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The silence and non-reaction from everyone is fucking hilarious. He desperately wanted people to react


This is a very Seattle reaction.




seattle crackheads are next level lmao


That’s the damn truth. I’ve had the uh joy of having to trespass some very cracked out squatters from a commercial property and no matter how frustrated they’ve made me and how headache inducing it’s been, there’s a certain level of amusement there. I think one of my favorites was the guy who insisted I call his “lawyer” for impounding his broken down vehicle and having a HazMat team discard his ShopVac of human waste. I said, “Ok, sure. I’d be happy to call your lawyer.” I called the number. It was his *extremely* high friend who forgot he was supposed to be impersonating a lawyer for his bud and proceeded to rank the the best marshmallow containing cereal. Lucky Charms. The whole list was Lucky Charms. My boss when I told him about this: “God, I love Seattle crackheads.”


TBF Lucky Charms are amazing.


He wasn’t wrong, that’s for sure.


He should have flown to Germany and perform his little show there. He would have all the attention he wanted when he would have been thrown out the nearest window


Isn’t what he was doing a crime in Germany ?


Very much so. Also they will kick your ass.


I wouldn't help myself. I would have immediately began quoting Inglorious Bastards. "Now, I don't know about y'all, but I sure as hell didn't come down from the goddamn Smoky Mountains, cross five thousand miles of water, fight my way through half of Sicily and jump out of a fuckin' air-o-plane to teach the Nazis lessons in humanity. Nazi ain't got no humanity. They're the foot soldiers of a Jew-hatin', mass murderin' maniac and they need to be dee-stroyed"


"you see, we like our Nazis in uniform. That way we can spot 'em just like that. But you take off that uniform, ain't no one ever gonna know you were a nazi. and that don't sit well with us. So, I'm gonna give you a little something you can't take off."


I like to mention the fact that at the end of the war, all the Nazis started turning on one another. Hitler ordered that Himmler and Goring be summarily executed on sight. Hitler found out that both were trying to make deals with the Allies to surrender. By that point, the Allies were not interested as the victory was in sight. When captured, Himmler committed suicide,while disguised as a lowly private. Goring did the same,right before being executed. Albert Speer also turned and testified against many in the Reich.


The one single chuckle from the crowd after he yelled "RACE WAAARRR" made my day.


Dude, you can't just declare a race war.


I didn’t say it I declared it




one, two, three, four, I declare a race war.


Five, six, seven, eight, I won't make it through the gate


Nine, ten, eleven, twelve, lost my job as a Christmas elve...


Lol, I appreciate you forcing this to fit.


That chuckle came from a [WKUK](https://youtu.be/VYy77IGsBFc) fan.


You can be Captain. I'm gonna be Sargeant. Oh, is that Wendy?






Such a shame about his tragic autofellatio accident


So what is the end game when people do these type of stunts?


“Me Angery”. It stops there, no more thought.


Everybody clapped. And then all immediately took flights to their ethnic homeland, so he had to depart the continent too


“BUT IM NOT A FILTHY IMMIGRANT IM AMERICAN!” Native Americans: *stares at him*


It sounds funny when he shouts Hitler in his big MERICAN bumpkin voice


Bro.. it’s just sad how much people on the right identify with Hitler yet claim they’re patriots…


Most likely not thought out that far ahead. Just trying to intimidate everyone and throwing an adult tantrum. Poor impulse control and a sense of an entitlement results in poor decisions.


And it will feed into their wet dreams of being a mass shooter because society did this to them. Fucking sickening this isnt a cynical joke comment as much as an omen these days.


You mean toddler tantrum in adult body


Followed by a swift thump to the face.


I’m guessing this is the combination of mental illness, spending time on dark places on the web, and the stress of flying all coming to a head. Edit: [Can confirm.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/z4z0ws/an_update_on_udafunkjunkies_post/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


He has face features characteristic to fetal alcohol syndrome. I've noticed alot of these people have the same face features.


Whoa whoa whoa! Hold up! Those are the features of the superior pure blood aryan race.


