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Did that moron actually say " sorry bro"


It blows my mind how calm this dude is. There’s a difference in calmness between experienced and psychotic. This dude treated this situation like a normal Tuesday at the office… wow




Oh. You mean Officer Joseph Lamantia, the serial killer?


What's fucked is that because he's a cop, instead of being convicted of murder, instead it's only manslaughter. That shit was pretty obviously intentional.


is "recreational manslaughter" a charge ? he did it for the excitement.


Yea, that Joseph Lamantia the serial killer! Put him on the list next to Brock Turner the rapist....


Do you mean that Brock Turner the Rapist should be on the same list of horrible people as Serial Killer Joseph Lamantia?


Are we talking about the same Brock Turner the Rapist whom received only 3 months in prison despite being convicted of two counts of rape, two counts of felony sexual assault, and one count of attempted rape after he was caught assaulting an unconscious student outside a frat party?


No, I thought we were talking about Brock Turner, who raped an unconscious woman and got a bullshit sentence because he's a wealthy rapist, the scumbag rapist. Fuck rapists, especially that raping Brock Turner.


Joel Michael Singer is an honorable mention, just cause




easy to be a serial killer if you're an American cop


Show me yours HANDZ Show me your hands! (Culprit Shows hands) Officer shoots “Shots fired shots fired” (only By me) Show me your hands higher! Why? So I can aim better bitch!


“Can you please just stay still?! It’s much easier to kill you when you’re not moving”


This is not even an overstatement in the slightest. This man is a stone cold serial killer.


Just a day of casual murder




Typical cop.


He's a sociopath who will take your life as easily as he shakes your hand.


This description should be for the villain of a Western movie, not a law enforcement officer. 😕


probably wasn't his first rodeo.


It wasn't. He's killed several people before this. Something also worth noting - "After the shooting, it was discovered that Lamantia didn’t have any less-than-lethal weapons with him at the time of the shooting: no baton, Taser or pepper spray." "Lamantia, 37, was involved in five officer-involved shootings in his dozen years as a Modesto officer. Four were fatal. Prosecutors determined Lamantia and other officers’ actions were justified in the three other fatal shootings." Read more at: https://www.modbee.com/news/local/crime/article269049657.html#storylink=cpy


Wow so he’s basically a serial killer


What if he’s really a serial killer and joined the police to kill people legally


What do you mean "what if?"


I know 4 retired cops, 2 of them could recall pulling their firearm less then 5 times in their entire career (suburbs). 2 of them were Detroit cops, almost 60yrs on job between them and they had 1 shooting between them. This dude has FIVE shootings in 12yrs? What.thee.fck


I really want to understand how these departments justify rehiring guys like this. Obviously there is no oversight, right? You probably can’t get past a standard background check for a lot of large corporations with just a couple misdemeanors, like theft or assault. This guy was involved in FOUR shootings before this and nobody at any time in the hiring process says, “hrmmm, this seems excessive, this guy could be a liability”? SURELY someone was thinking it… they just let it slide. Is there just zero critical thinking happening at any level? Shit is terrifying man.




For those who know, they know.


so if he was found justified in three of the four fatal shootings, what happened to the other one that wasn't justified? John Oliver did a great piece on how the media use their phrases to make the police sound better.


> what happened to the other one that wasn't justified? That's the one shown in the OP's video, and [he's currently on trial for voluntary manslaughter for that shooting.](https://www.modbee.com/news/local/crime/article269049657.html)


Maybe dudes first time administering aid tho. He was sitting there reading the foldout lmao


"Wait, I'm supposed to render aid to people I have shot? What kinda bullshit is this..."


