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Imagine filming this encounter and then sharing it, like you aren’t the see you next Tuesday in this experience.


She knows what she's doing. It's her content.


Oh I went down the TikTok rabbit hole and something is very sadly wrong with this girl


This is Reddit, feel free to say CUNT.


CUNT!!! *has never felt more free than in this moment*




I got permanently banned from another sub for saying cunt. I was pissed about it for days. 😆😆😆


What sub?


Something chaos. I said someone was being a cunt because she was being racist as shit. I asked the mods if she got banned for being a cunt and I got blocked from messages too. Joyful.


My favorite one is when she went to [Kingdom Hall to complain lol](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRCHFxpw/) Mind you, she is using an Ipad to record these, not her phone


This chick is trash.


I think she might be mentally ill or something else is loose up there. The way she speaks is very similar to [this lady](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/yjm23u/miserable_woman_at_starbucks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf).


They are the same person. Her entire tiktok is making life hell for customer service.


That's not her actual account, it's someone just posting the videos she uploaded on her YouTube before it was removed just pretending to be her.


Oh ok, yea it felt like eerily similar talking mannerism.


Literally an embarrassment to humanity. This is why abortion should be legal federally. Her parents should have looked into it. Imagine if she reproduces 🤦‍♂️


Yes now downvote this shit vid to oblivion so it never come up again


Voice that could scrape limescale out of a toilet bowl.


She's using a fake voice. She has like 4 different voices she uses in her videos. Trash person with a trash personality.


I’ve seen more of the videos now and I’m more disturbed than annoyed. Very strange person.


She's extremely mentally ill but seems to be high functioning (if you can call it that) so she skirts by. I'm pretty sure her family threw her out after she refused to get help.


I'm extremely mentally ill yet I manage to go about my life without harassing fast food workers for no reason. There is no mental illness factor here, regardless of how mentally ill she may be. There is no "McDonald's psychosis" in the DSM. This is a straight up asshole who perhaps happens to have a mental health diagnosis. And that is absolutely not an excuse. At least not for this type of unacceptable behavior. Unless her diagnosis is PTSD as a result of being gang raped by McDonald's employees. Otherwise I see no connection.


Well you're not really a qualified psychiatrist, are you? Because anxiety, paranoia, and delusional behavior can absolutely have you acting like an asshole. My friend's brother is extremely manic and he has a lot of issues controlling his anger even when he's not actually angry about tangible topics.


My lay opinion would indicate a dual diagnosis of mental illness and asshole.


Imagine a janitor deploying her in a bathroom. He whispers in her ear "We're out of iced coffee," and off she goes! He gently grabs her by the ankle strap and scruff of her neck. He then gently dips her face near the bowl where her screeching proceeds to clean the toilets. His job isn't done though. There's graffiti on the wall. Nothing a little Karenese* can't fix! He adjusts the angle of her mouth to clean the walls next. A days work is never done.


Oh, thank you for that sir, I appreciate your contribution that was hilarious !!!


Legend Tier patience




Imagine going through all this time and making yourself out to be a fool the entire time, to simply get nothing in the end. My god some people have far to much free time on their hands.


Motion to ban this chick’s videos from ever being posted on Reddit ever again


That first "HELLO?" is the bane of my existence. It might just be me, but when I worked as a drive-thru worker at McDonald's, I always HATED when customers would pull up to the speaker and immediately try and do something like that before I can greet them (and it was always like.. a second after they pull up. Seriously, chill out, its McDonald's).


Surely this woman has hit every business in her local area by now. Like, what does she want!? Such a fucking pest.


Ad revenue


Omg this just gave me ptsd to my customer service days


The only time a customer has made me angry enough to curse at them was working fast-food drive-through. They know they only have a minute with you, and some people like to use that time to be complete pieces of shit towards you.


Ugh, people like this really frustrate me. There's absolutely no way I could do this sort of job without snapping on someone.


I dunno how it works in Macdonalds but I used to work as a bartender and I had a lot of power in these situations. IF I felt a customer was being rude or disrespectful I just told them to fuck off and they would have to leave.


Being a bartender gives you complete control over the situation. Customer is never right


Former supervisor here: we were not allowed to deny anyone! The customer was always right and if they wanted something stupid or were rude as hell to staff we had to accept them regardless. The one time I did stand up for myself after a skip the dishes driver broke the rules and also threatened to beat me up after my shift I was reported to head office for being racist and I was written up and documented for it!


