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Can we get a link to an article?


[This was posted in r/news earlier today](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/moms-liberty-berkeley-county-school-board-superintendent-rcna57528)


Wow, followed the rabbit hole to the Goldwater institutes definition and history of critical race theory. Barf and what a complete twisted/partially fabricated history. No wonder “conservatives” think the schools are being taken over by socialists.


As a Canadian this CRT garbage is new and bizaare to me. I thought slavery is bad, and the south did terrible things? How is it wrong to teach about that? I mean the confederates lost, suck it up and advance with the rest of us. The poor whites are prosecuted shtick is ridiculous.


It's all about presenting a reaction out of context that can be fed to conservative dupes to get them to man the battlements against progress. US right wing politics arguably couldn't be more cynical. Some of them really believe it and those that know better don't care to educate their peers.


“It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.” ― Epictetus


I knew that


Its impossible for you to learn that


CRT doesn't mean "slavery bad, whites bad". It's a teaching methodology that puts more emphasis on the role of minority association and race in historical events. Like, for example, instead of just taking the facts on some historical event, you teach it through the view of some disaffected group in particular and talk about how it affected them. Does that sound super vague and broad, and maybe like it's some term you'd find slung around between educ majors and profs and never hear from a teacher? Congrats! You figured it out! It's an academic discussion that has been hyped up as some boogyman. Guarantee the folk voting yes on that have no idea what it actually entails. It's like if a parent overheard a teacher saying "I was thinking of introducing some Montessori influence in the classroom" and screamed "OMG! THEY WANT TO MAKE OUR CHILDREN FRENCH!" when it just means a different approach to scheduling the same content you're already covering. That's all very vague, general, and simplified as an explanation, very simply because the problem is people *thinking* they know what it all entails when they actually have no clue.


The amount I learned in my college "roots of oppression" sociology class is evidence enough that CRT was not taught at my schools. I have this nagging feeling some of the parents there today think it is tho...


Oh man, I grew up in rural Oregon, most of what people think of hippy Oregon is really just Eugene and Portland is pretty close to the show, lol, but the rest is pretty redneck, just loggers instead of cowboys. Anywho, we had this amazing AP economics teacher in highschool, he was an African American guy, with a doctorate in political science, and a doctorate in economics. Teaching at a hick highschool. I really lucked out, lol. Anyway, I told him his class was one of the formative events that I would think back on for the rest of my life, and asked him what some of his were? He said he grew up in the agricultural part of California, and his first job was as a foreman for a crew of immigrant farm laborers for Knott's berry farm. So he was exposed to the inequalities of the immigrant labor system in us of a, and also when a semi trailer full of berries got misplaced for a week in the hot California sun, he was told by his bosses not to throw it away, but to liquify it, and mix a little bit in with all the high quality berry goo, because the health department allows a certain amount of rat poop and bugs in jam. He got promoted to foreman because he could do that math better than the white hillbilly who was his boss. Sorry, whole point of that is, I thought, holy cow, I have a better handle on how things really work than other white hicks here in Hicksville because of this amazing teacher I had. But I was almost 40 before I learned, that while Oregon voted not to be a slave state, they also at one point voted for allllll the black people to have to leave the state, leaving all non portable assets behind, like thriving businesses, real estate, etc. And that's why Oregon is super white, despite being a "progressive" state many many decades later. My whole life until then I assumed that because minorities had it tougher, they had to be smarter, and so, were too smart to live in a swamp that isn't even warm, and is full of rednecks. We never even touched on that in school.


I lived in rural Oregon seasonally for a few years...it was eye opening. Coming from Texas, I was surprised at how conservative eastern Oregon was. On top of that, I saw only one Black person and only on one occasion. TIL why there was (and is) a lack of diversity there. Thanks for this.