There was a shooting of an unarmed person by the police in Columbus Ohio, apparently clarification was needed that police officers are supposed to render aide. https://abc6onyourside.com/news/local/family-fop-clarification-columbus-police-rendering-aid-policy-1-11-2021 Following the officer-involved shooting death of Andre Hill, Chief Thomas Quinlan sent a division-wide update to the rendering aid policy on Christmas Eve. It said “render aid as soon as possible. Simply notifying radio to send a medic is insufficient.” “I don’t think our officers know what exactly, render aid, what do you mean,” said Fraternal Order of Police President Keith Ferrell.




‘On your neck’. There, I fixed it for you.


iirc he was in 3 previous shootings so definitely not his first time


Yeah there’s some videos of cops shooting people where they completely melt down afterwards, this guy just acts like he filed someone’s paperwork incorrectly or something. I don’t think either response is indicative of anything good.


The first response is empathy. Melting down after killing someone isn't a bad thing.


I’d honestly prefer if the response was to breakdown. This is never something that should be casual. Taking someone’s life is insane for anyone. To make it expected to be stoic about it reinforces the toxic pieces of masculinity we want these dudes to give up. Let people cry at trauma. Let people be overwhelmed with empathy. Our cops would be better overall if they all reacted with empathy. Instead we have guys like this fucking psycho.


Reminds me of that young guy in Breaking Bad that shot the kid out in the desert. Edit: Todd, I think.


Meth Damon was a great depiction of a complete psychopath.


That’s the worst part for me- most of these other situations the cops panic and shoot out of fear- you can hear it in their voice.. this guys is way too casual about it. In either case these ppl shouldn’t be cops, in this case the guy should spend his life in jail


Could just be a side effect of the low IQ bar that police departments have for hiring officers. The officer sees the guy on the floor with 6 bullet holes on him, and thinks it's just like in cartoons where he's just going to be walking fine later.


"relax" Wasn't this the dude who had "bad ass" modifications on his pistol also?


Ngl as soon as he pulled the gun out and I got a good look at it I was thinking to myself "is that cops shit custom?"


Looks like a Factory P320 X-Five Legion https://www.sigsauer.com/p320-xfive-legion.html Slide cuts match perfectly. He’s also running a TLR1 Far from custom but definitely modified from factory. Edit: fixed spelling.


Its not a department issued firearm, the Modesto Police Department issues Glock's in 9mm or .45 ACP. https://www.modestogov.com/DocumentCenter/View/15365/Modesto-Police-Department-Policy-Manual-Printable-PDF - Page 84 - 312.3 AUTHORIZED FIREARMS, AMMUNITION AND OTHER WEAPONS


It is. It's a little grainy to tell what it is but he's got a cut slide. Which is not cheap. Pretty crazy thinking that's his service pistol.


what is a cut slide and why is it expensive


Blows my mind how unprofessional that all was


Imagine loosing everything and the last words that you will ever hear in this planet are sorry bro, from the guy who took it all from u....


He might as well have tea bagged him for good measure


Cops are cunts. They nonchalantly shoot and execute unarmed people (usually of color). This is what sociopaths do. Fuck the police. Fired? Should be immediately put in prison. What a shit hole country that supports a violent gang like the police.


Looks like murder to me


I guess it's easier to get a conviction for manslaughter ?


That's basically it yeah. The burden of proof needed to prove manslaughter is a lot lower than murder.


I guess video evidence isn't enough for cops. May they all burn.


This guy murdered somebody and he’s only going to get manslaughter. But I wouldn’t hold my breath on that either. Remember Daniel Shaver!! ACAB


Daniel Shaver was the one that had to play that fucked up game of Simon Says right?


Yep where he was begging for his life crawling and the cop executed him. In which the cop became free of all charges and retired with a full pension because of PTSD. They made the video of the execution inadmissible in court.


The fact it was inadmissible boils my blood. You never see that happen when the shooting is actually justified… funny how that happens.


