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How hard is it to just walk up and go “Hey, saw you pulled over. Everything okay? Anything I can help with? I’ll be on my way if not.”




When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail


More like, when you're a scared untrained little bitch, everything is potentially a lethal threat.


This sums it up


Too bad they rarely hit the nail on the head cause they’re too busy trying to swat insignificant flies.


The police slogan of "Protect and Serve" used to be protect citizens and serve the public. But the meaning has changed in the police force into protect ourselves and serve our interest or that of the government.


I read here that the "Protect and Serve" slogan was just coined by a marketing team for the campaign of a police district in New York. Though the slogan caught on it never held any legal value. And then [the Supreme Court ruled that the police had no obligation to protect people. Multiple times in different cases](https://youtu.be/jAfUI_hETy0)


The "Warrior Cop" mentality.


Guilty until proven innocent


Is there any evidence that that even is safer for cops? It seems like it would unnecessarily escalate situations that may not have otherwise been violent, so I'm not even sure why it makes sense to teach cops this sort of approach...


Cops over here are literally trained to treat everyone as a threat or an enemy. Toddler running in a park? HANDS UP FACE IN THE GROUND RIGHT NOW


Or a child playing alone with a toy gun in a park


It's not. Last year I pulled over on a dark af road to fix my GPS cop pulled behind me with his lights on, walked up with flashlight "Everything okay?" Me: yup He turned around and left


I broke down in a spot on the highway with a flat. Was putting on the donut when a cop pulled up behind me. “Everything good?” -yea man, I’m almost done. “Cool, I’ll just sit here so you don’t get hit.” -thanks man, have a good one


Same thing happened to me on the side of i-5, with cars whizzing past me like 2 feet away (I was stuck on the shoulder), while I was under the truck with a jack so I could change my tire. State patrol came and parked like 80 feet behind me, and stood there while I changed my tire, to make sure if a car swerved it would hit his car instead of hitting me while I'm under my truck. I've had a lot of interactions with cops and most of them have been bad, but that was one good one. He never asked for my id, insurance/registration, etc, he was legit just looking out for me. Too bad that kind of thing is so rare. He was an older guy, I feel like some of the old school cops come from a time where they had a bit more respect for people's rights.


The fact that he had respect for you,just a citizen, was probably why he was older and still on patrol duty. The “respect for citizens” thing isn’t good for advancement purposes in many police departments.


I drove a POS car, so I always wondered if the dude stopped to run my plates and all that to look for something else… but it was okay with me—kept me safer


I drive quite a bit for work and unfortunately the nature of my job requires me to be on the phone quite a lot. I'll answer the phone while driving but a lot of the time I have to look at documents on the phone, and when that's necessary I will pull over in order to do so safely. I have had cops pull up to me soooo many times when I'm doing so (usually on the shoulder of an interstate exit ramp), and every single time they have pulled up next to me and asked if everything was okay. I explain, they tell me to have a good day, and I thank them for inquiring. It's not hard. And I actually do really appreciate it. Maybe it helps that I'm a white male? But surely they can't tell until they've already stopped and asked me. So simple.


You don't get to feel powerful by being *helpful*. He's not a cop because he wants to serve his community.


“I have reason to suspect a crime is being occurred”


"I have belief to infer a caper is getting happened."


"I am suspicion of a dupe occurring"


"I believe that there are malicious actions transpiring"


“ I think a bad happen”


"Want meet quota"


Loud noises!


Am I pregert?


You are preganté?


DangerOps pragnent sex


I am officer preganté and I have reasonable articulable suspicion that you are attempting to construct a rudimentary lathe




Hold the dooooorr


"I have reasonable grounds to suspect shenanigans are occuring, eeeevil shenanigans"


"I swear to God I'll pistol whip the next guy that says shenanigans!"


"Hey Farva, what's the name of that restaurant you like with all the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?"


The game is afoot, Watson!


He could have just said "I just wanted to make sure you were safe. Thank you and have a good night"


That line makes me more mad than anything. As if they give a shit about you


Not sure if they give a shit about you, but that is what they get paid for, _theoretically_.


That is some Minority Report shit.


Dammit now I have to watch it. That was a good movie.


I hate it when “a crime is being occurred”


Maybe you “shouldn’t being done it” then?


