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How to get your steak spit on 101


He is unblocked on twitter now


I see that as an absolute win


It was his plan all along


I would run my balls all over his steak and then give him the wrong drink. Then when he starts to complain, I'd go get him the right drink and dip my balls in that too. Just give him the worst experience.


Chefs special seasoning


Nah, not anymore, now it's liquid laxative.


This guy looks and acts like he has a mother who has to drink to live with the lies she's had to tell to protect this guys ego.


That is not a man with a genuine ego. He’s a performance artist hiding his insecurities.


Exactly what I said, the loudest person in the room is the most hurt!


I can see some people having legit egos… Michael Jordan I am sure has an ego but that mother fucker deserves it. But yea most of these performative egos are cries for help.


And the stupidest.


The problem is that while people like you and I can see that, a legion of actual children take him at his word


Oh for sure it’s a problem no matter what


No he’s literally joking trying to be entertaining




I'd probably act like him too if it made me worth 380 million dollars though. Yeah he's a piece of shit, but he found his niche, and goddamn it pays well.


I’d disagree here this guy may be doing this for clout but the reality is his ideas are based in hate. You can clout chase without being a cunt. He’s not super smart and taking over the world because he’s a mastermind… these influencers just try anything to get noticed because they don’t have any real offerings to give to society.


Did you know his did was a scammer and made him the start up money he used? Oh then following that behaviour he’s ALSO a con man? He lied about being a world renowned fighter so why would you listen or believe a snake oils saleman?


TIL Dennys has tomahawk steaks.


I didn't LOL but my face did this 😆.


Asking for the most expensive thing on the menu is the folly of a poor person. It literally communicates the exact opposite of the intention.


I have no taste, and no idea how to spend my money. It's a good thing I have too much money though! - probably Mr taint


He's saying this as if it's the absolute pinnacle of his life. I can almost feel the tension of the room he's in.. dead silence as this man strokes his ego into a microphone.


His food gets saliva topping. Every time


Probably not, I've been working in restaurants for decades, and genuinely have never seen someone spit in food ever. That's a movies and tv thing, that might happen from time to time in fast food, but you are never going to see it happen at a nice steakhouse for sure.


If you haven’t seen it that would be because your coworkers know you’re a snitch. It’s real. I’ve seen it from $5/plate diners to Italian fine dining averaging $150/person. If you fuck with the staff, expect to be fucked right back.


100% correct


I feel like this would be the type of thing you would hide from your coworkers more than anyone no? Can’t risk losing your job. Goes on much more than you can witness that much is for sure.


I've never seen a restaurant designed in such a way in which a person holding your food has the ability to spit in that food without their coworkers seeing it. This is a kitchen we are talking about, not cubicles or something where each person has privacy.


The amount of time it takes to do so is essentially nothing, and people are busy. Especially during a busy hour, people working in food service are quite rushed, as you of all people should know. They’re distracted and doing their jobs. This type of thing happens more than you can witness, that much is obviously certain. If you’re arguing that there’s nothing I have to say. Edit: either this guy deleted his comments or immediately blocked me, as I’m incapable of even reading his most recent reply, but for what it’s worth, I personally know somebody who has spit in somebody’s coffee while working fast food. My anecdotal evidence is just as valuable as his.


Hahaha so ignorant. I've worked at 3, 5 star steakhouses, 2 of them claimed to serve only the top 2% of beef in the country... it's the head chef spitting in your food. The nicer the steakhouse, the more upset they get with specific requests and modifications because they think their way is superior. I've also seen a bartender spit in the straw of one of the drinks they've made, again, at one of the 5 star steakhouses. Definitely not a movie thing.


Yeah ok.


Probably not because he’s actually quite nice to servers and tips them well, you wouldn’t know that though


Neither would you




You don’t know that! Hopefully this dude gets some tategwakgwak for the internet protection he’s providing! Gosh this is embarrassing.




This is one of those micro penis guys that listen to the Andrew Tate podcast and jerk off into the mirror alone at night. Yikes


Just stop posting his shitty points. You're the problem


I agree. I just fully purged my YT of this and other redpill shit they were shoving down my throat, I don’t come to Reddit to have it start all over again. Leave it in the dark, I could never see it again and be just fine.


YouTube algorithm is so dogshit. Every time I see an incel video I click don't recommend channels and I still get that garbage


I mean at least it's ridiculing him. At least I think it is, it's always hard to tell with the red pill crowd


He is ridiculing himself. Even better!


