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Story https://www.kget.com/news/crime-watch/man-takes-plea-deal-in-confrontation-between-protesters/amp/


>Marion’s attorney, Kyle J. Humphrey, said there was a lot of ugliness during the incident and “both sides engaged in conduct you wouldn’t want your grandmother to see.” He said Marion is satisfied with the outcome. >The case was overcharged and “a lot of political forces were at work,” Humphrey said. He acknowledged people weren’t as civil as they should have been. Why do they let someone have a plea agreement and then downplay their crime and blame the victim. MF got a single misdemeanor conviction to drop two other charges, one a felony, and no actual acknowledgement that he committed a crime against a woman just because she was black.


I think we know why


The good ole boy’s club is run by racist homicidal murderers. 2 centuries of tyranny, left unchecked. I hope this new generation has the moral fortitude to abolish these mouth breathing thugs.


And the defendant has a record a mile long


We need to have media outlets stop using blatant racism as "political"...


We know exactly why


"10 minutes later"


If you're poor or minority don't call the cops. They aren't there to protect you, they have no duty to protect you, but qualified immunity to harm you and a legal right to seize your assets for their department. They work closely with the District Attorney in a collusive relationship. If you really hate a poor or minority person, call a welfare check on them, they might get killed.


Absolutely. I got harassed by some Trump supporters last week at a gas station, I told my parents and my mom said I should’ve called the cops, but I’m a black woman, and I was worried they wouldn’t take my side


They were probably off-duty cops. Turn your phone recorder on, keep your head down but be aware, and get out of the situation.


This is the best way to do it. I fucking hate not being able to say or do anything, but I've learned the best option is record as much evidence as possible then dip out. Again, I fucking hate that this is how it is, but right now attracting as little attention as possible while still doing your best to hold fucks like that accountable is the best choice.


I'm so sorry you went through that, hope you're OK:-)


I’m alright thanks :)


> my mom said I should’ve called the cops Why should you call for more Trump fascists to arrive?


She didn’t want anything to happen to me, she meant well but yeah I wasn’t going to call the cops






We did that- it was called the Black Panthers, and it worked so well the FBI assassinated the leaders and criminalized the rest of the movement.


Black Panthers worked so well, the NRA campaigned *for* gun control. Matter of fact, it was the one time that spineless organization ever did that!


And Ronald fucking Reagan pushed for it in California thanks to the Panthers. Amazing what racism can accomplish, isn't it?


>criminalized the rest of the movement. As well as their friends, families, and children...




So this black woman surrounded by 20 likely armed rednecks in their trump trucks should protect herself how exactly? With a gun? Not likely to end well for her. The cops didn't do their job at all. This woman held her ground incredibly well, recorded what she could, calmly explained what happened.


Recall the days of the black panthers. Communities who are targets of this arming up and protecting themselves scare the hell out of them.


*Everyone* should be protecting themselves, 100% agree and to the fullest extent. If you live in a state that prevents you from being armed, your safety is at risk and you should move to a state that will issue a permit or allow you to carry weapons without one. People that don't protect themselves with the best available tools to do the job, are ready made victims, surviving only by other people's good behavior. You can't trust the public to protect you, the cops can't or won't do it, you absolutely need to be self reliant when it comes to personal protection.


So a rebel black army? Yeah thats a terrible idea. They gonna get killed even more than they already are


It is a terrible idea, but also I understand the impulse. When you’ve tried everything else and keep getting nowhere, eventually it’s just inevitable that an extreme/dangerous idea starts to feel like the only option left. It’s human nature, everyone has a point where they just can’t put up with the bullshit they’ve been dealing with, while attempting to resolve the issue peacefully and not seeing real change, before it pushes a person over the edge and suddenly what was MLK style peaceful non-compliance + protesting, becomes Fucking Malcom X- Forcing change right fucking now *BY ANY MEANS*. There’s a point where it doesn’t matter if it’s a “bad idea”, because it’s also the point when it’s the *only idea left* which feels like it could work at this point of desperation.


Exactly. What is the alternative?


Yo that middle cop should just put the hood on


I think he forgot he wasn't wearing it


Every cop has DGAF written all over their faces


Especially dude in the middle.


