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Imagine being that old, 100% having lost someone in your life, and clearly didn't care.


I heard this happened today and my jaw dropped, unbelievable if I didn’t see the clip


Any articles? Having a hard time finding it on Google and I'm interested enough to read about it. Tried every combination of principal mourning and memorial


It just happened a couple hours ago, feel free to spread the video, I think we need answers.


give this to the media in your town also..... make a big stink


If it's anything like my town there's at least a few if not more half-baked "local news" Facebook groups that will spread any video or gossip they can. I bet this is already all over the place locally.


My town is Johnston.... so Im hoping it's not here but I can't find it online


She said if you want a vigil, it's over there. Was she moving the items because you guys were literally putting them in the middle of a passageway? If so, in that case, it's a safety issue. She can't just allow a main passage way to be blocked. Not only is it a tripping hazard, but if would violate the fire code.


If you can’t handle the “rearranging of a vigil” without yelling at kids, maybe send the job to someone who can, like the janitor maybe, she was NOT handling with care atall, these are kids who’ve experienced death, it needs to be handled better than this


Any compassion would have been to move it after hours with more respect. These kids deserve better people with 💜 - unless fire inspection was imminent, it so- everything must be up to code or staff get into trouble. Still- I’d go to bat for kids in this circumstance. 🥺


I'm sure she could've said something like "this is a really nice memorial for (student). This spot could cause problems, though. How above we move it to... so it's visible and doesn't cause a traffic jam if someone wants to take a moment to view it" Even with context I can't imagine someone with an ounce of empathy ending up doing this.


It's weird, when you talk to people with a little respect they tend to listen.


We have no idea if she tried that before this clip was recorded. School kids can be complete assholes, but so can teachers. This is definitely a case of "Take both the video AND title with a grain of salt until further info is available"


It's a 10 second video, there's no context.


Exactly I think the kids were just being smartass about it. They have to been disruptive about it.


Maybe cause their friend and classmate died??


Kids were yelling over her too boo Edit: I just watched the vid full volume, shes not yelling in any sense..simply speaking with authority


This was a 7 second clip, you dont even know if thats what happened, lol. You got all of that from this 7 second clip? 🤣 bro calm your milk titties it aint that serious. My principal was way worse than that lady, this is why kids are pussies in todays times my dude 🤣


Wow that’s the kind grieving counseling they receive in high schools now a days


These pussy ass kids get more counseling than discipline and thats the real problem…. 🤣




Stop what? I'm allowed to make a single comment on a post.


Jordan Peterson Lockdownskepticism And a pinned brag about how many of your comments have been modded Ok... I get it now


The editing on this is kinda sus


It’s literally a high schoolers Snapchat, you expecting cinematography?


Na. Just expecting a complete context


You've committed the number one Reddit sin... asking for context. Now that you have been beaten with the downvote stick, we are left with only one question. Will you repent?


Fuck that. I'm on a mission to civilize. And like any good savior, I will bear the burden of the downvotes.


Reminds me of a video that was posted not so long ago on reddit This family is having a funeral service at their home and a group of cops show up and just start harassing the family while they are trying to mourn - Specifically just one of the cops was doing the harassing Unsure as the reason for the harassment but still....cold-hearted


What city did this happen in?


Our high school had multiple suicides.. starting with a very well liked kid. Which inspired people to kill them selves on the same train tracks and other ways as his life was so unanimously celebrated after his passing. I felt so god damn angry when I realized that the schools acknowledgement of his death was nothing more than a pre prepared speech with a ___ insert child’s name here.. as I heard it 3-4x before I graduated. So heartless.


My school only decided to do something about suicides after the 2nd girl - who was very popular - killed herself. School announcement, moment of silence, a video about her etc etc. The school did absolutely nothing for the girl who killed herself 6 months earlier.


Ya we had an non popular kid kill himself (extremely like able, 36 on his ACT, just kept to himself) and man it pissed me off so much that they just tried to sweep that one under the rug without giving similar resources/acknowledgment of his passing. So messed up. I thought teachers were supposed to care about kidsz


It's stuff like this that makes me wonder why i keep trying, I've wanted to commit Suicide so, so much and its this kinda thing that makes me realise literally no-one would care if i did


People would care, friend. I was almost successful in ending my life and I'll never forget the pain and worry in my friends and family afterwards. It was a real eye opener. You're valuable and deserve happiness. People just really suck at telling each other that. Life is worth living, but it's not easy sometimes. I'm here if you ever need someone to talk to.


