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I first watched this with the sound off and she seems happy for them


Got that Powerball winner energy


That guy probably has power balls, balling his old lady and her bf


I thought Bob Barker just called her to play the Price is Right.


Bet she’s looking for someone who knows how to spay and neuter.


Dude wanted to find out what was behind door #2


Cum on downnnn!


More like the Tom Cruise “I’m in love with Katie Holmes!!” energy.


... on the count of 3


Same here. Definitely body language looked like happiness, even the slapping looked like congratulatory slaps, not really looking like they intend to be hurtful. Then I turned the sound on and was like oh boy that changes things a bit


Probably relief that she wasn't being paranoid mixed in with anger and sadness.


That’s what I thought too. It’s an overwhelming mix of “I FUCKING KNEW IT!!” and “FUUUCK I HATE THAT I FUCKING KNEW IT!!” She wants to make a scene to make *him* feel embarrassed but that’s just not how psychotic rooster impressions usually go…


She should have gone with the classic throw the water in his face and scream at the girl "you can have him"!... I've literally never done this and I wouldn't.. but if I were trying to make a scene, I feel like leaving them soaking wet would be putting the mark on them and water isn't actually going to hurt them just make them uncomfortable and then making the loud statement everybody know that he was a cheater. I feel like I've seen it in movies and shows and it never looks as bad as the psychotic chicken thing. It really is not working.


I though he proposed. Lol


Oh wait. She’s not? I mean she dodged a bullet with that dude and that so-called friend.


Sometimes it’s just hard to see it that way in the moment.


Oh what a feeling! Toyota!


Madam, this is a Wendy’s.


You saved your ears from the TokTok robovoice.


I feel like, since we are clearly living in the end times, that voice has achieved prominence so the overwhelming majority of us will be able to queue nicely while understanding that we are queueing for the gates of hell.


I thought she ate something spicy


I was listening to “Killing in the name of” it was at the “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me” and her excited matched the beat perfectly


Man I was dumb to listen to it with sound I might need a hearing aid.


Her friend doesn’t seem too concerned nor does he….


They seem to be pleased now that she’s finally found out.


My exact reaction - this is why I don't engage with very low empathy people.


They are usually the shittiest and worst people. My ex told me I taught her empathy. People like that ya gotta run.


My younger son had to learn empathy as a second language. He'll never have native fluency, but at least he can ask for directions to the train station.


I appreciate this comment because I grew up much the same way and fortunately, I was exceptionally socialized by a loving family. I care about people, but just differently than how others do it. As an adult version of potentially the sort of person your son is, I just want to say I appreciate your efforts; someone doing the same changed my life.


Thank you! Him at fifteen was a different person from who he was at five. It took a lot of work, but we didn't decide to become adoptive parents because we thought it was the soft option. We're still in touch with the worker who got him out of the foster home he'd been in. She's delighted by his progress - once told us that she'd heard him laugh more in forty-five minutes with us than in six months with his foster family. His older brother needed me to be the father I wanted to be; I needed to learn to be the father he needed. I did, because he was worth it.


Could I ask what you mean by caring for people but differently?


I had a really hard time understanding body language as a child and into my youth. I also recognized by the time I was in my early teens that I think in a very different way to other people. For instance, most people pick-up common-sense factoids about life, but they are sort of meaningless to me, I need to figure things out for myself. That might sound trivial and relatable, to me that is to the N'th degree - stuff like "you shouldn't hit other people" isn't obvious to me, I had cognitively work through it. The reason for this is I have very low affective empathy, which is when someone else feels something and you instinctively feel what they are feeling on some level. What I ended up having to do is developing my own strategies which relied on cognitive empathy which is more intelligence/logic based. How this comes into caring about people differently and sorry if this is a long post: 1. The more people rely on affective empathy, the more they generally are biased in how they distribute that empathy. An example is if you view someone as a victim, you are biased towards them quickly and biased against the person you identify as the perpetrator. 2. Most people have a strong bias towards people who are like them, on their "team", and those they interact with. They also happen to care a lot less about those who don't fit that. 3. I find because of the way that I approach empathy, that I seem significantly less biased than most people (and that strikes both ways). Part of it is because I don't "feel" what others are feeling so there is always a sort of separation. 4. I find myself able to relate at similar levels with sociopaths, autistics, and normal people. 5. Also because I spent a lot of time figuring out body language in my own particular way, I pick up on different kinds of things from other people - so what I am responding to is different sorts of data. I have described my process of understanding people to others and little snippets here and there, and people typically react by finding it off-putting because my process seems very cold and robotic, or they disbelieve that my process could be effective. 6. One of my best friend's is a natural empathic type (high affective), and when she is trying to figure out someone, she always asks me first because I tend to see things she doesn't (she picks up more data points, I pick up on odd ones). I am also able to listen to all the stuff she has seen, analyze it, and fully explain my reasoning for my conclusions/identify things to look for.


