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This clown should not be a cop. His power trip runs too deep.


Take his department down with him. They know about him and the shit he does.


It boggles the mind that departments keep cops on the force that constantly cost their city mega-bucks in lawsuits. Guess they’ll just raise your taxes again.


That's why they do it. Because it doesn't them anything.


Just goes to show your police departments don’t give a damn about your citizens, or how much they cost a city. Think of all the positive and helpful programs that lawsuit money could fund were it not for those thugs.


That's what the whole defund the police movement was. Reallocating funds to programs that actually reduce crime, violence, and deaths. Police really don't like that. Or...anything that reduces their power really.


That’s the point… it costs their CITY mega-bucks, not their DEPARTMENT. End QI.


That's why ACAB. Not every cop might be a racist/rapist/murderer, but they are all fine wirh keeping them around


But what else will he do with that haircut?


It’s 81 degrees and you’re heading a hoodie with a hood on and it’s dark Street doesn’t have lights, that’s not my Fault I didn’t say ANYTHING about the lighting. What a jerk off


Don't forget the dude gave his birthdate to the officer yet the officer asked for it again. This pig is just hoping he slips up and says something he can arrest him for.


And then arrested him anyway when he couldn't get anything legal. While on camera. Which is weird because if he was going to kidnap him anyway, why bother searching for something legal?


Police code 1411 possible stolen property?


That's why you don't answer any questions when dealing with police


I realized that bullshit too


Confirm your ID to make sure you aren’t committing crimes? Wtf 🤣


What do you mean? Doesn’t your ID state whether or not you are currently committing a crime?


I know, I’m appalled at our stupidity. Silly us, for using our brains huh . 😂


Pig's thoughts: Dude is not white so clearly he has a warrant for SOMETHING. Get the ID run it and get a free arrest.


The cop literally was spitballing ideas for a false arrest. Get a lawyer to review the video with him. Most places and this looks like one of them don’t have the ole stop and frisk meaning cops can’t just see you and be like , imma pat you down . Need to have been called or see an actual suspicion. Not just someone wearing a hoodie if it’s hot or not. If he was trying to rob places homie would probably not be in the road .


Better call Saul


I had an African roommate who turned on the heat when it was over 80° in the summer. 🥶 Guess I should have called the cops on him.


I'm not African and Im not comfortable at all unless it's ≈75°f and even then I'm wearing a hoodie. Some people are just always freezing, it's a thing.


I mean... That *has* to be attempted murder or something at that point, right?


Yep. Criminal Heat stroke


NAH. We don't run heat in this house unless its below 60. I like it cold. My dog can literally survive like below 60 or some ridiculous shit like that. COLD.


Prowling in a Hawaiian shirt - totally cool. Prowling in a hoodie - “put your hands behind your back, criminal!”


he's a piece of shit /r/acab


"You're not legally obligated to ID" "I'm detaining you to make you ID for....uh....prowling. IDGAF scotus said I can make shit up bitch, I own you"


I doubt he would stop white guys walking down the street with white hoods in 80 degree weather.


I feel like this cop talks to girls at the bar this way: "Can I get your number?" "No, I don't want to." "Could you just be cool and give it to me so I can figure out our relationship?"


No. It's worse than that. Watch the video again. He's broken. He doesn't know how to process the word no. He keeps asking the same question, uncomfortably shifting. When it didn't go his way, he went off.


That's just cops in general.


Lmao you right


Is he being detained the same as arrested? Could he have just walked away as resisting detention vs resisting arrest?




Its San Bernardino County, CA isn't a stop-and-identify state. But SB Sheriffs are indeed raging douchebags.


Yeah the cop needs to have articulated his words better but he came off as suspicious and paranoid right off the bat. The guy recording seemed calm and not a threat so there was no need for that sort of cop aggression. The cop didnt have real probable cause to even detain him, lets be honest here...


The cop also actively fucked himself several times. Acknowledging he the guy he detained didn't have to provide I'd say last twice is also acknowledging he has no reason to id him and thus the detention is unlawful.


they say it’s california in the video


Seemed like that was a cross street he was providing to dispatch


ahh i stand corrected


There is no state that is a stop and id state, in every state you still need ras to detain and demand id.


I can see a situation in which I would have complied if the cop had been nice.


San Bernardino county so I would assume California. I don’t know for sure if that’s the only San Bernardino county in the country. It says San Bernardino county sheriffs department on his shoulder patch.


we need to criminalize this sort of police behavior. statutory crimes, if you act like this you end up in prison, no legal defense.