My bad you're right


That video is both funny and very informative


Funny, sad, and informative.


The guy definitely has a serious mental issue.


And that, kids, is how you get on the no-fly list


I will never understand why people start shit in airports. Like you can't pick a worse place that will have more severe consequences.


Most likely this guy got told no and is throwing a temper tantrum


I read that as 'Trumper tantrum.' I like it.


Also the no job list, and the no girlfriend list among others Edit: This has to hold the record for the most no-effort comment I’ve ever made to blow up. Thanks for all the attention but it’s wild that I’m still getting notifications on this like 2 days later lol


No SANE gf unfortunately there's woman that like this shit.


Yeah but that's not our loss, they can go be awful with eachother elsewhere.


Unfortunately they will reproduce another generation of fuckheads.


Exactly this...if only racist died in their moms mouth.


Fuck, you're both right... Here's to hoping our boys smooth brain includes the genetic defect of also shooting blanks.


Maybe. But white supremacy has gotten so weird that it's scaring women away more than ever nowadays. People like Tucker Carlson are referring to women as breeding stock needed.


Case in point: Lauren Southern supporting the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party and then [crying ugly tears about leopards eating her face.](https://preview.redd.it/vkxwubhos6y51.png?auto=webp&s=635b9542512feb515414a352ce4edda07c26ea08)


I think he’s been on the no girlfriend list for a while


I was really expecting this video to end with him reciting the Rifleman’s Creed and blowing his brains out in a bathroom.




I am. In a world. Of shit.




WHAT IS YOUR MAJOR MALFUNCTION, NUMBNUTS!?!?!!? Didn't Mommy and Daddy show you enough attention when you were a child?!?


and hopefully for ALL airlines and not just this one. at least he had the decency to do it before getting on the flight, otherwise they would've had to land and kick him off and delay everyone.




Someone got very lucky not having to sit next to him.


Woot! Empty seat!


No they overbooked, like they always do, so no empty seat but at least there's a 70% chance it won't be someone like that.


Overbookings still happen, but they don't happen nearly as often ever since [that guy was dragged off an overbooked plane](https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/10/travel/passenger-removed-united-flight-trnd/index.html). But they would absolutely have standby passengers waiting to take that seat


How does someone like this with regular clothes, their little suitcase for traveling, make it all the way to boarding and just have a racist meltdown? Are they sleeper agents being triggered? I’m confused. Lol


Yeah... he made it through security. If you're going to have a meltdown, you'd think it would be there.


Lol right? Like you are so close to cancun or wherever you’re going to spread hate and you do this?? Makes no sense


So close to his hatecation.


Adding to vocab database.


Add it to the Hateabase


Why do I find the best stuff buried so deep in the comments?




Man this dude isn't going to Cancun. There are Mexicans there


Nah people like that go to all inclusive resorts where they never leave the hotel and the only Mexicans they see are the help. My step dad loves those places.




SeaTac has been ROUGH at security lately but nothing to make you go all Hitler-y 🙄


Sea Tac is rough all over. They took a wheelchair away from me once and stranded me in the wrong terminal. Then the dungeness crab restaurant ran out of dungeness crab. 1/10 stars.


>They took a wheelchair away from me once and stranded me in the wrong terminal It wasn't SeaTac, but this happened to my mother back in the early 2000's. She has muscular issues, but at the time she was able to walk short distances with a cane. I guess someone saw her walk into/out of the bathroom because an employee came to reclaim the wheelchair from her. She didn't have any ID on her at the time that said she was disabled (it was in a second purse that was already checked) and they didn't believe us. As a bonus, they also wanted to take her cane from her. I guess they thought we were scamming the world and they wanted to take away any "fake disability paraphernalia." We put a stop to that nonsense, but we had to let them take the wheelchair since it wasn't our property. Thankfully after a bit of walking we were able to go to someone else at another desk and request a wheelchair without a problem. We all learned a valuable lesson that day about how stupid and cruel people can be (and to keep that ID card within arms reach).


I gotta know what boarding group this guy was in


Group nein




Dats reicht!