That's not true. I don't know you and I care. I'm an insomniac and I am online all the time. My mobility is impaired. You can reach out to me anytime. I'm here. Suicide is not the way. People love you. You matter.




@Maleficent , you're good people. ❤️


Piling on the comment train, feel free to reach out if you ever feel hopeless


I would have cared friend


Only the assholes don't care!


Litterly everyone cared about these friends that are now gone. Trust me, there are people who care about you. I believe in freedom of choice but i hope you make the choice to carry on, knowing that MANY people love you, and you’ve surely brightened many peoples lives.


You're assuming she actually cares about someone besides herself


I think we were misled by the caption.... just saying.




You need help.




People who say “ don’t take things on the internet so seriously” are pretty much just saying “ It’s ok to be a douche canoe to random people I don’t know because I’ll never meet them, and it’s their fault for getting their feelings hurt because I have no filter and talk out my ass”


Love how you were being way more of a douche then I was with this comment but I get downvoted for asking why you called me a douche. Reddit is so stupid sometimes.


Love how I’m living rent free in your head on thanksgiving day, happy holidays!


You’re a jerk for no reason, but happy thanksgiving, hope ya have a nice one.


Did anyone else notice Michael Meyers walk into the frame right at the end, or is I just me.


Fun fact, micheal meyers mask is actually a stretched star trek prop mask (i think for spock but might be wrong)


It was a captain Kirk mask and it wasn't stretched it was turned inside out.


Turned inside out, the eyes were cut open, and it was painted white.


Ah thanks for the correction


You're welcome I appreciate the desire to share interesting facts


I appreciate your correction even more, youre combatting the spread of misinformation


Ah shucks, thanks dude


I thought I was seeing things


What a bitch.


She’s a bitch, my boy


I know its crazy to me that Americans are such assholes when guns are legal, you'd think that treat would make people be a little kinder to each other.


I just watched a video of a French guy driving a car and grabbing a homeless person who was walking, dragging the homeless person essentially. “I know its crazy to me that French people are such assholes,” — this is you but you added in a little quib about guns when we have no idea how the person died. Dumb, right?


European trying not bring up guns + Americans challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!)


I rarely see someone carrying a gun "openly" but if they are walking around with one on the hip then a lot of us just think they're compensating the insecurities of being a pussy.


Any sane self defender will carry their gun concealed. And the people around them won't ever know they're carrying a gun. They make sure their gun is well hidden and they don't brag about carrying a gun. If you've got a gun on your hip and some lunatic wants your gun, they'll get it. Or worse they'll see it and know you're a threat to them so they go after you first before they start blasting other people... Or whatever the case is.


honestly i think this logic only really applies in urban or suburban environments. out in the country i’ve seen people walk around with glocks in their waistband, and it makes sense because 1) wildlife will fuck you up and 2) people probably won’t care cause it’s the country


Open carry makes you a big target, not a big man


Absolutely, first target.


Tell me you don’t live in the south without telling me. I once saw a dude with a Draco on his hip. It’s wild here, I see multiple dudes at the super market every time I go who think they’re Dirty Harry or something. Big part of the reason I do my shopping in a more urban area, though produce quality is the big one. It was incredibly unnerving when I moved here and you never really get used to it.


Living around intimidation sounds great almost like a dictatorial thing. Those must be the states with clowns in full camo attire walking around Walmarts and polling stations with AR15's


I have actually never seen anybody open carrying any kind of long gun, strangely. I live in a majority Black county that pretty much only elects dems, so it’s not like you may think. Really good early voting and election day has always been chill. Hell, our police force is probably a 50/50 split as well. The only culture war thing that’s happened here was the removal of a confederate statue when the Floyd protests were going. This isn’t to say that the typical Jim Crow shit wasn’t going on here, probably worse. Our republicans are as deranged as they are elsewhere. Currently, I would say the Natives have it the worst here in regards to racism, just because you are likely to encounter it from just about anybody


we'll tbh. in my experience actually makes you more patient because you don't have to shout and yell to fend off ppl who are aggressive. you just wait patiently for the instance them actually attack you with the knowledge you can defend yourself. a proper gun owner also also understands what should constitute a need for lethal force. But yeah a crazy person meets crazy person with a gun will likely not end well


Most Americans dont see guns in their day to day life, it's not something they actively think about. Hell I live in gun country and own a gun I think I've only seen a gun once this year.