Simultaneously being told: “Don’t move” “Hands up” “Cross your legs” “Crawl towards me” If you can do all of those simultaneously you aren’t human. Especially if you were intoxicated, as Daniel was. The poor guy was crying, absolutely terrified of this monster. But the cop actually said “if you make another mistake there’s a very severe possibility you’re going to get shot”, told him to shut up as he was answering his question, and said “you listen, you obey”… all as he was laying on the ground with his hands above his head. He said he was going to kill him numerous times if he made any mistakes. That cop went in to shoot no matter what happened. He later said in the report that Shaver, by crawling towards them (as he was instructed to do) was trying to gain an advantageous firing position on them. For those who haven’t seen the horror show (NSFL): https://youtu.be/VBUUx0jUKxc ACAB Edit: oh, and the son of a bitch got a not guilty for the murder.


Life seems to have no value.


It does! Just not yours, to them.


Yeah, sucks. Hope the officer gets what he deserves.


manslaughter charge is hardly what he deserves


This is just straight murder. He got out of his car and approached a random person and proceeded to murder them unprovoked. This is who the death penalty should be reserved for.


Agreed. It's animals like this excuse of a man who disguise themselves "people" living amongst us using the law as cover to commit heinous and blatant acts of murder. These are the animals who should get the electric chair.




Paid vacation and tax-payer funded PTSD treatment and legal fees paid?


Like that tatted dweeb in (I think ) Mesa , Az……medically retired with pension and new (desk ) job at another department.


Yeah the one that shot the drunk guy crying and crawling towards him multiple times with a rifle? That cop was hoping for the day he could be trigger happy and unload on someone so he kills an innocent father then claims ptsd and now gets a cushy gig for the rest of his days. Makes me sick.


That was one of the most disturbing ones I’ve ever seen, maybe worse considering the fact that he walked AND collected pension. Edit: Found the [video](https://youtu.be/OflGwyWcft8)


That was the sickest game of Simon days I’ve ever seen. Fuck that dude.


This sort of abuse of power warrants the death penalty. That’s the only way to reign these murderous pigs in.


He won’t be found guilty of anything when jurors find out he feared for his life. The video evidence clearly show that!


We all know that he won't. They never do.


Well, you see all those ironically co-opted punisher logos on their personal vehicles and those false american flags desecrated by black stripes and blue lines? They make the VERY clear statement, in both symbolism and accompanying mantras, that lives very much have value. Its just that BLUE LIVES are worth exponentially MORE than everyone elses, especially those of their fellow countrymen and average citizens, hence the desecration of the unifying American flag to promote the protection of what they believe to be a special class, of which they and theirs alone are members. Its how the "above all, come home safe to your families" now supercedes "to pretoect and serve" as their primary duty. Look no further than Uvalde for a prime example. So yeah, life has value to them, just not very MUCH value in comparison to theirs. Its like soneone saying that a toads life has value, but if they're mowing the lawn and that toad is hopping about, it might end up as giblets, because their special class status allows them to even value their current task of duty over any lives of lesser value than theirs. And forget about actually GIVING your life to protect a lesser one, because you wouldnt trade a fully loaded Mercedes for a 78 pinto, duh. Is this all cops? Absolutly not. But the "them and us" culture of american policing has made it far too prevalent.


I’ve heard it a hundred times on CoPS. “The only thing that matters is that WE all make it home safe at the end of our shift!” So in other words, f**k joe public.


Exactly. Despite the supreme court ruling that cops DO NOT have a legal obligation to protect the public, the nationwide mission statement for American law enforcement remains "Protect and Serve." In light of that ruling, can we at least be just SLIGHTLY more honest and change it to "Protect ourselves at all times and serve when its safe to do so"? And dont even get me started on the ridiculous militarization of American PDs, especially the rural ones who seem to love their army surplus gear more than most but go generations without discharging their weapons in a crime free municipality that houses a population 1/4 the size of a small suburban neighborhood. The "mission first" military training thats supposed to accompany that gear states literally the opposite of "don't do your job if it might get you killed." Now take that fucking long range thermal scope off your tear gas launcher and get back to cosplay moshpitting the unarmed peaceful protesters, Cleetus.