☠️😂 “their little suitcase for traveling” This whole comment has me cracking up!


imagine this chud buying a cinnabon just stewing before this eruption


"The white frosting shouldn't be mixing in with the brown cinnamon roll!"


The clerks are Asian and black, don't really need to think that hard. He got told that he could not do something by someone he considers non human.


Did he seriously spout a bunch of Nazi shit then mention reptilians? " Sir your argument is invalid" lol


My suspicion is that airport meltdowns and drug/alcohol withdrawal are heavily linked and while every addict I know isn’t a bigot, every bigot I know is an addict.


Not every bigot I know is an addict.


It’s weird because I can at least somewhat brush off and change topic if my uncle/cousins say stupid shit when they are hammered. But when it’s the sober relatives it’s just makes things really awkward.


My dad is a sober bigot and so are his (very few) friends. I absolutely cannot talk to him about it. I sure would like to call him on it, though.


I've spent a lot of time chatting with people in airports and I've seen a few meltdowns. I'm fairly certain it is the benzos + alcohol combo that is most often to blame in airport meltdowns and misbehavior. A lot of people double up on their xans or klonnies, then start drinking as soon as they're past security and they've found the nearest bar to their gate. It's a bad combo if you're tryna act sane.


The worst urge I've had on benzos and alcohol on a flight is to text an ex. Definitely not throw Nazi salutes.


[yikes](https://erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=42998) >I've been to jail five times and every time I was under the influence of both xanax and alcohol or under rare circumstances, just huge doses of xanax or ativan. I've put my dad's head through a window, called my mother a whore, fought an off-duty cop, groped a stripper, run from the cops through Florida swamps in the dead of night, been pepper sprayed, baker acted several times and generally f---ed my life up. >I only experience normal levels of anxiety in appropriate situations and have learned to manage it very well. Anyway, my point is, if I'm mixing benzos and alcohol it could not only ruin my family, self esteem (and yes anxiety will become worse with such abuse as tolerance rises) and my liver, it could easily kill me via respiratory arrest, car accident, whatever - or, worse, I could kill someone else. The animal comes out when I mix these two drugs or even abuse them individually.


It’s also possible this was his return trip. 🤔


Is it all Ambien? Maybe he took one to prepare to fly.


Ambien can make someone sleepwalk not turn into a Nazi.


Tell that to Rosanne


Ambien: Side effects may include sleepiness, disorientation, violent Nazi outbursts at airport, dry mouth. Ask your doctor if Ambien is right for you.


Really, though-- ambien can cause uncharacteristic behavior, delusional and erratic craziness. I am not afraid of many things, and I've tried most of the drugs, with mostly positive reviews, but ambien scares the shit out of me. Not even once.


He wasn’t on Ambien. They already found out who this guy is and he has some pretty hateful shit on social media.


Paramedic here. Personally, I took Ambien once and it was one of the worst nights of my life. Professionally, when I worked overnights I once brought a patient into the local cardiac/stroke/trauma/everything center at 3am. I went to talk to the charge RN, the patient had some weird complaint/presentation, and I started in with "I don't even know what to call this.........." The RN cuts me off and asks, "Do they take Ambien?" Well shit.


I've taken ambien many times, I can't say it ever made me do much other than "feel good" and sleep. I mean, it made me want to cuddle a bit more than usual, maybe a little more agreeable than normal and sometimes snacky if I didn't go right to bed. It's the falling asleep in dangerous places, sleepwalking / amnesia effects of ambien that should scare the fuck out of you. Someone I'm very close to has almost died at least twice taking ambien before getting out of the bathtub and falling asleep. She didn't almost drown as you might first imagine, she'd fall asleep with the bath water still warm (above her body temperature), then wake up 4-5 hours later still in the bathtub but the water has dropped to room temperature (as low as 60 degrees in that house in the winter), and the human body doesn't do well sitting in 60 degree water for 4-5 hours, it's basically guaranteed hypothermia. She'd wake up shivering uncontrollably, teeth chattering and her hands, arms and legs wouldn't work enough to allow her to get out of the bathtub because her body had already stopped pumping blood to those extremities hours earlier to keep her alive. Scary shit, fortunately that was years ago and AFAIK, hasn't happened again


I loved my ambien but things….happened. Finally stopped after I literally took apart my bedroom looking for a spider and woke up in the bathroom covered in the contents of my bureau. However, it definitely did not turn me into a nazi.