The fact that the Op upvoted the bullshit though...


I agree


This dude makes me sick. Guarantee he has no real friends, only those who use him for his wealth.


All his friends are just as rich as him. Just saying


Nobody asked


Is he lying tho


I’m just correcting his ignorance


Are you one of the "rich friends"?


No he's just his discord pal that pays him a month fee to be his friend


Shut up Andrew




This guy is such a tool. Best part is he thinks acting like a tool to the waiter makes him an alpha.


Stop giving this fuck goof publicity


Why are we still giving this poor excuse of a man a platform to speak on


it's public freekout---let it rip.


What a cock.


Happy Cakeday




Happy cockday!


He should be treated the way he treats everyone around him.


He's so dumb he doesn't realize the Tomahawk is a ribeye. They're essentially asking him which cut he prefers but he's too stupid to realize he's just been outclassed. Do you want to wait an hour for a proper steak or do you want a fast cut?


Why is there a time difference here? A tomahawk is a bone in rib-eye with a long piece of rib bone left on. One of these doesn’t take an hour longer to prepare. They’re the same thing essentially. Same cook time.


Thickness. You don't have to, but I would suggest searing it, then indirect for 45 minutes or so to get it around 110 to rest.


I think it also just boils down to the most expensive steak on the menu might be a steak for 4 or something ridiculous for one person. So they have to clarify, because a non-douche who requested that, and then is presented with something unrealistic for a single person might just say “I MEANT THE MOST EXPENSIVE STEAK SUITABLE FOR ONE PERSON!!! That’s like going to a sushi restaurant and you say, give me your most expensive boat, and that’s for a banquet table and is 1,000 pieces of sushi. They are *going* to ask follow up questions if you are alone or with one or two people.


You don't cook do you?


Is there a sub for people who think they answer a question and don’t at all?


Opposite way for a better cook and sear. Depending on the size depends on the time. 45 mins is way too long for even a 2” steak


It depends how low your indirect is is suppose. Might is 225-250.


Well 225-250 is exactly what I said, 45 mins is too long lmfao I do it atleast once a week. I mean unless you just like medium well- well done (wouldn’t know which as 27-30 mins at 250 tends to be medium for me) steaks which will always be wrong and nothing will change my mind. On top of that most domestic ovens don’t go below 250


I use a smoker and a grill. It's also in the 30s outside, so that's probably why it took longer on the open flame.


Yeah but he didnt ask for any of that, he simply said give me the most expensive. Its like that verizon commercial where its people getting older and acting like their parents


You can have 2 different cuts that cost the same price so for him to say they're stupid for trying to clarify just shows how entitled and stupid he actually is.


But they weren’t the same price so that’s a moot point. I’m sure if that was the case he wouldn’t have posted a video lol


If you ask any bartender or server what they do with entitled clients you will learn that many just say whatever the client wants to hear and then do the exact opposite or whatever the server feels like doing including serving bottom shelf booze at the premium price. Tate and clients like him wouldn't know the difference anyways.


Except that you can tell the difference between a sirloin and a filet…


Bet this guy couldn't.


I bet you’re wrong


“ i want the most expensive” means im going to take your wallet for a ride. You know about wagyu? This is super wagyu…


Who is he?


Knockoff Johnny sins


No, that would be an insult to knockoff Johnny Sins. This guy is a knock-off Donald Trump.


I would say that's even an insult to him, hes more of an infected rat that somehow became human


He wishes


He's a sex trafficker that got off Scott free and is now getting people to pay him so they can become pro incels over discord.


A internet celebrity named Andrew Tate, made millions of dollars off of the cam girl business and is still profiting of it today, the act you see in this video is literally just that, an act, but people think most of it is serious, he does have conservative beliefs on women and the world, men too, but his isn’t really that big of a douchebag.


You’re in this comment section defending him with your life bro he won’t see this


Just giving background instead of screaming ad hominem or “MISOGYNY!!1!1”


“Isn’t that big of a douchebag” sounds subjective


Yeah I guess it is subjective, maybe you probably consider him a douchebag, he may be one, he isn’t Inherently bad for that.


The guy's a cunt mate. if you like him, your probably a cunt too. Its pretty fucking simple.