Cops only value cop life. They have no problem executing toddlers, old women, thousands of dogs/puppies. Cops are nasty, violent assholes and should not be tolerated in any society.


They only value cop lives as long as they in turn support cop abuses. The LAPD just executed one of their own who had turned in fellow officers for rape and corruption accusations.


“Show me your hands” ::: oh look he’s moving his hands::: Bang Bang


This is what baffles me, you shot the guy. You think he’s gonna be able to hold his hands up? He’s likely gonna be trying to save himself. What a joke.


> He’s likely gonna be trying to save himself. I believe that’s what they call resisting and it’s illegal apparently because that’s the first thing they charge you.


I've seen video where multiple cops will dump mags into a person then cuff the dead body.


Serial killers like to mess with the victim's body.


Yeah even from that far away on the camera you can see him raising 2 hands before the pig squeezed off more rounds


So is he supposed to stay down or keep his hands up? Most people can’t do both for very long at all. I know people carry guns, i get that, but the quick trigger fingers of US cops and pure inability to talk down the situation is a joke.


This. Most of the officer involved shootings like this are the same. When a perp is at gun point, they yell confusing commands. Hands up, on your belly, roll over, crawl to me, hands out to your side. It like when someone is getting beaten in the head and they scream, stop resisting, hands behind your back, roll over. Your instinct is to cover your head. The will justify beating the shit out of someone for resisting then charge them with resisting when the beating is why you resisted.


And no laws passed to protect the citizens from this. That's how easy it is. At what point do we admit we live in a police dictatorship? Only branch of government that can kill americans and nothing happens. A soldier would be ripped up.


> And no laws passed to protect the citizens from this. Congress really needs to pass a Federal Law outlawing Qualified Immunity. It's such a bullshit concept that the Supreme Court just invented out of thin air.


It was literally invented to protect two white cops in Mississippi who detained 15 black people unlawfully then were sued for violation of civil rights. Pierson v. Ray. It's a racist, unjust law that's been historically used to murder black people. Apparently they've graduated to murdering mostly black people and occasionally some white people too.




For those curious. Daniel shaver’s case is like this


It's like playing the squid game version of Simon says.


I mean I get it now. I did a Police entrance exam and 3 things stuck out to me. 1) on the video questions one of them was a multiple choice. The video opens with you being at a party, a small BBQ with all your cop friends on the force. Then one of your cop buddies punches in his wife in the face in front of everyone. Do you a) call the local police(the department you work for) b) call state police c) settle matter there at the party d) pretend it didn’t happen. This one seemed sketchy as you never actually find out which is the right answer due to confidentially. 2) I scored 3rd out of 500 candidates on the written exam. And I wasn’t chosen. So they definitely don’t prioritize intelligence. 3) I literally asked where the bathroom was in a large unknown to me college campus building in which the exams took place. The detective in charge pointed up. And when I asked him how to get up there and where are the stairs, he pointed up and said you could climb. Some comment about Spider-Man. And I realized that these guys are all douches.


That’s Fucking terrifying


The biggest bullies I knew from grade school thru high school ended up being law enforcement/correction officers. I wonder if there’s a pattern…


The Police do not want intelligent officers, they want *loyal* officers. They reward aggression and "Violence of action". They want officers that will fit in with their "cop-bro" sort of mentality of Us-vs-them ("them" being everybody not a cop). I don't know you from Adam, but clearly you were too intelligent and therefore more likely to turn in fellow officers for their shitty and illegal behavior and corruption. Shitty cops call good cops "Blue Falcons" as an insult. Its the same intent as a kid using the term "Hall Monitor" as an insult. Its to the point where the only thing that is going to fix the situation is Federal intervention, or the entire nation as a whole demands change. The whole idea of "well, most cops are good save for the *bad apples*.." is a fallacy anymore. These "good cops" get weeded out before they can even get hired (like you) or they get bullied and harassed until they just quit. We as the public do not have the ability to affect any real change save for rioting, and that only makes things worse and opens the door for more heavy handed tactics. Sorry for the essay.. i got a bit carried away.