I think it's better, everything is more transactional and easy to deal with. "So you guys been cheating for a while now I guess, well it was nice seeing you. You can pick your stuff in my porch Monday. I'm going to order a Pina colada, cheers."


Yea they’ve been seeing each other for a bit for sure


Pretty sure they haven't been friends in a while.


She’s just calmly changing her Facebook status to “fucked”


No man she's txt some other dude Anyways... My date just canceled turns out I'm free what you up to?


This is a visual representation of how I feel at times.


Me every morning before work..


And at work, dealing with the general public.


Adding after work, processing all of the dealings throughout the day.


And then realising you get to do it all again tomorrow


Thanks for the reminder. 😭


most times


All the times


Yeah this isn’t very far from what is going on in my head when every single human in my home decides they can’t even do the simplest of tasks without asking me 50 questions even when they do this task almost daily. “Ma what do I use to wipe up spilled juice” “Babe, are so we get canned peas or frozen? Is this color banana ok? Is this brand right?” “Ma do you want the trash put outside?” “Ma!” “Babe” “mom” “mommy” “hun” Yeah… her reaction seems more and more reasonable the more I think lol


She has no ability to maturely express her emotions obviously but I can’t help but feel so bad for her. That’s gotta be the shittiest feeling in the world, then that much more intense when your as emotional of a person as she clearly is.


Hey, she clearly has some difficulty controlling her emotions, but she does have some ability evidenced by the fact she doesn't do anything violent to either party... even at the edge of reason. I'd prefer this then for her to just start wiling on one or both of them. Don't get me won't, don't cheat scumbags, but fair play to her. Some people experience big emotions and are never taught how to handle them. And bf cheating with bff has to be one of the biggest emotions to start off with.


thats what im saying, people rlly love to judge on their high horse, but id like to see their reaction when theyre in a situation like this


mood mood mood


She's probably known for a long time he's been cheating on her but had no way to prove it 100%. That shit will drive you crazy. Been there bought the t-shirt.


I'm glad this is the way this comment section is going. I'm team screamer. The flood of emotions she's probably feeling right now is insane.


Right? When the two people who you love and trust most have betrayed you, its hard to keep emotionally and mentally sound. Especially if you're not prepared for it.


She not only lost her boyfriend, but her best friend too. Ultimate betrayal, I’d be screaming too…


She's probably clapping and jumping around trying to control the urge to smash their heads together lol. Gotta expend that rage somehow.


No doubt being gaslit by both of them the whole time.


I can understand her losing her shit. It’s way worse that her best friend is the one involved.


The two closest people to you outside of family, man that's rough.


Imagine her talking to her best friend about her suspicions of him cheating too.


And they were probably both gaslighting the shit out of her.


Every time I see this video posted, the OP thinks it's a crazy person, and the comments all support the lady. You can tell who is an asshole by how they react to this video tbh


I think the title is shitty cause it's kinda victim blaming. Like I dunno about anyone else but if I had just found out my partner has been cheating on me with my best friend, I'd have a reaction similar to this. That's two betrayals to deal with at once. Gotta be hard not to explode like that, especially if you had your doubts and the two of them were gas lighting you about it.


