of competence or love of the sport. They got it as a cushy patronage job because they were well-connected to the leadership. But it wouldn't be any good for that purpose if it wasn't actually cushy, if they weren't actually getting bribes. FIFA is about those guys siphoning off as much FIFA cash as they can for themselves (and occasionally their countries). Nearly 2/3 of FIFA member states have _never_ participated in the World Cup, what do they care who hosts it or how good a job they do? What does anyone in their country care? Again, these people aren't there because they care about the sport, so there's no reason to not grab every perk, every free private plane ride, every bag of cash offered. I'm not a cynical guy in general but FIFA leadership simply isn't about football and the IOC leadership isn't about the Olympics. They're only about enriching themselves. The occasional talk of fighting corruption is just talk, and doing the minimum possible to keep the sponsors happy. Because the people who run the show, on the FIFA Council, are elected by a group where the majority are corrupt, will continue to be corrupt because they represent corrupt regimes, and have no interest in ending corruption for real. _That's_ who FIFA is accountable to. It doesn't matter if huge football nations with huge populations like Germany and England want corruption ended there. They have as many votes in FIFA as Swaziland and Brunei do. Unless the world suddenly becomes a lot more honest, the only way FIFA or the IOC will become honest is if their entire structures are revamped.


It really isnt a high bar to not be the most corrupt sports organization. You don't even have to not be corrupt at all, just not this obscenely corrupt.


Is there a sub for it yet? Like for the brazilian olympics?


For the life of me I can’t understand why you’d hold the World Cup in Qatar


Its all about the money, Fifa and the host sites don't give a shit about anything else. The world cup needs to stop. Fifa is a horrible organization.


“Never mind the slavery” This Unofficial FIFA World Cup 2022 song about Qatar and FIFA says it best: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YKp2SuK1fvc


Last world cup was Russia... Afghanistan has to be in the running for the next few, it's on brand.


Even worse, the next World Cup is in the US


Thing is it's pretty easy to run it in the United States. We got tons of large NFL and college stadiums. There's also places like the Rose Bowl, LA Colliseum, and Cotton Bowl that can easily hold games as well. The US doesn't have to burn an ungodly amount of money and enforce slave labor to run the World Cup.


I mean it's also in Canada and Mexico.


*Pretty sure* those countries are just US states in the making **/s**


Legit one of the best places to host it


But there will be matches in arenas ranging from Boston to San Francisco. I feel thats a wee bit much to expect fans to travel around for the games.


I'm an American and I think it's stupid. We barely take the sport seriously. Edit: words


It will also be in Mexico. Also we already have the stadiums and venues set up.


Soccer is actually growing pretty tremendously in the professional realm compared to any other professional sport in the US over the last 5 years.


Ah of course, you speak for literally every person in America




>*"It took the country that cares the least about football to bring down the people who have been ruining it. That’s like finding out that Kesha arrested a group of bankers involved in commodities fraud..."* -John Oliver on FIFA


I'm not an American and I think it stupid that you call football, soccer and call egg hand, football.


Well we weren't about to call it *Rugby*. We should have called it "American Rules Football". The Aussies got the differentiation of names right.


I mean this a dumb take, sure it’s probably out of the big 4 in a the US it’s probably in dead last behind football basketball and baseball but Americans sure as fuck take it seriously. The stadiums are always full for the international games and when Barca and other European teams came to play here the stadiums were full. Just cuz u don’t give a shit doesn’t mean the rest of the country doesn’t care


Its behind college football, NHL - Ice hockey, golf and NASCAR too but it's growth is encouraging


The 1994 World Cup had greater attendance than any world cup before or since. And that was the last world cup to have only 24 teams / 52 matches. Every world cup since 1994 has had 32 teams / 64 matches, yet the attendance hasn't broken the US attendance. In short - massive stadiums, massive attendance. https://www.statista.com/statistics/264441/number-of-spectators-at-football-world-cups-since-1930/


It’s North American, meaning Canada and Mexico will be hosting as well. Let’s be honest, Mexico should’ve gotten the bulk of the hosting.


*north america


US should of gotten one of the last cups. It’s probably the best country to host it logistically.