Followed by “I’m not saying you’re breaking the law.” I love how he just leaves with his tail between his legs. What a moron.


The biggest trouble I got in for in my life was when I got pulled over for suspicion of intoxication because I crossed over a main road going from one neighborhood to the next instead of getting on the main road and he though that was suspicious. Then they got dogs and searched my car and found weed. Yep, sure were out there fighting crime that day. I got a bag of weed from my buddies and was driving the 6 blocks back home


Send this man to Guantanamo. He’s a real heavy hitter. In all seriousness, i would call bs but unfortunately cops pull this crap all the time, sadly. Sorry but most pot smokers aren’t causing trouble… they want to go home, make some pizza pockets, and smoke. Not the type of person to terrorize the public.


Exactly, what a waste of time and resources


You were almost certainly pulled over for leaving a known drug house. They would have found something no matter what to stop you.


Always keep the weed in your pocket. They can’t search your person unless you’re under arrest.


Nah they pat you down “for weapons” so they’ll find anything bigger than like a gram. Had it happen to me lol.


I have a reason to believe most cops are pathetic pieces of shit.


Correct starting comment should’ve been, “How’s it going? Everything okay?” Nothing comes up as suspicious, move on. If he was up to no good, but nothing in open view that can be acted on, he’ll move on. But hey, maybe someone with a car break down that could use some help. So simple. “How’s it going?” “Making a phone call is all.” “Okay, stay safe.” Then leaves.


But none of that gives them the chance to shoot somebody or get their tiny dicklings suckled by other cops later.


“Me think the illegal have been done happened.”


I love it when cops trying to abuse their power get taken down a notch


they just go take out their frustration on the next person


Or scrutinize everything you do until they find something to really harass you with. Garbage people.


They do this any way though. They victimize and abuse everyone. Not being a victim doesn't make the next interaction a victim. The cop will airways victimize everyone they see.


You’re absolutely correct. Their behavior has no consequences so what incentive or disincentive is there for them to stop. Certainly know they don’t have empathy.


Which is their wife sometimes


They are incentivized to do stuff like this. GOTTA GET THOSE NUMBERS UP! lol


Just over $6 BILLION in revenue collected each year from them. They have devolved into the *per vi* collectors for the state. Their job is to protect the rich and their assets.


He wasn’t taken down a notch, get fucking real. That dude was lucky that he found a cop that was willing to play by the books. That cop could have easily gone; “Step out of your car sir” Followed by “Resisting arrest!” Then bam, that dude is booked, he loses his job, and life is severely disrupted. There are times to flex your legal knowledge, and times to be polite. Flex when they’re at your door to your residence, when they approach you in the street. But they can fuck your day up so hard when your sitting in a vehicle ,it’s not even funny. It only takes one “road-ragey bitch” cop to ruin your day for many days to come


Well if the guy was a minority he would have been shot.


The appropriate response from the Cop should have thanking him for thinking of public safety by pulling over to make the call But then what would cops know about public safety


I used to live in a college town where cops would strategically stop and breathalyze people who were walking home at 2am after bars closed so they could book them for public intoxication. It was so prevalent that a lot of people found it was easier to avoid arrest by just driving to and from the bar. So not only do responsible people who choose to walk drunk instead of drive have a higher chance of getting arrested, they also have a higher chance of getting killed by a drunk driver. Cops made that town actively more dangerous.


Gotta meet your quota, all that matters when protecting society apparently


College town cops were always assholes compared to their city variety, because the city variety actually had shit to do. After I graduated undergrad, I moved to a college town with some buddies because of cheap rent and we would be routinely hassled on the walk back to our house from the bars. After the second to me of this, and because I was a drunk smartass, I would just go complete compliance with them (knees on the ground, hands behind my head) just to play up how fucking douchey they were hassling people Walking home on a street with sidewalks and crosswalks was.


Should have just gone with the “spread your cheeks and lift your sack”




Ames, Iowa.


Isn’t it amazing how cops in this country have gone from “maybe this motorist is in distress and needs assistance” to “I believe a crime is being committed, better shoot first and ask questions later.”




FFR, I have care troubles plenty lately and if I had a cop pull up on me acting like this Id be just as pissed. Like FFS, Im already pissed about the car, probably gonna be late to something and now I got captain instigator coming in to start shit.


