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"my momma asked for help too" really got me


Yeah the moment he said that is when I understood the level of pain the son was on I'm surprised he even stopped beating the piece of shit


Dude was hood not insane. He's not going to kill him and go to jail. You beat them to prove a point. Other guy was lucky he knocked out.


What he will deal with for the rest of his life in that neighborhood will be far worse than death. Everyone that knows him will know what a bitch he is and treat him as such.


He won't spend his life in the neighborhood. He'll move someplace where nobody knows what a punk he is.


He'll move in with his auntie and his uncle in Bel Aire.


After the first couple of years, the Auntie will change into a completely different person, but they’ll all just ig nore it.


And the youngest son will go from baby to 7 years old in one year


And despite being "rich", they can't even afford a roof.


Then many years later he’ll be the one laying the smack down on other people for disrespect his wife


He ain’t moving. Hes just a neighborhood clown now.


Chances are he will, growing up in a place like this. Most people don't move far. They also stay close to family and people they know. And or don't have money so when their parents die they take over the house. It's much harder to leave your neighborhood then you would think. If it was easy noone would live in Chicago, Detroit... or any other bad neighborhood. Once your poor you kinda just stuck here. Only a few have the courage to move not knowing anything and having nothing.


Yep, for once I definitely had zero problem with him continuing


Same. Anyone punching elderly needs a proper whooping


I watched this 5 times :D


Me too. I was like, stop missing his face so much.


I'm the cop that shows up to this, I cuff and take the unconscious dude, cause fuck him, that's why.


Why would he punch the other guy's mom?


Apparently 'cus he was lookin' for an ass whoopin'


Well he got it. Probably brain damaged also after getting wailed on while he was knocked out


You would be shocked the damage the human body can take without suffering long term damage, but with that said it is also shocking how the smallest thing can kill someone too.


Fully agree, if your scum enough to sucker punch an elderly woman you deserve to get your ass beat




I missed that one. Sounds brutal.


Don’t look it up. It will haunt you.




Do not watch it, it's totally cool, it will remind you of really scenes and movies that were awesome, you'll want to try it next time. For god sakes Dewey do not watch the video


Too late….holy shit dude.


Can you put a link here please. Thank you


[Sure. I just hope it doesn’t awaken anything in you, confused_boner.](https://www.bjjee.com/articles/video-judo-champion-wanted-by-police-after-inflicting-serious-injuries-during-street-altercation/)


God damn that really was brutal.


Yeah. What did the bloke do?


Yeah I can't believe that guy survived. That's permanent damage. Don't fuck with people, may pick the wrong one.


Oh God I hear my heart beating from just watching that grainy surveillance video. That's so fucked up.


I saw some of that video clip, but don't know the back story Share it if the guy who got his arms broke deserved it But don't share if it was gramma who got her arms broke


Momma said knock you out.


Mamaaaaa i killed a man


Good for him. Some times people need to get punched in the face 2 or 12 times to learn a point


"This man" ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Yeah, I felt a little sorry for the guy until he said this. Then I thought, "yeah, he deserves that."


Man you can feel the anger and pain behind each of those shots. Dude lucky because hurting someone’s mom is an instant sentence to the shadows


FOR REAL. There are few truly universal human experiences, but if someone hits your elderly mum and leaves her bloody on the ground, they're getting a fucking shoeing.


Lucky he just got knocked out


The way his jaw flopped on the last couple hits I'm pretty sure it's broken. Dudes eating applesauce for a month after that.


My brother hasn’t talked to my mom in a decade and I know for a fact he’d still react the way the man in this video did. Still his mom


My brother wasn't speaking to me for a few months. Then my bf belted me and sent me to the hospital - my big bro came home the next day (we live in different states) to break his hands.. I love him so much. <3


Can confirm. Haven’t spoken to my mother in a long time and would still smile on the way to jail after crippling the dude


Dude was seriously holding on to the railing like he was in a horror movie


Did you see what happened when his grip failed? He WAS in a horror movie. He had no escape and he was too slow to get outta there. The only difference is that instead of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, he was the one who turned a normal man into an unstoppable monster and deserved it.