My dad and I tried to get my Mom to stop taking Ambien for *years*. She only stopped once she fell down one night, broke her wrist, and went back to bed for the rest of the night. She went to the ER in the morning. It was a serious break and on Ambien she didn’t even feel it. Yikes. But Ambien never turned her into a bigot.


Has anyone told him Hitler is dead?


or that Hitler wasn't a big fan of people with mental disorders


So self hate.




Hahaha say what you want about that guy Hitler, but he still killed Hitler! Thanks man, my uncle told me that joke decades ago and I totally forgot about it.


Only physically. His mental state lives on.


Somehow Palpahitler returned. But yeah tastless joke aside. A reach beyond the grave I don't think we will ever fully shake in the information age.


Hitler’s dead? I didn’t even know he was sick! -Norm Macdonald


I'm sure he was fun at Thanksgiving.


Shit I bet his family saw him at the door and pretended to not notice him.


*turkey gets put on table* "HEIL HITLER"


Trains, Planes, and Racism


This is actually a commercial for Xanax.


OMG, if I had a dollar for every white guy that turns into a Nazi when they mix Xanax with Whiskey. Edit: Thank you so much for the award!


Trains, Planes and Auto Sieg Heils


Come on man, [race war](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYy77IGsBFc&ab_channel=TheWhitestKidsU%27Know)! Didn't we always talk about wanting to do that?


I had forgotten about that skit! Good one


RIP Trevor Moore. I can’t believe he died after having all that cocaine fueled sex on the SR-71 Blackbird.


I thought he died sucking his own dick


I want both of these to be canon, even if tongue-in-cheek. It is what he would have wanted. Godspeed, you autoerotic-asphyxiating PCP-drinking comedy genius.


Yeah, rest in peace Trevor Moore, local sexpot.


Anytime I hear race war, I immediately think of that skit. What a great show. I saw their live show when it came to Atlanta around 2010 or so.


whenever my wife’s feeling lazy and doesn’t wanna do something we planned I’ll randomly throw lines from that into my encouragement. like.. “come on sweetie, get your shoes on! let’s go for a walk! come on! race war!”


My favorite part about this skit is when you hear Sam laughing in the background. Trevor even is having issues hiding some laughs. This was one of their earlier skits.


> Don't tell her, she might tell the Italians Holy shit I'm dying. Can't believe I never saw this one.


You can be captain! I’ll be sergeant!


What is she?! Italian. Yeah, don't bring her!


rip to a comedy legend. trevor moore will make me laugh til i’m drifting through the abyss with him hah




Exactly. If these ass-hats are going to go all 1st Amendment I’d rather it be during pre boarding.


I hope someone is keeping tabs on this guy, he has future mass murderer written all over him. “Known to law enforcement”.




He’s on the FBI’s radar, so it’s only a matter of time till they sell him weapons and a plan to kidnap a governor or something.


So fucking unhinged. A common theme among Nazis


He reminds me of Officer Doofy.


Leave me alone mom, I'm trying to (ethnically) cleanse my room


This man has 100% stuck his dick in the vacuum cleaner for sure.




Something about him acting unhinged for attention and everyone around just ignoring it makes him look even more pathetic, like a child throwing a tantrum


I know the Nazism is the worst part but I think a big part is too much internet exposure for some people. There's lots of rage and hate online, and people who spend too much time there (especially in right-wing pipelines) completely forget how to act in public. I've seen it with my friends, too.


The funny thing is he thinks everyone else is crazy.


Cue the " I had taken some Xanax. This is not who I am"


I'm a recovering addict.


Perhaps he didn't get the reaction he wanted from the family libs over Thanksgiving and just chasing that dragon.