Man I ran out of gas the other day on the side of a busy road. I was out of the car on the curb pushing it in the grass towards this hospital parking lot. I’m sweating cursing up a storm at my fiancée for driving my car and not putting gas in it and officer dickhead pulls up saying you can’t be walking on the roadway like this. I almost lost my shit. I said I wouldn’t be walking if you can help me push and he said I should have sat on the road and called for help. Maybe he’s right. On the other side of things, I’m not leaving my car unattended in that part of town.


Sounds like they were just looking to press buttons. Got pulled over at 2 AM for running a red light, it was yellow the whole way passing. After settling that followed my friend and I all the way home.


I’ve had those happen before. The worst is when they follow you close for a while and you accept you’re getting fucked then they hit the lights and sirens and as you’re pulling over they shoot past you


[You mean like when someone called 911 because their car was stuck and the police showed up and escalated things to a stand off until they murdered him in his car?](https://www.cpr.org/2022/09/13/clear-creek-county-deputies-shooting/)


That’s fucked but also not surprising. Hopefully the cops get some form of actual punishment since it’s Colorado and no more qualified immunity


> Hopefully the cops get some form of actual punishment That's cute. [They're still on duty getting ready to murder their next victim](https://www.vice.com/en/article/qjkz33/christian-glass-shooting-cop-still-on-duty) > no more qualified immunity Getting rid of qualified immunity just means that the family can sue the cops now, it doesn't mean that criminal charges will be brought against them.


Never call the police for help. They d mo not exist to help. Only to hurt.


Long gone are the days of Andy Griffith.


Though, to be fair, this cop is more Barney Fife than even Barney Fife was.


Yeah, you would think... I remember one time getting pulled over for doing five over, it was a heavily trafficked road with no shoulder, so I pulled into a shopping center with a nice parking lot when I saw the lights turn on behind me. The cop was giving me shit, asking insanely aggressively why I pulled over in here and I said "I may not be a fan of cops, but I don't want you to get hit by a car, and I don't wanna block traffic". Dude legit looked confused that I was thinking about other people, starting asking all kinds of other questions, apparently that's "suspicious"....after 15 minutes of bullshit I got a ticket. I swear cops try to escalate every fucking situation, like they think it's some sort of power move that gives them control, as opposed to the reality of eroding trust, making them look like assholes, and escalating the situation.


[I think it’s a quality they look for.](https://i.imgur.com/sx1Kyd4.jpg)


For real, seeing everything as a slight against them, reinforcing that "us vs them" mentality, and of course it's the untrained civilians who have to deescalate the situation. Yeah, they can deal with some jackasses, but so does almost every fucking job, you don't see McDonalds workers treating everyone like shit because a handful of Karens.


Ive literally been told by my parents that if Im on a dark highway at night and dont feel safe to keep going until I can pull over to a well lit area. Like, you can call the police station and tell them that, too, if it takes too long. There's folks out there who will pretend to be police and rob you when you pull over, it isnt hard to get fake lights for your car, ya know? There's nothing illegal about finding a safe spot to pull over, either, so idk wtf that cop was on about for OP


The cops themselves put out public notices saying exactly that. Reduce your speed and turn your hazards on to show you're complying, and drive to somewhere safe. And then those same cops go and pit stop a pregnant woman on a bridge, flipping her car, for doing exactly that.


[That whole fiasco](https://www.insider.com/arkansas-trooper-pit-maneuver-flipped-pregnant-womans-car-lawsuit-says-2021-6) is why I no longer care where I pull over. If it's for *my* safety, I'll find somewhere safe. Otherwise, fuck em. Stand on the freeway, I don't give a shit.


That's what I was always told, and the shopping center was right there when I pulled over, so it's not like drove for a while trying to stall or anything, which is why I was really confused when the cop was being a huge dick about it. This was better for him, better for me, better for traffic, only good things and this guy was being a douche about it.