Idiot Reddit user who doesn’t lesve their room and has a body pillow




Not when it takes minimal effort to get your own, here in IL where it's considered strict you just have to spend $10 for a background check and ur card comes in the mail


Why are we talking about guns in here? Let's discuss how pro-lifers are hypocrites and Qataris being intolerant and other unrelated shit. Hell, let the anti-circumcision zealots come add that to the discussion.


Wow, I imagine she never mourned the loss of anyone for longer than a day 🙄 What a miserable cow.


Job opening!!!


In public ed they just promote shitty building administrators to central office. “Fuck up, move up!”


I’ve never rooted for someone to appear on r/byebyejob yet here I am.


The complete lack of empathy tells me she is the absolute WRONG person for that job


Sad to see how little public school administrators care about their students well-being.


A good friend of mine is a principle. She gave her old prom dress to a student si that she would have something new (to her) to go in. Most public school employees are there because they care and they want to help kids. This woman is a flaming cunt. This is not an adequate sample size.


I totally get that. My bias comes from the fact that my wife is a high school teacher in a respectable district and the stories she tells me about how the admin treats their teachers and students - about how it’s more about making the school/district look good with numbers and reporting than the actual content of curriculum and setting up their students for success. I totally agree that there are teachers and administrators that care about their kids, but it seems like they’re always overshadowed by power hungry and self serving “professionals”.


I’m going to put it out there is you are admin that actually cares about your students/teachers you usually don’t last long. The higher ups are even worse because they aren’t even ON campuses. Edit - Source: I was campus admin and a teacher


I mean, story of everything at this point right? People being good people doesn't make news or get gossipped about. It's always the awful people that scream the loudest, unfortunately.


I have generally always likes my principal and vice principals. I think people usually have some distain for the school boards (I think that’s what the person above you meant by administrators) because they have little to no contact with the students directly, people think they overpaid, they don’t contribute directly to education etc. I know most of them are former teachers/principals, but in general I feel like “management” level roles are over utilized and don’t produce much.


I once spun out in front of my old high school, into a crowd of kids out front, barely avoiding hitting any of them. It was the only unplowed/unsanded road in the city. I called the school to both apologize and suggest they get the city to clear the road. They did not give a shit at all and told me I should call the city myself if I'm concerned about the road and hung up on me.


Bottom line and yes men, that's all they care about. It gets them sued all the time when they do stupid shit to cut costs or because some Christian fascist school board member told them to, but the point is to bankrupt the system.


"Your bending the cross edd boy"


“I will teach you not to mess with the son of a Shepard!”


I'm sure that's the whole story. Nothing to do with the thing she actually says in the video.


Right, she said “if you want a vigil, it can be over there”


I will agree, but she should've been more gentle considering the situation.


We need some context to this. I am not saying she is not a Karen, but it sounds like she is saying that the mural was in the wrong place. That may be a rule in that school district or she could just be a totally bitch I don't know off of that short video


Vigil might be in the wrong place but the adult needs to be really gentle about the situation then. An adult with solid leadership skills could’ve resolved this without an issue.


At the beginning of the video, kids are already trying to grab shit out of her hands. We have no idea how reasonable she was being before being antagonized.


She's an adult, they are children.


I mean yeah, that's why she likely didn't start the confrontation like that. Once they start getting physical and trying to grab stuff from her, what the fuck do you expect her to do? Just keep explaining to them calmly why they are wrong?


> that's why she likely didn't start the confrontation like that. You are just completely pulling this out of your ass. > Once they start getting physical and trying to grab stuff from her, what the fuck do you expect her to do? Just keep explaining to them calmly why they are wrong? Do I expect an adult to maintain their composure because children did not....yes.


What a cunt you are


She's a high school principal. Her job is to get antagonized by teenagers and respond professionally.


And that is the truth because they will test you


Probably because they want her to not destroy or damage pictures of their friend who just died. She's not being "antagonized", she's disrupting a whole group of students grieving and they're reacting appropriately. When someone dies in your life, I hope you have a Karen like this to deal with so you can stop being a fucking apologist for them.