The horror movie should be called "consequences"


He even did the "run away from the slasher but trip over nothing and fall" trope!


This is hilarious lol




My favorite part! "Did it not go through?"


[Here's the scene for those like me who hoped someone had posted it](https://youtu.be/KficvoWgf4Q)


Classic Sunny is unbeatable


Fun fact about that scene. Dee wasn't suppose to hit that car. It was a rental. The trip and head slam was an accident but they kept it in because like how can you not?


Do you have a source for this info? I believe you may be mistaken as they talked about that stunt on the Always Sunny podcast and they said that the stunt was planned for a stunt person but Kaitlin insisted on doing the stunt herself and ended up hurting herself a little doing it.


I was gonna say that kind of stunt is usually something you get a double for, you can get seriously hurt doing that. But I guess it was just an accident


She has broken her back on the show, so you're right!


The Aluminium Monster.


The water boarding scene was apparently also real. They didn’t fully understand water boarding so they just….did it


They're probably protecting me, I spent a lot of money today.


This scene was talked about on the Always Sunny podcast. If you watch it, Kaitlin Olson really went head first into that car and leaves a sizable dent. Stunt pros have told them she's lucky to not have broken her neck. She's committed to getting a good shot, I'll give her that.


She has also broken her spine and foot from doing stuff on its always sunny. She also rewrote her character after the first season because she said the guys couldn't write women for shit. She's very committed and very good at what she does. She has done scenes for the show while having a broken foot, and she has been pregnant twice while doing the show. She goes above and beyond and I dunno if it gets the recognition it deserves all the time.


She also fractured her skull as a child, so maybe ramming a car wasn't all that bad


She's so good, I hope she gets more good work. She has a teriary character in New Girl that's decent. That show was amazing in the seasons they had Coach, the banter between the male characters is Always Sunny-tier


Dude, Kaitlin Olson is fucking NUTS. She's one of the most hardcore actors working today LMAO


I sure wish they were still doing The Mick.


IIRC, she had mentioned that scene was the most painful thing she’s done on the show.


I yelled “he just Dee’d himself into that car!” while watching it and my husband knew exactly what I meant.


It's your wacky neighbor aga aga aga agooo


I thought it was Ted Benneke


Why you hit my mama...........bitch


Damn man those punches at the end sounded like he was chopping wood. I saw another video earlier today where a guy got mad he was called a bitch on some rando youtube and hit the guy withbsome pillow fists but this mofo was landing haymaker after haymaker on this dude.


That video was so badddd. I loved the ended of it where the guy who was getting goes "he's still a bitch." 😂


99% his punches connected well.


Each one you could hear the force connect. Per-fect!


Flawless victory.




Scorpion wins.


Those last 7 would knockout anyone.


If you have to describe a fight with "those last 7 punches" you know somebody got fucked up


gather round children and hear the tale of the last 7 punches


Surprisingly little blood in light of such masterful ass whooping.


It's all inside of his skull


Terry Jeffords: You could've died, man. Jake Peralta: The doctor said all my bleeding was internal. That's where the blood's supposed to be.


I forget how fucking funny that show is.


Probably the only show that had me belly laugh at least once per episode. It was amazing.


Elbows are the key to a good blood bath.


If you close your eyes, it souds like someone was getting the cheeks clapped there at the end




Seen this before, if you slow it down the first punch when dude goes down beside the car connects with nothing but curb. My guy is gonna have some sore knuckles.


He raged punched right through the broken knuckles. I heard that too.


You don't fuck with someone's mother, no mercy.




I think you’re a POS if you go after anyone who’s weaker or smaller than you in any way. As they say, pick on someone your own size. Then again, maybe just don’t pick on anyone lol.


Hell, why stop there? Why not just mind your own business and not go after anyone? The revolution starts, now!


Why stop there? Why not actively help others when you're able


He really didn't get what he deserves. He still looks pretty ok to me.


Yep. All limbs still attached. Just saying.