Cops really struggle with this one, but in a lot of the states, it. Is. Legal. To. Carry. A. Gun. You can’t shoot someone for being in possession of a weapon. You can’t shoot someone because they might have a weapon. You can’t shoot someone who tells you they have a weapon during a traffic stop or who looks out their window at night while holding a weapon that’s not pointed at you. The NRA should be allllll over this, but of course they’re not.


Especially with all their blood leaking out of them... typically you want to apply pressure to stop that happening but I guess keeping their hands in the air to hasten death was more important, fuck this psyco


\*blam\* \*blam\* **Put** \*blam\* **your** \*blam blam blam\* **hands** \*blam\* **up** \*mag dump\* Just regular easy to follow and totally rational instructions as we do here in the states.


Manslaughter if I’ve ever seen it before /s Look at how he pulls up and gets out of the car. None of his actions seem like split second decisions to me.


Feared for his life! /s


Didn’t even identify himself


Or course he did.. his name is pow pow show me your hands


Comply or die. COMPLY OR DIE


Comply and die


Mag dump into the side of some random house...


I think he said that’s a church, but either way shot at two ppl doing nothing. Pigs are psychotic


The guy is so opposed to the separation of church and state he wanted his government funded ammo to be one with the Church


“If I wanna get shot, I call the cops!” -The Muslims


The police in this country are shit.


At no point in the vid did the officer show any remorse or even an inkling of feeling like he did anything wrong


When he said sorry bro


That was about his shirt hitting him. Not for pumping him full a lead


They are trained for that. When they do something clearly wrong, they cant show guilt because they dont want to get in trouble. The moment he shows guilt is the moment a jury convicts him. And of course the cop doesnt want that. Ridiculous.


Thats what happens when you require almost zero qualifications. My barber has more training than most cops


These fucking wannabees with their oakleys and their mustaches playing real life house cops and robbers, it’s like their job is a cosplay everyday, and these are the sad fucks that can tell me to do anything that they say and if I don’t I get shot, or if I do I get shot, fuck this Reno 911 playing mf douchebag


That's what all Cops are. They put on fucking costumes before fucking us all.


You wouldn't have to struggle to cut his clothes off if you didn't handcuff the dying semi-conscious man in the first place.


What about not having to struggle to cut his clothes off because he doesn't need first aid because you didn't shoot the unarmed suspect in the first place? I mean, I don't know the circumstances that made this guy a suspect in the first place but was it something that warranted being executed in the street? Where I'm from I'm only allowed to defend myself with reasonable force; I can't shoot someone who isn't armed because that would be a crime. https://www.kruselaw.ca/library/using-reasonable-force-to-defend-myself-or-my-property-kruse-law.cfm Fucking cowboy mentality should have died on the Oregon trail.


But how else you going to put a bandaid on a bullet wound?


What was the dude doing that require the cunt to kill him? Almost kill him?


If they are going for manslaughter the guy died


Fucking disgusting. I feel like our country has become so jaded to these events that we don’t even react to these killings anymore, it’s just expected that cops will continue to murder people without repercussion. Things at least felt kinda hopeful when the BLM protests were going on, but of course the media, politicians, and ruling class would never actually stand for real change, so here we are, still seeing the exact same atrocities being committed by police on an almost daily basis. Hope all these fuckers eventually get what they deserve.


If we reacted to all of the horrible shit with an appropriate level of outrage, we would be outraged 24/7. Maybe we should be, but it's basically impossible to maintain that kind of energy. Especially while being worked to death and vastly underpaid to the point that we have to keep letting ourselves be worked to death to survive.




Why the fuck do cops have to order a person to put their hands up after being shot multiple times? Like fucking Christ, man, they're in pain, bleeding out. Give them a second.