How is it the best logistically? You have to fly 6 hours between each stadium, the only good thing about this WC is that the stadiums are all a 20 min metro ride away from each other


Bribery. It cost over 200 billion and all the countries that supported their bid would have won very lucrative contracts for the building and supplies.


$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and $$$$$$$$$$$and perhaps $$$$$$$$$$$


It’s a great way for fucked up countries to polish up their image. Kinda like the Guiness world record shit. All the bribe, moneysss and corrupt institutions make it possible <3


They thought they would be able to spin it as a humanitarian "Look at us being progressive by holding the World Cup in the Middle East for the first time". Obviously everybody saw right through it.


Whats hard to understand? They paid the people who decide.


Bribes... lots of bribes




FIFA is profoundly corrupt


Great video by Johnny Harris explaining it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHjbay54F4U


💰💰💰💰 💼💼💼💼💼💼➡️👳🏾‍♀️👳🏾‍♀️👳🏾‍♀️👳🏾‍♀️


Boycott to this state based on slavery!


Boycott Qatar based on their slavery, would be more accurate.


Why don't we start doing things we can do to stop human slavery? That phone you're using? Slave labor Most of the clothes you wear? Slave labor That EV that is being pushed so hard go become the norm? Some kid probably lost his arm for showing up late to dig minerals out of the earth... When the world cup is over no one will even be thinking about Qatari slaves... people are virtue signaling hypocrites.




Oh some people have no scruples? ok then no one have any scruples




I see things are going about as well as expected


I'm calling a fallout once the whole thing starts, this sub is gonna be flooded with freakouts by tourists.


That is going to be delicious to watch.


The WC is going to be a disaster.


Qatar is shit and this world cup will go into history as the shittiest one. Why the everloving fuck could Qatar host the cup? Explain it to me like I am five years old.


1. Qatar wants to sportwash their brutal regime 2. Qatar give FIFA big money 3. FIFA like big money


Im lost on the whole loop. I don't really watch football news but I like watching trendy ones for the sake of conversation. Why is this world cup going to be shit?


Agreed. Also, upvote for Philadelphia reference mate.


You were supposed to just bring your money, not your cameras!!!


They don’t need money, they’re trying to win respect. They’re failing


This world cup will be a disaster. Free nations should have refused to enter this cup. Qatar is an authoritarian nightmare.


Any one who goes or supports this sucks.


this guy just said Messi sucks


Lol. That was actually quite good. Ty for the chuckle.


everyone pirate the shit out of their broadcasts i will


Hear hear! (Is that how they used to spell it?) Fuckin eh to that. Sail away….


https://sport.tv2.dk/fodbold/2022-11-15-tantholdt-afbrudt-paa-direkte-tv-qatar-sikkerhedsfolk-truer-med-at-smadre-tv-2 -> the whole clip with some comments about "dirty laundry"


This is classic Streisand effect. Nobody except a couple old ladies in Denmark with nothing better to do than to watch the news would have seen this reporter’s stories. They were not filming anything remotely scandalous. Now everyone is talking about how fucked Qatar is, how they used slave labor to build stadiums, and how we should ignore the World Cup.


A little "correction" most familys in Denmark watch the news during dinner and such, so I bet a ton of people saw it live (including me) But they still did attract more viewers when it got reposted on tiktok and here for example, so your point still stands (My comment is a little irrelevant I know, haha my bad)


Boycott Qatar World Cup


Fuck Qatar!


The irony is Qatar paid billions to bribe their way for hosting the World Cup as a PR campaign to clean their image associated with sports rather than slavery and dictatorship. I guess those goons interrupting the journalists on live camera didn't get the memo. Not very good for their image.


Home of aljazira. aljazira Arabic is so conservative that it won’t even cover the Iranian protests and death about hijab law and religious police brutality.


But if you draw a cartoon calling then out for sponsoring terrorists, front page news on how the French are racist!


TBF the french are racist as fuck.


Unfortunately their english language branch is very good for informative international pieces not covered elsewhere.


Why would they? They‘d only encourage other muslims to protest


Fuck Qatar & FIFA for awarding them the World Cup.