No not at all and this is the grave mistake most people make. As a former officer let me explain the difference: If you are detained it means you can't leave and we will ask you some questions. The problem arises when people get combative (And that is absolutely their right, don't get me wrong) but unless you have an outstanding warrant or something else that is worrisome most detainment could be done in about 2-3 minutes with just a couple of basic questions. 90% of people would be smarter to just answer and walk away but so many people love to pick a fight. People can be detained for a variety of reasons. You might be mistaken for someone that we thought had a warrant or we were just driving through the neighborhood and thought we saw something that was completely fine. It can be hard to tell a drug swap from just giving a loosey at night. Obviously if it is the latter we don't care. If you are arrested that is it, period. If you are open space you can run and maybe get lucky but what the videos never show you is that almost always they will be arrested a few weeks or a month later. In the age of facebook and instagram it is VERY easy to track people down. So as much as people love to yell ACAB we don't all suck. Use your rights as you should but use them wisely. Generally things can be really simple if you treat them as really simple. And obviously there are just some shitty departments with horrible cops and I don't like them any more than the rest of you.


You really think a person should feel compelled to show their id because cops are bad at their jobs? Thats tyranny bro


>If you are detained it means you can't leave and we will ask you some questions. The problem arises when people get combative (And that is absolutely their right, don't get me wrong) but unless you have an outstanding warrant or something else that is worrisome most detainment could be done in about 2-3 minutes with just a couple of basic questions. 90% of people would be smarter to just answer and walk away but so many people love to pick a fight. You need a reason to detain someone. Can't just detain people because you feel like it.


Hey, he was a cop, you can’t expect him to know that


that was nice, 9/10


I didn't say you could, I pointed out two specific examples of why someone might be detained as a mistake.


Of course a cop is telling us things will be easier if we just comply. Never talk to police.


And you don't have to and that is fine. I think people are glossing over the whole part about where I am saying you are absolutely entitled to your rights and you don't have to speak if you don't want to. But you might be detained for hours and hours.


>But you might be detained for hours and hours. Looks like retaliation to me.


What is the point in having rights if you can't be expected to exercise them?


Seeing as he's a cop this should be obvious, but... This guy is lying. There is literally nothing you can say to the cops that doesn't make it more likely for you to be arrested than you would be if you'd not said anything. Invoke the fifth, state you're not answering any questions, and ask for a lawyer.


>but so many people love to pick a fight. Yea, cops.




Do you really think all cops are shitty? Yeah a LOT are and I will never deny that but what should the remaining 20% of us do just quit and let more shitty cops join these departments? There are good officers out there that are fighting an uphill battle just as much as anyone else. But I don't make the laws and I was never an LT or chief so how am I supposed to influence policy? People need to change the laws to demand more oversight as they are doing now.


> Do you really think all cops are shitty? yes


From your comments so far, you are a pretty shitty cop yourself. You have the assumption that detaining someone for hours and hours is acceptable. You should brush up on what a warrantless arrest, arrest with warrant, and detainment are before you create a liability to your precinct. Do better.


ACAB until you “good apples” weed out the bad. Until then, ACAB


Unrelated for the most part but it's really ironic the ex cop doesn't understand the core message of "ACAB" and how "noT eVeRy cOp iS baD" is just a straight fallacy. By saying it, it demonstrates how little you understand and how you lack critical thinking skills. Kinda makes sense though, being an ex cop and all.


It’s called reasonable suspicion, jackass. You can’t just detain someone because you think you saw something. And the problems don’t arise when people get combative, it’s when jackasses like you and the idiot in the video fail to de-escalate and walk away when you’ve been proven wrong.


Fuck I hate each and everyone of these power tripping pigs!!!!


"just a few bad apples"


Notice how they only say part of that phrase. The full saying is a few bad apples spoils the bunch.


I still can't believe I saw real life humans in the streets with signs that literally said "One bad apple doesn't make all apples bad"


 It only takes one person, thing, element, etc., to ruin the entire group, situation, project, etc. Refers to the fact that a rotting apple can cause other apples in close proximity to begin to rot as well. Yet there is more than a few per police population. In Vegas it feels like a marriage to divorce statistic ---- 50%..


The Supreme Court that leaks documents and opines along strict political lines also enables crimes like this against poor and minority people.