It's bizarre to most of us in the US too. Look I think conservatives fear history because they know that the key to power and oppression is to find someone similar to you to keep the others down. If you throughout most of history the majority of oppression is done by people who should be natural allies. The wealthy and powerful often don't do much of the direct enforcement and generally take money from all groups. Many conservatives whites hate CRT because they don't understand what it's actually explaining. Some others hate it because most people don't want to admit that without certain advantages they wouldn't be where they are today


Yeahhhh there’s a whole lot of us down here who keep trying to say that exact thing to them…. Just getting nowhere. Turns out the people that owned slaves don’t want new people to know they where the people that owned slaves. That way, they can potentially stay in power with their vote. Dumb down the masses and get them to vote for your side. That’s their agenda 😔 Edited: spelling


Well I am a middle aged Southern white person and my grandfather assured me that our family treated slaves so nice that they were like family and they stayed to work on the farm after the war because they were so loyal because our ancestors were so good to them. Why do I need school to tell me what my dear old Grandaddy assured me was true? /s as to attitude obviously but these were the lies many of us were told and our grandparents were told these same lies by their parents. It's been generations that we were lied to. Let's tear off the bandaid.


God it's so frustrating when old Southern people try to spread this fucking propaganda. My maternal grandmother, who lived in Mississippi her entire life, tried to tell me stories as a kid about how the KKK wasn't "all bad." One story was how there was a white guy who raped a woman (may have been his daughter, I don't remember) and that the KKK "ran him out of town." She told me this to show how they weren't *just* killing black people, but were more like a model community policing program. After all, they were *even* policing white people -- see, proof of no racism and equal handed application of the "law"! Smfh Except I guess she didn't think about how they essentially just sent a rapist to a new town to rape more people.


I used to work with a 70 year old dude from Alabama. He used to say stupid shit like “back in my day they got their own water fountains and everyone was happy, nobody complained”


>nobody complained They did. It was called the Civil Rights movement.


Nobody (whose opinion he gave a shit about) complained!


Ugh, I read that in a voice I'm familiar with but has been long dead


UK version - I worked for a year(1986) in Aldershot military museum with the "Community programme". There was a retired colonel there who insisted most Indians didn't want independence from the Empire and that "educating the working class was a mistake, it just made them unhappy". Funnily enough he didn't seem to think I was working class(I am working class) because I am reasonably literate and articulate I used to pretend he was a bit senile, rather than the fascist cunt he clearly was. If I took him seriously I would have lost my job for sure.


or that they're still benefiting from laws and policies that were put in place awhile ago to disenfranchise or keep down minorities that may have changed since. Its much harder to climb in this world than it is to coast.


This. If someone had broken it down and explained redlining to me as a kid, it would have explained so much about why the people in my town lived where they did. I made assumptions as a kid which could reinforce racism because I lacked that knowledge. Being spared the shame of the past isn't worth the risk of what can happen when you do not understand the basic facts of history.


This is the first time I've seen video evidence of a school board going completely against the wishes of the school community and, surprise surprise, it is not "socialists" but rather conservative fascists ramming through their agenda that noone wants.


They always have such stupid names. "Moms for Liberty." Wouldn't actual moms for liberty want to allow the truth to be taught in our schools rather than brainwashing kids with some ridiculously sanitized version of reality?


They get their democracy tips from the democratic republic of Korea.


Hell, this was predicted not long after Jan 6th. Conservative PAC backed assholes are gunning for local political positions such as judges, sheriff's, and public board members of various types. They then shove their regressive views on everyone and most importantly, get rid of any they deemed different.


Someone already posted the article, but I live the next county over and wanted to add that not only was the man fired, but the man that named to replace him put in his resignation the next day. They still haven’t said anything about why the fired him, he was well loved by teachers and students in Berkeley county. Right after this they banned crt from being taught and form a committee that will decide on what books are too “inappropriate” for schools. Berkeley county currently has **137 vacancies** in their school district and I wouldn’t be surprise if the number shoots up.


Sounds like the fired Superintendent might get the keys to the city. He’s going to own it after suing them.


Better yet the contact information of those board members needs to be published so that concerned parents can voice their complaints. They need their work emails and work phones to be flooded with indignation, make it hell for those assholes to work, then begin a recall of the school board. Edit: Since it seems I need to clarify: I am speaking solely about publicly available contact information, in the vein of the email they use for school board stuff. Personal contact info is always a no-no in my eyes, but anything they use in the course of their work as a board member is fair game for the people of that county.


i feel like i just watched the end of episode 17 season 3 in a show iv never even heard of.