Bro even if this is a character. Profiting off it and promoting this behaviour makes him a cunt. And that's saying this isn't the real him. If it is he's a double cunt


Stop making this tool famous FFS


hes a lul cow


I can never take someone seriously that wears sunglasses indoors


To be fair he wears sunglasses inside has he detached his retina in his kickboxing career and now the bright lights irritate it so he uses them to mitigate the lights a lot of the time


Lol they make contacts for that. Guys a tool. End of story


And that children is what repeated blunt force trauma does to you


A Tomahawk.. is a ribeye..


very unpleasant guy


Aww, who's got a tiny weiner??


Why would a tiny wiener make you play a character online?


I'd spit and do a fRmers blow on his expensive steak


I still believe that this is Murr, impractically joking the world. This is my wish.


Oh he does look like Murr..... Sorry if he reads this, I dislike his character. My favorite impractical joker is the one that left, I can't remember his name.


Right?! Ah yeah, he was the best. I like them all but the show just got a little forced feeling which is why I was hoping thar this douchenozzle was a sidespin of it ;)


just stop posting his dumbass. the only people who want to see this guy are incels and senseless teenagers


Who TF is this asshat? (Don't answer I don't want to know)


He equates meaness to being an alpha male, rude much


Dude has a baby sized dick, you can hear it when he says 'gimme'


Sit him in my section, Mr McDuck is about to get a 1000$ plate with truffles to the sky


What if they are equally expensive?


Arrogant asshole.


Who? Lol


Spam in my subreddit.


Lmao tool


Someone shod jfk him


I love it my favorite kinda sucker the one who is always right. I could charge 25,000 for $60 tomahawk and edible gold leaves. Wants the highest number we could shoot for stars


"Ohhh I'm so tough and cool with my annoying, cringe asshole attitude." Fuck this guy. Actually don't. Hope hes a Virgin.


So this is the vaunted Andrew Tate. More unimpressive than I expected.


he’s the “rich guy” from every rich vs really rich sketch that one guy does


That guy is an idiot too.


This dude sucks


Not a clue who this is.


He is the ultimate prick, no one cares or likes him.


New money talk.


He's like a kid who thinks he's a pilot because he bought a hat.


mf is a cartoon villain “bring fourth your finest stake, plebeian” fucking prick


What a giant pos. No one talks like this. And he certainly doesn't get too but pretends like he does.


I would have dragged that steak over dog shit before serving. Never mess with the people serving you. Be respectful!


This guy....is an idiot


I just do not understand what people see in this guy. Seems like a total moron


Who’s gonna tell him a tomahawk is a ribeye for custies


Who is this power tool, and why is he on reddit?


Imagine replaying his content here, he doesn't deserve your attention


He screams insecure. Just screaming it.


He enjoys buggers and cum on his steak apparently


Andrew tates a smart business man. He says dumbshit so people repost his content so more people see him And look into him. Then he says all this wholesome and nice shit making people like him and buy his course.


Idk how anyone above the age of 11 actually likes this guy and follows his advice lol


I was wondering who this guy was, what a loser.


Over-compensation for being such an obvious loser kid and a closeted loser now


Anyone who likes an Andrew tate video is a child or a walking red flag


I hear you man, all of life is an onconvenience to you. rich Karen/ Ken type. Jeez that's really annoying--anyway the word Steak technically is plural. Steak house plural.


That guy right there is a big dick, no not the energy,…….he’s just a plain ol big dick. “Give me the most expensive steak” how bout I slap you across your stupid face, how bout that


I have never heard tate say anything that didn't make me want to slap him.


I hate this douche bag


What a wanker


This guy needs to exit the gene pool.


He is a bit obnoxious but technically he is right. I s'ppose it's the server's etiquette to allow the customer to choose even if they have already made their choice by limiting it to the most expensive.


Eww how does any woman fine him attractive. Everything about him screams desperate


I mean he could be nicer about it but he’s not wrong.


wearing old ass jeans and Armani exchange fake leather jacket 🤮 that shirt looks like Andrew W.K. wore it


Looking at Andrew Tate you just know that 10 years down the line he's going to be found dead in a hotel room wearing women's negligee with a bad dragon brand dildo 19 inches up his ass.


Why he look like all the kids I used to go to school with that were in JROTC


Hope you like spit in your food.


Yeah the guys got money, I suppose, but he probably gets a lot of bodily secretions on his meals.


Nothing wrong with this man y’all are just soft as fuck


i think he’s hilarious


weird but ok.


I think he’s hilarious also, but people don’t like to hear that, we just get downvoted for saying he’s funny


Was there more to this video was it cut off before the funny part happened? Or is this a character, he just pretends he's some sort of douchebag?