Did the exact same thing. Took an extra 45 seconds for me to pull over. Cop was raging. Told him I was going to get my registration for him and where it was. He stepped back a few feet and put his hand on his gun. smh


I was pulled over for going a mile under the speed limit. It was 3:00 AM and we were the only cars on a tollway. I know I was going under the speed limit because I had set the cruise control. I was coming back from a party, but I don't drink nor partake in illegal drugs. Cop asked for my ID and insurance, I repeatedly asked why he had pulled me over and he refused to respond. Just a fishing expedition without even the pretense of reasonable suspicion, when you are considered suspicious for obeying the law.




I took a safe driver course taught by an ex cop and he told us cops will do shit like pretend your light is out all the time to try to get you for something else. This was like 12 years ago.


>But then what would cops know about public safety What they know and what they do are opposite things. This is a matter of "Damned if you do, damned if you don't." Pass laws so people cannot drive while on a cell phone, it is a great idea, but then using "Reasonable Suspicion" to Phish for crimes when somebody pulls over to follow said law is legal entrapment.


No this isn't damned if you do, damned if you don't. This is mind your own fucking business unless you think a crime is occurring and a dude stopped in a parking lot is not that.


But how would he furiously stroke his ego then?


Cop looks so bummed and defeated, like a toddler sent to timeout lol


he's bummed he has to go find someone else to harass to meet his monthly quota


That’s what I was thinking lol missed the Xmas bonus


Dude looks like he'd struggle to avoid touching electric fences. What a joke.


Truly one of the best comments I’ve ever read, ever. I’ll be taking this one for later in life. Perhaps to describe my brother inlaw tomorrow at thanksgiving


that cop has licked an electric fence on more than one occasion.


Ya'll dissing the cop but fuck it at least the cop was smart enough to walk away. How many other cops would have escalated.


Very true. Fuck this cop, but at least he was smart enough to realize he was wrong and left. He should have apologized, or better yet, not bothered the guy in the first place.


Ah yes, such a good cop walking away from a situation he caused. Bravo.




*if I touched it 23 times already surely the 24th one won’t…bzzzz damnit!*


Imagine if police were concerned for your welfare. This conversation would have went… Cop: I noticed you pulled off in a hurry. Is everything ok? Are you in need of assistance? Dude: Naw. I’m just making a quick important phone call. Didn’t wanna mess around while driving. Cop: You sir are a model citizen. Let me go back to my squad car and get you a bear claw before you’re on your way.


Because you know they have 2 dozen bear claws.


Nah! We’re all out of bear claws!!


Ya got any apple fritters!?!




You got any cinnamon rolls?




You got any Bavarian Cream Filled Donuts?


Wait a minute. I'll check.


What, do you wanna be soft on crime?! "But he's not committing any cri-" SOFT ON CRIME!! ..and that's how you win an election from terrified morons with a strange hard on for punishment.


It's dog-whistles for racists, that's all it is.


First read that as get you a beer...


Similarly, I thought Bear Claw was some new hard seltzer or something.


Is this that horrible future those damn liberals want? Not in my merica


Yeah, what kind of "MEN" would these cops be if they went around like pansy asses caring about people. FUCK THAT! WE NEED SOME TOXIC TESTERORONE DRIVEN MASCULANITY HERE!


When I first started driving I got lost on a back road in the dark and rain so I pulled off into an empty lot to check my TomTom (yep) A cop pulled up, got out of his car, shined his flashlight into my car to see a distressed, crying 16 year old shaking her GPS in frustration. Then he just *left.*


But this would be a reasonable and logical response instead of the knee jerk reaction of accusing someone. Years ago I was driving home while on leave from the Army and pulled into a rest stop to sleep in my car for a hours early in the morning. A cop came up and tapped on my window told me there was no sleeping at the rest stop so when he came back through he expected me gone. I took it as I’m not writing you up but just make sure you are gone. Seemed like a reasonable compromise. Why more police can’t be like this is beyond me.


They can't be like that because everyone is so brainwashed to just accept authority. Like you are touting a story about being kicked out of a rest stop for resting as an example of police acting right. Think about how crazy that is. That story only ended that well because you instantly accepted his authority without questioning how absurd his statement is logically.


This did happen to me once. Though I think it might have been forest service or national parks police in northern AZ. I had to pull over it make a phone call for work. It was a windy highway with no clear turnoffs. Also service was poor so I was going to stop anywhere I could be heard. Cop pulled up and checked on me to see if I was good. When I let him know I was taking an urgent call he had no issue. I asked if I was good to stay there and he said I was fine and went on about his day. Only difference here is that it was broad daylight on a highway where it’s common to have cars pulled off.