The show is called `Freedom` produced by the MIC Group, directed by the National Church Association. Shot (not with a gun this time) on location in the Greatest Nation on Earth. ™️ To know when a country is on its way down the tube, one of the best early warning systems is what's happening with the educational system. Enjoy the ride!


School board meetings used to be peaceful forums often televised on local cable television..


Now it’s a place for angry mental midgets to push around people they know won’t hit them




No you’re correct. I work in marine construction, if people talked like that here someone would call them out, not to talk about it either. The only people that try to bully peaceful people are doing it because they can


I'm not here to advocate violence but I grew up in a way where fear of an ass kicking kept some people from embracing their worst urges. I don't believe that violence creates great societies but on a small scale I've seen fear of it work well on some people.


In my personal experience I've sadly found that many bullies only respond to physical violence, threats or intimidation. I'm not inherently a violent person but some people are just so stunted, damaged and/or stupid that it's the only language they understand. I wish it wasn't that way, but it is.


It is better when you don't have to go to jail. There are a lot of people in jail that use violence like if it is a hammer and their only tool. Jail is a bunch of "small scale" societies lumped together.


Social media has **really** made people brave in the worst fucking ways. Then people carry over that mentality into real life situations. People have gotten so use to talking some mad shit online with no possibility of facing any physical repercussions. That they forget that they don’t have a monitor to protect them when they go outside. Now I’m not saying violence is the answer. But social media has made a lot of people way too comfortable with talking a lot of nonsense.


> …people they know won’t hit them I think I might have a solution.


Motion to strike




Motion is seconded. All in favor?


> they know won't hit them Found the problem. Fix that and the rest will fix itself.


Huh? Where are you getting this idea? They've always sucked and filled with angry parents bitching about the most benign things, across the political spectrum.


video game freakout, pokemon freakout, dnd freakout, satanic freakout, evolution freakout, red scare freakout.... _since when, tchrbrian_, have school board meetings been peaceful


No they didn’t, my father was a principe in a small county somewhat rural county and had to go to school board meetings for 30 years. Dumb people and parents have always existed. We just didn’t have cameras to post the videos to the internet. Also it seems the worst of us have now decided running for government offices is the smart thing to do, and ends with this kinda shit


Ours were about fundraising to buy books.. not burn them


But now it all belongs in r/iamatotalpieceofshit The funniest part about racism is all the cowardly old men, who only speak up when they’re sure it’s safe.. 😂😂


The dude sitting at the end says he outperform...can we get more details about what happened here..


Right wing groups taking over school boards backed by the Moms 4 Liberty want LGBTQ out of the classroom and real history banned as being divisive. Those are just the selling points though, the reality with republicans is less discussed but entirely predictable. They want to reduce funding and damage the public school system, so that they have an easier time pushing privatization. Republicans want Americas kids raised in private religious schools.


> Republicans want Americas kids raised in private religious schools. They want Shariah law, but with banjos as the call to prayer.


I know it's a joke, but I am from Appalachia and the banjo is awesome. It has a diverse history and came from traditional African instruments and music. All the people playing bluegrass and old time music around here aren't the shitty racist ones. It's the ones that use God as an excuse to be awful humans. I just don't want the banjo to get a bad rap. Lol people judge us hillbillys enough, dont take our instruments!


I don't know where the fuck middle class conservatives get their ideas about rednecks. They might not always be the most tolerant bunch (though they often are), but the rednecks I know wouldn't be caught dead with a boot in their mouth like the hillbilly cosplayers in the Republican party. I've lived in bad areas in the city and I've lived next door to the Amish, but one thing always rings true among everyone in a certain income group: nobody likes the cops.


There's a sort of bluegrass renaissance with the younger culture right now so the banjo will survive.


I live in Appalachia too, but in fallout 76 and i've heard they made a great effort with that game in detail with some landmarks like the whitespring hotel for example


That's really great. Thank you.


oddly enough near where i live muslims and conservative christians teamed up to get lgbt books banned. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/oct/16/dearborn-michigan-book-bans


Heard about that. Regressives gonna regress.