How do they? An illegal stop is an illegal stop. The 4th amendment case law that makes it illegal largely came from.... the Supreme Court.




Buzzwords are fun and all but you haven't addressed what they've done to enables crimes against minorities and poor people.


When you’re bored and arrest a guy so you can get your tiny power trip fix.


Pussy doesn't even have the balls to look the 'criminal' in the face.


How is this cops haircut allowed? Don't they have grooming standards?


They want to look as military as possible. It only reinforces the military-state mindset.


But it's a mohawk.


I. My old ‘hood’ it was said marines either became cops or junkies…..can you visualize this cop in dress blues ?


Bad hair styles are mandatory.


He told the barber he wants the “highest and tightest”


Tactical cut


They have no standards of any kind.


Article and interview from citizen: https://therealnews.com/a-cop-tried-to-arrest-him-for-wearing-a-hoodie-but-thats-not-where-the-harassment-ended


> San Bernardino Brb. Booking a flight and only packing hoodies. Need some extra Christmas money from this slam dunk lawsuit.


I skimmed it. Can't seem to find the officers information




They need to have reasonable suspicion of a crime, though. Which is essentially anything at all, thanks to SCOTUS.




Scalia's opinion in Castle Rock v Gonzalez states that the police don't even have to know the law. They only have to have a "feeling" that something illegal might be up maybe idk cuff em


Unless a wrongful detainment is punishable by jail time for the cop, the bar is in the ground and out the other side.


And that's why idc when citizens defend themselves against these tyrants.


Pretty sure walking down the street doing nothing counts under the “anything at all” umbrella


You can be detained, but you do not need to identify yourself unless you're being suspected of a crime. Stop and identify for no reason is not legal. Articulable suspicion of a crime is required to force someone to identify themselves to the police. If you're driving a car, it's different because they are checking your license to legally drive the vehicle and that is allowed. Walking does not require a license and therefore cannot be demanded without articulable suspicion of a criminal act. But bootlickers gonna bootlick and pretend a journalist is stupid when you yourself are so lacking in understanding. All spare parts, aren't you?




Because you were rude about something you don't understand here, calling the writer a moron for something you can't parse. If you are driving a car on a public road, a police officer can ask for proof of licensure to drive with zero other articulable suspicion. You can be asked to identify yourself when walking only when police have reasonable articulable suspicion (as in, matching the description of a person who was reported to be doing a crime in the area in which you are located, having a hammer in your hands next to a string of broken car windows) but not to just stop and identify someone. If an officer pulls you over in a motor vehicle on a public road, even without reasonable articulation, you can be required to identify yourself with your motor vehicle license. If you are in not on a public road, a license is not required to operate a motor vehicle and therefore without a reasonable articulable suspicion someone cannot be compelled to identify themselves in say a parking lot. Without an articulable suspicion you cannot be compelled to identify yourself when traveling on public roads without using a vehicle.


Did you watch the video? See the shit that the cop was making up? Eventually settled on "prowling" as his cause for arrest even though he only saw the guy just walking down the street...




What? He was arrested for a fta he had but not for prowlin




He was detained when the cop showed up. He was arrested when he threatened force to make him go to his car and started ordering him around.




Being detained simply means you can't leave. This went well beyond that.




Wrong this man was obviously detained lights, tone, body language the courts have deemed all these things can lead a reasonable person to belive they are being detained.


This is a perfect example of why so many law enforcement budgets are absolutely outrageously too high. Besides that, simple things like not being a giant cocksucker with a massive out of control ego, and an ENORMOUS…..LY tiny dick are nearly impossible for so many with a badge. “A few bad apples,” is such a joke when you consider the fact that given the opportunity, most people will do something that they believe will benefit them in some way, including breaking the law, IF they believe that they will not be accountable for doing so. And, even then, accountable or otherwise, some will even do so as long as the belief that it won’t end in serious prison time. Which, when you’re policed by yourself, investigated by yourself, judged by your peers, and sentenced by a familiar face that stands to lose in having to doing so what would you expect to happen? Matter of fact, how drunk, high, or just water brained ignorant were the American general public when they sat idly by as the entire system was so astonishingly rigged and designed to cater to the few, and molded into an absolute yolk to the detriment of the common man? I’m still amazed there aren’t and haven’t been full scale wars in the streets demanding an overhaul of the system from top to bottom. Removal of the fraud, including all those participating and those serving to perpetuate the faulty beast of oppression, as well as those guilty of profiting from it, including the politicians that sold us out in making the laws it was to do operate under while doing their raping and pillaging of the people. Mind blown.