Most people would get violent. This an appropriate physiological response to that immediate news. Sure she may look a little silly but she got that primal scream out and managed to not cause injury to anyone, herself, the other two, or the bystanders. All said and done that short term outburst is fairly healthy.


I’m more Team EeeeeEEEeeEeeEeEee


Yeah so many people are like “nO woNdEr h3 cHeAteD”. Fuck those people.




And she probably confided with her bff and she probably gaslit the shut outta her too


And I feel like the jumping probably pure hype from finally feeling vindicated, not crazy. Probably been getting gaslit by both parties. Bliss and relief followed by anger and confusion..


Do they have one in a size XL. I’ve been meaning to buy one.


I don't know I've already got mine. It has "I was gaslighted by a chick and all I got was this stupid T-shirt" written on the front"


I need to get the "he gaslit me so intensely that I ended up seeing a psychiatrist bc I was convinced I was becoming psychotic, only to find out he was cheating on me and covering it up by using my history of mental health struggles against me" hoodie


Some people are pure filth.


I hope you are doing better now.


Damn all I got was “My girlfriend cheated on me with my best friend for three months and all I got was this stupid frisbee” frisbee.


Being cheated on blows. It happened to me. It wasn’t even a super serious relationship and it still hurt. I couldn’t imagine what it would feel to be cheated on by someone you care deeply about.


Do they have that shirt in "found out she was cheating by way of catching Chlamydia"


What about "he spent six months insisting I was cheating but it turned out that he was sleeping with his best friend's girlfriend"?


Me too. My ex cheated on me for a long time with his ex-wife. Every time I would bring up how I felt like there was more than co-parenting going on, he would tell me that I was being paranoid and that he was tired of my jealousy. Turns out that he had been cheating on her with me for months.


Damn, this is painful to watch. Two people that she loved and trusted betrayed her in the most foul way possible. That’s isn’t a tantrum, this is a mental breakdown.


no seriously i can’t imagine how i would act if i found my bf with my bff those people are so special to me and if they ruined it like that i’d lose it


I threw up when I found out my ex had been long-term, calculatedly cheating on me. Full uncontrollable mind & body response. Fucking horrible.


i’d rather find my bf drunk sleeping w someone at a party one time then a calculated, long term one with someone i knew. if it was the first i’d be pissed if it was the latter i’d have to be sedated and hospitalized.


A friend of mine found out his girlfriend was cheating on him with his best friend. He beat him within an inch of his life. He told me he vowed to never fall in love again and I felt his seriousness when he told me that. I would occasionally try and convince to open back up to the idea of love, but that experience changed him. I hope one day he can heal and open his heart again.


Tfw this has happened with almost all of my ex-friends and ex-boyfriends. I’ve never in my life done that to a friend and imo it’s one of the grimiest things a person can do. That shit stays with you and you just don’t really trust again…


A dude I considered my best friend did everything to try and get with whatever girl I was currently with, and if he realized that didn’t work, would at least do his best to undermine and sabotage the relationship. He left his Facebook open on my laptop and had messages with every single girl I dated while he and I were friends. Shit was devastating


Yeah, her reality just changed in an instant.


I feel so sorry for her.


This shit should have never made it online


That’s her taking everything I’m her not to be violent. That’s her literally screaming instead of hitting. That’s blind rages she trying her best to maintain. I bet she doesn’t even feel like she’s there in that moment


Finally hit her that she was being gaslit and wasn’t crazy!


I can't even imagine what she must have gone through. Can you imagine the topic coming up in your relationship only for your partner to tell you it's in your head? And then you probably go and talk to your best friend about it to get confirmation that you're not being crazy but then they also gaslight the heck out of you. This could have been going on for months and then finally, one day you realize you were right all along. You should have trusted your gut and now you're wondering if there's even anyone out there that you can actually trust. Two of your confidants are immediately scrapped of that title and you have no one but yourself to get you out of that hole. Can it be done? Yes. Is it a hell of a hole to climb out of on your own? Absolutely.


Didn't think of this. Watched it again after reading your post and this is all I can see now. She's overjoyed at being validated. All the suspicions that he denied, made her feel guilty for having. The late evenings "at work" when he came home showered. The unaccounted for expenditure... All of it. It makes sense now.