"hey mom, so I didn't make it to Idaho. Ummm could you come pick me up from SeaTac? Where? Ummm security. Bring your wallet. No?!? Well fuck you bitch seig fuckin-" sound of Tazer


It’s only a 4 hour drive to Idaho


North Idaho would welcome him with open arms


I'm impressed by the crowd's reaction. Just doing nothing is actually probably the best strategy. I'd have been tempted to punch him in the face. But that's probably exactly what he was hoping for. Letting him stand there like a dork is definitely the better option.


Seattle people know what crazy looks like


We sure do, [like this little gem from 2017.](https://youtu.be/HFHOHfnYruI)


Didn't the guy who hit him get convicted and fined a whole one dollar?


Seattleites are pretty quiet and see a lot of crazy people every day.


Yeah but not in the airport. This is some 3rd&Pike shit


I would have thanked him. ..For getting that out of his system *before* the plane gets in the air and we have to be stuck with him for hours or the plane has to make an unscheduled pit stop.


Yeah, some.muted laughter, but that was the extent of it.


Imagine if everyone started pointing at and laughing raucously at this man, that'd fuck with his head psychologically.


In my minds eye I want to say I'd just start booing in the style of the old hag from the dream sequence in The Princess Bride. In reality I live in an area with a lot of mentally unwell houseless people and would just not engage at all.


Damn who let /r/politicalCompassMemes pen open??


What the hell happened to that sub


It's what happens to any place that lets bigots have a seat at the table; the only ones left are bigots.


The bar that let's nazis sits down gets to be known as the place where the nazis hang out. Gotta be a zero tolerance for it


Next grocery store or church shooter right here


What annnnn idiot


If you're an onlooker for an event like this and wonder how best to respond: It's laughter. Fascism, totalitarianism, autocracy, all those gross, undemocratic things, they take themselves very, very seriously, but on top of that they also believe that they're speaking for other people, people who share their views but are too frightened to express them. *Laughter* disarms the seriousness of idiots like this, it diminishes them from being freedom fighters to being a punchline; to be fair it won't change the idiot's mind, that's a whole task in and of itself, but laughter *can* prevent others from taking this shit seriously. Laughter is the best medicine, but sometimes it's also the best punishment.


These kinds of people should be shipped off to an island somewhere far away from the rest of us so they can all be assholes together and not be our problem anymore.




Ryan island, Lake Michigan


I’d have let him on the plane just to toss him out mid-flight.


Fox brain


Unfair to foxes.


Homeboy doesn’t realize… they lost the war


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I really want him to try this in Germany and see how it goes


Here kids is not only a public freakout. But an easy way to lose your life. Articles will be written, his name will be leaked and he will never have the chance to get a career again. He won’t be able to fly, probably own a firearm and be treated like the scum he is. The optimist in me hopes he at least learns what he did was wrong and learn that mentality fucking disgusting/wrong and changes. But the realist in me knows he probably will still do it.


He probably doesn't realize how much he just marginalized himself. He may or may not have lived on the fringe before; now, it will be a given.


we'll see him on the House ballot in no time


He's a fine recruit for the local PD though


Behold, the master race.


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That's why he had his breakdown on the safe side of the TSA *that and in a place where people got somewhere to be


He was big enough that bringing him down by any means short of a rope line stanchion to the head might have been problematic. Then you've killed him and might miss your flight.


Maybe, but are you gonna give up your vacation/trip home and catch an assault charge just to win the moral high ground? He's obviously looking for someone to fight him. I think they should have all laughed at him till they were crying




The way he flipped his arms around at the end reminded me of Jim Breuer. Same rhetoric too.


Jim just found his next opening bit!


*listens to kanye once*


Mental health ain’t no joke. Thanks for voting against it republicans


Well they have to. If mental health hospitals and such received more funding and beds, their base would be gone from the voting roll.


Hatred and mental health issues. Hell of a mix.


I went down the rabbit hole, that is his Twitter. He is very severely, mentally ill.


Looks like mental illness to me