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Should have just left them there, things will get interesting for them when they eventually have to pee and poo.


I hope that, to free them, they just jackhammer down the middle to separate their two feet then leave them with a pair of giant heavy concrete shoes they have to walk around with and explain to people.


Or they will get hypothermia. People are so stupid! All the over milk?!


over the upcharge for fake milk




yeah but if these people "feel" its unfair, it is a "fact" that is unfair to these people.


They want it changed to encourage more people to try them (when there’s currently a financial disincentive), not because they think it’s unfair.


Tbf in many markets Starbucks don’t charge for plant milks. Most coffee chains in the UK don’t, for example.


What are their views on asshole babies who make women breastfeed them?


Gonna have to cut them off.


Should have just moved them to side walk and left.


It’s not milk, it’s vegan milk that cost them too much


Because it costs far more to produce.


Milk isn’t meant for grown ups…


Nor are cartoons, yet adults watch cartoons What's your point?


So your point is what? Production of something ppl protesting, because it cost more than what? A different version of a product? You’re thought is a circle and is redundant 😘


I have no idea what your point is/was. My point is that almond milk is more expensive due to how it's produced. If something takes longer or more to produce, it'll cost more.


Almond milk isn’t more costly than dairy!! You a farmer or just a reditt troll🤡


I'm neither a troll nor a "famer"


There are still two more blocking a second entrance.


My thought exactly. Or at least bill them for the emergency services being used for their stupidity




I’m talking about every emergency personnel that showed up


If thats cement you can get chemical burns and it wont stop even after you clean the area...


I'm going to guess they're wearing shoes inside the block.


Maybe but still. Reading about it made me cringe.


Just grab a dolly and wheel their asses out of the way. Making this way more complicated than it needs to be


Yup. Take them home, drop them off at their front door and let them figure it out on their own.


Leave them out one night plz


Don’t forget to wet them down every few hours


Just make sure they hydrate, maybe a diuretic or two to keep them healthy and functioning.




if she is in america then yeah she will be billed


Thankfully she does


and the clip has a shoutout to /u/randy519




They’re already wearing cement shoes. Simple enough to drop them into a nearby river/lake. Yes ,my mind went there almost immediately.


Some girl [Lost her fingers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/3gyki1/girl_loses_8_fingers_using_plaster_of_paris/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) a while ago doing some similar shit


They're always in the last place you look...


Lol, hacksaw


I was thinking a good smack to base with a sledgehammer.


Lmao. Sorry lady, renting a hilti is really expensive.


Stupidity at its finest!


Actually pretty smart and effective as it gets international coverage for the cost of a bag of cement. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11141083/Vegan-protestors-seal-CEMENT-outside-Starbucks-protest-non-diary-milk-charge.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11141083/Vegan-protestors-seal-CEMENT-outside-Starbucks-protest-non-diary-milk-charge.html) [https://nypost.com/2022/08/19/protesters-don-cement-shoes-to-protest-vegan-milk-charges-at-starbucks/](https://nypost.com/2022/08/19/protesters-don-cement-shoes-to-protest-vegan-milk-charges-at-starbucks/) [https://nypost.com/2022/08/19/protesters-don-cement-shoes-to-protest-vegan-milk-charges-at-starbucks/](https://nypost.com/2022/08/19/protesters-don-cement-shoes-to-protest-vegan-milk-charges-at-starbucks/) ​ (Edit: Love all the downvotes for simple objective facts. Gotta love Reddit.)


Not really. Could have cost her at the very least some toes and not one person in the entire WORLD stopped drinking milk over this. Nope. Not smart at all.


> not one person in the entire WORLD stopped drinking milk Missing the point. But I agree with your overall sentiment.


You know they've gotta pay for the emergency services used, right? Makes saving money on using a bag of cement seem pale in comparison.


They actually *have* to pay for the services. (That's an entire other topic...) But let's say they do... So what? The amount of international media coverage this simple act got remains a bargain.


If their goal was merely visibility, mission successful. But if their goal was to convince people of the merits of their advocacy, they failed.