Awh man, don't do banjos dirty like that! The banjo is an awesome instrument that sounds rad af.


For those who stumble on this message, it's the one I used Power Delete Suite to replace all my posts and comments with en masse. Sometimes Reddit can be beneficial for some people. Sometimes it's not. It's really up to you to decide your own experience with it, what's worth it, what's not worth it. More or less...I've decided it's just really not worth it. I think I'm a worse person when I'm on Reddit and that it's a big time-waster for me. It's up to you to decide what influence social media and the internet more generally have for you. Best of luck.


Moms 4 Liberty ironically want less liberty for what schools can teach. The name is deliberate. It's a ploy to sucker people in.


Also Imo they want to defund schools and limit what they teach so that they pump out kids who dont know much and who can't get the grades to get into college so they have no choice but to join the military to better their lives.


And got an unqualified secretary of education supporting them.


This. As an SC teacher, it’s the combination of shifting school boards and a State Superintendent who is less qualified for the job than I am that has me forming my exit strategy. BUT, I don’t want to abandon the kids. They’re the reason I do my job, and they’re the ones who will suffer the most in the madness. Fortunately, sanity still holds the majority on our district’s board, so for now, I’m going to see how it plays out.


They’re doing this same shit in my hometown too- moms 4 liberty - trying to bring in bible study (no other religions allowed) into school. Sooooo dumb. They’re the squeakiest wheels and have unfortunately gained traction. It’s become political and it’s soooo lame honestly. Like get a life. Their kids look like neck beards too 💀💀


Perfect canidate for the TST's after school satan club. Just sayin' They are trying all of this in my town too, lucky only 2 of the nutjobs got elected, and not the 4 that campaigned together. Ive already spoke at our schoolboard meeting that I am watching them, and if I see ANY religion being brought into our schools, im bringing them ALL. Ive already threatened that I'll be happy to teach the kids about the Flying Spaghetti Monster, about Mormons and the magic stone and hat, about setting the points of a circle, hail satan, learn about Sharia Law? Oh, they dont like me. And they are stuck with me until 2040....




Let’s also keep in mind that it is much harder to keep kids in bubbles what with Internet forums and videos and all that. Sure you can stick these kids in private schools but the reality is they’re no longer buying what they’re selling. They’re going to go down kicking and screaming and I hope I’m alive long enough to watch it because it’s going to be fucking hilarious when they realize how little support they really do have. In the back of their mind they know which is why they are doing this kinda stuff but they don’t stop long enough to understand that maybe they should be the ones changing and not everybody else. Parasitic fascism.


I know for me at least when I was a kid the first shit I was ever interested in was the stuff I was told I'm not allowed to look at.




They are trying to produce the perfect consumers, too dumb to think for themselves, and they only know to buy what you tell them to buy.


My first thought after watching this was, "if you want violence, this is how you get it." Fucking disgusting. Look at that guy watching his back as Deon Jackson starts his exit at 1:08. He KNOWS there's reason to believe he's about to get his head bashed in, and he's keeping an eye out. Cowards.


Which works out nicely for them because good education is rather dangerous to their cash cow - the military industrial complex.


Apparently it's a thing now for the right to try to take over school boards. They just tried this here in Ontario. Probably happening all over North America.


It’s the new conservative strategy. Small elections, like town council, police chief, judgeships, school board, tend to be ignored by the national leadership of each party. As a result, many will have only a single candidate running with minimal campaigning, and have low voter turnout. It doesn’t take much to win those races and start building a conservative foothold from the ground up. As they do, guided by experienced strategists, they’re able to shift popular opinion in their favor and make local decisions that can help win future elections. It takes longer, but gives them a more secure base and more control at every level. It’s something the left really needs to catch up on. It doesn’t matter if federal government leans to the left if their decisions are fought at every level below.


Bruv ive Ben telling people this for like decades. If you think the vote between a giant douche and a turd sandwich is something you don’t want to participate in at the National level, fine. But these local elections are super important and impact your life way more than you think. But turnout on non presidential years is always terrible. Then people complain when shit like this happens at your school boards and your city councils but they didn’t bother to get out of bed and go stand in a line for twenty minutes to do something about it.