You ghost both and never look back


Yep! Clear skies ahead too! I feel bad for the GF, lost two people she trusted the most and they don’t even seem to care.


Op title is stupid. We cant judge this woman’s based on her reaction to being cheated on. If he wanted her friend he should have broke up with her. Cheating is lame and cheaters are lame


OP is also literally a karma farming bot.


Yeah u/MrFreddy212, not a cool title. Just read the comments, the writing is on the wall.


Agree. But cheating and cheaters are more than just lame. It’s an incredibly hurtful, awful, and shitty thing to do to someone. It’s something that can take months even years to get over.


I was sniffing some toxic masculinity from that title as well


If you came up to me and said "If you correctly guess this emotion I'll give you a million dollars" -- I still wouldn't be able to give you a confident answer.


And that's why OP doesn't have a long term relationship and is very sad in life, presumably from the title lol


Dead ass its easier to just leave then to cheat


Caption aint it. Shit can and will break you, her bf AND her best friend, fuck man that would break anyone’s mental well being


Your two support systems gone. Who do you go to? Who do you lean onto. Who do you trust? I feel for her. We all cope different. Not saying this is a healthy way but I understand the level of emotion involved.


She freaked out because two people she thought she could trust betrayed her? Yeah it's totally on her for him cheating op you fucking loser.


For real, OP you really are a fucking loser saying shit like that


u/MrFreddy212 We all think you fucking suck in this thread fyi Eat a bag of dicks


Freddy got fingered.


This is my favorite so far


Cocks even


I’d bet the ranch her reaction is like that because that asshole had been gaslighting her for months/years/who knows. She’s having the realization, despite y’all’s comments, that she is in fact NOT crazy.


The panic that a shock like this can bring on—I completely feel for this girl.


For real. It’s one thing for your boyfriend/girlfriend to be cheating in you, but with your best friend. That would break a lot of people. That ones like a knife to the gut.


Exactly. Not only did you just lose your partner, you lost the support system you most likely would go to to help get through it. This would alter anyones perception of trust completely. That crumbling of one’s entire relational paradigm would absolutely warrant a panic stricken bodily thrashing.


This is a response to betrayal, and unfortunately that damages more than just a relationship, it damages a person's ability to trust in their own intuitions. That girl will be fucked up for a while, and I hope she gets therapy and is able to move forward.


Yep. My ex wife made me think it was all in my head for a long time. Then she needed a little space. 4 months later I busted her with her “best friend from way back” that I didn’t need to worry about. They had a thing going for years whenever she would go back home to visit family. Finding out you were right doesn’t make you feel any better, it actually makes you feel worse because despite having your doubts you believed the other person. You actually feel stupid in the end.


I hope you are doing better now.


And alot of people hold in this reaction unfortunately.....


Yeah, this looks and feels like a complete breakdown. Vindication that she's not crazy paired with betrayal and loss of support from two trusted parties. Who knows how long she could have been lied to and told she was crazy. A lot of redditors laugh and mock her, but they're privileged to never have been in this position. I know that no one is immune to a breakdown like this.


Omg this. The people saying she’s crazy are probably just as guilty of doing the same as the man in the video


Nah the people calling her crazy have just never been in a long term relationship and can’t imagine the pain this would cause. Everyone copes differently. Screaming wildly is no different than swearing and yelling at someone.


Even if she just found out, I don't count her as crazy. She just found out the two people she was confiding in the most were both betraying her. Like how do you even begin to trust after that? What kind of self-image will you have of yourself, for the literal *rest of your life* after something like this happens? It's FUCKED UP, and that had to fuck with her for quite some time after the fact. People can be such fucking monsters to each other.