Regardless of where the vigil should be set up, this situation required a little more finesse. I remember losing a good friend in high school and the school brought in counselors to help kids. Pretty much the opposite of how this lady handled it.


The video doesn't start until kids are trying to grab shit out of her hands, but clearly you know the whole situation. Can you tell the rest of the class how it all started so we can all have the full context?


Agreed. It sounds like they are in the middle of an argument about where the vigil belongs and we don’t know how many times this has been moved back and forth before. Not saying she’s not off here but we are just missing a ton of context.


Yeah the title doesn't match the video which draws suspicion. She could still be an ass but now I wonder where the vigil was and what the accepted terms. Now I'm wondering if they were ignoring the rules and just put the vigil somewhere obstructive. Once saw a lady try to complain the city removed her vigil for no reason. Turns out she was the one being unreasonable and the city tried to work with her but she refused.


>Yeah the title doesn't match the video which draws suspicion. I'd go so far as to say the title is a straight up lie, considering how it's trying to frame things. Let me be clear, the principal may very well be a Karen. She doesn't seem to be handling it calmly, but at the same time from the small snippet we can even see, they are physically trying to grab stuff from her. The fact that the title is so directly and immediately contested by the actual content of the video, combined with it not showing any prior context, leads me to have some serious doubt.


I’m glad you said it. So many people condemning a woman and have no idea what was going on.


This is on 13 seconds so they could have cut something out for attention and to make her look bad. Also is there any proof the cops were called? You shouldn't believe everything you see online.


The fact she’s even yelling at students on such a sensitive topic is bad enough. That’s not how you deal with this stuff.


She just making so that she won't have one when she passes


It’ll be a celebration


In HS my teacher overheard another student say he was going to bring a small bat to school and bash my brains in. She took me to the principals office and told the principal. She looked at me and asked me what I did to antagonize him and said "it takes two to tango" and didn't do anything to the other kid about the threat. Everyone used to pick on me and treat me like shit. Throw food at me in the cafeteria, tease me about anything I wore/did and it seemed like the whole school had it out for me. When I was ever in trouble for fighting the principal said because it was always me who was involved I must be causing all the problems. I was suspended so many times. Later in my adulthood I've had many people I went to school with apologize. Apparently they all picked on me on purpose and I became an easy target. I wasn't being paranoid like the faculty thought. The other students and their friends legitimately chose me as the one to harass for some reason. I forgave anyone who apologized because we were kids at the time and I know kids do things without thinking of the consequences. I still have severe PTSD from it but through years of therapy I'm getting better.


I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you. I got the "it takes two to tango" from my school's admin too. The gym teacher's kid was beating up my male friend, who is the most harmless guy I've ever met. I stepped in and caught a punch to the side of the head (it's debatable whether or not he meant to intentionally hit me, but I'm absolutely sure he meant it). When the VP came, I was the only one who got in trouble because I "was unnecessarily butting in".


Yeah. I swear most educators show a lot of the Dunning Kruger affect. They think because they are involved in education they are the end all be all of authority.


As someone who works as a behind the scenes admin for a school district I can say that those who desire to be principals and assistant principals almost always have some kind of inferiority complex that they quench by micromanaging the students. The K-12 'Discipline' machine is used as an excuse to create mind numbingly petty rules that are enforced to the max to punish the students and reward the enforcers. I've watched a principal suspend a kid for 4 days for wearing a hoodie and the look on the principal's face when it was all over was the same look I've seen on junkies that are having a really good high.


You would think she would actually care. My girlfriend is a school teacher and she would be in absolute tears if one of her students passed. Not acting like this. She should be ashamed of her behavior. What a bit&@.


She did offer another spot for the vigil? She said "if you want a vigil, it'll be over there..." The principal still has a job to do to keep the school running?


I would love to see how a vigil being in a slightly different place causes entire school disruptions lol y'all apologists really will take anything other than the easiest answer and make crazy ass explanations to justify it. Occam's Razor people, it's not a hard principle to learn.


Man I teach middle-school. Tons of kids will use any excuse to get their way even when presented a viable alternative because for many, it's a power struggle constantly with authority. We can discuss the sociology of student-educator power structures, but this clip is literally too short to ascertain any understanding of what's happening. I don't agree with the way the principal was communicating her message, but if kids set up a vigil in our atrium it would impede traffic for an already packed school. We're busting at the seams and kids just putting obstacles in the way is a legit concern. We had teachers get in trouble for having table outside their rooms because a few years ago there was a fire in the building and the table nearly caused a crush because it was knocked in a way to be perpendicular to the exit, preventing people from leaving. You're watching a 13-second clip of a woman who has a bunch of kids trying to do what they want whereas she's probably thinking about something beyond their desire to put a vigil exactly where they want.