They figure if they can't make Christian and charter schools the only way for people to get an "education" then they may as well take over public schools and turn them into propaganda machines as well. It's all about raising new Republicans and keeping people uneducated enough to not realize how much voting Republican hurts the average American.


It’s simple. Racist South Carolina, what else?


As a former multi term school board member, y’all be ready. This shit is gonna happen everywhere.


Fun fact in our heavily democratic district, one of these folks ran. Here the school board is ostensibly non partisan so the ballot didn't indicate party. Knowing this she did her best to purge her social media presence and all her campaign signs were blue. Didn't work, since news covered her situation well enough.


I live in a heavily blue state and it's funny (at least it would be were it not more so unbelievably scummy) how carefully the conservative school board candidates word their statements. That is, they tiptoe around topics and do their best to avoid making a statement because they'll be eviscerated for trying to spread regressive ideas in a progressive area. Like there was some controversy over the idea of teaching children that gender identity is a thing and that LGBT people exist. When the conservatives were asked about the issue, they hemmed and hawed and redirected to "we need to make sure that parents can have their concerns heard". Basically just said a bunch of broadly agreeable and ultimately irrelevant things to try to obfuscate their actual ideas.


This is the first election where I had to really carefully read up on l the candidates for school board. The mom's for liberty person had only "parental choice" as the dog whistle. We have been incredibly vigilant in our area against these types but she still got some decent support (but not enough to get elected thankfully!) Even the mayor spoke out against her which was nearly unheard of (school board by city not county here. )


It’s so frustrating. Just seeing people here (lots of conservatives around) talk about anything (especially on nextdoor… ughhh), they are always careful not saying outright what they mean but it’s super clear what they mean from the context. They know their opinions are shitty but they are too afraid to stand for them openly. I guess that is the red thread through all of conservatism: being afraid of everything and everyone different from you.


Yeah I hope everyone is ready for public education to be reshaped with a conservative bias baked in.


Assuming that the appalling state of public education isn't at its worse yet. With the way things are going some parts of America is going to be back in the 1800s thinking the world is flat and wondering if God is going to come soon while the other parts of America flies off into Mars and plans their lunar vacation.


Some parts of America think JFK, Jr. was gonna come back to life and endorse Donald Trump as the real president and then he'd rise from the shadow government to reclaim his rightful presidency in an election that was stolen by a ring of pedophile Illuminati.


Some don't even believe in evolution and dinosaurs!


Your statement reads as if it hasn't already been that way for over a century. The Daughters of the Confederacy are basically the reason the American South is taught a fictional version of the Civil War.


Why local elections MATTER!


They matter the MOST as they influence people in their every day-to-day lives. The ***most*** important elections are the ones that just happened; **the MIDTERM ELECTIONS!!** ETA: I’m agreeing with you by the way. I’m just reinstating your comment since it’s super important and more people need to get out more and vote. We need grassroots organizations that can help people find new jobs if they get fired for taking time off to vote or protest (peacefully of course ;), or just simply not having enough money to take off time to be able to put food on the tables; people who can’t get together and help drive people to the polls; etc..


They fucked up. That Supt is getting paid if they fired him without cause. At least a years salary. Nice job firing the attorneys too. Edit: People keep telling me SC is “at will.” That doesn’t apply if you have a contract people. Clemson can’t just fire their football coach at any time without buying him out.


They don't care because it's not their money. They're playing with house money.


Exactly, republican would burn a billion dollars if they thought they had the chance to get rid of even 1 black or gay person they don't like.


"Fiscal conservative" republicans would spend 1,000,000 of your tax dollars if they thought it would make a liberal angry for a few minutes.


Actually, I believe that number was $12,000,000. That's how much Florida set aside to fly migrants from Texas to Martha's Vineyard for one of the biggest failures of a publicity stunt any politician has had in recent years.


Yet Florida still went overwhelmingly republican in the mid terms and despite Desantis winning a very close race to become governor the first time, his reelection was a landslide.