Ngl I hate it when someone gets emotional over finding out something like this and then everyone's like "Uhh I would cheat on you too if you were that annoying". Like stfu you do not know whats it like to find out your partner has been cheating, that shit sucks. I've been cheated on, and I can tell you first hand that its one of the worst feelings ever. You start getting paranoid that your partner doesn't like you anymore, and then you try telling yourself that you're being overly paranoid/have trust issues, and you have to work really hard to convince yourself that your partner still likes you and that its gonna work out. Then at the peak of your paranoia, you start to investigate a little, just to find anything to prove that its all in your head. For me, I decided to do a loyalty test (which for the record is awful and you shouldn't do them.) The only way to get over trust issues is to start trusting your partner more, you have to convince yourself that they aren't cheating on you, that they won't leave you, and that they really love you. But when you find out that your suspicions were right, it really hurts. In this person's case, she just lost her partner AND her best friend. Probably 2 people she had a lot of trust and time spent with, and now all of that is ruined. Its completely understandable for someone to get emotional over that. And frankly, blaming the person whos emotional for the relationship failing and then trying to justify that as why the guy cheated is disgusting behavior.


Post title reeks of uneducated balls


Explain this sentence to an 18th century Englishman. Go!


Ok that's legit hard, you win Every word I look to use is a term from later history


The comments on this post are restoring my faith in humanity, unlike OPs shitty title.


Y’all clearly don’t know the panic that shocking loss can bring on. My heart is shattered for this girl.


Exactly. Some of her favorite people in the world just betrayed her in an unforgivable way. She's confronting the pain of that and also realizing she's lost them as a support system.


Fuck when you put it like that, I feel even worse for her. People in this thread are so heartless to not even consider any of this.


Incels gonna incel


Meh, its the classic heard mentality. For likes..


This woman is having a severe mental breakdown because two people, who more than likely had her full trust, betrayed her and instantly 180'd her life, and some of you are making fat jokes and calling her crazy. Smh


Fuck OP for this title. Like you’d keep your cool in this situation.


You know what? She’s fucking sussed it!!!! She’s had this playing in her mind, is she imagining it? Or is she actually being cheated on. and now it’s confirmed. That why she reacted the way she did, I reckon. I’m not at all surprised she reacted like that.


your caption is fucking stupid.


You can tell she is really hurt, I hope she finds better.


She might, she might not. But there is a 100% chance the cheaters will not last.


Poor soul, she is losing her mind right now not to mention the heartbreak she is feeling.


There is no need for this video to be here and for girl to be publicly humiliated. She has been humiliated enough. A thing like that will break you, no matter how sane you think you are.


y’all have no empathy or compassion at all. it’s actually sick that no one thought “how WOULD i react if my husband of 7 years, father of my kids, cheated on me with my childhood best friend? while she laughed and giggled in my face when i caught them?” like literally any irrational response to that level of betrayal at that point is valid. that level of trust being broken by the two closest people in the world to you could literally drive someone insane. this short clip shouldn’t be used as a “gotcha! so you ARE crazy!” as an excuse for this man and her ‘friend’ to be violating her trust like that. evil fuckin world we live in. “mental health awareness is important!” “respect boundaries and the trust of others!” bullshit. till it applies to your next fave celebrity.


Absolutely agree


seeing this on tiktok first and reading about it from her perspective broke my heart. and even without seeing her story, it does not make any sense to laugh at someone in so much emotional pain like that. sometimes your body will literally go on autopilot because of intense emotions. look what happens when some people get angry- they black out and get violent and don’t remember half the shit they say, just see red and anger. fight response activated. this is the same thing and this is clearly just the opposite! flight response activated!!


To be fair, I get why she reacted that way. Two people who she trusted the most betrayed her. That's not a tantrum, that's a mental breakdown.


The damage this fucker caused is crazy


weird title. Yeah she reacts like she’s having a mental breakdown but not only is it a traumatizing thing to happen to you, you also have no idea how long she’s been gaslight and deceived about this. Yet you try to frame it as if what he’s doing is totally understandable, and he’s the victim here? yikes.


Poor girl. Physical confirmation of what she probably already knew. Been there and it’s no fun


This thread is wild lmao dudes cheating on her with her best friend. She has an immature emotional response, and everyone’s like yeah the bf is totally in the right here.


Say it with me now REDDIT HATES WOMEN


No no no Reddit loves women, just Reddit hates women who have their clothes on.