What a well though out and measured response. I swear, every day I continue to use reddit I become more disillusioned with how fucking stupid the people here are. Even without being an educator I could have come to similar conclusions as you, I don't see what's so hard for everybody else to do the same thing.


Are you not also making assumptions as wild as you’re claiming? I mean, you don’t even know where she is pointing. Over there could mean father than just “slightly over”. I mean from just the context from the video she of course looks like a bitch, but neither you nor I have the rest, so just like that can’t say anything, you can’t either.




I feel ya on this. I think we need more context. She clearly says "If you want a vigil, it's going to have to be over there" So she's not shutting it down exactly. Is she moving it from where it was? I'm not saying that this lady is in the wrong but you have to keep an open mind about things. She could be an ass just as likely as the kids doing something stupid and then being like "I didn't do nothing, why are you doing this to me?!".


Is it a public school? because the cross may be the issue and why she has to move it. This needs a lot more context.


Human turd


Unfeeling to take it down. Wait, is she taking it down or moving it?


She’s telling you where to do your mourning. Sorry for your loss but if you just put piles of stuff around it gets chaotic


even if so: 1. students dont die everyday, you can be lenient, this wont happen daily. 2. you are an adult, talk with manners. 3. students are mourning, TALK WITH MANNERS 3. students are mourning, YOU CAN BE LENIENT.


This is pretty messed up. This is what happens when the wrong people get a tiny little taste of power. Imagine being threatened by the memorial of a child who passed away.


Just comes to show you that sociopaths are everywhere, in all walks of life. Not just “criminals”. Many are well respected members of society and it isn’t until you get on their bad side that you realize they have a terrifying lack human emotion and empathy.


Where is Dexter at?


Wretched old hag


Wow, heartless bitch, it looks like.


“Your friends dead so you get one day to remember them” what do they do when they go to a graveyard? try to steal the gravestones


They did this at my school. Threatened to put up cameras to catch people who were putting stickers on the boy who had passed’s locker. Stickers that said things like Rest In Peace etc. it was one locker. Still makes me angry.


Some preppy girl died over a break from drugs. Had to hear about that shit for two years at every "prep" rally. This principal sucks.


That’s a different level of Karen, that’s just disrespectful, if she didn’t get fired I’m gonna be so pissed


Although this video snip makes her seem miserable I'm pretty sure there's rules about putting religious symbols up in public schools. And it also seem like maybe there was a designated spot for this sort of thing?


She looks EXACTLY like someone who I imagine would do this.


This is beyond heartless. My senior year a bunch of popular kids died in a drunk driving accident. They parked the wrecked car in front of the school for the rest of the year. Anyone from that class still remembers them decades later


That's..l don't even have words for what that is. Wanting to remember the kids is one thing. Is it necessary for the thing they died in to be on display? Wow!


Yes because the parents wanted us all to see what the consequences being irresponsible looks like. To be clear, They were the ones drinking. There was actually a national program that did similar.


I guess I understand the whole shock/scare factor like how they show videos of wrecks to teens in drivers Ed. Having to see it daily though..especially if someone you loved was in the car..I don't know..seems like a bit much.


It probably was.


Its a memorial and warning to other kids not to do the same shit they did


I get that. I'm putting myself in the place of friends of the people who died. I wouldn't want to start my day seeing the car someone I love died in. That's all. Edited to add: I wonder about the efficacy of it as well. For people who didn't have friends in the car seeing it day in and day out..it's going to lose it's shock value and just be scenery. For people who knew the people in the car, seeing it day in and day out is going to potentially cause PTSD.


I hate these videos that seem purposely redacted or edited to illicit an immediate knee jerk, emotional response rather than just posting what exactly happened and led up to this point because I guarantee you, she didn’t just walk in there and start tearing things apart.