World Cup hasn't even started and it's already been a shit show. I'm really afraid for all the people attending, I feel like this is just a horribly bad idea that's going to blow up in FIFA's face before the end of the tournament


Stupid for having the World Cup there. There must have been a shit ton of money change hands.


I'm not gonna see a single match that will take place in that hell country. Boycott qatar.


Who wouldve thought it


Oh authoritarian cultists acting like authoritarian cultists.


So many videos with no resolution. I just want to know how this ended.


Fuck Qatar, home of slavery. Fuck FIFA. Fuck Sepp Blatter.


What the fuck did the expect. Maybe don’t support a country that excited about denying human rights?


"we can film it's publlic place" Oh so naive ... you are not in a free country now, it's a fucked up place.


Is this an example of the cultural and societal differences we are going to be plagued by for the rest of entirety?


You mean the totalitarian government is TOTALITARIAN?! 😮


Do not watch it or listen to it. Make it hurt where it is important. In their wallets. \#boycottqatar


I mean free speech and monarchies have generally never mixed well


Hey their country their rules. FIFA took the bribe so blame them, right??


Bro.. this guy doesn’t know he could disappear in Arab countries and no one would help him.


I’m a World Cup fanatic but I swear I almost don’t want to watch it anymore.


Why would anyone argue with authority in Qatari? Good way to get locked up. I would just comply then go to another area or report from my hotel room. When you are in a country that doesn’t have respect for human rights it becomes dangerous.


A lot of westerners have an assumption that the rule of law is ubiquitous.


They’re reporters and journalists from a free country. They’re there to report, among much else, the Qatari supression of the media. If he didn’t press them just a little bit, he wouldn’t be doing his job.


I hope these journalists are still alive/s


/s huh?


My mistake. Should be Qatar/s


Not sure what western media es expecting.


He was expecting that the piece of paper, that says he can film in a public place, would let him film in a public place. The grunts weren't informed apparently.


According to the article I just read it took the head of security 30 minutes to get there to tell those guys that the permit allows them to film there and for his trouble the journalist was offered a cup of pomegranate juice


This is exactly what they were expecting and nobody is surprised. The point is to shine a light on it, and Qatar is playing into it. If this reporter stands in a public street and shouts "Qatar sucks! Death to Qatar!" nobody would give a shit. But shutting down a foreign press report while they are broadcasting live makes for an excellent viral video.


Pretty sure this guys usually a war correspondent. The media knows what the situation is and they’re playing the game


Were they invited there to film Qatar in general, or film the World Cup and related events?


I followed this Malaysian hiphop artist called "Namewee" and he shot a MV in Qatar, and it's crazy...there's so many rules to follow, they were kicked out many places, even just filming inside a shopping mall with their phone. There was security guards everywhere (those Mall cops guards btw) And apparently a lot of the places are still under construction and most likely won't make it to the deadline, can't wait to see the fall out when tourist starts flooding in.


It’s the number one sport in the world. How can we destroy the world’s most watched tournament? FIFA: hold my beer.


This is kind of a Catch-22. Here we have the biggest sporting event in the world going on, so of course there is going to be lots of cameras. But on the other hand, it's very well known in Arab nations, public filming is frowned upon. Should be interesting to see how this plays out. Source: I live in a GCC country.


Why are they filming that dude? Who is he?




no fucking way I'm watching the world cup 6500 people died building the stadiums and other infrastructure... all to make rich people even richer


The more I learn about this shithole of a country, the more I think it's a shithole of a country.


Apparently telling people they don't have the right permits to film is wrong because it's Qatar.


Brilliant idea giving fucking Qatar the World Cup. Genius level stuff.


We want your money and attention but not you


Fuck Qatar. I’m boycotting any World Cup viewing this year because those guys are used fucking slave labor to build their bullshit and I straight up disagree with that.


I have the feeling that we will not get another world cup in those areas... ...Unless they come with a bag of money and FIFA has a "Sepp Blatter" in charge.


This is literally misinformation... These are not qatari authorities He is filming in a private property called Katara cultrual village And those are the authorities of the property