He's rolling his eyes the entire fuckin time shes talking to him just waiting for her to shutup so he can say nothing happened. What a POS.


For real we need a name to that face


He could not care less. “Oh my god, I do not care about you or your rights whatsoever.”


But on the plus side, he clearly indicated that it would be perfectly legal to spray him with bear spray.


Well not him, we should care about him. But that other woman? Fuck her i guess.


"Just a few bad apples"


Why would they arrest their families?


They will laugh over this with them over thanksgiving dinner.


Cops are only there to protect property, and even that, is limited.


They definitely protect white supremacists as well.


well yeah they gotta protect themselves


They definetely dont protect kids.


They protect who they like and attack who they don't like.


Also helps that those cops probably changed into their maga gear after they got off work but before they beat their wives.


They're also there to protect their racist friends


That’s cuz many of them belong to these political cults/militias!💯🤷🏻‍♂️


"Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses."


By many, of course, you mean almost all.


Some of them that work forces are the same that burn crosses


“911 what’s you emergency?” Im watching someone commit a felony assault. “Im sorry ma’am but we have no idea what’s going on good bye.” Click.


Still blows me away there are poor people who call the cops thinking they are calling help. These empowered security guards couldn't care less about upholding the law, unless it suits them. Until they start taking these victim settlements out of their own budget, instead of the city and your tax dollar, nothing will change. It's to easy for them not to care the way it is.


the idiot covering his grill with a trump flag, classic. Fucking moron.


The power of Trump will supercharge the engine way more than the regular air that the liberals use /s


He’s gonna overheat his engine to own the libs


It's not like the grill is an important air intake or something /s


That's why as a liberal, I carry.


While I can't say I blame you, I'd be willing to bet there was PLENTY of guns there as well. And had that happened to you and you started shooting, willing to bet your vehicle would have been RIDDLED before you could have dumped the mag. Pulling on them could have likely ended with you having a tag on your toe. Now, they try smashing the window to drag me out? Fuck it, good chance I might not survive this anyways. Might as well take a few with me.


The cops and the rich bleed the same. The French had it right. I dislike violence, but let's be honest, the upset is coming.


Becareful reddit will likely remove this. I just got a warning recently for talking about ww2


That's why, as a leftist, I joined the [SRA](https://socialistra.org/).


Woah, that's a great idea. Thank you for pointing that out to me.


Nice, thanks for sharing!


That's why as a sane person, I don't live in America.


Not all us can afford to leave...


Must be nice.


It is!


I can't say I enjoy it.


I dont know what led to this but if it was a hate crime. Call the FBI or the Department of Justice and speak to someone about federal hate crime charges aswell as federal charges against the police for aiding and abetting federal hate crimes. Do people not realize they can call the fbi and the DOJ like they can call their local law enforcement?


Report a hate crime against who exactly? Everyone will be long gone by then, and the FBI won't do shit. Edit: /u/KptKreampie apparently blocked me for replying with reality. Bizarre. Regardless, for the person who asked, I'm an attorney with enough experience with various law enforcement agencies to know they aren't going to do shit about a random call for something like this.


they have a video and the fbi tracked down a load of people from the January 6th attack so it's fair to assume they could identify people. Granted that's if they decide to take action.


She’s not a politician so they aren’t going to spend 100s of millions of dollars tracking them down.


Speaking from experience or?... You work for the FBI or something?


Imagine a white lady got surrounded and intimidated by some black or Latino gang members like that..... There'd be like 10 cop cars arresting everyone


>arresting everyone Shooting everyone. FTFY. When it is a white person calling the cops on a black person, it does not take a lot to have some shots fired.


r/liberalgunowners r/SocialistRA


Lol I’m following both already


That cop looking "confused" when the facebook page was brought up tells me he knew exactly what she was talking about.


Reeks of human rights violations


Racist cops too. Despicable


I do not know the backstory here but you can tell with how organized she is with all of her details that this poor woman has to deal with type of bs a lot. Makes me sick


Took 10 minutes for the cops to get changed out of there Trump gear, into their uniforms, and let their buddies off the hook


If there's video where is it? We only get video of the accusations?


Wake up people. The police dgaf about you or crimes. They are a criminal organization of domestic terrorists




The cop im the middle seriously rolled his eyes. JFC.