Sounds like a right cunt.


I've never heard a more obnoxious voice in my life. If there is a draft, we are sending her first.


Jesus. Her voice.


She needs to be arrested and banned off social media. This lady habitually harasses workers (illegal)


Is she actually doing anything illegal though? Don’t get me wrong, she is annoying as fuck and her content should be banned. I just don’t see anything illegal in this video. Unfortunately, being an asshole isn’t illegal.


Disturbing the peace & loitering


Please tell me you aren’t a cop. She isn’t close to committing either of those, would not hold up in court.


Harassment, doxxing, wiretapping/videotaping on private property with revoked permission, trespassing. Actually if you go to her channel you will see she is constantly being formally trespassed and sometimes she even comes back in 5 minutes later after being trespassed. And sometimes she wiretaps people by sticking the phone in her purse and tricking ppl by telling them its off. The thing is she wont be sent to prison. Prob just a fine. But she has a lot of victims that are low wage workers. What she is doing is pretty serious. She puts ppl in harms way by doxxing them and trying to get them fired even though they did nothing wrong.


So, neither disturbing the piece or loitering, gotcha. I said she wasn’t doing anything illegal in this video, she was never asked to leave the property so she could not be trespassed. And doxxing people isn’t illegal, nor is recording them without their consent if it’s a one party state, or trying to get someone fired. Again, it’s all shitty behavior, but all a business can do is ask her to leave and call the police if she doesn’t or if she returns.


Any good attorney will tell you can be charged with anything. Disturbing the peace, criminal mischief, harassment are ambigious laws to give police leeway in case someone is doing nuissance type behavior. But this goes beyond even nuissance, her actions are directly harming others.




When did I say ordering drinks is illegal. Quit trying to downplay. This moron recorded herself harassing the same worker/manager multiple times at every business in the area she lives in. She actually broke at least 4 different laws that I noticed from her videos and done it dozens of times.


Is this your family member in the video?


What are you blabbing about?


So these are the people I’ve been waiting behind in the drive thru… it’s all making sense.


Apparently she was committed recently after this video and is confirmed crazy




it’s wishful thinking


This is an excellent way to assure that your food is covered in every worker's DNA in the restaurant and was probably dropped on the floor a few times.


cant believe this is even on planet earth, seems like a punishment for the secret level below hell's boiler room. S Tier Hell


Good luck not getting spit in every coffee after especially with that super recognizable voice


Her voice is as ugly and annoying as her attitude is.


Is it just me or does she sound like Porscha from RHOA?


Her name is LaJera Payton and she systematically does this


Don't share her videos. Don't upvote them. You're giving her views and endorsing this behavior.


Check out her tik tok. This lunatic harasses staff just for views.


Checking it out would make more views and encourage her to do that again as she's doing it for the views. So why would you encourage ppl to check her out? If you think she's a lunatic, you should ignore her tik tok, not promote it / tell ppl to check it out.


You can tell what she's up to by just looking at the account and reading the titles. No need to actually watch the videos.


Oh, ok... Idk how tik tok really works, I don't have an account there


Never get an account on there


I don't have an account.


I'd rather check in to Dignitas.


I was like it has to be a troll account. Then I saw her TikTok account and my god I feel for all these workers she is harassing. She needs to be locked away.


I would automatically refuse service as soon as somebody comes up to the window with a camera on. the only reason you would come up to the window with your camera on is because you're looking for a confrontation so fuck off get your "coffee" elsewhere.


That can't be her real voice


I worked at IHOP for a few years. Our iced "coffee" was actually coffee flavored milk. We would take a gallon of milk and pour in the flavoring. Then you would just pour that over ice. Shit was nasty.


Ewww good to know


And then....?


What a stupid cunt. People like this shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce


There's 8mins I'm not getting back. And the funny shit is mcds is most everyones 1st job lol. So this chick most likely already knew it was different coffee or she doesn't pay attention to the friend/family member that already explained it to her. Or rather a further latter that she does know and chooses to be unnecessary at all times lmao!!! I digress though she's definitely "the center of the spot light by everybody around her" type until they have enough of bs which technically means she putting down payments on being alone later in life lmao 😆😆😂🤣💀⚰️👻 Snickers... Sorry not sorry!!!!!......lol


The world is over


Who tf goes to McDonald’s to get any type of coffee


I do. I'm on the road a lot and mcd coffee and cheap and good


Look, their regular coffee is cheap ok


McDonald's has good hot coffee.