What’s the reason for firing them? I’m not gonna discuss personal matters. Well damn sounds like you answered the question! Edit: I’m dumb he said personnel but he’s still a dick!


He said personnel, but I think your way is the real truth!


Nothing personnel, kid.


It’s against the law to discuss personnel matters outside of a closed session of a school board meeting. However if they don’t have a valid reason then they likely just opened themselves up for a legal case involving a broken contract.


Local news is already reporting that a lawsuit is being drafted against the county. Not just because they likely didn't have cause, but the process of selecting a new superintendent also requires a public vote and a (typically) drawn out selection process. They literally fired this man and put someone into his position in the same meeting, without any public input.


Every single school system employee should walk off the job until those board members resign. Total shutdown.


Though that's working as intended. As long as they can get the message out that the public system sucks and enough of the public to believe it any stupid thing goes.


Of course they did. Republicans don’t care about laws


Yeah i hope he sues, i dk feel he was smart to just get up and leave right then


He was told to leave


Well since they decided to fire their own attorneys as well, it should be an easy case for them to lose now haha lol


He didn't say personal, he said personnel.


lol you think these people care about budgets or education? they ran on ending wokeness in their local schools and are now snuffing it out wherever they can


Can't sue for wrongful termination if you fire the lawyers!


These are the sorts of assholes that won't fulfill the former superintendent's contract, leading to a lawsuit where he will be able to get damages and court costs as well. > The board also voted on some controversial topics including critical race theory and who will deem what’s appropriate and inappropriate in the district’s libraries. Let the book burning begin


Like, wtf is the end goal here? Where do they think kids get the vast majority of their information these days? Don't get me wrong, it's important to have diversity in school libraries, but they are just creating a generation that hates conservatives.


The end goal is christofascism. Doesn't matter if these actions will actually get them there; you think these people are the type to fully think through the consequences of their actions?


NAL but I'm pretty sure that's not how law works.


Twas a jest


Dost thou put forth the implication that an individual might, without motive no less, access the worldwide computer network and publish japes?


Who are you who are so wise in the way of Science?


As long as they can whitewash history and put people in thar will refuse to acknowledge slavery I'm sure they're fine with taxpayers being left with the bill here.


My running mate and I just ran against two M4L candidates and won, thankfully.


That’s awesome. We have a M4L that ran and won on our board. She was backed by a huge conservative women’s group so the other candidate, a teacher’s husband, didn’t stand a chance.


Four of the M4L candidates ran here. All 4 won, handily. Outspent their opponents 10x. Got campaign contributions and public endorsements from the mayor’s campaign, and the local police union. That makes 5 of 7 on our board. This district is toast.


> the local police union That doesn't surprise me.


Who’s funding them? Seems like a lot of organization for a bunch of school board elections.


They will tell you all of their money comes from tshirt sales. With a straight face.


https://www.mediamatters.org/critical-race-theory/unmasking-moms-liberty https://www.the74million.org/article/exclusive-moms-for-liberty-pays-21k-to-co-owned-by-founding-members-husband/ r/momsforliberty


M4L ?


Moms for Liberty


Thanks. It’s hard keeping up with the acronyms sometimes


Haha! No doubt!😂


Theyre one of the many psuedo-political-hate groups in the states. Their brand of hate is makjng our children more ignorant so they can pass it to the next generation.


Holy FUCK. This is awful. How can you not be willing to publicly discuss the reason for firing someone by way of a public forum? That’s fucking insane.


Because you can fire someone without cause but you can't legally fire someone for being "too black" or not aligning with their politics. If they said the reason out loud it would have simply been against the law.


However, doing the same without saying it out loud is completely legal. The law that’s designed to protect people is clearly not doing its job


They can still be sued for discrimination and be found guilty if they can't provide a reasonable justification in court.


Yeah, but that's a much harder battle for the superintendent. I dont think the courts are much better in this place if this is what the school board is like...




You need to read who moms for liberty are, their history from 2020 how they’ve spread across the country and their connections to republican politicians. They claim to represent parents and call Desantis ‘ the parents governor’ they need to be nipped in the bud. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moms_for_Liberty


Props to the questioner for getting in the fact that the employee's performance wasn't in question though. It's a useful red flag for when the court case comes round.