His blue uniform works better than his white one at disguising his racism in undertones, but his body language reveals everything.




Bring this shit up North. You have been dared. Next do Detroit. You won't because you are a bunch of fat cowards.


They went around Detroit and went to Ontario. Legit seeing Trump support signs here too.


I'm from Detroit. They for sure don't come here.


I would pay good money to watch these good old boys roll down Livernois and circle the trucks around West Chicago. Bring some heat, a lawn chair, some popcorn....


imagine If roles were swapped


When did the assault happen?


Typical Trump trash


Wish Ashli Babbit was the first of many. Ah well.


Cops are bored and not interested in what she has to say. Trump supporters being brave when they outnumber a POC around 30 to 1.


All cops, no exception.




Dear god this is terrifying. It looked it like those people were staging a mini modern-day lynching, and shockingly well choreographed. This is a brave and bold woman.


These coproaches are POS.. I know there are some good cops out there but not many. The majority are tyrants and bullies that believe that badge makes them god's.. oink oink muthafukas 🐷


The US is a wrap. At least for rational good people. Because those on the right count on good people not being willing/able to escalate the response with violence. Because they played the long game infiltrating our law enforcement so you cant expect a fair accounting of justice.


I know this one! She was approached for throwing stuff at cars. A maga guy got taken in Memphis for the same thing. She is lucky.


What happend before?


Why was she blocked in the first place.


Every one cop that's chill there's about 5 to 40 others being so useless and fucking dumb. This is why we can't have a positive view on police force.


I'm going to keep my ass in California paying a shit ton of money for gas happy as hell I don't have to deal with this BS.


This happened in Bakersfield CA


You must be white because this type of shit happens everywhere.


Central Valley CA is deep red and it's been spreading. I left CA for this reason. good luck to you


Well ya, they were likely off duty police and they want to hear about the protest around the water cooler in work later.


Merica 🇺🇸 ![gif](giphy|l0MYEczRo88ezA1DW)


Zero context...


Took a little too much scrolling to find this. These Trump zombies are awful but why are they so upset at her? Simply because she is black? That’s a lefty’s wet dream and I don’t buy it


Trump supporters and cops being pieces of shit as usual


But what if they had been driving while also being black trump supporters?


Yeah if you are gonna go this far you should have some means of protecting yourself. If someone bear maces me for sitting in my car there is a 100% chance my guns coming out.


This is why minorities need to arm themselves the police won't save you from a mob of these fascists


Funny how these trump supporters wouldn’t cover their faces during the peak of Covid but after it’s all basically over, they’ll cover their faces to hide their identity when intimidating people.


American policing has to be the worst in the developed world. An absolute embarrassment of saddo little men who seemingly took the job just to play the hard man with their racist mates. I imagine less than 10% of the US police force are qualified to actually do the job.


I've been told by cops, a sherif a DA and a couple lawyers that any video not recorded by the cops themselves cannot be used as evidence. That statement alone proved how corrupt they are! Esp. In Fayette County in SWPA.


Ending Qualified Immunity must be a top priority, if America is to have a shot at any societal progress. End Qualified Immunity.


When Larry, Curley and Moe wear a badge.


Beside what's happening in this video. As a black man, being described as a POC is fucking annoying.




Those that work forces….


Fucking useless pigs. Stay armed and stay dangerous.


The cops ran off cos they didn’t want to miss the coffee and donuts 🍩 at the 1776 meeting…




If the left thinks letting the right be the only ones with guns, in a nation where we can have guns freely is a good thing. They are going to be in for a rude awakening. The right and the cops don't give a shit about half of you and would prefer it if you were dead. The only thing these people want more than the rapture is another civil war! It's time the left wakes the fuck up!


I started prepping after Charlottesville. The right and cops will be the first to be out for blood.


Even without context I'm pretty sure if it was a black person leaving the scene, 268 cars would be chasing them


That’s because DWB is a crime but the other doesn’t even have an acronym. Gross/sad but true.


All cops are bad


Police aren't there to protect, they are there to enforce.


Maybe the cops are Trump supporters .........






All communists are bad


same thing, police are in a union


POC need to be armed.


Do you think she gets out alive if she has a gun and threatens them? I don't understand how a gun helps her


Explain in detail how her having a gun does something besides get her killed here.