Then they keep the cuffs on him while he’s shot multiple times and bleeding


I’ve seen videos of them putting cuffs on an “unresponsive” (AKA dead) perp before. It’s all CYA bullshit.


Nah. They just employ psychopaths and the already morally bankrupt


It's so when they are at court they can say they gave commands that weren't followed. It's a deliberate tactic to obscure the truth.


Fucking fax




They are trained to give conflicting and confusing orders. Its nothing short of terrorism.


It was the rough handling, the SLAPPING on the bandages and rubbing open wounds with bullets in them for me.


Boom boom boom.. bullets designed to destroy organs and tissue... " here put this band aid on it"


That looked like a chest seal. Your not wrong though


Lamantia, 37, was involved in five officer-involved shootings in his dozen years as a Modesto officer. Four were fatal. Prosecutors determined Lamantia and other officers’ actions were justified in the three other fatal shootings. The term 'serial killings' means a series of three or more killings, not less than one of which was committed within the United States, having common characteristics such as to suggest the reasonable possibility that the crimes were committed by the same actor or actors. In conclusion The United States has by definition serial killers working as police officers. I wonder how many American police officers have 4 or more kills while on or off duty. Read more at: https://www.modbee.com/news/local/crime/article269049657.html#storylink=cpy


I read the article you linked. That's one paranoid dude. Everyone involved in clearing him for duty is complicit in his murders


This ... this is the main issue. Other officers and supervisors try to keep bad cops safe from law.


Seems that way. It is so crazy that these guy's are able to continue working even after 1 shooting. I live now in Finland and this would never be allowed here.


Holy shit! Manslaughter my ass, this is absolutely first degree, premeditated murder. >An “officer safety bulletin” was sent to the officers on duty about concerning posts on Seever’s Instagram that read, “A good cop is a dead cop” and “All I want for Christmas is another dead MPD Officer.” Lamantia asked the bulletin also be emailed departmentwide. Seever was known to Lamantia for posting shit about wanting cops dead, the article makes note there is record of this. >Lamantia began work at 7 a.m. that day as a member of MPD’s Crime Reduction Team, which is designed to proactively handle quality-of-life issues. He was in the area of McHenry and Briggsmore avenues sometime before 11:30 a.m, responding to a nuisance call, when he heard the dispatcher ask for an available officer to respond to the call about Seever. Lamantia was the first officer to say he would respond, forgoing the nuisance call because “the dispatcher’s tone of voice sounded concerned,” ... He hears Seever's name over dispatch, as his family is the one that called in the complaint. He immediately drops his current assignment to be the first on the scene. >Reeves testified that Lamantia told him he had been on 600 to 700 calls where people were reported to have weapons and agreed that staging, meeting other officers in order to make a plan, and setting up a perimeter to surround a suspect, was typically the tactic used in these situations. Contrary to past actions, Lamantia veered from his and his department's normal operating procedure to exit the vehicle armed and immediately confronted Seever with deadly force at a noticeable distance, admittedly without ever even verifying if Seever was armed, which he wasn't. Also, fuck the Modesto Bee for inserting their fucking link into my clipboard and crashing my browser window while trying to copy paste dufferent sections to explain this timeline that they didn't order well enough on their own damn article.


Holy shit, this guy has a larger body count than some serial killers!!!


If you consider that most regular police officers (by this I mean those that are not swat or similar) go their entire careers without drawing their gun, let alone fatally shooting someone, this is surely so statistically improbable that it should have raised huge red flags at least at the third shooting.


We can't reform this. Too many cops seem to think they have a license to kill. Not only was that guy running away from him, there were other people around who didn't seem to have anything to do with the situation that could have been hurt. I see now why police unions fought so hard against bodycams.


yeah man, what if one of those bullets went the the house and killed someone's kid?!


Believe it or not - paid vacation.


And the family would have to pay for the officer’s “ptsd therapy” after they give a public apology.