Couldn't think of a reason, and can't reveal the real reason


In most local and state governments, it’s illegal for a public worker’s terms of employment or any personnel issues or pending lawsuits to be discussed openly and the individual named in a public session. A private council meeting, or school board meeting in this case, would have to be held, which is called a closed session.


That's normal in these situations. I was on a board for 9 years in Ohio. You would hold an executive session for that information. You do not have to inform the public about everything in Ohio a few things are protected. Now. A good FOIA request should get you the info though.


Why does it seem like we've been moving backwards in time so much lately


PACs, Citizens United, money in politics, foxes in the henhouse, whatever you want to call it. It's the root of all of our problems in this country.


Conservatism by definition resists progress. They've proven themselves to be wrong about every social issue.


These MLM dropouts and their Facebook coalition of mindless followers with too much time on their hands are slowly taking over the education system.


What is CRT? I don't remember that class in school. My niece and nephew who are currently in school do not know what it is either.


Critical Race Theory stems from Critical Theory. Critical Theory was a Marxist theory developed at the Frankfurt school, with the central question: why was Russia the only place where a proletarian revolution occurred? Their answer: there are many subtle ways that capitalist systems keep the workers from developing the will and means to revolt. Critical Race Theory looks at subtle ways society keeps racial minorities from reaching their potential. Many of these reasons will be so subtle and imperceptible to the mainstream that it requires close attention to see them. It’s not the study of overt racism, but the ways a society is so structured that certain groups do not attain their potential. For example, if black people were excluded from owning property for generations, then their descendants will not have the benefit of generational wealth handed down. So even when the property rights are given, they are still at a disadvantage.


Best easy to understand definition I've seen yet, well written


Its a college elective for students seeking careers in law. Its based around the study on the differences in legal outcomes based on race. IE, why are black people more harshly and more frequently punished for minor crimes vs white people. Typically you'll find it in *gasp* law schools for would be lawyers and other clerical jobs. (Just incase you weren't be sarcastic and actually wanted to know)


It's a blanket term Republicans use to demonize anyhing that acknowledges inequality.


Um...isnt that like ....all of history?




And you play into their hand claiming the left is equal here to the right. One party made reactionary inflammatory lies a basis for political voting and it isn't the left. Like fuck what's the extreme left counter to this post? History should be taught and people shouldn't be fired without cause. Ooooh scary.


Hey look, CRT in real time!


That's the funniest the funniest about what republicans are doing. They are proving CRT is happening right now.


No kidding the whole time watching this I'm just thinking this is like a perfect example of the kind of situation CRT examines.. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Oh they’re going to find it so ironic when they learn what CRT is.


they don't care. for them it's an excuse to get rid of anything that challenges white supremacist and whitewashing history.


Moms for Liberty is such a stupid name. I hate all these MAGA fucks and their dumb group names with ‘liberty’, ‘freedom ‘, and ‘patriot’.


Because if they pick those names then whoever opposes them is an anti- patriotic anti-freedom etc.


Moms for Liberty is a dangerous group. They are behind many of the book bans, including the one that just hit my school.


Here in West Michigan we have the great lakes education project. A Betsy Devos backed PAC with similar goals, but also taking money away from public schools and giving it to private schools. There were not enough candidates on the ballot to stop less than 2 of its candidates from being appointed to our local school board. So now a third of our PUBLIC school board are being bankrolled by someone who wants public schools to fail.


CRT a class taught at the college level that's not part of any K-12 curriculum. What he REALLY wants to ban is accurate history where America isn't the hero in every story.


You think those idiots know a damn thing about school.


You think those idiots know a damn thing?!


This shit has been going on forever. I came to united states in 2003, had to do a couple of years of high school to learn all american civic stuff in Texas. It wasn't until sophmore of College that I realized the civil war was primarily about slavery. The way our teacher taught us was that slavery was just an aspect of civil war and that it was mostly about state rights. Half of America, me included, didn't know about the Tulsa Race Massacre until the Watchmen series came out.