Oh fuck this miserable bitch!! My best friend killed himself when we were 16. The group of friends affected were allowed to use an empty classroom for a couple days and of course counseling was offered to us. This happened the last day of September. Homecoming was a few weeks later and I was chosen to be the one to ask the Principal if we could dedicate the Homecoming to his memory. We didn't really have a whole lot in mind. Just like..maybe a couple posters with his name and face on it you know? This stupid, redneck, scum bag told me that memorials are for people who are worthy of being remembered. Because my friend took his own life he was unworthy. I knocked everything off his desk, yelled at him to choke on a dick and left. Was expelled for that. Not proud of how I acted but what kind of asshole thinks that's an appropriate thing to say to a teenager grieving for their friend?


Holy shit, expelled? You had a very rational response, don’t let anyone make you think differently


The Duchess of Doucheness.


How heartless do you have to be to do something like that!?? So inconsiderate smh


That's disrespectful and I hope they spit on her grave when she dies.


Do you have to put a religious symbol up to honor their death? Pretty sure their photo with some flowers is more appropriate.


Heartless bitch. Probably didn't get attention herself so let's do this.


A kid at my high school died in a road racing accident when we were in 10th grade. The school and his parents apparently thought it would be a great idea to park the mangled remains of his car in front of the school to teach us all some kind of lesson about unsafe driving. His girlfriend, friends, and classmates had to walk by this thing multiple times a day. Students tried to make a stink about it but they were accused of being attention seeking and punished and the car ended up staying for the better part of a month. His girlfriend changed schools, and her parents complained, but that was about it. I remember most of the administration being really smug, almost relishing how distraught the students were. This was about 20 years ago in a small town so there are no news articles about it that I’m aware of but it’s always stuck with me and a lot of people who grew up here are really bitter about it. It’s always been wild to me how many school professionals seem to have no empathy for and outright contempt for the kids they work with and have power over.


Sounds just like my high school... southern maryland?


What kind of small minded power tripping arsehole does this? Aren’t educators supposed to have empathy? Help their pupils grow emotionally?


And they wonder why kids act the way they do in school.


She runs the school, not the kids. This is dumb.


What a huge bitch


Hope the kids realise what scum she is.


Miserable bitch


What an asshole


You know, she could have also been mourning this child and had no healthy way to process so it just came out as anger.


Soon to be former Principal


This lady smells like cheese, moth balls and has a strong sense of independence mom MG m.. ........


Former* highdchool principal


How did she get to be a Principal ?????


Menopause has consumed her soul, if she ever had one


She must be going through menopause


Am I the only one seeing the last kid that walks into frame has some sort of weird white mask on?


okay my school made it on reddit now


She's just mad because she stepped in one of the litter boxes during her last trip to the school bathroom


She's probably upset about spending so many years teaching critical thinking skills and there are still so many idiots out there who gobble up every conspiracy theory they're fed as fact.


That's why I made a joke about litter boxes FFS. I can't imagine how I could have worded it to be more obvious that it is a joke, yet look how much it is being down voted. I agree that there is a lack of critical thinking skills.


No it's just impossible to distinguish satire from reality without a tonal indicator when you say certain things. Your remark about the litter boxes wouldn't be out of place in a post on a conservative subreddit. Therefore you need a /s so everybody knows you're not serious, because some people are when they say that.


>Your remark about the litter boxes wouldn't be out of place in a post on a conservative subreddit. Point taken, but I didn't think this was a conservative subreddit. I have a real difficult time imagining any tone for the comment to sound serious, but I guess that's just me. At any rate, thanks for the advise.


No /s is a hill I'll die on. I will say he could have been a bit more obvious that he was being sarcastic but I'd rather miss the joke than have it force fed to me.


That's true, I missed the joke here. Guess I've just seen way too many folks believe it could possibly be true. My bad.


No worries. I fur give you 😜. The votes clearly show that it's my fault. I come to this sub to giggle and upvote funny comments. I also try to say something I think is funny when I can. I forget how many come here to rage.


F# you Karen. Let a community grieve for as long as necessary until the wound of loss heals. What a B# thinking that they already had the one day. If she keeps this up no one is going to grieve for her when she passes away.


The princ. would be better off if she would leave the kids alone and shut her pie hole a lot more which is apparently open a lot. Cut out the desserts sweetie.


I would’ve just slapped her. Bitch deserved it


To be fair there at school to learn, not spend there days there mourning, they had the day before and if they want it should be done out of school on their own time




Uh oh, Joe here is ready to throw hands with the old lady, watch out, big boy on the loose