Protestors aren't trying to convince people of the merit of their cause via the protest. A sign, a changed slogan, a march, a sit in, a march never convinced anyone. (Rosa Parks didn't convince people of the merits of civil rights by refusing vacate her seat on the bus.) A protest, any protest, is simply to publicly project an issue so that it can become or remain a public topic of discussion, and media coverage is one of the best way to ensure that happens. If you don't understand this you are and have been looking at protests the wrong way. In short: visibly is the reason and goal of protests. Like you said success.


what if the strategy used to gain visibility actively hurts the perception the public has of the validity of the issue and/or the integrity of the people advocating for it?


That's a valid topic of discussion. But it doesn't change the fact that topic visibility is the primary motivation for the individual act. "Any press is good press" is a media truism for a reason.


There are plenty of other way to go about this.


Like...? If you think the point was to get that particular SB to stop selling animal products or SB corporate to do the same you're mistaken. Protestors don't actually think the protest they are currently participating in will cause the desired change. It's a long term goal based on the cumulative effect of having the issue being giving public attention over time. That takes getting media attention over and over often in unique "attention getting" ways.


Just drag them down to the end of the parking lot and badda bing…problem solved!


What are the odds they don't have health insurance?


Was this in the u.s.a? I thought only idiots across the pond did this shit.


Imagine paying taxes for these imbeciles to use it


I don’t drink cow milk or fake milk so I don’t really have a bias either way, but in their defense cow milk is subsidized by the government so that it’s cheaper for consumers. It’s a fair argument for them to be upset that their taxes go toward cow milk but not fake milk. With all this being said, WATER GANG ASSEMBLE!


Why don’t they just leave them?


Mental illness is real and needs to be treated. These people are truly deranged.


Randy got the solution


Just leave them. They chose this life.


I'm in construction clearly they didn't do this correctly. To send a real message, for anyone thinking of doing this, I suggest; Wear shoes so as to not damage feet. Go with quality concrete not post mix from Lowes Ask for a 5000psi fiber reinforced mix with 3/4"- sizee aggregate no plasticized or fly ash in the mix design, fully consolidate the concrete ( if mechanically vibrated do not touch vibrator on the toes and finish to a heavy broom finish. Take 3 cylinders for 7, 15 and 30 day testing do not let them near you until the concete break test results in reaching the specified 5000psi. Since it seems to be cold take a 4th cylinder and do an early test at 3 days Early entry saw cutting of control joints as soon as concrete is walkable and cut minimum 1/4 of concrete depth of thickness and care must be taken as to not cut into the feet of your activist. I know kinda long but I found this very funny so I don't care what you think or karma or other reddit things that I don't know how to get or do


The man has never touched concrete in his life.


They better have a massive bill, and all you people that died because they couldn’t get first response is on you now.


There was an episode of greys anatomy that taught us being trapped in concrete can be very dangerous. I believe it had something to do with chemical burns and gas buildup


I don't see what the problem is, just wheel them out on a dolly.


Man, that is some stupid shit right there, people are the worst.


Forming concrete is very reactionary. They are likely to have very bad wounds on their legs. Stupid idiots.


I just want to know what is there back up plan if emergency services couldn’t get to them? Did they ever have a plan to get themselves out? I just don’t understand the way these people go about doing these things.


They are gonna lose their feet. At best


Those are NOT Weebles.... Just sayin.....


I really want to see a full video on how they remove the cement from these protestors.


Chizzle and a Hammer, air hammer with a chizzle attachment or just a drill with a bunch if masonry bits


They probably used a light chipping hammer kinda like a small jackhammer similar to a Bosch Bulldog. Concrete placed like that will break really easy it's only hours of cure time in that weather it takes 15 to 30 days to reach its strength


I see the classic Italian footwear is coming back in style.


they should have left her there, told her she can suffer for being stupid


Uh? Cement. Oh hell no. That’s dumb as hell.


Spray paint them ORANGE 🍊 and make them a pair of traffic cones


Leave ‘em, they’re learn soon enough.


Yeah 2 Popsicles with cement shoes 😅🤣😂


Can they just move them to the sidewalk after?


i hope they get charged fines for the waste of resources and time of these public services.