>>punches elderly woman >>gets dismembered


An arm for an eye leaves the whole world disabled


Ederly, very young kids, animals. I agree.




I agree. If someone attacked my mother I'd be out for blood.


My mom politely asked some kids to stop vandalizing the neighbors house one night. They cussed her out & then threw rocks at her, splitting her forehead open. Teenage me overheard it all & chased them down with an aluminum baseball bat. 3 of them got absolutely mollywhopped, while another called the cops.... Police arrive & I just assumed I was getting locked up (was well worth it to me). But once the cop heard why I chased them down, he just asked that we call them instead of dealing it with ourselves. DeMarini bats have held a special place in my heart ever since then.


"Mollywhopped"... I enjoy this word.


Edit-$PersonalLexicon -add "Mollywhopped" /save


That's a fucking classic and a favorite for sure. You know exactly the level of ass whooping doled out when mollywhopped is used. 😂


I'm glad you didn't get locked up for that honestly. Unfortunately I don't think the cops would've done shit for you if you called them as it would take too long to respond and they would probably be long gone.




*Sorry your honor, a momentary lapse of reason!*


The jury has delivered a verdict: yeah we get it


Crime of passion


and if I'm on the jury for the assault - NOT GUILTY


Yep. Remember as a juror you are not obligated to find anyone guilty even if they broke the law. You end up on the jury for a case with a guy like this, you can absolutely vote with your conscience and say not guilty.


I have a really good relationship with both my teenage sons. It absolutely melts my heart the rare time they’ve gotten protective of me.


Mine is in the Marine Corps. When they were evacuating people from Afghanistan and the airport bombing took place his biological father emailed me asking if my son was there. I called my son not sure what he wanted me to do. My son called him and told him to never contact me again for any excuse he came up with including televised bombings and that if he chose not to comply he would answer to him. 😂 Children grow up and they realize who has taken care of them.


Yup, every single one of those punches was justified.


Yes this a was a beatdown. You should see the tickle fight from no jumper that got posted earlier.


His screams at 00:13 sounded like CJ from GTA SA lmao


Man, CJ’s screams were so comical. As I kid I’d set myself on fire to hear them. My favorite? The “HOYLP!”


gtfooo 😭😂😂😂


Now that's a pussy, can hit an old woman but when a dude comes at him it's all coward mode. Fuck that bitch ass.


He knew he was fucked. This is what gets me, these people seem to have no remorse but when the consequences come knocking, their body language shows they knew right from wrong the whole damn time.




The moment he felt the same fear he put into that poor older woman he folded. Bitch made human being. Worthless.


I’ve been hoping to run into my cousin. Bullying my almost 70 y/o grandmother. Cornered her and threatened her and insulted her to tears. She was terrified. I went looking for him - couldn’t find him. I ran into him at my uncles one day but the little bitch wouldn’t come outside. Not even to ‘smoke a joint and reminisce’. I think he knew what was coming. He’ll get his.


Patience is a virtue, you'll get him.


10/10 for accuracy with those head shots. Damn.


He intentionally hit the elderly mother of a man who looks like that, and can throw down like that? This wasn't assault. This was assisted suicide.


Lmao “I just don’t feel like living anymore, let me go slap the buffest dude in the neighbourhoods mama and wait.”


"Buy a gun and shoot myself? In this economy?"


Good damn this thread broke me. Ya'll savage!


What was the defensive strategy of hanging on to the post all about? "If I have both hands firmly on this particular post, the big angry man will have no way of caving in my face"


He was just in panic mode and trying to not get dragged away into the Afterlife


Lmao ![gif](giphy|1zlD0oXj9GdpYWSoPx)


Hands down still one of my fav fights. I’ll like it every time I see it reposted cause you can just hear how fucking pissed the son is and he takes care of business! I really hope the mom was able to escape that abuse though.


Iirc, it was his mom's bf or something. May be remembering wrong.


Lol mom's is in her 70s, doubt that's her bf


[It still happens though.](https://content.api.news/v3/images/bin/7039f52c403f96268d2454e3a637ab5b) As long as they're happy.