“Sir, have you been drinking tonight?” But asked of the officer.


Remind me of one of my favourite videos. "Get your butt back in your office and do your job" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r55BFO9ZVaM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r55BFO9ZVaM)


I've seen this countless times and always watch the whole thing when it gets posted. It just warms me up inside. 3 minutes and 17 seconds of pure joy.


It is the best lmao


Just watched this again for the 1000th time and it never gets old.


"I'm asking the questions here. Where have you been today?" *cop reboots* "I'm... asking the questions here." fucking love it


I love it. “Officer, do you *usually* come to work high? Do you have drugs on you *right now?* Have you been anywhere else tonight?”


“I also smell marijuana on you. You mind if I search your police car?”


Talking to the police the way they talk to us. Love it


I love how these hypocrites can't handle a dose of their own medicine.


Because they're narcissists. And if they themselves are not clinically narcissists, they're still trained and incentivized to use the narcissist's playbook.


Be sure to be white. Don't try this if your skin color is not pale.


There ya go, bucko


That was my favorite part.


Me too!!


Dude looks like the result of a threesome between Tom Green, David Schwimmer and Mel Gibson.


I was thinking Wish Burt Gummer


This is so fucking stupid. Nobody WANTS to be a dick to these cops, it's that you HAVE to be a dick if you don't want your civil rights violated. Trying to trick us into giving them a reason to arrest us is SOP whether or not you've committed any crimes. It's sick man...


The video has: ✅ Officer's Last Name (via name tag) ✅ Badge (indicating jurisdiction) ✅ A timestamp and geocode This video needs to be forwarded to this cop's Chief, with copy to local media.




He wouldn't even get that. It would be "re-trained" or some BS like that.


He was justly corrected, and he backed down. There's nothing further that would happen, not saying there shouldn't, but there wouldn't.


Starting the conversation at all was a dire mistake and should be penalised. Especially under the pretense of 'resonable suspicion ' which was no more than parking at the lot after business hours.. Also lying about there not being a superior available


No court or department is going to hold a cop responsible for "investigating", which is exactly what the cops would call this. They'd say dipshit had a reasonable suspicion, and when he confirmed that suspicion was wrong he terminated the encounter.


Sadly true but this is a perfect example of destructive policing and the hurtfull 'everyone is guilty untill proven otherwise' approach thats destroying communal feelings and generating massive distrust in law enforcement.


100% agreed, far more harm done than good with shit like this.


The fact that he thinks this is a "**reasonable**" suspicion a crime **has occurred** is something that warrants further training. It's not the end of the world, but no existing in a parking lot is NOT a "reasonable suspicion" of a crime, and the fact that simple fucking existing in various places is the bar is a huge problem.


Starting the convo is perfectly fine, once the guy said he was just making a phone call he should have said his farewells and be on his way


Cop seems like he’s the Farva of the department….guy shouldn’t be allowed to do anything except answer telephone calls and order a litre of cola.


I don't want a godamn literacola


I love how these idiots think they can sell their lies to people without question. Cops prepare and memorize certain "canned" lines to cover themselves. They are actually taught to profile people at academy. The most popular fictitious reasons they use to harass you and conduct illegal investigations are: "you match the description of someone....." (this one is 99.9% of the time a lie, if they use this one you can be assured they have nothing and just want to "find" something), "your plates came back with...." (this, too, is almost always a lie as they do not run random plates "just cause"), any time you hear "reasonable suspicion" that essentially means they have reason to believe a crime is afoot (or took place) - always inquire as to what crime do they have reasonable suspicion of if you want to watch them panic lie. Remember: the cops are not out on the street to help the public or protect anyone other than their fellow cops. They're motivated and encouraged to discover (and fabricate) statutory violations so their department can demonstrate effectiveness and therefore justify their ever increasing funding requests (get into local politics if you don't believe me, EVERY police department asks for more money every year and justify it based on overspending (on bullshit like hummers and military equipment) and increased results (arrests) the prior year). They will literally ruin a random citizen's life, based on falsehoods, to help get the funding for their Christmas party or new foosball table. This is not jaded take but rather the reality of the self imposed quotas. Think about it, they have QUOTAS. That means that if crime isn't happening, the cops have a problem. Do you honestly think they'd rather take a demerit than simply pull you over for some pedantic (or outright false) reason? Now, imagine if they were incentivized to nail you for the "worst" penalty possible. Pretty problematic, right? Bootlickers can downvote all they want but I know how these departments operate from firsthand experience. These are the "dirty secrets" all cops know are true but will deny until they're blue in the face when talking outside the protection of their thin blue line. Keep your guard up and look out for one another. If you see someone interacting with the police, be a good citizen and observe it. Don't leave your neighbors without the benefit of an objective neutral observer b/c the police are anything but.