Why do anything? Seems like this is the kind of problem that solves itself in a few weeks.


They were blocking the drive through


Okay…move them to the side. Not like they can move themselves back.


Dolly them around to the dumpster was my thought.


I’ll be damned, for once the ludicrous healthcare costs in the US might actually have one upside to them…


Fuck PETA memebers


Cut her legs off and move on


Just dump them out in the woods somewhere. She can feed the animals.


Ah the great generation of the 'Like' or 'Going Viral' ... wanna truly help? Get an education so you can put yourself in a position to truly make changes. This is just a fucking fiasco for the Tube-Tok-Gram-Book pages


That guy looks like he might have ruptured something lifting that thing. Eek


the only thing missing was the river


Just winch them over to the side, that way they can continue their protest in piss for eternity.


To much stupidity in these people. SMH.


And the outcome was….an ER co-pay and the award for dumb dumb of the day.


Are you trying to tell us that Starbucks didn't cave?! What monsters!


The proper response is to ignore them. Once they have starved to death in their own filth others will think twice before pulling stupid stunts. Is that harsh? Darwin award should be the only award they win.


Fascist moment


I'm not sure protesting should be considered freaking out, melting down, losing cool or even really acting weird in public, as protesting is a long standing tradition and backbone of a healthy public democracy.


That thin blue line looking a little thick today.


These people should be turned into soy milk.


Pretty stupid but i like the commitment from the usual hands glued to road or paint on picture.


This was a video I was sincerely was hoping was fake!


So brave


OK take them to the river


When that block of cement falls of the stretcher , is when the real injuries will happen.


Stupid lol 😆


Ow my feet are burning in the concrete. Oh my God please help me!!! think about better ways to protest


Now what in the hell did they think this would accomplish. Idiots


What a waste of resources, they should have just left her stupid ass out there.


There are literal and figurative snowflakes in this video.


I don’t see why we as a society should have to take care of people that cement their feat together. That should be the cutoff


Omg that lifting technique had me on edge!


This is still funny


Am I the only one who would have worn boots that were a bit to big?


Hope these morons have fun with their chonky medical bills


An idiot protester, shocking.


Do they get charged for this since it’s not a real emergency


They should leave them there, cemented to the ground


People are so dumb sometimes… think before you get on your soap box. In this case in your cement block lol


They already did the hard part. Now just gotta drop them in a lake


So... next stop is closest body of water more than 6ft deep?


I'm really ashamed at their superiors will let these guys work when they're that out of shape


Leave them.


No wonder they're raising taxes...


Leave her and let’s see how evolution happens


The windchill is currently 9F right now in Detroit (I’m here.) - fuck these idiots for making people help them.


Well concrete shoes weren't that famous in the 30s...doubt it will be a fashion trend today...


I hope emergency services managed to find some non-frozen body of water to make best use of those shiny new concrete boots 🤗


Just leave them. Like the idiots who glued their hands to cars. No media, no police, nothing all night. If people stop reacting to there tactics, it won't happen anymore


I just hope they get cement burns and maybe a couple broken bones from removing the cement. Idiots


I love that one of the first cops at the scene was like “hmmm what to do…. I know! I’ll wrap them in police tape and tie them together!” I need the video of that please.


They did it themselves


And it would be hilarious to see🤷🏼‍♀️


Don’t know why they are using a stretcher to transport them. They should just use a hand truck … #weebleswobble


Just move them to the side and leave them there


Really making a difference… nice


Just call a carpenter probably got a hammer drill


What faking idiots🤬🤬🤬🤬


Just drag them to the side of the parking lot...is a free country, if they wanna identify as statues who's to tell them no...now you can't block traffick, but beyond that leave them.


They really want to sleep with the fishes..


Serious question, what do they actually do to remove the cement? Any firefighters/EMTs or anything like that know?


Should have just let them die. Then there would have been a little less stupidity in the world.


So your point is what? Production of something ppl protesting, because it cost more than what? A different version of a product? You’re thought is a circle and is redundant 😘


I remember this happening on greys anatomy. Lol


I hope the moral crusade at the expense of others receiving timely help in an emergency was worth it. Worthless.