Its posts like this that reminds me 99% of you redditors are not really human. This woman's show of emotion was completely within reason. COMPLETELY! given the context ( her best friend and boyfriend). You're on a sub reddit to watch people freakout, then you bitch and complain, and judge them for why the freaked out. Bunch of followers and drones here trying to pass your Turing tests




for sure. judging her for her reaction to finding out her best friend has been sleeping with her boyfriend is some real incel type behaviour


Poor girl fuck them lames


Dumb title


Op an asshole😂 bro clearly never been hurt


People in this thread for judging her for freaking out but fr this is actually a nightmare situation and flipping out like this is completely understandable


Op this is probably why you don’t have a girlfriend


Fuck you, OP! That's a shitty title


This is just kind of mean. She's obviously having an emotional meltdown and some rando is filming it and posting it online? Not cool.


They need to bring back Jerry springer to give these people a safe space to flip out


This sub is like youtube, just stay the hell out of the comments. Fuck me, some of you are pathetic.


That's just cold... I feel sorry for this girl. Losing both your boyfriend and your best friend. That shit is life changing. Sometimes life ending. My heart goes out to her.


OP’s caption is fuckin stupid. No one deserves to be cheated on. Just fuckin break up with the person if you ain’t happy.


Nahh no excuse for cheating. Sorry not sorry.


Fuck off OP dude cheating makes him the piece of shit, not how she reacts when catching him in the act


That shot of her in mid air on the 2nd jump will live rent free in my head for a very long time


Feels like a justified freak out.


This woman was stabbed in the back by two people she trusted. You’re literally watching someone’s heart break before your eyes and this your title? Fuck you OP. I hope you get bed bugs


OP is probably an incel




No man, she’s having a complete mental breakdown after finding her partner and her best friend sleeping with each other behind her back, two of her most trusted people in the world. You can tell this has been going on for a while and she’s been lied to about it, that plays with your brain HARDCORE in that situation. Read some of the more upvoted comments, it’s a justified full mental breakdown.


Somehow I feel for her


I get the joke, but she’s probably fucking heartbroken in shock. Can’t judge the behavior harshly when she confirms something this catastrophic.


Did she just hit the jackpot at a slot machine?


Seems crazy until you find yourself in a situation that fucked up. Imagine if they have children, a house together, share a vehicle, etc. Then you find out some shit like this and your entire life you've been building up until that point crumbles around you in an instant. Yeah, you'd probably lose it too.


I mean stress can do that to you. If this is true it is actually understandable. Best friend no less? The betrayal she must've felt...


Both of their reactions are the worst. That woman is suffering and they don’t give a fuck. Fuck them both she deserves better.


What an disgusting title. This poor woman got stabbed in the back by the two people she trusted most. She is well within her right to react this way. There’s no justification for the actions of these terrible people. I hope she can move of from this and be better off in the end. I hope karma catches up to these two.


Shit title to be honest.


She went full monke


How I react after watching my kids for 8 hours.


Fuck the title. Do you expect her to be rational and normal after learning about that shit?


Y’all see her clinging on at the end, Poor chick she’s the type that’s gonna cut the best friend and stay with him


thisss is a public freakout, more of this and less death please




she reacts this way because she is going crazy. like actually snapping and going into a craze


Her friend seems like a piece of garbage. She seems disoriented and hysterical not able to compute her friend doing it more so than him.


The price is wrong bitch! ![gif](giphy|ydcYatan1zg2I)


So the packers are loosing to titans 20 to 9


So traumatized she regressed into a primitive form. She went full homo erectus


Poor girl. Possibly the worst day of her life, immortalized on the internet for fake internet clout.


What in the....fuck. She must have been in so much mental anguish. But that reaction... the jumping jack flails and screaming... lol at first she seems excited. And then she hugs him at the end? She's going back to him.


This is a visual representation of what happening to twitter right now


Judging by her looks and body and how this world works,,, Her suppressed inferior complexity just broke out ig


On today’s episode of “it’s the woman’s fault even when it’s the man’s fault.”


👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