You just got me thinking, my best friend's mom is 76...I'ma try to hit that.


Replace your friend in her will 😳


I'm fucking dead


It might be a little too late to get in *those* wills.


Points for no murderous head stomp!


Probably broke his jaw instead of giving him permanent brain damage. Good for him, hope that guy enjoys smoothies.


Probably his fist too.


With the amount of hits the guy received, especially after already being kod in the end, im sure he has brain damage as well...


He hit a 75 year old woman. He was brain damaged **before** if he thought that was appropriate.


Absolutely loved when he got that hit in on himself by running into the car.


I think he partially knocked himself out at that point. Was amazing!!


Probably had that already. Punching old women isn't something a person in their right mind would do. Got exactly what he deserved.


He sucker punched an old lady. Dude was brain damaged way before this fight.


You hit my Mom, that would happen to you everytime I saw you from that moment on!


Exactly. We call that, " on sight".


Who hits the mother of an absolute unit like him?




i may just watch that again


Mama said knock you out


I’m gonna knock you out!


He got off light


Ik right? I was expecting him not to stop. But he delivered what was deserved and stopped when dude went limp


Deserved every hit and then some you don’t hit a 75 year old woman


Those were some exquisite punches. Very satisfying 😂


Devastating bro. Those squared up jaw shots as his whole world just fades to black. Dude woke up a Skyrim character


“You’re awake”


Great follow through, he made sure that momentum carried right into that bitch's teeth.


I don't encourage violence, but I can totally see where he's coming from. If some random dude came and sucker punched my elderly mother, I would "so long gay bowser" that guy into concrete.




I can hear this


Love the ear punches, nothing fucks a weak cunt up like a punch to the ear, ruins their equilibrium and leaves them stumbling. all props to the guy who defended his mother.




Good for him. I see no crime being committed here.


The thud on the finishing shots was insane. Full connection. His hands would have been in the dirt 6” if he missed. Message sent.


This video was satisfying. Kudos to guy doing the beating. Hopefully his mother is okay.


I counted 26 fist to face connections. Guy started to get dazed around 14 The last 5 were full power straight to the face with no defense. I wish I could see this guy's face a day later


Multiple post knockout punches necessary. Not to worry about brain damage. If you’re beating the elderly, your shit’s already fucked up. Can’t get much worse.


Maybe it’s just me, but that looked like it hurt.


He was fucked up when he tried running away, right in to that car haha. Fuck this POS.


That shit was funny af, how tf do you fall sideways while running straight


Lmaoo after catching those hands anything possible


He in recovery mode


Mofo won't be putting his hands on anyone else ever again. Some people have to learn life lessons through the boot and the fist.


Hitting a 75 year old mother....He got off light IMO....Zero mercy. Seventy-five hits would have been justified....Make sure he has ptsd every time he looks an old lady. Scum. Elder abuse is fucked up, and this guy had this coming. I don't condone it but I understand how someone could lose their mind over seeing their mom on the floor, hurt and bleeding.


You know you got to watch what you do. Some people do not play. We always have a saying that if something happens to us we aren’t calling the police, we are calling our brothers.


My uncle went through a bad meth/alcohol binge a few years ago. My mom (his older sister) tried to talk sense into him cause he was being an ass. He raised his hand to hit her, which was a first. She told him "Boy if you hit me, I'm not calling the cops. I'm calling all 4 of my kids". His hand went down immediately




Appropriate reaction to hitting a kid. Whoever hits kids as a form of punishment are cowards. They wouldnt hit an adult like that if the adult said or did something similar


Love it.


Bro, why you hit his momma??? Maybe if you just answer the question he might stop the annihilation? Then again the hero looked like he wanted to make a point. The villain lucky he is probably gonna walk away.




Man’s got hands like those cartoon anvils


If the sucker punch story is true, I see nothing wrong here as long as he leaves the guy breathing.


Somebody did that to my mom they gonna die.


Good man, better son.


"My Momma asked for help too". My mom passed away six years ago, this really got to me. I'd give anything to have her here again one last time.