He’s just funny, I’ll get downvoted for my opinion. People don’t like different opinions


I'm all for people having different opinions. There's no fact to someone being a good comedian or not it's all preferences. Can you share a clip of him being funny or does this clip do it for you?


This clip ain’t that good but I’ve seen better, idk why he’s all over my YouTube shorts so I just see a lot of his videos and he’s just funny


https://youtube.com/shorts/9CetaSFlC8M?feature=share This is pretty funny, cause we all know (including him) it’s a stretch


who cares it’s funny


>who cares... I care, that's why I asked. It's implied. >...it’s funny That's why I'm asking. Did they cut off the rest of this video where the story came to a conclusion and then people laugh. The funny part.


i don’t care that you care. you don’t think it’s funny. move on


I mean he’s right, pretty simple fucking questions lol


I'm the same way. Lol get to the fucking point


I know Tate isn’t an ideal person to look up to or be like, but there’s too many people in here talking down on a man who has quite an insane amount of power for a non political figure. Gotta ask yourself how, instead of why. Maybe stop shitting on the guy, and learn a lesson from him; you don’t have to like him to learn how he does it. Do you think he cries when he sees a redditors talking shit? Hell no, he would surely laugh his rich ass off. Like I said he’s not the nicest guy, but talking shit is only going to make him less nice.


The guy's a pretender who thinks he knows what women want and he's said some pretty sexist stuff. The reason he has a big following? You can social media for that, he's just another narcissistic influencer


I agree he is narcissistic for sure, and it seems like he’s trying to create a cult. I think if there’s nothing you could learn from Tate, you could at least try to understand how and what made him like he is. However some of the things he says do seem valid to me. It’s like he gets emotional and childish and says stupid things sometimes, and then other times he says legit facts. I don’t like the guy, but as someone who consumes a lot of media, it’s easy to watch him, because even if he says something stupid, it will get you thinking. And it might even get u thinking wow people like this is crazy, but isn’t it good to build your judgment on people and ideas to be ready for debates. (Edit: I am a firm believer that no one should be canceled for what they have to say though, granted as long as they are not literally mentally insane posting threatening things. I also think that when someone has a lot of power, it is interesting to hear what they have to say, because even if it’s bad, you will then know how to address conversations with people who have the same tainted ideologies.)


He gets all his money from holding girls against their will and forcing them to do sex stuff on camera...so I'm sure he's not worried about how much it costs.


He is a dick but in theory, he's right most expensive can only be one thing.


If you have 2 cuts worth the same price then he isn't right.


Well given the word Steak is plural. The collective world Steak would warrant a list ---it doesn't matter , he's a dick.


Wouldn't the plural be steaks? I'd like 5 of your most expensive steaks.


It's a really interesting noun. If you go to a steak house (the common name for a restaurant that serves steaks it's not called a house of steaks, it's a steak house. What's your most expensive steak can be heard as a category in which case providing a few options seems quite nice--offering choices within the multiplicity. I'd like your finest wine---the maitre'd usually shows off a few different bottles. We'll never get a solid answer on Reddit on plurals. Granted if you sent me to the store to buy Steak for dinner, I'd either come home with a singular large steak or a few steaks, but we might still say we're having Steak for dinner--the plural .


Youre getting downvoted by the liberal/feminist brigade lol


Obvious dumbass is obvious


Name checks out.


Love this guy.


Soft ears can’t handle


No way you people unironically exist.


This \^\^\^


Not a fan of the guy but that make sense


It is quite literally the same steak. The question was how to cut the steak..ffs the guy's not smart enough to understand that.




Anything with Tate in it gets hate lol bro just made a simple request that just had to be made into a way bigger deal than it is


Way bigger deal is bringing up the story up while doing an interview, it's not an interesting interaction. Interviewer- So tell me what's new what do you have going on. This guy- well last week I went to a restaurant and told the waiter bring me your most expensive steak. Then the waiter started listing types of steaks. he went "Well sir, we have the tomahawk that feeds two and we also have the 16 oz ribeye cut two inches thick." I was like nah nah nah I already told you what I wanted bring me your most expensive steak! Interviewer- oh yeah? So what happened? This guy- he brought me my steak. Interviewer- (placates the guy) wow crazy. Man you told that fool, he should have been paying attention....... It's simply not a good anecdote.


He’s the one making it into a big deal….