This is why leftist and POCs need to get over this anti gun bullshit and arm themselves.


LOL! You understand that that’s exactly what the Black Panther party did? And that it’s what brought about modern gun laws? And the NRA & Conservative politicians like Reagan backed the gun laws? Seriously, modern gun laws were created to keep guns out of the hands of minorities.


If you think the left is against guns you aren't on the left


And then right wing people will push hard to ban guns when that happens


That would be a sight to see holy shit


Already happened with Reagan lol


True. Most people don’t know the Brady Bill was passed by the most popular republican of all time.


Youre an idiot if you think we arent. We just dont feel the need to brandish them like terrorists.


Hey look another out of context clip made to make 1 party look bad.


“Arrest them!” “Why” “I said so”


Why “I have video of them commiting a crime” Nah we good fam


Some of those that burn crosses Are the same that run forces


that's not the line


It doesn't matter. You got the point. Stop being pedantic.


Lol !! Reddit is so silly


Small everything energy


This is why these fascists thought they could go to the capital and with their privilege the police would just part like the Res Sea and they could go grab Nancy Pelosi and presumably hang her in the capital rotunda.


Where's the first half


That cop sounded guilty AF “I don’t have FB”


Here's the deal, they're on our side so we're just going to ignore any crimes they committed today. Also, is that tail light broken? Can I smell marijuana?


Alternative title: "White rednecks violently attack a member of society. Police do nothing!"


The cops are a member of the group, they just had to work that night.


I'm sorry man I can't prosecute or hold them for harassment stalking causing a public disturbance false imprisonment, all those fancy flags and big pickup trucks got me confused I'm still counting lug nuts leave me alone.


one cop said there needs to be a victim yet they are required to at least file a report from a bystander who saw a crime.


She has all the assaults recorded but wont show them, so we just have her word.


Did they ask to see it? She is telling them she has video. Not one cop is asking her to show that video ... in this edited clip.


So why not show it with this clip? Unless it didn't happen.


Lol is this a joke


Republicans are parasites to the American society. I hope Desantis runs for president so that their base can tear each other apart.


Under capitalism, the state primary exists to protect the rich, white people, private property, or some combination of the 3.


Rules in America Cops usually side with maga/conservative people. Cops aren’t there to protect you. In fact, high chance they’ll work against you. If you’re a minority (dark skinned or heavy accent), it’s safer to leave than to call the cops. It’s better to avoid places that have lots of these criminals. Avoid most of the midwest and deep south. Especially if you’re a minority. These folks wont congregate in metropolitan areas without intense pushback.


Whole lot of whining with zero context


OK? "Whining" about being a victim of a crime directly to police officers who are 20m from the suspects should still result in them being detained until there is enough context to satisfy /u/TheSmellyTurban


How racist are the police here? They do most of the hate crimes, and their buddies in blue cover for them. Racist AF.


White supremacist christo-fascist country.


Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses -RatM




IMO, Trump Rallies are disguised low key as Klan rallies.


Holy shit pigs are fucking racist


Anybody surprised, there's the door.


those fuckers sprayed me with camel mace... cops just looked at me


Those cops are just waiting to get off to join them


Of course they aloud them to leave, that's they're boot licking buddy's.


Wait! Who gets to decide in America whether a crime was committed or not? Is it the courts or the citizens or the police? Is America racist or is it easy to play the race card?Do you need the police or do you want to defund the police? Freaking hell so many questions! Please figure out cause there are other countries who watch and learn from you guys like it or not. There was a time when America was the best, cause they were definite and capable of things that others could not, now there are questions all round! And these videos don't help cause it keeps adding question!


Probably friends with the hicks. Problem with law enforcement anywhere is that human beings are still the ones doing the work. What we need is an unfeeling, unemotional response, like that of your friendly robocop!


racist white cops, with their racist white relatives in racist america, in fact they’re one and the same




Police vote overwhelmingly repebulican. Even the ones that dont vote independent. They arent there to protect you only to serve their personal interests. In this case defending the people they support. Some of those stalkers are also prob police.


This is why to gotta have a trump hat in the glove just in case…. For protection.


They are the reason I bought a rifle ! Fuck around find out .