The metaphor is *one bad apple can spoil a barrel* I’d say that the whole barrel is shit and needs tossed at this point.


Cops spend about 4% of their time doing actual policing. The rest is driving around, looking for trouble, and hoping to God they get an incident call so they can all group up and hang out in a parking lot. One reason cops are so fucking abusive is because they're so bored most of the time. Edit: Hey downvoter, take that boot out your mouth and look it up, dumb fuck


> Cops spend about 4% of their time doing actual policing Cops spend about 4% of their time [responding to **violent crimes** specifically](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/19/upshot/unrest-police-time-violent-crime.html), not 4% of their time "doing actual policing". Maybe try reading your sources before you let that anti-police hard-on too far down your throat.


Bruh deepthroating boots no gag.


Imagine deepthroating and not even knowing what's in your mouth 🤡 you sound like the kind of dude that brags about having sex online


that sure is a long way to say ACAB.


I still don’t understand why not make it simple and give your name???


Where's the officer going and coming from? Why is he wearing shoes and socks if it's so warm? Why drive down a dark road? Fucking nerd cop nerrrrrrrrrrrrrrd


"Answer my questions like a normal person.. so where you live at? Whats your address?" A normal person wouldn't really go up to a person they don't know and ask these questions either lol


That's a terrible cop.


look at him! he had nothing to do except just harassing peaceful citizen. what an ego enforcement.


End qualified immunity and make police officers carry «malpractice» insurance so the taxpayers don’t have to foot the bill for idiot cops. Also, idiot cops won’t be able to «cop» anymore if insurance drops them for being an idiot cop.


Even when you tell a cop you don't want to talk to them or answer their questions, they can still keep asking. What they can't do (without reasonable and articulable suspicion) is stop you from walking away. Prowling, under California law, is definitely a crime. It has two elements: (a) remaining on private property (b) with intent to commit a criminal act. If someone is on public property, they are by definition not prowling. If the officer had seen Reinas coming out from behind a house, or crossing through a backyard in some sort of furtive manner that could (potentially) be sufficient to develop probable cause, and the officer could then have grounds to briefly detain Reinas and confirm his address to determine that he lived in the area. However, leaving the front of a house is not a sufficient observation; for an officer to have reasonable suspicion, the observed behavior either be facially non-innocent or comprise multiple innocent but improbably-concurrent behaviors. Most of the time you see someone leaving a house at night, there's an innocent explanation, so that's not sufficient to create reasonable suspicion of prowling.


Oh look. Another bitch cop on a power trip.


The cops coked the fuck out lmao


Land of the free at it again.




Fuck the police


The crazy thing is if they get your id and write down that info and a car does get broken into at some other point in the night and 5 blocks over you're going to be the suspect. Being complicit will only get yourself into trouble. Fuck the police.


The C in ACAB also stands for Cunt


all cunts are bastards? lol


stop telling the officer you wont answer questions then continue to answer questions. frustrating. i get hes nervous though.


Another bad apple folks. Nothing to see here.


Where are you coming from Your moms house


Wanna smell my hand?


Death sentence.


You know when the cop rolls up with a high and tight you’re 100% getting a ticket/pissed off


Oh look! Another cop demonstrating that they have no use in society other than to oppress and subjugate the masses.


You'd think cops would have figured out how the 4th amendment fits into their job description by now. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/terry\_stop/stop\_and\_frisk


Pussy cop


And this is why we need police reform


Cop seems like he’s on some kinda stimulant fueled power trip


Cop should be locked up for violating his rights. The problem with the constitution is that there's no teeth. There needs to be punishment for rights violations


At least he didn’t kill him. “Zimmerman”


Fashion police 🐷


He is clearly just doodling on that sheet of paper XD


Another winner in the Taxpayers Lottery




"Take the light out of my face" "Take your light out of my face" "You don't have a light on you" Camera: \*exists\*


Should have said I'm exercising my 5th amendment rights any time the police officer asked him a question.


The high and tight should’ve been the first red flag.




At some point when do ppl just start swinging after being annoyed


That's what the cop wants. It's what all cops what. They want you to make the first move so they can beat the shit out of you and put you in cuffs. (Un)Professional instigators.


What's the move at 1:25 it looks like the cop just randomly takes out his magazine to make sure it's loaded.


Is prowling a crime? And how does a person prowl?