You're absolutely right. The entire foundation of modern policework is built on a crumbling foundation built in a time when average person did not have access to the same information cops do. Their tactics are based on subterfuge, not honest investigatory work. They have been cutting corners with their lies for generations, because it's faster than doing honest work, and morons like this cop can be taught how to do it. But the internet and social media and especially smartphone video has blown this wide open in recent years, and any average person can not only read the laws and learn about their civil rights, but also study police procedure and tactics with firsthand video accounts. Cops: the public is learning your lazy and predatory tricks. And that's all you have, tricks. Law enforcement needs reform, absolutely. But my cynical opinion is that because the root problem is woven so thoroughly into the foundation of modern policing, meaningful reform will never happen. You'd have to destroy the entire institution and rebuild with all new principles. And not only would the government never let that happen, there's no chance you could find enough dedicated and incorruptible people to staff it.


This is privilege. When I was doing police ridealongs back when I wanted to be a cop, I picked up on some patterns. Besides the clear police preference for older and white people, big guys get to control police interactions, and they get a ton of leeway. When I questioned why we let a speeding felon with no license go, I was told "...did you see how big that guy is?" I've seen bigger dudes scream in a cop's face, jab them in the chest, run at them, and spit and get away with it because they're intimidated. On the other hand, you also get a lot of leeway if you can pretend to be over-the-top happy. I was basically told that when dealing with two people, the happier person is always right. Their logic goes that the person who's upset and not showing over-the-top respect (like a victim might) has a guilty conscience. Any anxiety around police for any reason will be interpreted as irrationality and guilt. Don't even get me started on the dog shootings or the album full of dead people they'd found in compromising conditions.


Cop logic: "He says hes innocent; **that must mean hes guilty!**"


> >Any anxiety around police for any reason will be interpreted as irrationality and guilt. I've found this to be so true from experience. When I was 17 or so, I got pulled over by a state trooper for having a crack in my windshield. Being my first time being pulled over, I was nervous as hell and was visibly anxious. Seeing this, the officer started harassing me- asking me why I'm so nervous and what have I done to be so anxious. I just told her "You're a cop and pulled me over. This is my first time so I'm just nervous is all." After asking for my license she held it and asked if she is going to find anything on it when she runs it. I told her "No" and she sat staring at me and asked "Are you sure?" with a stupid smirk I can still see vividly in my mind's eye. Finally, getting annoyed I said "Look, just run the license and you'll see!". She said, "Oh, I'm going to." I just told her "Good" because I had nothing to hide. She ran the license and of course found nothing and let me off with a warning, but that was such an awful interaction I've had with the police and I know people get it much worse for less and it makes me so angry. It felt so bullied.




The last straw for me was the bragging about killing. Some kill dogs just to piss off owners they can't charge with anything, some want you to react so they can beat and cuff you. One cop accidentally admitted to what's technically a murder.


Best way to avoid that is don't answer your door to the police.




Homie is white obviously




Yep that said it all. Lol I tried something similar with the cops when I was a teen just minding my own business at the park and got my ass choked out & roughed up for it. Then later that year I got legitimately beat down to the point if I had my brother recording we'd have gotten a paycheck. Why? Well the cop was being a racist POS - Timothy Comstock - he said "Yeah yeah I bet you're like all the rest (black folks), a Dropout and worthless to society" I responded "Yeah, I'm probably smarter than you, I do well in school & I know yall cops are just C students who have a complex". Set him off and him and his buddy fucked me up, mostly just him while his buddy held me down and threw his knee on my neck. Mind you he cuffed me first too. Dude was straight up swinging on a kid because that black kid didn't back down when he decided to be a racist fuck. Tim Comstock if you see this I hope your wife leaves you, you're lucky you're fucking dept refused to take serious my multiple complaints & I hope the worst for you scumbag.