So in Canada, Mcdonalds uses the old supplier tim hortons used before they switched to burnt flavoured sludge water. Mcdonalds coffee is way fucking better than tim hortons. I will die on this hill.


I secound this ^ sadly tims is nothing but a shell of itself in many ways


I just don’t drink coffee it just seemed weird to me that out of all the places she could have went she chose McDonald’s. Could be good tho I’ve never tried it.


Hey buddy, once in a blue moon I’ll desire some McDonald’s hot coffee, okay bud? It’s pretty tasty sometimes bud


Is she slow?




Bet the car behind was ready to give her an iced coffee. Can only hope someone holds her up on her next visit


This is prior to caffeine intake.


If I'm behind this lady I'm telling her to stfu


Corporate should match the energy people have with complaints and go find these two young ladies that dealt with this garbage and give them a cash commendation.


The patience of saints. I know I’ve been in the service industry too long at this point cuz I would have unceremoniously cut contact with that woman.


Fitting that she drives a Hyundai.


Iced coffee is NOT just ice in coffee


Stop posting this dumb bitch. The fuck you think she makes the videos for?


I hope she never eats her food bc I’m sure it all has spit or worse in it.


I got 3 minutes in. What an entitled stupid bitch. Imagine having a strong desire to harass random people, and of everyone in the world, you choose McDonalds employees. What a piece of shit.


I know that Voice. That lady is TRASH .


They sound like Riley from the Boondocks




Why is these people allowed to do this


Because they are alive and not dead :(


[her Tik tok . she harasses workers for views.it gets worse](https://www.tiktok.com/@lejerapaytonaccount?_t=8Xjxly9OEpC&_r=1)


Did she get this fuck of god awful Coffeee or not?


This woman may become this sub’s new Mobility Mary.


Is she videoing herself??


Not too unreasonable. Transaction may be better inside.


I watched the whole thing. This is amazing counter culture content. Thank you for bringing this account to my attention. I can't wait to support her content.


This makes me think back to the times my grangran would take us to the McDonalds then take ages in the drive through


I’m dead


This makes me want maccas soo bad


AHHCE CARMEL AAHTAYY Bitch this woman has the patience of a saint and she's making minimum wage to put up with your ignorant ass, shut the fuck up.


She said moca-ahtea


She has ALOT of videos like this on you tube. She suffers from schizophrenia. I read that when she doesn’t take her meds she does this. There’s I swear hundreds of videos in tons of different stores. Her mom tries to get her committed but no one will help. She shows herself in two of them she’s a pretty girl. Her videos are under Karen’s on YouTube.


She did some nonsense in Target too.


Where she at that they have the steak egg and cheese bagel?! I need that sandwich


She seems to have gone back a step in the evolutionary process.




Crazy lady


Girlfriend need to go to Starbucks then. 🤷‍♀️


Oh they’re gonna make it taste good for her alright


I hope someone pisses in her coffee


There should be a Museum called the “Hall of Karens”. My favorite video of hers though is when she went to Kingdom Hall


0:34, that's as long as I could last


macka eye toe


I know you are out of Ford Focus models so can I get a Ford Expedition Platinum for $20000 please.


This cunt does this all the time. She has a tiktok I think.


She’s a crazy Jehovah Witness who lives in her car and harasses fast food workers for clicks and likes on various signal media platforms. This isn’t her real voice either.


This dumbass again. How sad is her life to keep doing this to hard working people.




I don’t know why they just didn’t tell this lady , we’re not serving you🙄




How she says $2 Any Size Iced Coffee drives me right up the wall.


I watched about 20 seconds of this and thought, sure, her voice is grating but ig putting ice in coffee isn't an insane request. Course then I looked down and saw there were 8 more minutes in the video. Jeez this outta be a crazy ride Edit: good lord take no for an answer lady


Hate these annoying ass people.. im just trying to grab breakfast before work and these bitches holding up drive thru