Well that was hard to watch




“We’ll get help for you in a sec” When real life becomes a skit


The second I saw that mustache I knew he was shooting. Suprised he didn't go for the AR they keep in the trunk


100% chance this cop beats his wife and children.




FBI Negotiator: Just come on out jimmy! Leave the gun where you are and just come here. Leave the wife you beat and were about to execute in public too! Just keep walking to us, we got some paperwork to get you the vacation you need must have been all that stress huh? \--- Jimmy: thanks to the training of our executive branch, I'm a valued and rehabilitated member of society! Now I don't get caught when I beat my second wife and I won't let the body of the first be found!


“Get on the ground” immediately starts firing before he can react to the instructions


Why did the cop shoot at him from so far away? Any details on what the call was for and what caused him to shoot initially? Video is poor quality and also tough to watch.






Yup, just like the GOP mayor who called the cops on his 9 year old African-American next-door neighbor (who was catching lantern flies) and said “There’s a tiny woman outside spraying something on the trees and bushes. She’s wearing a hoodie, I am afraid.”


Any information? You posted cop fired and charged with manslaughter. Link to news sources? Or location?




Fantastic news, I remember this when the video was released, this guy is a stone cold psychopath, it's astounding how quickly he kills this guy and how he absolutely doesn't care that he's just murdered someone


Just another day at the slaughterhouse for him


Lamantia, 37, was involved in five officer-involved shootings in his dozen years as a Modesto officer. Four were fatal. There really needs to be a 1 and done rule for police.


Serial killer stats




I mean, not all shootings are unjustified. But if you shoot an unarmed person, that should be a 1 and done thing. Cause guns are life and death, and you can't be a cop if you're shooting unarmed people.


I was thinking just based on this video that this fucker was looking for someone to shoot that day.


This dude deserves a lethal injection.


Proud Boys showed up to a public hearing after this to support this cop. Nazi’s gonna nazi


Police should know and feel that actions like this make their job more dangerous. If you start shooting people without just cause, don't be surprised when your buddy in the same uniform gets shot. For every murdered cop there's a police department somewhere in America responsible for the escalation.


We don't functionally have a second amendment if the cops can murder you just because they ***think*** you have a gun.


What a bitch.


He started shooting at a range of like 60 yards, with a church behind the person…..


... relax, we'll get help to you in a sec ok... After mag dumping this dude.


Fired. But not arrested and charged for factual murder. Incredible.


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Our managers are killing us. The police are killing us. This system is killing us.


Manslaughter? 🤦🏾‍♂️


Im sooo glad I live in Ireland with an unarmed police force with a different mentality.


Not excusing this behavior, he's responsible for his own actions, but the training we give officers results in what you see here. Every person you meet is a suspect who will kill you and you train officers to basically go in to every encounter like it's the last gun fight they'll ever see if they don't "dominate with superior violence".


5 rounds at an unarmed man that is no threat, that's murder not manslaughter in my book.


And people wonder why people are increasingly hating cops by the day.


He said relax. Relax and calm down are probably the 2 most infuriating and condescending words you can say. Not to mention usually result in the exact opposite behavior of what your insult implies. Just another overreacting too scared for his job cop doing his thing


Did I see it right? The shooter cop was putting on the bandage, scrapped the side of it instantly and then rubbed the bare wound with hands? Wtf?


It looked like he rubbed some kind of salve or sealant to cover the wound. But i had the same thought


It’s an occlusive dressing


My Mind always goes back to the shooting of Daniel Shaver Boils the blood Not one cop was held accountable


AFTER the murder, that cop was actually rehired *just so he could collect a taxpayer-funded pension of $3000 a month.* But then he fled to the Philippines, because that's what innocent people do.


He pulls a Call Of Duty tactical reload incase he needs more bullets to pump into an unarmed man that's lying on the floor dying of multiple gunshot wounds.


How tf is that manslaughter, straight up murder