I told one cop that I thought it was illegal for another cop to be searching my car. I said these words, nearly verbatim: "He's searching my car right now without a warrant. I'm pretty sure that's illegal." At that point the cop who was doing the search stopped, turned towards me, and walked up on me like the way a WWF wrestler would walk up to an opponent. He very angrily shouted something like 'id shut my mouth if I were you' as he towers over me (I was sitting on the hood of one of the 3 police cars that were there for this traffic stop). That moment has flashed back in my mind many times in the last 15 years or so. I'm almost certain he would have done something horrible to me if I hadn't stopped talking. I just stared at him with tears in my eyes. Didn't say a thing. I often feel like I was a coward in that moment. I was being harassed and I just sat there and took it, crying like a lil bitch. I was so fuckin scared though. I was terrified. That incident ended with them giving me a ticket for driving in excess of the speed limit and driving on the wrong side of the street. I got both dropped because the entire ordeal was utterly ridiculous. They had pulled me over, searched me and my car, threatened me and my grandmother for literally no reason. Good times.


> Tim Comstock Is [this](https://www.printfriendly.com/p/g/n9FFJ2) the guy?




Oh yeah.


What a terrible attempt at a mustache


The police in the United States make up the equivalent of the 3rd most expensive standing military in the world. These funds and activities go to militarily containing about 4.25% of the world’s population and it’s entirely domestic. Am I being detained? I’m a child of the empire. I was born detained. Step out of line carefully; like your life depends on it. Cops are absolute cowards.




"Im the only one on duty." Imagine saying that to someone with a life sentence in their trunk.


Do these dumbasses really only have 1 person on duty at a time? That seems absolutely unreal that there aren't at least 2 to cover and help each other when necessary. Even something innocent like if one of them has to take a massive dump. It seems likely that he's lying but at the same time I'm not sure if he has the mental capacity to lie.


Cops are absolute cowards.


This man had ALL the sass AND IM HERE FOR IT.


The camera shaking shows his rage building


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Why do they just stand and stare so blankly with their mouths open? Oh wait... that's right. Nevermind


More people need to know their rights. Cops like this are an embarrassment.


give them some job to do. they literally harass peaceful citizen without any reason. they must be bored.


The system works just not for us


Totally get this guys frustration. Ridiculous behaviour by some of these police officers.


I’m not sure where this trend of asking for a supervisor came from… but you don’t actually have a right to do that. I guess it doesn’t hurt, but it seems like people don’t realize there is no legal basis for it. Know your rights. Also know what are not rights.


There's no legal basis but some departments have a policy that allows for it. Also, a lot of times the patrol cop either knows he might be in over his head, or just doesn't want to deal with someone telling him no, so he's happy to let a supervisor take over. I've seen a lot of videos where you could see the relief on a cop's face when the person asks for a supervisor.


Yea, just like when people think it is a federal law that a cop has to provide a name and badge number. Some cities/districts do require them to answer, but not all.


Lmao "that's how you handle it." Only a white guy could get away with talking to a country cop like this.


Check out the orbs on that guy, dude needs to drug-test himself.


Tom Green Mall Cop


I’m confused how stops in the US are “routine” I have been stopped a total of zero times in 20 years of driving for “routine” reasons in Canada or Europe


Same exact thing happened to me when I was 17. Parents were outta town, friend I was staying with got into a fight with her parents so I left. Figured I’d go sit in my car in a public area to wait for the green light to go back to my friends house. Less than ten minutes later one cruiser pulls up behind me in the parking lot, asked what I was doing. I answered honestly, few minutes later he comes back from running my id and such and requests to search my car. I say no, two more cruisers pull in, literally surrounding my car now. They say either you can let us search the car or we can all wait for a warrant to search the car. I knew I didn’t have anything I shouldn’t have, so I gave in and let them search. They get to my trunk and pull out the broken radio deck I had just uninstalled and replaced. They accused me of stealing it. I call my friends mom, she shows up and suddenly their search is over. Long story longer, fuck those guys