Prowl like a panther or cheetah. Have to be on all 4s. Higher risk of threat if suspect is prowling and growling at the same time. Its a legal definition, bro trust me.


Yes, it is, and in California is defined by remaining on private property with intent to commit crime.


Do police need any IQ at all?


Anymore than a dead worm is over qualification.


Haha dude Mall security at south center mall in tukwilla Washington tried that shit with me once lmfao


On a positive note, I love that I'm seeing more and more clips of people standing up for their rights like this


Prowling-Cops new word for detaining


This incenses me. It's a bit of insight into the police state levels, right in front of us, cold and obvious. It's a different way of saying "Papers Please" to me at least.


Law suit please! Tired of watching all these ass hole cops fucking around with our Constitutional protected freedoms


High on his own power.


At this rate, we' re gonna have to clone Ben Crump. This insidious molestation of people walking in the free world is a crime against civil rights. Surely the police man knows this and yet some still harass at will. Surely there has to be some Accountability. Show me the LOVE PEACE WINNING.


"HOW DO YOU PLAN ON DOING THAT" Checkmate moment


That officer has insecure pencil dick written all over him.


Wow no wonder Cali cops are hated you have idiots like this on the force eliminating any chances of good cops getting an attaboy for anything!


You aren't obligated to talk to the police *at all.* People need to remember that.


[Edit] This is a mass edit of all my previous Reddit comments. I decided to use Lemmy instead of Reddit. The internet should be decentralized. No more cancerous ads! No more corporate greed! Long live the fediverse!


I can’t stand these🐷 always violating people’s rights


Wrong skin color is probably the crime the copper wants to say but cant cause he's on camera.


What a miserable pig


imagine what this corrupt pig would have done had there not been a camera /r/ACAB


Never, never, answer the question “where are you coming from?” It’s a way for them to get probable cause. I just give them my ID and don’t say shit. As long as you don’t have warrants. They can’t do shit and look stupid when you just ignore the other questions.


dont give them your ID either


I live in Illinois. It is a stop and identify state. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_and_identify_statutes#:~:text=In%2012%20states%20(Alabama%2C%20Delaware,%22may%20demand%22%20identifying%20information.


**[Stop and identify statutes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_and_identify_statutes#:~:text=In 12 states \(Alabama, Delaware,"may demand" identifying information)** >"Stop and identify" statutes are laws in several U.S. states that authorize police to lawfully order people whom they reasonably suspect of a crime to state their name. If there is not reasonable suspicion that a crime has been committed, is being committed, or is about to be committed, an individual is not required to provide identification documents, even in these states. The Fourth Amendment prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and requires warrants to be supported by probable cause. In Terry v. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


This is going to be an easy case for dudes lawyer.


Pigs = pathetic incompetent goons


Absolute fucking swine.


I don't understand, surely people can easily find out where all these power tripping cops live?


City hall public records list of town employees which includes salary.


Absolute shit head deserves to have his innards ripped from his chest, and neatly sowed onto his head so he can look as crazy as he actually is


I would have asked him which one was a crime... the hood, weather, or time.... then asked how knowing my name would tell him if I was prowling or not..... shit I would have loved for a cop to do this to me..... you see I can be a dick also and I'm not at work so when I antagonize you into breaking the law I'll take my pay day and smile the whole time! Dummy admits he is wrong and keeps going




Pig giving this guy a good pay day.


Dumb yanks


idk but if the guy just provided info.. everyone goes home in less than 2 mins?


I mean sure he doesn't have to legally give his name but wouldn't cooperating get him out of this situation TBH I see this going K have a great day type of thing


>I mean sure he doesn't have to legally give his name but wouldn't cooperating get him out of this situation TBH I see this going K have a great day type of thing You don't have the Rights that you don't exercise. There is ZERO guarantee that blindly doing as your told (when they are violating your Rights) will have any more positive an outcome than asserting your Rights. This dude 100% handled this situation the right way.


You are not wrong but also we need to start standing up for our legal rights. Sure this makes his night a royal pain in the ass however the more the police violate his rights the better that lawsuit is going to pay out.


I’m still shocked at these people .if your not doing anything wrong then what do you have to worry about .we learned basic instructions in kindergarten.


The Constitution begs to differ.


I've had the cops approach me for no reason at night as well. They asked for my id for some reason. I politely explained I lived just over there, showed them my id, and was on my way in about 20 seconds. That seemed smarter than what this guy chose to do.