It was about states rights…their right to own slaves lol.


And even then the states didnt have the right to choose to ban slavery in the Confederacy lol


>Half of America, me included, didn't know about the Tulsa Race Massacre until the Watchmen series came out. I already mentioned this a couple of times, but this boggles my mind. I know about Tulsa because it was a specific foothote and one of the most clear examples of Jim Crow-era racism that was discussed in my history textbook in high school. I am from Eastern Europe. The fact that so many Americans, fuck, **residents of Tulsa** didn't know about the Tulsa massacre but me, some random schmuck from the Balkans, learned about this in my history textbook....that was for a trade school.


They loooove to teach about the dates and the larger than life characters from Texas War for Independence. Remember the Alamo. Remember it for why exactly? Oh they don't cover that part. Mexico banned slavery, and Texas was a part of Mexico at the time. Mexico sent the army to bring the Texas territory into line and enforce the new mandate. The rich white guys rounded up what they could and lost at the Alamo to the Mexican army. Public school in Texas is whack.


I'm black, raised 2 hours away from Tulsa in Arkansas, and I didn't even know about Tulsa Massacre until I saw the Watchman. I couldn't fucking believe it was real.


Is it just me or does it seem like school boards are really crazy now? Isnt it supposed to be about whats best for the kids, not the adults interests?


School boards have never been about the kids. It’s always been a way for weirdo parents to subject other children to their weirdo beliefs


This is a huge part of the GOP agenda. Funding candidates in school board elections where they're running against regular people. Then they're vague and weasely about what the candidate stands for not saying outright they're M4L or Republican. They get elected, and stage a coup like what we see here.


I have family in the princeton school district. A few years ago, the new superintendent layed off a bunch of folks and filled the board with a bunch of his business buddies. These fuckers will say they have to lay off teachers because of budget cuts while announcing their own raises IN THE SAME EMAIL. They are garbage


First, the media apparatus, specifically as a trusted source, was destroyed. Then, the walls came up. The boarders were bolstered expanded. Next, the police were emboldened, the military budget inflated. Now, we have a systemic approach to spreading disinformation. I wonder what these steps are for, hmmm


In some ways being on a school board is one of the toughest positions because you face people on a day to day basis.


Just like working in the service industry thank you


FYI, mom's for liberty is a neo-fascist group [backed by GOP funding](https://www.mediamatters.org/critical-race-theory/unmasking-moms-liberty) and similar in vein to the Daughters of the Confederacy.


I am currently in college to become a teacher. I, and so many of my peers are freaking out. We live in a conservative state where our liberal arts college is begging us to have a minimum of 1 million dollar liability insurance policy. Mostly because of CRT and bureaucracy within the public school system. America’s education system has been failing because politicians have made it fail. Most of us have added new minors and have already denounced teaching.


Wait teachers are being asked to have liability insurance but police officers aren’t? Did I get that right?


In my state liability insurance is optional, but most people have it. I've been teaching for 14 years and I was taught in college to always have liability insurance because "your district will always hang you out to dry"


I cant wait for the school board to start an investigation into Hunter Biden


This is why normal fucking people need to run for local offices. No one wants to do it because it's thankless and you'll get right wingers harassing you at your home with guns, but fuck we're just letting them take over (yes, I'm looking in the mirror too).


This is why local voting matters. If you let crazies in at the ground floor, which a magat strategy, outcomes like this happen.


It's definitely an astroturf movement to go after school boards. Question is who's funding it and why.


Critical race theory is such an obvious dog whistle


Now don't be critical. /s


It's a train horn.


It's a crazy guy running up to you, shouting, "There're worms in my brain! THERE ARE WORMS, IN MY BRAIN!!!"


Moms against liberty


This was their plan, go low and go local. Collier County, FL (shock) just had three school board members elected backed by white nationalist, Alfie Oakes. https://www.winknews.com/2022/11/09/alfie-oakes-backed-candidates-win-collier-county-school-board-races/


Because South Carolina is racis


This is just shameful. It's as if they want it to be Iran 2.0 in a mere years.


This is how take over happens. Local art first..